function DisplayBareRelations(WebPage $oPage, $bEditMode = false)
     parent::DisplayBareRelations($oPage, $bEditMode);
     if (!$bEditMode) {
         $bit_ip = ip2long($this->Get('ip'));
         $bit_mask = ip2long($this->Get('ip_mask'));
         $iIPMin = sprintf('%u', $bit_ip & $bit_mask | 1);
         // exclude the first one: identifies the subnet itself
         $iIPMax = sprintf('%u', ($bit_ip | ~$bit_mask) & 0xfffffffe);
         // exclude the last one : broadcast address
         $sIPMin = long2ip($iIPMin);
         $sIPMax = long2ip($iIPMax);
         $oPage->p(Dict::Format('Class:Subnet/Tab:IPUsage-explain', $sIPMin, $sIPMax));
         $oIfFilter = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL("SELECT IPInterface AS if WHERE INET_ATON(if.ipaddress) >= INET_ATON('{$sIPMin}') AND INET_ATON(if.ipaddress) <= INET_ATON('{$sIPMax}')");
         $oIfSet = new CMDBObjectSet($oIfFilter);
         $oBlock = new DisplayBlock($oIfFilter, 'list', false);
         $oBlock->Display($oPage, 'nwif', array('menu' => false));
         $iCountUsed = $oIfSet->Count();
         $iCountRange = $iIPMax - $iIPMin;
         // On 32-bit systems the substraction will be computed using floats for values greater than PHP_MAX_INT;
         $iFreeCount = $iCountRange - $iCountUsed;
         $oPage->p(Dict::Format('Class:Subnet/Tab:FreeIPs-count', $iFreeCount));
         $aUsedIPs = $oIfSet->GetColumnAsArray('ipaddress', false);
         $iAnIP = $iIPMin;
         $iFound = 0;
         while ($iFound < min($iFreeCount, 10) && $iAnIP <= $iIPMax) {
             $sAnIP = long2ip($iAnIP);
             if (!in_array($sAnIP, $aUsedIPs)) {
             } else {