예제 #1
파일: view.feed.php 프로젝트: rich20/Kunena
	function displayDefault($tpl = null) {
		$this->config = KunenaFactory::getConfig();
		if (!$this->config->enablerss) {
			JError::raiseError ( 404, JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_RSS_DISABLED' ) );

		$this->assignRef ( 'category', $this->get ( 'Category' ) );
		if (! $this->category->authorise('read')) {
			JError::raiseError ( 404, $this->category->getError() );

		$this->template = KunenaTemplate::getInstance();
		$this->assignRef ( 'topics', $this->get ( 'Topics' ) );

		$title = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_THREADS_IN_FORUM').': '. $this->category->name;
		$this->setTitle ( $title );

		$metaDesc = $this->document->get ( 'description' ) . '. ' . $this->escape ( "{$this->category->name} - {$this->config->board_title}" );
		$this->document->setDescription ( $metaDesc );

		// Create image for feed
		$image = new JFeedImage();
		$image->title = $this->document->getTitle();
		$image->url = $this->template->getImagePath('icons/rss.png');
		$image->description = $this->document->getDescription();
		$this->document->image = $image;

		foreach ( $this->topics as $topic ) {
			$id = $topic->last_post_id;
			$page = ceil ( $topic->posts / $this->config->messages_per_page );
			$description = $topic->last_post_message;
			$date = new JDate($topic->last_post_time);
			$userid = $topic->last_post_userid;
			$username = KunenaFactory::getUser($userid)->getName($topic->last_post_guest_name);

			$title = $topic->subject;
			$url = CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL('view', $topic->category_id, $topic->id, $page, $this->config->messages_per_page, $id, true );
			$category = $topic->getCategory()->name;

			$this->createItem($title, $url, $description, $category, $date, $userid, $username);
예제 #2
파일: activity.php 프로젝트: rich20/Kunena
	public function onAfterThankyou($thankyoutargetid, $username , $message) {
		CFactory::load ( 'libraries', 'userpoints' );
		CUserPoints::assignPoint ( 'com_kunena.thread.thankyou', $thankyoutargetid );

		// Check for permisions of the current category - activity only if public or registered
		if ($message->getCategory()->pub_access <= 0) {
			//activity stream - reply post
			require_once KPATH_SITE.'/lib/kunena.link.class.php';
			$JSPostLink = CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL ( 'view', $message->catid, $message->thread, 0 );

			$act = new stdClass ();
			$act->cmd = 'wall.write';
			$act->actor = JFactory::getUser()->id;
			$act->target = $thankyoutargetid;
			$act->title = JText::_ ( '{single}{actor}{/single}{multiple}{actors}{/multiple} ' . JText::_( 'COM_KUNENA_JS_ACTIVITYSTREAM_THANKYOU' ).' <a href="' . $JSPostLink . '">' . $message->subject . '</a> ' . JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_JS_ACTIVITYSTREAM_REPLY_MSG2' ) );
			$act->content = NULL;
			$act->app = 'kunena.thankyou';
			$act->cid = $message->id;

			// jomsocial 0 = public, 20 = registered members
			if ($message->getCategory()->pub_access == 0) {
				$act->access = 0;
			} else {
				$act->access = 20;

