예제 #1
  * @param $data
  * @return bool
 public function syncTemplates(array $data)
     $data['templateids'] = zbx_toArray($data['templateids']);
     $data['hostids'] = zbx_toArray($data['hostids']);
     $triggers = $this->get(['output' => ['triggerid', 'expression', 'description', 'url', 'status', 'priority', 'comments', 'type'], 'hostids' => $data['templateids'], 'preservekeys' => true]);
     $triggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($triggers);
     foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
         $this->inherit($trigger, $data['hostids']);
     return true;
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
$widget = (new CWidget())->setTitle(_('Trigger prototypes'))->setControls((new CForm('get'))->cleanItems()->addVar('parent_discoveryid', $this->data['parent_discoveryid'])->addItem((new CList())->addItem(new CSubmit('form', _('Create trigger prototype')))))->addItem(get_header_host_table('triggers', $this->data['hostid'], $this->data['parent_discoveryid']));
// create form
$triggersForm = (new CForm())->setName('triggersForm')->addVar('parent_discoveryid', $this->data['parent_discoveryid']);
// create table
$triggersTable = (new CTableInfo())->setHeader([(new CColHeader((new CCheckBox('all_triggers'))->onClick("checkAll('" . $triggersForm->getName() . "', 'all_triggers', 'g_triggerid');")))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_CELL_WIDTH), make_sorting_header(_('Severity'), 'priority', $this->data['sort'], $this->data['sortorder']), make_sorting_header(_('Name'), 'description', $this->data['sort'], $this->data['sortorder']), _('Expression'), make_sorting_header(_('Status'), 'status', $this->data['sort'], $this->data['sortorder'])]);
$this->data['triggers'] = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($this->data['triggers'], ['html' => true]);
foreach ($this->data['triggers'] as $trigger) {
    $triggerid = $trigger['triggerid'];
    $trigger['discoveryRuleid'] = $this->data['parent_discoveryid'];
    // description
    $description = [];
    if ($trigger['templateid'] > 0) {
        if (!isset($this->data['realHosts'][$triggerid])) {
            $description[] = (new CSpan(_('Template')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_GREY);
            $description[] = NAME_DELIMITER;
        } else {
            $real_hosts = $this->data['realHosts'][$triggerid];
            $real_host = reset($real_hosts);
            $tpl_disc_ruleid = get_realrule_by_itemid_and_hostid($this->data['parent_discoveryid'], $real_host['hostid']);
            $description[] = (new CLink(CHtml::encode($real_host['name']), 'trigger_prototypes.php?parent_discoveryid=' . $tpl_disc_ruleid))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_LINK_ALT)->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_GREY);
            $description[] = NAME_DELIMITER;
예제 #3
 $host = reset($item['hosts']);
 $exprs = getRequest('expressions', false);
 if ($exprs && ($expression = $constructor->getExpressionFromParts($host['host'], $item['key_'], $exprs))) {
     if (!check_right_on_trigger_by_expression(PERM_READ_WRITE, $expression)) {
     $now = time();
     $status = hasRequest('status') ? TRIGGER_STATUS_DISABLED : TRIGGER_STATUS_ENABLED;
     if (hasRequest('triggerid')) {
         $triggerId = getRequest('triggerid');
         $description = getRequest('description', '');
         $db_triggers = API::Trigger()->get(['output' => ['description', 'expression', 'templateid'], 'triggerids' => [$triggerId]]);
         if ($db_triggers[0]['templateid'] != 0) {
             $db_triggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($db_triggers);
             $description = $db_triggers[0]['description'];
             $expression = $db_triggers[0]['expression'];
         $trigger = [];
         $trigger['triggerid'] = $triggerId;
         $trigger['expression'] = $expression;
         $trigger['description'] = $description;
         $trigger['type'] = $type;
         $trigger['priority'] = getRequest('priority', 0);
         $trigger['status'] = $status;
         $trigger['comments'] = getRequest('comments', '');
         $trigger['url'] = getRequest('url', '');
         $result = (bool) API::Trigger()->update($trigger);
         $auditAction = AUDIT_ACTION_UPDATE;
         show_messages($result, _('Trigger updated'), _('Cannot update trigger'));
  * Get triggers references by trigger ids.
  * @param array $triggerIds
  * @return array
 protected function getTriggersReferences(array $triggerIds)
     $ids = [];
     $triggers = API::Trigger()->get(['triggerids' => $triggerIds, 'output' => ['description', 'expression'], 'preservekeys' => true]);
     $triggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($triggers);
     foreach ($triggers as $id => $trigger) {
         $ids[$id] = ['description' => $trigger['description'], 'expression' => $trigger['expression']];
     return $ids;
예제 #5
  * Unlinks the templates from the given hosts. If $tragetids is set to null, the templates will be unlinked from
  * all hosts.
