static function getRunner($skipEndUrl = FALSE) { // Setup the Queue $queue = CRM_Queue_Service::singleton()->create(array('name' => self::QUEUE_NAME, 'type' => 'Sql', 'reset' => TRUE)); // reset pull stats. CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::setItem(array(), CRM_Mailchimp_Form_Setting::MC_SETTING_GROUP, 'pull_stats'); $stats = array(); // We need to process one list at a time. $groups = CRM_Mailchimp_Utils::getGroupsToSync(array(), null, $membership_only = TRUE); if (!$groups) { // Nothing to do. return FALSE; } // Each list is a task. $listCount = 1; foreach ($groups as $group_id => $details) { $stats[$details['list_id']] = array('mc_count' => 0, 'c_count' => 0, 'in_sync' => 0, 'added' => 0, 'removed' => 0); $identifier = "List " . $listCount++ . " " . $details['civigroup_title']; $task = new CRM_Queue_Task(array('CRM_Mailchimp_Form_Pull', 'syncPullList'), array($details['list_id'], $identifier), "Preparing queue for {$identifier}"); // Add the Task to the Queue $queue->createItem($task); } // Setup the Runner $runnerParams = array('title' => ts('Import From Mailchimp'), 'queue' => $queue, 'errorMode' => CRM_Queue_Runner::ERROR_ABORT, 'onEndUrl' => CRM_Utils_System::url(self::END_URL, self::END_PARAMS, TRUE, NULL, FALSE)); // Skip End URL to prevent redirect // if calling from cron job if ($skipEndUrl == TRUE) { unset($runnerParams['onEndUrl']); } $runner = new CRM_Queue_Runner($runnerParams); static::updatePullStats($stats); return $runner; }
/** * Format size. * */ public static function formatUnitSize($size, $checkForPostMax = FALSE) { if ($size) { $last = strtolower($size[strlen($size) - 1]); switch ($last) { // The 'G' modifier is available since PHP 5.1.0 case 'g': $size *= 1024; case 'm': $size *= 1024; case 'k': $size *= 1024; } if ($checkForPostMax) { $maxImportFileSize = self::formatUnitSize(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); $postMaxSize = self::formatUnitSize(ini_get('post_max_size')); if ($maxImportFileSize > $postMaxSize && $postMaxSize == $size) { CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts("Note: Upload max filesize ('upload_max_filesize') should not exceed Post max size ('post_max_size') as defined in PHP.ini, please check with your system administrator."), ts("Warning"), "alert"); } //respect php.ini upload_max_filesize if ($size > $maxImportFileSize && $size !== $postMaxSize) { $size = $maxImportFileSize; CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts("Note: Please verify your configuration for Maximum File Size (in MB) <a href='%1'>Administrator >> System Settings >> Misc</a>. It should support 'upload_max_size' as defined in PHP.ini.Please check with your system administrator.", array(1 => CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/admin/setting/misc', 'reset=1'))), ts("Warning"), "alert"); } } return $size; } }
/** * @param CRM_Core_Form $form * * @return array */ public static function process(&$form) { if ($form->getVar('_surveyId') <= 0) { return NULL; } $tabs = array('main' => array('title' => ts('Main Information'), 'link' => NULL, 'valid' => FALSE, 'active' => FALSE, 'current' => FALSE), 'questions' => array('title' => ts('Questions'), 'link' => NULL, 'valid' => FALSE, 'active' => FALSE, 'current' => FALSE), 'results' => array('title' => ts('Results'), 'link' => NULL, 'valid' => FALSE, 'active' => FALSE, 'current' => FALSE)); $surveyID = $form->getVar('_surveyId'); $class = $form->getVar('_name'); $class = CRM_Utils_String::getClassName($class); $class = strtolower($class); if (array_key_exists($class, $tabs)) { $tabs[$class]['current'] = TRUE; $qfKey = $form->get('qfKey'); if ($qfKey) { $tabs[$class]['qfKey'] = "&qfKey={$qfKey}"; } } if ($surveyID) { $reset = !empty($_GET['reset']) ? 'reset=1&' : ''; foreach ($tabs as $key => $value) { if (!isset($tabs[$key]['qfKey'])) { $tabs[$key]['qfKey'] = NULL; } $tabs[$key]['link'] = CRM_Utils_System::url("civicrm/survey/configure/{$key}", "{$reset}action=update&id={$surveyID}{$tabs[$key]['qfKey']}"); $tabs[$key]['active'] = $tabs[$key]['valid'] = TRUE; } } return $tabs; }
function buildForm(&$form) { $this->setTitle(ts('Include / Exclude Search')); $groups = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::group(); $tags = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Core_DAO_EntityTag', 'tag_id', array('onlyActive' => FALSE)); if (count($groups) == 0 || count($tags) == 0) { CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts("At least one Group and Tag must be present for Custom Group / Tag search."), ts('Missing Group/Tag')); $url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/search/custom/list', 'reset=1'); CRM_Utils_System::redirect($url); } $inG =& $form->addElement('advmultiselect', 'includeGroups', ts('Include Group(s)') . ' ', $groups, array('size' => 5, 'style' => 'width:240px', 'class' => 'advmultiselect')); $outG =& $form->addElement('advmultiselect', 'excludeGroups', ts('Exclude Group(s)') . ' ', $groups, array('size' => 5, 'style' => 'width:240px', 'class' => 'advmultiselect')); $andOr = array('1' => ts('Show contacts that meet the Groups criteria AND the Tags criteria'), '0' => ts('Show contacts that meet the Groups criteria OR the Tags criteria')); $form->addRadio('andOr', ts('AND/OR'), $andOr, NULL, '<br />', TRUE); $int =& $form->addElement('advmultiselect', 'includeTags', ts('Include Tag(s)') . ' ', $tags, array('size' => 5, 'style' => 'width:240px', 'class' => 'advmultiselect')); $outt =& $form->addElement('advmultiselect', 'excludeTags', ts('Exclude Tag(s)') . ' ', $tags, array('size' => 5, 