public function actionWizardCompleted()
     $sign_date = CRequest::getString("sign_date");
     $chairman = CStaffManager::getPersonById(CRequest::getInt("chairman_id"));
     $master = CStaffManager::getPersonById(CRequest::getInt("master_id"));
     $members = new CArrayList();
     foreach (CRequest::getArray("members") as $m) {
         $member = CStaffManager::getPersonById($m);
         $members->add($member->getId(), $member);
     // на студента по протоколу
     foreach (CRequest::getArray("student") as $key => $value) {
         $student = CStaffManager::getStudent($key);
         $ticket = CSEBTicketsManager::getTicket($value['ticket_id']);
         $mark = CTaxonomyManager::getMark($value['mark_id']);
         $questions = $value['questions'];
         $protocol = CFactory::createSebProtocol();
         foreach ($members->getItems() as $member) {
         $protocol->setNumber(CProtocolManager::getAllSebProtocols()->getCount() + 1);
         CProtocolManager::getCacheSebProtocols()->add($protocol->getId(), $protocol);
  * Получение данных модели по идентификатору
 private function actionJSONGet()
     // получим название класса модели, которую надо пользователю
     $modelClass = CRequest::getString("model");
     // идентификатор
     $id = CRequest::getInt("id");
     // создадим объект, посмотрим, в какой таблице он весь живет
      * @var $model CActiveModel
     $model = new $modelClass();
     // проверим, может не реализует нужный интерфейс
     if (!is_a($model, "IJSONSerializable")) {
         throw new Exception("Класс " . $modelClass . " не реализует интерфейс IJSONSerializable");
     $modelTable = $model->getRecord()->getTable();
     // получим из этой таблицы объект
     $ar = CActiveRecordProvider::getById($modelTable, $id);
     if (is_null($ar)) {
         echo json_encode(null);
     // создадим новый объект указанного типа
      * @var $model IJSONSerializable
     $model = new $modelClass($ar);
     // получим json объект модели
     $jsonObj = $model->toJsonObject();
     // добавим к json-объекту перевод
     $jsonObj->_translation = CCoreObjectsManager::getAttributeLabels($model);
     // сразу добавим штатную валидацию
     // может, чуть позже, пока нет
     echo json_encode($jsonObj);
 public function actionIndex()
     $set = new CRecordSet(false);
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("t.*")->from(TABLE_NMS_PROTOCOL . " as t")->order('STR_TO_DATE(date_text, "%d.%m.%Y") desc');
     if (CRequest::getString("order") == "date_text") {
         $direction = "asc";
         if (CRequest::getString("direction") == "desc") {
             $direction = "desc";
         $query->order('STR_TO_DATE(date_text, "%d.%m.%Y") ' . $direction);
     $objects = new CArrayList();
     foreach ($set->getPaginated()->getItems() as $ar) {
         $object = new CNMSProtocol($ar);
         $objects->add($object->getId(), $object);
     $this->setData("objects", $objects);
     $this->setData("paginator", $set->getPaginator());
      * Генерация меню
     $this->addActionsMenuItem(array("title" => "Добавить протокол", "link" => "index.php?action=add", "icon" => "actions/list-add.png"));
      * Отображение представления
 public function actionAutosave()
     if (CRequest::getInt("id") !== 0) {
         $help = CHelpManager::getHelp(CRequest::getInt("id"));
         if (!is_null($help)) {
             $help->content = CRequest::getString("content", $help::getClassName());
 public function __construct()
     if (!CSession::isAuth()) {
         if (!in_array(CRequest::getString("action"), $this->allowedAnonymous)) {
     $this->_smartyEnabled = true;
     $this->setPageTitle("Подсистема архивирования");
 public function __construct()
     if (!CSession::isAuth()) {
         if (!in_array(CRequest::getString("action"), $this->allowedAnonymous)) {
     $this->_smartyEnabled = true;
     $this->setPageTitle("Управление таблицами доступа");
예제 #7
  * @return CArrayList
 public static function getCommissions()
     $res = new CArrayList();
     $ids = CRequest::getString("id");
     $ids = explode(":", $ids);
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         $comm = self::getCommission($id);
         if (!is_null($comm)) {
             $res->add($comm->getId(), $comm);
     return $res;
  * Сохранение отправленных данных
 public function actionSave()
     $taxonomy = CTaxonomyManager::getTaxonomy(CRequest::getInt("taxonomy_id"));
     $term = CFactory::createTerm();
     if (CRequest::getInt("id") != 0) {
     $this->redirect("?action=index&id=" . $taxonomy->getId());
 public function actionSearch()
     $res = array();