			CFactory::load ( 'libraries', 'activities' );
			CActivityStream::add ( $act );
예제 #3
파일: post.php 프로젝트: kaantunc/MYK-BOR
         $readtopics = implode(",", $rt);
         $kunena_db->setQuery("UPDATE #__fb_sessions SET readtopics='{$readtopics}' WHERE userid={$userid}");
         check_dberror("Unable to update sessions.");
 $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalmessages FROM #__fb_messages WHERE thread='{$querythread}'");
 $result = $kunena_db->loadObject();
 check_dberror("Unable to load messages.");
 $threadPages = ceil($result->totalmessages / $fbConfig->messages_per_page);
 //construct a useable URL (for plaintext - so no &amp; encoding!)
 $uri =& JURI::getInstance(JURI::base());
 $LastPostUrl = $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port')) . str_replace('&amp;', '&', CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL($fbConfig, 'view', $catid, $querythread, $threadPages, $fbConfig->messages_per_page, $pid));
 //Now manage the subscriptions (only if subscriptions are allowed)
 if ($fbConfig->allowsubscriptions == 1 && $holdPost == 0) {
     //they're allowed
     //get the proper user credentials for each subscription to this topic
     //clean up the message
     $mailmessage = smile::purify($message);
     $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__fb_subscriptions AS a" . " LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON a.userid=u.id " . " WHERE u.block='0' AND a.thread='{$querythread}'");
     $subsList = $kunena_db->loadObjectList();
     check_dberror("Unable to load subscriptions.");
     if (count($subsList) > 0) {
         //we got more than 0 subscriptions
         require_once KUNENA_PATH_LIB . DS . 'kunena.mail.php';
         // include fbMail class for mailing
         $_catobj = new jbCategory($kunena_db, $catid);
         foreach ($subsList as $subs) {
예제 #4
파일: rss.php 프로젝트: vuchannguyen/hoctap
  * Pulls together data and options and outputs the build feed.
  * Header and mime is automaticly set.
  * @access private
  * @param array $items
 private function buildFeed($items = array())
     // Build items for feed
     foreach ($items as $data) {
         $item = new JFeedItem();
         // Calcution to define the last page of the topic
         $threadPages = ceil($data->msgcount / $this->config->messages_per_page);
         // Build unique direct linking url for each item (htmlspecialchars_decode because FeedCreator uses htmlspecialchars on input)
         $url = CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL('view', $data->catid, $data->thread, $threadPages, $this->config->messages_per_page, $data->id);
         // Extract the data, we want to present and store it in $tmp
         $tmp = array();
         $tmp['title'] = $data->subject;
         // Remove confidential information from message
         $data->message = preg_replace('/\\[confidential\\](.*?)\\[\\/confidential\\]/s', '', $data->message);
         $data->message = preg_replace('/\\[hide\\](.*?)\\[\\/hide\\]/s', '', $data->message);
         $data->message = preg_replace('/\\[spoiler\\]/s', '[spoilerlight]', $data->message);
         $data->message = preg_replace('/\\[\\/spoiler\\]/s', '[/spoilerlight]', $data->message);
         $data->message = preg_replace('/\\[code\\](.*?)\\[\\/code]/s', '', $data->message);
         $tmp['text'] = $data->message;
         $tmp['date'] = $data->time;
         $tmp['email'] = $data->email;
         $tmp['name'] = $data->name;
         $tmp['cat_name'] = $data->catname;
         // Link and source is always the same
         $tmp['link'] = $this->uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port')) . $url;
         $tmp['source'] = $this->uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port')) . $url;
         // Determine title format
         if ($this->old_titles) {
             $tmp['title'] = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_SUBJECT') . ': ' . $tmp['title'];
         // Determine author format
         switch ($this->author_format) {
             case 'both':
                 $tmp['author'] = $tmp['email'] . ' (' . $tmp['name'] . ')';
             case 'email':
                 $tmp['author'] = $tmp['email'];
             case 'name':
                 $tmp['author'] = $tmp['name'];
         // Do we want author in item titles?
         if ($this->author_in_title) {
             $tmp['title'] .= ' - ' . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_BY') . ': ' . $tmp['name'];
         // Limit number of words
         if ($this->word_count) {
             $Newmessage = '';
             $t_newString = explode(" ", $tmp['text']);
             foreach ($t_newString as $key => $word) {
                 if ($key < $this->word_count) {
                     $Newmessage .= $word . ' ';
             // Append userfriendly '...' string
             if (strlen($tmp['text']) != strlen($Newmessage)) {
                 $Newmessage .= ' ...';
             $tmp['text'] = $Newmessage;
         if ($this->allow_html) {
             // Not nessecary to convert specialchars or use parsetext.
             // ParseBBCode does it for us
             $tmp['text'] = KunenaParser::parseBBCode($tmp['text']);
         } else {
             // Not nessecary to convert specialchars.
             // FeedCreator does it for us
             $tmp['text'] = KunenaParser::parseText($tmp['text']);
         // Assign values to feed item
         $item->title = $tmp['title'];
         $item->link = $tmp['link'];
         $item->description = $tmp['text'];