'style' => 'width:240px', 'class' => 'advmultiselect')); //add/remove buttons for groups $inG->setButtonAttributes('add', array('value' => ts('Add >>'))); $outG->setButtonAttributes('add', array('value' => ts('Add >>'))); $inG->setButtonAttributes('remove', array('value' => ts('<< Remove'))); $outG->setButtonAttributes('remove', array('value' => ts('<< Remove'))); //add/remove buttons for tags $int->setButtonAttributes('add', array('value' => ts('Add >>'))); $outt->setButtonAttributes('add', array('value' => ts('Add >>'))); $int->setButtonAttributes('remove', array('value' => ts('<< Remove'))); $outt->setButtonAttributes('remove', array('value' => ts('<< Remove'))); /** * if you are using the standard template, this array tells the template what elements * are part of the search criteria */ $form->assign('elements', array('includeGroups', 'excludeGroups', 'andOr', 'includeTags', 'excludeTags')); }
function run() { $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $apiURL = ""; $redirect_uri = rawurldecode(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/civisocial/facebookcallback', NULL, TRUE)); // Retreive client_id and client_secret from settings $is_enabled = civicrm_api3('setting', 'getvalue', array('group' => 'CiviSocial Account Credentials', 'name' => 'enable_facebook')); if (!$is_enabled) { die("Backend not enabled."); } $client_secret = civicrm_api3('setting', 'getvalue', array('group' => 'CiviSocial Account Credentials', 'name' => 'facebook_secret')); $client_id = civicrm_api3('setting', 'getvalue', array('group' => 'CiviSocial Account Credentials', 'name' => 'facebook_app_id')); // Facebook sends a code to the callback url, this is further used to acquire // access token from facebook, which is needed to get all the data from facebook if (array_key_exists('code', $_GET)) { $facebook_code = $_GET['code']; } else { die("FACEBOOK FATAL: the request returned without the code. Please try loging in again."); } // Get the access token from facebook for the user $access_token = ""; $access_token_response = $this->get_response($apiURL, "oauth/access_token", FALSE, array("client_id" => $client_id, "client_secret" => $client_secret, "code" => $facebook_code, "redirect_uri" => $redirect_uri)); if (array_key_exists("error", $access_token_response)) { die($access_token_response["error"]); $access_token = ""; } else { $access_token = $access_token_response["access_token"]; } $user_data_response = $this->get_response($apiURL, "me", FALSE, array("access_token" => $access_token)); $contact_id = CRM_Civisocial_BAO_CivisocialUser::handle_facebook_data($user_data_response); $this->assign('status', $contact_id); $session->set('userID', $contact_id); parent::run(); }
public function postProcess() { $values = $this->exportValues(); // check if EmailTyped matches Email address $result = CRM_Utils_String::compareStr($this->_email, $values['email_confirm'], TRUE); $job_id = $this->_job_id; $queue_id = $this->_queue_id; $hash = $this->_hash; $confirmURL = CRM_Utils_System::url("civicrm/mailing/{$this->_type}", "reset=1&jid={$job_id}&qid={$queue_id}&h={$hash}&confirm=1"); $this->assign('confirmURL', $confirmURL); $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $session->pushUserContext($confirmURL); if ($result == TRUE) { // Email address verified if (CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Unsubscribe::unsub_from_domain($job_id, $queue_id, $hash)) { CRM_Mailing_Event_BAO_Unsubscribe::send_unsub_response($queue_id, NULL, TRUE, $job_id); } $statusMsg = ts('Email: %1 has been successfully opted out', array(1 => $values['email_confirm'])); CRM_Core_Session::setStatus($statusMsg, '', 'success'); } elseif ($result == FALSE) { // Email address not verified $statusMsg = ts('The email address: %1 you have entered does not match the email associated with this opt out request.', array(1 => $values['email_confirm'])); CRM_Core_Session::setStatus($statusMsg, '', 'fail'); } }
/** * Function to build the form * * @return None * @access public */ public function buildQuickForm() { parent::buildQuickForm(); if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::DELETE) { return; } $this->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'trim'); $this->add('text', 'label_a_b', ts('Relationship Label-A to B'), CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Contact_DAO_RelationshipType', 'label_a_b'), true); $this->addRule('label_a_b', ts('Label already exists in Database.'), 'objectExists', array('CRM_Contact_DAO_RelationshipType', $this->_id, 'label_a_b')); $this->add('text', 'label_b_a', ts('Relationship Label-B to A'), CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Contact_DAO_RelationshipType', 'label_b_a')); $this->addRule('label_b_a', ts('Label already exists in Database.'), 'objectExists', array('CRM_Contact_DAO_RelationshipType', $this->_id, 'label_b_a')); $this->add('text', 'description', ts('Description'), CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Contact_DAO_RelationshipType', 'description')); require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/ContactType.php'; $contactTypes = CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType::getSelectElements(); // add select for contact type $contactTypeA =& $this->add('select', 'contact_types_a', ts('Contact Type A') . ' ', array('' => ts('- select -')) + $contactTypes); $contactTypeB =& $this->add('select', 'contact_types_b', ts('Contact Type B') . ' ', array('' => ts('- select -')) + $contactTypes); $isActive =& $this->add('checkbox', 'is_active', ts('Enabled?')); //only selected field should be allow for edit, CRM-4888 if ($this->_id && CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Contact_DAO_RelationshipType', $this->_id, 'is_reserved')) { foreach (array('contactTypeA', 'contactTypeB', 'isActive') as $field) { ${$field}->freeze(); } } if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::VIEW) { $this->freeze(); $url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/admin/reltype&reset=1'); $location = "window.location='{$url}'"; $this->addElement('button', 'done', ts('Done'), array('onclick' => $location)); } }
