function profile_main() { $model = new CTForm("PasswortChangeForm", "prooveOldPassword"); if ($_SESSION["user"]->password != null) { $model->setHeader(t("change.password"), t("to.change.password.complete.following.fields")); $model->addField("password", "", "PASSWORD", t("old.password")); $model->addButton(t("change.password"), "ok"); } else { $model->setHeader(t("welcome"), t("to.login.later.set.own.password")); $model->addButton(t("set.password"), "ok"); } $model->addField("newpassword1", "", "PASSWORD", t("new.password")); $model->addField("newpassword2", "", "PASSWORD", t("")); return $model->render(); }
function simulate_main() { if (isset($_SESSION["simulate"])) { $user = churchcore_getPersonById($_SESSION["simulate"]); $user->auth = getUserAuthorization($user->id); $_SESSION["user"] = $user; unset($_SESSION["simulate"]); if (isset($_SESSION["back"])) { header("Location: ?q=" . $_SESSION["back"]); unset($_SESSION["back"]); } else { header("Location: ?q=" . $_GET["link"]); } } if (isset($_GET["id"])) { $res = churchcore_getPersonById($_GET["id"]); if ($res != false) { _simulateUser($res); header("Location: ?q=" . $_GET["location"]); return ""; } } $model = new CTForm("SimulateUserForm", "prooveEmail"); $model->setHeader("Benutzer simulieren", t("simulate.information.text") . " " . t("") . ":"); $model->addField("email", "", "EMAIL", "EMail"); $model->addButton("Simulieren", "ok"); return $model->render(); }
function login_main() { global $q, $config; $txt = ""; if (isset($config["admin_message"]) && $config["admin_message"] != "") { addErrorMessage($config["admin_message"]); } if (isset($_GET["message"]) && $_GET["message"] != "") { addInfoMessage($_GET["message"]); } // Sicherstellen, dass keiner eingelogt ist! if (!userLoggedIn()) { if (isset($config["login_message"])) { addInfoMessage($config["login_message"], true); } $model = new CTForm("LoginForm", "prooveLogin", "Login"); $model->setHeader(t("login.headline"), t("please.fill.following.fields")); $model->addField("email", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", t("email.or.username"), true); $model->addField("password", "", "PASSWORD", t("password")); if (!isset($config["show_remember_me"]) || $config["show_remember_me"] == 1) { $model->addField("rememberMe", "", "CHECKBOX", t("")); } $model->addButton(t("login"), "ok"); if (isset($_GET["newpwd"])) { $res = db_query("select count(*) c from {cdb_person} where email='" . $_GET["email"] . "' and archiv_yn=0")->fetch(); if ($_GET["email"] == "" || $res->c == 0) { $txt .= '<div class="alert alert-error"><p>Bitte ein gültige EMail-Adresse angeben, an die das neue Passwort gesendet werden kann! Diese Adresse muss im System schon eingerichtet sein. <p>Falls die E-Mail-Adresse schon eingerichtet sein sollte, wende Dich bitte an <a href="' . variable_get("site_mail") . '">' . variable_get("site_mail") . '</a>.</div>'; } else { $newpwd = random_string(8); $scrambled_password = scramble_password($newpwd); db_query("update {cdb_person} set password='******' where email='" . $_GET["email"] . "'"); $content = "<h3>Hallo!</h3><p>Ein neues Passwort wurde für die E-Mail-Adresse <i>" . $_GET["email"] . "</i> angefordert: {$newpwd}"; churchcore_systemmail($_GET["email"], "[" . variable_get('site_name') . "] Neues Passwort", $content, true, 1); churchcore_sendMails(1); $txt .= '<div class="alert alert-info">Hinweis: Ein neues Passwort wurde nun an <i>' . $_GET["email"] . '</i> gesendet.