  * @param array      $templateids
  * @param null|array $targetids		the IDs of the hosts to unlink the templates from
  * @param bool       $clear			delete all of the inherited objects from the hosts
 protected function unlink($templateids, $targetids = null, $clear = false)
     // check that all triggers on templates that we unlink, don't have items from another templates
     $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT t.description' . ' FROM triggers t,functions f,items i' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid' . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $templateids) . ' AND EXISTS (' . 'SELECT ff.triggerid' . ' FROM functions ff,items ii' . ' WHERE ff.itemid=ii.itemid' . ' AND ff.triggerid=t.triggerid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('ii.hostid', $templateids, true) . ')' . ' AND t.flags=' . ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL;
     if ($dbTrigger = DBfetch(DBSelect($sql, 1))) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Cannot unlink trigger "%s", it has items from template that is left linked to host.', $dbTrigger['description']));
     $sqlFrom = ' triggers t,hosts h';
     $sqlWhere = ' EXISTS (' . 'SELECT ff.triggerid' . ' FROM functions ff,items ii' . ' WHERE ff.triggerid=t.templateid' . ' AND ii.itemid=ff.itemid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('ii.hostid', $templateids) . ')' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('t.flags', $flags);
     if (!is_null($targetids)) {
         $sqlFrom = ' triggers t,functions f,items i,hosts h';
         $sqlWhere .= ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $targetids) . ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND t.triggerid=f.triggerid' . ' AND h.hostid=i.hostid';
     $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT t.triggerid,t.description,t.flags,t.expression,h.name as host' . ' FROM ' . $sqlFrom . ' WHERE ' . $sqlWhere;
     $dbTriggers = DBSelect($sql);
     $triggerids = [];
     while ($trigger = DBfetch($dbTriggers)) {
         $triggers[$trigger['flags']][$trigger['triggerid']] = ['description' => $trigger['description'], 'expression' => $trigger['expression'], 'triggerid' => $trigger['triggerid'], 'host' => $trigger['host']];
         if (!in_array($trigger['triggerid'], $triggerids)) {
             array_push($triggerids, $trigger['triggerid']);
     if (!empty($triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL])) {
         $triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL] = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL]);
         if ($clear) {
             $result = API::Trigger()->delete(array_keys($triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL]), true);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot unlink and clear triggers'));
         } else {
             DB::update('triggers', ['values' => ['templateid' => 0], 'where' => ['triggerid' => array_keys($triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL])]]);
             foreach ($triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL] as $trigger) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Trigger "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $trigger['description'], $trigger['host']));
     if (!empty($triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE])) {
         $triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE] = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE]);
         if ($clear) {
             $result = API::TriggerPrototype()->delete(array_keys($triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE]), true);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot unlink and clear triggers'));
         } else {
             DB::update('triggers', ['values' => ['templateid' => 0], 'where' => ['triggerid' => array_keys($triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE])]]);
             foreach ($triggers[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE] as $trigger) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Trigger prototype "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $trigger['description'], $trigger['host']));
     $sqlFrom = ' items i1,items i2,hosts h';
     $sqlWhere = ' i2.itemid=i1.templateid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('i2.hostid', $templateids) . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('i1.flags', $flags) . ' AND h.hostid=i1.hostid';
     if (!is_null($targetids)) {
         $sqlWhere .= ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('i1.hostid', $targetids);
     $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT i1.itemid,i1.flags,i1.name,i1.hostid,h.name as host' . ' FROM ' . $sqlFrom . ' WHERE ' . $sqlWhere;
     $dbItems = DBSelect($sql);
     while ($item = DBfetch($dbItems)) {
         $items[$item['flags']][$item['itemid']] = ['name' => $item['name'], 'host' => $item['host']];
     if (!empty($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE])) {
         if ($clear) {
             $result = API::DiscoveryRule()->delete(array_keys($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE]), true);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot unlink and clear discovery rules'));
         } else {
             DB::update('items', ['values' => ['templateid' => 0], 'where' => ['itemid' => array_keys($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE])]]);
             foreach ($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE] as $discoveryRule) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Discovery rule "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $discoveryRule['name'], $discoveryRule['host']));
     if (!empty($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL])) {
         if ($clear) {
             $result = API::Item()->delete(array_keys($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL]), true);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot unlink and clear items'));
         } else {
             DB::update('items', ['values' => ['templateid' => 0], 'where' => ['itemid' => array_keys($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL])]]);
             foreach ($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL] as $item) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Item "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $item['name'], $item['host']));
     if (!empty($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE])) {
         $item_prototypeids = array_keys($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE]);
         if ($clear) {
             // This will include deletion of linked application prototypes.
             $result = API::Itemprototype()->delete($item_prototypeids, true);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot unlink and clear item prototypes'));
         } else {
             DB::update('items', ['values' => ['templateid' => 0], 'where' => ['itemid' => $item_prototypeids]]);
             foreach ($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE] as $item) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Item prototype "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $item['name'], $item['host']));
              * Convert templated application prototypes to normal application prototypes
              * who are linked to these item prototypes.
             $application_prototypes = DBfetchArray(DBselect('SELECT ap.application_prototypeid' . ' FROM application_prototype ap' . ' WHERE EXISTS (' . 'SELECT NULL' . ' FROM item_application_prototype iap' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('iap.itemid', $item_prototypeids) . ' AND iap.application_prototypeid=ap.application_prototypeid' . ')'));
             if ($application_prototypes) {
                 $application_prototypeids = zbx_objectValues($application_prototypes, 'application_prototypeid');
                 DB::update('application_prototype', ['values' => ['templateid' => 0], 'where' => ['application_prototypeid' => $application_prototypeids]]);
     // host prototypes
     // we need only to unlink host prototypes. in case of unlink and clear they will be deleted together with LLD rules.
