예제 #1
    if (isset($row['serviceupid'])) {
        $services[$row['serviceupid']]['childs'][] = array('id' => $row['serviceid'], 'soft' => 0, 'linkid' => 0);
    if (isset($row['servicedownid'])) {
        $services[$row['serviceid']]['childs'][] = array('id' => $row['servicedownid'], 'soft' => 1, 'linkid' => $row['linkid']);
$treeServ = array();
createServiceTree($services, $treeServ);
//return into $treeServ parametr
//permission issue
$treeServ = del_empty_nodes($treeServ);
if (isset($_REQUEST['msg']) && !empty($_REQUEST['msg'])) {
    show_messages(true, $_REQUEST['msg']);
$tree = new CTree('service_conf_tree', $treeServ, array('caption' => bold(S_SERVICE), 'algorithm' => bold(S_STATUS_CALCULATION), 'description' => bold(S_TRIGGER)));
if ($tree) {
    $serv_wdgt = new CWidget();
    $serv_wdgt->addHeader(S_IT_SERVICES_BIG, SPACE);
} else {
$tr_ov_menu[] = array('test1', null, null, array('outer' => array('pum_oheader'), 'inner' => array('pum_iheader')));
$tr_ov_menu[] = array('test2', null, null, array('outer' => array('pum_oheader'), 'inner' => array('pum_iheader')));
$jsmenu = new CPUMenu($tr_ov_menu, 170);
include_once "include/page_footer.php";
function get_item_data_overview_cells(&$table_row, &$ithosts, $hostname)
    $css_class = '';
    $value = '-';
    $ack = null;
    if (isset($ithosts[$hostname])) {
        if ($ithosts[$hostname]['tr_value'] == TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE) {
            $css_class = getSeverityStyle($ithosts[$hostname]['severity']);
            $ack = get_last_event_by_triggerid($ithosts[$hostname]['triggerid']);
            $ack = $ack['acknowledged'] == 1 ? array(SPACE, new CImg('images/general/tick.png', 'ack')) : null;
        $value = formatItemValue($ithosts[$hostname]);
        $it_ov_menu = array(array(_('Values'), null, null, array('outer' => array('pum_oheader'), 'inner' => array('pum_iheader'))), array(_('500 latest values'), 'history.php?action=showlatest&itemid=' . $ithosts[$hostname]['itemid'], array('tw' => '_blank')));
        switch ($ithosts[$hostname]['value_type']) {
            case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64:
            case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT:
                $it_ov_menu = array_merge(array(array(_('Graphs'), null, null, array('outer' => array('pum_oheader'), 'inner' => array('pum_iheader'))), array(_('Last hour graph'), 'history.php?period=3600&action=showgraph&itemid=' . $ithosts[$hostname]['itemid'], array('tw' => '_blank')), array(_('Last week graph'), 'history.php?period=604800&action=showgraph&itemid=' . $ithosts[$hostname]['itemid'], array('tw' => '_blank')), array(_('Last month graph'), 'history.php?period=2678400&action=showgraph&itemid=' . $ithosts[$hostname]['itemid'], array('tw' => '_blank'))), $it_ov_menu);
    if ($value != '-') {
        $value = new CSpan($value, 'link');
    $value_col = new CCol(array($value, $ack), $css_class);
    if (isset($it_ov_menu)) {
        $it_ov_menu = new CPUMenu($it_ov_menu, 170);
    array_push($table_row, $value_col);
    return $table_row;
예제 #3
function get_trigger_overview_cells(&$table_row, &$trhosts, &$hostname)
    $css_class = NULL;
    $ack = null;
    if (isset($trhosts[$hostname])) {
        switch ($trhosts[$hostname]['value']) {
            case TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE:
                $css_class = get_severity_style($trhosts[$hostname]['priority']);
                if ($ack = get_last_event_by_triggerid($trhosts[$hostname]['triggerid'])) {
                    $ack_menu = array(S_ACKNOWLEDGE, 'acknow.php?eventid=' . $ack['eventid'], array('tw' => '_blank'));
                if (1 == $ack['acknowledged']) {
                    $ack = new CImg('images/general/tick.png', 'ack');
                } else {
                    $ack = null;
            case TRIGGER_VALUE_FALSE:
                $css_class = 'normal';
                $css_class = 'unknown_trigger';
        $style = 'cursor: pointer; ';
        if (time(NULL) - $trhosts[$hostname]['lastchange'] < 300) {
            $style .= 'background-image: url(images/gradients/blink1.gif); ' . 'background-position: top left; ' . 'background-repeat: repeat;';
        } else {
            if (time(NULL) - $trhosts[$hostname]['lastchange'] < 900) {
                $style .= 'background-image: url(images/gradients/blink2.gif); ' . 'background-position: top left; ' . 'background-repeat: repeat;';
