  * Views an order list.
 function getOrders()
     $result = "";
     //SQL queries number optimization
     $orders =& $this->_fetched_orders;
     //                           :
     $customer_ids = array();
     foreach ($orders as $order_info) {
         $customer_ids[] = $order_info['person_id'];
     $customer_names = modApiFunc("Customer_Account", "__fetch_customer_names", $customer_ids);
     $customer_statuses = modApiFunc("Customer_Account", "__fetch_customer_statuses", $customer_ids);
     $customer_accounts = modApiFunc("Customer_Account", "__fetch_customer_accounts", $customer_ids);
     //                      2008.06.                 "main store currency"   "customer selected"       .
     //  "Main store currency"            . "Customer selected" -
     //        ,             "main store currency" (                ).
     //              -                                  -                             .
     //                   -           ,                                            ,
     //                     -                          .
     $last_pushed_currency_id = null;
     foreach ($this->_orders as $order_id) {
         //            ,                                                            ,                                      .
         //                                :
         //$order_currency_id = modApiFunc("Localization", "whichCurrencyToDisplayOrderIn", $order_id, $orders[$order_id]['order_currencies_list']);
         //$order_currency_code = modApiFunc("Localization", "getCurrencyCodeById", $order_currency_id);
         //                                                 -          ,                                               . .
         //                     CUSTOMER_SELECTED
         $order_currency_code = $orders[$order_id]['order_currencies_list'][CURRENCY_TYPE_CUSTOMER_SELECTED]['currency_code'];
         $order_currency_id = modApiFunc("Localization", "getCurrencyIdByCode", $order_currency_code);
         $order_total = $orders[$order_id]['price_total'][$order_currency_code]['order_total'];
         if ($last_pushed_currency_id !== null && $last_pushed_currency_id != $order_currency_id) {
             modApiFunc("Localization", "popDisplayCurrency");
             modApiFunc("Localization", "pushDisplayCurrency", $order_currency_id, $order_currency_id);
             $last_pushed_currency_id = $order_currency_id;
         } elseif ($last_pushed_currency_id === null) {
             modApiFunc("Localization", "pushDisplayCurrency", $order_currency_id, $order_currency_id);
             $last_pushed_currency_id = $order_currency_id;
         } else {
             //                              :                                  .
         $order = array();
         $order["Date"] = modApiFunc("Localization", "SQL_date_format", $orders[$order_id]['order_date']);
         $order["Total"] = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", $order_total);
         $order["IdInt"] = (int) $order_id;
         $order["Id"] = modApiFunc("Checkout", "outputOrderId", $order_id);
         $order["PaymentStatusId"] = $orders[$order_id]['payment_status_id'];
         $order["StatusId"] = $orders[$order_id]['status_id'];
         $order["PersonId"] = $orders[$order_id]['person_id'];
         $order["PersonName"] = isset($customer_accounts[$orders[$order_id]['person_id']]) ? CCustomerInfo::getDisplayAccountNameExt($customer_accounts[$orders[$order_id]['person_id']], $customer_statuses[$orders[$order_id]['person_id']]) : "";
         $order["PersonInfoName"] = isset($customer_names[$orders[$order_id]['person_id']]) ? htmlspecialchars($customer_names[$orders[$order_id]['person_id']]) : 'N/A';
         $order['price_total'] = $orders[$order_id]['price_total'];
         $order['TotalInMainStoreCurrency'] = NULL;
         //                                              "customer selected"
         //  "main store currency" -                              .
         if ($orders[$order_id]['order_currencies_list'][CURRENCY_TYPE_MAIN_STORE_CURRENCY]['currency_code'] != $orders[$order_id]['order_currencies_list'][CURRENCY_TYPE_CUSTOMER_SELECTED]['currency_code']) {
             $_currency_code = $orders[$order_id]['order_currencies_list'][CURRENCY_TYPE_MAIN_STORE_CURRENCY]['currency_code'];
             $_currency_id = modApiFunc("Localization", "getCurrencyIdByCode", $_currency_code);
             $_total = $orders[$order_id]['price_total'][$_currency_code]['order_total'];
             //                                                (              ),
             //        .
