public function send($email) { try { $aParse['email'] = htmlspecialchars($email); UsersForgot::send($email); } catch (Exception $e) { CMSLog::addMessage('users', $e); if (!empty($_REQUEST['ajaxRequest'])) { $this->aParse['forgotFailed'] = true; $this->output(''); } else { /** * @todo Избавиться от этой зависимости */ $this->addAlert(\plugins\MessageDictionary\Plugin::getMessage('users.forgot.accountNotFound')); $this->jumpBack(); } } if (!empty($_REQUEST['ajaxRequest'])) { $this->aParse['forgotSuccess'] = true; $this->output(); } else { /** * @todo Избавиться от этой зависимости */ $this->addAlert(\plugins\MessageDictionary\Plugin::getMessage('users.forgot.sent')); $this->jumpBack(); } }
protected function action() { $log = Log::getByName($this->getParam('name')); $log->critical->setValue(intval($this->getParam('priority'))); $log->update(); \CMSLog::addMessage(__CLASS__, sprintf('Log "%s" priority changed to - "%d"', $this->getParam('name'), $this->getParam('priority'))); return true; }
protected function action() { $log = Log::getByName($this->getParam('name')); $log->obj_enable_logging->setValue(intval($this->getParam('enable_logging'))); $log->update(); \CMSLog::addMessage(__CLASS__, sprintf('Log `%s` logging updated. Logging set to - "%d" ', $this->getParam('name'), $this->getParam('enable_logging'))); return true; }
protected function action() { $schema = CConfig::getSchema(Record::CriticalEmailSchemaName); $result = $schema->getControlByName('to'); $result->setValue($this->getParam('notification_emails')); $register = new \SystemRegister(self::RegisterPath); $register->maximumLogLength = $this->getParam('maximumLogLength'); \SystemRegisterSample::createCache(); \CMSLog::addMessage(self::LogName, sprintf('Audit settings updated. New log length - "%s", Notification emails account - "%s"', $this->getParam('notification_emails'), $this->getParam('maximumLogLength'))); return true; }
public static function detect() { self::loadConfig(); if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { self::$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; self::storeConnection(); if (self::isLimitExceeded()) { \CMSLog::addMessage(__CLASS__, sprintf('DDOS attempt detected. Ip - "%s" ', self::$ip)); die(self::$config['Message']); } } }
public static function quickRegister($user, $authPassed, $method = 'default') { if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if ('::1' == $ip) { $ip = ''; } } else { $ip = ''; } $userId = !empty($user) ? $user->id->getValue() : 0; \Faid\DBSimple::insert(self::TableName, array('host' => ip2long($ip), 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'user_id' => $userId, 'status' => !empty($authPassed) ? self::SuccessStatus : self::FailStatus, 'method' => $method)); \CMSLog::addMessage(__CLASS__, sprintf('Login attemp into user with id="%d", operation status - %s', $userId, !empty($authPassed) ? 'success' : 'fail')); }
public static function send($email) { CMSLog::addMessage(self::LogName, sprintf('Email - "%s"', $email)); self::validateLoginAttempts($email); // $aAccount = self::lookForEmail($email); // $schema = CConfig::getSchema(self::EmailConfigName); $values = $schema->getValues(); // $szContent = UParser::parsePHPCode($values['request_content'], $aAccount); // Email_Controller::send($aAccount['email'], $values['request_subject'], $szContent); // }
protected static function storeExtraRecords() { \CMSLog::addMessage(__CLASS__, 'Cleaning log table'); $found = DBSimple::select(Record::tableName, array(), sprintf('id desc limit %d,1', self::$maximumLogLength)); if (empty($found)) { return; } $data = DBSimple::select(Record::tableName, '1', sprintf('id asc limit 0,%d', self::$maximumLogLength)); if (!empty($data)) { $lastId = $data[sizeof($data) - 1]['id']; $fileName = sprintf('%s%s%s.log', SYS_ROOT, self::OutputDir, date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); file_put_contents($fileName, json_encode($data)); DBSimple::delete(Record::tableName, array(sprintf('id <= %d', $lastId))); \CMSLog::addMessage(__CLASS__, 'Extra messages exported in local folder: ' . $fileName); } }
protected function loadConfigurationFile() { try { $sql = sprintf('truncate %s ', Job::TableName); DB::post($sql); $path = \Faid\Configure\Configure::read(self::ConfigureKey); $validator = new ReadableFile($path); if ($validator->isValid()) { include $path; } \CMSLog::addMessage(__CLASS__, 'Schedule restarted'); } catch (\Exception $e) { \CMSLog::addMessage(__CLASS__, $e); return ['error' => 'internal error']; } return; }