        $tr_ov_menu = array(array(S_TRIGGER, null, null, array('outer' => array('pum_oheader'), 'inner' => array('pum_iheader'))), array(S_EVENTS, 'events.php?triggerid=' . $trhosts[$hostname]['triggerid'], array('tw' => '_blank')));
        if (isset($ack_menu)) {
            $tr_ov_menu[] = $ack_menu;
        $db_items = DBselect('select distinct i.itemid, i.description, i.key_, i.value_type ' . ' from items i, functions f ' . ' where f.itemid=i.itemid and f.triggerid=' . $trhosts[$hostname]['triggerid']);
        while ($item_data = DBfetch($db_items)) {
            $description = item_description($item_data);
            switch ($item_data['value_type']) {
                case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64:
                case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT:
                    $action = 'showgraph';
                    $status_bar = S_SHOW_GRAPH_OF_ITEM . ' \'' . $description . '\'';
                case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_LOG:
                case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_STR:
                case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_TEXT:
                    $action = 'showlatest';
                    $status_bar = S_SHOW_VALUES_OF_ITEM . ' \'' . $description . '\'';
            if (strlen($description) > 25) {
                $description = substr($description, 0, 22) . '...';
            $item_menu[$action][] = array($description, 'history.php?action=' . $action . '&itemid=' . $item_data['itemid'] . '&period=3600', array('tw' => '', 'sb' => $status_bar));
        if (isset($item_menu['showgraph'])) {
            $tr_ov_menu[] = array(S_GRAPHS, null, null, array('outer' => array('pum_oheader'), 'inner' => array('pum_iheader')));
            $tr_ov_menu = array_merge($tr_ov_menu, $item_menu['showgraph']);
        if (isset($item_menu['showlatest'])) {
            $tr_ov_menu[] = array(S_VALUES, null, null, array('outer' => array('pum_oheader'), 'inner' => array('pum_iheader')));
            $tr_ov_menu = array_merge($tr_ov_menu, $item_menu['showlatest']);
    // dependency
    $desc = array();
    if (isset($trhosts[$hostname])) {
        $triggerid = $trhosts[$hostname]['triggerid'];
        $dependency = false;
        $dep_table = new CTableInfo();
        $dep_table->AddOption('style', 'width: 200px;');
        $dep_table->addRow(bold(S_DEPENDS_ON . ':'));
        $sql_dep = 'SELECT * FROM trigger_depends WHERE triggerid_down=' . $triggerid;
        $dep_res = DBselect($sql_dep);
        while ($dep_row = DBfetch($dep_res)) {
            $dep_table->addRow(SPACE . '-' . SPACE . expand_trigger_description($dep_row['triggerid_up']));
            $dependency = true;
        if ($dependency) {
            $img = new Cimg('images/general/down_icon.png', 'DEP_DOWN');
            $img->AddOption('style', 'vertical-align: middle; border: 0px;');
            array_push($desc, $img);
        unset($img, $dep_table, $dependency);
        $dependency = false;
        $dep_table = new CTableInfo();
        $dep_table->AddOption('style', 'width: 200px;');
        $dep_table->addRow(bold(S_DEPENDENT . ':'));
        $sql_dep = 'SELECT * FROM trigger_depends WHERE triggerid_up=' . $triggerid;
        $dep_res = DBselect($sql_dep);
        while ($dep_row = DBfetch($dep_res)) {
            $dep_table->addRow(SPACE . '-' . SPACE . expand_trigger_description($dep_row['triggerid_down']));
            $dependency = true;
        if ($dependency) {
            $img = new Cimg('images/general/up_icon.png', 'DEP_UP');
            $img->AddOption('style', 'vertical-align: middle; border: 0px;');
            array_push($desc, $img);
        unset($img, $dep_table, $dependency);
    $status_col = new CCol(array($desc, $ack), $css_class);
    if (isset($style)) {
        $status_col->AddOption('style', $style);
    if (isset($tr_ov_menu)) {
        $tr_ov_menu = new CPUMenu($tr_ov_menu, 170);
        $status_col->AddAction('onmouseover', 'this.old_border=this.style.border; this.style.border=\'1px dotted #0C0CF0\'');
        $status_col->AddAction('onmouseout', 'this.style.border=this.old_border;');
    array_push($table_row, $status_col);
    return $table_row;
 * Creates and returns a trigger status cell for the trigger overview table.
