예제 #1
파일: if.php 프로젝트: surreal8/wptheme
 function if_shortcode($atts, $content = null, $shortcode_name)
     $atts_original = $atts;
     $args = array('type' => '', 'name' => '', 'id' => '', 'author' => '', 'comment_author' => '', 'category' => '', 'tag' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'term' => '', 'compare' => '', 'tax_archive' => '', 'parent' => '', 'field' => '', 'custom' => '', 'user_field' => '', 'check' => '', 'value' => '', 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'date_format' => '', 'in' => '', 'field_2' => '', 'today' => '', 'day_of_week' => '', 'lowercase' => '', 'case' => '', 'loose' => '', 'strict' => '', 'sub' => '', 'format' => '', 'contains' => '', 'exact' => '', 'empty' => 'true', 'zero' => '', 'sticky' => '', 'not' => '', 'start' => '', 'end' => '', 'every' => '', 'first' => '', 'last' => '', 'count' => '', 'each' => '', 'each_field' => '', 'each_value' => '', 'decode' => '', 'x' => '', 'query' => '', 'route' => '', 'pass' => '', 'false' => '', 'pass_empty' => 'true', 'flag' => '', 'no_flag' => '');
     extract(shortcode_atts($args, $atts, true));
     $atts = CCS_Content::get_all_atts($atts);
     if (isset($atts['and'])) {
         return self::if_all_conditions($atts, $content, $shortcode_name);
     if (count($atts) == 0) {
         $condition = true;
     } else {
         $condition = false;
     $out = '';
     // Get [else] block
     $if_else = self::get_if_else($content, $shortcode_name);
     $content = $if_else['if'];
     $else = $if_else['else'];
     if ((!empty($before) || !empty($after)) && empty($field)) {
         $field = 'date';
         // Default for before/after parameter
     if (!empty($no_flag)) {
         $flag = $no_flag;
     $compare = strtoupper($compare);
     if ($strict == 'true') {
         $loose = 'false';
     // Alias
     if ($case == 'true') {
         $lowercase = 'false';
     // Alias
      * Get global post info
     $current_post_id = do_shortcode('[field id]');
     $post = get_post($current_post_id);
      * If exists
     if (isset($atts['exists'])) {
         if (empty($atts)) {
             $result = do_ccs_shortcode($content);
         } else {
             // Check if post exists based on given parameters
             $result = CCS_Loop::the_loop_shortcode($atts_original, 'X');
             // Remove params for rest of condition checks
             $atts = array();
         $result = trim($result);
         $condition = !empty($result);
      * Today
     if (!empty($day_of_week)) {
         $today = $day_of_week;
         $date_format = 'N';
         // 1~7, Mon~Sun
     if (!empty($today)) {
         $result = do_ccs_shortcode('[today' . (!empty($date_format) ? ' format="' . $date_format . '"' : '') . ']');
         $condition = $result === $today;
      * Taxonomy: category, tags, ..
     if (!empty($category)) {
         $taxonomy = "category";
         $term = $category;
     if (!empty($tag)) {
         $taxonomy = "post_tag";
         $term = $tag;
     // Check if current post has taxonomy term
     if (!empty($taxonomy)) {
         if ($taxonomy == 'tag') {
             $taxonomy = 'post_tag';
         $taxonomies = wp_get_post_terms($current_post_id, $taxonomy, array());
         $post_tax_array = array();
         foreach ($taxonomies as $term_object) {
             if (is_object($term_object)) {
                 $post_tax_array[] = $term_object->slug;
         $terms = self::comma_list_to_array($term);
         if (empty($term) && count($post_tax_array)) {
             // If no term query is set, then check if there's any term
             $condition = true;
         } else {
             foreach ($terms as $term) {
                 if (empty($compare) || $compare == 'OR') {
                     $condition = in_array($term, $post_tax_array) ? true : $condition;
                 } else {
                     // AND
                     $condition = in_array($term, $post_tax_array) ? true : false;
                     if (!$condition) {
                     // Every term must be found
      * Inside [for/each] loop
     // Check if current term has children
     if (CCS_ForEach::$state['is_for_loop']) {
         if (isset($atts['children'])) {
             $current_term = CCS_ForEach::$current_term[CCS_ForEach::$index];
             $current_taxonomy = $current_term['taxonomy'];
             $terms = get_terms($current_taxonomy, array('parent' => $current_term['id']));
             if (!empty($terms) && $terms != array()) {
                 $condition = true;
             } else {
                 $condition = false;
         if (!empty($each)) {
             $v = do_shortcode('[each slug]');
             if ($decode == 'true') {
                 $v = urldecode($v);
             $eaches = CCS_Loop::explode_list($each);
             $condition = in_array($v, $eaches);
         if (!empty($each_field)) {
             $v = do_shortcode('[each ' . $each_field . ']');
             if ($decode == 'true') {
