public static function AddComment_Calendar($arFields) { global $DB; if (!CModule::IncludeModule("forum")) { return false; } $ufFileID = array(); $ufDocID = array(); $dbResult = CSocNetLog::GetList(array(), array("ID" => $arFields["LOG_ID"]), false, false, array("ID", "SOURCE_ID", "SITE_ID")); if ($arLog = $dbResult->Fetch()) { $arCalendarEvent = CCalendarEvent::GetById($arLog["SOURCE_ID"]); if ($arCalendarEvent) { $arCalendarSettings = CCalendar::GetSettings(); $forumID = $arCalendarSettings["forum_id"]; if ($forumID) { $arFilter = array("FORUM_ID" => $forumID, "XML_ID" => "EVENT_" . $arLog["SOURCE_ID"]); $dbTopic = CForumTopic::GetList(null, $arFilter); if ($dbTopic && ($arTopic = $dbTopic->Fetch())) { $topicID = $arTopic["ID"]; } else { $topicID = 0; } $currentUserId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $strPermission = $currentUserId == $arCalendarEvent["OWNER_ID"] ? "Y" : "M"; $arFieldsMessage = array("POST_MESSAGE" => $arFields["TEXT_MESSAGE"], "USE_SMILES" => "Y", "PERMISSION_EXTERNAL" => "Q", "PERMISSION" => $strPermission, "APPROVED" => "Y"); if ($topicID === 0) { $arFieldsMessage["TITLE"] = "EVENT_" . $arLog["SOURCE_ID"]; $arFieldsMessage["TOPIC_XML_ID"] = "EVENT_" . $arLog["SOURCE_ID"]; } $arTmp = false; $GLOBALS["USER_FIELD_MANAGER"]->EditFormAddFields("SONET_COMMENT", $arTmp); if (is_array($arTmp)) { if (array_key_exists("UF_SONET_COM_DOC", $arTmp)) { $GLOBALS["UF_FORUM_MESSAGE_DOC"] = $arTmp["UF_SONET_COM_DOC"]; } elseif (array_key_exists("UF_SONET_COM_FILE", $arTmp)) { $arFieldsMessage["FILES"] = array(); foreach ($arTmp["UF_SONET_COM_FILE"] as $file_id) { $arFieldsMessage["FILES"][] = array("FILE_ID" => $file_id); } } } $messageID = ForumAddMessage($topicID > 0 ? "REPLY" : "NEW", $forumID, $topicID, 0, $arFieldsMessage, $sError, $sNote); // get UF DOC value and FILE_ID there if ($messageID > 0) { $messageUrl = CCalendar::GetPath("user", $arCalendarEvent["OWNER_ID"]); $messageUrl = $messageUrl . (strpos($messageUrl, "?") === false ? "?" : "&") . "EVENT_ID=" . $arCalendarEvent["ID"] . "&MID=" . $messageID; $dbAddedMessageFiles = CForumFiles::GetList(array("ID" => "ASC"), array("MESSAGE_ID" => $messageID)); while ($arAddedMessageFiles = $dbAddedMessageFiles->Fetch()) { $ufFileID[] = $arAddedMessageFiles["FILE_ID"]; } $ufDocID = $GLOBALS["USER_FIELD_MANAGER"]->GetUserFieldValue("FORUM_MESSAGE", "UF_FORUM_MESSAGE_DOC", $messageID, LANGUAGE_ID); } } } } if (!$messageID) { $sError = GetMessage("EC_LF_ADD_COMMENT_SOURCE_ERROR"); } return array("SOURCE_ID" => $messageID, "MESSAGE" => $arFieldsMessage ? $arFieldsMessage["POST_MESSAGE"] : false, "RATING_TYPE_ID" => "FORUM_POST", "RATING_ENTITY_ID" => $messageID, "ERROR" => $sError, "NOTES" => $sNote, "UF" => array("FILE" => $ufFileID, "DOC" => $ufDocID), "URL" => $messageUrl); }
public static function GetAbsent($users = false, $Params = array()) { global $DB; // Can be called from agent... So we have to create $USER if it is not exists $tempUser = CCalendar::TempUser(false, true); $curUserId = isset($Params['userId']) ? intVal($Params['userId']) : CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $arUsers = array(); if ($users !== false && is_array($users)) { foreach ($users as $id) { if ($id > 0) { $arUsers[] = intVal($id); } } } if (!count($arUsers)) { $users = false; } // Part 1: select ordinary events $arFilter = array('CAL_TYPE' => 'user', 'DELETED' => 'N', 'ACCESSIBILITY' => 'absent'); if (isset($Params['fromLimit'])) { $arFilter['FROM_LIMIT'] = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($Params['fromLimit'], false), true, false); } if (isset($Params['toLimit'])) { $arFilter['TO_LIMIT'] = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($Params['toLimit'], false), true, false); } $arEvents = CCalendarEvent::GetList(array('arFilter' => $arFilter, 'getUserfields' => false, 'parseRecursion' => true, 'fetchAttendees' => false, 'fetchMeetings' => true, 'userId' => $curUserId, 'checkPermissions' => false, 'preciseLimits' => true)); // Part 2: select attendees CTimeZone::Disable(); if (count($arUsers) > 0) { $userQ = ' AND CA.USER_ID in (' . implode(',', $arUsers) . ')'; } else { $userQ = ''; } $strSql = "\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\tCA.EVENT_ID as ID, CA.USER_ID, CA.STATUS, CA.ACCESSIBILITY,\n\t\t\t\tCE.CAL_TYPE,CE.OWNER_ID,CE.NAME," . $DB->DateToCharFunction("CE.DT_FROM") . " as