예제 #1
  * Deletes graphs from DB that are missing in XML.
  * @return null
 protected function deleteMissingGraphs()
     if (!$this->options['graphs']['deleteMissing']) {
     $processedHostIds = $this->importedObjectContainer->getHostIds();
     $processedTemplateIds = $this->importedObjectContainer->getTemplateIds();
     $processedHostIds = array_merge($processedHostIds, $processedTemplateIds);
     // no hosts or templates have been processed
     if (!$processedHostIds) {
     $graphsIdsXML = array();
     // gather host IDs for graphs that exist in XML
     $allGraphs = $this->getFormattedGraphs();
     if ($allGraphs) {
         foreach ($allGraphs as $graph) {
             if (isset($graph['gitems']) && $graph['gitems']) {
                 foreach ($graph['gitems'] as $gitem) {
                     $gitemHostId = $this->referencer->resolveHostOrTemplate($gitem['item']['host']);
                     $graphId = $this->referencer->resolveGraph($gitemHostId, $graph['name']);
                     if ($graphId) {
                         $graphsIdsXML[$graphId] = $graphId;
     $dbGraphIds = API::Graph()->get(array('output' => array('graphid'), 'hostids' => $processedHostIds, 'selectHosts' => array('hostid'), 'preservekeys' => true, 'nopermissions' => true, 'inherited' => false, 'filter' => array('flags' => ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_NORMAL)));
     // check that potentially deletable graph belongs to same hosts that are in XML
     // if some graphs belong to more hosts than current XML contains, don't delete them
     $graphsToDelete = array_diff_key($dbGraphIds, $graphsIdsXML);
     $graphIdsToDelete = array();
     $processedHostIds = array_flip($processedHostIds);
     foreach ($graphsToDelete as $graphId => $graph) {
         $graphHostIds = array_flip(zbx_objectValues($graph['hosts'], 'hostid'));
         if (!array_diff_key($graphHostIds, $processedHostIds)) {
             $graphIdsToDelete[] = $graphId;
     if ($graphIdsToDelete) {