</div>'; ct_log("Neues Passwort angefordert " . $_GET["email"], 2, "-1", "login"); } } else { if (isset($_POST["email"]) && isset($_POST["password"]) && isset($_POST["directtool"])) { include_once CHURCHCORE . "/churchcore_db.php"; $sql = "select * from {cdb_person} where email=:email and active_yn=1 and archiv_yn=0"; $res = db_query($sql, array(":email" => $_POST["email"]))->fetch(); if ($res == false) { drupal_json_output(jsend()->fail("Unbekannte E-Mail-Adresse")); } else { if (user_check_password($_POST["password"], $res)) { login_user($res); ct_log("Login durch Direct-Tool " . $_POST["directtool"] . " mit " . $_POST["email"], 2, "-1", "login"); drupal_json_output(jsend()->success()); } else { drupal_json_output(jsend()->fail("Falsches Passwort")); } } return; } else { if (isset($_GET["loginstr"]) && $_GET["loginstr"] != "" && isset($_GET["id"])) { // L�sche alte cc_loginurrls die �lter sind als 14 tage db_query("delete from {cc_loginstr} where DATEDIFF( current_date, create_date ) > 13"); $sql = "select * from {cc_loginstr} where loginstr=:loginstr and person_id=:id"; $res = db_query($sql, array(":loginstr" => $_GET["loginstr"], ":id" => $_GET["id"]))->fetch(); if ($res == false) { $txt .= '<div class="alert alert-info">Fehler: Der verwendete Login-Link ist nicht mehr aktuell und kann deshalb nicht mehr verwendet werden. Bitte mit E-Mail-Adresse und Passwort anmelden!</div>'; } else { // Nehme den LoginStr heraus, damit er nicht mi�braucht werden kann. $sql = "delete from {cc_loginstr} where loginstr=:loginstr and person_id=:id"; $res = db_query($sql, array(":loginstr" => $_GET["loginstr"], ":id" => $_GET["id"])); ct_log("Login User " . $_GET["id"] . " erfolgreich mit loginstr ", 2, "-1", "login"); $res = churchcore_getPersonById($_GET["id"]); login_user($res); } } } } $txt .= $model->render(); $txt .= '<script>jQuery("#newpwd").click(function(k,a) { if (confirm("' . t('') . '")) { window.location.href="?newpwd=true&email="+jQuery("#LoginForm_email").val()+"&q=' . $q . '"; } });</script>'; } else { // Wenn man sich ummelden m�chte und zur Familie geh�rt (also gleiche E-Mail-Adresse) if (isset($_GET["family_id"])) { if (isset($_SESSION["family"][$_GET["family_id"]])) { //logout_current_user(); login_user($_SESSION["family"][$_GET["family_id"]]); $txt .= '<div class="alert alert-info">Ummelden erfolgreich! Du arbeitest nun mit der Berechtigung von ' . $_SESSION["user"]->vorname . ' ' . $_SESSION["user"]->name . '.</div>'; } else { $txt .= '<div class="alert alert-info">Ummelden zu Id:' . $_GET["family_id"] . ' hat nicht funktioniert, Session ist leer!</div>'; } } else { $txt .= '<div class="alert alert-info"><i>Hinweis:</i> Du bist angemeldet als ' . $_SESSION["user"]->vorname . ', weiter geht es <a href="?q=home">hier</a>!</div>'; } } return $txt; }
/** * main function for login * @return string */ function login_main() { global $q, $config, $user; $txt = ""; if ($t = getConf("admin_message")) { addErrorMessage($t); } if ($t = getVar("message")) { addInfoMessage($t); } // Sicherstellen, dass keiner eingelogt ist! if (!userLoggedIn()) { if ($t = getVar("login_message")) { addInfoMessage($t, true); } $form = new CTForm("LoginForm", "validateLogin", "Login"); $form->setHeader(t("login.headline"), t("please.fill.following.fields")); $form->addField("email", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", t("email.or.username"), true); if (getVar("email")) { $form->fields["email"]->setValue(getVar("email")); } $form->addField("password", "", "PASSWORD", t("password")); // TODO: when is this false? if (getConf("show_remember_me", 1) == 1) { $form->addField("rememberMe", "", "CHECKBOX", t("")); } $form->addButton(t("login"), "ok"); // access through externale tools through GET and additional direct // POST so no GET is used , so it is not visible in the URL if (getVar("email", false, $_POST) && getVar("password", false, $_POST) && getVar("directtool", false, $_POST)) { include_once CHURCHCORE . "/churchcore_db.php"; $email = getVar("email", false, $_POST); $password = getVar("password", false, $_POST); $directTool = getVar("directtool", false, $_POST); $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {cdb_person}\n WHERE email=:email AND active_yn=1 AND archiv_yn=0", array(":email" => $email))->fetch(); if (!