DT_FROM," . $DB->DateToCharFunction("CE.DT_TO") . " as DT_TO, CE.DT_LENGTH, CE.PRIVATE_EVENT, CE.ACCESSIBILITY, CE.IMPORTANCE, CE.IS_MEETING, CE.MEETING_HOST, CE.MEETING, CE.LOCATION, CE.RRULE, CE.EXRULE, CE.RDATE, CE.EXDATE,\n\t\t\t\tCES.SECT_ID\n\t\t\tFROM b_calendar_attendees CA\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\tb_calendar_event CE ON(CA.EVENT_ID=CE.ID)\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\tb_calendar_event_sect CES ON (CA.EVENT_ID=CES.EVENT_ID)\n\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\tCE.ID IS NOT NULL\n\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\t\tCE.DELETED='N'\n\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\t\tSTATUS='Y'\n\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\t\t\tCA.ACCESSIBILITY='absent'\n\t\t\t\t{$userQ}\n\t\t\t"; if (isset($arFilter['FROM_LIMIT'])) { $strSql .= "AND "; if (strtoupper($DB->type) == "MYSQL") { $strSql .= "CE.DT_TO>=FROM_UNIXTIME('" . MkDateTime(FmtDate($arFilter['FROM_LIMIT'], "D.M.Y"), "d.m.Y") . "')"; } elseif (strtoupper($DB->type) == "MSSQL") { $strSql .= "CE.DT_TO>=" . $DB->CharToDateFunction($arFilter['FROM_LIMIT'], "SHORT"); } elseif (strtoupper($DB->type) == "ORACLE") { $strSql .= "CE.DT_TO>=TO_DATE('" . FmtDate($arFilter['FROM_LIMIT'], "D.M.Y") . " 00:00:00',' hh24:mi:ss')"; } } if ($arFilter['TO_LIMIT']) { $strSql .= "AND "; if (strtoupper($DB->type) == "MYSQL") { $strSql .= "CE.DT_FROM<=FROM_UNIXTIME('" . MkDateTime(FmtDate($arFilter['TO_LIMIT'], "D.M.Y") . " 23:59:59", "d.m.Y H:i:s") . "')"; } elseif (strtoupper($DB->type) == "MSSQL") { $strSql .= "CE.DT_FROM<=dateadd(day, 1, " . $DB->CharToDateFunction($arFilter['TO_LIMIT'], "SHORT") . ")"; } elseif (strtoupper($DB->type) == "ORACLE") { $strSql .= "CE.DT_FROM<=TO_DATE('" . FmtDate($arFilter['TO_LIMIT'], "D.M.Y") . " 23:59:59',' hh24:mi:ss')"; } } $res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__); $arEvents2 = array(); while ($event = $res->Fetch()) { $event = self::PreHandleEvent($event); if ($event['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user' && $event['IS_MEETING'] && $event['OWNER_ID'] == $event['USER_ID']) { continue; } if (self::CheckRecurcion($event)) { self::ParseRecursion($arEvents2, $event, array('fromLimit' => $arFilter["FROM_LIMIT"], 'toLimit' => $arFilter["TO_LIMIT"])); } else { self::HandleEvent($arEvents2, $event); } } CTimeZone::Enable(); $arEvents = array_merge($arEvents, $arEvents2); $bSocNet = CModule::IncludeModule("socialnetwork"); $result = array(); $settings = CCalendar::GetSettings(array('request' => false)); foreach ($arEvents as $event) { $userId = isset($event['USER_ID']) ? $event['USER_ID'] : $event['OWNER_ID']; if ($users !== false && !in_array($userId, $arUsers)) { continue; } if ($bSocNet && !CSocNetFeatures::IsActiveFeature(SONET_ENTITY_USER, $userId, "calendar")) { continue; } if ((!$event['CAL_TYPE'] != 'user' || $curUserId != $event['OWNER_ID']) && $curUserId != $event['CREATED_BY'] && !isset($arUserMeeting[$event['ID']])) { $sectId = $event['SECT_ID']; if (!$event['ACCESSIBILITY']) { $event['ACCESSIBILITY'] = 'busy'; } $private = $event['PRIVATE_EVENT'] && $event['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user'; $bManager = false; if (!$private && CCalendar::IsIntranetEnabled() && CModule::IncludeModule('intranet') && $event['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user' && $settings['dep_manager_sub']) { $bManager = in_array($curUserId, CCalendar::GetUserManagers($event['OWNER_ID'], true)); } if ($private || !CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_view_full', $sectId) && !$bManager) { if ($private) { $event['NAME'] = '[' . GetMessage('EC_ACCESSIBILITY_' . strtoupper($event['ACCESSIBILITY'])) . ']'; } else { if (!CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_view_title', $sectId)) { $event['NAME'] = '[' . GetMessage('EC_ACCESSIBILITY_' . strtoupper($event['ACCESSIBILITY'])) . ']'; } else { $event['NAME'] = $event['NAME'] . ' [' . GetMessage('EC_ACCESSIBILITY_' . strtoupper($event['ACCESSIBILITY'])) . ']'; } } } } $result[] = array('ID' => $event['ID'], 'NAME' => $event['NAME'], 'DATE_FROM' => $event['DT_FROM'], 'DATE_TO' => $event['DT_TO'], 'DT_FROM_TS' => $event['DT_FROM_TS'], 'DT_TO_TS' => $event['DT_TO_TS'], 'CREATED_BY' => $userId, 'DETAIL_TEXT' => '', 'USER_ID' => $userId); } // Sort by DT_FROM_TS usort($result, array('CCalendar', '_NearestSort')); CCalendar::TempUser($tempUser, false); return $result; }