         $item->date = $tmp['date'];
         $item->source = $tmp['source'];
         $item->author = $tmp['author'];
         $item->category = $tmp['cat_name'];
         // Finally add item to feed
예제 #5
 protected function _sendReportToMail($message, $subject, $emailToList)
     $sender = JMailHelper::cleanAddress($this->config->board_title . ' ' . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_FORUM') . ': ' . $this->_getSenderName());
     $subject = JMailHelper::cleanSubject($subject);
     $message = JMailHelper::cleanBody($message);
     foreach ($emailToList as $emailTo) {
         if (!$emailTo->email || !JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($emailTo->email)) {
         JUtility::sendMail($this->config->email, $sender, $emailTo->email, $subject, $message);
     while (@ob_end_clean()) {
     $this->app->redirect(CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL('view', $this->catid, $this->id, NULL, NULL, $this->id, false));
예제 #6
파일: view.php 프로젝트: kaantunc/MYK-BOR
 if (count($this_message) < 1) {
     echo '<p align="center">' . _MODERATION_INVALID_ID . '</p>';
 } else {
     $thread = $this_message->parent == 0 ? $this_message->id : $this_message->thread;
     // Test if this is a valid SEO URL if not we should redirect using a 301 - permanent redirect
     if ($thread != $this_message->id || $catid != $this_message->catid) {
         // Invalid SEO URL detected!
         // Create permanent re-direct and quit
         // This query to calculate the page this reply is sitting on within this thread
         $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__fb_messages AS a WHERE a.thread='{$thread}' AND hold='0' AND a.id<='{$id}'";
         $replyCount = $kunena_db->loadResult();
         check_dberror('Unable to calculate location of current message.');
         $replyPage = $replyCount > $fbConfig->messages_per_page ? ceil($replyCount / $fbConfig->messages_per_page) : 1;
         header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
         header("Location: " . htmlspecialchars_decode(CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL($fbConfig, 'view', $this_message->catid, $thread, $replyPage, $fbConfig->messages_per_page, $this_message->id)));
     if ($kunena_my->id) {
         //mark this topic as read
         $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT readtopics FROM #__fb_sessions WHERE userid='{$kunena_my->id}'");
         $readTopics = $kunena_db->loadResult();
         if ($readTopics == "") {
             $readTopics = $thread;
         } else {
             //get all readTopics in an array
             $_read_topics = @explode(',', $readTopics);
             if (!@in_array($thread, $_read_topics)) {
                 $readTopics .= "," . $thread;
예제 #7
파일: post.php 프로젝트: redigy/Kunena-1.6
 protected function approve()
     if ($this->tokenProtection('get')) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->load()) {
         return false;
     if ($this->moderatorProtection()) {
         return false;
     if ($this->isUserBanned()) {
         return false;
     if ($this->isIPBanned()) {
         return false;
     require_once KUNENA_PATH_LIB . '/kunena.posting.class.php';
     $message = new CKunenaPosting();
     if ($message->canApprove()) {
         $success_msg = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MODERATE_1APPROVE_FAIL');
         $this->_db->setQuery("UPDATE #__kunena_messages SET hold=0 WHERE id={$this->_db->Quote($this->id)}");
         if ($this->id && $this->_db->query() && $this->_db->getAffectedRows() == 1) {
             $success_msg = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MODERATE_APPROVE_SUCCESS');
             $this->_db->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalmessages FROM #__kunena_messages WHERE thread={$this->_db->Quote($this->msg_cat->thread)}");
             $result = $this->_db->loadObject();
             $threadPages = ceil($result->totalmessages / $this->config->messages_per_page);
             //construct a useable URL (for plaintext - so no &amp; encoding!)
             $uri =& JURI::getInstance(JURI::base());
             $LastPostUrl = $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port')) . str_replace('&amp;', '&', CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL('view', $this->catid, $this->msg_cat->thread, $threadPages, $this->config->messages_per_page, $this->id));
             $message->emailToSubscribers($LastPostUrl, $this->config->allowsubscriptions, $this->config->mailmod, $this->config->mailadmin);
             CKunenaTools::modifyCategoryStats($this->id, $this->msg_cat->parent, $this->msg_cat->time, $this->msg_cat->catid);
     while (@ob_end_clean()) {
     $this->_app->redirect(CKunenaLink::GetMessageURL($this->id, $this->catid, 0, false), $success_msg);
예제 #8
파일: view.feed.php 프로젝트: rich20/Kunena
	function displayPostRows() {
		require_once KPATH_SITE.'/lib/kunena.link.class.php';
		foreach ( $this->messages as $message ) {
			if (!isset($this->topics[$message->thread])) {
			$topic = $this->topics[$message->thread];
			$title = $message->subject;
			// TODO: link must point into right page
			$url = CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL('view', $message->catid, $message->thread, 0, $this->config->messages_per_page, 0, true );
			$description = $message->message;
			$category = $topic->getCategory()->name;
			$date = new JDate($message->time);
			$userid = $message->userid;
			$username = KunenaFactory::getUser($userid)->getName($message->name);