             modApiFunc("Localization", "pushDisplayCurrency", $_currency_id, $_currency_id);
             $order['TotalInMainStoreCurrency'] = modApiFunc("Localization", "currency_format", $_total);
             modApiFunc("Localization", "popDisplayCurrency");
         $this->_order = $order;
         $result .= modApiFunc('TmplFiller', 'fill', "checkout/orders/", "item_result.tpl.html", array());
     modApiFunc("Localization", "popDisplayCurrency");
     $this->_order = null;
     return $result;
  * The output of the Viewer
  * Params: the following optional params can be accepted
  *      0: product_id (use 0 to use default)
  *      1: container_template (use '' to use default)
  *      2: empty_template (use '' to use default)
  *      3: forbidden_template (use '' to use default)
  *      4: ip_used_template (use '' to use default)
  *      5: success_template (use '' to use default)
  *      6: error_template (use '' to use default)
  *      7: success_message_template (use '' to use default)
  *      8: error_message_template (use '' to use default)
  *      9: review_template (use '' to use default)
  *     10: rating_template (use '' to use default)
  *     11: rating_rate_template (use '' to use default)
  *     12: rating_header_template (use '' to use default)
  *     13: rating_rate_cell_template (use '' to use default)
  * Note: to use custom templates be sure to dedcribe them in
  *       - avactis-system/admin/blocks_ini/product-add-review-form-block.ini
  *       - getTemplateFormat() function of the class
  * The following scheme of templates will be shown
  * case 1: adding review is disabled for the product
  *         will be shown:
  *         empty_template (in any case)
  * case 2: a new review has just been posted and
  *         posting a new review is not available
  *         (since multiple reviews from the same IP is disabled)
  *         will be shown:
  *         success_message template
  * case 3: an attempt to post a new review has just been done
  *         while posting a new review is not available
  *         (since multiple reviews from the same IP is disabled)
  *         use case: several attempts was done from different windows
  *         will be shown:
  *         error_message template
  * case 3: multiple reviews from the same IP is disabled
  *         and the review from the IP exists
  *         will be shown:
  *         ip_used_template (in any case)
  * case 4: authorization is needed to add review
  *         will be shown:
  *         forbidden_template (in any case)
  * case 5: review can be added
  *         will be shown:
  *         container_template (in any case)
  *         -> error_template (if any error)
  *            as Local_ErrorMessage() tag
  *         -> success_template (if any success message)
  *            as Local_SuccessMessage() tag
  *         -> rating_template (if rating is available)
  *            -> rating_rate_template (for every rate)
  *               -> rating_header_template (for every rate value)
  *                  as Local_RatingHeader() tag
  *               -> rating_rate_cell_template (for every rate value)
  *                  as Local_RatingCells() tag
  *               as Local_RatingData() tag
  *            as Local_Rating tag
  *         -> review_template (if review is available)
  *            as Local_Review() tag
 function output()
     global $application;
     $product_id = 0;
     if ($this->NoView) {
         return '';
     // getting the product_id from the params if any
     if (func_num_args() > 0) {
         $product_id = func_get_arg(0);
     // if no product_id trying to obtain it from the stack of tags
     if ($product_id <= 0) {
         $param = modApiFunc('tag_param_stack', 'find_first_param_by_priority', array(TAG_PARAM_PROD_ID));
         if ($param !== PARAM_NOT_FOUND && $param['key'] == TAG_PARAM_PROD_ID) {
             $product_id = $param['value'];
     // if still no product_id trying to get it from Catalog class
     if ($product_id <= 0) {
         $product_id = modApiFunc('Catalog', 'getCurrentProductId');
     // if the number of params is more than 1 assume the other params
     // to be the names of template to show. Only non-empty names are
     // used so to use a default template please set '' (empty string)
     // for it the order in which the templates should be specified is
     // set in the mapping array. Please do not change the order to
     // avoid problems with existing pages. However you can extend
     // the array for your purposes
     // Note: be sure the template exists:
     //           in the ProductAddReviewForm section of
     //              the product-add-review-form-block.ini
     //           in the getTemplateFormat function
     //           in the $this -> _templates array