public function postProcess() { $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $session->setStatus('Rule ' . $this->rule->label . ' parameters updated', 'Rule parameters updated', 'success'); $redirectUrl = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/civirule/form/rule', 'action=update&id=' . $this->rule->id, TRUE); CRM_Utils_System::redirect($redirectUrl); }
/** * run this page (figure out the action needed and perform it). * * @return void */ function run() { $instanceId = CRM_Report_Utils_Report::getInstanceID(); $action = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('action', 'String', $this); $optionVal = CRM_Report_Utils_Report::getValueFromUrl($instanceId); $reportUrl = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/report/list', "reset=1"); if ($action & CRM_Core_Action::DELETE) { if (!CRM_Core_Permission::check('administer Reports')) { $statusMessage = ts('Your do not have permission to Delete Report.'); CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce($statusMessage, $reportUrl); } CRM_Report_BAO_Instance::delete($instanceId); CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('Selected Instance has been deleted.')); } else { require_once 'CRM/Core/OptionGroup.php'; $templateInfo = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::getRowValues('report_template', "{$optionVal}", 'value'); if (strstr($templateInfo['name'], '_Form')) { $instanceInfo = array(); CRM_Report_BAO_Instance::retrieve(array('id' => $instanceId), $instanceInfo); if (!empty($instanceInfo['title'])) { CRM_Utils_System::setTitle($instanceInfo['title']); $this->assign('reportTitle', $instanceInfo['title']); } else { CRM_Utils_System::setTitle($templateInfo['label']); $this->assign('reportTitle', $templateInfo['label']); } $wrapper =& new CRM_Utils_Wrapper(); return $wrapper->run($templateInfo['name'], null, null); } CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('Could not find template for the instance.')); } return CRM_Utils_System::redirect($reportUrl); }
/** * Function to build the form * * @return None * @access public */ public function buildQuickForm($check = FALSE) { parent::buildQuickForm(); if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::DELETE) { return; } $types = CRM_Booking_BAO_Resource::buildOptions('type_id', 'create'); $this->add('select', 'type_id', ts('Resource type'), array('' => ts('- select -')) + $types, TRUE, array()); $this->add('text', 'label', ts('Label'), array('size' => 50, 'maxlength' => 255), TRUE); $this->add('textarea', 'description', ts('Description'), CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Booking_DAO_Resource', 'description'), FALSE); /* $this->addWysiwyg('description', ts('Description'), CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Booking_DAO_Resource', 'description') );*/ $this->add('text', 'weight', ts('Weight'), CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Booking_DAO_Resource', 'weight'), TRUE); $this->add('checkbox', 'is_active', ts('Enabled?')); $this->add('checkbox', 'is_unlimited', ts('Is Unlimited?')); $configSets = array('' => ts('- select -')); try { $activeSets = civicrm_api3('ResourceConfigSet', 'get', array('is_active' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 0)); foreach ($activeSets['values'] as $key => $set) { $configSets[$key] = $set['title']; } } catch (CiviCRM_API3_Exception $e) { } $this->add('select', 'set_id', ts('Resource configuration set'), $configSets, TRUE); $locations = CRM_Booking_BAO_Resource::buildOptions('location_id', 'create'); $this->add('select', 'location_id', ts('Resource Location'), array('' => ts('- select -')) + $locations, FALSE, array()); $this->addFormRule(array('CRM_Admin_Form_Resource', 'formRule'), $this); $cancelURL = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/admin/resource', "&reset=1"); $cancelURL = str_replace('&', '&', $cancelURL); $this->addButtons(array(array('type' => 'next', 'name' => ts('Save'), 'isDefault' => TRUE), array('type' => 'cancel', 'name' => ts('Cancel'), 'js' => array('onclick' => "location.href='{$cancelURL}'; return false;")))); }
public function preProcess() { require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/SearchCustom.php'; $csID = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('csid', 'Integer', $this); $ssID = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('ssID', 'Integer', $this); $gID = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('gid', 'Integer', $this); list($this->_customSearchID, $this->_customSearchClass, $formValues) = CRM_Contact_BAO_SearchCustom::details($csID, $ssID, $gID); if (!$this->_customSearchID) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal('Could not get details for custom search.'); } if (!empty($formValues)) { $this->_formValues = $formValues; } // set breadcrumb to return to Custom Search listings page $breadCrumb = array(array('title' => ts('Custom Searches'), 'url' => CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/search/custom/list', 'reset=1'))); CRM_Utils_System::appendBreadCrumb($breadCrumb); // use the custom selector require_once 'CRM/Contact/Selector/Custom.php'; $this->_selectorName = 'CRM_Contact_Selector_Custom'; $this->set('customSearchID', $this->_customSearchID); $this->set('customSearchClass', $this->_customSearchClass); parent::preProcess(); // instantiate the new class eval('$this->_customClass = new ' . $this->_customSearchClass . '( $this->_formValues );'); }