     if (!$clear && isset($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE])) {
         $discoveryRuleIds = array_keys($items[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_RULE]);
         $hostPrototypes = DBfetchArrayAssoc(DBSelect('SELECT DISTINCT h.hostid,h.host,h3.host AS parent_host' . ' FROM hosts h' . ' INNER JOIN host_discovery hd ON h.hostid=hd.hostid' . ' INNER JOIN hosts h2 ON h.templateid=h2.hostid' . ' INNER JOIN host_discovery hd2 ON h.hostid=hd.hostid' . ' INNER JOIN items i ON hd.parent_itemid=i.itemid' . ' INNER JOIN hosts h3 ON i.hostid=h3.hostid' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('hd.parent_itemid', $discoveryRuleIds)), 'hostid');
         if ($hostPrototypes) {
             DB::update('hosts', ['values' => ['templateid' => 0], 'where' => ['hostid' => array_keys($hostPrototypes)]]);
             DB::update('group_prototype', ['values' => ['templateid' => 0], 'where' => ['hostid' => array_keys($hostPrototypes)]]);
             foreach ($hostPrototypes as $hostPrototype) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Host prototype "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $hostPrototype['host'], $hostPrototype['parent_host']));
     /* GRAPHS {{{ */
     $sqlFrom = ' graphs g,hosts h';
     $sqlWhere = ' EXISTS (' . 'SELECT ggi.graphid' . ' FROM graphs_items ggi,items ii' . ' WHERE ggi.graphid=g.templateid' . ' AND ii.itemid=ggi.itemid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('ii.hostid', $templateids) . ')' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('g.flags', $flags);
     if (!is_null($targetids)) {
         $sqlFrom = ' graphs g,graphs_items gi,items i,hosts h';
         $sqlWhere .= ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('i.hostid', $targetids) . ' AND gi.itemid=i.itemid' . ' AND g.graphid=gi.graphid' . ' AND h.hostid=i.hostid';
     $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT g.graphid,g.name,g.flags,h.name as host' . ' FROM ' . $sqlFrom . ' WHERE ' . $sqlWhere;
     $dbGraphs = DBSelect($sql);
     while ($graph = DBfetch($dbGraphs)) {
         $graphs[$graph['flags']][$graph['graphid']] = ['name' => $graph['name'], 'graphid' => $graph['graphid'], 'host' => $graph['host']];
     if (!empty($graphs[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE])) {
         if ($clear) {
             $result = API::GraphPrototype()->delete(array_keys($graphs[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE]), true);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot unlink and clear graph prototypes'));
         } else {
             DB::update('graphs', ['values' => ['templateid' => 0], 'where' => ['graphid' => array_keys($graphs[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE])]]);
             foreach ($graphs[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE] as $graph) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Graph prototype "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $graph['name'], $graph['host']));
     if (!empty($graphs[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL])) {
         if ($clear) {
             $result = API::Graph()->delete(array_keys($graphs[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL]), true);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot unlink and clear graphs.'));
         } else {
             DB::update('graphs', ['values' => ['templateid' => 0], 'where' => ['graphid' => array_keys($graphs[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL])]]);
             foreach ($graphs[ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL] as $graph) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Graph "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $graph['name'], $graph['host']));
     /* }}} GRAPHS */
     // http tests
     $sqlWhere = '';
     if (!is_null($targetids)) {
         $sqlWhere = ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('ht1.hostid', $targetids);
     $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT ht1.httptestid,ht1.name,h.name as host' . ' FROM httptest ht1' . ' INNER JOIN httptest ht2 ON ht2.httptestid=ht1.templateid' . ' INNER JOIN hosts h ON h.hostid=ht1.hostid' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('ht2.hostid', $templateids) . $sqlWhere;
     $dbHttpTests = DBSelect($sql);
     $httpTests = [];
     while ($httpTest = DBfetch($dbHttpTests)) {
         $httpTests[$httpTest['httptestid']] = ['name' => $httpTest['name'], 'host' => $httpTest['host']];
     if (!empty($httpTests)) {
         if ($clear) {
             $result = API::HttpTest()->delete(array_keys($httpTests), true);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot unlink and clear Web scenarios.'));
         } else {
             DB::update('httptest', ['values' => ['templateid' => 0], 'where' => ['httptestid' => array_keys($httpTests)]]);
             foreach ($httpTests as $httpTest) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Web scenario "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $httpTest['name'], $httpTest['host']));
     /* APPLICATIONS {{{ */
     $sql = 'SELECT at.application_templateid,at.applicationid,h.name,h.host,h.hostid' . ' FROM applications a1,application_template at,applications a2,hosts h' . ' WHERE a1.applicationid=at.applicationid' . ' AND at.templateid=a2.applicationid' . ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('a2.hostid', $templateids) . ' AND a1.hostid=h.hostid';
     if ($targetids) {
         $sql .= ' AND ' . dbConditionInt('a1.hostid', $targetids);
     $query = DBselect($sql);
     $applicationTemplates = [];
     while ($applicationTemplate = DBfetch($query)) {
         $applicationTemplates[] = ['applicationid' => $applicationTemplate['applicationid'], 'application_templateid' => $applicationTemplate['application_templateid'], 'name' => $applicationTemplate['name'], 'hostid' => $applicationTemplate['hostid'], 'host' => $applicationTemplate['host']];
     if ($applicationTemplates) {
         // unlink applications from templates
         DB::delete('application_template', ['application_templateid' => zbx_objectValues($applicationTemplates, 'application_templateid')]);
         if ($clear) {
             // Delete inherited applications that are no longer linked to any templates and items.
             $applicationids = zbx_objectValues($applicationTemplates, 'applicationid');
             $applications = DBfetchArray(DBselect('SELECT a.applicationid' . ' FROM applications a' . ' LEFT JOIN application_template at ON a.applicationid=at.applicationid' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('a.applicationid', $applicationids) . ' AND at.applicationid IS NULL' . ' AND a.applicationid NOT IN (' . 'SELECT ia.applicationid' . ' FROM items_applications ia' . ' WHERE ' . dbConditionInt('ia.applicationid', $applicationids) . ')'));
             $result = API::Application()->delete(zbx_objectValues($applications, 'applicationid'), true);
             if (!$result) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_INTERNAL, _('Cannot unlink and clear applications.'));
         } else {
             foreach ($applicationTemplates as $application) {
                 info(_s('Unlinked: Application "%1$s" on "%2$s".', $application['name'], $application['host']));
      * Process discovered applications when parent is a host, not template.
