public function load($langfile, $lang = '', $return = FALSE, $_module = NULL) { if (is_array($langfile)) { return $this->load_many($langfile); } $deft_lang = CI::$APP->config->item('language'); $idiom = $lang == '' ? $deft_lang : $lang; if (in_array($langfile . '_lang', $this->is_loaded, TRUE)) { return $this->language; } $_module || ($_module = CI::$APP->router->fetch_module()); list($path, $_langfile) = Modules::find($langfile . '_lang', $_module, 'language/' . $idiom . '/'); if ($path === FALSE) { if ($lang = parent::load($langfile, $lang, $return)) { return $lang; } } else { if ($lang = Modules::load_file($_langfile, $path, 'lang')) { if ($return) { return $lang; } $this->language = array_merge($this->language, $lang); $this->is_loaded[] = $langfile . '_lang'; unset($lang); } } return $this->language; }
/** * __construct * * @global mixed $CFG * @global mixed $URI * * @return void */ function MY_Lang() { parent::__construct(); global $CFG; global $URI; require_once APPPATH . "config/language.php"; $this->supported_languages = array_key_exists('supported_languages', $config) && !empty($config['supported_languages']) ? $config['supported_languages'] : $this->supported_languages; $this->current_language = array_key_exists('default_language', $config) && !empty($config['default_language']) ? $config['default_language'] : $this->current_language; $this->detect_language = array_key_exists('detect_language', $config) ? $config['detect_language'] : $this->detect_language; $this->default_uri = array_key_exists('default_uri', $config) ? $config['default_uri'] : $this->default_uri; $this->special_uris = array_key_exists('special_uris', $config) ? $config['special_uris'] : $this->special_uris; $this->uri = $URI->uri_string(); $uri_segment = $this->get_uri_lang($this->uri); $this->lang_code = $uri_segment['lang']; $url_ok = FALSE; if (!empty($this->lang_code) && array_key_exists($this->lang_code, $this->supported_languages)) { $language = $this->supported_languages[$this->lang_code]; $CFG->set_item('language', $language); $this->current_language = $this->lang_code; $url_ok = TRUE; } if (!$url_ok && !$this->is_special($uri_segment['parts'][0])) { // set default language $this->current_language = $this->default_lang(); $CFG->set_item('language', $this->supported_languages[$this->current_language]); $uri = !empty($this->uri) ? $this->uri : $this->default_uri; $uri = $uri[0] != '/' ? '/' . $uri : $uri; $new_url = $CFG->config['base_url'] . $this->default_lang() . $uri; header("Location: " . $new_url, TRUE, 302); exit; } }
public function load($langfile, $lang = '', $return = FALSE, $_module = NULL) { if (is_array($langfile)) { return $this->load_many($langfile); } $deft_lang = CI::$APP->config->item('language'); $idiom = $lang == '' ? $deft_lang : $lang; if (in_array($langfile . '_lang', $this->is_loaded, TRUE)) { return $this->language; } $_module or $_module = CI::$APP->router->fetch_module(); list($path, $_langfile) = Modules::find($langfile . '_lang', $_module, 'language/' . $idiom . '/'); // Falls back to a default language if the current language file is missing. if ($path === FALSE && FALLBACK_LANGUAGE) { list($path, $_langfile) = Modules::find($langfile . '_lang', $_module, 'language/' . FALLBACK_LANGUAGE . '/'); } if ($path === FALSE) { if ($lang = parent::load($langfile, $lang, $return)) { return $lang; } } else { if ($lang = Modules::load_file($_langfile, $path, 'lang')) { if ($return) { return $lang; } $this->language = array_merge($this->language, $lang); $this->is_loaded[] = $langfile . '_lang'; unset($lang); } } return $this->language; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $config =& get_config(); if (isset($config['languages']) && isset($config['redirect_urls'])) { global $URI, $CFG, $IN; //var_dump($URI); $subdomain = $this->get_subdomain(); $lang = isset($subdomain) ? $subdomain : ''; $uri = $URI->segments; if (strlen($lang) == 2 && array_key_exists($lang, $config['languages']) == true) { $config['language'] = $config['languages'][$lang]; $config['prefix_language'] = $lang; $config['base_url'] = "http://{$lang}." . $config['base_domain']; } elseif ($config['redirect_urls'] == true || strlen($lang) == 2 && array_key_exists($lang, $config['languages']) == false) { //todo: arreglar $url = $config['base_url']; $url .= empty($config['index_page']) ? '' : $config['index_page'] . '/'; $url .= array_search($config['language'], $config['languages']) . '/'; if (strlen($lang) == 2) { array_shift($uri); $url .= implode('/', $uri); } else { $url .= implode('/', $uri); } header("location: {$url}"); } } }