 * @see get_triggers_overview()
 * @param array $triggerHosts	an array with the data about the trigger for each host
 * @param string $hostName		the name of the cells corresponding host
 * @param string $screenId
 * @return CCol
function get_trigger_overview_cells($triggerHosts, $hostName, $screenId = null)
    $ack = null;
    $css_class = null;
    $desc = array();
    $config = select_config();
    // for how long triggers should blink on status change (set by user in administration->general)
    if (isset($triggerHosts[$hostName])) {
        // problem trigger
        if ($triggerHosts[$hostName]['value'] == TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE) {
            $css_class = getSeverityStyle($triggerHosts[$hostName]['priority']);
            $ack = null;
            if ($config['event_ack_enable'] == 1) {
                $event = get_last_event_by_triggerid($triggerHosts[$hostName]['triggerid']);
                if ($event) {
                    if ($screenId) {
                        global $page;
                        $ack_menu = array(_('Acknowledge'), 'acknow.php?eventid=' . $event['eventid'] . '&screenid=' . $screenId . '&backurl=' . $page['file']);
                    } else {
                        $ack_menu = array(_('Acknowledge'), 'acknow.php?eventid=' . $event['eventid'] . '&backurl=overview.php', array('tw' => '_blank'));
                    if ($event['acknowledged'] == 1) {
                        $ack = new CImg('images/general/tick.png', 'ack');
        } else {
            $css_class = 'normal';
        $style = 'cursor: pointer; ';
        // set blinking gif as background if trigger age is less then $config['blink_period']
        if ($config['blink_period'] > 0 && time() - $triggerHosts[$hostName]['lastchange'] < $config['blink_period']) {
            $style .= 'background-image: url(images/gradients/blink.gif); background-position: top left; background-repeat: repeat;';
        $tr_ov_menu = array(array(_('Trigger'), null, null, array('outer' => array('pum_oheader'), 'inner' => array('pum_iheader'))), array(_('Events'), 'events.php?triggerid=' . $triggerHosts[$hostName]['triggerid'], array('tw' => '_blank')));
        if (isset($ack_menu)) {
            $tr_ov_menu[] = $ack_menu;
        $dbItems = DBselect('SELECT DISTINCT i.itemid,i.name,i.key_,i.value_type' . ' FROM items i,functions f' . ' WHERE f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND f.triggerid=' . $triggerHosts[$hostName]['triggerid']);
        while ($item = DBfetch($dbItems)) {
            $description = itemName($item);
            switch ($item['value_type']) {
                case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64:
                case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT:
                    $action = 'showgraph';
                    $status_bar = _('Show graph of item') . ' \'' . $description . '\'';
                case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_LOG:
                case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_STR:
                case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_TEXT:
                    $action = 'showlatest';
                    $status_bar = _('Show values of item') . ' \'' . $description . '\'';
            if (zbx_strlen($description) > 25) {
                $description = zbx_substr($description, 0, 22) . '...';
            $item_menu[$action][] = array($description, 'history.php?action=' . $action . '&itemid=' . $item['itemid'] . '&period=3600', array('tw' => '', 'sb' => $status_bar));
        if (isset($item_menu['showgraph'])) {
            $tr_ov_menu[] = array(_('Graphs'), null, null, array('outer' => array('pum_oheader'), 'inner' => array('pum_iheader')));
            $tr_ov_menu = array_merge($tr_ov_menu, $item_menu['showgraph']);
        if (isset($item_menu['showlatest'])) {
            $tr_ov_menu[] = array(_('Values'), null, null, array('outer' => array('pum_oheader'), 'inner' => array('pum_iheader')));
            $tr_ov_menu = array_merge($tr_ov_menu, $item_menu['showlatest']);
        // dependency: triggers on which depends this
        $triggerid = !empty($triggerHosts[$hostName]['triggerid']) ? $triggerHosts[$hostName]['triggerid'] : 0;
        $dep_table = new CTableInfo();
        $dep_table->setAttribute('style', 'width: 200px;');
        $dep_table->addRow(bold(_('Depends on') . ':'));
        $dependency = false;
        $dep_res = DBselect('SELECT td.* FROM trigger_depends td WHERE td.triggerid_down=' . $triggerid);
        while ($dep_row = DBfetch($dep_res)) {
            $dep_table->addRow(SPACE . '-' . SPACE . CTriggerHelper::expandDescriptionById($dep_row['triggerid_up']));
            $dependency = true;
        if ($dependency) {
            $img = new Cimg('images/general/arrow_down2.png', 'DEP_DOWN');
            $img->setAttribute('style', 'vertical-align: middle; border: 0px;');
