예제 #1
  * REST actions
  * This function contains the REST actions with the assignments to
  * the functions.
 public function __construct()
     // runs the CConfig
     $com = new CConfig(LFormProcessor::getPrefix() . ',course,link', dirname(__FILE__));
     // runs the LFormProcessor
     if ($com->used()) {
     $conf = $com->loadConfig();
     // initialize slim
     $this->app = new \Slim\Slim(array('debug' => true));
     $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // initialize component
     $this->_conf = $conf;
     $this->_formDb = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "formDb");
     $this->_pdf = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "pdf");
     $this->_postProcess = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "postProcess");
     $this->_deleteProcess = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "deleteProcess");
     $this->_getProcess = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "getProcess");
     // POST PostProcess
     $this->app->map('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '(/)', array($this, 'postProcess'))->via('POST');
     // POST AddCourse
     $this->app->post('/course(/)', array($this, 'addCourse'));
     // POST DeleteCourse
     $this->app->delete('/course/:courseid(/)', array($this, 'deleteCourse'));
     // GET GetExistsCourse
     $this->app->get('/link/exists/course/:courseid(/)', array($this, 'getExistsCourse'));
     // run Slim
예제 #2
  * REST actions
  * This function contains the REST actions with the assignments to
  * the functions.
  * @param Component $conf component data
 public function __construct()
     // runs the CConfig
     $com = new CConfig(LSubmission::getPrefix(), dirname(__FILE__));
     // runs the LSubmission
     if ($com->used()) {
     $conf = $com->loadConfig();
     // initialize slim
     $this->app = new \Slim\Slim(array('debug' => true));
     $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // initialize component
     $this->_conf = $conf;
     ///$this->query = array();
     $this->_file = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "file");
     $this->_submission = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "submission");
     $this->_selectedSubmission = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "selectedSubmission");
     $this->_zip = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "zip");
     // initialize lURL
     ///$this->lURL = $this->query->getAddress();
     $this->app->post('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '(/)', array($this, 'addSubmission'));
     $this->app->put('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/submission/:submissionid(/)', array($this, 'editSubmissionState'));
     $this->app->delete('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/submission/:submissionid(/)', array($this, 'deleteSubmission'));
     $this->app->get('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/exercisesheet/:sheetid/user/:userid(/)', array($this, 'loadSubmissionAsZip'));
     $this->app->get('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/exercisesheet/:sheetid/user/:userid/history(/)', array($this, 'showSubmissionsHistory'));
     $this->app->get('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/submission/:submissionid(/)', array($this, 'getSubmissionFile'));
예제 #3
  * REST actions
  * This function contains the REST actions with the assignments to
  * the functions.
 public function __construct()
     // runs the CConfig
     $com = new CConfig(LForm::getPrefix() . ',course,link', dirname(__FILE__));
     // runs the LForm
     if ($com->used()) {
     $conf = $com->loadConfig();
     // initialize slim
     $this->app = new \Slim\Slim(array('debug' => true));
     $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // initialize component
     $this->_conf = $conf;
     $this->_form = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "form");
     $this->_choice = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "choice");
     $this->_createCourse = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "postCourse");
     // POST AddForm
     $this->app->post('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '(/)', array($this, 'addForm'));
     // POST AddCourse
     $this->app->post('/course(/)', array($this, 'addCourse'));
     // DELETE DeleteCourse
     $this->app->delete('/course/:courseid(/)', array($this, 'deleteCourse'));
     // GET GetExistsCourse
     $this->app->get('/link/exists/course/:courseid(/)', array($this, 'getExistsCourse'));
     // run Slim
예제 #4
  * REST actions
  * This function contains the REST actions with the assignments to
  * the functions.
  * @param Component $conf component data
 public function __construct()
     // runs the CConfig
     $com = new CConfig(LMarking::getPrefix(), dirname(__FILE__));
     // runs the LMarking
     if ($com->used()) {
     $conf = $com->loadConfig();
     // initialize slim
     $this->app = new \Slim\Slim();
     $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // initialize component
     $this->_conf = $conf;
     $this->_file = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "file");
     $this->_marking = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "marking");
     // POST AddMarking
     $this->app->post('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '(/)', array($this, 'addMarking'));
     // GET GetMarkingURL
     $this->app->get('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/marking/:markingid(/)', array($this, 'getMarkingURL'));
     // DELETE DeleteMarking
     $this->app->delete('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/marking/:markingid(/)', array($this, 'deleteMarking'));
     // PUT EditMarking
     $this->app->put('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/marking/:markingid(/)', array($this, 'editMarking'));
     // PUT EditMarkingStatus
     $this->app->put('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/marking/:markingid/status(/)', array($this, 'editMarkingStatus'));
     // run Slim
예제 #5
  * REST actions
  * This function contains the REST actions with the assignments to
  * the functions.
