public function findPlayer($player) { $results = array(); print_r($this->getSearchUrl($player)); $curl = new CURL(); $curl->addSession($this->getSearchUrl($player)); $curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_REFERER, ''); $page = $curl->exec(); $curl->clear(); $page = json_decode($page); foreach ($page->responseData->results as $result) { array_push($results, array('url' => $result->unescapedUrl, 'title' => $result->titleNoFormatting, 'content' => $result->contentNoFormatting)); } sleep(1); $curl = new CURL(); $curl->addSession($this->getSearchUrl($player, 4)); $curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_REFERER, ''); $page = $curl->exec(); $curl->clear(); $page = json_decode($page); foreach ($page->responseData->results as $result) { array_push($results, array('url' => $result->unescapedUrl, 'title' => $result->titleNoFormatting, 'content' => $result->contentNoFormatting)); } print_r($results); die; }
public function getPlayByPlay() { $url = $this->getPlayByPlayUrl($this->id); $curl = new CURL(); $curl->addSession($url); $page = $curl->exec(); $curl->clear(); $this->playByPlay = new SimpleXMLElement($page); return $this->playByPlay; }
public function getAll() { $result = array(); $html = file_get_html(""); $e = $html->find('select'); $e = $e[0]; $curl = new CURL(); $opts = array(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true); foreach ($e->find('option') as $g) { $result[] = array("id" => $g->value, "name" => $g->innertext); $id = $g->value; $curl->addSession("{$id}&horario_id=17&semestre=S2", $opts); } // Ejecuta todas las peticiones en paralelo $pages = $curl->exec(); $curl->clear(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($pages); $i++) { $result[$i]["data"] = Laboratorio::get($result[$i]["id"], $page); } return $result; }
function grabproxy($header, $agentstr) { // got hax'd by hysterix! // these are the 'ghetto tables'; md5's // of an image we compare to when grabing proxies // so we can grab the port number with ease. // shit loads faster than scanning each pixel // in each image, and easier to implement. // pretty hax if you ask me, obviously they // don't want people doing this! The first rule of fight club.... // Also, if you do the md5 locally to just the file it is different from these. // I believe this is the md5 of the header as well as the image together, // don't think they are wrong when they don't compare on your system $ghetto_tables = array('2741898dc5492442a60c48fd8af5f914' => '80', '27760f111201b87996e9d5f1f55e1e2b' => '81', '8c4d39d1386fdb4dc6312a00387ae8be' => '444', '38925677a3ab9071d81b50d0e4d14ce0' => '1080', '5969ad3f3cb42fc2cfc32e667b64db4d' => '1260', '37357c1363a6edac318a513c8a16733a' => '2301', '380ac73e41c1c9f4b460b6aa74fbaea5' => '3124', '70846fe60a6915b3979033fe53f46402' => '3128', '9407ba7a72999731d6cefdc41a7522b4' => '33655', '53fc62ce0db7912b5be729849ef11dff' => '34387', '9229f0e355a3311d1f6b196ffce7cb74' => '6588', 'c1865c575ac4645f47b603deaf98ca60' => '6654', 'a580f19646451c4d832303b596fe6248' => '6666', '2980cfed592e0e31f9b0f30e24e23bf2' => '8000', '9739217797951fd6525313a762007561' => '8080', '0b269894b8fc6b74adb92840528b4e33' => '8118', '14509909876456e7539e95a9a104fcdc' => '8888', '3afb17a502f997278ec096e3347edace' => '9090', '7109cafc0782511575f4dc40e932d2e7' => '9188', '963b608d579bd4a2110e41b11eb6a12a' => '51898', '703a56c126717b1e6791915eee0ed3d8' => '65208'); // Gather an array of proxy lists (About 400 proxies in this list) $ass_hiders[0] = ""; $ass_hiders[1] = ""; $ass_hiders[2] = ""; $ass_hiders[3] = ""; $ass_hiders[4] = ""; $ass_hiders[5] = ""; $ass_hiders[6] = ""; $ass_hiders[7] = ""; $ass_hiders[8] = ""; $ass_hiders[9] = ""; $ass_hiders[10] = ""; $ass_hiders[11] = ""; $ass_hiders[12] = ""; $ass_hiders[13] = ""; $ass_hiders[14] = ""; $randkey = array_rand($ass_hiders); // Select a random $ass_hiders page $failed = false; //$random_hole = rand(1, count($ass_hiders)); //foreach ($ass_hiders as $ass_hider) { // UR DOIN IT WRONG $curl = new CURL(); // create the curl instance $opts = setBrowser(0, 0, $header, $agentstr); // do not set first variable to 1; we don't need infinite looping $curl->retry = MAX_RETRYS; $curl->addSession($ass_hiders[$randkey], $opts[0]); ob_start(); // this is a hack if i've ever seen one $result = $curl->exec(); // this is the site returned ob_end_clean(); // without this, php likes to output a 1 to the screen (something to do with the header info probably) // unset curl $curl->clear(); // remove the curl instance unset($curl); if (is_array($result)) { $result = $result[0] . $result[1]; } $matches = array(); $yanoob = array(); $html = str_get_html($result); $arrInput = array(); foreach ($html->find('table') as $t) { $x = 0; $matches = array(); foreach ($t->find('tr') as $rows) { foreach ($rows->find('td') as $columns) { $str = $columns->outertext; // Strip out IP's and load into array $matches /* keep the wall of shame up */ //$pattern = '|(\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b)|U'; //$pattern = '/^(1\d{0,2}|2(\d|[0-5]\d)?)\.(1\d{0,2}|2(\d|[0-5]\d)?) // \.(1\d{0,2}|2(\d|[0-5]\d)?)\.(1\d{0,2}|2(\d|[0-5]\d)?)$/'; //$pattern = '/^(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)(?:[.](?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)){3}$/'; $pattern = '|(\\b\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\b)|U'; if (preg_match($pattern, $str, $yatmparr)) { // we found an ip $yanoob[0] = $yatmparr[0]; // prepare the ip for the array unset($yatmparr); } foreach ($columns->find('img') as $yaimg) { $tehport = $yaimg->alt; if (strcmp($tehport, "port") == 0) { // grab the port url $portsrc = $yaimg->src; $assUrl = split_url($ass_hiders[$randkey]); $portUrl = split_url($portsrc); if (isset($portUrl['scheme'])) { // path absolute, use as-is $theport = $arrPost['url']; } else { // no host, path relative, slap this on the back of the original url; great success! $newpath = str_replace_once("/", "", $portUrl['path']); // remove the leading slash if it xists $theport = $assUrl['scheme'] . "://" . $assUrl['host'] . "/" . $newpath . '?' . $portUrl['query']; } $curl = new CURL(); // create the curl instance $opts = setBrowser(0, 0, $header, $agentstr); // do not set first variable to 1 $curl->retry = MAX_RETRYS; $curl->addSession($theport, $opts[0]); ob_start(); // this is a hack if i've ever seen one $result = $curl->exec(); // this is the png returned ob_end_clean(); // without this, php likes to output a 1 to the screen (something to do with the header info probably) // unset curl $curl->clear(); // remove the curl instance unset($curl); if (is_array($result)) { $result = $result[0] . $result[1]; } //print_r($result); // ingenuity wins out again; hysterix -1 ; hidemyass - 0 // they can slow us down but they cant stop us $portnum = retPortNum($result, $ghetto_tables); if (isset($portnum)) { // everything worked; we only want ip's with ports $yanoob[1] = $portnum; array_push($matches, $yanoob); } } } } } } $html->clear(); // if you dont include these two statements, the damn unset($html); // simple html dom becomes simple memory leaker 2.0 because unset($result); // of a f*****g "php5 circular references memory leak" - nigger t**s unset($agentstr); //Grab a random IP from array $matches $randkey = array_rand($matches, 1); $newprox = $matches[$randkey]; return $newprox; }