static function postProcess(&$form) { $values = $form->exportValues(); $teamId = $values['pcp_team_contact']; $teampcpId = CRM_Pcpteams_Utils::getPcpIdByContactAndEvent($form->get('component_page_id'), $teamId); $userId = CRM_Pcpteams_Utils::getloggedInUserId(); // Create Team Member of relation to this Team $cfpcpab = CRM_Pcpteams_Utils::getPcpABCustomFieldId(); $cfpcpba = CRM_Pcpteams_Utils::getPcpBACustomFieldId(); $customParams = array("custom_{$cfpcpab}" => $form->get('page_id'), "custom_{$cfpcpba}" => $teampcpId); CRM_Pcpteams_Utils::createTeamRelationship($userId, $teamId, $customParams); $form->_teamName = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::displayName($teamId); $form->set('teamName', $form->_teamName); $form->set('teamContactID', $teamId); $form->set('teamPcpId', $teampcpId); $teamAdminId = CRM_Pcpteams_Utils::getTeamAdmin($teampcpId); // Team Join: create activity $actParams = array('target_contact_id' => $teamId, 'assignee_contact_id' => $teamAdminId); CRM_Pcpteams_Utils::createPcpActivity($actParams, CRM_Pcpteams_Constant::C_AT_REQ_MADE); CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('A notification has been sent to the team. Once approved, team should be visible on your page.'), ts('Team Request Sent')); //send email once the team request has done. list($teamAdminName, $teamAdminEmail) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getContactDetails($teamAdminId); $contactDetails = civicrm_api('Contact', 'get', array('version' => 3, 'sequential' => 1, 'id' => $userId)); $emailParams = array('tplParams' => array('teamAdminName' => $teamAdminName, 'userFirstName' => $contactDetails['values'][0]['first_name'], 'userlastName' => $contactDetails['values'][0]['last_name'], 'teamName' => $form->_teamName, 'pageURL' => CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/pcp/manage', "reset=1&id={$teampcpId}", TRUE, NULL, FALSE, TRUE)), 'email' => array($teamAdminName => array('first_name' => $teamAdminName, 'last_name' => $teamAdminName, 'email-Primary' => $teamAdminEmail, 'display_name' => $teamAdminName)), 'valueName' => CRM_Pcpteams_Constant::C_MSG_TPL_JOIN_REQUEST); $sendEmail = CRM_Pcpteams_Utils::sendMail($userId, $emailParams); }
/** * Build the form object. */ public function buildQuickForm() { $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $session->pushUserContext(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/admin', 'reset=1')); $args = func_get_args(); $check = reset($args); $this->addButtons(array(array('type' => 'next', 'name' => ts('Save'), 'isDefault' => TRUE), array('type' => 'cancel', 'name' => ts('Cancel')))); foreach ($this->_settings as $setting => $group) { $settingMetaData = civicrm_api('setting', 'getfields', array('version' => 3, 'name' => $setting)); $props = $settingMetaData['values'][$setting]; if (isset($props['quick_form_type'])) { $add = 'add' . $props['quick_form_type']; if ($add == 'addElement') { $this->{$add}($props['html_type'], $setting, ts($props['title']), CRM_Utils_Array::value($props['html_type'] == 'select' ? 'option_values' : 'html_attributes', $props, array()), $props['html_type'] == 'select' ? CRM_Utils_Array::value('html_attributes', $props) : NULL); } elseif ($add == 'addSelect') { $options = civicrm_api3('Setting', 'getoptions', array('field' => $setting)); $this->addElement('select', $setting, ts($props['title']), $options['values'], CRM_Utils_Array::value('html_attributes', $props)); } else { $this->{$add}($setting, ts($props['title'])); } $this->assign("{$setting}_description", ts($props['description'])); if ($setting == 'max_attachments') { //temp hack @todo fix to get from metadata $this->addRule('max_attachments', ts('Value should be a positive number'), 'positiveInteger'); } if ($setting == 'maxFileSize') { //temp hack $this->addRule('maxFileSize', ts('Value should be a positive number'), 'positiveInteger'); } } } }
/** * Implementation of hook_civicrm_enable */ function normalize_civicrm_enable() { // jump to the setup screen after enabling extension $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $session->replaceUserContext(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/admin/setting/reformat')); return _normalize_civix_civicrm_enable(); }
/** * run this page (figure out the action needed and perform it). * * @return void */ function run() { if (!CRM_Core_Permission::check('administer Reports')) { return CRM_Utils_System::redirect(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/report/list', 'reset=1')); } $optionVal = CRM_Report_Utils_Report::getValueFromUrl(); $templateInfo = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::getRowValues('report_template', "{$optionVal}", 'value', 'String', FALSE); $extKey = strpos(CRM_Utils_Array::value('name', $templateInfo), '.'); $reportClass = NULL; if ($extKey !== FALSE) { $ext = CRM_Extension_System::singleton()->getMapper(); $reportClass = $ext->keyToClass($templateInfo['name'], 'report'); $templateInfo['name'] = $reportClass; } if (strstr(CRM_Utils_Array::value('name', $templateInfo), '_Form') || !is_null($reportClass)) { CRM_Utils_System::setTitle($templateInfo['label'] . ' - Template'); $this->assign('reportTitle', $templateInfo['label']); $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $session->set('reportDescription', $templateInfo['description']); $wrapper = new CRM_Utils_Wrapper(); return $wrapper->run($templateInfo['name'], NULL, NULL); } if ($optionVal) { CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('Could not find the report template. Make sure the report template is registered and / or url is correct.'), ts('Template Not Found'), 'error'); } return CRM_Utils_System::redirect(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/report/list', 'reset=1')); }