public function load($langfile, $idiom = '', $return = FALSE, $add_suffix = TRUE, $alt_path = '') { // first we need to check if this is called before CI_controller // if yes, well just use default if (!class_exists('CI_controller')) { return parent::load($file, $use_sections, $fail_gracefully); } if (is_array($langfile)) { foreach ($langfile as $_lang) { $this->load($_lang); } return $this->language; } $deft_lang = get_instance()->config->item('language'); $idiom or $idiom = $deft_lang; if (in_array($langfile . '_lang.php', $this->is_loaded, TRUE)) { return $this->language; } $_module = get_instance()->router->fetch_module(); if ($path = modules::find($langfile . '_lang', $_module, 'language/' . $idiom)) { include $path; if (!isset($lang) or !is_array($lang)) { show_error("{$path} does not contain a valid lang array"); } if ($return) { return $lang; } $this->language = array_merge($this->language, $lang); $this->is_loaded[] = $langfile . '_lang.php'; unset($lang); return $this->language; } return parent::load($langfile, $idiom, $return, $add_suffix, $alt_path); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); global $CFG; global $URI; global $RTR; $segment = $URI->segment(1); if (isset($this->languages[$segment])) { // URI with language -> ok $language = $this->languages[$segment]; $CFG->set_item('language', $language); } else { if ($this->is_special($segment)) { // special URI -> no redirect return; } else { // URI without language -> redirect to default_uri // set default language $CFG->set_item('language', $this->languages[$this->default_lang()]); // redirect header("Location: " . $CFG->site_url($this->localized($this->default_uri)), TRUE, 302); exit; } } }
public function load($langfile = array(), $lang = '', $return = FALSE, $add_suffix = TRUE, $alt_path = '', $_module = '') { if (is_array($langfile)) { foreach ($langfile as $_lang) { $this->load($_lang); } return $this->language; } $deft_lang = CI::$APP->config->item('language'); $idiom = $lang == '' ? $deft_lang : $lang; if (in_array($langfile . '_lang' . EXT, $this->is_loaded, TRUE)) { return $this->language; } $_module or $_module = CI::$APP->router->fetch_module(); list($path, $_langfile) = Modules::find($langfile . '_lang', $_module, 'language/' . $idiom . '/'); if ($path === FALSE) { if ($lang = parent::load($langfile, $lang, $return, $add_suffix, $alt_path)) { return $lang; } } else { if ($lang = Modules::load_file($_langfile, $path, 'lang')) { if ($return) { return $lang; } $this->language = array_merge($this->language, $lang); $this->is_loaded[] = $langfile . '_lang' . EXT; unset($lang); } } return $this->language; }
/** * Load language file. * @param string $langfile language file without suffix _lang.php. * @param string $idiom language idiom, if empty, default idiom will be used. * @param boolean $return flag for returning lang file content from this method as array. * @param boolean $add_sufix add suffix _lang to $langfile. * @param string $alt_path alternative path to look for lang file. * @return mixed */ public function load($langfile = '', $idiom = '', $return = FALSE, $add_suffix = TRUE, $alt_path = '') { if ($idiom == '') { $idiom = $this->lang_idiom; } return parent::load($langfile, $idiom, $return, $add_suffix, $alt_path); }
function MY_Lang() { parent::__construct(); global $CFG; global $URI; global $RTR; $this->uri = $URI->uri_string(); $this->default_uri = $RTR->default_controller; $uri_segment = $this->get_uri_lang($this->uri); $this->lang_code = $uri_segment['lang']; $url_ok = false; if (!empty($this->lang_code) && array_key_exists($this->lang_code, $this->languages)) { $language = $this->languages[$this->lang_code]; $CFG->set_item('language', $language); $url_ok = true; } if (!$url_ok && !$this->is_special($uri_segment['parts'][0])) { // set default language $CFG->set_item('language', $this->languages[$this->default_lang()]); $uri = !empty($this->uri) ? $this->uri : $this->default_uri; $uri = $uri[0] != '/' ? '/' . $uri : $uri; $new_url = $CFG->config['base_url'] . $this->default_lang(); header("Location: " . $new_url, TRUE, 302); exit; } }
/** * Fetch a single line of text from the language array * * @access public * @param string $line the language line * @return string */ public function line($line = '') { $value = parent::line($line); if ($value === FALSE) { return $line; } return $value; }
public function load($langfile, $lang = '', $return = FALSE, $add_suffix = TRUE, $alt_path = '', $_module = '') { // Are we loading an array of languages? If so, handle each one on its own. if (is_array($langfile)) { foreach ($langfile as $_lang) { $this->load($_lang); } return $this->language; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Determine which language we're using, if not specified, use the app's default $_default = CI::$APP->config->item('language'); $idiom = $lang == '' ? $_default : $lang; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check to see if the language file has already been loaded if (in_array($langfile . '_lang' . EXT, $this->is_loaded, TRUE)) { return $this->language; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Look