예제 #1
  * Build and run the query to select all contributions
  * matching the criteria, and try to create a snapshot
  * @return snapshot creation result/error
 public static function createSnapshot($values)
     // prepare timestamps
     $raw_from_ts = $values['donrec_contribution_horizon_from'];
     $raw_to_ts = $values['donrec_contribution_horizon_to'];
     $date_from = CRM_Utils_DonrecHelper::convertDate($raw_from_ts, -1);
     $date_to = CRM_Utils_DonrecHelper::convertDate($raw_to_ts, 1);
     $formatted_date_from = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $date_from);
     $formatted_date_to = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $date_to);
     $query_date_limit = "";
     if ($date_from) {
         $query_date_limit .= "AND `receive_date` >= '{$formatted_date_from}'";
     if ($date_to) {
         $query_date_limit .= " AND `receive_date` <= '{$formatted_date_to}'";
     // get table- and column name
     $table_query = "SELECT `cg`.`table_name`,\n                           `cf`.`column_name`\n                    FROM `civicrm_custom_group` AS cg,\n                         `civicrm_custom_field` AS cf\n                    WHERE `cg`.`name` = 'zwb_donation_receipt_item'\n                      AND `cf`.`custom_group_id` = `cg`.`id`\n                      AND `cf`.`name` = 'status'";
     $results = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($table_query);
     $custom_group_table = NULL;
     $status_column = NULL;
     while ($results->fetch()) {
         $custom_group_table = $results->table_name;
         $status_column = $results->column_name;
     if ($custom_group_table == NULL || $status_column == NULL) {
         // something went wrong here
         CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("de.systopia.donrec: error: custom_group_table or status_column is empty!");
         return array();
     // calculate main selector clause
     if (!empty($values['contact_id'])) {
         $contact_id = (int) $values['contact_id'];
         $main_selector = "`contact_id` = {$contact_id}";
     } elseif (!empty($values['contact_ids'])) {
         $contact_ids = implode(',', $values['contact_ids']);
         $main_selector = "`contact_id` IN ({$contact_ids})";
     } elseif (!empty($values['contribution_ids'])) {
         $contribution_ids = implode(',', $values['contribution_ids']);
         $main_selector = "`civicrm_contribution`.`id` IN ({$contribution_ids})";
     } else {
         CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("de.systopia.donrec: error: no selector data found in params!");
         $main_selector = "FALSE";
     // get financial type selector clause
     $profile = new CRM_Donrec_Logic_Profile($values['profile']);
     $financialTypeClause = $profile->getContributionTypesClause();
     // run the main query
     $query = "SELECT `civicrm_contribution`.`id`\n              FROM (`civicrm_contribution`)\n              LEFT JOIN `{$custom_group_table}` AS existing_receipt\n                  ON  `civicrm_contribution`.`id` = existing_receipt.`entity_id`\n                  AND existing_receipt.`{$status_column}` = 'ORIGINAL'\n              WHERE\n                  ({$main_selector})\n                  {$query_date_limit}\n                  AND {$financialTypeClause}\n                  AND (`non_deductible_amount` = 0 OR `non_deductible_amount` IS NULL)\n                  AND `contribution_status_id` = 1\n                  AND `is_test` = 0\n                  AND `currency` = 'EUR'\n                  AND existing_receipt.`entity_id` IS NULL;";
     // execute the query
     $result = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
     // build array
     $contributionIds = array();
     while ($result->fetch()) {
         $contributionIds[] = $result->id;
     // finally, build the snapshot with it
     return CRM_Donrec_Logic_Snapshot::create($contributionIds, CRM_Donrec_Logic_Settings::getLoggedInContactID(), $formatted_date_from, $formatted_date_to, $values['profile']);
 function postProcess()
     // process all form values and save valid settings
     $values = $this->exportValues();
     // save generic settings
     CRM_Donrec_Logic_Settings::set('donrec_packet_size', $values['packet_size']);
     if ($values['pdfinfo_path']) {
         CRM_Donrec_Logic_Settings::set('donrec_pdfinfo_path', $values['pdfinfo_path']);
     // first, update current values into slected profile
     if (!empty($values['selected_profile'])) {
         $profile = $values['selected_profile'];
         $profile_data = json_decode($values['profile_data'], 1);
         $profile_defaults = CRM_Donrec_Logic_Profile::defaultProfileData();
         foreach (array_keys($profile_defaults) as $field_name) {
             $value = CRM_Utils_Array::value($field_name, $values, NULL);
             if ($value != NULL) {
                 $profile_data[$profile][$field_name] = $value;
         // verify some stuff
         foreach ($profile_data as $profile_name => $profile) {
             // test the ID pattern
             try {
                 $generator = new CRM_Donrec_Logic_IDGenerator($profile['id_pattern'], false);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton();
                 $session->setStatus(ts("One of the Receipt ID patterns are invalid! Changes NOT saved!", array('domain' => 'de.systopia.donrec')), ts('Error', array('domain' => 'de.systopia.donrec')), 'error');
         // then store the profiles
     $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton();
     $session->setStatus(ts("Settings successfully saved", array('domain' => 'de.systopia.donrec')), ts('Settings', array('domain' => 'de.systopia.donrec')), 'success');
예제 #3
 function postProcess()
     // CAUTION: changes to this function should also be done in CRM_Donrec_Form_Task_Create:postProcess()
     // process remaining snapshots if exsisting
     $rsid = empty($_REQUEST['rsid']) ? NULL : $_REQUEST['rsid'];
     if (!empty($rsid)) {
         //work on with a remaining snapshot...