     $term = CRequest::getString("query");
      * Поиск по ФИО сотрудника
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("distinct( as id, person.fio as name")->from(TABLE_PERSON . " as person")->condition("person.fio like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("field" => "", "value" => $item["id"], "label" => $item["name"], "class" => "CPerson");
     echo json_encode($res);
 public function actionSearch()
     $res = array();
     $term = CRequest::getString("query");
      * Ищем группу по названию
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select(",")->from(TABLE_STUDENT_GROUPS . " as st_group")->condition("LCASE( like '%" . mb_strtolower($term) . "%' and st_group.year_id =" . CUtils::getCurrentYear()->id)->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("field" => "id", "value" => $item["id"], "label" => $item["name"], "class" => "CStudentGroup");
     echo json_encode($res);
  * Массив ключ-значение сотрудников с указанными ролями
 public function actionGetStaffWithRoles()
     // получаем из POST-запроса роли
     $res = array();
     $roles = new CArrayList();
     foreach (explode(",", CRequest::getString("roles")) as $val) {
         $roles->add($val, $val);
     $persons = CStaffManager::getPersonsWithTypes($roles);
     foreach ($persons->getItems() as $person) {
         $res[$person->getId()] = $person->getName();
     echo json_encode($res);
  * Обновление данных об оргструктуре аяксом через
  * перетаскивание
 public function actionAjaxUpdate()
     if (!CSession::isAuth()) {
         return true;
     $sourceId = CRequest::getString("source");
     $destId = CRequest::getString("destination");
     $sourceId = substr($sourceId, strpos($sourceId, "_") + 1);
     $destId = substr($destId, strpos($destId, "_") + 1);
     $child = CStaffManager::getPersonById($sourceId);
     $parent = CStaffManager::getPersonById($destId);
 public function __construct()
     if (!CSession::isAuth()) {
         $action = CRequest::getString("action");
         if ($action == "") {
             $action = "index";
         if (!in_array($action, $this->allowedAnonymous)) {
     $this->_smartyEnabled = true;
     $this->setPageTitle("Вопросы преподавателям и другим пользователям портала");
 public function actionSave()
     if (CRequest::getInt("id") == 0) {
         $q = CFactory::createSebQuestion();
     } else {
         $q = CSEBQuestionsManager::getQuestion(CRequest::getInt("id"));
     $discipline = CTaxonomyManager::getCacheDisciplines()->getItem(CRequest::getInt("discipline_id"));
     $speciality = CTaxonomyManager::getCacheSpecialities()->getItem(CRequest::getInt("speciality_id"));
 public function __construct()
     if (!CSession::isAuth()) {
         $action = CRequest::getString("action");
         if ($action == "") {
             $action = "index";
         if (!in_array($action, $this->allowedAnonymous)) {
     $this->_smartyEnabled = true;
     $this->setPageTitle("Рейтинг преподавателей по публикациям");
 public function __construct()
     if (!CSession::isAuth()) {
         $action = CRequest::getString("action");
         if ($action == "") {
             $action = "index";
         if (!in_array($action, $this->allowedAnonymous)) {
     $this->_smartyEnabled = true;
     $this->setPageTitle("Управление семестрами");
 public function actionSearch()
     $res = array();
     $term = CRequest::getString("query");
      * Сначала поищем по названию группы
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("distinct( as id, page.title as name")->from(TABLE_PAGES . " as page")->condition("page.title like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     if (CSession::getCurrentUser()->getLevelForCurrentTask() == ACCESS_LEVEL_READ_OWN_ONLY or CSession::getCurrentUser()->getLevelForCurrentTask() == ACCESS_LEVEL_WRITE_OWN_ONLY) {
         $query->condition("page.title like '%" . $term . "%' AND page.user_id_insert = " . CSession::getCurrentUser()->getId());
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("field" => "id", "value" => $item["id"], "label" => $item["name"], "class" => "CPage");
     echo json_encode($res);
  * Сохранение меню
 public function actionSave()
     if (!CSession::isAuth()) {
     if (CRequest::getInt("id") == 0) {
         $menu = CFactory::createMenu();
     } else {
         $menu = CMenuManager::getMenu(CRequest::getInt("id"));
     $menu->setPublished(CRequest::getInt("published") == 1);
 public function __construct()
     if (!CSession::isAuth()) {
         $action = CRequest::getString("action");
         if ($action == "") {
             $action = "index";