public static function GetSocNetDestination($user_id = false, $selected = array()) { global $CACHE_MANAGER; if (!is_array($selected)) { $selected = array(); } $DESTINATION = array('LAST' => array('SONETGROUPS' => CSocNetLogDestination::GetLastSocnetGroup())); if (!$user_id) { $user_id = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); } $DESTINATION['LAST']['SONETGROUPS'] = CSocNetLogDestination::GetLastSocnetGroup(); $cacheTtl = defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE") ? 3153600 : 3600 * 4; $cacheId = 'blog_post_form_dest_' . $user_id; $cacheDir = '/blog/form/dest/' . SITE_ID . '/' . $user_id; $obCache = new CPHPCache(); if ($obCache->InitCache($cacheTtl, $cacheId, $cacheDir)) { $DESTINATION['SONETGROUPS'] = $obCache->GetVars(); } else { $obCache->StartDataCache(); $DESTINATION['SONETGROUPS'] = CSocNetLogDestination::GetSocnetGroup(array('features' => array("blog", array("premoderate_post", "moderate_post", "write_post", "full_post")))); if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) { $CACHE_MANAGER->StartTagCache($cacheDir); foreach ($DESTINATION['SONETGROUPS'] as $val) { $CACHE_MANAGER->RegisterTag("sonet_features_G_" . $val["entityId"]); $CACHE_MANAGER->RegisterTag("sonet_group_" . $val["entityId"]); } $CACHE_MANAGER->RegisterTag("sonet_user2group_U" . $user_id); $CACHE_MANAGER->EndTagCache(); } $obCache->EndDataCache($DESTINATION['SONETGROUPS']); } $arDestUser = array(); $DESTINATION['SELECTED'] = array(); foreach ($selected as $ind => $code) { if (substr($code, 0, 2) == 'DR') { $DESTINATION['SELECTED'][$code] = "department"; } elseif (substr($code, 0, 2) == 'UA') { $DESTINATION['SELECTED'][$code] = "groups"; } elseif (substr($code, 0, 2) == 'SG') { $DESTINATION['SELECTED'][$code] = "sonetgroups"; } elseif (substr($code, 0, 1) == 'U') { $DESTINATION['SELECTED'][$code] = "users"; $arDestUser[] = str_replace('U', '', $code); } } // intranet structure $arStructure = CSocNetLogDestination::GetStucture(); //$arStructure = CSocNetLogDestination::GetStucture(array("LAZY_LOAD" => true)); $DESTINATION['DEPARTMENT'] = $arStructure['department']; $DESTINATION['DEPARTMENT_RELATION'] = $arStructure['department_relation']; $DESTINATION['DEPARTMENT_RELATION_HEAD'] = $arStructure['department_relation_head']; $DESTINATION['LAST']['DEPARTMENT'] = CSocNetLogDestination::GetLastDepartment(); // users $DESTINATION['LAST']['USERS'] = CSocNetLogDestination::GetLastUser(); if (CModule::IncludeModule('extranet') && !CExtranet::IsIntranetUser()) { $DESTINATION['EXTRANET_USER'] = '******'; $DESTINATION['USERS'] = CSocNetLogDestination::GetExtranetUser(); } else { foreach ($DESTINATION['LAST']['USERS'] as $value) { $arDestUser[] = str_replace('U', '', $value); } $DESTINATION['EXTRANET_USER'] = '******'; $DESTINATION['USERS'] = CSocNetLogDestination::GetUsers(array('id' => $arDestUser)); } $users = array(); foreach ($DESTINATION['USERS'] as $key => $entry) { if ($entry['isExtranet'] == 'N') { $users[$key] = $entry; } } $DESTINATION['USERS'] = $users; return $DESTINATION; }
if (empty($event['UF_CRM_CAL_EVENT']['VALUE'])) { $event['UF_CRM_CAL_EVENT'] = false; } $event['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT'] = $UF['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT']; if (empty($event['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT']['VALUE'])) { $event['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT'] = false; } $event['FROM_WEEK_DAY'] = FormatDate('D', $fromTs); $event['FROM_MONTH_DAY'] = FormatDate('j', $fromTs); $event['FROM_MONTH'] = FormatDate('n', $fromTs); $arHost = CCalendar::GetUser($event['MEETING_HOST'], true); $arHost['AVATAR_SRC'] = CCalendar::GetUserAvatarSrc($arHost); $arHost['URL'] = CCalendar::GetUserUrl($event['MEETING_HOST'], $arParams["PATH_TO_USER"]); $arHost['DISPLAY_NAME'] = CCalendar::GetUserName($arHost); $curUserStatus = ''; $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $viewComments = CCalendar::IsPersonal($event['CAL_TYPE'], $event['OWNER_ID'], $userId) || CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_view_full', $event['SECT_ID'], $userId); if ($event['IS_MEETING'] && empty($event['ATTENDEES_CODES'])) { $event['ATTENDEES_CODES'] = CCalendarEvent::CheckEndUpdateAttendeesCodes($event); } if ($event['IS_MEETING']) { $attendees = array('y' => array('users' => array(), 'count' => 4, 'countMax' => 8, 'title' => GetMessage('EC_ATT_Y'), 'id' => "bxview-att-cont-y-" . $event['ID']), 'n' => array('users' => array(), 'count' => 2, 'countMax' => 3, 'title' => GetMessage('EC_ATT_N'), 'id' => "bxview-att-cont-n-" . $event['ID']), 'q' => array('users' => array(), 'count' => 2, 'countMax' => 3, 'title' => GetMessage('EC_ATT_Q'), 'id' => "bxview-att-cont-q-" . $event['ID']), 'm' => array('users' => array(), 'count' => 4, 'countMax' => 8, 'title' => GetMessage('EC_ATT_M'), 'id' => "bxview-att-cont-m-" . $event['ID'])); if (is_array($event['~ATTENDEES'])) { foreach ($event['~ATTENDEES'] as $att) { if ($userId == $att["USER_ID"]) { $curUserStatus = $att['STATUS']; $viewComments = true; } $att['AVATAR_SRC'] = CCalendar::GetUserAvatarSrc($att); $att['URL'] = CCalendar::GetUserUrl($att["USER_ID"], $arParams["PATH_TO_USER"]); $status = strtolower($att['STATUS']) == 'h' || $att['STATUS'] == '' ? 'y' : $att['STATUS'];
public static function GetSPExportLink() { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); return '&user_id=' . $userId . '&sign=' . CCalendarSect::GetSign($userId, 'superposed_calendars'); }
public static function UserSettingsClear($arParams = array(), $nav = null, $server = null) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $methodName = "calendar.user.settings.clear"; CCalendar::SetUserSettings(false, $userId); return true; }
public static function GetOperations($xmlId, $userId = false) { if ($userId === false) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); } $arCodes = array(); $rCodes = CAccess::GetUserCodes($userId); while ($code = $rCodes->Fetch()) { $arCodes[] = $code['ACCESS_CODE']; } if (!in_array('G2', $arCodes)) { $arCodes[] = 'G2'; } $key = $xmlId . '|' . implode(',', $arCodes); if (!is_array(self::$arOp[$key])) { if (!isset(self::$Permissions[$xmlId])) { self::GetArrayPermissions(array($xmlId)); } $perms = self::$Permissions[$xmlId]; self::$arOp[$key] = array(); if (is_array($perms)) { foreach ($perms as $code => $taskId) { if (in_array($code, $arCodes)) { self::$arOp[$key] = array_merge(self::$arOp[$key], CTask::GetOperations($taskId, true)); } } } } return self::$arOp[$key]; }
public static function GetAbsent($users = false, $Params = array()) { // Can be called from agent... So we have to create $USER if it is not exists $tempUser = CCalendar::TempUser(false, true); $curUserId = isset($Params['userId']) ? intVal($Params['userId']) : CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $arUsers = array(); if ($users !== false && is_array($users)) { foreach ($users as $id) { if ($id > 0) { $arUsers[] = intVal($id); } } } if (!count($arUsers)) { $users = false; } $arFilter = array('DELETED' => 'N', 'ACCESSIBILITY' => 'absent'); if ($users) { $arFilter['CREATED_BY'] = $users; } if (isset($Params['fromLimit'])) { $arFilter['FROM_LIMIT'] = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($Params['fromLimit'], false), true, false); } if (isset($Params['toLimit'])) { $arFilter['TO_LIMIT'] = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($Params['toLimit'], false), true, false); } $arEvents = CCalendarEvent::GetList(array('arFilter' => $arFilter, 'parseRecursion' => true, 'getUserfields' => false, 'userId' => $curUserId, 'preciseLimits' => true, 'checkPermissions' => false, 'skipDeclined' => true)); $bSocNet = CModule::IncludeModule("socialnetwork"); $result = array(); $settings = CCalendar::GetSettings(array('request' => false)); foreach ($arEvents as $event) { $userId = isset($event['USER_ID']) ? $event['USER_ID'] : $event['CREATED_BY']; if ($users !== false && !in_array($userId, $arUsers)) { continue; } if ($bSocNet && !CSocNetFeatures::IsActiveFeature(SONET_ENTITY_USER, $userId, "calendar")) { continue; } if ((!$event['CAL_TYPE'] != 'user' || $curUserId != $event['OWNER_ID']) && $curUserId != $event['CREATED_BY'] && !isset($arUserMeeting[$event['ID']])) { $sectId = $event['SECT_ID']; if (!$event['ACCESSIBILITY']) { $event['ACCESSIBILITY'] = 'busy'; } $private = $event['PRIVATE_EVENT'] && $event['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user'; $bManager = false; if (!