         $use_remaining_snapshot = CRM_Utils_Array::value('use_remaining_snapshot', $_REQUEST, NULL);
         if (!empty($use_remaining_snapshot)) {
             CRM_Core_Session::singleton()->pushUserContext(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/donrec/task', 'sid=' . $rsid));
             // or delete all remaining snapshots of this user
         } else {
             $uid = CRM_Donrec_Logic_Settings::getLoggedInContactID();
     // process form values and try to build a snapshot with all contributions
     // that match the specified criteria (i.e. contributions which have been
     // created between two specific dates)
     $values = $this->exportValues();
     $values['contact_ids'] = $this->_contactIds;
     //set url_back as session-variable
     $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton();
     $session->set('url_back', CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/search', "reset=1"));
     // generate the snapshot
     $result = CRM_Donrec_Logic_Selector::createSnapshot($values);
     $sid = empty($result['snapshot']) ? NULL : $result['snapshot']->getId();
     if (!empty($result['intersection_error'])) {
         CRM_Core_Session::singleton()->pushUserContext(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/donrec/task', 'conflict=1' . '&sid=' . $result['snapshot']->getId() . '&ccount=' . count($this->_contactIds)));
     } elseif (empty($result['snapshot'])) {
         CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('There are no selectable contributions for these contacts in the selected time period.', array('domain' => 'de.systopia.donrec')), ts('Warning', array('domain' => 'de.systopia.donrec')), 'warning');
         $qfKey = $values['qfKey'];
         CRM_Utils_System::redirect(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/contact/search', "_qf_DonrecTask_display=true&qfKey={$qfKey}"));
     } else {
         CRM_Core_Session::singleton()->pushUserContext(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/donrec/task', 'sid=' . $result['snapshot']->getId() . '&ccount=' . count($this->_contactIds)));
예제 #4
  * will select a previously unprocessed set of snapshot items
  * @return array: <id> => array with values
 public function getNextChunk($is_bulk, $is_test)
     $chunk_size = CRM_Donrec_Logic_Settings::getChunkSize();
     $snapshot_id = $this->getId();
     $chunk = array();
     if ($is_test) {
         $status_clause = "`status` IS NULL";
     } else {
         $status_clause = "(`status` IS NULL OR `status`='TEST')";
     // here, we need a different algorithm for bulk than for single:
     if (empty($is_bulk)) {
         // SINGLE case: just grab $chunk_size items
         $query = "SELECT * FROM `donrec_snapshot` WHERE `snapshot_id` = {$snapshot_id} AND {$status_clause} LIMIT {$chunk_size};";
         $result = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
         while ($result->fetch()) {
             $chunk_line = array();
             foreach (self::$CHUNK_FIELDS as $field) {
                 $chunk_line[$field] = $result->{$field};
             $chunk[$chunk_line['id']] = $chunk_line;
     } else {
         // BULK case: get items grouped by contact ID until it exceeds $chunk_size
         // get all lines
         $query = "SELECT\n                 snapshot.*,\n                 a.contrib_count\n                FROM\n                `donrec_snapshot` AS snapshot,\n                (SELECT `contact_id`, COUNT(*) AS contrib_count\n                  FROM `donrec_snapshot`\n                  GROUP BY `contact_id`) AS a\n                WHERE a.`contact_id` = snapshot.`contact_id`\n                AND snapshot.`snapshot_id` = {$snapshot_id}\n                AND {$status_clause}\n                ORDER BY snapshot.`contact_id` ASC;";
         $query = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
         $last_added_contact_id = NULL;
         $contribution_count = 0;
         while ($query->fetch()) {
             if ($last_added_contact_id != $query->contact_id) {
                 // this is a new contact ID
                 if (count($chunk) >= $chunk_size || $contribution_count > 5 * $chunk_size) {
                     // we already have $chunk_size contacts, or 5x $chunk_size contributions
                     //  => that's enough for this chunk!