protected function post($sitemapId) { $this->getModel($sitemapId); $this->checkUserHasEnoughRights(); try { $result = $this->document->updateFromPost($_POST); if ($result == true) { // Если успешно, пишем всё ок $this->addAlert(_msg('Документ был успешно обновлен')); } else { // Если нет, пишем всё галимо $this->addAlert(_msg('Ошибки при обновлении документа, попробуйте позже')); } SitemapCMSForms::updateSitemapPageFromPost($this->aSitemap); } catch (SiteMapException $e) { CMSLog::addMessage('sitemap', $e); $this->addError('При обновлении документа произошла ошибка сохранения в базе документов'); } // Показываем страницу $url = 'edit.php?id=' . $sitemapId; $this->jump($url); }
protected static function callEventListener($eventListener, $arguments) { if (!empty($eventListener['file'])) { self::loadFile($eventListener['class'], $eventListener['function'], $eventListener['file']); } if (!empty($eventListener['class'])) { $func = array($eventListener['class'], $eventListener['function']); } elseif (!empty($eventListener['function'])) { $func = $eventListener['function']; } else { throw new EventException('Don`t know how to call that event listener. Listener info:' . print_r($eventListener, true)); } if (is_callable($func)) { $result = call_user_func_array($func, $arguments); } else { $errorMsg = sprintf('Event listener [%s] not callable ', is_array($func) ? $func[0] . ':' . $func[1] : $func); CMSLog::addMessage('events', $errorMsg); return null; } return $result; }
protected function action() { DBSimple::update(Record::tableName, array('viewed' => 1), array()); \CMSLog::addMessage(__CLASS__, sprintf('All log records set as read')); }
/** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Получает данные * @return * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ public function getData() { try { $this->aItem = Sitemap_PagesOperations::selectChildWithAdditional($this->nParent, $this->nPagingSize, intval($this->nPage) * $this->nPagingSize, $this->orderCondition); $this->nTotalCount = ceil(Sitemap_PagesOperations::$nTotalCount / $this->nPagingSize); } catch (Exception $e) { CMSLog::addMessage('data-list', $e); throw $e; } $this->aItem = $this->filterNotEditableDocuments($this->aItem); if (empty($this->aItem) && $this->nPage > 0) { $this->jump('index.php' . '?page=0'); } }
protected static function loadGuestUserRights() { try { $actual = SimpleCache::isActual(self::CacheKey); } catch (SimpleCacheException $e) { $actual = false; } if (!$actual) { try { $user = UserAccount::getByLogin('guest'); $result = self::extractUserGrants($user); } catch (Exception $e) { CMSLog::addMessage('acl', $e); $result = array(); } SimpleCache::set(self::CacheKey, $result, self::CacheLifeTime); } else { $result = SimpleCache::get(self::CacheKey); } return $result; }
public static function regenerateGuestCache($user) { $isGuest = $user->login->getValue() == self::GuestUser; if ($isGuest) { $data = self::extractUserGrants($user); SimpleCache::set(self::CacheKey, $data, self::CacheLifeTime); \CMSLog::addMessage(__CLASS__, 'Guest user permissions regenerated'); } }
/** * * @param unknown $login * @param unknown $password * @param unknown $email * * @throws Exception */ public function signup($login, $password, $email) { try { self::testCaptcha(isset($_POST['kcaptcha']) ? $_POST['kcaptcha'] : ''); $userId = UsersRegistration::signup($login, $password, $email, $_POST); $user = \UserAccount::getById($userId); $avatar = $this->acceptFile('avatar'); if (!empty($avatar)) { $user->avatar->copyFrom($avatar); $user->update(); if (file_exists($avatar)) { unlink($avatar); } } $this->jump('/signup/?success=1'); } catch (Exception $e) { CMSLog::addMessage('registration', $e); $this->main($_POST, $e->getMessage()); } }
public function blockUser(\UserAccount $user) { \CMSLog::addMessage(self::LogName, sprintf('Users with login %s blocked ', $user->login->getValue())); $user->confirmation_code = \UsersRegistration::getConfirmationCode(); $user->update(); }
public function __construct($message = '', $code = 0, $previous = null) { \CMSLog::addMessage(__CLASS__, $message); parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous = null); }
public function update($id) { $aData = $_POST; $user = new UserAccount(); $found = $user->get($id); if (empty($found)) { throw new \Exception("User not found"); } \CMSLog::addMessage(__CLASS__, sprintf('User account `%s` updated', $user->login->getValue())); // Вызов проверки форм $result = \EventController::callFilter('users_admin_profile_check', $aData); if ($result) { $user->updateFromPost($result); } $msg = sprintf(self::msgUpdatedSuccessfully, htmlspecialchars($user->login->getValue())); $this->goToEditPage($msg, $user->id->getValue()); }