  * @param Component $conf component data
 public function __construct()
     // runs the CConfig
     $com = new CConfig(LAttachment::getPrefix(), dirname(__FILE__));
     // runs the LAttachment
     if ($com->used()) {
     $conf = $com->loadConfig();
     // initialize slim
     $this->app = new \Slim\Slim();
     $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // initialize component
     $this->_conf = $conf;
     $this->query = CConfig::getLink($conf->getLinks(), "controller");
     $this->_postFile = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "postFile");
     $this->_postAttachment = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "postAttachment");
     // initialize lURL
     $this->lURL = $this->query->getAddress();
     //POST AddAttachment
     $this->app->post('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '(/)', array($this, 'addAttachment'));
     //GET GetAttachment
     $this->app->get('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/attachment/:attachmentid(/)', array($this, 'getAttachment'));
     //DELETE DeleteAttachment
     $this->app->delete('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/attachment/:attachmentid(/)', array($this, 'deleteAttachment'));
     //PUT EditAttachment
     $this->app->put('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/attachment/:attachmentid(/)', array($this, 'editAttachment'));
     //run Slim
예제 #6
  * REST actions
  * This function contains the REST actions with the assignments to
  * the functions.
 public function __construct()
     // runs the CConfig
     $com = new CConfig(LExtension::getPrefix() . ',course', dirname(__FILE__));
     // runs the LExtension
     if ($com->used()) {
     $conf = $com->loadConfig();
     // initialize slim
     $this->app = new \Slim\Slim(array('debug' => true));
     $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // initialize component
     $this->_conf = $conf;
     $this->_extension = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "extension");
     //POST AddCourseExtension
     $this->app->post('/link/course/:courseid/extension/:name', array($this, 'addCourseExtension'));
     //DELETE DeleteCourseExtension
     $this->app->delete('/link/course/:courseid/extension/:name', array($this, 'deleteCourseExtension'));
     //DELETE DeleteCourse
     $this->app->delete('/course/:courseid/', array($this, 'deleteCourse'));
     //GET GetExtensionInstalled
     $this->app->get('/link/exists/course/:courseid/extension/:name', array($this, 'getExtensionInstalled'));
     //GET GetInstalledExtensions
     $this->app->get('/link/course/:courseid/extension', array($this, 'getInstalledExtensions'));
     //GET GetExtensions
     $this->app->get('/link/extension(/)', array($this, 'getExtensions'));
     //GET GetExtensionExists
     $this->app->get('/link/exists/extension/:name', array($this, 'getExtensionExists'));
     //GET GetExtension
     $this->app->get('/link/extension/:name', array($this, 'getExtension'));
     //run Slim
예제 #7
  * REST actions
  * This function contains the REST actions with the assignments to
  * the functions.
  * @param Component $conf component data
 public function __construct()
     // runs the CConfig
     $com = new CConfig(LCourse::getPrefix(), dirname(__FILE__));
     // runs the LCourse
     if ($com->used()) {
     $conf = $com->loadConfig();
     // initialize slim
     $this->app = new \Slim\Slim(array('debug' => true));
     $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // initialize component
     $this->_conf = $conf;
     $this->query = CConfig::getLink($conf->getLinks(), "controller");
     $this->_deleteCourse = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "deleteCourse");
     $this->_postCourse = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "postCourse");
     // initialize lURL
     $this->lURL = $this->query->getAddress();
     //POST AddCourse
     $this->app->post('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '(/)', array($this, 'AddCourse'));
     //PUT EditCourse
     $this->app->put('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/course/:courseid(/)', array($this, 'editCourse'));
     //DELETE DeleteCourse
     $this->app->delete('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/course/:courseid(/)', array($this, 'deleteCourse'));
     //POST AddCourseMember
     $this->app->post('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/course/:courseid/user/:userid/status/:status(/)', array($this, 'addCourseMember'));
     //GET GetCourseMember
     $this->app->get('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/course/:courseid/user(/)', array($this, 'getCourseMember'));
     //GET GetCourses
     $this->app->get('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/user/:userid(/)', array($this, 'getCourses'));
     //run Slim
예제 #8
  * Ermittelt alle mit der CInstall am Ausgang $name verknüpften Komponenten
  * @param string $name Der Name des Ausgangs, dessen Ziele gesucht ermittelt werden sollen
  * @return link[] Eine Liste der Komponenten an diesem Ausgang
 public static function getLinks($name)
     if (self::$config === null) {
         self::$config = CConfig::loadStaticConfig('', '', dirname(__FILE__), '/../component/cinstall_cconfig.json');
     return CConfig::getLinks(self::$config->getLinks(), $name);
예제 #9
  * REST actions
  * This function contains the REST actions with the assignments to
  * the functions.
