  * Validate and sanitize any submitted data. Used when editing the definition for
  * this type of element. Default behavior here is require only a unique name and
  * label. Override this if customized validation is required: usually you'll want
  * to override and still reference the parent:
  *   public function save_definition_filter($posted_data) {
  *   	$posted_data = parent::save_definition_filter($posted_data);
  *   	// your code here...
  *   	return $posted_data;
  *  }
  *     into the field values.
  * @param array   $posted_data = $_POST data
  * @return array filtered field_data that can be saved OR can be safely repopulated
 public function save_definition_filter($posted_data)
     if (empty($posted_data['name'])) {
         $this->errors['name'][] = __('Name is required.', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN);
     } else {
         // Are there any invalid characters? 1st char. must be a letter (req'd for valid prop/func names)
         if (!preg_match('/^[a-z]{1}[a-z_0-9]*$/i', $posted_data['name'])) {
             $this->errors['name'][] = sprintf(__('%s contains invalid characters. The name may only contain letters, numbers, and underscores, and it must begin with a letter.', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN), '<strong>' . $posted_data['name'] . '</strong>');
             $posted_data['name'] = preg_replace('/[^a-z_0-9]/', '', $posted_data['name']);
         // Is the name too long?
         if (strlen($posted_data['name']) > 255) {
             $posted_data['name'] = substr($posted_data['name'], 0, 255);
             $this->errors['name'][] = __('The name is too long. Names must not exceed 255 characters.', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN);
         // Run into any reserved words?
         if (in_array($posted_data['name'], CCTM::$reserved_field_names)) {
             $this->errors['name'][] = sprintf(__('%s is a reserved name.', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN), '<strong>' . $posted_data['name'] . '</strong>');
             $posted_data['name'] = '';
         // it's a CREATE operation
         if (empty($this->original_name)) {
             if (isset(CCTM::$data['custom_field_defs']) && is_array(CCTM::$data['custom_field_defs'])) {
                 foreach (CCTM::$data['custom_field_defs'] as $cf => $def) {
                     if (strtolower($posted_data['name']) == strtolower($cf)) {
                         $this->errors['name'][] = sprintf(__('The name %s is already in use. Please choose another name.', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN), '<em>' . $posted_data['name'] . '</em>');
         } elseif ($this->original_name != $posted_data['name']) {
             if (isset(CCTM::$data['custom_field_defs']) && is_array(CCTM::$data['custom_field_defs'])) {
                 if (strtolower($posted_data['name']) == strtolower($cf)) {
                     $this->errors['name'][] = sprintf(__('The name %s is already in use. Please choose another name.', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN), '<em>' . $posted_data['name'] . '</em>');
                 $posted_data['name'] = '';
     // You may need to do this for any textarea fields. Saving a '</textarea>' tag
     // in your description field can wreak everything.
     if (!empty($posted_data['description'])) {
         $posted_data['description'] = strip_tags($posted_data['description'], CCTM::$allowed_html_tags);
     $posted_data = CCTM::striptags_deep($posted_data);
     // WP always quotes data (!!!), so we don't bother checking get_magic_quotes_gpc et al.
     // See this: http://kovshenin.com/archives/wordpress-and-magic-quotes/
     $posted_data = CCTM::stripslashes_deep($posted_data);
     //return $posted_data; // simplifiying immutable
     foreach ($this->immutable as $x) {
         if (isset($this->props[$x])) {
             $posted_data[$x] = $this->props[$x];
         } else {
             $posted_data[$x] = '';
     return $posted_data;
     // Apply immutable properties, and return filtered data
     //return array_merge($posted_data, $this->immutable);
  * Everything when creating a new post type must be filtered here.
  * Problems with:
  *  hierarchical
  *  rewrite_with_front
  * This is janky... sorta doesn't work how it's supposed when combined with save_post_type_settings().