     $mapping = array('container', 'empty', 'forbidden', 'ip_used', 'success', 'error', 'success_message', 'review', 'rating', 'rating_rate', 'rating_header', 'rating_rate_cell');
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($mapping); $i++) {
         if (func_num_args() > 1 + $i && func_get_arg(1 + $i) != '') {
             $this->_templates[$mapping[$i]] = func_get_arg(1 + $i);
     // getting the product data
     $this->_product_data = modApiFunc('Customer_Reviews', 'getBaseProductInfo', array('product_id' => $product_id));
     // processing Session data if available
     $this->_data = array();
     // checking if session data is available
     if (modApiFunc('Session', 'is_set', 'PostingReviewData')) {
         // getting session data
         $posting_data = modApiFunc('Session', 'get', 'PostingReviewData');
         // if session data for the product is available
         // here we presume there can be several add_review forms on a page
         if (isset($posting_data[$product_id])) {
             // keeping the data for output
             $this->_data = $posting_data[$product_id];
             // removing session data for the product from the session
             // storing the new data in the session
             if (empty($posting_data)) {
                 modApiFunc('Session', 'un_set', 'PostingReviewData');
             } else {
                 modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'PostingReviewData', $posting_data);
     // if author is not set in the session while the customer is logged in
     // then sets it to the firstname + lastname of the current customer
     if (modApiFunc('Customer_Account', 'getCurrentSignedCustomer')) {
         if (!isset($this->_data)) {
             $this->_data = array();
         if (!isset($this->_data['author']) || !$this->_data['author']) {
             $c_info = new CCustomerInfo(modApiFunc('Customer_Account', 'getCurrentSignedCustomer'));
             $this->_data['author'] = $c_info->getPersonInfo('FirstName', 'customer') . ' ' . $c_info->getPersonInfo('LastName', 'customer');
     // getting setting for checkout type
     $checkout_type = modApiFunc('Customer_Account', 'getSettings');
     $checkout_type = $checkout_type['CHECKOUT_TYPE'];
     // getting the store settings
     // if customer reviews are enabled
     $reviews_enable = modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'CUSTOMER_REVIEWS', 'CUSTOMER_REVIEWS_ENABLE');
     // if only registered customers can post the reviews
     $reviews_writing = modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'CUSTOMER_REVIEWS', 'CUSTOMER_REVIEWS_WRITING');
     // if multiple reviews from the same IP is enabled
     $reviews_multiple = modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'CUSTOMER_REVIEWS', 'CUSTOMER_REVIEWS_MULTIPLE');
     // the number of reviews for the product posted from the IP
     $ip_reviews = modApiFunc('Customer_Reviews', 'getReviewsCountForProductByIP', $product_id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     // is AJAX should be used for adding reviews
     $isAJAXActive = modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'CUSTOMER_REVIEWS', 'CUSTOMER_REVIEWS_AJAX_ACTIVE');
     // setting up the template engine
     $template_block = $application->getBlockTemplate('ProductAddReviewForm');
     // registering tags
     $_tags = array('Local_FormAction' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'Local_ProductID' => $product_id, 'Local_ProductName' => $this->_product_data['product_name'], 'Local_ReturnURL' => prepareHTMLDisplay(modApiFunc('Request', 'selfURL')), 'Local_Error' => $this->outputError(), 'Local_Success' => $this->outputSuccess(), 'Local_Author' => prepareHTMLDisplay(@$this->_data['author']), 'Local_Rating' => $this->outputRating(), 'Local_Review' => $this->outputReview(), 'Local_isAJAXActive' => $isAJAXActive == 'YES' ? '1' : '');
     $this->_Template_Contents = $_tags;
     // checking the settings and the result
     // if reviews are disabled -> show empty_template
     // if writing reviews is disabled -> show empty_template
     // if reviews are disabled for the product -> show empty_template
     // if checkout type = quick while writing reviews is available
     // for signed in customers -> show empty_template
     if ($reviews_enable == 'NO' || $reviews_writing == 'NONE' || !in_array($this->_product_data['product_cr'], array(5, 6, 7)) || $checkout_type == CHECKOUT_TYPE_QUICK && $reviews_writing == 'REGONLY' && !modApiFunc('Customer_Account', 'getCurrentSignedCustomer')) {
         return $this->mTmplFiller->fill($this->_templates['empty']);
     // if multiple reviews from the same IP is disabled
     // while a new review has just been posted
