case 'switchexplanation': case "newtype": if ($_POST["label" . $availableLanguagesCodes[0]]) { foreach ($availableLanguagesCodes as $aLanguageCode) { $label->setValue($aLanguageCode, $_POST["label" . $aLanguageCode]); } if ($_POST["cms_action"] == 'validate') { $label->writeToPersistence(); } } if ($_POST["description" . $availableLanguagesCodes[0]]) { foreach ($availableLanguagesCodes as $aLanguageCode) { $description->setValue($aLanguageCode, $_POST["description" . $aLanguageCode]); } if ($_POST["cms_action"] == 'validate') { $description->writeToPersistence(); } } if (!$field->setValue("labelID", $label->getID())) { $cms_message .= "\n" . $cms_language->getMessage(MESSAGE_FORM_ERROR_MALFORMED_FIELD, array($cms_language->getMessage(MESSAGE_PAGE_FIELD_TITLE))); } if (!$field->setValue("descriptionID", $description->getID())) { $cms_message .= "\n" . $cms_language->getMessage(MESSAGE_FORM_ERROR_MALFORMED_FIELD, array($cms_language->getMessage(MESSAGE_PAGE_FIELD_DESCRIPTION))); } if ($_POST["type"]) { $field->setValue("type", $_POST["type"]); $typeObject = $field->getTypeObject(true); if (is_object($typeObject) && $typeObject->hasParameters()) { $params = $typeObject->treatParams($_POST, 'type'); } } else {
/** * Import field from given array datas * * @param array $data The module datas to import * @param array $params The import parameters. * array( * create => false|true : create missing objects (default : true) * update => false|true : update existing objects (default : true) * files => false|true : use files from PATH_TMP_FS (default : true) * ) * @param CMS_language $cms_language The CMS_langage to use * @param array $idsRelation : Reference : The relations between import datas ids and real imported ids * @param string $infos : Reference : The import infos returned * @return boolean : true on success, false on failure * @access public */ function fromArray($data, $params, $cms_language, &$idsRelation, &$infos) { if (isset($data['labels'])) { $label = new CMS_object_i18nm($this->getValue("labelID")); $label->setValues($data['labels']); $label->writeToPersistence(); $this->setValue("labelID", $label->getID()); } if (isset($data['descriptions'])) { $description = new CMS_object_i18nm($this->getValue("descriptionID")); $description->setValues($data['descriptions']); $description->writeToPersistence(); $this->setValue("descriptionID", $description->getID()); } if (isset($data['type']) && $data['type']) { $type = !io::isPositiveInteger($data['type']) ? $data['type'] : (isset($data['multi']) && $data['multi'] ? 'multi|' . $data['type'] : $data['type']); if (!io::isPositiveInteger($data['type'])) { $type = $data['type']; } else { if (isset($idsRelation['objects'][$data['type']])) { $objectId = $idsRelation['objects'][$data['type']]; $type = isset($data['multi']) && $data['multi'] ? 'multi|' . $objectId : $objectId; } else { // Use UUID to look for the linked object if (isset($data['params']['linkedObjectUuid'])) { //$this->setValue("order", $data['params']['order']); $linkedObjectDef = CMS_poly_object_catalog::getDefinitionFromUuid($data['params']['linkedObjectUuid']); if ($linkedObjectDef) { $objectId = $linkedObjectDef->getID(); $type = isset($data['multi']) && $data['multi'] ? 'multi|' . $objectId : $objectId; } else { $type = 'Unknown imported type ' . $data['type']; } } else { $type = 'Unknown imported type ' . $data['type']; } } } $this->setValue("type", $type); } else { $infos .= 'Error : missing or invalid type for field importation ...' . "\n"; return false; } if (!$this->getID() && CMS_poly_object_catalog::fieldUuidExists($data['uuid'])) { //check imported uuid. If objects does not have an Id, the uuid must be unique or must be regenerated $uuid = io::uuid(); //store old uuid relation $idsRelation['fields-uuid'][$data['uuid']] = $uuid; $data['uuid'] = $uuid; } //set object uuid if not exists if (!$this->_objectFieldValues["uuid"]) { $this->_objectFieldValues["uuid"] = $data['uuid']; } //if current object id has changed from imported id, set relation if (isset($idsRelation['objects'][$data['objectID']]) && $idsRelation['objects'][$data['objectID']]) { $this->setValue("objectID", $idsRelation['objects'][$data['objectID']]); } else { $this->setValue("objectID", $data['objectID']); } if (isset($data['params']['order'])) { $this->setValue("order", $data['params']['order']); } if (isset($data['params']['required'])) { $this->setValue("required", $data['params']['required']); } if (isset($data['params']['indexable'])) { $this->setValue("indexable", $data['params']['indexable']); } if (isset($data['params']['searchlist'])) { $this->setValue("searchlist", $data['params']['searchlist']); } if (isset($data['params']['searchable'])) { $this->setValue("searchable", $data['params']['searchable']); } //parameters if (!io::isPositiveInteger($data['type']) || isset($data['multi']) && $data['multi']) { $fieldObject = $this->getTypeObject(); $GLOBALS['moduleCodename'] = $params['module']; if ($fieldObject && isset($data['params']['params']) && $data['params']['params']) { if (method_exists($fieldObject, 'treatParams')) { $params = $fieldObject->treatParams($data['params']['params'], ''); if ($params) { $this->setValue("params", $params); //set this object into definition to convert array so it can be converted again at end of import process $idsRelation['definitionToConvert'][] = $this; //store field to convert params at end of import if (method_exists($fieldObject, 'importParams')) { $idsRelation['paramsFieldsToConvert'][] = $this; } } else { $infos .