for the language $_module or $_module = CI::$APP->router->fetch_module(); list($path, $_langfile) = Modules::find($langfile . '_lang', $_module, 'language/' . $idiom . '/'); /** * * Confession. I'm not entirely sure how/why this works. Dumping out debug statements confuses * me as they don't make sense, but the right lang files seem to be laoded. Sorry, future Pablo. * **/ if ($path === FALSE) { // File not found, fallback to the default language if not already using it if ($idiom != $_default) { // Using MXs version seems to work as expected. if ($lang = parent::load($langfile, $_default, $return, $add_suffix, $alt_path)) { return $lang; } } else { // Not found within modules, try normal load() if ($lang = CI_Lang::load($langfile, $idiom, $return, $add_suffix, $alt_path)) { return $lang; } } } else { // Lang file was found. Load it. if ($lang = Modules::load_file($_langfile, $path, 'lang')) { if ($return) { return $lang; } $this->language = array_merge($this->language, $lang); $this->is_loaded[] = $langfile . '_lang' . EXT; unset($lang); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- return $this->language; }
public function line() { $line = func_get_arg(0); $text = parent::line($line); if (func_num_args() > 1 and preg_match('/\\%/', $text)) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); $text = vsprintf($text, $args); } return $text; }
function line($line, $params = null) { $return = parent::line($line); if ($return === false) { return str_replace('_', ' ', $line); } else { if (!is_null($params)) { $return = $this->_ni_line($return, $params); } return $return; } }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); global $URI, $CFG, $IN; $config =& $CFG->config; $index_page = $config['index_page']; $lang_ignore = $config['lang_ignore']; $default_abbr = $config['language_abbr']; $lang_uri_abbr = $config['lang_uri_abbr']; $lang_ignore_url = $config['lang_ignore_url']; $uri_abbr = $URI->segment(1); if (in_array($uri_abbr, $lang_ignore_url)) { return; } // ignore url $URI->uri_string = preg_replace("|^\\/?|", '/', $URI->uri_string); if ($lang_ignore) { if (isset($lang_uri_abbr[$uri_abbr])) { $IN->set_cookie('user_lang', $uri_abbr, $config['sess_expiration']); } else { $lang_abbr = $IN->cookie($config['cookie_prefix'] . 'user_lang'); } if (strlen($uri_abbr) == 2) { $index_page .= empty($index_page) ? '' : '/'; $URI->uri_string = preg_replace("|^\\/?{$uri_abbr}\\/?|", '', $URI->uri_string); header('Location: ' . $config['base_url'] . $index_page . $URI->uri_string); exit; } } else { $lang_abbr = $uri_abbr; } if (isset($lang_uri_abbr[$lang_abbr])) { $this->_set_segment(); $URI->uri_string = preg_replace("|^\\/?{$lang_abbr}|", '', $URI->uri_string); $config['language'] = $lang_uri_abbr[$lang_abbr]; $config['language_abbr'] = $lang_abbr; if (!$lang_ignore) { $index_page .= empty($index_page) ? $lang_abbr : "/{$lang_abbr}"; $config['index_page'] = $index_page . '/'; } $IN->set_cookie('user_lang', $lang_abbr, $config['sess_expiration']); } else { if (!$lang_ignore) { $index_page .= empty($index_page) ? $default_abbr : "/{$default_abbr}"; if (strlen($lang_abbr) == 2) { $URI->uri_string = preg_replace("|^\\/?{$lang_abbr}|", '', $URI->uri_string); } header('Location: ' . $config['base_url'] . $index_page . $URI->uri_string); exit; } $IN->set_cookie('user_lang', $default_abbr, $config['sess_expiration']); } }
function line($line, $params = null) { $return = parent::line($line); if ($return === false) { return "<em>{$line}</em>"; } else { if (!is_null($params)) { $return = $this->_ni_line($return, $params); } return $return; } }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); global $CFG, $URI, $RTR; $segment = $URI->segment(1); if (isset($this->languages[$segment])) { $language = $this->languages[$segment]; $CFG->set_item('language', $language); } else { return; } }
function __construct() { global $URI, $CFG; parent::__construct(); $CFG->load('mci_languages'); $this->mci_languages = $CFG->item('mci_languages'); $this->mci_hide_default = $CFG->item('mci_hide_default'); $this->mci_segment = $URI->segment(1, 0); $this->mci_default_language = array_search($CFG->item('language'), $this->mci_languages); if (array_key_exists($this->mci_segment, $this->mci_languages)) { $CFG->set_item('language', $this->mci_languages[$this->mci_segment]); } }