			$this->createItem($title, $url, $description, $category, $date, $userid, $username);
예제 #9
 public function polldo()
     $vote = JRequest::getInt('kpollradio', '');
     $id = JRequest::getInt('kpoll-id', 0);
     $catid = JRequest::getInt('catid', 0);
     switch ($this->do) {
         case 'vote':
         case 'pollvote':
             $result = $this->save_results($id, $this->my->id, $vote);
             if ($result['results'] == '1') {
                 $message = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POLL_SAVE_ALERT_OK');
             } elseif ($result['results'] == '2') {
                 $message = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POLL_SAVE_VOTE_ALREADY');
             } elseif ($result['results'] == '3') {
                 $message = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POLL_WAIT_BEFORE_VOTE');
             } elseif ($result['results'] == '4') {
                 $message = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POLL_SAVE_ALERT_ERROR_NOT_CHECK');
             } elseif ($result['results'] == '5') {
                 $message = JText::sprintf('COM_KUNENA_POLL_MAXIMUM_VOTES_ALLOWED_REACH', $result['user_votes']);
             while (@ob_end_clean()) {
             $this->_app->redirect(CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL('view', $catid, $id, 1, $this->config->messages_per_page, '', false));
         case 'pollchangevote':
             $result = $this->save_changevote($id, $this->my->id, $vote);
             if ($result['results'] == 1) {
                 $message = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POLL_SAVE_ALERT_OK');
             } elseif ($result['results'] == 3) {
                 $message = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_POLL_WAIT_BEFORE_VOTE');
             while (@ob_end_clean()) {
             $this->_app->redirect(CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL('view', $catid, $id, 1, $this->config->messages_per_page, '', false));
예제 #10
 public function onAfterThankyou($thankyoutargetid, $username, $message)
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'userpoints');
     CUserPoints::assignPoint('com_kunena.thread.thankyou', $thankyoutargetid);
     if (!empty($message->parent)) {
         //activity stream - reply post
         require_once KPATH_SITE . '/lib/kunena.link.class.php';
         $JSPostLink = CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL('view', $message->get('catid'), $message->get('thread'), 1);
         $act = new stdClass();
         $act->cmd = 'wall.write';
         $act->actor = JFactory::getUser()->id;
         $act->target = $thankyoutargetid;
         $act->title = JText::_('{single}{actor}{/single}{multiple}{actors}{/multiple} ' . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_JS_ACTIVITYSTREAM_THANKYOU') . ' <a href="' . $JSPostLink . '">' . $message->get('subject') . '</a> ');
         $act->content = NULL;
         $act->app = 'kunena.thankyou';
         $act->cid = $thankyoutargetid;
         $act->access = $this->getAccess($message);
         CFactory::load('libraries', 'activities');
예제 #11
 function getView()
     // Is user allowed to read category from the URL?
     if ($this->catid && !$this->session->canRead($this->catid)) {
     $this->allow = 1;
     $where[] = "a.hold IN ({$this->hold})";
     $where = implode(' AND ', $where);
     $query = "SELECT a.*, b.*, p.id AS poll_id, modified.name AS modified_name, modified.username AS modified_username\n\t\t\tFROM #__kunena_messages AS a\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN #__kunena_messages_text AS b ON a.id=b.mesid\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN #__users AS modified ON a.modified_by = modified.id\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN #__kunena_polls AS p ON a.id=p.threadid\n\t\t\tWHERE a.id={$this->db->Quote($this->id)} AND {$where}";
     $this->first_message = $this->db->loadObject();
     // Invalid message id (deleted, on hold?)
     if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError() || !$this->first_message) {
     // Is user allowed to see the forum specified in the message?
     if (!$this->session->canRead($this->first_message->catid)) {
         $this->allow = 0;
     $this->thread = $this->first_message->thread;
     // Test if this is a valid URL. If not, redirect browser to the right location
     if ($this->first_message->moved || $this->thread != $this->id || $this->catid != $this->first_message->catid) {
         $this->catid = $this->first_message->catid;
         if ($this->first_message->moved) {
             $newurl = array();
             parse_str($this->first_message->message, $newloc);
             $this->id = $newloc['id'];
             $query = "SELECT catid, thread FROM #__kunena_messages AS a WHERE a.id='{$this->id}'";
             $newpos = $this->db->loadObject();
             if (!$newpos) {
                 $this->allow = 0;
             if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError()) {
             $this->thread = $newpos->thread;
             $this->catid = $newpos->catid;
         // This query to calculate the page this reply is sitting on within this thread
         $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__kunena_messages AS a WHERE a.thread={$this->db->Quote($this->thread)} AND {$where} AND a.id<={$this->db->Quote($this->id)}";
         $replyCount = $this->db->loadResult();
         if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError()) {
         $replyPage = $replyCount > $this->config->messages_per_page ? ceil($replyCount / $this->config->messages_per_page) : 1;
         $this->redirect = CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL('view', $this->catid, $this->thread, $replyPage, $this->config->messages_per_page, $this->first_message->id, false);
     //Get the category name for breadcrumb
     $this->db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__kunena_categories WHERE id={$this->db->Quote($this->catid)}");
     $this->catinfo = $this->db->loadObject();
     if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError()) {
     //Get Parent's cat.name for breadcrumb
     $this->db->setQuery("SELECT id, name FROM #__kunena_categories WHERE id={$this->db->Quote($this->catinfo->parent)}");
     $objCatParentInfo = $this->db->loadObject();
     if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError()) {