  * @param mixed   $raw unsanitized $_POST data
  * @return mixed filtered $_POST data (only white-listed are passed thru to output)
 public static function sanitize_post_type_def($raw)
     $sanitized = array();
     $raw = CCTM::striptags_deep($raw);
     // WP always adds slashes: see http://kovshenin.com/archives/wordpress-and-magic-quotes/
     $raw = CCTM::stripslashes_deep($raw);
     // Handle unchecked checkboxes
     if (empty($raw['cctm_hierarchical_custom'])) {
         $sanitized['cctm_hierarchical_custom'] = '';
     if (empty($raw['cctm_hierarchical_includes_drafts'])) {
         $sanitized['cctm_hierarchical_includes_drafts'] = '';
     if (empty($raw['cctm_hierarchical_post_types'])) {
         $sanitized['cctm_hierarchical_post_types'] = array();
     if (!isset($raw['cctm_custom_columns_enabled'])) {
         $sanitized['cctm_custom_columns_enabled'] = 0;
     if (!isset($raw['cctm_enable_right_now'])) {
         $sanitized['cctm_enable_right_now'] = 0;
     // This will be empty if no "supports" items are checked.
     if (!empty($raw['supports'])) {
         $sanitized['supports'] = $raw['supports'];
     } else {
         $sanitized['supports'] = array();
     if (!empty($raw['taxonomies'])) {
         $sanitized['taxonomies'] = $raw['taxonomies'];
     } else {
         // do this so this will take precedence when you merge the existing array with the new one in the save_post_type_settings() function.
         $sanitized['taxonomies'] = array();
     // You gotta unset arrays if you want the foreach thing below to work.
     // Temporary thing... ????
     // The main event
     // We grab everything except stuff that begins with '_', then override specific $keys as needed.
     foreach ($raw as $key => $value) {
         if (!preg_match('/^_.*/', $key)) {
             $sanitized[$key] = CCTM::get_value($raw, $key);
     // Specific overrides below:
     $sanitized['description'] = strip_tags($raw['description']);
     // post_type is the only required field
     $sanitized['post_type'] = CCTM::get_value($raw, 'post_type');
     $sanitized['post_type'] = strtolower($sanitized['post_type']);
     $sanitized['post_type'] = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\\-]/', '_', $sanitized['post_type']);
     $sanitized['post_type'] = substr($sanitized['post_type'], 0, 20);
     // Our form passes integers and strings, but WP req's literal booleans,
     // so we do some type-casting here to ensure literal booleans.
     $sanitized['public'] = (bool) CCTM::get_value($raw, 'public');
     $sanitized['rewrite_with_front'] = (bool) CCTM::get_value($raw, 'rewrite_with_front');
     $sanitized['show_ui'] = (bool) CCTM::get_value($raw, 'show_ui');
     $sanitized['public'] = (bool) CCTM::get_value($raw, 'public');
     $sanitized['show_in_nav_menus'] = (bool) CCTM::get_value($raw, 'show_in_nav_menus');
     $sanitized['can_export'] = (bool) CCTM::get_value($raw, 'can_export');
     $sanitized['use_default_menu_icon'] = (bool) CCTM::get_value($raw, 'use_default_menu_icon');
     $sanitized['hierarchical'] = (bool) CCTM::get_value($raw, 'hierarchical');
     $sanitized['include_in_search'] = (bool) CCTM::get_value($raw, 'include_in_search');
     $sanitized['publicly_queryable'] = (bool) CCTM::get_value($raw, 'publicly_queryable');
     $sanitized['include_in_rss'] = (bool) CCTM::get_value($raw, 'include_in_rss');
     $sanitized['map_meta_cap'] = (bool) CCTM::get_value($raw, 'map_meta_cap');
     $sanitized['show_in_admin_bar'] = (bool) CCTM::get_value($raw, 'show_in_admin_bar');
     if (empty($sanitized['has_archive'])) {
         $sanitized['has_archive'] = false;
     } else {
         $sanitized['has_archive'] = true;
     // *facepalm*... Special handling req'd here for menu_position because 0
     // is handled differently than a literal null.
     if ((int) CCTM::get_value($raw, 'menu_position')) {
         $sanitized['menu_position'] = (int) CCTM::get_value($raw, 'menu_position', null);
     } else {
         $sanitized['menu_position'] = null;
     $sanitized['show_in_menu'] = CCTM::get_value($raw, 'show_in_menu');
     $sanitized['cctm_show_in_menu'] = CCTM::get_value($raw, 'cctm_show_in_menu');
     // menu_icon... the user will lose any custom Menu Icon URL if they save with this checked!