  * @param Component $conf component data
 public function __construct()
     // runs the CConfig
     $com = new CConfig(LExerciseSheet::getPrefix(), dirname(__FILE__));
     // runs the LExerciseSheet
     if ($com->used()) {
     $conf = $com->loadConfig();
     // initialize slim
     $this->app = new \Slim\Slim();
     $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // initialize component
     $this->_conf = $conf;
     $this->query = CConfig::getLink($conf->getLinks(), "controller");
     $this->_postFile = CConfig::getLinks($this->_conf->getLinks(), 'postFile');
     $this->_deleteFile = CConfig::getLinks($this->_conf->getLinks(), 'deleteFile');
     $this->_postExerciseSheet = CConfig::getLinks($this->_conf->getLinks(), 'postExerciseSheet');
     $this->_deleteExerciseSheet = CConfig::getLinks($this->_conf->getLinks(), 'deleteExerciseSheet');
     $this->_getExerciseSheet = CConfig::getLinks($this->_conf->getLinks(), 'getExerciseSheet');
     // initialize lURL
     $this->lURL = $this->query->getAddress();
     // POST AddExerciseSheet
     $this->app->post('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '(/)', array($this, 'addExerciseSheet'));
     // PUT EditExerciseSheet
     $this->app->put('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/exercisesheet/:sheetid(/)', array($this, 'editExerciseSheet'));
     // GET GetExerciseSheetURL
     $this->app->get('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/exercisesheet/:sheetid/url(/)', array($this, 'getExerciseSheetURL'));
     // GET GetExerciseSheet
     $this->app->get('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/exercisesheet/:sheetid(/)', array($this, 'getExerciseSheet'));
     // GET GetExerciseSheet incl exercises
     $this->app->get('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/exercisesheet/:sheetid/exercise(/)', array($this, 'getExerciseSheetExercise'));
     // GET GetExerciseSheet from course incl exercises
     $this->app->get('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/course/:courseid(/)', array($this, 'getExerciseSheetCourse'));
     // GET GetExerciseSheet from course incl exercises
     $this->app->get('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/course/:courseid/exercise(/)', array($this, 'getExerciseSheetCourseExercise'));
     // DELETE DeleteExerciseSheet
     $this->app->delete('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '/exercisesheet/:sheetid(/)', array($this, 'deleteExerciseSheet'));
     // run Slim
예제 #10
  * REST actions
  * This function contains the REST actions with the assignments to
  * the functions.
  * @param Component $conf component data
 public function __construct()
     // runs the CConfig
     $com = new CConfig(LExercise::getPrefix(), dirname(__FILE__));
     // runs the LExercise
     if ($com->used()) {
     $conf = $com->loadConfig();
     // initialize slim
     $this->app = new \Slim\Slim();
     $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // initialize component
     $this->_conf = $conf;
     $this->query = CConfig::getLink($conf->getLinks(), "controller");
     $this->_postAttachment = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "postAttachment");
     // initialize lURL
     $this->lURL = $this->query->getAddress();
     // POST AddExercise
     $this->app->post('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '(/)', array($this, 'addExercise'));
     // run Slim
예제 #11
  * REST actions
  * This function contains the REST actions with the assignments to
  * the functions.
 public function __construct()
     // runs the CConfig
     $com = new CConfig(LProcessor::getPrefix() . ',submission,course,link', dirname(__FILE__));
     // runs the LProcessor
     if ($com->used()) {
     $conf = $com->loadConfig();
     // initialize slim
     $this->app = new \Slim\Slim();
     $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // initialize component
     $this->_conf = $conf;
     $this->_submission = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "submission");
     $this->_marking = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "marking");
     $this->_processorDb = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "processorDb");
     $this->_attachment = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "attachment");
     $this->_workFiles = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "workFiles");
     $this->_file = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "file");
     $this->_createCourse = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "postCourse");
     $this->_getExerciseExerciseFileType = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "getExerciseExerciseFileType");
     // POST PostSubmission
     $this->app->map('/submission(/)', array($this, 'postSubmission'))->via('POST');
     // POST AddProcess
     $this->app->map('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '(/)', array($this, 'addProcess'))->via('POST');
     // POST AddCourse
     $this->app->post('/course(/)', array($this, 'addCourse'));
     // POST DeleteCourse
     $this->app->delete('/course/:courseid(/)', array($this, 'deleteCourse'));
     // GET GetExistsCourse
     $this->app->get('/link/exists/course/:courseid(/)', array($this, 'getExistsCourse'));
     // run Slim
예제 #12
파일: LOOP.php 프로젝트: sawh/ostepu-system
  * REST actions
  * This function contains the REST actions with the assignments to
  * the functions.