         if (!in_array($action, $this->allowedAnonymous)) {
     } else {
         if (CSession::getCurrentUser()->getLevelForCurrentTask() == ACCESS_LEVEL_NO_ACCESS) {
     $this->_smartyEnabled = true;
     $this->setPageTitle("Новости портала кафедры АСУ");
 public function actionImport()
     $providerClass = CRequest::getString("provider");
      * @var $provider IImportProvider
     $provider = new $providerClass();
     $providerModel = $provider->getImportModel();
     if ($providerModel->validate()) {
         if ($provider->import($providerModel)) {
         return true;
     $formView = "_import/providers/" . get_class($provider) . "/" . $provider->getImportFormName();
     $this->setData("formView", $formView);
     $this->setData("form", $providerModel);
     $this->setData("provider", get_class($provider));
 public function actionSearch()
     $res = array();
     $term = CRequest::getString("query");
      * Поиск по названию
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("distinct( as id, as name")->from(TABLE_YEARS . " as year")->condition(" like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("field" => "", "value" => $item["id"], "label" => $item["name"], "class" => "CTimeIntervals");
      * Поиск по дате начала года
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("distinct( as id, year.date_start as name")->from(TABLE_YEARS . " as year")->condition("year.date_start like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("field" => "", "value" => $item["id"], "label" => $item["name"], "class" => "CTimeIntervals");
      * Поиск по дате окончания года
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("distinct( as id, year.date_end as name")->from(TABLE_YEARS . " as year")->condition("year.date_end like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("field" => "", "value" => $item["id"], "label" => $item["name"], "class" => "CTimeIntervals");
      * Поиск по комментарию
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("distinct( as id, year.comment as name")->from(TABLE_YEARS . " as year")->condition("year.comment like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("field" => "", "value" => $item["id"], "label" => $item["name"], "class" => "CTimeIntervals");
     echo json_encode($res);
 public function __construct()
     // инициализируем бин
     if (CRequest::getString("beanId") != "") {
         self::$_statefullBeanId = CRequest::getString("beanId");
     // если пришли параметры инициализации бина - инициализируем бин
     if (is_array(CRequest::getArray("beanData"))) {
         $params = CRequest::getArray("beanData");
         foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
             self::getStatefullBean()->add($key, $value);
     // если нет параметра запуска флоу, то ведем себя как обычный контроллер
     if (CRequest::getString("flow") == "") {
         return true;
     // костыль, чтобы не допустить повторной инициализации для
     // флоу-контроллеров
     if (self::$_alreadyInstantiated) {
         return true;
     // включим смарти, нельзя без него
     $this->_smartyEnabled = true;
     // передаем управление другому объекту
     $controllerClass = CRequest::getString("targetClass");
     $controllerMethod = "action" . CRequest::getString("targetMethod");
     // если не указано хотябы одно, то это конец
     if ($controllerClass == "" || $controllerMethod == "") {
         return true;
     self::$_alreadyInstantiated = true;
     self::$_useFlowController = true;
     $controller = new $controllerClass();
 public function actionSearch()
     $res = array();
     $term = CRequest::getString("query");
      * Поиск по ФИО
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select(" as id, person.fio as name")->from(TABLE_PERSON . " as person")->condition("person.fio like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("field" => "", "value" => $item["id"], "label" => $item["name"], "class" => "CPerson");
      * Поиск по типу участия на кафедре
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("types.person_type_id as id, as name")->from(TABLE_PERSON_BY_TYPES . " as types")->innerJoin(TABLE_TYPES . " as person_types", "types.person_type_id =")->condition(" like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("field" => "types.person_type_id", "value" => $item["id"], "label" => $item["name"], "class" => "CTerm");
      * Поиск по полу
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select(" as id, as name")->from(TABLE_GENDERS . " as pol")->condition(" like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("field" => "", "value" => $item["id"], "label" => $item["name"], "class" => "CTerm");