            $img->setHint($dep_table, '', '', false);
            array_push($desc, $img);
        unset($img, $dep_table, $dependency);
        // triggers that depend on this
        $dep_table = new CTableInfo();
        $dep_table->setAttribute('style', 'width: 200px;');
        $dep_table->addRow(bold(_('Dependent') . ':'));
        $dependency = false;
        $dep_res = DBselect('SELECT td.* FROM trigger_depends td WHERE td.triggerid_up=' . $triggerid);
        while ($dep_row = DBfetch($dep_res)) {
            $dep_table->addRow(SPACE . '-' . SPACE . CTriggerHelper::expandDescriptionById($dep_row['triggerid_down']));
            $dependency = true;
        if ($dependency) {
            $img = new Cimg('images/general/arrow_up2.png', 'DEP_UP');
            $img->setAttribute('style', 'vertical-align: middle; border: 0px;');
            $img->setHint($dep_table, '', '', false);
            array_push($desc, $img);
        unset($img, $dep_table, $dependency);
    if (is_array($desc) && count($desc) > 0 || $ack) {
        $tableColumn = new CCol(array($desc, $ack), $css_class . ' hosts');
    } else {
        $tableColumn = new CCol(SPACE, $css_class . ' hosts');
    if (isset($style)) {
        $tableColumn->setAttribute('style', $style);
    if (isset($tr_ov_menu)) {
        $tr_ov_menu = new CPUMenu($tr_ov_menu, 170);
        $tableColumn->addAction('onmouseover', 'jQuery(this).css({border: "1px dotted #0C0CF0", padding: "0 2px"})');
        $tableColumn->addAction('onmouseout', 'jQuery(this).css({border: "", padding: "1px 3px"})');
    return $tableColumn;
예제 #5
function getActionMapBySysmap($sysmap)
    $action_map = new CAreaMap('links' . $sysmap['sysmapid']);
    $hostids = array();
    foreach ($sysmap['selements'] as $snum => $selement) {
        if ($selement['elementtype'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_HOST) {
            $hostids[$selement['elementid']] = $selement['elementid'];
    $scripts_by_hosts = CScript::getScriptsByHosts($hostids);
    $options = array('nodeids' => get_current_nodeid(true), 'hostids' => $hostids, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'nopermissions' => 1);
    $hosts = CHost::get($options);
    $hosts = zbx_toHash($hosts, 'hostid');
    // Draws elements
    $map_info = getSelementsInfo($sysmap);
    foreach ($sysmap['selements'] as $snum => $db_element) {
        $links_menus = '';
        $menus = '';
        if ($db_element['elementtype'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_HOST) {
            $host = $hosts[$db_element['elementid']];
            if ($host['status'] == HOST_STATUS_MONITORED) {
                $host_nodeid = id2nodeid($db_element['elementid']);
                foreach ($scripts_by_hosts[$db_element['elementid']] as $id => $script) {
                    $script_nodeid = id2nodeid($script['scriptid']);
                    if (bccomp($host_nodeid, $script_nodeid) == 0) {
                        $menus .= "['" . $script['name'] . "',\"javascript: openWinCentered('scripts_exec.php?execute=1&hostid=" . $db_element["elementid"] . "&scriptid=" . $script['scriptid'] . "','" . S_TOOLS . "',760,540,'titlebar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, dialog=no');\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],";
                $menus = "['" . S_TOOLS . "',null,null,{'outer' : ['pum_oheader'],'inner' : ['pum_iheader']}]," . $menus;
                $links_menus .= "['" . S_STATUS_OF_TRIGGERS . "',\"javascript: redirect('tr_status.php?hostid=" . $db_element['elementid'] . "');\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],";
        } else {
            if ($db_element['elementtype'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_MAP) {
                $links_menus .= "['" . S_SUBMAP . "',\"javascript: redirect('maps.php?sysmapid=" . $db_element['elementid'] . "');\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],";
            } else {
                if ($db_element['elementtype'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_TRIGGER) {
                    $links_menus .= "['" . S_LATEST_EVENTS . "',\"javascript: redirect('events.php?source=0&triggerid=" . $db_element['elementid'] . "&nav_time=" . (time() - 7 * 86400) . "');\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],";
                } else {
                    if ($db_element['elementtype'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_HOST_GROUP) {
                        $links_menus .= "['" . S_STATUS_OF_TRIGGERS . "',\"javascript: redirect('tr_status.php?hostid=0&groupid=" . $db_element['elementid'] . "');\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],";
        if (!empty($db_element['url']) || !empty($links_menus)) {
            $menus .= "['" . S_LINKS . "',null,null,{'outer' : ['pum_oheader'],'inner' : ['pum_iheader']}],";
            $menus .= $links_menus;