      * If a discovered application has no longer linked items, remove them.
     if ($targetids) {
         $discovered_applications = API::Application()->get(['output' => ['applicationid'], 'hostids' => $targetids, 'filter' => ['flags' => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED], 'preservekeys' => true]);
         if ($discovered_applications) {
             $discovered_applications = API::Application()->get(['output' => ['applicationid'], 'selectItems' => ['itemid'], 'applicationids' => array_keys($discovered_applications), 'filter' => ['flags' => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED]]);
             $applications_to_delete = [];
             foreach ($discovered_applications as $discovered_application) {
                 if (!$discovered_application['items']) {
                     $applications_to_delete[$discovered_application['applicationid']] = true;
             if ($applications_to_delete) {
                 API::Application()->delete(array_keys($applications_to_delete), true);
     /* }}} APPLICATIONS */
     parent::unlink($templateids, $targetids);
예제 #6
 * Generate data for the trigger configuration form.
 * @param string $exprAction	expression constructor action, see remakeExpression() for a list of supported values
 * @return array
function getTriggerFormData($exprAction)
    $data = ['form' => getRequest('form'), 'form_refresh' => getRequest('form_refresh'), 'parent_discoveryid' => getRequest('parent_discoveryid'), 'dependencies' => getRequest('dependencies', []), 'db_dependencies' => [], 'triggerid' => getRequest('triggerid'), 'expression' => getRequest('expression', ''), 'expr_temp' => getRequest('expr_temp', ''), 'description' => getRequest('description', ''), 'type' => getRequest('type', 0), 'priority' => getRequest('priority', 0), 'status' => getRequest('status', 0), 'comments' => getRequest('comments', ''), 'url' => getRequest('url', ''), 'input_method' => getRequest('input_method', IM_ESTABLISHED), 'limited' => false, 'templates' => [], 'hostid' => getRequest('hostid', 0)];
    if (!empty($data['triggerid'])) {
        // get trigger
        $options = ['output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectHosts' => ['hostid'], 'triggerids' => $data['triggerid']];
        $triggers = $data['parent_discoveryid'] ? API::TriggerPrototype()->get($options) : API::Trigger()->get($options);
        $triggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($triggers);
        $data['trigger'] = reset($triggers);
        // get templates
        $tmp_triggerid = $data['triggerid'];
        do {
            $db_triggers = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT t.triggerid,t.templateid,id.parent_itemid,h.name,h.hostid' . ' FROM triggers t' . ' LEFT JOIN functions f ON t.triggerid=f.triggerid' . ' LEFT JOIN items i ON f.itemid=i.itemid' . ' LEFT JOIN hosts h ON i.hostid=h.hostid' . ' LEFT JOIN item_discovery id ON i.itemid=id.itemid' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=' . zbx_dbstr($tmp_triggerid)));
            if (bccomp($data['triggerid'], $tmp_triggerid) != 0) {
                // parent trigger prototype link
                if ($data['parent_discoveryid']) {
                    $link = 'trigger_prototypes.php?form=update&triggerid=' . $db_triggers['triggerid'] . '&parent_discoveryid=' . $db_triggers['parent_itemid'] . '&hostid=' . $db_triggers['hostid'];
                } else {
                    $link = 'triggers.php?form=update&triggerid=' . $db_triggers['triggerid'] . '&hostid=' . $db_triggers['hostid'];
                $data['templates'][] = new CLink(CHtml::encode($db_triggers['name']), $link);
                $data['templates'][] = SPACE . '⇒' . SPACE;
            $tmp_triggerid = $db_triggers['templateid'];
        } while ($tmp_triggerid != 0);
        $data['templates'] = array_reverse($data['templates']);
        $data['limited'] = $data['trigger']['templateid'] != 0;
        // select first host from triggers if gived not match
        $hosts = $data['trigger']['hosts'];
        if (count($hosts) > 0 && !in_array(['hostid' => $data['hostid']], $hosts)) {
            $host = reset($hosts);
            $data['hostid'] = $host['hostid'];
    if (!empty($data['triggerid']) && !isset($_REQUEST['form_refresh']) || $data['limited']) {
        $data['expression'] = $data['trigger']['expression'];
        if (!$data['limited'] || !isset($_REQUEST['form_refresh'])) {
            $data['description'] = $data['trigger']['description'];
            $data['type'] = $data['trigger']['type'];
            $data['priority'] = $data['trigger']['priority'];
            $data['status'] = $data['trigger']['status'];
            $data['comments'] = $data['trigger']['comments'];
            $data['url'] = $data['trigger']['url'];
            $db_triggers = DBselect('SELECT t.triggerid,t.description' . ' FROM triggers t,trigger_depends d' . ' WHERE t.triggerid=d.triggerid_up' . ' AND d.triggerid_down=' . zbx_dbstr($data['triggerid']));
            while ($trigger = DBfetch($db_triggers)) {
                if (uint_in_array($trigger['triggerid'], $data['dependencies'])) {
                array_push($data['dependencies'], $trigger['triggerid']);
    if ($data['input_method'] == IM_TREE) {
        $analyze = analyzeExpression($data['expression']);
        if ($analyze !== false) {
            list($data['outline'], $data['eHTMLTree']) = $analyze;
            if ($exprAction !== null && $data['eHTMLTree'] != null) {
                $new_expr = remakeExpression($data['expression'], $_REQUEST['expr_target_single'], $exprAction, $data['expr_temp']);
                if ($new_expr !== false) {