/** * Output navigation script tag * * @param array $params * - is_default: bool, true if this is normal/default instance of the menu (which may be subject to CIVICRM_DISABLE_DEFAULT_MENU) * @param CRM_Core_Smarty $smarty * The Smarty object. * * @return string * HTML */ function smarty_function_crmNavigationMenu($params, &$smarty) { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); //check if logged in user has access CiviCRM permission and build menu $buildNavigation = !CRM_Core_Config::isUpgradeMode() && CRM_Core_Permission::check('access CiviCRM'); if (defined('CIVICRM_DISABLE_DEFAULT_MENU') && CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_default', $params, FALSE)) { $buildNavigation = FALSE; } if ($config->userFrameworkFrontend) { $buildNavigation = FALSE; } if ($buildNavigation) { $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $contactID = $session->get('userID'); if ($contactID) { // These params force the browser to refresh the js file when switching user, domain, or language // We don't put them as a query string because some browsers will refuse to cache a page with a ? in the url // @see CRM_Admin_Page_AJAX::getNavigationMenu $lang = $config->lcMessages; $domain = CRM_Core_Config::domainID(); $key = CRM_Core_BAO_Navigation::getCacheKey($contactID); $src = CRM_Utils_System::url("civicrm/ajax/menujs/{$contactID}/{$lang}/{$domain}/{$key}"); // CRM-15493 QFkey needed for quicksearch bar - must be unique on each page refresh so adding it directly to markup $qfKey = CRM_Core_Key::get('CRM_Contact_Controller_Search', TRUE); return '<script id="civicrm-navigation-menu" type="text/javascript" src="' . $src . '" data-qfkey=' . json_encode($qfKey) . '></script>'; } } return ''; }
/** * Alter display of rows. * * Iterate through the rows retrieved via SQL and make changes for display purposes, * such as rendering contacts as links. * * @param array $rows * Rows generated by SQL, with an array for each row. */ public function alterDisplay(&$rows) { // cache for id → is_deleted mapping $isDeleted = array(); foreach ($rows as &$row) { if (!isset($isDeleted[$row['civicrm_contact_is_deleted']])) { $isDeleted[$row['civicrm_contact_is_deleted']] = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', $row['civicrm_contact_altered_contact_id'], 'is_deleted') !== '0'; } if (!$isDeleted[$row['civicrm_contact_is_deleted']]) { $row['civicrm_contact_altered_contact_display_name_link'] = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/view', 'reset=1&cid=' . $row['log_civicrm_contribution_contact_id']); $row['civicrm_contact_altered_contact_display_name_hover'] = ts('Go to contact summary'); } $row['civicrm_contact_altered_by_display_name_link'] = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/view', 'reset=1&cid=' . $row['log_civicrm_contribution_log_user_id']); $row['civicrm_contact_altered_by_display_name_hover'] = ts('Go to contact summary'); if ($row['civicrm_contact_altered_contact_is_deleted'] and $row['log_civicrm_contribution_log_action'] == 'Update') { $row['log_civicrm_contribution_log_action'] = ts('Delete'); } if ($row['log_civicrm_contribution_log_action'] == 'Update') { $q = "reset=1&log_conn_id={$row['log_civicrm_contribution_log_conn_id']}&log_date={$row['log_civicrm_contribution_log_date']}"; if ($this->cid) { $q .= '&cid=' . $this->cid; } $url = CRM_Report_Utils_Report::getNextUrl('logging/contribute/detail', $q, FALSE, TRUE); $row['log_civicrm_contribution_log_action_link'] = $url; $row['log_civicrm_contribution_log_action_hover'] = ts('View details for this update'); $row['log_civicrm_contribution_log_action'] = '<div class="icon ui-icon-zoomin"></div> ' . ts('Update'); } unset($row['log_civicrm_contribute_log_user_id']); unset($row['log_civicrm_contribute_log_conn_id']); } }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $check = CRM_Core_Permission::check('access Contact Dashboard'); if (!$check) { CRM_Utils_System::redirect(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/dashboard', 'reset=1')); break; } $this->_contactId = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('id', 'Positive', $this); $session =& CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $userID = $session->get('userID'); if (!$this->_contactId) { $this->_contactId = $userID; } else { if ($this->_contactId != $userID) { require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/Contact/Permission.php'; if (!CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission::allow($this->_contactId, CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW)) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal(ts('You do not have permission to view this contact')); } if (!CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission::allow($this->_contactId, CRM_Core_Permission::EDIT)) { $this->_edit = false; } } } }
function run() { $config =& CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $ufAccessURL = CRM_Utils_System::url('admin/user/permissions'); $this->assign('ufAccessURL', $ufAccessURL); return parent::run(); }