= 'Error : missing or invalid parameters for field importation ...' . "\n"; return false; } } } } //write field if (!$this->writeToPersistence()) { $infos .= 'Error : can not write object field ...' . "\n"; return false; } //if current field id has changed from imported id, set relation if (isset($data['id']) && $data['id'] && $this->getID() != $data['id']) { $idsRelation['fields'][$data['id']] = $this->getID(); if (isset($data['uuid']) && $data['uuid']) { $idsRelation['fields'][$data['uuid']] = $this->getID(); } } return true; }
/** * Import plugin from given array datas * * @param array $data The plugin datas to import * @param array $params The import parameters. * array( * module => false|true : the module to create plugin (required) * create => false|true : create missing objects (default : true) * update => false|true : update existing objects (default : true) * files => false|true : use files from PATH_TMP_FS (default : true) * ) * @param CMS_language $cms_language The CMS_langage to use * @param array $idsRelation : Reference : The relations between import datas ids and real imported ids * @param string $infos : Reference : The import infos returned * @return boolean : true on success, false on failure * @access public */ function fromArray($data, $params, $cms_language, &$idsRelation, &$infos) { if (!isset($params['module'])) { $infos .= 'Error : missing module codename for rss feed importation ...' . "\n"; return false; } $module = CMS_modulesCatalog::getByCodename($params['module']); if ($module->hasError()) { $infos .= 'Error : invalid module for rss feed importation : ' . $params['module'] . "\n"; return false; } if (!$this->getID() && CMS_poly_object_catalog::pluginUuidExists($data['uuid'])) { //check imported uuid. If plugin does not have an Id, the uuid must be unique or must be regenerated $uuid = io::uuid(); //store old uuid relation $idsRelation['plugins-uuid'][$data['uuid']] = $uuid; $data['uuid'] = $uuid; } //set plugin uuid if not exists if (!$this->_objectValues["uuid"]) { $this->_objectValues["uuid"] = $data['uuid']; } if (isset($data['labels'])) { $label = new CMS_object_i18nm($this->getValue("labelID")); $label->setValues($data['labels']); $label->writeToPersistence(); $this->setValue("labelID", $label->getID()); } if (isset($data['descriptions'])) { $description = new CMS_object_i18nm($this->getValue("descriptionID")); $description->setValues($data['descriptions']); $description->writeToPersistence(); $this->setValue("descriptionID", $description->getID()); } //if current object id has changed from imported id, set relation if (isset($idsRelation['objects'][$data['objectID']]) && $idsRelation['objects'][$data['objectID']]) { $this->setValue("objectID", $idsRelation['objects'][$data['objectID']]); } else { $this->setValue("objectID", $data['objectID']); } //values if (isset($data['params']['query'])) { //translate ids if needed $query = array(); foreach ($data['params']['query'] as $objectId => $value) { if (isset($idsRelation['objects'][$objectId])) { //object exists with a translated id $query[$idsRelation['objects'][$objectId]] = $value; } else { $query[$objectId] = $value; } } $this->setValue("query", $query); } if (isset($data['params']['definition'])) { $this->setValue("definition", $module->convertDefinitionString($data['params']['definition'], false)); } //write object if (!$this->writeToPersistence()) { $infos .= 'Error : can not write object ...' . "\n"; return false; } //if current object id has changed from imported id, set relation if (isset($data['id']) && $data['id'] && $this->getID() != $data['id']) { $idsRelation['plugins'][$data['id']] = $this->getID(); } //set this object into definition to convert array so it can be converted again at end of import process $idsRelation['definitionToConvert'][] = $this; return true; }