      * Поиск по роли на кафедре
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select(" as id, as name")->from(TABLE_TAXONOMY_TERMS . " as term")->innerJoin(TABLE_TAXONOMY . " as taxonomy", "term.taxonomy_id = AND taxonomy.alias='department_roles'")->condition(" like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("field" => "", "value" => $item["id"], "label" => $item["name"], "class" => "CTerm");
      * Поиск по семейному положению
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select(" as id, as name")->from(TABLE_FAMILY_STATUS . " as fam_st")->condition(" like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("field" => "", "value" => $item["id"], "label" => $item["name"], "class" => "CTerm");
      * Поиск по иностранному языку
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select(" as id, as name")->from(TABLE_LANGUAGES . " as lang")->condition(" like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("field" => "", "value" => $item["id"], "label" => $item["name"], "class" => "CTerm");
      * Поиск по должности
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select(" as id, as name")->from(TABLE_POSTS . " as post")->condition(" like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("field" => "", "value" => $item["id"], "label" => $item["name"], "class" => "CTerm");
      * Поиск по званию
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select(" as id, as name")->from(TABLE_TITLES . " as zvanie")->condition(" like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("field" => "", "value" => $item["id"], "label" => $item["name"], "class" => "CTerm");
      * Поиск по ученой степени
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select(" as id, as name")->from(TABLE_DEGREES . " as stepen")->condition(" like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("field" => "", "value" => $item["id"], "label" => $item["name"], "class" => "CTerm");
      * Полнотекстовый поиск по остальным полям
     $fields = array("passp_seria", "passp_nomer", "date_rogd", "INN", "insurance_num", "add_work", "tel_work", "add_home", "tel_home", "e_mail", "site", "ekspert_spec", "ekspert_kluch_slova", "nagradi", "primech", "add_contact");
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $query = new CQuery();
         $query->select(" as id, person." . $field . " as name")->from(TABLE_PERSON . " as person")->condition("person." . $field . " like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
         foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
             $res[] = array("field" => "", "value" => $item["id"], "label" => $item["name"], "class" => "CPerson");
     echo json_encode($res);
 public function actionSearch()
     $res = array();
     $term = CRequest::getString("query");
      * Поиск по названию дисциплины
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("distinct( as id, as name")->from(TABLE_DISCIPLINES . " as subject")->innerJoin(TABLE_LIBRARY_DOCUMENTS . " as doc", "doc.subj_id =")->condition(" like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("label" => $item["name"], "value" => $item["name"], "object_id" => $item["id"], "type" => 1);
      * По фамилии преподавателя
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("distinct( as id, person.fio as name")->from(TABLE_PERSON . " as person")->condition("person.fio like '%" . $term . "%'")->innerJoin(TABLE_USERS . " as user", " = user.kadri_id")->innerJoin(TABLE_LIBRARY_DOCUMENTS . " as doc", "doc.user_id =")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("label" => $item["name"], "value" => $item["name"], "object_id" => $item["id"], "type" => 2);
      * По файлу
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("distinct(file.nameFolder) as id, file.browserFile as name")->from(TABLE_LIBRARY_FILES . " as file")->condition("file.browserFile like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("label" => $item["name"], "value" => $item["name"], "object_id" => $item["id"], "type" => 3);
     echo json_encode($res);
 public function actionSearchDiplom()
     $res = array();
     $term = CRequest::getString("term");
      * Поиск по теме диплома в таблице с дипломами
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("diplom.*")->from(TABLE_DIPLOMS . " as diplom")->condition("diplom.dipl_name like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $diplom = new CDiplom(new CActiveRecord($item));
         if (!is_null($diplom->student)) {
             $res[] = array("label" => $diplom->student->getName() . " (" . $diplom->dipl_name . ")", "value" => $diplom->student->getName() . " (" . $diplom->dipl_name . ")", "object_id" => $item["id"], "filter" => "diplom");