public function load($langfile, $lang = '', $return = FALSE, $add_suffix = TRUE, $alt_path = '', $_module = '') { if (is_array($langfile)) { foreach($langfile as $_lang) $this->load($_lang); return $this->language; } $deft_lang = CI::$APP->config->item('language'); $idiom = ($lang == '') ? $deft_lang : $lang; if (in_array($langfile . '_lang'.EXT, $this->is_loaded, TRUE)) { return $this->language; } $_module OR $_module = CI::$APP->router->fetch_module(); list($path, $_langfile) = Modules::find($langfile . '_lang', $_module, 'language/' . $idiom . '/'); // Falls back to a default language if the current language file is missing. if ($path === FALSE && self::$fall_back) { list($path, $_langfile) = Modules::find($langfile . '_lang', $_module, 'language/' . self::$fall_back . '/'); } if ($path === FALSE) { if ($lang = parent::load($langfile, $lang, $return, $add_suffix, $alt_path)) { return $lang; } } else { if ($lang = Modules::load_file($_langfile, $path, 'lang')) { if ($return) { return $lang; } $this->language = array_merge($this->language, $lang); $this->is_loaded[] = $langfile . '_lang'.EXT; unset($lang); } } return $this->language; }
function line($line = '') { if (!$this->CI) { $this->CI =& get_instance(); $this->CI->load->model('lang_model'); $this->lang_model = $this->CI->lang_model; } $lang = get_lang(); $l = $this->lang_model->line($line, $lang); if ($l != $line) { // If we found the line in the database return $l; } return parent::line($line, $lang); // Fallback to CI's default }
function load($langfile = '', $idiom = '', $return = FALSE, $add_suffix = TRUE, $alt_path = '') { $this->CI =& get_instance(); $this->CI->load->library('lang_cache'); if (is_array($langfile)) { foreach ($langfile as $value) { $this->load($value, $idiom, $return, $add_suffix, $alt_path); } return; } $langfile = str_replace('.php', '', $langfile); if ($add_suffix == TRUE) { $langfile = str_replace('_lang.', '', $langfile) . '_lang'; } if (in_array($langfile, $this->is_loaded, TRUE)) { return; } $config =& get_config(); if ($idiom == '') { $deft_lang = !isset($config['language']) ? 'english' : $config['language']; $idiom = $deft_lang == '' ? 'english' : $deft_lang; } if ($langfile == 'db_lang') { $lang = parent::load($langfile, $idiom, true); } else { $lang = $this->CI->lang_cache->get_lang($idiom, $langfile); } if (!isset($lang)) { log_message('error', 'Language file contains no data: language/' . $idiom . '/' . $langfile); return; } if ($return == TRUE) { return $lang; } $this->is_loaded[] = $langfile; $this->language = array_merge($this->language, $lang); unset($lang); log_message('debug', 'Language file loaded: language/' . $idiom . '/' . $langfile); return TRUE; }
/** * Class constructor * * @return void */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); log_message('debug', 'XtraUpload Zend Locale Class Initialized'); try { $this->_default_locale = new Zend_Locale(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_default_locale = new Zend_Locale('en_US'); } if (!Zend_Locale::isLocale($this->_default_locale, true, false)) { if (!Zend_Locale::isLocale($this->_default_locale, false, false)) { throw new Zend_Locale_Exception("The locale '{$locale}' is no known locale"); } } $locale = APPPATH . "/language/{$this->_default_locale}/"; if (!is_file($locale)) { $this->_default_locale->setLocale('en_US'); } $this->_default_locale = new Zend_Locale($this->_default_locale); $this->_translate = new Zend_Translate('gettext', APPPATH . "/language/{$this->_default_locale}/", $this->_default_locale->getLanguage()); $this->_dbtypes = array('db_invalid_connection_str' => $this->lang('Unable to determine the database settings based on the connection string you submitted.'), 'db_unable_to_connect' => $this->lang('Unable to connect to your database server using the provided settings.'), 'db_invalid_query' => $this->lang('The query you submitted is not valid.'), 'db_must_set_table' => $this->lang('You must set the database table to be used with your query.'), 'db_must_use_set' => $this->lang('You must use the "set" method to update an entry.'), 'db_must_use_index' => $this->lang('You must specify an index to match on for batch updates.'), 'db_batch_missing_index' => $this->lang('One or more rows submitted for batch updating is missing the specified index.'), 'db_must_use_where' => $this->lang('Updates are not allowed unless they contain a "where" clause.'), 'db_del_must_use_where' => $this->lang('Deletes are not allowed unless they contain a "where" or "like" clause.'), 'db_field_param_missing' => $this->lang('To fetch fields requires the name of the table as a parameter.'), 'db_unsupported_function' => $this->lang('This feature is not available for the database you are using.'), 'db_transaction_failure' => $this->lang('Transaction failure: Rollback performed.'), 'db_unable_to_drop' => $this->lang('Unable to drop the specified database.'), 'db_unsuported_feature' => $this->lang('Unsupported feature of the database platform you are using.'), 'db_unsuported_compression' => $this->lang('The file compression format you chose is not supported by your server.'), 'db_filepath_error' => $this->lang('Unable to write data to the file path you have submitted.'), 'db_invalid_cache_path' => $this->lang('The cache path you submitted is not valid or writable.'), 'db_table_name_required' => $this->lang('A table name is required for that operation.'), 'db_column_name_required' => $this->lang('A column name is required for that operation.'), 'db_column_definition_required' => $this->lang('A column definition is required for that operation.'), 'db_error_heading' => $this->lang('A Database Error Occurred')); }
