function do_upload($_FILES = '', $field = 'userfile') { if (empty($_FILES[$field])) { $this->set_error('upload_no_file_selected'); return FALSE; } else { if (count($_FILES[$field]['name']) > 1) { foreach ($_FILES[$field]['name'] as $index => $name) { if (!empty($name)) { $this->do_xupload($_FILES, $field, $index); $temp = parent::data(); $this->set_dataArray($temp, $index); } } return true; } else { if ($field == 'proimg') { $this->do_xupload($_FILES, $field); $temp = parent::data(); $this->set_dataArray($temp, 0); return true; } else { parent::do_upload($_FILES, $field); return parent::data(); } } } }
/** * Verify that the filetype is allowed * * @access public * @return bool */ function is_allowed_filetype() { if (count($this->allowed_types) == 0 or !is_array($this->allowed_types)) { $this->set_error('upload_no_file_types'); return FALSE; } // Fix for 'application/octet-stream' problem in SWFUpload if ($this->file_type == 'application/octet-stream') { $mime = $this->mimes_types(trim($this->file_ext, '.')); $this->file_type = is_array($mime) ? $mime[0] : $mime; } // Match the mime with the actual extension $this->file_ext = strtolower($this->file_ext); if (CI()->CONF['match_mime_to_ext']) { // This will require that the extension of the file uploaded matches against only the extention's mimes if (in_array(trim($this->file_ext, '.'), $this->allowed_types)) { $mime = $this->mimes_types(trim($this->file_ext, '.')); if (is_array($mime) && in_array($this->file_type, $mime, TRUE)) { return TRUE; } else { if ($mime == $this->file_type) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } else { return parent::is_allowed_filetype(); } }
function MY_Upload($props = array()) { parent::CI_Upload(); if (count($props) > 0) { $this->initialize($props); } }
public function __construct($props = array()) { parent::__construct(); if (count($props) > 0) { $this->initialize($props); } log_message('debug', "Upload Class Initialized"); }
function initialize($params = array()) { $CI =& get_instance(); if (!empty($params['field'])) { $this->field = $params['field']; } parent::initialize($params); }
/** * @param string $file_name * @return boolean */ public function upload($file_name) { $path = $this->_nuevoDirectorio(); $config = array('upload_path' => $path, 'allowed_types' => 'gif|jpg|png|bmp|doc|docx|pdf|xls|xlsx|txt|ppt|pptx|csv', 'max_size' => '0', 'max_width' => '0', 'max_height' => '0'); $this->upload = new CI_Upload($config); if (!$this->upload->do_upload($file_name)) { rmdir($path); $this->_error = $this->upload->display_errors(); return false; } else { $data = $this->upload->data(); $relative_path = str_replace(realpath(BASEPATH . "../"), "", realpath($data["full_path"])); $relative_path = substr($relative_path, 1, strlen($relative_path)); $insert = array("arch_c_tamano" => $data["file_size"], "arch_c_nombre" => $relative_path, "arch_c_mime" => $data["file_type"], "arch_c_hash" => $this->_fileHash(), "arch_f_fecha" => DATE("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "usu_ia_id" => $this->session->userdata('session_idUsuario')); $this->_archivo_model->query()->insert($insert); return true; } }
public function do_upload($field = 'userfile') { $ret = parent::do_upload($field); if ($ret) { $this->site_path = $this->system_upload_path . '/tmp/' . $this->file_name; $this->relative_path = 'tmp/' . $this->file_name; } return $ret; }
/** * Constructor */ function __construct($props = array()) { parent::__construct(); // Make a local reference to the ExpressionEngine super object $this->EE =& get_instance(); $this->EE->load->helper('xss'); $props['xss_clean'] = xss_check(); $this->initialize($props); log_message('debug', "Upload Class Initialized"); }
/** * Constructor */ function __construct($props = array()) { parent::__construct(); // Make a local reference to the ExpressionEngine super object $this->EE =& get_instance(); if (count($props) > 0) { $this->initialize($props); } log_message('debug', "Upload Class Initialized"); }