protected function setPlayerNcaaIdsForTeam($team, $year) { $this->CI->load->library('Parse/NcaaParse'); $cookie = $this->CI->ncaaparse->getCookie(); $curl = new CURL(); $curl->addSession(sprintf('', $year, $team->getNcaaId())); $curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_COOKIE, $cookie); $curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_REFERER, ''); $page = $curl->exec(); $curl->clear(); $this->CI->load->library('domparser'); $html = $this->CI->domparser->str_get_html($page); $players = array('' => ''); $playersArray = array(); foreach ($html->find('table.statstable', 1)->find('tr') as $key => $row) { if ($key > 2) { $id = $row->find('td', 0)->find('a', 0)->getAttribute('href'); preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $id, $match); $id = $match[0]; $player = sprintf('%s (%s / %s)', trim($row->find('td', 0)->plaintext), trim($row->find('td', 1)->plaintext), trim($row->find('td', 3)->plaintext)); $name = explode(',', trim($row->find('td', 0)->plaintext)); $playerArray = array('ncaaId' => $id, 'firstName' => trim($name[1]), 'lastName' => trim($name[0]), 'class' => trim($row->find('td', 1)->plaintext), 'position' => trim($row->find('td', 3)->plaintext)); $players[$id] = $player; $playersArray[$id] = $playerArray; } } $this->players = $players; $this->playersArray = $playersArray; return $players; }
function grab_rosinst($yaheader, $agentstr) { $proxyUrl = ""; $curl = new CURL(); // create the curl instance $opts = $this->setBrowser(0, 0, $yaheader, $agentstr); // do not set first variable to 1; we don't need infinite looping $curl->retry = MAX_RETRYS; $curl->addSession($proxyUrl, $opts[0]); $result = $curl->exec(); // this is the site returned $curl->clear(); // remove the curl instance unset($curl); // unset curl if (is_array($result)) { $result = $result[0]; if (isset($result[1])) { $result .= $result[1]; } } $goodmatches = array(); $matches = array(); $yacntr = 0; $pattern = '/<title>(.*?)<\\/title>/'; // grabs or preg_match_all($pattern, $result, $matches); for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) { $arrtmp = explode(":", $matches[1][$yacntr]); $goodmatches[$yacntr][0] = $arrtmp[0]; $goodmatches[$yacntr][1] = $arrtmp[1]; $yacntr++; } unset($goodmatches[0]); unset($goodmatches[1]); unset($result); unset($agentstr); if (empty($goodmatches)) { // bark at them return 0; } else { return $goodmatches; // return something } }
public function getCookie() { $curl = new CURL(); $curl->addSession(''); $curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); $page = $curl->exec(); $curl->clear(); preg_match('|Set-Cookie: (.*);|U', $page, $cookies); return $cookies[1]; }
public function getPlayer($player) { if (is_numeric($player)) { $player = $this->CI->_player->findOneByNcaaId($player); } if (!$player->getName() || !($player->getAtBats() || $player->getInningsPitched())) { return false; } print_r($player); print_r("\n\n"); $teams = $player->getTeams(); $searchType = $player->getInningsPitched() ? 'pitchers' : 'hitters'; $url = sprintf('', $searchType, $player->getName(), $teams[0]->getName()); $curl = new CURL(); $curl->addSession($url); $curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, false); $curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_HEADER, false); $curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_REFERER, ''); $curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true); $page = $curl->exec(); $curl->clear(); print_r($page); print_r("\n\n"); }
function get_url($link, $config) { $url[0] = $link; if ($config['pars'] == 'curl') { $curl = new CURL(); $curl->retry = 4; $opts = array(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true); $curl->addSession($url[0], 0, $opts); $result = $curl->exec(); $curl->clear(); } elseif ($config['pars'] == 'mcurl') { $curl = new MCurl(); $curl->threads = 100; $curl->timeout = 15; $curl->sec_multiget($url, $result); } else { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $link); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 2); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Accept: application/json', 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest', 'Connection: Keep-Alive')); $data = curl_exec($ch); if ($data === false) { $err = curl_errno($ch); $errmsg = curl_error($ch); $result[0] = ''; } else { $result[0] = $data; } curl_close($ch); } return $result[0]; }