 public function __construct()
     // runs the CConfig
     $com = new CConfig(LOOP::getPrefix() . ',course,link', dirname(__FILE__));
     // runs the LOOP
     if ($com->used()) {
     $conf = $com->loadConfig();
     // lädt die Daten der CConfig.json
     // initialize slim
     $this->app = new \Slim\Slim(array('debug' => true));
     $this->app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // initialize component
     // hier werden die Verknüpfungen aus der CConfig.json ausgelesen (entsprechend ihrem Namen)
     $this->_conf = $conf;
     $this->_pdf = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "pdf");
     // wird nicht genutzt, theoretisch koennten hier PDFs erzeugt werden
     // für POST /course zum eintragen als Verarbeitung (wird dann in CreateSheet aufgelistet)
     $this->_postProcess = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "postProcess");
     $this->_deleteProcess = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "deleteProcess");
     // für DELETE /course/xyz
     $this->_getProcess = CConfig::getLinks($conf->getLinks(), "getProcess");
     // GET /link/exists/course/:courseid
     // POST PostProcess
     $this->app->map('/' . $this->getPrefix() . '(/)', array($this, 'postProcess'))->via('POST');
     // POST AddCourse
     // fügt die Komponente der Veranstaltung hinzu (Daten kommen im Anfragekörper)
     $this->app->post('/course(/)', array($this, 'addCourse'));
     // DELETE DeleteCourse
     // entfernt die Komponente aus der Veranstaltung
     $this->app->delete('/course/:courseid(/)', array($this, 'deleteCourse'));
     // GET GetExistsCourse
     // zum Prüfen, ob diese Kompoenten korrekt installiert wurde (existiert Tabelleneintrag, konf-Dateien etc.)
     $this->app->get('/link/exists/course/:courseid(/)', array($this, 'getExistsCourse'));
     // run Slim
예제 #13
  * Führt eine Anfrage über $linkName aus, wobei eine Verbindung mit der URI $order genutzt wird
  * @param string $linkName Der Name des Ausgangs
  * @param mixed[] $params Die Ersetzungen für die Platzhalter des Befehls (Bsp.: array('uid'=>2,'cid'=>1)
  * @param string body Der Inhalt der Anfrage für POST und PUT
  * @param int $positiveStatus Der Status, welcher als erfolgreiche Antwort gesehen wird (Bsp.: 200)
  * @param callable $positiveMethod Im positiven Fall wird diese Methode aufgerufen
  * @param mixed[] $positiveParams Die Werte, welche an die positive Funktion übergeben werden
  * @param callable $negativeMethod Im negativen Fall wird diese Methode aufgerufen
  * @param mixed[] $negativeParams Die Werte, welche an die negative Funktion übergeben werden
  * @param string returnType Ein optionaler Rückgabetyp (es können Structures angegeben werden, sodass automatisch Typ::encodeType() ausgelöst wird)
  * @return mixed Das Ergebnis der aufgerufenen Resultatfunktion
 public function callByURI($linkName, $order, $params, $body, $positiveStatus, callable $positiveMethod, $positiveParams, callable $negativeMethod, $negativeParams, $returnType = null)
     $links = CConfig::getLinks($this->_conf->getLinks(), $linkName);
     $link = null;
     $instructions = $this->_com->instruction('', true);
     // ermittle den zutreffenden Ausgang
     $selectedInstruction = null;
     foreach ($instructions as $instruction) {
         if ($instruction['name'] == $linkName) {
             $selectedInstruction = $instruction;
     if (isset($selectedInstruction['links'][0]['path']) && $selectedInstruction['links'][0]['path'] == $order) {
         $link = $links[0];
     } else {
         foreach ($links as $li) {
             $testPath = $li->getPath();
             $met = strpos($testPath, ' ');
             if ($met !== false) {
                 $testPath = substr($testPath, $met + 1);
                 foreach ($params as $key => $param) {
                     $testPath = str_replace(':' . $key, $param, $testPath);
                 if ($testPath == $order) {
                     $link = $li;
     if ($link == null) {
         return call_user_func_array($negativeMethod, $negativeParams);
     $method = 'GET';
     if ($link->getPath() !== null && $link->getPath() !== '') {
         $order = $link->getPath();
         $met = strpos($order, ' ');
         if ($met !== false) {
             $method = substr($order, 0, $met);
             $order = substr($order, $met + 1);
         } else {
             return call_user_func_array($negativeMethod, $negativeParams);
     } else {
         $order = $selectedInstruction['links'][0]['path'];