$private && CCalendar::IsIntranetEnabled() && CModule::IncludeModule('intranet') && $event['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user' && $settings['dep_manager_sub']) { $bManager = in_array($curUserId, CCalendar::GetUserManagers($event['OWNER_ID'], true)); } if ($private || !CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_view_full', $sectId) && !$bManager) { $event = self::ApplyAccessRestrictions($event, $userId); } } $skipTime = $event['DT_SKIP_TIME'] === 'Y'; $fromTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($event['DATE_FROM'], false, !$skipTime); $toTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($event['DATE_TO'], false, !$skipTime); if ($event['DT_SKIP_TIME'] !== 'Y') { $fromTs -= $event['~USER_OFFSET_FROM']; $toTs -= $event['~USER_OFFSET_TO']; } $result[] = array('ID' => $event['ID'], 'NAME' => $event['NAME'], 'DATE_FROM' => CCalendar::Date($fromTs, !$skipTime, false), 'DATE_TO' => CCalendar::Date($toTs, !$skipTime, false), 'DT_FROM_TS' => $fromTs, 'DT_TO_TS' => $toTs, 'CREATED_BY' => $userId, 'DETAIL_TEXT' => '', 'USER_ID' => $userId); } // Sort by DATE_FROM_TS_UTC usort($result, array('CCalendar', '_NearestSort')); CCalendar::TempUser($tempUser, false); return $result; }
public static function DialogViewEvent($Params) { global $APPLICATION, $USER_FIELD_MANAGER; $id = $Params['id']; $event = $Params['event']; $event['~DT_FROM_TS'] = $event['DT_FROM_TS']; $event['~DT_TO_TS'] = $event['DT_TO_TS']; $event['DT_FROM_TS'] = $Params['fromTs']; $event['DT_TO_TS'] = $Params['fromTs'] + $event['DT_LENGTH']; $UF = $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->GetUserFields("CALENDAR_EVENT", $event['ID'], LANGUAGE_ID); $event['UF_CRM_CAL_EVENT'] = $UF['UF_CRM_CAL_EVENT']; if (empty($event['UF_CRM_CAL_EVENT']['VALUE'])) { $event['UF_CRM_CAL_EVENT'] = false; } $event['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT'] = $UF['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT']; if (empty($event['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT']['VALUE'])) { $event['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT'] = false; } $event['FROM_WEEK_DAY'] = FormatDate('D', $event['DT_FROM_TS']); $event['FROM_MONTH_DAY'] = FormatDate('j', $event['DT_FROM_TS']); $event['FROM_MONTH'] = FormatDate('n', $event['DT_FROM_TS']); $arHost = CCalendar::GetUser($event['MEETING_HOST'], true); $arHost['AVATAR_SRC'] = CCalendar::GetUserAvatarSrc($arHost); $arHost['URL'] = CCalendar::GetUserUrl($event['MEETING_HOST'], $Params["PATH_TO_USER"]); $arHost['DISPLAY_NAME'] = CCalendar::GetUserName($arHost); $curUserStatus = ''; $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $viewComments = CCalendar::IsPersonal($event['CAL_TYPE'], $event['OWNER_ID'], $userId) || CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_view_full', $event['SECT_ID'], $userId); if ($event['IS_MEETING'] && empty($event['ATTENDEES_CODES'])) { $event['ATTENDEES_CODES'] = CCalendarEvent::CheckEndUpdateAttendeesCodes($event); } if ($event['IS_MEETING']) { $attendees = array('y' => array('users' => array(), 'count' => 4, 'countMax' => 8, 'title' => GetMessage('EC_ATT_Y'), 'id' => "bxview-att-cont-y-" . $event['ID']), 'n' => array('users' => array(), 'count' => 2, 'countMax' => 3, 'title' => GetMessage('EC_ATT_N'), 'id' => "bxview-att-cont-n-" . $event['ID']), 'q' => array('users' => array(), 'count' => 2, 'countMax' => 3, 'title' => GetMessage('EC_ATT_Q'), 'id' => "bxview-att-cont-q-" . $event['ID'])); if (is_array($event['~ATTENDEES'])) { foreach ($event['~ATTENDEES'] as $att) { if ($userId == $att["USER_ID"]) { $curUserStatus = $att['STATUS']; $viewComments = true; } $att['AVATAR_SRC'] = CCalendar::GetUserAvatarSrc($att); $att['URL'] = CCalendar::GetUserUrl($att["USER_ID"], $Params["PATH_TO_USER"]); $attendees[strtolower($att['STATUS'])]['users'][] = $att; } } } $arTabs = array(array('name' => GetMessage('EC_BASIC'), 'title' => GetMessage('EC_BASIC_TITLE'), 'id' => $id . "view-tab-0", 'active' => true), array('name' => GetMessage('EC_EDEV_ADD_TAB'), 'title' => GetMessage('EC_EDEV_ADD_TAB_TITLE'), 'id' => $id . "view-tab-1")); ?> <div id="bxec_view_ed_<?php echo $id; ?> " class="bxec-popup"> <div style="width: 700px; height: 1px;"></div> <div class="bxec-d-tabs" id="<?php echo $id; ?> _viewev_tabs"> <?php foreach ($arTabs as $tab) { ?