            if (!empty($db_element['url'])) {
                $menus .= "['" . S_URL . "',\"javascript: location.replace('" . $db_element['url'] . "');\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],";
        $menus = trim($menus, ',');
        $menus = 'show_popup_menu(event,[' . $menus . '],180); cancelEvent(event);';
        $back = get_png_by_selement($db_element, $map_info[$db_element['selementid']]);
        if (!$back) {
        $r_area = new CArea(array($db_element['x'], $db_element['y'], $db_element['x'] + imagesx($back), $db_element['y'] + imagesy($back)), '', '', 'rect');
        if (!empty($menus)) {
            $r_area->addAction('onclick', 'javascript: ' . $menus);
    $jsmenu = new CPUMenu(null, 170);
    return $action_map;
예제 #6
function get_item_data_overview_cells(&$table_row, &$ithosts, $hostname)
    $css_class = NULL;
    $value = '-';
    $ack = null;
    if (isset($ithosts[$hostname])) {
        if ($ithosts[$hostname]['tr_value'] == TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE) {
            $css_class = get_severity_style($ithosts[$hostname]['severity']);
            $ack = get_last_event_by_triggerid($ithosts[$hostname]['triggerid']);
            if (1 == $ack['acknowledged']) {
                $ack = array(SPACE, new CImg('images/general/tick.png', 'ack'));
            } else {
                $ack = null;
        $value = format_lastvalue($ithosts[$hostname]);
        $it_ov_menu = array(array(S_VALUES, null, null, array('outer' => array('pum_oheader'), 'inner' => array('pum_iheader'))), array(S_500_LATEST_VALUES, 'history.php?action=showlatest&itemid=' . $ithosts[$hostname]['itemid'], array('tw' => '_blank')));
        switch ($ithosts[$hostname]['value_type']) {
            case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64:
            case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT:
                $it_ov_menu = array_merge(array(array(S_GRAPHS, null, null, array('outer' => array('pum_oheader'), 'inner' => array('pum_iheader'))), array(S_LAST_HOUR_GRAPH, 'history.php?period=3600&action=showgraph&itemid=' . $ithosts[$hostname]['itemid'], array('tw' => '_blank')), array(S_LAST_WEEK_GRAPH, 'history.php?period=604800&action=showgraph&itemid=' . $ithosts[$hostname]['itemid'], array('tw' => '_blank')), array(S_LAST_MONTH_GRAPH, 'history.php?period=2678400&action=showgraph&itemid=' . $ithosts[$hostname]['itemid'], array('tw' => '_blank'))), $it_ov_menu);
    //		if($value == '-')	$css_class = 'center';
    $value_col = new CCol(array($value, $ack), $css_class);
    if (isset($it_ov_menu)) {
        $it_ov_menu = new CPUMenu($it_ov_menu, 170);
        $value_col->AddOption('style', 'cursor: pointer;');
        $value_col->AddAction('onmouseover', 'this.old_border=this.style.border; this.style.border=\'1px dotted #0C0CF0\'');
        $value_col->AddAction('onmouseout', 'this.style.border=this.old_border;');
    array_push($table_row, $value_col);
    return $table_row;
예제 #7
function insert_trigger_form()
    $frmTrig = new CFormTable(S_TRIGGER, 'triggers.php');
    //		if(isset($_REQUEST['hostid'])){
    //			$frmTrig->addVar('hostid',$_REQUEST['hostid']);
    //		}
    $dep_el = array();
    $dependencies = get_request('dependencies', array());
    $limited = null;
    if (isset($_REQUEST['triggerid'])) {
        $frmTrig->addVar('triggerid', $_REQUEST['triggerid']);
        $trigger = get_trigger_by_triggerid($_REQUEST['triggerid']);
        $caption = array();
        $trigid = $_REQUEST['triggerid'];
        do {
            $sql = 'SELECT t.triggerid, t.templateid, h.host' . ' FROM triggers t, functions f, items i, hosts h' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=' . $trigid . ' AND h.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.itemid=f.itemid' . ' AND f.triggerid=t.triggerid';
            $trig = DBfetch(DBselect($sql));
            if ($_REQUEST['triggerid'] != $trigid) {
                $caption[] = ' : ';
                $caption[] = new CLink($trig['host'], 'triggers.php?form=update&triggerid=' . $trig['triggerid'], 'highlight underline');
            $trigid = $trig['templateid'];
        } while ($trigid != 0);
        $caption[] = S_TRIGGER . ' "';
        $caption = array_reverse($caption);
        $caption[] = htmlspecialchars($trigger['description']);
        $caption[] = '"';
        $limited = $trigger['templateid'] ? 'yes' : null;
    $expression = get_request('expression', '');
    $description = get_request('description', '');
    $type = get_request('type', 0);
    $priority = get_request('priority', 0);
    $status = get_request('status', 0);
    $comments = get_request('comments', '');
    $url = get_request('url', '');
    $expr_temp = get_request('expr_temp', '');
    $input_method = get_request('input_method', IM_ESTABLISHED);
    if (isset($_REQUEST['triggerid']) && !isset($_REQUEST['form_refresh']) || isset($limited)) {