                    $data['expression'] = $new_expr;
                    $analyze = analyzeExpression($data['expression']);
                    if ($analyze !== false) {
                        list($data['outline'], $data['eHTMLTree']) = $analyze;
                    } else {
                        show_messages(false, '', _('Expression Syntax Error.'));
                    $data['expr_temp'] = '';
                } else {
                    show_messages(false, '', _('Expression Syntax Error.'));
            $data['expression_field_name'] = 'expr_temp';
            $data['expression_field_value'] = $data['expr_temp'];
            $data['expression_field_readonly'] = true;
        } else {
            show_messages(false, '', _('Expression Syntax Error.'));
            $data['input_method'] = IM_ESTABLISHED;
    if ($data['input_method'] != IM_TREE) {
        $data['expression_field_name'] = 'expression';
        $data['expression_field_value'] = $data['expression'];
        $data['expression_field_readonly'] = $data['limited'];
    if ($data['dependencies']) {
        $dependencyTriggers = API::Trigger()->get(['output' => ['triggerid', 'description', 'flags'], 'selectHosts' => ['hostid', 'name'], 'triggerids' => $data['dependencies'], 'preservekeys' => true]);
        if ($data['parent_discoveryid']) {
            $dependencyTriggerPrototypes = API::TriggerPrototype()->get(['output' => ['triggerid', 'description', 'flags'], 'selectHosts' => ['hostid', 'name'], 'triggerids' => $data['dependencies'], 'preservekeys' => true]);
            $data['db_dependencies'] = $dependencyTriggers + $dependencyTriggerPrototypes;
        } else {
            $data['db_dependencies'] = $dependencyTriggers;
    foreach ($data['db_dependencies'] as &$dependency) {
        order_result($dependency['hosts'], 'name', ZBX_SORT_UP);
    order_result($data['db_dependencies'], 'description');
    return $data;
예제 #7
    $exprAction = 'r';
} elseif (getRequest('remove_expression')) {
    $exprAction = 'R';
    $_REQUEST['expr_target_single'] = $_REQUEST['remove_expression'];
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['clone']) && isset($_REQUEST['triggerid'])) {
    $_REQUEST['form'] = 'clone';
} elseif (hasRequest('add') || hasRequest('update')) {
    $trigger = ['expression' => getRequest('expression'), 'description' => getRequest('description'), 'url' => getRequest('url'), 'status' => getRequest('status'), 'priority' => getRequest('priority'), 'comments' => getRequest('comments'), 'type' => getRequest('type'), 'dependencies' => zbx_toObject(getRequest('dependencies', []), 'triggerid')];
    if (hasRequest('update')) {
        // Update only changed fields.
        $old_trigger_prototypes = API::TriggerPrototype()->get(['output' => ['expression', 'description', 'url', 'status', 'priority', 'comments', 'type'], 'selectDependencies' => ['triggerid'], 'triggerids' => getRequest('triggerid')]);
        if (!$old_trigger_prototypes) {
        $old_trigger_prototypes = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($old_trigger_prototypes);
        $old_trigger_prototype = reset($old_trigger_prototypes);
        $old_trigger_prototype['dependencies'] = zbx_toHash(zbx_objectValues($old_trigger_prototype['dependencies'], 'triggerid'));
        $newDependencies = $trigger['dependencies'];
        $oldDependencies = $old_trigger_prototype['dependencies'];
        unset($trigger['dependencies'], $old_trigger_prototype['dependencies']);
        $triggerToUpdate = array_diff_assoc($trigger, $old_trigger_prototype);
        $triggerToUpdate['triggerid'] = getRequest('triggerid');
        // dependencies
        $updateDepencencies = false;
        if (count($newDependencies) != count($oldDependencies)) {
            $updateDepencencies = true;
        } else {
            foreach ($newDependencies as $dependency) {
                if (!isset($oldDependencies[$dependency['triggerid']])) {
                    $updateDepencencies = true;
예제 #8
  * Copies all of the triggers from the source discovery to the target discovery rule.
  * @throws APIException if trigger saving fails
  * @param array $srcDiscovery    The source discovery rule to copy from
  * @param array $dstDiscovery    The target discovery rule to copy to
  * @param array $srcHost         The host the source discovery belongs to
  * @param array $dstHost         The host the target discovery belongs to
  * @return array
 protected function copyTriggerPrototypes(array $srcDiscovery, array $dstDiscovery, array $srcHost, array $dstHost)
     $srcTriggers = API::TriggerPrototype()->get(['discoveryids' => $srcDiscovery['itemid'], 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectHosts' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectItems' => ['itemid', 'type'], 'selectDiscoveryRule' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectFunctions' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectDependencies' => ['triggerid'], 'preservekeys' => true]);
     if (!$srcTriggers) {
         return [];
     foreach ($srcTriggers as $id => $trigger) {
         // Skip trigger prototypes with web items and remove them from source.
         if (httpItemExists($trigger['items'])) {
      * Copy the remaining trigger prototypes to a new source. These will contain IDs and original dependencies.
      * The dependencies from $srcTriggers will be removed.
     $trigger_prototypes = $srcTriggers;
     // Contains original trigger prototype dependency IDs.
     $dep_triggerids = [];
      * Collect dependency trigger IDs and remove them from source. Otherwise these IDs do not pass
      * validation, since they don't belong to destination discovery rule.