$res) { drupal_json_output(jsend()->fail(t('email.unknown'))); } else { if (user_check_password($password, $res)) { login_user($res, null, false); ct_log("Login by Direct-Tool {$directTool} with {$email}", 2, "-1", "login"); drupal_json_output(jsend()->success()); } else { drupal_json_output(jsend()->fail(t('wrong.password'))); } } return; } else { if (($loginstr = getVar("loginstr")) && ($id = getVar('id'))) { // delete login strings older then 14 days db_query("DELETE FROM {cc_loginstr}\n WHERE DATEDIFF( current_date, create_date ) > 13"); $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM {cc_loginstr}\n WHERE loginstr=:loginstr AND person_id=:id", array(":loginstr" => $loginstr, ":id" => $id))->fetch(); if (!$res) { $txt .= '<div class="alert alert-info">' . t('login.string.too.old') . '</div>'; } else { // delete current loginKey to prevent misuse $res = db_query("DELETE FROM {cc_loginstr}\n WHERE loginstr=:loginstr AND person_id=:id", array(":loginstr" => $loginstr, ":id" => $id)); ct_log("Login User {$id} erfolgreich mit loginstr ", 2, "-1", "login"); $res = churchcore_getPersonById($id); login_user($res); } } } $txt .= $form->render(); $txt .= '<script>jQuery("#newpwd").click(function(k,a) { if (confirm("' . t('') . '")) { window.location.href="?q=login/newpwd&email="+jQuery("#LoginForm_email").val(); } });</script>'; } else { // switch to another family user (same email) if ($familyId = getVar("family_id")) { if (isset($_SESSION["family"][$familyId])) { // logout_current_user(); login_user($_SESSION["family"][$familyId]); $txt .= '<div class="alert alert-info">' . t('', $_SESSION["user"]->vorname . ' ' . $_SESSION["user"]->name) . '</div>'; } else { $txt .= "<div class='alert alert-info'>" . t('', $familyId) . "</div>"; } } else { if (getVar("directtool", false, $_POST)) { drupal_json_output(jsend()->success("Already logged in")); } else { $txt .= '<div class="alert alert-info">' . t('', $_SESSION["user"]->vorname, '<a href="?q=home">' . t('home') . '</a>') . '</div>'; } } } return $txt; }
function admin_main() { global $config; drupal_add_css(ASSETS . '/fileuploader/fileuploader.css'); drupal_add_js(ASSETS . '/fileuploader/fileuploader.js'); $model = new CTForm("AdminForm", "admin_saveSettings"); $model->addField("site_name", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", t(""))->setValue($config["site_name"]); $model->addField("site_logo", "", "FILEUPLOAD", t(""))->setValue(readConf("site_logo")); $model->addField("welcome", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", t("welcome.message")); $model->fields["welcome"]->setValue($config["welcome"]); $model->addField("welcome_subtext", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", "Untertitel der Willkommensnachricht"); $model->fields["welcome_subtext"]->setValue($config["welcome_subtext"]); $model->addField("login_message", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", "Willkommensnachricht vor dem Login"); $model->fields["login_message"]->setValue($config["login_message"]); $model->addField("invite_email_text", "", "TEXTAREA", "Text der Einladungs-EMail"); $model->fields["invite_email_text"]->setValue($config["invite_email_text"]); $model->addField("admin_message", "", "INPUT_OPTIONAL", "Admin-Nachricht auf Login- und Startseite z.B. für geplante Downtimes"); $model->fields["admin_message"]->setValue(variable_get("admin_message", "")); if (!isset($config["site_startpage"])) { $config["site_startpage"] = "home"; } $model->addField("site_startpage", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", "Startseite beim Aufrufen von " . variable_get("site_name") . " (Standard ist <i>home</i>, möglich ist z.B. churchwiki, churchcal)"); $model->fields["site_startpage"]->setValue($config["site_startpage"]); $model->addField("site_mail", "", "EMAIL", "E-Mail-Adresse der Website (E-Mails werden von hier aus gesendet)"); $model->fields["site_mail"]->setValue($config["site_mail"]); if (!isset($config["admin_mail"])) { $config["admin_mail"] = $config["site_mail"]; } $model->addField("admin_mail", "", "EMAIL", "E-Mail-Adressen