/** * Import object from given array datas * * @param array $data The object datas to import * @param array $params The import parameters. * array( * module => false|true : the module to create object (required) * create => false|true : create missing objects (default : true) * update => false|true : update existing objects (default : true) * files => false|true : use files from PATH_TMP_FS (default : true) * ) * @param CMS_language $cms_language The CMS_langage to use * @param array $idsRelation : Reference : The relations between import datas ids and real imported ids * @param string $infos : Reference : The import infos returned * @return boolean : true on success, false on failure * @access public */ function fromArray($data, $params, $cms_language, &$idsRelation, &$infos) { if (!isset($params['module'])) { $infos .= 'Error : missing module codename for object importation ...' . "\n"; return false; } $module = CMS_modulesCatalog::getByCodename($params['module']); if ($module->hasError()) { $infos .= 'Error : invalid module for object importation : ' . $params['module'] . "\n"; return false; } if (!$this->getID() && CMS_poly_object_catalog::objectUuidExists($data['uuid'])) { //check imported uuid. If objects does not have an Id, the uuid must be unique or must be regenerated $uuid = io::uuid(); //store old uuid relation $idsRelation['objects-uuid'][$data['uuid']] = $uuid; $data['uuid'] = $uuid; } //set object uuid if not exists if (!$this->_objectValues["uuid"]) { $this->_objectValues["uuid"] = $data['uuid']; } if (isset($data['labels'])) { $label = new CMS_object_i18nm($this->getValue("labelID")); $label->setValues($data['labels']); $label->writeToPersistence(); $this->setValue("labelID", $label->getID()); } if (isset($data['descriptions'])) { $description = new CMS_object_i18nm($this->getValue("descriptionID")); $description->setValues($data['descriptions']); $description->writeToPersistence(); $this->setValue("descriptionID", $description->getID()); } if (isset($data['params']['resourceUsage'])) { $this->setValue("resourceUsage", $data['params']['resourceUsage']); } if (isset($data['params']['admineditable'])) { $this->setValue("admineditable", $data['params']['admineditable']); } if (isset($data['params']['indexable'])) { $this->setValue("indexable", $data['params']['indexable']); } if (isset($data['params']['multilanguage'])) { $this->setValue("multilanguage", $data['params']['multilanguage']); } if (isset($data['params']['composedLabel'])) { $this->setValue("composedLabel", $module->convertDefinitionString($data['params']['composedLabel'], false)); } if (isset($data['params']['previewURL'])) { $this->setValue("previewURL", $module->convertDefinitionString($data['params']['previewURL'], false)); } if (isset($data['params']['indexURL'])) { $this->setValue("indexURL", $module->convertDefinitionString($data['params']['indexURL'], false)); } if (isset($data['params']['resultsDefinition'])) { $this->setValue("resultsDefinition", $module->convertDefinitionString($data['params']['resultsDefinition'], false)); } //write object if (!$this->writeToPersistence()) { $infos .= 'Error : can not write object ...' . "\n"; return false; } //if current object id has changed from imported id, set relation if (isset($data['id']) && $data['id'] && $this->getID() != $data['id']) { $idsRelation['objects'][$data['id']] = $this->getID(); } //set this object into definition to convert array so it can be converted again at end of import process $idsRelation['definitionToConvert'][] = $this; $return = true; //object fields if (isset($data['fields'])) { foreach ($data['fields'] as $fieldDatas) { $importType = ''; if (isset($fieldDatas['type'])) { if (isset($fieldDatas['uuid']) && ($id = CMS_poly_object_catalog::fieldExists($params['module'], $fieldDatas['uuid']))) { //field already exist : load it if we can update it if (!isset($params['update']) || $params['update'] == true) { $field = new CMS_poly_object_field($id); $importType = ' (Update)'; } } else { //create new field if we can if (!isset($params['create']) || $params['create'] == true) { $field = new CMS_poly_object_field(); $importType = ' (Creation)'; } } if (isset($field)) { if ($field->fromArray($fieldDatas, $params, $cms_language, $idsRelation, $infos)) { $return &= true; $infos .= 'Field "' . $field->getLabel($cms_language) . '" successfully imported' . $importType . "\n"; } else { $return = false; $infos .= 'Error during import of field ...' . $importType . "\n"; } } } else { $return = false; $infos .= 'Error during import of field : missing type' . "\n"; } } } //object rss feeds if (isset($data['rss'])) { foreach ($data['rss'] as $rssDatas) { $importType = ''; if (isset($rssDatas['uuid']) && ($id = CMS_poly_object_catalog::rssExists($params['module'], $rssDatas['uuid']))) { //rss already exist : load it if we can update it if (!isset($params['update']) || $params['update'] == true) { $rss = new CMS_poly_rss_definitions($id); $importType = ' (Update)'; } } else { //create new rss if we can if (!isset($params['create']) || $params['create'] == true) { $rss = new CMS_poly_rss_definitions(); $importType = ' (Creation)'; } } if (isset($rss)) { if ($rss->fromArray($rssDatas, $params, $cms_language, $idsRelation, $infos)) { $return &= true; $infos .= 'RSS feed "' . $rss->getLabel($cms_language) . '" successfully imported' . $importType . "\n"; } else { $return = false; $infos .