protected function print_additional_settings($cuar_settings, $options_group)
     parent::print_additional_settings($cuar_settings, $options_group);
     $slug = $this->get_slug();
     if (in_array('moderation', $this->enabled_settings)) {
         add_settings_field($slug . self::$OPTION_ENABLE_MODERATION, __('Moderation', 'cuar'), array(&$cuar_settings, 'print_input_field'), CUAR_Settings::$OPTIONS_PAGE_SLUG, $this->get_settings_section(), array('option_id' => $slug . self::$OPTION_ENABLE_MODERATION, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default_value' => 1, 'after' => __('Enable moderation when new content is submitted by a user.', 'cuar') . '<p class="description">' . __('An administrator will be required to review the content and publish it ' . 'manually. This can be used to moderate the content created by users by saving it as draft. ' . 'When content is saved as draft, it is not visible to anyone outside of the administration area. ' . 'You can allow some roles to bypass the moderation process by setting the corresponding capability. ' . 'This setting does not affect the backend interface.', 'cuar') . '</p>'));
     if (in_array('default-ownership', $this->enabled_settings)) {
         add_settings_field($slug . self::$OPTION_DEFAULT_OWNER_TYPE, __('Default owner type', 'cuar'), array(&$cuar_settings, 'print_owner_type_select_field'), CUAR_Settings::$OPTIONS_PAGE_SLUG, $this->get_settings_section(), array('option_id' => $slug . self::$OPTION_DEFAULT_OWNER_TYPE, 'after' => ''));
         add_settings_field($slug . self::$OPTION_DEFAULT_OWNER, __('Default owner', 'cuar'), array(&$cuar_settings, 'print_owner_select_field'), CUAR_Settings::$OPTIONS_PAGE_SLUG, $this->get_settings_section(), array('option_id' => $slug . self::$OPTION_DEFAULT_OWNER, 'owner_type_option_id' => $slug . self::$OPTION_DEFAULT_OWNER_TYPE, 'after' => ''));
     $tax = $this->get_friendly_taxonomy();
     if (in_array('default-category', $this->enabled_settings) && !empty($tax)) {
         add_settings_field($slug . self::$OPTION_DEFAULT_CATEGORY, __('Default category', 'cuar'), array(&$cuar_settings, 'print_term_select_field'), CUAR_Settings::$OPTIONS_PAGE_SLUG, $this->get_settings_section(), array('option_id' => $slug . self::$OPTION_DEFAULT_CATEGORY, 'taxonomy' => $tax, 'after' => ''));