예제 #1
 public function bodyToString()
     $total = 0;
     // fetch accessible host ids
     $hosts = API::Host()->get(array('nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(true), 'output' => array('hostid'), 'preservekeys' => true));
     $hostIds = array_keys($hosts);
     if (remove_nodes_from_id($this->groupid) > 0) {
         $cond_from = ',hosts_groups hg';
         $cond_where = ' AND hg.hostid=h.hostid AND hg.groupid=' . zbx_dbstr($this->groupid);
     } else {
         $cond_from = '';
         $cond_where = andDbNode('h.hostid', $this->nodeid);
     $db_host_cnt = DBselect('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT h.hostid) AS cnt' . ' FROM hosts h' . $cond_from . ' WHERE h.available=' . HOST_AVAILABLE_TRUE . ' AND h.status IN (' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED . ')' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('h.hostid', $hostIds) . $cond_where);
     $host_cnt = DBfetch($db_host_cnt);
     $avail = $host_cnt['cnt'];
     $total += $host_cnt['cnt'];
     $db_host_cnt = DBselect('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT h.hostid) AS cnt' . ' FROM hosts h' . $cond_from . ' WHERE h.available=' . HOST_AVAILABLE_FALSE . ' AND h.status IN (' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED . ')' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('h.hostid', $hostIds) . $cond_where);
     $host_cnt = DBfetch($db_host_cnt);
     $notav = $host_cnt['cnt'];
     $total += $host_cnt['cnt'];
     $db_host_cnt = DBselect('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT h.hostid) AS cnt' . ' FROM hosts h' . $cond_from . ' WHERE h.available=' . HOST_AVAILABLE_UNKNOWN . ' AND h.status IN (' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED . ')' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('h.hostid', $hostIds) . $cond_where);
     $host_cnt = DBfetch($db_host_cnt);
     $uncn = $host_cnt['cnt'];
     $total += $host_cnt['cnt'];
     $node = get_node_by_nodeid($this->nodeid);
     $header_str = _('Hosts info') . SPACE;
     if ($node > 0) {
         $header_str .= '(' . $node['name'] . ')' . SPACE;
     if (remove_nodes_from_id($this->groupid) > 0) {
         $group = get_hostgroup_by_groupid($this->groupid);
         $header_str .= _('Group') . SPACE . '"' . $group['name'] . '"';
     } else {
         $header_str .= _('All groups');
     $header = new CCol($header_str, 'header');
     if ($this->style == STYLE_HORISONTAL) {
     $avail = new CCol($avail . '  ' . _('Available'), 'avail');
     $notav = new CCol($notav . '  ' . _('Not available'), 'notav');
     $uncn = new CCol($uncn . '  ' . _('Unknown'), 'uncn');
     $total = new CCol($total . '  ' . _('Total'), 'total');
     if ($this->style == STYLE_HORISONTAL) {
         $this->addRow(array($avail, $notav, $uncn, $total));
     } else {
     return parent::bodyToString();
 public function bodyToString()
     global $USER_DETAILS;
     $status = get_status();
     if ($status['zabbix_server'] == S_YES) {
         $server = new CSpan(S_RUNNING, 'off');
     } else {
         $server = new CSpan(S_NOT_RUNNING, 'on');
     $header = new CCol('Zabbix ' . S_SERVER_INFO, 'header');
     $this->addRow('Updated: ' . date('r', time()));
     $this->addRow(new CCol(array('Refreshed every: ' . $USER_DETAILS['refresh'] . ' sec ', '(', new CLink('refresh now', 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), ')')));
     $this->addRow(S_NUMBER_OF_USERS_SHORT . ': ' . $status['users_count'] . '(' . $status['users_online'] . ')');
     $this->addRow(new CCol(array('Logged in as ', new CLink($USER_DETAILS['alias'], 'profile.php'))));
     $this->addRow(new CCol(array(new CLink('Zabbix server', 'report1.php'), ' is ', $server)), 'status');
     //$this->addRow(S_VALUES_STORED.': '.$status['history_count']);
     //$this->addRow(S_TRENDS_STORED.': '.$status['trends_count']);
     $this->addRow(new CCol(array(S_NUMBER_OF_HOSTS_SHORT . ': ' . $status['hosts_count'] . '(', new CSpan($status['hosts_count_monitored'], 'off'), '/', new CSpan($status['hosts_count_not_monitored'], 'on'), '/', new CSpan($status['hosts_count_template'], 'unknown'), ')')));
     $this->addRow(new CCol(array(S_NUMBER_OF_ITEMS_SHORT . ': ' . $status['items_count'] . '(', new CSpan($status['items_count_monitored'], 'off'), '/', new CSpan($status['items_count_disabled'], 'on'), '/', new CSpan($status['items_count_not_supported'], 'unknown'), ')')));