/** * called when action is update. * * @param int $groupId * * @return null */ public function edit($groupId = NULL) { $this->assign('edit', $this->_edit); if (!$this->_edit) { return NULL; } $action = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('action', 'String', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, FALSE, 'browse'); if ($action == CRM_Core_Action::DELETE) { $groupContactId = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('gcid', 'Positive', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, TRUE); $status = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('st', 'String', CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullObject, TRUE); if (is_numeric($groupContactId) && $status) { CRM_Contact_Page_View_GroupContact::del($groupContactId, $status, $this->_contactId); } $url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/user', "reset=1&id={$this->_contactId}"); CRM_Utils_System::redirect($url); } $controller = new CRM_Core_Controller_Simple('CRM_Contact_Form_GroupContact', ts("Contact's Groups"), CRM_Core_Action::ADD, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); $controller->setEmbedded(TRUE); $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $session->pushUserContext(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/user', "reset=1&id={$this->_contactId}"), FALSE); $controller->reset(); $controller->set('contactId', $this->_contactId); $controller->set('groupId', $groupId); $controller->set('context', 'user'); $controller->set('onlyPublicGroups', $this->_onlyPublicGroups); $controller->process(); $controller->run(); }
/** * @return string */ public function run() { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); switch ($config->userFramework) { case 'Drupal': $this->assign('ufAccessURL', url('admin/people/permissions')); break; case 'Drupal6': $this->assign('ufAccessURL', url('admin/user/permissions')); break; case 'Joomla': //condition based on Joomla version; <= 2.5 uses modal window; >= 3.0 uses full page with return value if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'lt')) { JHTML::_('behavior.modal'); $url = $config->userFrameworkBaseURL . 'index.php?option=com_config&view=component&component=com_civicrm&tmpl=component'; $jparams = 'rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 875, y: 550}, onClose: function() {}}" class="modal"'; $this->assign('ufAccessURL', $url); $this->assign('jAccessParams', $jparams); } else { $uri = (string) JUri::getInstance(); $return = urlencode(base64_encode($uri)); $url = $config->userFrameworkBaseURL . 'index.php?option=com_config&view=component&component=com_civicrm&return=' . $return; $this->assign('ufAccessURL', $url); $this->assign('jAccessParams', ''); } break; case 'WordPress': $this->assign('ufAccessURL', CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/admin/access/wp-permissions', 'reset=1')); break; } return parent::run(); }
/** * Function to set variables up before form is built * * @return void * @access public */ public function preProcess() { $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $session->pushUserContext(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/member/import', 'reset=1')); // check for post max size CRM_Core_Config_Defaults::formatUnitSize(ini_get('post_max_size'), TRUE); }
public function preProcess() { $this->_contactID = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('cid', 'Positive', $this, FALSE); $this->_system = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('system', 'Boolean', $this, FALSE, TRUE); $this->_action = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('action', 'String', $this, FALSE, 'update'); if (isset($action)) { $this->assign('action', $action); } $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $this->_config = new CRM_Core_DAO(); if ($this->_system) { if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('administer CiviCRM')) { $this->_contactID = NULL; } else { CRM_Utils_System::fatal('You do not have permission to edit preferences'); } $this->_config->contact_id = NULL; } else { if (!$this->_contactID) { $this->_contactID = $session->get('userID'); if (!$this->_contactID) { CRM_Utils_System::fatal('Could not retrieve contact id'); } $this->set('cid', $this->_contactID); } $this->_config->contact_id = $this->_contactID; } $settings = Civi::settings(); foreach ($this->_varNames as $groupName => $settingNames) { foreach ($settingNames as $settingName => $options) { $this->_config->{$settingName} = $settings->get($settingName); } } $session->pushUserContext(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/admin', 'reset=1')); }
public function preProcess() { $this->set('searchFormName', 'Custom'); $this->set('context', 'custom'); $csID = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('csid', 'Integer', $this); $ssID = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('ssID', 'Integer', $this); $gID = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('gid', 'Integer', $this); list($this->_customSearchID, $this->_customSearchClass, $formValues) = CRM_Contact_BAO_SearchCustom::details($csID, $ssID, $gID); if (!$this->_customSearchID) { CRM_Core_Error::fatal('Could not get details for custom search.'); } // stash this as a hidden element so we can potentially go there if the session // is reset but this is available in the POST $this->addElement('hidden', 'csid', $csID); if (!empty($formValues)) { $this->_formValues = $formValues; } // set breadcrumb to return to Custom Search listings page $breadCrumb = array(array('title' => ts('Custom Searches'), 'url' => CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/search/custom/list', 'reset=1'))); CRM_Utils_System::appendBreadCrumb($breadCrumb); // use the custom selector self::$_selectorName = 'CRM_Contact_Selector_Custom'; $this->set('customSearchID', $this->_customSearchID); $this->set('customSearchClass', $this->_customSearchClass); parent::preProcess(); // instantiate the new class $this->_customClass = new $this->_customSearchClass($this->_formValues); // CRM-12747 if (isset($this->_customClass->_permissionedComponent) && !self::isPermissioned($this->_customClass->_permissionedComponent)) { CRM_Utils_System::permissionDenied(); } }
