public function TemplateValues() { $sFootError = ''; if (CSession::Has('wm_install_pass_error')) { $sFootError = CSession::get('wm_install_pass_error', ''); CSession::clear('wm_install_pass_error'); } return array('Login' => $this->oSettings->GetConf('Common/AdminLogin'), 'Password1' => '', 'Password2' => '', 'FootError' => $sFootError); }
/** * @return void */ protected function initAdminPanel() { $this->RType = (bool) CApi::GetConf('tenant', false); $this->AType = !!CApi::Manager('collaboration'); $this->aTabsSort = array(AP_TAB_COMMON, AP_TAB_DOMAINS, AP_TAB_USERS, AP_TAB_TENANTS, AP_TAB_CHANNELS, AP_TAB_SYSTEM); $GLOBALS[AP_START_TIME] = ap_Utils::Microtime(); $GLOBALS[AP_DB_COUNT] = 0; if (isset($_GET['logout'])) { CSession::ClearAll(); CApi::Location(AP_INDEX_FILE . '?login'); } if (isset($_GET['tab']) && strlen($_GET['tab']) > 0) { CSession::Set(AP_SESS_TAB, $_GET['tab']); } else { CSession::Set(AP_SESS_TAB, CSession::get(AP_SESS_TAB, AP_TAB_DEFAULT)); } $this->sTab = CSession::get(AP_SESS_TAB, AP_TAB_DEFAULT); try { $this->CssAddFile('static/styles/style.css'); $this->JsAddFile('static/js/common.js'); $this->JsAddFile('static/js/jquery.js'); $this->JsAddFile('static/js/knockout-2.3.0.js'); if (!CApi::IsValid()) { return false; } $this->initModules(); $this->initType(); $this->initAuth(); $this->sHelpUrl = ''; $sUrl = $this->IsTenantAuthType() ? (string) CApi::GetConf('labs.custom-tenant-help-url', '') : (string) CApi::GetConf('labs.custom-admin-help-url', ''); if (0 < strlen($sUrl)) { $this->sHelpUrl = $sUrl; } else { if ($this->AType) { $this->sHelpUrl = ''; } else { if ($this->PType) { $this->sHelpUrl = ''; } else { $this->sHelpUrl = ''; } } } if (isset($_GET['help'])) { if (0 < strlen($this->sHelpUrl)) { CApi::Location($this->sHelpUrl); } else { CApi::Location('?root'); } } $bResetToDefault = true; foreach ($this->aTabs as $aTab) { if (isset($aTab[1]) && (string) $aTab[1] === (string) $this->sTab) { $bResetToDefault = false; break; } } if ($bResetToDefault) { $this->sTab = $this->IsTenantAuthType() ? AP_TAB_TENANT_DEFAULT : AP_TAB_DEFAULT; CSession::Set(AP_SESS_TAB, $this->sTab); } if (isset($_GET['submit']) && isset($_POST) && 0 < count($_POST)) { $this->bShowScreen = false; $sReturnRef = $this->initPostActionModules($this->sTab); CApi::Location(AP_INDEX_FILE . $sReturnRef); } else { if (isset($_GET['pop'])) { $this->bShowScreen = false; $this->initPopActionModules($this->sTab); } else { if (isset($_GET['blank'])) { $this->bShowScreen = false; $this->initBlankActionModules($this->sTab); } else { if (isset($_GET['ajax'])) { $this->bShowScreen = false; $this->initAjaxActionModules($this->sTab); } else { $this->oCurrentScreen = $this->initScreen($this->sTab); if ($this->oCurrentScreen) { $this->oCurrentScreen->PreModuleInit(); $this->initCurrentScreenByModules('first', $this->sTab, $this->oCurrentScreen); $this->oCurrentScreen->MiddleModuleInit(); $this->initCurrentScreenByModules('second', $this->sTab, $this->oCurrentScreen); $this->oCurrentScreen->EndModuleInit(); $this->initCurrentScreenByModules('third', $this->sTab, $this->oCurrentScreen); } if (CSession::Has(AP_SESS_ERROR)) { $this->JsAddInitText('OnlineMsgError("' . ap_Utils::ReBuildStringToJavaScript(nl2br(CSession::get(AP_SESS_ERROR, '')), '"') . '");'); CSession::clear(AP_SESS_ERROR); } else { if (CSession::Has(AP_SESS_MESSAGE)) { $this->JsAddInitText('OnlineMsgInfo("' . ap_Utils::ReBuildStringToJavaScript(nl2br(CSession::get(AP_SESS_MESSAGE, '')), '"') . '");'); CSession::clear(AP_SESS_MESSAGE); } } } } } } } catch (Exception $oExeption) { $this->oCurrentScreen = new ap_Simple_Screen($this, 'error.php', array('ErrorDesc' => 'Admin Panel internal error.')); } }