        $description = $trigger['description'];
        $expression = explode_exp($trigger['expression'], 0);
        if (!isset($limited) || !isset($_REQUEST['form_refresh'])) {
            $type = $trigger['type'];
            $priority = $trigger['priority'];
            $status = $trigger['status'];
            $comments = $trigger['comments'];
            $url = $trigger['url'];
            $trigs = DBselect('SELECT t.triggerid,t.description,t.expression ' . ' FROM triggers t,trigger_depends d ' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=d.triggerid_up ' . ' AND d.triggerid_down=' . $_REQUEST['triggerid']);
            while ($trig = DBfetch($trigs)) {
                if (uint_in_array($trig['triggerid'], $dependencies)) {
                array_push($dependencies, $trig['triggerid']);
    $frmTrig->addRow(S_NAME, new CTextBox('description', $description, 90, $limited));
    if ($input_method == IM_TREE) {
        $alz = analyze_expression($expression);
        if ($alz !== false) {
            list($outline, $eHTMLTree) = $alz;
            if (isset($_REQUEST['expr_action']) && $eHTMLTree != null) {
                $new_expr = remake_expression($expression, $_REQUEST['expr_target_single'], $_REQUEST['expr_action'], $expr_temp);
                if ($new_expr !== false) {
                    $expression = $new_expr;
                    $alz = analyze_expression($expression);
                    if ($alz !== false) {
                        list($outline, $eHTMLTree) = $alz;
                    } else {
                        show_messages(false, '', S_EXPRESSION_SYNTAX_ERROR);
                    $expr_temp = '';
                } else {
                    show_messages(false, '', S_EXPRESSION_SYNTAX_ERROR);
            $frmTrig->addVar('expression', $expression);
            $exprfname = 'expr_temp';
            $exprtxt = new CTextBox($exprfname, $expr_temp, 65, 'yes');
            $macrobtn = new CButton('insert_macro', S_INSERT_MACRO, 'return call_ins_macro_menu(event);');
            //disabling button, if this trigger is templated
            if ($limited == 'yes') {
                $macrobtn->setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
            $exprparam = "this.form.elements['{$exprfname}'].value";
        } else {
            show_messages(false, '', S_EXPRESSION_SYNTAX_ERROR);
            $input_method = IM_ESTABLISHED;
    if ($input_method != IM_TREE) {
        $exprfname = 'expression';
        $exprtxt = new CTextBox($exprfname, $expression, 75, $limited);
        $exprparam = "getSelectedText(this.form.elements['{$exprfname}'])";
    $add_expr_button = new CButton('insert', $input_method == IM_TREE ? S_EDIT : S_ADD, "return PopUp('popup_trexpr.php?dstfrm=" . $frmTrig->getName() . "&dstfld1={$exprfname}&srctbl=expression" . "&srcfld1=expression&expression=' + escape({$exprparam}),1000,700);");
    //disabling button, if this trigger is templated
    if ($limited == 'yes') {
        $add_expr_button->setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
    $row = array($exprtxt, $add_expr_button);
    if (isset($macrobtn)) {
        array_push($row, $macrobtn);
    if ($input_method == IM_TREE) {
        array_push($row, BR());
        if (empty($outline)) {
            $tmpbtn = new CButton('add_expression', S_ADD, "");
            if ($limited == 'yes') {
                $tmpbtn->setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
            array_push($row, $tmpbtn);
        } else {
            $tmpbtn = new CButton('and_expression', S_AND_BIG, "");
            if ($limited == 'yes') {
                $tmpbtn->setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
            array_push($row, $tmpbtn);
            $tmpbtn = new CButton('or_expression', S_OR_BIG, "");
            if ($limited == 'yes') {
                $tmpbtn->setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
            array_push($row, $tmpbtn);
            $tmpbtn = new CButton('replace_expression', S_REPLACE, "");
            if ($limited == 'yes') {
                $tmpbtn->setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
            array_push($row, $tmpbtn);
    $frmTrig->addVar('input_method', $input_method);
    $frmTrig->addVar('toggle_input_method', '');
    $exprtitle = array(S_EXPRESSION);
    if ($input_method != IM_FORCED) {
        $btn_im = new CSpan(S_TOGGLE_INPUT_METHOD, 'link');
        $btn_im->setAttribute('onclick', 'javascript: ' . "document.getElementById('toggle_input_method').value=1;" . "document.getElementById('input_method').value=" . ($input_method == IM_TREE ? IM_ESTABLISHED : IM_TREE) . ';' . "document.forms['" . $frmTrig->getName() . "'].submit();");
        $exprtitle[] = array(SPACE, '(', $btn_im, ')');
    $frmTrig->addRow($exprtitle, $row);
    if ($input_method == IM_TREE) {
        $exp_table = new CTable();