     // TODO: let this value persist.
     if ($sanitized['use_default_menu_icon']) {
         // === null;
     if (empty($sanitized['query_var'])) {
         $sanitized['query_var'] = false;
     // Cleaning up the labels
     if (empty($sanitized['label'])) {
         $sanitized['label'] = ucfirst($sanitized['post_type']);
     if (empty($sanitized['labels']['singular_name'])) {
         $sanitized['labels']['singular_name'] = ucfirst($sanitized['post_type']);
     if (empty($sanitized['labels']['add_new'])) {
         $sanitized['labels']['add_new'] = __('Add New');
     if (empty($sanitized['labels']['add_new_item'])) {
         $sanitized['labels']['add_new_item'] = __('Add New') . ' ' . ucfirst($sanitized['post_type']);
     if (empty($sanitized['labels']['edit_item'])) {
         $sanitized['labels']['edit_item'] = __('Edit') . ' ' . ucfirst($sanitized['post_type']);
     if (empty($sanitized['labels']['new_item'])) {
         $sanitized['labels']['new_item'] = __('New') . ' ' . ucfirst($sanitized['post_type']);
     if (empty($sanitized['labels']['view_item'])) {
         $sanitized['labels']['view_item'] = __('View') . ' ' . ucfirst($sanitized['post_type']);
     if (empty($sanitized['labels']['search_items'])) {
         $sanitized['labels']['search_items'] = __('Search') . ' ' . ucfirst($sanitized['labels']['menu_name']);
     if (empty($sanitized['labels']['not_found'])) {
         $sanitized['labels']['not_found'] = sprintf(__('No %s found', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN), strtolower($raw['labels']['menu_name']));
     if (empty($sanitized['labels']['not_found_in_trash'])) {
         $sanitized['labels']['not_found_in_trash'] = sprintf(__('No %s found in trash', CCTM_TXTDOMAIN), strtolower($raw['labels']['menu_name']));
     if (empty($sanitized['labels']['parent_item_colon'])) {
         $sanitized['labels']['parent_item_colon'] = __('Parent Page');
     // Rewrites. TODO: make this work like the built-in post-type permalinks
     switch ($sanitized['permalink_action']) {
         case '/%postname%/':
             $sanitized['rewrite'] = true;
         case 'Custom':
             $sanitized['rewrite']['slug'] = $raw['rewrite_slug'];
             $sanitized['rewrite']['with_front'] = isset($raw['rewrite_with_front']) ? (bool) $raw['rewrite_with_front'] : false;
         case 'Off':
             $sanitized['rewrite'] = false;
     return $sanitized;
  * Sanitize data
  * @param array
  * @return array
 public static function sanitize($posted_data)
     $data = array();
     $data['id'] = CCTM::get_value($posted_data, 'id');
     $data['old_id'] = CCTM::get_value($posted_data, 'old_id');
     $data['title'] = CCTM::get_value($posted_data, 'title');
     $data['context'] = CCTM::get_value($posted_data, 'context');
     $data['priority'] = CCTM::get_value($posted_data, 'priority');
     $data['callback'] = CCTM::get_value($posted_data, 'callback');
     $data['callback_args'] = CCTM::get_value($posted_data, 'callback_args');
     // See https://code.google.com/p/wordpress-custom-content-type-manager/issues/detail?id=511
     $data['visibility_control'] = isset($posted_data['visibility_control']) ? $posted_data['visibility_control'] : '';
     $data['post_types'] = CCTM::get_value($posted_data, 'post_types', array());
     $data = CCTM::striptags_deep($data);
     $data = CCTM::stripslashes_deep($data);
     return $data;