예제 #1
 public function expandListStyleShorthand()
     $aListProperties = array('list-style-type' => 'disc', 'list-style-position' => 'outside', 'list-style-image' => 'none');
     $aListStyleTypes = array('none', 'disc', 'circle', 'square', 'decimal-leading-zero', 'decimal', 'lower-roman', 'upper-roman', 'lower-greek', 'lower-alpha', 'lower-latin', 'upper-alpha', 'upper-latin', 'hebrew', 'armenian', 'georgian', 'cjk-ideographic', 'hiragana', 'hira-gana-iroha', 'katakana-iroha', 'katakana');
     $aListStylePositions = array('inside', 'outside');
     $aRules = $this->getRules();
     if (!isset($aRules['list-style'])) {
     $oRule = $aRules['list-style'];
     $mRuleValue = $oRule->getValue();
     $aValues = array();
     if (!$mRuleValue instanceof CSSRuleValueList) {
         $aValues[] = $mRuleValue;
     } else {
         $aValues = $mRuleValue->getListComponents();
     if (count($aValues) == 1 && $aValues[0] == 'inherit') {
         foreach ($aListProperties as $sProperty => $mValue) {
             $oNewRule = new CSSRule($sProperty);
     foreach ($aValues as $mValue) {
         if (!$mValue instanceof CSSValue) {
             $mValue = mb_strtolower($mValue);
         if ($mValue instanceof CSSUrl) {
             $aListProperties['list-style-image'] = $mValue;
         } else {
             if (in_array($mValue, $aListStyleTypes)) {
                 $aListProperties['list-style-types'] = $mValue;
             } else {
                 if (in_array($mValue, $aListStylePositions)) {
                     $aListProperties['list-style-position'] = $mValue;
     foreach ($aListProperties as $sProperty => $mValue) {
         $oNewRule = new CSSRule($sProperty);
예제 #2
 private function parseRule()
     $oRule = new CSSRule($this->parseIdentifier());
     $oValue = $this->parseValue(self::listDelimiterForRule($oRule->getRule()));
     if ($this->comes('!')) {
         $sImportantMarker = $this->consume(strlen('important'));
         if (mb_convert_case($sImportantMarker, MB_CASE_LOWER) !== 'important') {
             throw new Exception("! was followed by “" . $sImportantMarker . "”. Expected “important”");
     if ($this->comes(';')) {
     return $oRule;
예제 #3
  * Merge multiple CSS RuleSets by cascading according to the CSS 2.1 cascading rules 
  * (http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/cascade.html#cascading-order).
  * @param array $aDeclarations An array of CSSDeclarationBlock objects.
  * @return CSSDeclarationBlock.
  * ==== Cascading
  * If a CSSDeclarationBlock object has its +specificity+ defined, that specificity is 
  * used in the cascade calculations.  
  * If no specificity is explicitly set and the CSSDeclarationBlock has *one* selector, 
  * the specificity is calculated using that selector.
  * If no selectors or multiple selectors are present, the specificity is 
  * treated as 0.
  * ==== Example #1
  * <code>
  *   $oDecl_1 = new CSSDeclarationBlock();
  *   $oRule_1 = new CSSRule('color');
  *   $oRule_1->addValue(new CSSColor('#F00'));
  *   $oDecl_1->addRule($oRule_1);
  *   $oDecl_2 = new CSSDeclarationBlock();
  *   $oRule_2 = new CSSRule('margin');
  *   $oRule_2->addValue(
  *     new CSSSize(0, 'px')
  *   );
  *   $oDecl_2->addRule($oRule_2);
  *   $oMerged = CSSDocument::mergeDeclarations($oDecl_1, $oDecl_2);
  *   echo $oMerged;
  *   //=> "{ margin: 0px; color: rgb(255,0,0); }"
  * </code>
  * ==== Example #2
  * <code>
  *   $oDecl_1 = new CSSDeclarationBlock();
  *   $oRule_1 = new CSSRule('background-color');
  *   $oRule_1->addValue(new CSSColor('black'));
  *   $oDecl_1->addRule($oRule_1);
  *   $oDecl_2 = new CSSDeclarationBlock();
  *   $oRule_2 = new CSSRule('background-image');
  *   $oRule_2->addValue('none');
  *   $oDecl_2->addRule($oRule_2);
  *   $oMerged = CSSDocument::mergeDeclarations($oDecl_1, $oDecl_2);
  *   echo $oMerged;
  *   //=> "{ background: none rgb(0,0,0); }"
  * </code>
 static function mergeDeclarations(array $aDeclarations)
     // Internal storage of CSS properties that we will keep
     $aProperties = array();
     foreach ($aDeclarations as $oDeclaration) {
         $aSelectors = $oDeclaration->getSelectors();
         $iSpecificity = 0;
         if (count($aSelectors) == 1) {
             $iSpecificity = $aSelectors[0]->getSpecificity();
         foreach ($oDeclaration->getRules() as $sProperty => $oRule) {
             // Add the property to the list to be folded per
             // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/cascade.html#cascading-order
             if (!isset($aProperties[$sProperty])) {
                 $aProperties[$sProperty] = array('values' => $oRule->getValues(), 'specificity' => $iSpecificity, 'important' => $oRule->getIsImportant());
             } else {
                 $aProperty = $aProperties[$sProperty];
                 if ($aProperty['specificity'] <= $iSpecificity && !$aProperty['important']) {
                     $aProperties[$sProperty] = array('values' => $oRule->getValues(), 'specificity' => $iSpecificity, 'important' => $oRule->getIsImportant());
             if ($oRule->getIsImportant()) {
                 $aProperties[$sProperty] = array('values' => $oRule->getValues(), 'specificity' => $iSpecificity, 'important' => $oRule->getIsImportant());
         // end foreach rules
     // end foreach rulesets
     $oMerged = new CSSDeclarationBlock();
     foreach ($aProperties as $sProperty => $aDetails) {
         $oNewRule = new CSSRule($sProperty);
         foreach ($aDetails['values'] as $aValue) {
         if ($aDetails['important']) {
     return $oMerged;