                 // ok, we're still under the limit => create a section for the contact
                 $chunk[$query->contact_id] = array();
                 $last_added_contact_id = $query->contact_id;
             // add contribution
             $contribution = array();
             foreach (self::$CHUNK_FIELDS as $field) {
                 $contribution[$field] = $query->{$field};
             $chunk[$query->contact_id][] = $contribution;
             $contribution_count += 1;
     // reset the process information for the given chunk
     $this->resetChunk($chunk, $is_bulk);
     if (count($chunk) == 0) {
         return NULL;
     } else {
         return $chunk;
예제 #5
  * Creates a copy of this receipt. The receipt status will be 'COPY'
  * @param $parameters         an assoc. array of creation parameters TODO: to be defined
  * @return TRUE if successfull, FALSE otherwise. In that case, the $parameters['error'] contains an error message
 public function createCopy(&$parameters)
     $receipt_id = $this->Id;
     $receipt_group_id = self::$_custom_group_id;
     $receipt_fields = self::$_custom_fields;
     $uid = CRM_Donrec_Logic_Settings::getLoggedInContactID();
     $exclude = array('status', 'issued_on', 'issued_by', 'original_file');
     $field_query = '`entity_id`';
     foreach ($receipt_fields as $key => $field) {
         if (!in_array($key, $exclude)) {
             $field_query .= ", `{$field}`";
     $query = "\n      INSERT INTO `civicrm_value_donation_receipt_{$receipt_group_id}` (\n        `{$receipt_fields['status']}`,\n        `{$receipt_fields['issued_on']}`,\n        `{$receipt_fields['issued_by']}`,\n        {$field_query}\n      )\n      SELECT\n        'COPY' AS `{$receipt_fields['status']}`,\n        NOW() AS `{$receipt_fields['issued_on']}`,\n        {$uid} AS `{$receipt_fields['issued_by']}`,\n        {$field_query}\n      FROM `civicrm_value_donation_receipt_{$receipt_group_id}`\n      WHERE `id` = {$receipt_id}\n        AND `{$receipt_fields['status']}` = 'ORIGINAL'\n    ";
     $result = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
     $lastId = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();');
     CRM_Donrec_Logic_ReceiptItem::createCopyAll($this->Id, $lastId);
     return TRUE;
예제 #6
  * get page count for a pdf file
  * @return int page count (-1 if there is an error)
 private function getPDFPageCount($document)
     $pdfinfo_path = CRM_Donrec_Logic_Settings::get('donrec_pdfinfo_path');
     $cmd = escapeshellarg($pdfinfo_path);
     $document = escapeshellarg($document);
     $cmd = escapeshellcmd("{$cmd} {$document}") . " 2>&1";
     exec($cmd, $output);
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($output as $line) {
         // Extract the number
         if (preg_match("/Pages:\\s*(\\d+)/i", $line, $matches) === 1) {
             return intval($matches[1]);
     return -1;
예제 #7
  * Get a batching lock
  * the lock is needed so that only one relevant process can access the
  * payment/statment data structures at a time
  * @return lock object. check if it ->isAcquired() before use
 public static function getLock($type, $id)
     if ($type == '') {
         // for the 'next' lock, we calculate the lock timeout as follows
         $max_lock_timeout = ini_get('max_execution_time');
         if (empty($max_lock_timeout)) {
             $max_lock_timeout = 30 * 60;
             // 30 minutes
         // calculate based on chunk size (max 1min/item)
         $calculation_time = CRM_Donrec_Logic_Settings::getChunkSize() * 60;
         $timeout = min($calculation_time, $max_lock_timeout);
     } else {
         // default timeout for other locks
         $timeout = 600.0;
         // 10mins, TODO: do we need a setting here?
     //CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("de.systopia.donrec.$type".'-'.$id." timeout $timeout created.");
     return CRM_Utils_DonrecSafeLock::acquireLock("de.systopia.donrec.{$type}" . '-' . $id, $timeout);