/** * Constructor * * @access public */ public function __construct($props = array()) { parent::__construct(); $this->CI =& get_instance(); $this->CI->config->load('uploads_manager'); if (count($props) > 0) { $this->initialize($props); } log_message('debug', "Upload Class Extension Initialized"); }
public function __construct($config = array()) { parent::__construct($config); }
/** * Constructor * * @access public */ public function __construct($props = array()) { parent::__construct($props); $this->ci =& get_instance(); }
public static function upload($field, $id, $path, $config = array()) { $CI =& get_instance(); $ciConfig = $CI->config->item('utils'); $config['upload_path'] = $ciConfig['file_dir'] . $path . '/'; $config['allowed_types'] = '*'; $config['file_name'] = self::getFileName($id, $path) . '.backup'; $CI->load->library('upload'); $upload = new CI_Upload($config); if (!$upload->do_upload($field)) { return $upload->display_errors('', ''); } else { return TRUE; } }
/** * Keep the file in the temp directory? * * @access public */ public function initialize($config = array()) { if (isset($config['use_temp_dir']) && $config['use_temp_dir'] === TRUE) { $this->use_temp_dir = TRUE; } else { $this->use_temp_dir = FALSE; } parent::initialize($config); }
function submit($submit) { try { if ($submit == 'generate_express') { $article_ids = preg_split('/,[\\s]*/', $this->input->post('articles')); if (!is_array($article_ids)) { $this->output->message('文章id解析错误'); throw new Exception(); } $config['upload_path'] = './images/mail/express'; $config['encrypt_name'] = true; $config['allowed_types'] = 'jpg'; $this->load->library('upload', $config); if (!$this->upload->do_upload('header')) { $this->output->message($this->upload->display_errors(), 'warning'); throw new Exception(); } $header = $this->upload->data(); $config['allowed_types'] = 'pdf'; $config['encrypt_name'] = false; $Attachment = new CI_Upload($config); if (!$Attachment->do_upload('attachment')) { $this->output->message($Attachment->display_errors(), 'warning'); //throw new Exception; } //$attachment=$Attachment->data(); $articles = $this->mail->getArticles('star', $article_ids); $this->load->addViewData('title', $this->input->post('title')); $this->load->addViewData('articles', $articles); $this->load->addViewData('header_img', $header['file_name']); $mail_html = $this->load->view('mail/express_template', true); $this->user->setConfig('mail/express/mail_html', $mail_html); $this->user->setConfig('mail/express/title', '星瀚律师 - ' . $this->input->post('title')); //$this->session->set_userdata('mail/express/attachment','./images/mail/express/'.$attachment['file_name']); $this->output->setData($mail_html, 'preview', 'html', '#express-preview'); } if ($submit == 'send_express') { if (!$this->config->user_item('mail/express/mail_html')) { $this->output->message('还没有生成期刊'); throw new Exception(); } if (!$this->input->post('client-emails')) { $client_emails = $this->config->user_item('mail/express/receivers'); } else { $client_emails = preg_split('/,[\\s]*/', $this->input->post('client-emails')); $this->user->setConfig('mail/express/receivers', json_encode($client_emails)); } $this->load->library('email'); $config = array('protocol' => 'smtp', 'smtp_host' => '', 'smtp_user' => '*****@*****.**', 'smtp_pass' => '1218xinghan', 'mailtype' => 'html', 'crlf' => "\r\n", 'newline' => "\r\n"); $this->email->initialize($config); $this->email->from('*****@*****.