der Admins für Anfragen von Benutzern (Kommasepariert)"); $model->fields["admin_mail"]->setValue($config["admin_mail"]); // Now iterate through each module for naming the module $modules = churchcore_getModulesSorted(false, true); foreach ($modules as $module) { $model->addField($module . "_name", "", "INPUT_OPTIONAL", "Name für <i>{$module}</i> (Bitte Feld leerlassen, wenn das Modul nicht benötigt wird)"); $model->fields[$module . "_name"]->setValue(variable_get($module . "_name", "")); } $model->addField("max_uploadfile_size_kb", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", "Maximale Upload-Dateigrösse in Kilobytes (z.B. 10MB entsprechen hier ca. 10000)"); $model->fields["max_uploadfile_size_kb"]->setValue($config["max_uploadfile_size_kb"]); $model->addField("cronjob_delay", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", "Zeit in Sekunden zwischen automatischen Cronjob (0=kein automatischer Cron, sinnvolle Werte z.B. 3600)"); $model->fields["cronjob_delay"]->setValue($config["cronjob_delay"]); $model->addField("timezone", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", "Standard-Zeitzone. Z.b. Europe/Berlin"); $model->fields["timezone"]->setValue($config["timezone"]); $model->addField("show_remember_me", "", "CHECKBOX", "Anzeige von <i>Zukünftig an mich erinnern</i> auf der Login-Seite"); $model->fields["show_remember_me"]->setValue($config["show_remember_me"]); $model->addField("mail_enabled", "", "CHECKBOX", "Senden von E-Mails erlauben"); $model->fields["mail_enabled"]->setValue($config["mail_enabled"]); $model->addField("site_offline", "", "CHECKBOX", "Seite offline schalten"); $model->fields["site_offline"]->setValue($config["site_offline"]); $model->addButton("Speichern", "ok"); $txtCommonForm = $model->render(); // Now iterate through each module getting the admin forms $m = array(); foreach ($modules as $module) { include_once constant(strtoupper($module)) . "/{$module}.php"; if (function_exists($module . "_getAdminForm")) { $model = call_user_func($module . "_getAdminForm"); if ($model != null) { $m[$module] = $model->render(); } } } $txt = '<h1>' . t("settings.for", variable_get("site_name")) . '</h1><p>Der Administrator kann hier Einstellung vornehmen. Diese gelten für alle Benutzer, bitte vorsichtig anpassen!</p>'; $txt .= '<div class="tabbable">'; $txt .= '<ul class="nav nav-tabs">'; $txt .= '<li class="active"><a href="#tab1" data-toggle="tab">' . t("general") . '</a></li>'; foreach ($modules as $module) { if (isset($m[$module]) && isset($config[$module . "_name"]) && $config[$module . "_name"] != "") { $txt .= '<li><a href="#tab' . $module . '" data-toggle="tab">' . $config[$module . "_name"] . '</a></li>'; } } $txt .= '</ul>'; $txt .= '<div class="tab-content">'; $txt .= '<div class="tab-pane active" id="tab1">'; $txt .= $txtCommonForm; $txt .= '</div>'; foreach ($modules as $module) { if (isset($m[$module])) { $txt .= '<div class="tab-pane" id="tab' . $module . '">'; $txt .= $m[$module]; $txt .= '</div>'; } } $txt .= '</div></div>'; return $txt; }
function churchwiki__create() { $model = new CTForm("EditHtml", "editHtml"); $model->setHeader("Editieren eines Hilfeeintrages", "Hier kann die Hilfe editiert werden."); $model->addField("doc_id", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", "Doc-Id"); $model->addField("text", "", "TEXTAREA", "Text"); if (isset($_GET["doc"])) { $model->fields["doc_id"]->setValue($_GET["doc"]); $res = db_query("select text from {cc_wiki} where doc_id=:doc_id", array(":doc_id" => $_GET["doc"]))->fetch(); if ($res) { $res->text = preg_replace('/\\\\/', "", $res->text); $model->fields["text"]->setValue($res->text); } } $model->addButton("Speichern", "ok"); return $model->render(); }