     // START
     $this->emoticons = smile::getEmoticons(0);
     $this->prevCheck = $this->session->lasttime;
     $this->read_topics = explode(',', $this->session->readtopics);
     $showedEdit = 0;
     $this->kunena_forum_locked = $this->catinfo->locked;
     //check if topic is locked
     $this->topicLocked = $this->first_message->locked;
     if (!$this->topicLocked) {
         //topic not locked; check if forum is locked
         $this->topicLocked = $this->catinfo->locked;
     $this->topicSticky = $this->first_message->ordering;
     CKunenaTools::markTopicRead($this->thread, $this->my->id);
     //update the hits counter for this topic & exclude the owner
     if ($this->my->id == 0 || $this->first_message->userid != $this->my->id) {
         $this->db->setQuery("UPDATE #__kunena_messages SET hits=hits+1 WHERE id={$this->db->Quote($this->thread)} AND parent='0'");
     $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__kunena_messages AS a WHERE a.thread={$this->db->Quote($this->thread)} AND {$where}";
     $this->total_messages = $this->db->loadResult();
     // If page does not exist, redirect to the last page
     if ($this->total_messages <= $this->limitstart) {
         $page = ceil($this->total_messages / $this->limit);
         $this->redirect = CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL('view', $this->catid, $this->id, $page, $this->limit, '', false);
     $maxpages = 7 - 2;
     // odd number here (show - 2)
     $totalpages = ceil($this->total_messages / $this->limit);
     $page = floor($this->limitstart / $this->limit) + 1;
     $firstpage = 1;
     if ($this->ordering == 'desc') {
         $firstpage = $totalpages;
     // Get replies of current thread
     $query = "SELECT a.*, b.*, modified.name AS modified_name, modified.username AS modified_username\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM #__kunena_messages AS a\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN #__kunena_messages_text AS b ON a.id=b.mesid\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN #__users AS modified ON a.modified_by = modified.id\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE a.thread={$this->db->Quote($this->thread)} AND {$where}\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY id {$this->ordering}";
     $this->db->setQuery($query, $this->limitstart, $this->limit);
     $this->messages = (array) $this->db->loadObjectList('id');
     // First collect the message ids of the first message and all replies
     $messageids = array();
     $this->threaded = array();
     $userlist = array();
     foreach ($this->messages as $message) {
         $messageids[] = $message->id;
         // Threaded ordering
         if (isset($this->messages[$message->parent])) {
             $this->threaded[$message->parent][] = $message->id;
         } else {
             $this->threaded[0][] = $message->id;
         $userlist[intval($message->userid)] = intval($message->userid);
         $userlist[intval($message->modified_by)] = intval($message->modified_by);
     if (!isset($this->messages[$this->mesid])) {
         $this->mesid = reset($messageids);
     if ($this->layout != 'view') {
         if (!isset($this->messages[$this->id])) {
             $this->messages = $this->getThreadedOrdering(0, array('edge'));
         } else {
             $this->messages = $this->getThreadedOrdering();
     // create a list of ids we can use for our sql
     $idstr = @join(",", $messageids);
     // Load attachments
     require_once KUNENA_PATH_LIB . '/kunena.attachments.class.php';
     $attachments = CKunenaAttachments::getInstance();
     if (is_a($attachments, 'CKunenaAttachments')) {
         $message_attachments = $attachments->get($idstr);
         // Now that we have all relevant messages in messages, asign any matching attachments
         foreach ($this->messages as $message) {
             // Mark as new
             if ($this->my->id && $this->prevCheck < $message->time && !in_array($message->thread, $this->read_topics)) {
                 $message->new = true;
             } else {
                 $message->new = false;
             // Assign attachments
             if (isset($message_attachments[$message->id])) {
                 $message->attachments = $message_attachments[$message->id];
         // Done with attachments
     $this->pagination = $this->getPagination($this->catid, $this->thread, $page, $totalpages, $maxpages);
     //meta description and keywords
     $metaKeys = kunena_htmlspecialchars("{$this->first_message->subject}, {$objCatParentInfo->name}, {$this->config->board_title}, " . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_FORUM') . ', ' . $this->app->getCfg('sitename'));
     // Create Meta Description form the content of the first message
     // better for search results display but NOT for search ranking!
     $metaDesc = KunenaParser::stripBBCode($this->first_message->message);
     $metaDesc = strip_tags($metaDesc);
     // Now remove all tags
     $metaDesc = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $metaDesc);
     // remove newlines
     $metaDesc = preg_replace('/^[^\\w0-9]+/', '', $metaDesc);
     // remove characters at the beginning that are not letters or numbers
     $metaDesc = trim($metaDesc);
     // Remove trailing spaces and beginning
     // remove multiple spaces
     while (strpos($metaDesc, '  ') !== false) {
         $metaDesc = str_replace('  ', ' ', $metaDesc);
     // limit to 185 characters - google will cut off at ~150
     if (strlen($metaDesc) > 185) {
         $metaDesc = rtrim(JString::substr($metaDesc, 0, 182)) . '...';
     $metaDesc = htmlspecialchars($metaDesc);
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $document->setMetadata('keywords', $metaKeys);
     $this->layout_buttons = array();
     if ($this->config->enable_threaded_layouts) {
         if ($this->layout != 'view') {
             $this->layout_buttons[] = CKunenaLink::GetThreadLayoutLink('flat', $this->catid, $this->thread, $this->mesid, CKunenaTools::showButton('layout-flat', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_LAYOUT_FLAT')), $this->limitstart, $this->limit, JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_LAYOUT_FLAT_LONG'), 'nofollow', 'kicon-button kbuttonuser btn-left');
         if ($this->layout != 'threaded') {