**', '星瀚律师'); $this->email->subject($this->config->user_item('mail/express/title')); $this->email->message($this->config->user_item('mail/express/mail_html')); //$this->email->attach($this->session->userdata('mail/express/attachment')); if ($this->config->user_item('mail/express/send_progress') < count($this->config->user_item('mail/express/receivers'))) { $receivers = $this->config->user_item('mail/express/receivers'); $receiver = $receivers[$this->config->user_item('mail/express/send_progress')]; if ($this->email->to($receiver)) { $delivery_status = ''; } else { $delivery_status = '(x)'; } $this->output->setData($receiver . ' ', 'receiver', 'html', '#delivery-status', 'append'); $this->email->send(); sleep(3); $this->user->setConfig('mail/express/send_progress', $this->config->user_item('mail/express/send_progress') + 1); $this->output->setData('$(\'[name="submit[send_express]"]:first\').trigger(\'click\')', 'script', 'script'); } else { $this->output->message('发送完毕'); } } if ($submit == 'download') { $this->output->as_ajax = false; $this->load->model('document_model', 'document'); $this->document->exportHead('express.html'); $this->output->set_output($this->config->user_item('mail/express/mail_html')); } $this->output->status = 'success'; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->output->status = 'fail'; } }
public function is_allowed_filetype($ignore_mime = FALSE) { $restricted = array('.php', '.php5', '.php4', '.php3', '.phtml', '.pl', '.py'); if ($this->allowed_types == '*' && in_array($this->file_ext, $restricted)) { return FALSE; } return parent::is_allowed_filetype($ignore_mime); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); }
/** * do xss clean * this plugin makes sure that images do not get xss unless under very certain criteria * borrowed from CI 2.x mecurial repo * * @access public * @return bool */ public function do_xss_clean() { $file = $this->upload_path . $this->file_name; if (filesize($file) == 0) { return FALSE; } if (function_exists('memory_get_usage') && memory_get_usage() && ini_get('memory_limit') != '') { $current = ini_get('memory_limit') * 1024 * 1024; $new_memory = number_format(ceil(filesize($file) + $current), 0, '.', ''); ini_set('memory_limit', $new_memory); // When an integer is used, the value is measured in bytes. - } if (function_exists('getimagesize') && @getimagesize($file) !== FALSE) { if (($file = @fopen($file, 'rb')) === FALSE) { return FALSE; // Couldn't open the file, return FALSE } $opening_bytes = fread($file, 256); fclose($file); if (!preg_match('/<(a|body|head|html|img|plaintext|pre|script|table|title)[\\s>]/i', $opening_bytes)) { return TRUE; // its an image, no "triggers" detected in the first 256 bytes, we're good } } //do default parent::do_xss_clean($types); }
function __construct($props = array()) { parent::__construct($props); }
function MY_Upload() { parent::CI_Upload(); }
/** * Cleans the file name * * @param $filename * * @return string */ public function clean_file_name($filename) { // Remove bad chars $filename = parent::clean_file_name($filename); // Spaces if ($this->remove_spaces == TRUE) { $filename = preg_replace("/\\s+/", "_", $filename); } // Foreign chars if ($this->clean_foreign_chars) { $filename = convert_accented_characters($filename); } $filename = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\/_.|+ -]/', "_", $filename); $filename = preg_replace("/[\\/_|+ -]+/", "_", $filename); // Remove first and last not wanted chars $filename = trim($filename, '_-. '); return $filename; }
function do_upload($field = 'userfile') { $CI =& get_instance(); if (!parent::do_upload($field)) { return FALSE; } $uploaded = $this->data(); $_POST[$field] = $this->data_dir . '/' . $uploaded['file_name']; // copy original $dirname = 'data/' . $this->data_dir . '/original/'; if (!file_exists($dirname)) { mkdir($dirname, 0777, true); } copy($uploaded['full_path'], 'data/' . $this->data_dir . '/original/' . $uploaded['file_name']); if ($this->is_watermarked) { $this->watermark($_POST); } foreach ($this->presets as $key => $preset) { $this->resize($_POST, $key); } unlink($this->data_dir . '/' . $uploaded['file_name']); return TRUE; }