     $add_dependencies = false;
     foreach ($srcTriggers as $id => &$trigger) {
         if ($trigger['dependencies']) {
             foreach ($trigger['dependencies'] as $dep_trigger) {
                 $dep_triggerids[] = $dep_trigger['triggerid'];
             $add_dependencies = true;
     // Save new trigger prototypes and without dependencies for now.
     $dstTriggers = $srcTriggers;
     $dstTriggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($dstTriggers);
     foreach ($dstTriggers as $id => &$trigger) {
         unset($dstTriggers[$id]['triggerid'], $dstTriggers[$id]['templateid']);
         // Update the destination expression.
         $trigger['expression'] = triggerExpressionReplaceHost($trigger['expression'], $srcHost['host'], $dstHost['host']);
     $result = API::TriggerPrototype()->create($dstTriggers);
     if (!$result) {
         self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Cannot clone trigger prototypes.'));
     // Process dependencies, if at least one trigger prototype has a dependency.
     if ($add_dependencies) {
         $trigger_prototypeids = array_keys($trigger_prototypes);
         foreach ($result['triggerids'] as $i => $triggerid) {
             $new_trigger_prototypes[$trigger_prototypeids[$i]] = ['new_triggerid' => $triggerid, 'new_hostid' => $dstHost['hostid'], 'new_host' => $dstHost['host'], 'src_hostid' => $srcHost['hostid'], 'src_host' => $srcHost['host']];
          * Search for original dependant triggers and expressions to find corresponding triggers on destination host
          * with same expression.
         $dep_triggers = API::Trigger()->get(['output' => ['description', 'expression'], 'selectHosts' => ['hostid'], 'triggerids' => $dep_triggerids, 'preservekeys' => true]);
         $dep_triggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($dep_triggers);
         // Map dependencies to the new trigger IDs and save.
         foreach ($trigger_prototypes as &$trigger_prototype) {
             // Get corresponding created trigger prototype ID.
             $new_trigger_prototype = $new_trigger_prototypes[$trigger_prototype['triggerid']];
             if ($trigger_prototype['dependencies']) {
                 foreach ($trigger_prototype['dependencies'] as &$dependency) {
                     $dep_triggerid = $dependency['triggerid'];
                      * We have added a dependant trigger prototype and we know corresponding trigger prototype ID
                      * for newly created trigger prototype.
                     if (array_key_exists($dependency['triggerid'], $new_trigger_prototypes)) {
                          * Dependency is within same host according to $srcHostId parameter or dep trigger has
                          * single host.
                         if ($new_trigger_prototype['src_hostid'] == $new_trigger_prototypes[$dep_triggerid]['src_hostid']) {
                             $dependency['triggerid'] = $new_trigger_prototypes[$dep_triggerid]['new_triggerid'];
                     } elseif (in_array(['hostid' => $new_trigger_prototype['src_hostid']], $dep_triggers[$dep_triggerid]['hosts'])) {
                         // Get all possible $depTrigger matching triggers by description.
                         $target_triggers = API::Trigger()->get(['output' => ['hosts', 'triggerid', 'expression'], 'hostids' => $new_trigger_prototype['new_hostid'], 'filter' => ['description' => $dep_triggers[$dep_triggerid]['description']], 'preservekeys' => true]);
                         $target_triggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($target_triggers);
                         // Compare exploded expressions for exact match.
                         $expr1 = $dep_triggers[$dep_triggerid]['expression'];
                         $dependency['triggerid'] = null;
                         foreach ($target_triggers as $target_trigger) {
                             $expr2 = triggerExpressionReplaceHost($target_trigger['expression'], $new_trigger_prototype['new_host'], $new_trigger_prototype['src_host']);
                             if ($expr2 === $expr1) {
                                 // Matching trigger has been found.
                                 $dependency['triggerid'] = $target_trigger['triggerid'];
                         // If matching trigger was not found, raise exception.
                         if ($dependency['triggerid'] === null) {
                             $expr2 = triggerExpressionReplaceHost($dep_triggers[$dep_triggerid]['expression'], $new_trigger_prototype['src_host'], $new_trigger_prototype['new_host']);
                             error(_s('Cannot add dependency from trigger "%1$s:%2$s" to non existing trigger "%3$s:%4$s".', $trigger_prototype['description'], $trigger_prototype['expression'], $dep_triggers[$dep_triggerid]['description'], $expr2));
                             return false;
                 $trigger_prototype['triggerid'] = $new_trigger_prototype['new_triggerid'];
         // If adding a dependency fails, the exception will be raised in TriggerPrototype API.
     return $result;
예제 #9
  * Select trigger ids for previously added trigger names/expressions.
 protected function selectTriggers()
     if (!empty($this->triggers)) {
         $this->triggersRefs = [];
         $dbTriggers = API::Trigger()->get(['output' => ['triggerid', 'expression', 'description'], 'filter' => ['description' => array_keys($this->triggers), 'flags' => [ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL, ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_PROTOTYPE, ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED]]]);
         $dbTriggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($dbTriggers);
         foreach ($dbTriggers as $dbTrigger) {
             if (isset($this->triggers[$dbTrigger['description']][$dbTrigger['expression']])) {
                 $this->triggersRefs[$dbTrigger['description']][$dbTrigger['expression']] = $dbTrigger['triggerid'];
예제 #10
  * Checks that no trigger with the same description and expression as $trigger exist on the given host.
  * Assumes the given trigger is valid.