        $exp_table->setAttribute('id', 'exp_list');
        $exp_table->setHeader(array($limited == 'yes' ? null : S_TARGET, S_EXPRESSION, S_EXPRESSION_PART_ERROR, $limited == 'yes' ? null : S_DELETE));
        $allowedTesting = true;
        if ($eHTMLTree != null) {
            foreach ($eHTMLTree as $i => $e) {
                if ($limited != 'yes') {
                    $del_url = new CSpan(S_DELETE, 'link');
                    $del_url->setAttribute('onclick', 'javascript: if(confirm("' . S_DELETE_EXPRESSION_Q . '")) {' . ' delete_expression(\'' . $e['id'] . '\');' . ' document.forms["config_triggers.php"].submit(); ' . '}');
                    $tgt_chk = new CCheckbox('expr_target_single', $i == 0 ? 'yes' : 'no', 'check_target(this);', $e['id']);
                } else {
                    $tgt_chk = null;
                if (!isset($e['expression']['levelErrors'])) {
                    $errorImg = new CImg('images/general/ok_icon.png', 'expression_no_errors');
                    $errorImg->setHint(S_EXPRESSION_PART_NO_ERROR, '', '', false);
                } else {
                    $allowedTesting = false;
                    $errorImg = new CImg('images/general/error_icon.png', 'expression_errors');
                    $errorTexts = array();
                    if (is_array($e['expression']['levelErrors'])) {
                        foreach ($e['expression']['levelErrors'] as $expVal => $errTxt) {
                            if (count($errorTexts) > 0) {
                                array_push($errorTexts, BR());
                            array_push($errorTexts, $expVal, ':', $errTxt);
                    $errorImg->setHint($errorTexts, '', 'left', false);
                //if it is a templated trigger
                if ($limited == 'yes') {
                    //make all links inside inactive
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($e['list']); $i++) {
                        if (gettype($e['list'][$i]) == 'object' && get_class($e['list'][$i]) == 'CSpan' && $e['list'][$i]->getAttribute('class') == 'link') {
                            $e['list'][$i]->setAttribute('onclick', '');
                $errorCell = new CCol($errorImg, 'center');
                $row = new CRow(array($tgt_chk, $e['list'], $errorCell, isset($del_url) ? $del_url : null));
        } else {
            $allowedTesting = false;
            $outline = '';
        $frmTrig->addVar('remove_expression', '');
        $btn_test = new CButton('test_expression', S_TEST, "openWinCentered(" . "'tr_testexpr.php?expression=' + encodeURIComponent(this.form.elements['expression'].value)" . ",'ExpressionTest'" . ",850,400" . ",'titlebar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes');" . "return false;");
        if (!isset($allowedTesting) || !$allowedTesting) {
            $btn_test->setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
        if (empty($outline)) {
            $btn_test->setAttribute('disabled', 'yes');
        $wrapOutline = new CSpan(array($outline));
        $wrapOutline->addStyle('white-space: pre;');
        $frmTrig->addRow(SPACE, array($wrapOutline, BR(), BR(), $exp_table, $btn_test));
    // dependencies
    foreach ($dependencies as $val) {
        array_push($dep_el, array(new CCheckBox('rem_dependence[' . $val . ']', 'no', null, strval($val)), expand_trigger_description($val)), BR());
        $frmTrig->addVar('dependencies[]', strval($val));
    if (count($dep_el) == 0) {
        array_push($dep_el, S_NO_DEPENDENCES_DEFINED);
    } else {
        array_push($dep_el, new CButton('del_dependence', S_DELETE_SELECTED));
    $frmTrig->addRow(S_THE_TRIGGER_DEPENDS_ON, $dep_el);
    /* end dependencies */
    /* new dependency */
    //		$frmTrig->addVar('new_dependence','0');
    //		$txtCondVal = new CTextBox('trigger','',75,'yes');
    $btnSelect = new CButton('btn1', S_ADD, "return PopUp('popup.php?srctbl=triggers" . '&srcfld1=triggerid' . '&reference=deptrigger' . '&multiselect=1' . "',1000,700);", 'T');
    $frmTrig->addRow(S_NEW_DEPENDENCY, $btnSelect, 'new');
    // end new dependency
    $type_select = new CComboBox('type');
    $type_select->additem(TRIGGER_MULT_EVENT_DISABLED, S_NORMAL, $type == TRIGGER_MULT_EVENT_ENABLED ? 'no' : 'yes');
    $frmTrig->addRow(S_EVENT_GENERATION, $type_select);
    $cmbPrior = new CComboBox('priority', $priority);
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 5; $i++) {
        $cmbPrior->addItem($i, get_severity_description($i));
    $frmTrig->addRow(S_SEVERITY, $cmbPrior);
    $frmTrig->addRow(S_COMMENTS, new CTextArea("comments", $comments, 90, 7));
    $frmTrig->addRow(S_URL, new CTextBox("url", $url, 90));
    $frmTrig->addRow(S_DISABLED, new CCheckBox("status", $status));
    $frmTrig->addItemToBottomRow(new CButton("save", S_SAVE));
    if (isset($_REQUEST["triggerid"])) {
        $frmTrig->addItemToBottomRow(new CButton("clone", S_CLONE));