public function load($langfile = '', $lang = '', $return = FALSE, $add_suffix = TRUE, $alt_path = '', $_module = '') { if (is_array($langfile)) { foreach ($langfile as $_lang) { $this->load($_lang); } return $this->language; } if (!class_exists('CI')) { exit('An error has occured that cannot be reported correctly. Check your database settings.'); } $deft_lang = CI::$APP->config->item('language'); $idiom = $lang == '' ? $deft_lang : $lang; if (in_array($langfile . '_lang' . EXT, $this->is_loaded, TRUE)) { return $this->language; } $_module or $_module = CI::$APP->router->fetch_module(); list($path, $_langfile) = Modules::find($langfile . '_lang', $_module, 'language/' . $idiom . '/'); // Falls back to a default language if the current language file is missing. if ($path === FALSE && self::$fall_back) { list($path, $_langfile) = Modules::find($langfile . '_lang', $_module, 'language/' . self::$fall_back . '/'); } if ($path === FALSE) { if ($lang = parent::load($langfile, $lang, $return, $add_suffix, $alt_path)) { return $lang; } } else { if ($lang = Modules::load_file($_langfile, $path, 'lang')) { if ($return) { return $lang; } $this->language = array_merge($this->language, $lang); $this->is_loaded[] = $langfile . '_lang' . EXT; unset($lang); } } return $this->language; }
public function load($langfile = array(), $lang = '', $return = FALSE, $add_suffix = TRUE, $alt_path = '', $_module = '') { if (!class_exists('CI')) { // This happens before the whole core has been loaded. $alt_path = COMMONPATH; return parent::load($langfile, $lang, $return, $add_suffix, $alt_path); } if (is_array($langfile)) { foreach ($langfile as $_lang) { $this->load($_lang); } return $this->language; } $deft_lang = CI::$APP->config->item('language'); $idiom = $lang == '' ? $deft_lang : $lang; if (in_array($langfile . '_lang.php', $this->is_loaded, TRUE)) { return $this->language; } $_module or $_module = CI::$APP->router->fetch_module(); list($path, $_langfile) = Modules::find($langfile . '_lang', $_module, 'language/' . $idiom . '/'); if ($path === FALSE) { if ($lang = parent::load($langfile, $lang, $return, $add_suffix, $alt_path)) { return $lang; } } else { if ($lang = Modules::load_file($_langfile, $path, 'lang')) { if ($return) { return $lang; } $this->language = array_merge($this->language, $lang); $this->is_loaded[] = $langfile . '_lang.php'; unset($lang); } } return $this->language; }
/** * Send a leave request email to the employee that requested the leave * The method will check if the leave request was accepted or rejected * before sending the e-mail * @param int $id Leave request identifier * @author Benjamin BALET <*****@*****.**> */ private function sendMail($id) { $this->load->model('users_model'); $this->load->model('organization_model'); $leave = $this->leaves_model->getLeaves($id); $employee = $this->users_model->getUsers($leave['employee']); $supervisor = $this->organization_model->getSupervisor($employee['organization']); //Send an e-mail to the employee $this->load->library('email'); $this->load->library('polyglot'); $usr_lang = $this->polyglot->code2language($employee['language']); //We need to instance an different object as the languages of connected user may differ from the UI lang $lang_mail = new CI_Lang(); $lang_mail->load('email', $usr_lang); $lang_mail->load('global', $usr_lang); $date = new DateTime($leave['startdate']); $startdate = $date->format($lang_mail->line('global_date_format')); $date = new DateTime($leave['enddate']); $enddate = $date->format($lang_mail->line('global_date_format')); $this->load->library('parser'); $data = array('Title' => $lang_mail->line('email_leave_request_validation_title'), 'Firstname' => $employee['firstname'], 'Lastname' => $employee['lastname'], 'StartDate' => $startdate, 'EndDate' => $enddate, 'StartDateType' => $lang_mail->line($leave['startdatetype']), 'EndDateType' => $lang_mail->line($leave['enddatetype']), 'Cause' => $leave['cause'], 'Type' => $leave['type_name']); if ($leave['status'] == 3) { //accepted $message = $this->parser->parse('emails/' . $employee['language'] . '/request_accepted', $data, TRUE); $subject = $lang_mail->line('email_leave_request_accept_subject'); } else { //rejected $message = $this->parser->parse('emails/' . $employee['language'] . '/request_rejected', $data, TRUE); $subject = $lang_mail->line('email_leave_request_reject_subject'); } sendMailByWrapper($this, $subject, $message, $employee['email'], is_null($supervisor) ? NULL : $supervisor->email); }