  * @throws APIException if at least one trigger exists
  * @param array $trigger a trigger with an exploded expression
  * @param null  $hostid
  * @return void
 protected function checkIfExistsOnHost(array $trigger, $hostId = null)
     // skip the check if the description and expression haven't been changed
     if (!isset($trigger['description']) && !isset($trigger['expression'])) {
     // make sure we have all the required data
     if (!isset($trigger['description']) || !isset($trigger['expression'])) {
         $explodeExpression = !isset($trigger['expression']);
         $trigger = $this->extendObject($this->tableName(), $trigger, ['description', 'expression']);
         if ($explodeExpression) {
             $trigger['expression'] = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpression($trigger['expression']);
     $filter = ['description' => $trigger['description']];
     if ($hostId) {
         $filter['hostid'] = $hostId;
     } else {
         $expressionData = new CTriggerExpression($trigger['expression']);
         $expressionHosts = $expressionData->getHosts();
         $filter['host'] = reset($expressionHosts);
     $triggers = $this->get(['filter' => $filter, 'output' => ['expression', 'triggerid'], 'nopermissions' => true]);
     $triggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($triggers);
     foreach ($triggers as $dbTrigger) {
         // check if the expressions are also equal and that this is a different trigger
         $differentTrigger = !isset($trigger['triggerid']) || !idcmp($trigger['triggerid'], $dbTrigger['triggerid']);
         if ($dbTrigger['expression'] === $trigger['expression'] && $differentTrigger) {
             $options = ['output' => ['name'], 'templated_hosts' => true, 'nopermissions' => true, 'limit' => 1];
             if (isset($filter['host'])) {
                 $options['filter'] = ['host' => $filter['host']];
             } else {
                 $options['hostids'] = $hostId;
             $host = API::Host()->get($options);
             $host = reset($host);
             self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _s('Trigger "%1$s" already exists on "%2$s".', $trigger['description'], $host['name']));
예제 #11
 * Copies the given triggers to the given hosts or templates.
 * Without the $srcHostId parameter it will only be able to copy triggers that belong to only one host. If the
 * $srcHostId parameter is not passed, and a trigger has multiple hosts, it will throw an error. If the
 * $srcHostId parameter is passed, the given host will be replaced with the destination host.
 * This function takes care of copied trigger dependencies.
 * If trigger is copied alongside with trigger on which it depends, then dependencies is replaced directly using new ids,
 * If there is target host within dependency trigger, algorithm will search for potential matching trigger in target host,
 * if matching trigger is found, then id from this trigger is used, if not rise exception,
 * otherwise original dependency will be left.
 * @param int|array $srcTriggerIds triggers which will be copied to $dstHostIds
 * @param int|array $dstHostIds hosts and templates to whom add triggers, ids not present in DB (host table) will be ignored
 * @param int $srcHostId host id in which context trigger with multiple hosts will be treated
 * @return bool
function copyTriggersToHosts($srcTriggerIds, $dstHostIds, $srcHostId = null)
    $options = ['triggerids' => $srcTriggerIds, 'output' => ['triggerid', 'expression', 'description', 'url', 'status', 'priority', 'comments', 'type'], 'filter' => ['flags' => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL], 'selectDependencies' => ['triggerid']];
    if ($srcHostId) {
        $srcHost = API::Host()->get(['output' => ['host'], 'hostids' => $srcHostId, 'preservekeys' => true, 'templated_hosts' => true]);
        // If provided $srcHostId doesn't match any record in DB, return false.
        if (!($srcHost = reset($srcHost))) {
            return false;
    } else {
        $options['selectHosts'] = ['host'];
    $dbSrcTriggers = API::Trigger()->get($options);
    $dbSrcTriggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($dbSrcTriggers);
    $dbDstHosts = API::Host()->get(['output' => ['hostid', 'host'], 'hostids' => $dstHostIds, 'preservekeys' => true, 'templated_hosts' => true]);
    $newTriggers = [];
    // Create each trigger for each host.
    foreach ($dbDstHosts as $dstHost) {
        foreach ($dbSrcTriggers as $srcTrigger) {
            // If $srcHostId provided, get host 'host' for triggerExpressionReplaceHost().
            if ($srcHostId != 0) {
                $host = $srcHost['host'];
                $srcTriggerContextHostId = $srcHostId;
            } else {
                 * If we have multiple hosts in trigger expression and we haven't pointed ($srcHostId) which host to
                 * replace, call error.
                if (count($srcTrigger['hosts']) > 1) {
                    error(_s('Cannot copy trigger "%1$s:%2$s", because it has multiple hosts in the expression.', $srcTrigger['description'], $srcTrigger['expression']));
                    return false;
                $host = $srcTrigger['hosts'][0]['host'];
                $srcTriggerContextHostId = $srcTrigger['hosts'][0]['hostid'];
            $srcTrigger['expression'] = triggerExpressionReplaceHost($srcTrigger['expression'], $host, $dstHost['host']);
            // The dependddencies must be added after all triggers are created.