      * Поиск по фамилии студента
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("diplom.*")->from(TABLE_DIPLOMS . " as diplom")->innerJoin(TABLE_STUDENTS . " as student", "diplom.student_id =")->condition("student.fio like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $diplom = new CDiplom(new CActiveRecord($item));
         if (!is_null($diplom->student)) {
             $res[] = array("label" => $diplom->student->getName() . " (" . $diplom->dipl_name . ")", "value" => $diplom->student->getName() . " (" . $diplom->dipl_name . ")", "object_id" => $item["id"], "filter" => "diplom");
     echo json_encode($res);
 public function execute($contextObject)
      * @var $bean CStatefullBean
     $bean = CApp::getApp()->beans->getStatefullBean(CRequest::getString("beanId"));
     $persons = new CArrayList();
     foreach ($bean->getItem("id")->getItems() as $person_id) {
         $person = CStaffManager::getPerson($person_id);
         if (!is_null($person)) {
             $persons->add($person->getId(), $person);
      * Отфильтруем нужные планы
     $targetPlans = new CArrayList();
      * @var $person CPerson
     foreach ($persons->getItems() as $person) {
         foreach ($person->getIndPlansByYears($bean->getItem("year_id"))->getItems() as $year_id => $plans) {
             foreach ($plans->getItems() as $plan) {
                 if (in_array($plan->type, $bean->getItem("types")->getItems())) {
                     $targetPlans->add($plan->getId(), $plan);
     $month = $bean->getItem("month");
     $month = $month->getFirstItem();
     $result = array();
      * @var $plan CIndPlanPersonLoad
     foreach ($targetPlans->getItems() as $plan) {
         $row = array();
         $row[0] = "";
         $row[1] = "";
         $row[2] = "";
         $row[3] = "";
         $row[4] = "";
         // план на семестр
         if (!array_key_exists(5, $row)) {
             $row[5] = 0;
         $preparedData = array();
         $table = $plan->getStudyLoadTable()->getTable();
         foreach ($table as $r) {
             if ($plan->isSeparateContract()) {
                 // если есть бюджет-контракт, то суммируем их
                 $preparedRow = array();
                 $preparedRow[0] = $r[0];
                 for ($i = 1; $i <= 17; $i++) {
                     $preparedRow[$i] = $r[$i * 2] + $r[$i * 2 - 1];
                 $preparedData[] = $preparedRow;
             } else {
                 // нет разделения на бюджет-контракт, копируем
                 $preparedData[] = $r;
         if (in_array($month, array(2, 3, 4, 5, 6))) {
             foreach ($preparedData as $preparedRow) {
                 $row[5] += $preparedRow[1];
         } else {
             foreach ($preparedData as $preparedRow) {
                 $row[5] += $preparedRow[8];
         $rows = array(6 => 0, 7 => 1, 8 => 2, 9 => -1, 10 => 4, 11 => -1, 12 => 14, 13 => 3, 14 => 5, 15 => 6, 16 => 7, 17 => 8, 18 => 9, 19 => 10, 20 => 15, 21 => 16);
         foreach ($rows as $target => $source) {
             if (!array_key_exists($target, $row)) {
                 $row[$target] = 0;
             if ($source != -1) {
                 $row[$target] += $preparedData[$source][$month];
         if (!array_key_exists(22, $row)) {
             $row[22] = 0;
         for ($i = 6; $i <= 21; $i++) {
             $row[22] += $row[$i];
         $result[] = $row;
     $sum = array();
     $sum[0] = "Итог";
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
         $sum[$i] = "";
     for ($i = 5; $i <= 22; $i++) {
         if (!array_key_exists($i, $sum)) {
             $sum[$i] = 0;
         foreach ($result as $item) {
             $sum[$i] += $item[$i];
     $total = array($sum);
     return $total;
  * Большой поиск по всему-всему-всему
 public function actionSearch()
     $term = CRequest::getString("term");
     $res = array();
      * Поищем сначала преподавателей. 5 будет достаточно за один раз
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("distinct( as id, person.fio as name")->from(TABLE_STUDENTS_ACTIVITY . " as activity")->innerJoin(TABLE_PERSON . " as person", "activity.kadri_id =")->condition("person.fio like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("label" => $item["name"], "value" => $item["name"], "object_id" => $item["id"], "type" => 1);
      * Теперь поищем дисциплины
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("distinct( as id, as name")->from(TABLE_STUDENTS_ACTIVITY . " as activity")->innerJoin(TABLE_DISCIPLINES . " as subject", "activity.subject_id =")->condition(" like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("label" => $item["name"], "value" => $item["name"], "object_id" => $item["id"], "type" => 2);