     $this->addRow(new CCol(array(S_NUMBER_OF_TRIGGERS_SHORT . ': ' . $status['triggers_count'] . '(' . $status['triggers_count_enabled'] . '/' . $status['triggers_count_disabled'] . ')' . '[', new CSpan($status['triggers_count_on'], 'on'), '/', new CSpan($status['triggers_count_unknown'], 'unknown'), '/', new CSpan($status['triggers_count_off'], 'off'), ']')));
     //			$this->addRow(S_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS.': '.$status['events_count']);
     //			$this->addRow(S_NUMBER_OF_ALERTS.': '.$status['alerts_count']);
     return parent::bodyToString();
예제 #3
 public function bodyToString()
     $status = get_status();
     $server = $status['zabbix_server'] == _('Yes') ? new CSpan(_('running'), 'off') : new CSpan(_('not running'), 'on');
     $serverLink = CWebUser::$data['type'] == USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN ? new CLink(_('Zabbix server'), 'report1.php') : _('Zabbix server');
     $this->addRow(new CCol(_('Zabbix server info'), 'nowrap ui-corner-all ui-widget-header'));
     $this->addRow(_('Updated') . NAME_DELIMITER . zbx_date2str(SERVER_INFO_DATE_FORMAT, time()));
     $this->addRow(_('Users (online)') . NAME_DELIMITER . $status['users_count'] . '(' . $status['users_online'] . ')');
     $this->addRow(new CCol(array(_('Logged in as') . SPACE, new CLink(CWebUser::$data['alias'], 'profile.php'))));
     $this->addRow(new CCol(array($serverLink, SPACE . _('is') . SPACE, $server)), 'status');
     $this->addRow(new CCol(array(_('Hosts (m/n/t)') . NAME_DELIMITER . $status['hosts_count'] . '(', new CSpan($status['hosts_count_monitored'], 'off'), '/', new CSpan($status['hosts_count_not_monitored'], 'on'), '/', new CSpan($status['hosts_count_template'], 'unknown'), ')')));
     $this->addRow(new CCol(array(_('Items (m/d/n)') . NAME_DELIMITER . $status['items_count'] . '(', new CSpan($status['items_count_monitored'], 'off'), '/', new CSpan($status['items_count_disabled'], 'on'), '/', new CSpan($status['items_count_not_supported'], 'unknown'), ')')));
     $this->addRow(new CCol(array(_('Triggers (e/d)[p/o]') . NAME_DELIMITER . $status['triggers_count'] . '(' . $status['triggers_count_enabled'] . '/' . $status['triggers_count_disabled'] . ')[', new CSpan($status['triggers_count_on'], 'on'), '/', new CSpan($status['triggers_count_off'], 'off'), ']')));
     return parent::bodyToString();
예제 #4
 public function bodyToString()
     $config = select_config();
     // array of triggers (not classified, information, warning, average, high, disaster) in problem state
     $triggersProblemState = [];
     // number of triggers in OK state
     $triggersOkState = 0;
     $options = ['output' => ['triggerid', 'priority', 'value'], 'monitored' => true, 'skipDependent' => true];
     if ($this->groupid != 0) {
         $options['groupids'] = $this->groupid;
     $triggers = API::Trigger()->get($options);
     foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
         switch ($trigger['value']) {
             case TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE:
                 if (!array_key_exists($trigger['priority'], $triggersProblemState)) {
                     $triggersProblemState[$trigger['priority']] = 0;
             case TRIGGER_VALUE_FALSE:
     $severityCells = [getSeverityCell(null, $config, $triggersOkState . SPACE . _('Ok'), true)];
     for ($severity = TRIGGER_SEVERITY_NOT_CLASSIFIED; $severity < TRIGGER_SEVERITY_COUNT; $severity++) {
         $severityCount = isset($triggersProblemState[$severity]) ? $triggersProblemState[$severity] : 0;
         $severityCells[] = getSeverityCell($severity, $config, $severityCount . SPACE . getSeverityName($severity, $config), !$severityCount);
     if ($this->style == STYLE_HORIZONTAL) {
     } else {
         foreach ($severityCells as $severityCell) {
     return parent::bodyToString();
예제 #5
 public function bodyToString()
     global $USER_DETAILS;
     $total = 0;
     $accessible_hosts = get_accessible_hosts_by_user($USER_DETAILS, PERM_READ_ONLY, PERM_RES_IDS_ARRAY, get_current_nodeid(true));
     $cond_from = '';
     if (remove_nodes_from_id($this->groupid) > 0) {
         $cond_from = ', hosts_groups hg ';
         $cond_where = 'AND hg.hostid=h.hostid AND hg.groupid=' . $this->groupid;
     } else {
         $cond_where = ' AND ' . DBin_node('h.hostid', $this->nodeid);