private function sendMail($id) { $this->load->model('users_model'); $this->load->model('organization_model'); $extra = $this->overtime_model->getExtras($id); $employee = $this->users_model->getUsers($extra['employee']); $supervisor = $this->organization_model->getSupervisor($employee['organization']); $this->load->library('email'); $this->load->library('polyglot'); $usr_lang = $this->polyglot->code2language($employee['language']); $lang_mail = new CI_Lang(); $lang_mail->load('email', $usr_lang); $lang_mail->load('global', $usr_lang); $date = new DateTime($extra['date']); $startdate = $date->format($lang_mail->line('global_date_format')); $this->load->library('parser'); $data = array('Title' => $lang_mail->line('email_overtime_request_validation_title'), 'Firstname' => $employee['firstname'], 'Lastname' => $employee['lastname'], 'Date' => $startdate, 'Duration' => $extra['duration'], 'Cause' => $extra['cause']); if ($extra['status'] == 3) { $message = $this->parser->parse('emails/' . $employee['language'] . '/overtime_accepted', $data, TRUE); $subject = $lang_mail->line('email_overtime_request_accept_subject'); } else { $message = $this->parser->parse('emails/' . $employee['language'] . '/overtime_rejected', $data, TRUE); $subject = $lang_mail->line('email_overtime_request_reject_subject'); } sendMailByWrapper($this, $subject, $message, $employee['email'], is_null($supervisor) ? NULL : $supervisor->email); }
/** * Ajax : Send the password by e-mail to a user requesting it * POST: string login Login of the user * RETURN: UNKNOWN if the login was not found, OK otherwise * @author Benjamin BALET <*****@*****.**> */ public function forgetpassword() { $this->output->set_content_type('text/plain'); $login = $this->input->post('login'); $this->load->model('users_model'); $user = $this->users_model->getUserByLogin($login); if (is_null($user)) { echo "UNKNOWN"; } else { //We need to instance an different object as the languages of connected user may differ from the UI lang $lang_mail = new CI_Lang(); $usr_lang = $this->polyglot->code2language($user->language); $lang_mail->load('email', $usr_lang); $lang_mail->load('global', $usr_lang); //Generate random password and store its hash into db $password = $this->users_model->resetClearPassword($user->id); //Prepare the e-mail content by parsing a view $this->load->library('parser'); $data = array('Title' => $lang_mail->line('email_password_forgotten_title'), 'BaseURL' => base_url(), 'Firstname' => $user->firstname, 'Lastname' => $user->lastname, 'Login' => $user->login, 'Password' => $password); $message = $this->parser->parse('emails/' . $user->language . '/password_forgotten', $data, TRUE); //Send the e-mail sendMailByWrapper($this, $lang_mail->line('email_password_forgotten_subject'), $message, $user->email); //Tell to the frontend that we've found the login and sent the email echo "OK"; } }
private function sendMail($id) { $this->load->model('users_model'); $this->load->model('delegations_model'); $manager = $this->users_model->getUsers($this->session->userdata('manager')); if (empty($manager['email'])) { $this->session->set_flashdata('msg', lang('extra_create_msg_error')); } else { $acceptUrl = base_url() . 'overtime/accept/' . $id; $rejectUrl = base_url() . 'overtime/reject/' . $id; $this->load->library('email'); $this->load->library('polyglot'); $usr_lang = $this->polyglot->code2language($manager['language']); $lang_mail = new CI_Lang(); $lang_mail->load('email', $usr_lang); $lang_mail->load('global', $usr_lang); $date = new DateTime($this->input->post('date')); $startdate = $date->format($lang_mail->line('global_date_format')); $this->load->library('parser'); $data = array('Title' => $lang_mail->line('email_extra_request_validation_title'), 'Firstname' => $this->session->userdata('firstname'), 'Lastname' => $this->session->userdata('lastname'), 'Date' => $startdate, 'Duration' => $this->input->post('duration'), 'Cause' => $this->input->post('cause'), 'UrlAccept' => $acceptUrl, 'UrlReject' => $rejectUrl); $message = $this->parser->parse('emails/' . $manager['language'] . '/overtime', $data, TRUE); $this->email->set_encoding('quoted-printable'); if ($this->config->item('from_mail') != FALSE && $this->config->item('from_name') != FALSE) { $this->email->from($this->config->item('from_mail'), $this->config->item('from_name')); } else { $this->email->from('*****@*****.**', 'LMS'); } $this->email->to($manager['email']); if ($this->config->item('subject_prefix') != FALSE) { $subject = $this->config->item('subject_prefix'); } else { $subject = '[Jorani] '; } $delegates = $this->delegations_model->listMailsOfDelegates($manager['id']); if ($delegates != '') { $this->email->cc($delegates); } $this->email->subject($subject . $lang_mail->line('email_extra_request_reject_subject') . ' ' . $this->session->userdata('firstname') . ' ' . $this->session->userdata('lastname')); $this->email->message($message); $this->email->send(); } }