         if (isset($selectedInstruction['links'][0]['method'])) {
             $method = $selectedInstruction['links'][0]['method'];
     // ersetzt die Platzer im Ausgang mit den eingegeben Parametern
     foreach ($params as $key => $param) {
         $order = str_replace(':' . $key, $param, $order);
     // führe nun den Aufruf aus
     $result = Request::routeRequest($method, $order, array(), $body, $link);
     if ($result['status'] == $positiveStatus) {
         // die Antwort war so, wie wir sie erwartet haben
         if ($returnType !== null) {
             // wenn ein erwarteter Rückgabetyp angegeben wurde, wird eine Typ::decodeType() ausgeführt
             $result['content'] = call_user_func_array('\\' . $returnType . '::decode' . $returnType, array($result['content']));
             if (!is_array($result['content'])) {
                 $result['content'] = array($result['content']);
         // rufe nun die positive Methode auf
         return call_user_func_array($positiveMethod, array_merge(array("input" => $result['content']), $positiveParams));
     // ansonsten rufen wir die negative Methode auf
     return call_user_func_array($negativeMethod, $negativeParams);
예제 #14
  * the getl function uses a list of links to find a
  * relevant component for the $data request
  * @param $data a slim generated array of URI segments (String[])
 public function getl($data)
     Logger::Log('starts Controller routing', LogLevel::DEBUG);
     // if no URI is received, abort process
     if (count($data) == 0) {
         Logger::Log('Controller nothing to route', LogLevel::DEBUG);
     $URI = '/' . implode('/', $data);
     // get possible links
     $list = CConfig::getLinks($this->_conf->getLinks(), 'out');
     foreach ($list as $links) {
         $componentURL = $links->getAddress();
         $similar = Controller2::UrlAnd($componentURL, $URI);
         if ($similar != null) {
             $URI2 = substr($URI, Controller2::UrlAnd($componentURL, $URI));
             $relevanz = explode(' ', $links->getRelevanz());
             $found = false;
             foreach ($relevanz as $rel) {
                 if ($rel == 'ALL') {
                     $found = true;
                 $sub = strpos($rel, '_');
                 if ($sub !== false) {
                     $method = substr($rel, 0, $sub);
                     $path = substr($rel, $sub + 1);
                     if (strtoupper($method) == strtoupper($this->_app->request->getMethod())) {
                         $router = new \Slim\Router();
                         $route = new \Slim\Route($path, 'is_array');
                         $routes = count($router->getMatchedRoutes(strtoupper($method), $URI2), true);
                         if ($routes === 0) {
                         $found = true;
             if (!$found) {
             // create a custom request
             $ch = Request::custom($this->_app->request->getMethod(), $componentURL . substr($URI, $similar), array(), $this->_app->request->getBody());
             // checks the answered status code
             if ($ch['status'] >= 200 && $ch['status'] <= 299) {
                 // finished
                 if (isset($ch['headers']['Content-Type'])) {
                     $this->_app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', $ch['headers']['Content-Type']);
                 if (isset($ch['headers']['Content-Disposition'])) {
                     $this->_app->response->headers->set('Content-Disposition', $ch['headers']['Content-Disposition']);
                 Logger::Log('Controller2 search done', LogLevel::DEBUG);
     // no positive response or no operative link
예제 #15
  * REST actions
  * This function contains the REST actions with the assignments to
  * the functions.
 public function __construct()
     // runs the CConfig
     $com = new CConfig(LFile::$_baseDir, dirname(__FILE__));
     // runs the LFile
     if ($com->used()) {
     $conf = $com->loadConfig();
     $this->_conf = $conf;
     $this->_fs = CConfig::getLinks($this->_conf->getLinks(), 'file');
     $this->_db = CConfig::getLinks($this->_conf->getLinks(), 'fileDb');
     $this->_app = new \Slim\Slim(array('debug' => true));
     $this->_app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // POST File
     $this->_app->post('/' . LFile::$_baseDir . '(/)', array($this, 'postFile'));
     /*// POST PathFile
                         '/' . LFile::$_baseDir . '/:path(/)',
     // DELETE File
     $this->_app->delete('/' . LFile::$_baseDir . '/:fileid', array($this, 'deleteFile'));
     // run Slim