     $db_host_cnt = DBselect('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT h.hostid) as cnt ' . ' FROM hosts h' . $cond_from . ' WHERE h.available=' . HOST_AVAILABLE_TRUE . ' AND h.status IN (' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED . ') ' . ' AND ' . DBcondition('h.hostid', $accessible_hosts) . $cond_where);
     $host_cnt = DBfetch($db_host_cnt);
     $avail = $host_cnt['cnt'];
     $total += $host_cnt['cnt'];
     $db_host_cnt = DBselect('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT h.hostid) as cnt ' . ' FROM hosts h' . $cond_from . ' WHERE h.available=' . HOST_AVAILABLE_FALSE . ' AND h.status IN (' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED . ') ' . ' AND ' . DBcondition('h.hostid', $accessible_hosts) . $cond_where);
     $host_cnt = DBfetch($db_host_cnt);
     $notav = $host_cnt['cnt'];
     $total += $host_cnt['cnt'];
     $db_host_cnt = DBselect('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT h.hostid) as cnt ' . ' FROM hosts h' . $cond_from . ' WHERE h.available=' . HOST_AVAILABLE_UNKNOWN . ' AND h.status IN (' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED . ') ' . ' AND ' . DBcondition('h.hostid', $accessible_hosts) . $cond_where);
     $host_cnt = DBfetch($db_host_cnt);
     $uncn = $host_cnt['cnt'];
     $total += $host_cnt['cnt'];
     $node = get_node_by_nodeid($this->nodeid);
     $header_str = S_HOSTS_INFO . SPACE;
     $header_str .= S_FOR_GROUP_SMALL . SPACE . '&quot;';
     if ($node > 0) {
         $header_str .= '(' . $node['name'] . ')' . SPACE;
     if (remove_nodes_from_id($this->groupid) > 0) {
         $group = get_hostgroup_by_groupid($this->groupid);
         $header_str .= $group['name'] . '&quot;';
     } else {
         $header_str .= S_ALL_S . '&quot;';
     $header = new CCol($header_str, "header");
     if ($this->style == STYLE_HORISONTAL) {
     $avail = new CCol($avail . '  ' . S_AVAILABLE, 'avail');
     $notav = new CCol($notav . '  ' . S_NOT_AVAILABLE, 'notav');
     $uncn = new CCol($uncn . '  ' . S_UNKNOWN, 'uncn');
     $total = new CCol($total . '  ' . S_TOTAL, 'total');
     if ($this->style == STYLE_HORISONTAL) {
         $this->addRow(array($avail, $notav, $uncn, $total));
     } else {
     return parent::bodyToString();
예제 #6
 public function bodyToString()
     $okCount = 0;
     $notClassifiedCount = 0;
     $informationCount = 0;
     $warningCount = 0;
     $averageCount = 0;
     $highCount = 0;
     $disasterCount = 0;
     $options = array('output' => array('triggerid', 'priority', 'value'), 'monitored' => true, 'skipDependent' => true);
     if ($this->hostid > 0) {
         $options['hostids'] = $this->hostid;
     } elseif ($this->groupid > 0) {
         $options['groupids'] = $this->groupid;
     $triggers = API::Trigger()->get($options);
     foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
         if ($trigger['value'] == TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE) {
             switch ($trigger['priority']) {
                 case TRIGGER_SEVERITY_WARNING:
                 case TRIGGER_SEVERITY_AVERAGE:
                 case TRIGGER_SEVERITY_HIGH:
                 case TRIGGER_SEVERITY_DISASTER:
         } elseif ($trigger['value'] == TRIGGER_VALUE_FALSE) {
     if ($this->show_header) {
         $header_str = _('Triggers info') . SPACE;
         if ($this->groupid != 0) {
             $group = get_hostgroup_by_groupid($this->groupid);
             $header_str .= _('Group') . SPACE . '&quot;' . $group['name'] . '&quot;';
         } else {
             $header_str .= _('All groups');
         $header = new CCol($header_str, 'header');
         if ($this->style == STYLE_HORIZONTAL) {
     $okCount = getSeverityCell(null, $okCount . SPACE . _('Ok'), true);
     $notClassifiedCount = getSeverityCell(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_NOT_CLASSIFIED, $notClassifiedCount . SPACE . getSeverityCaption(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_NOT_CLASSIFIED), !$notClassifiedCount);
     $informationCount = getSeverityCell(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, $informationCount . SPACE . getSeverityCaption(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_INFORMATION), !$informationCount);
     $warningCount = getSeverityCell(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_WARNING, $warningCount . SPACE . getSeverityCaption(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_WARNING), !$warningCount);