                 $v = urldecode($v);
             if (!empty($each_value)) {
                 $condition = $v == $each_value;
             } else {
                 $condition = !empty($v);
         if (isset($atts['for-first'])) {
             $condition = $condition || CCS_ForEach::$state['for_count'] == 1;
      * Field value contains
     if (!empty($contains)) {
         if ($exact === 'true') {
             $value = $contains;
         } else {
             $value = implode(',', explode(' ', $contains));
         $contains_compare = !empty($compare) ? strtoupper($compare) : '';
         $compare = 'CONTAINS';
         if (empty($loose)) {
             $loose = 'true';
         // Loose search by default
         $field = CCS_Loop::explode_list($field);
         if (count($field) > 1) {
             // Support searching multiple fields
             foreach ($field as $this_field) {
                 $condition = '[if field=' . $this_field . ' contains="' . $value . '"' . (!empty($contains_compare) ? ' compare=' . $contains_compare : '') . '].[/if]';
                 $condition = do_shortcode($condition);
                 $condition = !empty($condition);
                 if ($condition) {
                 // If keyword in any of the fields
             $field = '';
             // Skip default field value condition
         } else {
             $field = $field[0];
      * Field: field="field_slug" value="this,that"
     if (!empty($field) || !empty($user_field) || !empty($check)) {
         // Post field
         if (!empty($field)) {
             if ($in == 'timestamp') {
                 $date_format = 'U';
                 if ($value == 'today') {
                     $value = 'today-between';
             if ($field == 'date') {
                 if (empty($date_format)) {
                     $date_format = 'Ymd';
                 // Published date
                 $check = strtotime($post->post_date . ' +0000');
                 $check = date($date_format, $check);
             } elseif ($field == 'excerpt') {
                 $check = get_the_excerpt();
                 $empty = 'true';
                 $value = '';
                 // ?
             } elseif ($custom == 'true') {
                 $check = get_post_meta($current_post_id, $field, $single = true);
             } else {
                 // Normal field
                 $check = CCS_Content::get_prepared_field($field);
                 // do_shortcode('[field '.$field.']');// ;
             // Date field
             if (!empty($before) || !empty($after)) {
                 if (!empty($field_2)) {
                     $field_2 = CCS_Content::get_prepared_field($field_2);
                     // Convert to imestamp
                     if ($in !== 'timestamp') {
                         $field_2 = strtotime($field_2 . ' +0000');
                     $now = intval($field_2);
                     //echo 'FIELD2:'.$field_2.' = '.$now.'<br>';
                 } else {
                     $now = current_time('timestamp');
                 if (!empty($before) && !empty($after)) {
                     $value_before = date($date_format, strtotime($before . ' +0000', $now));
                     $value_after = date($date_format, strtotime($after . ' +0000', $now));
                     $value = $value_before . ' - ' . $value_after;
                     $compare = 'BETWEEN';
                 } elseif (!empty($before)) {
                     $value = date($date_format, strtotime($before . ' +0000', $now));
                     $compare = empty($compare) ? '<' : $compare;
                 } elseif (!empty($after)) {
                     $value = date($date_format, strtotime($after . ' +0000', $now));
                     $compare = empty($compare) ? '>' : $compare;
                     //echo 'VALUE: '.$now.' '.$after.' = '.$value.'<br>';
             } elseif (!empty($field_2)) {
                 // Use second field as value
                 $value = CCS_Content::get_prepared_field($field_2);
                 if (!empty($date_format)) {
                     $check = date($date_format, strtotime($check . ' +0000'));
                     $value = date($date_format, strtotime($value . ' +0000'));
             // User field
         } elseif (!empty($user_field)) {
             $field = $user_field;
             $check = CCS_User::get_user_field($field);
             if (!empty($sub)) {
                 $check = isset($check[$sub]) ? $check[$sub] : '';
         } else {
             // Just check passed value
             // $check == $value
         // Array
         if (!empty($sub)) {
             $check = isset($check[$sub]) ? $check[$sub] : '';
         // start=".." end=".."
         if (!empty($start) && !empty($end)) {
             $value = $start . '..' . $end;
             // Placeholder
             $start_value = $start;
             $end_value = $end;
             $start = 'true';
             $end = 'true';
             // start=".."