/** * * @param string|integer $id (Primary Key) * @param string $name * @param string $folder (posts/images) * @return boolean */ public static function upload($field, $id, $name, $folder, $config = array()) { $CI =& get_instance(); $ciConfig = $CI->config->item('utils'); $config['upload_path'] = $path = $ciConfig['upload_dir'] . $folder . '/'; $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png'; $config['file_name'] = $fileName = self::getFileName($id, self::IMAGE_ORIGINAL, $name); $CI->load->library('upload'); $CI->load->library('image_lib'); $upload = new CI_Upload($config); if (!$upload->do_upload($field)) { return $upload->display_errors('', ''); } else { $imageConfig = array('source_image' => $path . $fileName); foreach (array(self::IMAGE_LARGE, self::IMAGE_MEDIUM, self::IMAGE_SMALL) as $size) { $imageConfig['new_image'] = $path . self::getFileName($id, $size, $name); // list($imageConfig['width'], $imageConfig['height']) = explode('x', $ciConfig['image'][strtolower($size)]); list($imageConfig['width']) = explode('x', $ciConfig['image'][strtolower($size)]); $image = new CI_Image_lib(); $image->initialize($imageConfig); $image->resize(); $image->clear(); } $imageConfig['new_image'] = $path . self::getFileName($id, self::IMAGE_THUMB, $name); list($imageConfig['width'], $imageConfig['height']) = explode('x', $ciConfig['image'][strtolower(self::IMAGE_THUMB)]); $imageConfig['maintain_ratio'] = FALSE; $image = new CI_Image_lib(); $image->initialize($imageConfig); $image->resize(); $image->clear(); return TRUE; } }
public function do_upload($field = 'userfile') { if (!isset($_FILES[$field])) { return false; } // check if it's a multiple upload. if not then fall back to CI do_upload() if (!is_array($_FILES[$field]['name'])) { return parent::do_upload($field); } elseif (sizeof($_FILES[$field]['name']) == 1) { $files = $_FILES[$field]; $_FILES[$field]['name'] = $files['name'][0]; $_FILES[$field]['type'] = $files['type'][0]; $_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'] = $files['tmp_name'][0]; $_FILES[$field]['error'] = $files['error'][0]; $_FILES[$field]['size'] = $files['size'][0]; return $this->do_upload($field); } else { $files = $_FILES[$field]; foreach ($files['name'] as $key => $value) { $_FILES[$field]['name'] = $files['name'][$key]; $_FILES[$field]['type'] = $files['type'][$key]; $_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'] = $files['tmp_name'][$key]; $_FILES[$field]['error'] = $files['error'][$key]; $_FILES[$field]['size'] = $files['size'][$key]; if ($this->do_upload($field)) { // if the upload was successfull add an element to the uploadedFiles array that contains the data regarding the uploaded file $this->uploadedFiles[] = $this->data(); } else { // if the upload was unsuccessfull, set a temporary string that will contain the name of the file in question. The string will later be used by the modified display_errors() method $this->tempString = 'File: ' . $_FILES[$field]['name'] . ' - Error: '; // keep the errors in the multi_errors array $this->multi_errors[] = $this->display_errors('', ''); } // now we decide if we continue uploading depending on the "multi" key inside the configuration switch ($this->multi) { case 'all': if (sizeof($this->multi_errors) > 0 && sizeof($this->uploadedFiles > 0)) { foreach ($this->uploadedFiles as $dataFile) { if (file_exists($dataFile['full_path'])) { unlink($dataFile['full_path']); } } break 2; } break; case 'halt': if (sizeof($this->multi_errors) > 0) { break 2; } break; //case 'ignore': //case 'ignore': default: break; } } if (sizeof($this->multi_errors) > 0 && $this->multi == 'all') { return FALSE; } // at the end of the uploads, change the finished variable to true so that the class will know it finished it's main job $this->finished = TRUE; return TRUE; } }
function __construct($props) { parent::CI_Upload($props); }