> <div class="bxec-d-tab <?php if ($tab['active']) { echo 'bxec-d-tab-act'; } ?> " title="<?php echo isset($tab['title']) ? $tab['title'] : $tab['name']; ?> " id="<?php echo $tab['id']; ?> " <?php if ($tab['show'] === false) { echo 'style="display:none;"'; } ?> > <b></b><div><span><?php echo $tab['name']; ?> </span></div><i></i> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="bxec-d-cont"> <?php /* ####### TAB 0 : BASIC ####### */ ?> <div id="<?php echo $id; ?> view-tab-0-cont" class="bxec-d-cont-div" style="display: block;"> <div class="bx-cal-view-icon"> <div class="bx-cal-view-icon-day"><?php echo $event['FROM_WEEK_DAY']; ?> </div> <div class="bx-cal-view-icon-date"><?php echo $event['FROM_MONTH_DAY']; ?> </div> </div> <div class="bx-cal-view-text"> <table> <tr> <td class="bx-cal-view-text-cell-l"><?php echo GetMessage('EC_T_NAME'); ?> :</td> <td class="bx-cal-view-text-cell-r"><span class="bx-cal-view-name"><?php echo htmlspecialcharsEx($event['NAME']); ?> </span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bx-cal-view-text-cell-l"><?php echo GetMessage('EC_DATE'); ?> :</td> <td class="bx-cal-view-text-cell-r bx-cal-view-from-to"> <?php echo CCalendar::GetFromToHtml($event['DT_FROM_TS'], $event['DT_TO_TS'], $event['DT_SKIP_TIME'] == 'Y', $event['DT_LENGTH']); ?> </td> </tr> <?php if ($event['RRULE']) { ?> <?php $event['RRULE'] = CCalendarEvent::ParseRRULE($event['RRULE']); switch ($event['RRULE']['FREQ']) { case 'DAILY': if ($event['RRULE']['INTERVAL'] == 1) { $repeatHTML = GetMessage('EC_RRULE_EVERY_DAY'); } else { $repeatHTML = GetMessage('EC_RRULE_EVERY_DAY_1', array('#DAY#' => $event['RRULE']['INTERVAL'])); } break; case 'WEEKLY': $daysList = array(); foreach ($event['RRULE']['BYDAY'] as $day) { $daysList[] = GetMessage('EC_' . $day); } $daysList = implode(', ', $daysList); if ($event['RRULE']['INTERVAL'] == 1) { $repeatHTML = GetMessage('EC_RRULE_EVERY_WEEK', array('#DAYS_LIST#' => $daysList)); } else { $repeatHTML = GetMessage('EC_RRULE_EVERY_WEEK_1', array('#WEEK#' => $event['RRULE']['INTERVAL'], '#DAYS_LIST#' => $daysList)); } break; case 'MONTHLY': if ($event['RRULE']['INTERVAL'] == 1) { $repeatHTML = GetMessage('EC_RRULE_EVERY_MONTH'); } else { $repeatHTML = GetMessage('EC_RRULE_EVERY_MONTH_1', array('#MONTH#' => $event['RRULE']['INTERVAL'])); } break; case 'YEARLY': if ($event['RRULE']['INTERVAL'] == 1) { $repeatHTML = GetMessage('EC_RRULE_EVERY_YEAR', array('#DAY#' => $event['FROM_MONTH_DAY'], '#MONTH#' => $event['FROM_MONTH'])); } else { $repeatHTML = GetMessage('EC_RRULE_EVERY_YEAR_1', array('#YEAR#' => $event['RRULE']['INTERVAL'], '#DAY#' => $event['FROM_MONTH_DAY'], '#MONTH#' => $event['FROM_MONTH'])); } break; } $repeatHTML .= '<br>' . GetMessage('EC_RRULE_FROM', array('#FROM_DATE#' => FormatDate(CCalendar::DFormat(false), $event['~DT_FROM_TS']))); if (date('dmY', $event['RRULE']['UNTIL']) != '01012038') { $repeatHTML .= ' ' . GetMessage('EC_RRULE_UNTIL', array('#UNTIL_DATE#' => FormatDate(CCalendar::DFormat(false), $event['RRULE']['UNTIL']))); } ?> <tr> <td class="bx-cal-view-text-cell-l"><?php echo GetMessage('EC_T_REPEAT'); ?> :</td> <td class="bx-cal-view-text-cell-r"><?php echo $repeatHTML; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php if (!empty($event['LOCATION'])) { ?> <tr> <td class="bx-cal-view-text-cell-l"><?php echo GetMessage('EC_LOCATION'); ?> :</td> <td class="bx-cal-view-text-cell-r"><span class="bx-cal-location"><?php echo htmlspecialcharsEx(CCalendar::GetTextLocation($event['LOCATION'])); ?> </span></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </div> <?php if (!empty($event['~DESCRIPTION'])) { ?> <div class="bx-cal-view-description"> <div class="feed-cal-view-desc-title"><?php echo GetMessage('EC_T_DESC'); ?> :</div> <div class="bx-cal-view-desc-cont"><?php echo $event['~DESCRIPTION']; ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($event['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT']) { ?> <div class="bx-cal-view-files" id="bx-cal-view-files-<?php echo $id; echo $event['ID']; ?> "> <?php $APPLICATION->IncludeComponent("bitrix:system.field.view", $event['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT']["USER_TYPE"]["USER_TYPE_ID"], array("arUserField" => $event['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT']), null, array("HIDE_ICONS" => "Y")); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($event['UF_CRM_CAL_EVENT']) { ?