     if ($reviews_multiple == 'NO' && $ip_reviews > 0 && @$this->_data['success'] != '') {
         return $this->outputSuccessMessage();
     // if multiple reviews from the same IP is disabled
     // while an attempt to post a review has just been done
     if ($reviews_multiple == 'NO' && $ip_reviews > 0 && @$this->_data['error'] != '') {
         return $this->outputErrorMessage();
     // if multiple reviews from the same IP is disabled
     // while a review for the IP exists -> show ip_used template
     if ($reviews_multiple == 'NO' && $ip_reviews > 0) {
         return $this->outputIPUsed();
     // if the customer is anonymous while writing reviews is available
     // for signed in customers -> show forbidden_template
     if ($reviews_writing == 'REGONLY' && !modApiFunc('Customer_Account', 'getCurrentSignedCustomer')) {
         return $this->outputForbidden();
     return $this->mTmplFiller->fill($this->_templates['container']);
 function out_CustomersRows()
     global $application;
     $html_code = '';
     foreach ($this->customers as $customer_info) {
         $template_contents = array('CustomerIcon' => $customer_info['customer_status'] == 'B' ? 'not-reg' : ($customer_info['customer_status'] == 'R' ? 'reg-dp' : ($customer_info['customer_status'] == 'A' ? 'reg' : 'reg-na')), 'CustomerID' => $customer_info['customer_id'], 'CustomerAccount' => CCustomerInfo::getDisplayAccountNameExt($customer_info['customer_account'], $customer_info['customer_status']), 'CustomerName' => prepareHTMLDisplay($customer_info['name']), 'CustomerOrdersCount' => $customer_info['orders_count'], 'CustomerTotalFullyPaid' => modApiFunc('Localization', 'currency_format', $customer_info['fully_paid_amount']), 'CustomerTotalAmount' => modApiFunc('Localization', 'currency_format', $customer_info['total_amount']), 'CustomerMembership' => $this->out_CustomerMembershipDropdown($customer_info['customer_id'], $customer_info['group_id']), 'CustomerStatusMsg' => getMsg('CA', 'CUSTOMER_STATUS_' . $customer_info['customer_status']), 'CustomerStatusLongMsg' => getMsg('CA', 'CUSTOMER_STATUS_LONG_' . $customer_info['customer_status']));
         $this->_Template_Contents = $template_contents;
         $this->mTmplFiller =& $application->getInstance('TmplFiller');
         $html_code .= $this->mTmplFiller->fill("customer_account/customers_list/", "customer-row.tpl.html", array());
     if (count($this->customers) < 5) {
         for ($i = count($this->customers); $i < 5; $i++) {
             $html_code .= $this->mTmplFiller->fill("customer_account/customers_list/", "empty-row.tpl.html", array());
     return $html_code;
 function doWork($data)
     global $application;
     if ($data === null) {
         return null;
     $filtered = array();
     $obj = new CCustomerInfo($data['customer_account']);
     foreach ($this->_settings['attrs'] as $tag) {
         $output = '';
         preg_match('/^customer(.+)/i', $tag, $m1);
         if (preg_match('/^(billing|shipping|orders)(.+)/i', $m1[1], $m2)) {
             $group = $m2[1];
             $attr = $m2[2];
         } else {
             $attr = $m1[1];
             if (in_array(_ml_strtolower($attr), array('id', 'status'))) {
                 $group = 'base';
             } else {
                 $group = 'Customer';
         if (_ml_strtolower($attr) == 'accountname') {
             $output = $obj->getDisplayAccountName();
             $filtered[$tag] = $output;
         if (_ml_strtolower($group) != 'orders') {
             $attr_value = $obj->getPersonInfo($attr, $group);
             switch (_ml_strtolower($attr)) {
                 case 'status':
                     $MR =& $application->getInstance('MessageResources', 'customer-account-messages', 'AdminZone');
                     $output = $MR->getMessage('CUSTOMER_STATUS_' . $attr_value);
                 case 'country':
                     $output = modApiFunc('Location', 'getCountry', $attr_value);
                 case 'state':
                     if (modApiFunc('Location', 'getStateCode', $attr_value) != '') {
                         $output = modApiFunc('Location', 'getState', $attr_value);
                     } else {
                         $output = $attr_value;
                     $output = $attr_value;
         } else {
             $filter = array('type' => 'quick', 'order_status' => ORDER_STATUS_ALL);
             switch (_ml_strtolower($attr)) {
                 case 'quantity':
                     $output = $obj->getOrdersCount();
                 case 'totalamount':
                     $output = number_format($obj->getOrdersAmount(), 2, '.', '');
                 case 'totalfullypaidamount':
                     $output = number_format($obj->getOrdersFullyPaidAmount(), 2, '.', '');
         $filtered[$tag] = $output;
     return $filtered;