/** * Compute any messages which should be displayed after upgrade. * * @param string $postUpgradeMessage * alterable. * @param string $rev * an intermediate version; note that setPostUpgradeMessage is called repeatedly with different $revs. * @return void */ public function setPostUpgradeMessage(&$postUpgradeMessage, $rev) { if ($rev == '4.7.alpha1') { $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); // FIXME: Performing an upgrade step during postUpgrade message phase is probably bad $editor_id = self::updateWysiwyg(); $msg = NULL; $ext_href = 'href="' . CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/admin/extensions', 'reset=1') . '"'; $dsp_href = 'href="' . CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/admin/setting/preferences/display', 'reset=1') . '"'; $blog_href = 'href=""'; switch ($editor_id) { // TinyMCE case 1: $msg = ts('Your configured editor "TinyMCE" is no longer part of the main CiviCRM download. To continue using it, visit the <a %1>Manage Extensions</a> page to download and install the TinyMCE extension.', array(1 => $ext_href)); break; // Drupal/Joomla editor // Drupal/Joomla editor case 3: case 4: $msg = ts('CiviCRM no longer integrates with the "%1 Default Editor." Your wysiwyg setting has been reset to the built-in CKEditor. <a %2>Learn more...</a>', array(1 => $config->userFramework, 2 => $blog_href)); break; } if ($msg) { $postUpgradeMessage .= '<p>' . $msg . '</p>'; } $postUpgradeMessage .= '<p>' . ts('CiviCRM now includes the easy-to-use CKEditor Configurator. To customize the features and display of your wysiwyg editor, visit the <a %1>Display Preferences</a> page. <a %2>Learn more...</a>', array(1 => $dsp_href, 2 => $blog_href)) . '</p>'; $postUpgradeMessage .= '<br /><br />' . ts('Default version of the following System Workflow Message Templates have been modified: <ul><li>Personal Campaign Pages - Owner Notification</li></ul> If you have modified these templates, please review the new default versions and implement updates as needed to your copies (Administer > Communications > Message Templates > System Workflow Messages).'); $postUpgradeMessage .= '<p>' . ts('The custom fatal error template setting has been removed.') . '</p>'; } }
/** * build all the data structures needed to build the form * * @return void * @access public */ function preProcess() { // reset action from the session $this->_action = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('action', 'String', $this, FALSE, 'update'); $this->_contactId = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('cid', 'Positive', $this, TRUE); $rcid = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('rcid', 'Positive', $this); $rcid = $rcid ? "&id={$rcid}" : ''; $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton(); $session->pushUserContext(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/user', "reset=1{$rcid}")); if ($this->_contactId) { $contact = new CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact(); $contact->id = $this->_contactId; if (!$contact->find(TRUE)) { CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce(ts('contact does not exist: %1', array(1 => $this->_contactId))); } $this->_contactType = $contact->contact_type; // check for permissions if (!CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Permission::allow($this->_contactId, CRM_Core_Permission::EDIT)) { CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce(ts('You do not have the necessary permission to edit this contact.')); } list($displayName, $contactImage) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getDisplayAndImage($this->_contactId); CRM_Utils_System::setTitle($displayName, $contactImage . ' ' . $displayName); } else { CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce(ts('Could not get a contact_id and/or contact_type')); } }
function run() { $upgrade = new CRM_Upgrade_Form(); $message = ts('CiviCRM upgrade successful'); if ($upgrade->checkVersion($upgrade->latestVersion)) { $message = ts('Your database has already been upgraded to CiviCRM %1', array(1 => $upgrade->latestVersion)); } elseif ($upgrade->checkVersion('2.1.2') || $upgrade->checkVersion('2.1.3') || $upgrade->checkVersion('2.1.4') || $upgrade->checkVersion('2.1.5')) { // do nothing, db version is changed for all upgrades } elseif ($upgrade->checkVersion('2.1.0') || $upgrade->checkVersion('2.1') || $upgrade->checkVersion('2.1.1')) { // 2.1 to 2.1.2 $this->runTwoOneTwo(); } else { // 2.0 to 2.1 for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) { $this->runForm($i); } // 2.1 to 2.1.2 $this->runTwoOneTwo(); } // just change the ver in the db, since nothing to upgrade $upgrade->setVersion($upgrade->latestVersion); // also cleanup the templates_c directory $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton(); $config->cleanup(1); $template = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton(); $template->assign('message', $message); $template->assign('pageTitle', ts('Upgrade CiviCRM to Version %1', array(1 => $upgrade->latestVersion))); $template->assign('menuRebuildURL', CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/menu/rebuild', 'reset=1')); $contents = $template->fetch('CRM/common/success.tpl'); echo $contents; }