> <div class="bx-cal-view-crm"> <div class="bxec-crm-title"><?php echo htmlspecialcharsbx($event['UF_CRM_CAL_EVENT']["EDIT_FORM_LABEL"]); ?> :</div> <?php $APPLICATION->IncludeComponent("bitrix:system.field.view", $event['UF_CRM_CAL_EVENT']["USER_TYPE"]["USER_TYPE_ID"], array("arUserField" => $event['UF_CRM_CAL_EVENT']), null, array("HIDE_ICONS" => "Y")); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="<?php echo $id; ?> bxec_view_uf_group" class="bxec-popup-row" style="display: none;"> <div class="bxec-popup-row-title"><?php echo GetMessage('EC_EDEV_ADD_TAB'); ?> </div> <div id="<?php echo $id; ?> bxec_view_uf_cont"></div> </div> <?php if ($Params['bSocNet'] && $event['IS_MEETING']) { ?> <div class="bx-cal-view-meeting-cnt"> <table> <tr> <td class="bx-cal-view-att-cell-l bx-cal-bot-border"><span><?php echo GetMessage('EC_EDEV_HOST'); ?> :</span></td> <td class="bx-cal-view-att-cell-r bx-cal-bot-border"> <a title="<?php echo htmlspecialcharsbx($arHost['DISPLAY_NAME']); ?> " href="<?php echo $arHost['URL']; ?> " target="_blank" class="bxcal-att-popup-img bxcal-att-popup-att-full"><span class="bxcal-att-popup-avatar-outer"><span class="bxcal-att-popup-avatar"><img src="<?php echo $arHost['AVATAR_SRC']; ?> " width="<?php echo $Params['AVATAR_SIZE']; ?> " height="<?php echo $Params['AVATAR_SIZE']; ?> " /></span></span><span class="bxcal-att-name"><?php echo htmlspecialcharsbx($arHost['DISPLAY_NAME']); ?> </span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bx-cal-view-att-cell-l"></td> <td class="bx-cal-view-att-cell-r" style="padding-top: 5px;"> <div class="bx-cal-view-title"><?php echo GetMessage('EC_EDEV_GUESTS'); ?> </div> <div class="bx-cal-att-dest-cont"> <?php $arDest = CCalendar::GetFormatedDestination($event['ATTENDEES_CODES']); $cnt = count($arDest); for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { $dest = $arDest[$i]; ?> <span class="bx-cal-att-dest-block"><?php echo $dest['TITLE']; ?> </span><?php if ($i < count($arDest) - 1) { echo ', '; } } ?> </div> </td> </tr> <?php foreach ($attendees as $arAtt) { if (empty($arAtt['users'])) { continue; } ?> <tr> <td class="bx-cal-view-att-cell-l"><?php echo $arAtt['title']; ?> :</td> <td class="bx-cal-view-att-cell-r"> <div class="bx-cal-view-att-cont" id="<?php echo $arAtt['id']; ?> "> <?php $cnt = 0; $bShowAll = count($arAtt['users']) <= $arAtt['countMax']; foreach ($arAtt['users'] as $att) { $cnt++; if (!$bShowAll && $cnt > $arAtt['count']) { ?> <a title="<?php echo htmlspecialcharsbx($att['DISPLAY_NAME']); ?> " href="<?php echo $att['URL']; ?> " target="_blank" class="bxcal-att-popup-img bxcal-att-popup-img-hidden"><span class="bxcal-att-popup-avatar-outer"><span class="bxcal-att-popup-avatar"><img src="<?php echo $att['AVATAR_SRC']; ?> " width="<?php echo $Params['AVATAR_SIZE']; ?> " height="<?php echo $Params['AVATAR_SIZE']; ?> " /></span></span><span class="bxcal-att-name"><?php echo htmlspecialcharsbx($att['DISPLAY_NAME']); ?> </span></a> <?php } else { ?> <a title="<?php echo htmlspecialcharsbx($att['DISPLAY_NAME']); ?> " href="<?php echo $att['URL']; ?> " target="_blank" class="bxcal-att-popup-img"><span class="bxcal-att-popup-avatar-outer"><span class="bxcal-att-popup-avatar"><img src="<?php echo $att['AVATAR_SRC']; ?> " width="<?php echo $Params['AVATAR_SIZE']; ?> " height="<?php echo $Params['AVATAR_SIZE']; ?> " /></span></span><span class="bxcal-att-name"><?php echo htmlspecialcharsbx($att['DISPLAY_NAME']); ?> </span></a> <?php } } if (!$bShowAll) { ?> <span data-bx-more-users="<?php echo $arAtt['id']; ?> " class="bxcal-more-attendees"><?php echo CCalendar::GetMoreAttendeesMessage(count($arAtt['users']) - $arAtt['count']); ?> </span> <?php } ?> </div> </td> </tr> <?php } /*foreach($attendees as $arAtt)*/ ?> <?php if (!empty($event['MEETING']['TEXT'])) { ?> <tr> <td class="bx-cal-view-att-cell-l" style="padding-top: 3px;"><?php echo GetMessage('EC_MEETING_TEXT2'); ?> :</td> <td class="bx-cal-view-att-cell-r"><pre><?php echo htmlspecialcharsEx($event['MEETING']['TEXT']); ?> </pre></td> </tr> <?php } /*if (!empty($event['MEETING']['TEXT']))*/ ?> </table> <div class="bxc-confirm-row"> <?php if ($curUserStatus == 'Q') { /* User still haven't take a decision*/ ?> <div id="<?php echo $id; ?