     $averageCount = getSeverityCell(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_AVERAGE, $averageCount . SPACE . getSeverityCaption(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_AVERAGE), !$averageCount);
     $highCount = getSeverityCell(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_HIGH, $highCount . SPACE . getSeverityCaption(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_HIGH), !$highCount);
     $disasterCount = getSeverityCell(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_DISASTER, $disasterCount . SPACE . getSeverityCaption(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_DISASTER), !$disasterCount);
     if (STYLE_HORIZONTAL == $this->style) {
         $this->addRow(array($okCount, $notClassifiedCount, $informationCount, $warningCount, $averageCount, $highCount, $disasterCount));
     } else {
     return parent::bodyToString();
 public function bodyToString()
     $ok = $uncl = $info = $warn = $avg = $high = $dis = 0;
     $options = array('monitored' => true, 'skipDependent' => true, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_SHORTEN);
     if ($this->hostid > 0) {
         $options['hostids'] = $this->hostid;
     } elseif ($this->groupid > 0) {
         $options['groupids'] = $this->groupid;
     $triggers = API::Trigger()->get($options);
     $triggers = zbx_objectValues($triggers, 'triggerid');
     $db_priority = DBselect('SELECT t.priority,t.value,count(DISTINCT t.triggerid) AS cnt' . ' FROM triggers t' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('t.triggerid', $triggers) . ' GROUP BY t.priority,t.value');
     while ($row = DBfetch($db_priority)) {
         switch ($row['value']) {
             case TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE:
                 switch ($row['priority']) {
                     case TRIGGER_SEVERITY_NOT_CLASSIFIED:
                         $uncl += $row['cnt'];
                     case TRIGGER_SEVERITY_INFORMATION:
                         $info += $row['cnt'];
                     case TRIGGER_SEVERITY_WARNING:
                         $warn += $row['cnt'];
                     case TRIGGER_SEVERITY_AVERAGE:
                         $avg += $row['cnt'];
                     case TRIGGER_SEVERITY_HIGH:
                         $high += $row['cnt'];
                     case TRIGGER_SEVERITY_DISASTER:
                         $dis += $row['cnt'];
             case TRIGGER_VALUE_FALSE:
                 $ok += $row['cnt'];
     if ($this->show_header) {
         $header_str = _('Triggers info') . SPACE;
         if (!is_null($this->nodeid)) {
             $node = get_node_by_nodeid($this->nodeid);
             if ($node > 0) {
                 $header_str .= '(' . $node['name'] . ')' . SPACE;
         if (remove_nodes_from_id($this->groupid) > 0) {
             $group = get_hostgroup_by_groupid($this->groupid);
             $header_str .= _('Group') . SPACE . '&quot;' . $group['name'] . '&quot;';
         } else {
             $header_str .= _('All groups');
         $header = new CCol($header_str, 'header');
         if ($this->style == STYLE_HORISONTAL) {
     $trok = getSeverityCell(null, $ok . SPACE . _('Ok'), true);
     $uncl = getSeverityCell(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_NOT_CLASSIFIED, $uncl . SPACE . getSeverityCaption(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_NOT_CLASSIFIED), !$uncl);
     $info = getSeverityCell(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, $info . SPACE . getSeverityCaption(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_INFORMATION), !$info);
     $warn = getSeverityCell(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_WARNING, $warn . SPACE . getSeverityCaption(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_WARNING), !$warn);
     $avg = getSeverityCell(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_AVERAGE, $avg . SPACE . getSeverityCaption(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_AVERAGE), !$avg);
     $high = getSeverityCell(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_HIGH, $high . SPACE . getSeverityCaption(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_HIGH), !$high);
     $dis = getSeverityCell(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_DISASTER, $dis . SPACE . getSeverityCaption(TRIGGER_SEVERITY_DISASTER), !$dis);
     if (STYLE_HORISONTAL == $this->style) {
         $this->addRow(array($trok, $uncl, $info, $warn, $avg, $high, $dis));
     } else {
     return parent::bodyToString();