/** * @param CDomain $oDomain * @return bool */ public function updateDomain(CDomain $oDomain) { $aTabs = $this->getTabList($oDomain); if (is_array($aTabs) && count($aTabs) > 0) { $aTabKeys = array_keys($aTabs); if (!in_array($oDomain->DefaultTab, $aTabKeys)) { $oDomain->DefaultTab = $aTabKeys[0]; } } if (!$this->oDomainsApi->updateDomain($oDomain)) { $this->lastErrorCode = $this->oDomainsApi->getLastErrorCode(); $this->lastErrorMessage = $this->oDomainsApi->GetLastErrorMessage(); return false; } if (CSession::Has(AP_SESS_DOMAIN_NEXT_EDIT_ID) && $oDomain->IdDomain === CSession::get(AP_SESS_DOMAIN_NEXT_EDIT_ID, null)) { CSession::clear(AP_SESS_DOMAIN_NEXT_EDIT_ID); } return true; }
/** * @return void */ public function PreModuleInit() { parent::PreModuleInit(); $this->AddHeader('Null', 100); $sScreenName = $this->GetScreenName(); if (isset($_GET['search']) && Cpost::Has('searchdesc')) { $sSearchDesc = Cpost::get('searchdesc', ''); if (empty($sSearchDesc)) { CSession::clear($sScreenName . self::SESS_SEARCH); } else { CSession::Set($sScreenName . self::SESS_SEARCH, $sSearchDesc); } CSession::Set($sScreenName . self::SESS_PAGE, 1); } else { if (isset($_GET['reset_search'])) { CSession::clear($sScreenName . self::SESS_SEARCH); CSession::Set($sScreenName . self::SESS_PAGE, 1); } else { if (isset($_GET['filter']) && (string) $_GET['filter'] !== (string) CSession::get($sScreenName . self::SESS_FILTER)) { CSession::clear($sScreenName . self::SESS_SEARCH); CSession::Set($sScreenName . self::SESS_PAGE, 1); } } } if (isset($_GET['page']) && is_numeric($_GET['page'])) { CSession::Set($sScreenName . self::SESS_PAGE, (int) $_GET['page']); } if (CSession::Has($sScreenName . self::SESS_PAGE)) { $this->iPage = (int) CSession::get($sScreenName . self::SESS_PAGE, 1); } if (CSession::Has($sScreenName . self::SESS_SEARCH)) { $this->sSearchDesc = CSession::get($sScreenName . self::SESS_SEARCH, ''); } if (isset($_GET['page']) && is_numeric($_GET['page'])) { CSession::Set($sScreenName . self::SESS_PAGE, (int) $_GET['page']); } if (isset($_GET['scolumn']) && 0 < strlen($_GET['scolumn'])) { CSession::Set($sScreenName . self::SESS_ORDERBY, $_GET['scolumn']); } if (isset($_GET['sorder']) && is_numeric($_GET['sorder'])) { CSession::Set($sScreenName . self::SESS_ORDERTYPE, (int) $_GET['sorder']); } if (CSession::Has($sScreenName . self::SESS_ORDERBY)) { $this->sOrderField = CSession::get($sScreenName . self::SESS_ORDERBY, ''); } if (CSession::Has($sScreenName . self::SESS_ORDERTYPE)) { $this->bOrderType = CSession::get($sScreenName . self::SESS_ORDERTYPE, 0); } }
CSession::setValue('check_fields_result', check_fields($fields, false)); if (!CSession::keyExists('step')) { CSession::setValue('step', 0); } // if a guest or a non-super admin user is logged in if (CWebUser::$data && CWebUser::getType() < USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) { // on the last step of the setup we always have a guest user logged in; // when he presses the "Finish" button he must be redirected to the login screen if (CWebUser::isGuest() && CSession::getValue('step') == 5 && hasRequest('finish')) { CSession::clear(); redirect('index.php'); } elseif (!(CWebUser::isGuest() && CSession::getValue('step') == 5)) { access_deny(ACCESS_DENY_PAGE); } } elseif (hasRequest('cancel') || hasRequest('finish')) { CSession::clear(); redirect('index.php'); } $theme = CWebUser::$data ? getUserTheme(CWebUser::$data) : ZBX_DEFAULT_THEME; DBclose(); /* * Setup wizard */ $ZBX_SETUP_WIZARD = new CSetupWizard(); // if init fails due to missing configuration, set user as guest with default en_GB language if (!CWebUser::$data) { CWebUser::setDefault(); } // page title (new CPageHeader(_('Installation')))->addCssFile('styles/' . CHtml::encode($theme) . '.css')->addJsFile('js/browsers.js')->addJsFile('jsLoader.php?ver=' . ZABBIX_VERSION . '&lang=' . CWebUser::$data['lang'])->display(); /*