> status-conf-cnt2" class="bxc-conf-cnt"> <span data-bx-set-status="Y" class="popup-window-button popup-window-button-accept" title="<?php echo GetMessage('EC_EDEV_CONF_Y_TITLE'); ?> "><span class="popup-window-button-left"></span><span class="popup-window-button-text"><?php echo GetMessage('EC_ACCEPT_MEETING'); ?> </span><span class="popup-window-button-right"></span></span> <a data-bx-set-status="N" class="bxc-decline-link" href="javascript:void(0)" title="<?php echo GetMessage('EC_EDEV_CONF_N_TITLE'); ?> " id="<?php echo $id; ?> decline-link-2"><?php echo GetMessage('EC_EDEV_CONF_N'); ?> </a> </div> <?php } elseif ($curUserStatus == 'Y') { /* User accepts inviting */ ?> <div id="<?php echo $id; ?> status-conf-cnt1" class="bxc-conf-cnt"> <span><?php echo GetMessage('EC_ACCEPTED_STATUS'); ?> </span> <a data-bx-set-status="N" class="bxc-decline-link" href="javascript:void(0)" title="<?php echo GetMessage('EC_EDEV_CONF_N_TITLE'); ?> "><?php echo GetMessage('EC_EDEV_CONF_N'); ?> </a> </div> <?php } elseif ($curUserStatus == 'N') { /* User declines inviting*/ ?> <div class="bxc-conf-cnt"> <span class="bxc-conf-label"><?php echo GetMessage('EC_DECLINE_INFO'); ?> </span>. <a data-bx-set-status="Y" href="javascript:void(0)" title="<?php echo GetMessage('EC_ACCEPT_MEETING_2'); ?> "><?php echo GetMessage('EC_ACCEPT_MEETING'); ?> </a> </div> <?php } elseif ($event['MEETING']['OPEN']) { /* it's open meeting*/ ?> <div class="bxc-conf-cnt"> <span class="bxc-conf-label" title="<?php echo GetMessage('EC_OPEN_MEETING_TITLE'); ?> "><?php echo GetMessage('EC_OPEN_MEETING'); ?> :</span> <span data-bx-set-status="Y" class="popup-window-button popup-window-button-accept" title="<?php echo GetMessage('EC_EDEV_CONF_Y_TITLE'); ?> "><span class="popup-window-button-left"></span><span class="popup-window-button-text"><?php echo GetMessage('EC_ACCEPT_MEETING'); ?> </span><span class="popup-window-button-right"></span></span> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } /*$event['IS_MEETING'])*/ ?> </div> <?php /* ####### END TAB 0 ####### */ ?> <?php /* ####### TAB 1 : ADDITIONAL ####### */ ?> <div id="<?php echo $id; ?> view-tab-1-cont" class="bxec-d-cont-div"> <div class="bx-cal-view-text-additional"> <table> <?php if ($Params['sectionName'] != '') { ?> <tr> <td class="bx-cal-view-text-cell-l"><?php echo GetMessage('EC_T_CALENDAR'); ?> :</td> <td class="bx-cal-view-text-cell-r"><?php echo htmlspecialcharsEx($Params['sectionName']); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php if ($event['IMPORTANCE'] != '') { ?> <tr> <td class="bx-cal-view-text-cell-l"><?php echo GetMessage('EC_IMPORTANCE_TITLE'); ?> :</td> <td class="bx-cal-view-text-cell-r"><?php echo GetMessage("EC_IMPORTANCE_" . strtoupper($event['IMPORTANCE'])); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php if ($event['ACCESSIBILITY'] != '' && $Params['bIntranet']) { ?> <tr> <td class="bx-cal-view-text-cell-l"><?php echo GetMessage('EC_ACCESSIBILITY_TITLE'); ?> :</td> <td class="bx-cal-view-text-cell-r"><?php echo GetMessage("EC_ACCESSIBILITY_" . strtoupper($event['ACCESSIBILITY'])); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php if ($event['PRIVATE_EVENT'] && $Params['bIntranet']) { ?> <tr> <td class="bx-cal-view-text-cell-l"><?php echo GetMessage('EC_EDDIV_SPECIAL_NOTES'); ?> :</td> <td class="bx-cal-view-text-cell-r"><?php echo GetMessage('EC_PRIVATE_EVENT'); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </div> </div> <?php /* ####### END TAB 1 ####### */ ?> </div> <?php if ($viewComments) { ?> <div class="bxec-d-cont-comments-title"> <?php echo GetMessage('EC_COMMENTS'); ?> </div> <div class="bxec-d-cont bxec-d-cont-comments"> <?php if ($userId == $event['OWNER_ID']) { $permission = "Y"; } else { $permission = 'M'; } $set = CCalendar::GetSettings(); // A < E < I < M < Q < U < Y // A - NO ACCESS, E - READ, I - ANSWER // M - NEW TOPIC // Q - MODERATE, U - EDIT, Y - FULL_ACCESS $APPLICATION->IncludeComponent("bitrix:forum.comments", "bitrix24", array("FORUM_ID" => $set['forum_id'], "ENTITY_TYPE" => "EV", "ENTITY_ID" => $event['ID'], "ENTITY_XML_ID" => "EVENT_" . $event['ID'], "PERMISSION" => $permission, "URL_TEMPLATES_PROFILE_VIEW" => $set['path_to_user'], "SHOW_RATING" => "Y", "SHOW_LINK_TO_MESSAGE" => "N", "BIND_VIEWER" => "Y"), false, array('HIDE_ICONS' => 'Y')); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php }