         } elseif (!empty($start) && $start != 'true' && empty($value)) {
             $value = $start;
             $start = 'true';
             // end=".."
         } elseif (!empty($end) && $end != 'true' && empty($value)) {
             $value = $end;
             $end = 'true';
         if ($check === '') {
             // ( empty($check) || ( $check == false ) ) {
             // @todo What if field value is boolean, i.e., checkbox?
             $condition = false;
         } else {
             if (!is_array($check)) {
                 $check = array($check);
             if ($value !== '') {
                 // Allow false, 0
                 $values = self::comma_list_to_array($value);
                 $date_values = array('today', 'today-between', 'now', 'future', 'past', 'future not today', 'past and today', 'future-time', 'past-time');
                 foreach ($check as $check_this) {
                     if ($decode == 'true') {
                         $check_this = urldecode($check_this);
                     foreach ($values as $this_value) {
                         if (in_array($this_value, $date_values)) {
                             if (empty($date_format)) {
                                 $date_format = 'Ymd';
                             // ACF date field
                             // Support date values
                             $q = array('field' => $check_this, 'value' => $this_value, 'compare' => $compare, 'date_format' => $date_format);
                             $meta_query = CCS_Loop::prepare_meta_query($q);
                             $check_this = $meta_query['key'];
                             $this_value = $meta_query['value'];
                             $compare = $meta_query['compare'];
                             if (is_array($this_value)) {
                                 $this_value = implode(',', $this_value);
                         //echo 'Check field: '.$field.' '.$check_this.' '.$compare.' '.$this_value.'<br>';
                         if ($start == 'true' && $end == 'true') {
                             // Check beginning and end of field value
                             if (substr($check_this, 0, strlen($start_value)) == $start_value && substr($check_this, strlen($check_this) - strlen($end_value)) == $end_value) {
                                 $condition = true;
                             } else {
                                 $condition = false;
                         } elseif ($start == 'true') {
                             // Only check beginning of field value
                             $check_this = substr($check_this, 0, strlen($this_value));
                         } elseif ($end == 'true') {
                             // Only check end of field value
                             $check_this = substr($check_this, strlen($check_this) - strlen($this_value));
                         if ($loose == 'true') {
                             $check_this = CCS_Format::normalize_alphabet($check_this);
                             $this_value = CCS_Format::normalize_alphabet($this_value);
                         if ($loose == 'true' || $lowercase == 'true') {
                             $check_this = strtolower($check_this);
                             $this_value = strtolower($this_value);
                         if ($compare == 'AND') {
                             $condition = $this_value == $check_this ? true : false;
                             if (!$condition) {
                             // Every term must be found
                         } elseif ($compare == 'CONTAINS') {
                             $condition = strpos($check_this, $this_value) !== false;
                             if ($contains_compare != 'OR' && !$condition) {
                                 // Every term must be found
                         } else {
                             switch ($compare) {
                                 case 'MORE':
                                 case 'NEW':
                                 case 'NEWER':
                                 case '>':
                                     $condition = $check_this > $this_value ? true : $condition;
                                 case '>=':
                                     $condition = $check_this >= $this_value ? true : $condition;
                                 case 'LESS':
                                 case 'OLD':
                                 case 'OLDER':
                                 case '<':
                                     $condition = $check_this < $this_value ? true : $condition;
                                 case '<=':
                                     $condition = $check_this <= $this_value ? true : $condition;
                                 case 'BETWEEN':
                                     $values = explode(' - ', $this_value);
                                     // Hmm..to avoid conflict with ','
                                     if (isset($values[0]) && isset($values[1])) {
                                         $condition = $values[0] <= $check_this && $check_this <= $values[1] ? true : $condition;
                                 case 'EQUAL':
                                 case '=':
                                     $condition = $check_this == $this_value ? true : $condition;
                         // End compare
                     // End for each value
                 // End for each check
             } else {