            $result = API::Trigger()->create([['description' => $srcTrigger['description'], 'expression' => $srcTrigger['expression'], 'url' => $srcTrigger['url'], 'status' => $srcTrigger['status'], 'priority' => $srcTrigger['priority'], 'comments' => $srcTrigger['comments'], 'type' => $srcTrigger['type']]]);
            if (!$result) {
                return false;
            $newTriggers[$srcTrigger['triggerid']][] = ['newTriggerId' => reset($result['triggerids']), 'newTriggerExpression' => $srcTrigger['expression'], 'newTriggerHostId' => $dstHost['hostid'], 'newTriggerHost' => $dstHost['host'], 'srcTriggerContextHostId' => $srcTriggerContextHostId, 'srcTriggerContextHost' => $host];
    $depids = [];
    foreach ($dbSrcTriggers as $srcTrigger) {
        foreach ($srcTrigger['dependencies'] as $depTrigger) {
            $depids[] = $depTrigger['triggerid'];
    $depTriggers = API::Trigger()->get(['triggerids' => $depids, 'output' => ['description', 'expression'], 'selectHosts' => ['hostid'], 'preservekeys' => true]);
    $depTriggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($depTriggers);
    // Map dependencies to the new trigger IDs and save.
    if ($newTriggers) {
        $dependencies = [];
        foreach ($dbSrcTriggers as $srcTrigger) {
            if ($srcTrigger['dependencies']) {
                // Get corresponding created triggers.
                $dst_triggers = $newTriggers[$srcTrigger['triggerid']];
                foreach ($dst_triggers as $dst_trigger) {
                    foreach ($srcTrigger['dependencies'] as $depTrigger) {
                         * We have added $depTrigger trigger and we know corresponding trigger ID for newly
                         * created trigger.
                        if (array_key_exists($depTrigger['triggerid'], $newTriggers)) {
                            $dst_dep_triggers = $newTriggers[$depTrigger['triggerid']];
                            foreach ($dst_dep_triggers as $dst_dep_trigger) {
                                 * Dependency is within same host according to $srcHostId parameter or dep trigger has
                                 * single host.
                                if ($dst_trigger['srcTriggerContextHostId'] == $dst_dep_trigger['srcTriggerContextHostId']) {
                                    $depTriggerId = $dst_dep_trigger['newTriggerId'];
                                } else {
                                    $depTriggerId = $depTrigger['triggerid'];
                        } elseif (in_array(['hostid' => $dst_trigger['srcTriggerContextHostId']], $depTriggers[$depTrigger['triggerid']]['hosts'])) {
                            // Get all possible $depTrigger matching triggers by description.
                            $targetHostTriggersByDescription = API::Trigger()->get(['hostids' => $dst_trigger['newTriggerHostId'], 'output' => ['hosts', 'triggerid', 'expression'], 'filter' => ['description' => $depTriggers[$depTrigger['triggerid']]['description']], 'preservekeys' => true]);
                            $targetHostTriggersByDescription = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($targetHostTriggersByDescription);
                            // Compare exploded expressions for exact match.
                            $expr1 = $depTriggers[$depTrigger['triggerid']]['expression'];
                            $depTriggerId = null;
                            foreach ($targetHostTriggersByDescription as $potentialTargetTrigger) {
                                $expr2 = triggerExpressionReplaceHost($potentialTargetTrigger['expression'], $dst_trigger['newTriggerHost'], $dst_trigger['srcTriggerContextHost']);
                                if ($expr2 == $expr1) {
                                    // Matching trigger has been found.
                                    $depTriggerId = $potentialTargetTrigger['triggerid'];
                            // If matching trigger wasn't found raise exception.
                            if ($depTriggerId === null) {
                                $expr2 = triggerExpressionReplaceHost($expr1, $dst_trigger['srcTriggerContextHost'], $dst_trigger['newTriggerHost']);
                                error(_s('Cannot add dependency from trigger "%1$s:%2$s" to non existing trigger "%3$s:%4$s".', $srcTrigger['description'], $dst_trigger['newTriggerExpression'], $depTriggers[$depTrigger['triggerid']]['description'], $expr2));
                                return false;
                        } else {
                            $depTriggerId = $depTrigger['triggerid'];
                        $dependencies[] = ['triggerid' => $dst_trigger['newTriggerId'], 'dependsOnTriggerid' => $depTriggerId];
        if ($dependencies) {
            if (!API::Trigger()->addDependencies($dependencies)) {
                return false;
    return true;
예제 #12
if (!$showMaintenance) {
    $options['maintenance'] = false;
$triggers = API::Trigger()->get($options);
order_result($triggers, $sortField, $sortOrder);
$url = (new CUrl('tr_status.php'))->setArgument('fullscreen', getRequest('fullscreen'))->setArgument('groupid', $pageFilter->groupid)->setArgument('hostid', $pageFilter->hostid)->setArgument('show_triggers', getRequest('show_triggers'))->setArgument('filter_set', getRequest('filter_set'));
$paging = getPagingLine($triggers, $sortOrder, $url);
$triggers = API::Trigger()->get(['triggerids' => zbx_objectValues($triggers, 'triggerid'), 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectHosts' => ['hostid', 'name', 'description', 'status', 'maintenanceid', 'maintenance_status', 'maintenance_type'], 'selectItems' => ['itemid', 'hostid', 'name', 'key_', 'value_type'], 'selectDependencies' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'selectLastEvent' => ['eventid', 'objectid', 'clock', 'ns'], 'preservekeys' => true]);
$triggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerUrls($triggers);
if ($showDetails) {
    foreach ($triggers as &$trigger) {
        $trigger['expression_orig'] = $trigger['expression'];
    $triggers = CMacrosResolverHelper::resolveTriggerExpressions($triggers, ['html' => true, 'resolve_usermacros' => true, 'resolve_macros' => true]);
    foreach ($triggers as &$trigger) {
        $trigger['expression_html'] = $trigger['expression'];
        $trigger['expression'] = $trigger['expression_orig'];
order_result($triggers, $sortField, $sortOrder);
// sort trigger hosts by name
foreach ($triggers as &$trigger) {
    if (count($trigger['hosts']) > 1) {
        order_result($trigger['hosts'], 'name', ZBX_SORT_UP);