/** * Send a leave request email to the employee that requested the leave * The method will check if the leave request wes accepted or rejected * before sending the e-mail * @param int $id Leave request identifier * @author Benjamin BALET <*****@*****.**> */ private function sendMail($id) { $this->load->model('users_model'); $this->load->model('organization_model'); $leave = $this->leaves_model->get_leave_details($id); //Load details about the employee (manager, supervisor of entity) $supervisor = $this->organization_model->get_supervisor($leave['organization']); //Send an e-mail to the employee $this->load->library('email'); $this->load->library('polyglot'); $usr_lang = $this->polyglot->code2language($leave['language']); //We need to instance an different object as the languages of connected user may differ from the UI lang $lang_mail = new CI_Lang(); $lang_mail->load('email', $usr_lang); $lang_mail->load('global', $usr_lang); $date = new DateTime($leave['startdate']); $startdate = $date->format($lang_mail->line('global_date_format')); $date = new DateTime($leave['enddate']); $enddate = $date->format($lang_mail->line('global_date_format')); $this->load->library('parser'); $data = array('Title' => $lang_mail->line('email_leave_request_validation_title'), 'Firstname' => $leave['firstname'], 'Lastname' => $leave['lastname'], 'StartDate' => $startdate, 'EndDate' => $enddate, 'StartDateType' => $lang_mail->line($leave['startdatetype']), 'EndDateType' => $lang_mail->line($leave['enddatetype']), 'Cause' => $leave['cause'], 'Type' => $leave['type']); $message = ""; if ($this->config->item('subject_prefix') != FALSE) { $subject = $this->config->item('subject_prefix'); } else { $subject = '[Jorani] '; } if ($leave['status'] == 3) { $message = $this->parser->parse('emails/' . $leave['language'] . '/request_accepted', $data, TRUE); $this->email->subject($subject . $lang_mail->line('email_leave_request_accept_subject')); } else { $message = $this->parser->parse('emails/' . $leave['language'] . '/request_rejected', $data, TRUE); $this->email->subject($subject . $lang_mail->line('email_leave_request_reject_subject')); } $this->email->set_encoding('quoted-printable'); if ($this->config->item('from_mail') != FALSE && $this->config->item('from_name') != FALSE) { $this->email->from($this->config->item('from_mail'), $this->config->item('from_name')); } else { $this->email->from('*****@*****.**', 'LMS'); } $this->email->to($leave['email']); if (!is_null($supervisor)) { $this->email->cc($supervisor->email); } $this->email->message($message); $this->email->send(); }
/** * Send a leave request email to the manager of the connected employee * @param int $id Leave request identifier * @author Benjamin BALET <*****@*****.**> */ private function sendMail($id) { $this->load->model('users_model'); $this->load->model('types_model'); $this->load->model('delegations_model'); //We load everything from DB as the LR can be edited from HR/Employees $leave = $this->leaves_model->getLeaves($id); $user = $this->users_model->getUsers($leave['employee']); $manager = $this->users_model->getUsers($user['manager']); //Test if the manager hasn't been deleted meanwhile if (empty($manager['email'])) { $this->session->set_flashdata('msg', lang('leaves_create_flash_msg_error')); } else { //Send an e-mail to the manager $this->load->library('email'); $this->load->library('polyglot'); $usr_lang = $this->polyglot->code2language($manager['language']); //We need to instance an different object as the languages of connected user may differ from the UI lang $lang_mail = new CI_Lang(); $lang_mail->load('email', $usr_lang); $lang_mail->load('global', $usr_lang); $date = new DateTime($leave['startdate']); $startdate = $date->format($lang_mail->line('global_date_format')); $date = new DateTime($leave['enddate']); $enddate = $date->format($lang_mail->line('global_date_format')); $this->load->library('parser'); $data = array('Title' => $lang_mail->line('email_leave_request_title'), 'Firstname' => $user['firstname'], 'Lastname' => $user['lastname'], 'StartDate' => $startdate, 'EndDate' => $enddate, 'StartDateType' => $lang_mail->line($leave['startdatetype']), 'EndDateType' => $lang_mail->line($leave['enddatetype']), 'Type' => $this->types_model->getName($leave['type']), 'Duration' => $leave['duration'], 'Balance' => $this->leaves_model->getLeavesTypeBalanceForEmployee($leave['employee'], $leave['type_name'], $leave['startdate']), 'Reason' => $leave['cause'], 'BaseUrl' => $this->config->base_url(), 'LeaveId' => $id, 'UserId' => $this->user_id); $message = $this->parser->parse('emails/' . $manager['language'] . '/request', $data, TRUE); $this->email->set_encoding('quoted-printable'); if ($this->config->item('from_mail') != FALSE && $this->config->item('from_name') != FALSE) { $this->email->from($this->config->item('from_mail'), $this->config->item('from_name')); } else { $this->email->from('*****@*****.