             $this->layout_buttons[] = CKunenaLink::GetThreadLayoutLink('threaded', $this->catid, $this->thread, $this->mesid, CKunenaTools::showButton('layout-threaded', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_LAYOUT_THREADED')), $this->limitstart, $this->limit, JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_LAYOUT_THREADED_LONG'), 'nofollow', 'kicon-button kbuttonuser btn-left');
         if ($this->layout != 'indented') {
             $this->layout_buttons[] = CKunenaLink::GetThreadLayoutLink('indented', $this->catid, $this->thread, $this->mesid, CKunenaTools::showButton('layout-indented', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_LAYOUT_INDENTED')), $this->limitstart, $this->limit, JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_LAYOUT_INDENTED_LONG'), 'nofollow', 'kicon-button kbuttonuser btn-left');
     //Perform subscriptions check only once
     $this->cansubscribe = 0;
     if ($this->config->allowsubscriptions && $this->config->topic_subscriptions != 'disabled' && $this->my->id) {
         $this->db->setQuery("SELECT thread, future1 FROM #__kunena_subscriptions WHERE userid={$this->db->Quote($this->my->id)} AND thread={$this->db->Quote($this->thread)}");
         $fb_subscribed = $this->db->loadObject();
         if (!$fb_subscribed) {
             $this->cansubscribe = 1;
         } elseif ($fb_subscribed->future1 == 1) {
             $query_thread = "UPDATE #__kunena_subscriptions\n\t\t\t\t\tSET future1=0 WHERE thread={$this->db->Quote($this->thread)} AND userid={$this->db->Quote($this->my->id)}";
     //Perform favorites check only once
     $fb_canfavorite = 0;
     $this->db->setQuery("SELECT MAX(userid={$this->db->Quote($this->my->id)}) AS favorited, COUNT(*) AS totalfavorited FROM #__kunena_favorites WHERE thread={$this->db->Quote($this->thread)}");
     list($this->favorited, $this->totalfavorited) = $this->db->loadRow();
     if ($this->config->allowfavorites && $this->my->id) {
         if (!$this->favorited) {
             $fb_canfavorite = 1;
     //get the Moderator list for display
     $this->db->setQuery("SELECT m.*, u.* FROM #__kunena_moderation AS m INNER JOIN #__users AS u ON u.id=m.userid WHERE m.catid={$this->db->Quote($this->catid)} AND u.block=0");
     $this->modslist = $this->db->loadObjectList();
     $this->catModerators = array();
     foreach ($this->modslist as $mod) {
         $this->catModerators[] = $mod->userid;
         $userlist[intval($mod->userid)] = intval($mod->userid);
     // Prefetch all users/avatars to avoid user by user queries during template iterations
     //data ready display now
     if (CKunenaTools::isModerator($this->my->id, $this->catid) || $this->topicLocked == 0) {
         //this user is allowed to reply to this topic
         $this->thread_reply = CKunenaLink::GetTopicPostReplyLink('reply', $this->catid, $this->thread, CKunenaTools::showButton('reply', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_REPLY_TOPIC')), 'nofollow', 'kicon-button kbuttoncomm btn-left', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_REPLY_TOPIC_LONG'));
     // Thread Subscription
     if ($this->cansubscribe == 1) {
         // this user is allowed to subscribe - check performed further up to eliminate duplicate checks
         // for top and bottom navigation
         $this->thread_subscribe = CKunenaLink::GetTopicPostLink('subscribe', $this->catid, $this->id, CKunenaTools::showButton('subscribe', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC')), 'nofollow', 'kicon-button kbuttonuser btn-left', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC_LONG'));
     if ($this->my->id != 0 && $this->config->allowsubscriptions && $this->config->topic_subscriptions != 'disabled' && $this->cansubscribe == 0) {
         // this user is allowed to unsubscribe
         $this->thread_subscribe = CKunenaLink::GetTopicPostLink('unsubscribe', $this->catid, $this->id, CKunenaTools::showButton('subscribe', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_UNSUBSCRIBE_TOPIC')), 'nofollow', 'kicon-button kbuttonuser btn-left', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_UNSUBSCRIBE_TOPIC_LONG'));
     if ($fb_canfavorite == 1) {
         // this user is allowed to add a favorite - check performed further up to eliminate duplicate checks
         // for top and bottom navigation
         $this->thread_favorite = CKunenaLink::GetTopicPostLink('favorite', $this->catid, $this->id, CKunenaTools::showButton('favorite', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_FAVORITE_TOPIC')), 'nofollow', 'kicon-button kbuttonuser btn-left', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_FAVORITE_TOPIC_LONG'));
     if ($this->my->id != 0 && $this->config->allowfavorites && $fb_canfavorite == 0) {
         // this user is allowed to unfavorite
         $this->thread_favorite = CKunenaLink::GetTopicPostLink('unfavorite', $this->catid, $this->id, CKunenaTools::showButton('favorite', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_UNFAVORITE_TOPIC')), 'nofollow', 'kicon-button kbuttonuser btn-left', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_UNFAVORITE_TOPIC_LONG'));
     if (CKunenaTools::isModerator($this->my->id, $this->catid) || !$this->kunena_forum_locked) {
         //this user is allowed to post a new topic
         $this->thread_new = CKunenaLink::GetPostNewTopicLink($this->catid, CKunenaTools::showButton('newtopic', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_NEW_TOPIC')), 'nofollow', 'kicon-button kbuttoncomm btn-left', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_NEW_TOPIC_LONG'));
     if (CKunenaTools::isModerator($this->my->id, $this->catid)) {
         // offer the moderator always the move link to relocate a topic to another forum
         // and the (un)sticky bit links
         // and the (un)lock links
         if ($this->topicSticky == 0) {
             $this->thread_sticky = CKunenaLink::GetTopicPostLink('sticky', $this->catid, $this->id, CKunenaTools::showButton('sticky', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_STICKY_TOPIC')), 'nofollow', 'kicon-button kbuttonmod btn-left', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_STICKY_TOPIC_LONG'));
         } else {
             $this->thread_sticky = CKunenaLink::GetTopicPostLink('unsticky', $this->catid, $this->id, CKunenaTools::showButton('sticky', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_UNSTICKY_TOPIC')), 'nofollow', 'kicon-button kbuttonmod btn-left', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_UNSTICKY_TOPIC_LONG'));