      * Теперь ищем группы
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("distinct( as id, as name")->from(TABLE_STUDENTS_ACTIVITY . " as activity")->innerJoin(TABLE_STUDENTS . " as student", " = activity.student_id")->innerJoin(TABLE_STUDENT_GROUPS . " as st_group", "student.group_id =")->condition(" like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("label" => $item["name"], "value" => $item["name"], "object_id" => $item["id"], "type" => 3);
      * А теперь из студентов
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("distinct( as id, student.fio as name, as group_name")->from(TABLE_STUDENTS_ACTIVITY . " as activity")->innerJoin(TABLE_STUDENTS . " as student", " = activity.student_id")->leftJoin(TABLE_STUDENT_GROUPS . " as st_group", " = student.group_id")->condition("student.fio like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("label" => $item["name"] . " (" . $item["group_name"] . ")", "value" => $item["name"] . " (" . $item["group_name"] . ")", "object_id" => $item["id"], "type" => 4);
      * Студенты по номеру зачетки
      * 0000118
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("distinct( as id, student.fio as name, student.stud_num as stud_num")->from(TABLE_STUDENTS_ACTIVITY . " as activity")->innerJoin(TABLE_STUDENTS . " as student", " = activity.student_id")->condition("student.stud_num like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("label" => $item["name"] . " (" . $item["stud_num"] . ")", "value" => $item["name"] . " (" . $item["stud_num"] . ")", "object_id" => $item["id"], "type" => 4);
      * А еще виды контроля
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("distinct( as id, as name")->from(TABLE_STUDENTS_ACTIVITY . " as activity")->innerJoin(TABLE_STUDENTS_CONTROL_TYPES . " as control", " = activity.study_act_id")->condition(" like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("label" => $item["name"], "value" => $item["name"], "object_id" => $item["id"], "type" => 5);
     echo json_encode($res);
 public function actionSearch()
     $res = array();
     $term = CRequest::getString("query");
      * Поиск по наименованию практики
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("distinct( as id, as name")->from(TABLE_PRACTICE_PLACES . " as pract")->condition(" like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("label" => $item["name"], "value" => $item["name"], "object_id" => $item["id"], "type" => 1);
      * Поиск по комментарию
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("distinct( as id, pract.comment as comment")->from(TABLE_PRACTICE_PLACES . " as pract")->condition("pract.comment like '%" . $term . "%'")->limit(0, 5);
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $item) {
         $res[] = array("label" => $item["comment"], "value" => $item["comment"], "object_id" => $item["id"], "type" => 2);
     echo json_encode($res);
 public function actionSearch()
     $res = array();
     $term = CRequest::getString("term");
      * Полнотекстовый поиск по текстовым полям
     $fields = array("date", "num", "title", "text", "comment");
     $query = new CQuery();
     $query->select("o.*")->from(TABLE_USATU_ORDERS . " as o")->condition("MATCH (" . implode($fields, ", ") . ") AGAINST ('" . $term . "')")->limit(0, 5);
     $objects = new CArrayList();
     foreach ($query->execute()->getItems() as $ar) {
         $object = new COrderUsatu(new CActiveRecord($ar));
         $objects->add($object->getId(), $object);
     foreach ($objects->getItems() as $object) {
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             if (strpos($object->{$field}, $term) !== false) {
                 $labels = $object->attributeLabels();
                 if (array_key_exists($field, $labels)) {
                     $label = $labels[$field];
                 } else {
                     $label = $field;
                 $res[] = array("label" => $object->getName() . " (" . $label . ": " . $object->{$field} . ")", "value" => $object->getName() . " (" . $label . ": " . $object->{$field} . ")", "object_id" => $object->getId(), "filter" => "order");
     echo json_encode($res);
 public function actionSubscribe()
     $val = CRequest::getString("value");
     // сначала удаляем
     if (!is_null(CSession::getCurrentUser()->getSubscription())) {
     // теперь создадим, если нужно
     if ($val == "true") {
         $s = new CSubscription();
         $s->user_id = CSession::getCurrentUser()->getId();