public function execute($parameters, $db) { if (sizeof($parameters) == 0 || $parameters[0] == "") { CLI::out("Usage: |g|help <command>|n| To see a list of commands, use: |g|list", true); } $command = $parameters[0]; switch ($command) { case "add": if (isset($parameters[1])) { $url = $parameters[1]; } else { $validTypes = array("pilot", "corp", "alliance"); CLI::out("|g|You are now adding a feed with the quick feed creator(TM), if you already have a feed you want to add, use add <feed> instead.|n|"); retryekid: $ekid = CLI::prompt("Do you have the EVE-KILL ID for the entity you want to add?", "yes"); if ($ekid != "yes" && $ekid != "no") { CLI::out("|r|Error, call type is not supported. Please retry|n|"); goto retryekid; } if ($ekid == "no") { $validTypes = array("pilotname", "corpname", "alliancename"); } retryCall: CLI::out("|g|Valid calls:|n| " . implode(", ", $validTypes)); $type = CLI::prompt("Type of call. |g|(Refer to the above list)|n|"); if (!in_array($type, $validTypes)) { CLI::out("|r|Error, call type is not supported. Please retry|n|"); goto retryCall; } if ($ekid == "yes") { $nameID = CLI::prompt("ID of entity you wish to add"); } else { $nameID = urlencode(CLI::prompt("Name of the entity you with to add")); } retryApi: $all = CLI::prompt("All Kills?", "yes"); if ($all != "yes" && $all != "no") { CLI::out("|r|Error, call type is not supported. Please retry|n|"); goto retryApi; } $apiOnly = null; if ($all == "yes") { $apiOnly = "&allkills"; } $domain = CLI::prompt("Enter URL of the killboard you're fetching from. |g|Ex.|n|", ""); $url = "http://{$domain}/?a=idfeed&{$type}={$nameID}{$apiOnly}"; } if (filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $db->execute("INSERT INTO zz_feeds (url, edkStyle) VALUES (:url, 1)", array(":url" => $url)); CLI::out("Now inserting |g|{$url}|n| to the database.", true); } else { CLI::out("|r|Invalid URL, please try again|n|", true); } break; case "remove": $id = NULL; if (isset($parameters[1])) { $id = $parameters[1]; } if (is_null($id)) { CLI::out("Please refer to feed list to show all the feeds you have added to your board. To remove one, use: |g|feed remove <id>|n|"); } elseif (!is_numeric($id)) { CLI::out("|r|ID needs to be an int..|n|"); } else { $url = $db->queryField("SELECT url FROM zz_feeds WHERE id = :id AND edkStyle = 1", "url", array(":id" => $id)); if (is_null($url)) { CLI::out("|r|Feed is already removed.", true); } CLI::out("Removing feed: |g|{$url}"); $db->execute("DELETE FROM zz_feeds WHERE id = :id", array(":id" => $id)); } break; case "list": $list = $db->query("SELECT * FROM zz_feeds WHERE edkStyle = 1"); foreach ($list as $url) { CLI::out($url["id"] . "::|g|" . $url["url"]); } break; case "fetch": CLI::out("|g|Initiating feed fetching|n|"); $doSleep = false; $size = 1; $count = 1; $feeds = $db->query("SELECT id, url, lastFetchTime FROM zz_feeds WHERE edkStyle IS true", array(), 0); if (sizeof($feeds) > 1) { $doSleep = true; $size = sizeof($feeds); } foreach ($feeds as $feed) { $url = $feed["url"]; $lastFetchTime = strtotime($feed["lastFetchTime"]) + 600; $currentTime = time(); $insertCount = 0; if ($lastFetchTime <= $currentTime) { CLI::out("Fetching from |g|{$url}|n|"); try { $data = self::fetchUrl($url); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($data, null, false, "", false); $result = new \Pheal\Core\Result($xml); $insertCount = self::processAPI($result, $db); $db->execute("UPDATE zz_feeds SET lastFetchTime = :time WHERE url = :url", array(":time" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), ":url" => $url)); if ($insertCount > 0) { CLI::out("Inserted |g|{$insertCount}|n| new kills from |g|{$url}|n|"); Log::log("Inserted {$insertCount} new kills from {$url}"); } else { CLI::out("No new kills from |r|{$url}|n|"); } } catch (Exception $ex) { CLI::out("|r|Error with {$url}: " . $ex->getMessage()); } if ($doSleep && $size != $count) { CLI::out("|g|Sleeping for 10 seconds|n| before fetching another url.. (Otherwise we're hammering..)"); sleep(10); // yes yes, 10 seconds of sleeping, what?! this is only here to stop hammering. Feel free to hammer tho by commenting this, but you'll just get banned.. } $count++; } } break; } }