        if (!$limited) {
            $frmTrig->addItemToBottomRow(new CButtonDelete(S_DELETE_TRIGGER_Q, url_param("form") . url_param('groupid') . url_param("hostid") . url_param("triggerid")));
    $frmTrig->addItemToBottomRow(new CButtonCancel(url_param('groupid') . url_param("hostid")));
    $jsmenu = new CPUMenu(null, 170);
    $script = "function addPopupValues(list){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(!isset('object', list)) return false;\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(list.object == 'deptrigger'){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfor(var i=0; i < list.values.length; i++){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcreate_var('" . $frmTrig->getName() . "', 'new_dependence['+i+']', list.values[i], false);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcreate_var('" . $frmTrig->getName() . "','add_dependence', 1, true);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}";
    return $frmTrig;
예제 #8
파일: maps.inc.php 프로젝트: rennhak/zabbix
function get_action_map_by_sysmapid($sysmapid)
    $action_map = new CMap("links{$sysmapid}");
    $db_elements = DBselect('SELECT * FROM sysmaps_elements WHERE sysmapid=' . $sysmapid);
    while ($db_element = DBfetch($db_elements)) {
        $url = $db_element["url"];
        $alt = "Label: " . $db_element["label"];
        $scripts_by_hosts = null;
        if ($db_element["elementtype"] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_HOST) {
            $host = get_host_by_hostid($db_element["elementid"]);
            if ($host["status"] != HOST_STATUS_MONITORED) {
            $scripts_by_hosts = get_accessible_scripts_by_hosts(array($db_element["elementid"]));
            if (empty($url)) {
                $url = 'tr_status.php?hostid=' . $db_element['elementid'] . '&noactions=true&onlytrue=true&compact=true';
            $alt = "Host: " . $host["host"] . " " . $alt;
        } else {
            if ($db_element["elementtype"] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_MAP) {
                $map = get_sysmap_by_sysmapid($db_element["elementid"]);
                if (empty($url)) {
                    $url = "maps.php?sysmapid=" . $db_element["elementid"];
                $alt = "Host: " . $map["name"] . " " . $alt;
            } elseif ($db_element["elementtype"] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_TRIGGER) {
                if (empty($url) && $db_element["elementid"] != 0) {
                    $url = "events.php?triggerid=" . $db_element["elementid"];
            } else {
                if ($db_element["elementtype"] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_HOST_GROUP) {
                    if (empty($url) && $db_element["elementid"] != 0) {
                        $url = "events.php?hostid=0&groupid=" . $db_element["elementid"];
        if (empty($url)) {
        $back = get_png_by_selementid($db_element["selementid"]);
        if (!$back) {
        $x1_ = $db_element["x"];
        $y1_ = $db_element["y"];
        $x2_ = $db_element["x"] + imagesx($back);
        $y2_ = $db_element["y"] + imagesy($back);
        $r_area = new CArea(array($x1_, $y1_, $x2_, $y2_), $url, $alt, 'rect');
        if (!empty($scripts_by_hosts)) {
            $menus = '';
            $host_nodeid = id2nodeid($db_element["elementid"]);
            foreach ($scripts_by_hosts[$db_element["elementid"]] as $id => $script) {
                $script_nodeid = id2nodeid($script['scriptid']);
                if (bccomp($host_nodeid, $script_nodeid) == 0) {
                    $menus .= "['" . $script['name'] . "',\"javascript: openWinCentered('scripts_exec.php?execute=1&hostid=" . $db_element["elementid"] . "&scriptid=" . $script['scriptid'] . "','" . S_TOOLS . "',760,540,'titlebar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, dialog=no');\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],";
            $menus .= "[" . zbx_jsvalue(S_LINKS) . ",null,null,{'outer' : ['pum_oheader'],'inner' : ['pum_iheader']}],";
            $menus .= "['" . S_STATUS_OF_TRIGGERS . "',\"javascript: redirect('tr_status.php?hostid=" . $db_element['elementid'] . "&noactions=true&onlytrue=true&compact=true')\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],";
            if (!empty($db_element["url"])) {
                $menus .= "['" . S_MAP . SPACE . S_URL . "',\"javascript: redirect('" . $url . "')\", null,{'outer' : ['pum_o_item'],'inner' : ['pum_i_item']}],";
            $menus = trim($menus, ',');
            $menus = "show_popup_menu(event,[[" . zbx_jsvalue(S_TOOLS) . ",null,null,{'outer' : ['pum_oheader'],'inner' : ['pum_iheader']}]," . $menus . "],180); cancelEvent(event);";
            $r_area->AddAction('onclick', 'javascript: ' . $menus);
        //AddRectArea($x1_,$y1_,$x2_,$y2_, $url, $alt);
    $jsmenu = new CPUMenu(null, 170);
    return $action_map;