**', 'LMS'); } $this->email->to($manager['email']); if ($this->config->item('subject_prefix') != FALSE) { $subject = $this->config->item('subject_prefix'); } else { $subject = '[Jorani] '; } //Copy to the delegates, if any $delegates = $this->delegations_model->listMailsOfDelegates($manager['id']); if ($delegates != '') { $this->email->cc($delegates); } $this->email->subject($subject . $lang_mail->line('email_leave_request_subject') . ' ' . $this->session->userdata('firstname') . ' ' . $this->session->userdata('lastname')); $this->email->message($message); $this->email->send(); } }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); global $CFG; global $URI; global $RTR; //$_SESSION['dfksl']="dfkjsdlfslkfslk"; //echo "I am here"; //print_r($_SESSION); exit; //echo "I am here"; exit; //$_SESSION['choosen_language']='no'; /*ini_set('display_startup_errors',1); ini_set('display_errors',1); error_reporting(-1);*/ $this->host = str_replace("www.", "", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $segment = $URI->segment(1); if (!empty($segment) && !isset($this->languages[$segment]) && !empty($_SESSION['choosen_language']) && $_SESSION['choosen_language'] == 'yes') { //echo "I am here"; exit; return true; } if (isset($segment) && $segment == 'en') { //return true; //----------------------------------$_SESSION['choosen_language']='yes'; //----------------------------------return ; } //------------------- this is for enable /*if(isset($segment) && $segment == 'en') { $url=$CFG->item('root_url'); $_SESSION['choosen_language']='yes'; header("Location: " . $url, TRUE, 302); exit; } else { $_SESSION['choosen_language']='no'; }*/ //print_r($_SESSION); exit; $subdomains = explode('.', $this->host); if (array_key_exists($subdomains[0], $this->languages)) { //echo "I am here"; exit; //echo $this->host; exit; //echo $this->host; //echo "<br>"; $CFG->set_item('base_url', "http://" . $this->host . "/"); $CFG->set_item('language', $this->languages[$subdomains[0]]); return true; } //echo $CFG->item('base_url');exit; //echo $CFG->item('base_url');exit; //echo "dkflsf"; exit; if (!empty($segment) && !isset($this->languages[$segment])) { //echo "I am here"; exit; //--------------------return true; } if (isset($this->languages[$segment])) { //print_r($segment); exit; $language = $this->languages[$segment]; //print_r($language ); exit; $CFG->set_item('language', $language); //echo $segment; exit; //--------------- $subdomains = explode('.', $this->host); //print_r($subdomains); exit; if (!array_key_exists($subdomains[0], $this->languages)) { //echo $CFG->site_url($this->localized($subdomains[0])); exit; //print_r($this->languages); exit; $CFG->set_item('base_url', "http://" . $segment . "." . $this->host . "/"); $final_url = $CFG->site_url(); if ($URI->uri_string) { $final_url .= $URI->uri_string; } //echo $final_url; exit; header("Location: " . $final_url, TRUE, 302); //exit; } //$CFG->set_item('base_url', "http://".$this->host."/"); //print_r($this->host); exit; return; //---------------- } else { if ($this->is_special($segment)) { return; } else { //$browser_lang = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2); //print_r($browser_lang); exit; $subdomains = explode('.', $this->host); //print_r($subdomains); exit; //print_r($subdomains); exit; //print_r($this->languages); exit; if (array_key_exists($subdomains[0], $this->languages)) { //echo $CFG->site_url($this->localized($subdomains[0])); exit; header("Location: " . $CFG->site_url($this->localized($subdomains[0])), TRUE, 302); exit; } //------------- $browser_lang = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2); //print_r($browser_lang); exit; if (array_key_exists($browser_lang, $this->languages)) { $CFG->set_item('language', $this->languages[$browser_lang]); } else { $CFG->set_item('language', $this->languages[$this->default_lang()]); } //--------------------------------if($CFG->item('language') == 'english') return true; //-------------- //echo $CFG->site_url($this->localized($this->default_uri)) ; exit; // set default language //echo $this->default_uri ;exit; // redirect //print_r($URI->uri_string); //echo $this->default_uri; exit; $language_code = array_search($CFG->item('language'), $this->languages); //print_r($subdomains[0]); if (!array_key_exists($subdomains[0], $this->languages)) { //echo "I am here"; exit; $CFG->set_item('base_url', "http://" . $language_code . "." . $this->host . "/"); } //echo $this->host; exit; $final_url = $CFG->site_url($this->localized($this->default_uri)); $final_url = rtrim(trim($final_url), '/'); //print_r($final_url); exit; if ($URI->uri_string) { $final_url .= "/" . $URI->uri_string; } //echo $final_url; exit; header("Location: " . $final_url, TRUE, 302); exit; } } }