function buildForm(&$form) { $groups =& CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::group(); $tags =& CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::tag(); if (count($groups) == 0 || count($tags) == 0) { CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts("Atleast one Group and Tag must be present, for Custom Group / Tag search.")); $url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/search/custom/list', 'reset=1'); CRM_Utils_System::redirect($url); } $inG =& $form->addElement('advmultiselect', 'includeGroups', ts('Include Group(s)') . ' ', $groups, array('size' => 5, 'style' => 'width:240px', 'class' => 'advmultiselect')); $outG =& $form->addElement('advmultiselect', 'excludeGroups', ts('Exclude Group(s)') . ' ', $groups, array('size' => 5, 'style' => 'width:240px', 'class' => 'advmultiselect')); $andOr =& $form->addElement('checkbox', 'andOr', 'Combine With (AND, Uncheck For OR)', null, array('checked' => 'checked')); $int =& $form->addElement('advmultiselect', 'includeTags', ts('Include Tag(s)') . ' ', $tags, array('size' => 5, 'style' => 'width:240px', 'class' => 'advmultiselect')); $outt =& $form->addElement('advmultiselect', 'excludeTags', ts('Exclude Tag(s)') . ' ', $tags, array('size' => 5, 'style' => 'width:240px', 'class' => 'advmultiselect')); //add/remove buttons for groups $inG->setButtonAttributes('add', array('value' => ts('Add >>'))); $outG->setButtonAttributes('add', array('value' => ts('Add >>'))); $inG->setButtonAttributes('remove', array('value' => ts('<< Remove'))); $outG->setButtonAttributes('remove', array('value' => ts('<< Remove'))); //add/remove buttons for tags $int->setButtonAttributes('add', array('value' => ts('Add >>'))); $outt->setButtonAttributes('add', array('value' => ts('Add >>'))); $int->setButtonAttributes('remove', array('value' => ts('<< Remove'))); $outt->setButtonAttributes('remove', array('value' => ts('<< Remove'))); /** * if you are using the standard template, this array tells the template what elements * are part of the search criteria */ $form->assign('elements', array('includeGroups', 'excludeGroups', 'andOr', 'includeTags', 'excludeTags')); }
/** * Build all the data structures needed to build the form. * * @return void */ public function preProcess() { $id = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('id', 'Positive', $this, FALSE); if ($id) { $this->_contributionIds = array($id); $this->_componentClause = " IN ( {$id} ) "; $this->_single = TRUE; $this->assign('totalSelectedContributions', 1); } else { parent::preProcess(); } // check that all the contribution ids have pending status $query = "\nSELECT count(*)\nFROM civicrm_contribution\nWHERE contribution_status_id != 1\nAND {$this->_componentClause}"; $count = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($query); if ($count != 0) { CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce("Please select only online contributions with Completed status."); } // we have all the contribution ids, so now we get the contact ids parent::setContactIDs(); $this->assign('single', $this->_single); $qfKey = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('qfKey', 'String', $this); $urlParams = 'force=1'; if (CRM_Utils_Rule::qfKey($qfKey)) { $urlParams .= "&qfKey={$qfKey}"; } $url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contribute/search', $urlParams); $breadCrumb = array(array('url' => $url, 'title' => ts('Search Results'))); CRM_Utils_System::appendBreadCrumb($breadCrumb); CRM_Utils_System::setTitle(ts('Print Contribution Receipts')); }
function buildRows($sql, &$rows) { // safeguard for when there aren’t any log entries yet if (!$this->log_conn_id or !$this->log_date) { return; } $params = array(1 => array($this->log_conn_id, 'Integer'), 2 => array($this->log_date, 'String')); // let the template know who updated whom when $sql = "\n SELECT who_id, who.display_name who_name, whom_id, whom.display_name whom_name, l.is_deleted\n FROM `{$this->loggingDB}`.log_civicrm_contact l\n JOIN civicrm_contact who ON (l.log_user_id =\n JOIN civicrm_contact whom ON ( =\n WHERE log_action = 'Update' AND log_conn_id = %1 AND log_date = %2 ORDER BY log_date DESC LIMIT 1\n "; $dao =& CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, $params); $dao->fetch(); $this->assign('who_url', CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/view', "reset=1&cid={$dao->who_id}")); $this->assign('whom_url', CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/view', "reset=1&cid={$dao->whom_id}")); $this->assign('who_name', $dao->who_name); $this->assign('whom_name', $dao->whom_name); $this->assign('log_date', $this->log_date); // link back to summary report require_once 'CRM/Report/Utils/Report.php'; $this->assign('summaryReportURL', CRM_Report_Utils_Report::getNextUrl('logging/contact/summary', 'reset=1', false, true)); $rows = $this->diffsInTable('log_civicrm_contact'); // add custom data changes $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SHOW TABLES FROM `{$this->loggingDB}` LIKE 'log_civicrm_value_%'"); while ($dao->fetch()) { $table = $dao->toValue("Tables_in_{$this->loggingDB}_(log_civicrm_value_%)"); $rows = array_merge($rows, $this->diffsInTable($table)); } }