         if ($this->topicLocked == 0) {
             $this->thread_lock = CKunenaLink::GetTopicPostLink('lock', $this->catid, $this->id, CKunenaTools::showButton('lock', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_LOCK_TOPIC')), 'nofollow', 'kicon-button kbuttonmod btn-left', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_LOCK_TOPIC_LONG'));
         } else {
             $this->thread_lock = CKunenaLink::GetTopicPostLink('unlock', $this->catid, $this->id, CKunenaTools::showButton('lock', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_UNLOCK_TOPIC')), 'nofollow', 'kicon-button kbuttonmod btn-left', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_UNLOCK_TOPIC_LONG'));
         $this->thread_delete = CKunenaLink::GetTopicPostLink('deletethread', $this->catid, $this->id, CKunenaTools::showButton('delete', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_DELETE_TOPIC')), 'nofollow', 'kicon-button kbuttonmod btn-left', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_DELETE_TOPIC_LONG'));
         $this->thread_moderate = CKunenaLink::GetTopicPostReplyLink('moderatethread', $this->catid, $this->id, CKunenaTools::showButton('moderate', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_MODERATE_TOPIC')), 'nofollow', 'kicon-button kbuttonmod btn-left', JText::_('COM_KUNENA_BUTTON_MODERATE'));
     $this->headerdesc = nl2br(smile::smileReplace($this->catinfo->headerdesc, 0, $this->config->disemoticons, $this->emoticons));
     $tabclass = array("row1", "row2");
     $this->mmm = 0;
     $this->replydir = $this->ordering == 'DESC' ? -1 : 1;
     if ($this->replydir < 0) {
         $this->replynum = $this->total_messages - $this->limitstart + 1;
     } else {
         $this->replynum = $this->limitstart;
     $this->myname = $this->config->username ? $this->my->username : $this->my->name;
     $this->allow_anonymous = !empty($this->catinfo->allow_anonymous) && $this->my->id;
     $this->anonymous = $this->allow_anonymous && !empty($this->catinfo->post_anonymous);
예제 #12
 function GetLatestPageAutoRedirectURL($fbConfig, $pid, $limit, $catid = 0)
     $kunena_db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     // First determine the thread, latest post and number of posts for the post supplied
     $where = '';
     if ($catid > 0) {
         $where .= " AND a.catid = {$catid} ";
     $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT a.thread AS thread, MAX(a.id) AS latest_id, MAX(a.catid) AS catid, COUNT(*) AS totalmessages\n                             FROM #__fb_messages AS a,\n                                (SELECT MAX(thread) AS thread FROM #__fb_messages WHERE id='{$pid}') AS b\n                             WHERE a.thread = b.thread AND a.hold='0' {$where}\n                             GROUP BY a.thread");
     $result = $kunena_db->loadObject();
     check_dberror("Unable to retrieve latest post.");
     if (!is_object($result)) {
         return htmlspecialchars_decode(JRoute::_(KUNENA_LIVEURLREL . '&amp;func=showcat&amp;catid=' . $catid));
     // Now Calculate the number of pages for this particular thread
     $catid = $result->catid;
     $threadPages = ceil($result->totalmessages / $limit);
     // Finally build output block
     return htmlspecialchars_decode(CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL($fbConfig, 'view', $catid, $result->thread, $threadPages, $limit));
예제 #13
	        <title>Powered by Kunena</title>
echo JURI::root();
	        <description>Kunena Site Syndication</description>
foreach ($rows as $row) {
    echo "        <item>\n";
    echo "            <title>" . _GEN_SUBJECT . ": " . stripslashes(kunena_htmlspecialchars($row->subject)) . " - " . _GEN_BY . ": " . stripslashes(kunena_htmlspecialchars($row->lastpostname)) . "</title>" . "\n";
    echo "            <link>";
    $uri =& JURI::getInstance(JURI::base());
    $itemlink = $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port')) . CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL($fbConfig, 'view', $row->catid, $row->thread, ceil($row->numberposts / $fbConfig->messages_per_page), $fbConfig->messages_per_page, $row->lastpostid);
    echo $itemlink;
    echo "</link>\n";
    $words = $row->lastpostmessage;
    $words = smile::purify($words);
    echo "            <description>" . kunena_htmlspecialchars($words) . "</description>" . "\n";
    echo "            <pubDate>" . date('r', $row->lastposttime) . "</pubDate>" . "\n";
    echo "        </item>\n";
예제 #14
 function GetAutoRedirectThreadPageHTML($func, $catid, $threadid, $page, $limit = '', $anker = '', $timeout)
     $p_url = CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL($func, $catid, $threadid, $page, $limit, $anker);
     return CKunenaLink::GetAutoRedirectHTML($p_url, $timeout);
예제 #15
파일: view.html.php 프로젝트: rich20/Kunena
	function displayDefault($tpl = null) {
		$this->me = KunenaFactory::getUser();
		$this->layout = $this->state->get('layout');
		if ($this->layout == 'flat') $this->layout = 'default';
		$this->assignRef ( 'category', $this->get ( 'Category' ) );
		$this->assignRef ( 'topic', $this->get ( 'Topic' ) );
		$channels = $this->category->getChannels();
		if ($this->category->id && ! $this->category->authorise('read')) {
			// User is not allowed to see the category
		} elseif (! $this->topic) {
			// Moved topic loop detected (1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 2)
		} elseif (! $this->topic->authorise('read')) {
			// User is not allowed to see the topic
		} elseif ($this->state->get('item.id') != $this->topic->id || ($this->category->id != $this->topic->category_id && !isset($channels[$this->topic->category_id]))) {
			// Topic has been moved or it doesn't belong to the current category
			$db = JFactory::getDBO();
			$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__kunena_messages WHERE thread={$db->Quote($this->topic->id)} AND hold IN ({$this->state->get('hold')}) AND id<={$db->Quote($this->state->get('item.id'))}";
			$db->setQuery ( $query );
			$replyCount = $db->loadResult ();
			if (KunenaError::checkDatabaseError()) return;
			$app = JFactory::getApplication();
			$app->redirect(CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL ( 'view', $this->topic->category_id, $this->topic->id, $replyCount, $this->state->get('list.limit'), $this->state->get('item.id'), false ));