/** * main function for admin * * @return string */ function admin_main() { global $config; drupal_add_css(ASSETS . '/fileuploader/fileuploader.css'); drupal_add_js(ASSETS . '/fileuploader/fileuploader.js'); $form = new CTForm('AdminForm', 'admin_saveSettings'); $form->addField('site_name', '', 'INPUT_REQUIRED', t(''))->setValue($config['site_name']); $form->addField('site_logo', '', 'FILEUPLOAD', t('site.logo'))->setValue(getConf('site_logo')); $form->addField('welcome', '', 'INPUT_REQUIRED', t('welcome.message'))->setValue($config['welcome']); $form->addField('welcome_subtext', '', 'INPUT_REQUIRED', t('subtitle.welcome.message'))->setValue($config['welcome_subtext']); $form->addField('login_message', '', 'INPUT_REQUIRED', t('welcome.message.before.login'))->setValue($config['login_message']); $form->addField('invite_email_text', '', 'TEXTAREA', t(''))->setValue($config['invite_email_text']); $form->addField('admin_message', '', 'INPUT_OPTIONAL', t('admin.message.on.home.and.login.pages.for.planned.downtimes'))->setValue(getConf('admin_message', '')); if (!isset($config['site_startpage'])) { $config['site_startpage'] = 'home'; } $form->addField('site_startpage', '', 'INPUT_REQUIRED', t('', getConf('site_name'), '<i>home</i>'))->setValue($config['site_startpage']); $form->addField('site_mail', '', 'EMAIL', t(''))->setValue($config['site_mail']); $form->addField('admin_mail', '', 'EMAIL', t('admin.emails.for.user.requests'))->setValue(isset($config['admin_mail']) ? $config['admin_mail'] : $config['site_mail']); // iterate through modules for naming them $modules = churchcore_getModulesSorted(false, true); foreach ($modules as $module) { $form->addField($module . '_name', '', 'INPUT_OPTIONAL', t('', "<i>{$module}</i>"))->setValue(getConf($module . '_name', '')); } $form->addField('max_uploadfile_size_kb', '', 'INPUT_REQUIRED', t(''))->setValue($config['max_uploadfile_size_kb']); $form->addField('cronjob_delay', '', 'INPUT_REQUIRED', t(''))->setValue($config['cronjob_delay']); $form->addField('timezone', '', 'INPUT_REQUIRED', t(''))->setValue($config['timezone']); $form->addField('show_remember_me', '', 'CHECKBOX', t('', '<i>' . t('') . '</i>'))->setValue($config['show_remember_me']); $form->addField('mail_enabled', '', 'CHECKBOX', t('enable.sending.emails'))->setValue($config['mail_enabled']); $form->addField('site_offline', '', 'CHECKBOX', t(''))->setValue($config['site_offline']); $form->addButton(t('save'), 'ok'); $txtCommonForm = $form->render(false); // iterate through modules getting the admin forms $m = array(); foreach ($modules as $module) { include_once constant(strtoupper($module)) . "/{$module}.php"; if (function_exists($module . "_getAdminForm")) { $form = call_user_func($module . "_getAdminForm"); if ($form) { $m[$module] = $form->render(); } } } $txt = '<h1>' . t("settings.for", getConf("site_name")) . '</h1> <p>' . t('') . '</p> <div class="tabbable"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#tab1" data-toggle="tab">' . t("general") . '</a></li>'; foreach ($modules as $module) { if (isset($m[$module]) && getConf($module . "_name")) { $txt .= ' <li><a href="#tab' . $module . '" data-toggle="tab">' . getConf($module . "_name") . '</a></li>'; } } $txt .= ' </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active" id="tab1">' . $txtCommonForm . '</div>'; foreach ($modules as $module) { if (isset($m[$module])) { $txt .= '<div class="tab-pane" id="tab' . $module . '">' . $m[$module] . '</div>'; } } $txt .= '</div></div>'; return $txt; }
/** * * @return string */ function churchwiki__create() { $form = new CTForm("EditHtml", "editHtml"); // TODO: help entry or better wiki entry? $form->setHeader(t(''), t('')); $form->addField("doc_id", "", "INPUT_REQUIRED", "Doc-Id"); $form->addField("text", "", "TEXTAREA", "Text"); if ($doc = urldecode(getVar("doc"))) { $form->fields["doc_id"]->setValue($doc); $res = db_query("SELECT text FROM {cc_wiki}\n WHERE doc_id=:doc_id", array(":doc_id" => $doc))->fetch(); if ($res) { $res->text = preg_replace('/\\\\/', "", $res->text); $form->fields["text"]->setValue($res->text); } } $form->addButton(t('save'), t('ok')); return $form->render(); }