= 'Error during import of rss feed ...' . $importType . "\n"; } } } } //plugins wysiwyg if (isset($data['plugins'])) { foreach ($data['plugins'] as $pluginDatas) { $importType = ''; if (isset($pluginDatas['uuid']) && ($id = CMS_poly_object_catalog::pluginExists($params['module'], $pluginDatas['uuid']))) { //plugin already exist : load it if we can update it if (!isset($params['update']) || $params['update'] == true) { $plugin = new CMS_poly_plugin_definitions($id); $importType = ' (Update)'; } } else { //create new plugin if we can if (!isset($params['create']) || $params['create'] == true) { $plugin = new CMS_poly_plugin_definitions(); $importType = ' (Creation)'; } } if (isset($plugin)) { if ($plugin->fromArray($pluginDatas, $params, $cms_language, $idsRelation, $infos)) { $return &= true; $infos .= 'Plugin Wysiwyg "' . $plugin->getLabel($cms_language) . '" successfully imported' . $importType . "\n"; } else { $return = false; $infos .= 'Error during import of plugin wysiwyg ...' . $importType . "\n"; } } } } return $return; }
/** * Import rss feed from given array datas * * @param array $data The rss feed datas to import * @param array $params The import parameters. * array( * module => false|true : the module to create rss feed (required) * create => false|true : create missing objects (default : true) * update => false|true : update existing objects (default : true) * files => false|true : use files from PATH_TMP_FS (default : true) * ) * @param CMS_language $cms_language The CMS_langage to use * @param array $idsRelation : Reference : The relations between import datas ids and real imported ids * @param string $infos : Reference : The import infos returned * @return boolean : true on success, false on failure * @access public */ function fromArray($data, $params, $cms_language, &$idsRelation, &$infos) { if (!isset($params['module'])) { $infos .= 'Error : missing module codename for rss feed importation ...' . "\n"; return false; } $module = CMS_modulesCatalog::getByCodename($params['module']); if ($module->hasError()) { $infos .= 'Error : invalid module for rss feed importation : ' . $params['module'] . "\n"; return false; } if (!$this->getID() && CMS_poly_object_catalog::rssUuidExists($data['uuid'])) { //check imported uuid. If rss does not have an Id, the uuid must be unique or must be regenerated $uuid = io::uuid(); //store old uuid relation $idsRelation['rss-uuid'][$data['uuid']] = $uuid; $data['uuid'] = $uuid; } //set object uuid if not exists if (!$this->_objectValues["uuid"]) { $this->_objectValues["uuid"] = $data['uuid']; } if (isset($data['labels'])) { $label = new CMS_object_i18nm($this->getValue("labelID")); $label->setValues($data['labels']); $label->writeToPersistence(); $this->setValue("labelID", $label->getID()); } if (isset($data['descriptions'])) { $description = new CMS_object_i18nm($this->getValue("descriptionID")); $description->setValues($data['descriptions']); $description->writeToPersistence(); $this->setValue("descriptionID", $description->getID()); } //if current object id has changed from imported id, set relation if (isset($idsRelation['objects'][$data['objectID']]) && $idsRelation['objects'][$data['objectID']]) { $this->setValue("objectID", $idsRelation['objects'][$data['objectID']]); } else { $this->setValue("objectID", $data['objectID']); } //values if (isset($data['params']['link'])) { $this->setValue("link", $data['params']['link']); } if (isset($data['params']['author'])) { $this->setValue("author", $data['params']['author']); } if (isset($data['params']['copyright'])) { $this->setValue("copyright", $data['params']['copyright']); } if (isset($data['params']['namespaces'])) { $this->setValue("namespaces", $data['params']['namespaces']); } if (isset($data['params']['categories'])) { $this->setValue("categories", $data['params']['categories']); } if (isset($data['params']['ttl'])) { $this->setValue("ttl", $data['params']['ttl']); } if (isset($data['params']['email'])) { $this->setValue("email", $data['params']['email']); } if (isset($data['params']['definition'])) { //do not use set value for this because it try to compile definition and fail //$this->setValue("definition", $module->convertDefinitionString($data['params']['definition'], false)); $this->_objectValues['definition'] = $module->convertDefinitionString($data['params']['definition'], false); } //write object if (!$this->writeToPersistence()) { $infos .= 'Error : can not write object ...' . "\n"; return false; } //if current object id has changed from imported id, set relation if (isset($data['id']) && $data['id'] && $this->getID() != $data['id']) { $idsRelation['rss'][$data['id']] = $this->getID(); } //set this object into definition to convert array so it can be converted again at end of import process $idsRelation['definitionToConvert'][] = $this; return true; }