} if (strcasecmp($arrPost['method'], "post") == 0) { // need to post to site $opts2 = setBrowser($proxyvar, $arrPost['post'], $header, $agent); // set browser information $cntSuccess++; } elseif (strcasecmp($arrPost['method'], "get") == 0) { // need to get to site $opts2 = setBrowser($proxyvar, 1, $header, $agent); // set browser information $urlToPost = $urlToPost . "?" . $arrPost['post']; $cntSuccess++; } $curl2 = new CURL(); $curl2->retry = MAX_RETRYS; $curl2->addSession($urlToPost, $opts2[0]); //grab the site ob_start(); // this is a hack if i've ever seen one $result2 = $curl2->exec(); ob_end_clean(); // without this, php likes to output a 1 to the screen (something to do with the header info probably $time = date("c"); $curl2->clear(); unset($curl2); //echo "<br />result:<br />"; //print_r($result2); // server response // do they want logging? if (ENABLE_LOG == true) { if (DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 || DEBUG_LEVEL == 1) { // begin logging
function multiget($inurls, &$res, $config, $transit, $roster, $lang, $multi = 0) { global $db, $cache; $timeout = 10; $tcurl = $config['pars']; $num = $config['multiget']; $urlss = array_chunk($inurls, $num, TRUE); foreach ($urlss as $id => $urls) { if ($tcurl == 'curl') { $curl = new CURL(); $curl->retry = 2; $opts = array(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => $timeout); foreach ($urls as $key => $link) { $curl->addSession($link, $key, $opts); } $result = $curl->exec(); $curl->clear(); } elseif ($tcurl == 'mcurl') { $curl = new MCurl(); $curl->threads = 100; $curl->timeout = 15; $curl->sec_multiget($urls, $result); } else { foreach ($urls as $id => $link) { $ch[$id] = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch[$id], CURLOPT_URL, $link); curl_setopt($ch[$id], CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch[$id], CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true); curl_setopt($ch[$id], CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); curl_setopt($ch[$id], CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest", "Accept: text/html, */*", "User-Agent: Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; easyhttp)", "Connection: Keep-Alive")); } $mh = curl_multi_init(); foreach ($ch as $id => $h) { curl_multi_add_handle($mh, $h); } $running = null; do { curl_multi_exec($mh, $running); } while ($running > 0); foreach ($ch as $id => $h) { $result[$id] = curl_multi_getcontent($h); } foreach ($ch as $id => $h) { curl_multi_remove_handle($mh, $h); } curl_multi_close($mh); unset($ch); } if ($multi != 0) { foreach ($result as $name => $val) { $res[$name] = $val; } } else { foreach ($result as $name => $val) { $json = json_decode($val, TRUE); if ($json['status'] == 'ok' && $json['status_code'] == 'NO_ERROR') { $transit = insert_stat($json, $roster[$name], $config, $transit); $res[$name] = pars_data2($json, $name, $config, $lang, $roster[$name]); $cache->set($name, $res[$name], ROOT_DIR . '/cache/players/'); } } } unset($result, $json); } }
function multiget($urls, &$result, $tcurl = 'curl') { if ($tcurl == 'curl') { $curl = new CURL(); $opts = array(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true); foreach ($urls as $key => $link) { $curl->addSession($link, $key, $opts); } $result = $curl->exec(); $curl->clear(); } else { $curl = new MCurl(); $curl->threads = 100; $curl->timeout = 15; unset($results); $curl->sec_multiget($urls, $result); } }