		$errors = $this->getErrors();
		if ($errors) {
			return $this->displayNoAccess($errors);

		$this->assignRef ( 'messages', $this->get ( 'Messages' ) );
		$this->assignRef ( 'total', $this->get ( 'Total' ) );

		// If page does not exist, redirect to the last page
/*		if ($this->total <= $this->state->get('list.start')) {
			$app = JFactory::getApplication();
			$app->redirect(CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL('view', $this->topic->category_id, $this->topic->id, $this->total, $this->state->get('list.start'), '', false));
		$this->assignRef ( 'moderators', $this->get ( 'Moderators' ) );
		$this->assignRef ( 'usertopic',$this->topic->getUserTopic());
		$this->headerText =  JText::_('COM_KUNENA_MENU_LATEST_DESC');
		$this->title = JText::_('COM_KUNENA_ALL_DISCUSSIONS');
		$this->pagination = $this->getPagination ( 5 );
		$this->me = KunenaFactory::getUser();
		$this->config = KunenaFactory::getConfig();

		// Mark topic read
		$this->topic->markRead ();

		// Check is subscriptions were sent and reset the value
		if ($this->topic->authorise('subscribe')) {
			$usertopic = $this->topic->getUserTopic();
			if ($usertopic->subscribed == 2) {
				$usertopic->subscribed = 1;

		$this->keywords = $this->topic->getKeywords(false, ', ');


		//meta description and keywords
		// TODO: use real keywords, too
		$metaKeys = $this->escape ( "{$this->topic->subject}, {$this->category->getParent()->name}, {$this->config->board_title}, " . JText::_('COM_KUNENA_GEN_FORUM') . ', ' . JFactory::getapplication()->getCfg ( 'sitename' ) );

		// Create Meta Description form the content of the first message
		// better for search results display but NOT for search ranking!
		$metaDesc = KunenaHtmlParser::stripBBCode($this->topic->first_post_message);
		$metaDesc = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $metaDesc); // remove newlines
		$metaDesc = preg_replace('/^[^\w0-9]+/', '', $metaDesc); // remove characters at the beginning that are not letters or numbers
		$metaDesc = trim($metaDesc); // Remove trailing spaces and beginning

		// remove multiple spaces
		while (strpos($metaDesc, '  ') !== false){
			$metaDesc = str_replace('  ', ' ', $metaDesc);

		// limit to 185 characters - google will cut off at ~150
		if (strlen($metaDesc) > 185){
			$metaDesc = rtrim(JString::substr($metaDesc, 0, 182)).'...';

		$this->document->setMetadata ( 'keywords', $metaKeys );
		$this->document->setDescription ( $this->escape($metaDesc) );

		$this->setTitle(JText::sprintf('COM_KUNENA_VIEW_TOPICS_DEFAULT', $this->topic->subject));

예제 #16
파일: topic.php 프로젝트: rich20/Kunena
	public function resetvotes() {
		$app = JFactory::getApplication ();
		if (!JRequest::checkToken('get')) {
			$app->enqueueMessage ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_ERROR_TOKEN' ), 'error' );
			$this->redirectBack ();

		$pollid = JRequest::getInt ( 'pollid', 0 );

		$topic = KunenaForumTopicHelper::get($this->id);
		$result = $topic->resetvotes($pollid);

		$app->enqueueMessage ( JText::_ ( 'COM_KUNENA_TOPIC_VOTE_RESET_SUCCESS' ) );
		$app->redirect ( CKunenaLink::GetThreadPageURL ( 'view', $this->return, $this->id, 0, NULL, $this->id, false ) );