                 // No value specified - just check that there is field value
                 if ($empty == 'true') {
                     if (is_array($check)) {
                         $check = implode('', $check);
                     // catches ACF repeater
                     $condition = !empty($check) ? true : false;
                 } else {
                     $condition = false;
         // End if check not empty
     // End field value condition
      * Post type, name, id
     if (!empty($type)) {
         $types = self::comma_list_to_array($type);
         // Enable comma-separated list
         $current_post_type = isset($post->post_type) ? $post->post_type : null;
         $condition = in_array($current_post_type, $types) ? true : false;
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $ids = self::comma_list_to_array($id);
         // Enable comma-separated list
         if (($find_key = array_search('this', $ids)) !== false) {
             $depth = CCS_Content::$state['depth'];
             if (isset(CCS_Content::$state['current_post_id'][$depth - 1])) {
                 $ids[$find_key] = CCS_Content::$state['current_post_id'][$depth - 1];
             } elseif (CCS_Loop::$state['is_loop']) {
                 $ids[$find_key] = CCS_Loop::$state['original_post_id'];
             } else {
                 $ids[$find_key] = get_the_ID();
         $condition = in_array($current_post_id, $ids) ? true : false;
     if (!empty($name)) {
         $names = self::comma_list_to_array($name);
         $current_post_name = isset($post->post_name) ? $post->post_name : null;
         foreach ($names as $each_name) {
             if ($start == 'true') {
                 // Only check beginning of string
                 $this_value = substr($current_post_name, 0, strlen($each_name));
             } else {
                 $this_value = $current_post_name;
             $condition = $this_value == $each_name ? true : $condition;
      * Post author
     if (!empty($author)) {
         $authors = CCS_Loop::explode_list($author);
         $author_ids = array();
         foreach ($authors as $this_author) {
             if ($this_author == 'this') {
                 // current author ID
                 $author_ids[] = do_shortcode('[user id]');
             } elseif (is_numeric($this_author)) {
                 $author_ids[] = $this_author;
             } else {
                 // get author ID from user name
                 $author_ids[] = do_shortcode('[users search=' . $this_author . ' search_column=login][user id][/users]');
         if (CCS_Comments::$state['is_comments_loop']) {
             $post_id = do_shortcode('[comment post-id]');
         } else {
             $post_id = do_shortcode('[field id]');
         $pass = do_shortcode('[field author-id id=' . $post_id . ']');
         if (empty($pass)) {
             $condition = false;
         } else {
             $value = implode(',', $author_ids);
     if (!empty($comment_author)) {
         if (CCS_Comments::$state['is_comments_loop']) {
             $authors = CCS_Loop::explode_list($comment_author);
             $author_ids = array();
             foreach ($authors as $this_author) {
                 if ($this_author == 'this') {
                     // current author ID
                     $author_ids[] = do_shortcode('[user id]');
                 } elseif ($this_author == 'same') {
                     // Same author as current post
                     if ($current_post) {
                         $author_ids[] = do_shortcode('[field author-id]');
                 } elseif (is_numeric($this_author)) {
                     $author_ids[] = $this_author;
                 } else {
                     // get author ID from user name
                     $author_ids[] = do_shortcode('[users search=' . $this_author . ' search_column=login][user id][/users]');
             $check_author = do_shortcode('[comment author-id]');
             $condition = in_array($check_author, $author_ids);
         } else {
             $this_check = do_shortcode('[comments user='******' count=1].[/comments]');
             $condition = !empty($this_check);
      * Post parent
     if (!empty($parent)) {
         $current_post_parent = isset($post->post_parent) ? $post->post_parent : 0;
         if ($current_post_parent == 0) {
             // Current post has no parent
             $condition = false;
         } else {
             $current_post_parent_slug = self::slug_from_id($current_post_parent);
             $parents = self::comma_list_to_array($parent);
             foreach ($parents as $check_parent) {
                 if (is_numeric($check_parent)) {
                     // compare to parent id
                     if (empty($compare) || $compare == 'OR') {
                         $condition = $check_parent == $current_post_parent ? true : $condition;
                     } else {
                         // AND
                         $condition = $check_parent == $current_post_parent ? true : false;
                         if (!$condition) {
                         // Every term must be found
                 } else {
                     // compare to parent slug
                     if ($start == 'true') {
                         // Only check beginning of string
                         $check_this = substr($current_post_parent_slug, 0, strlen($check_parent));
                     } else {
                         $check_this = $current_post_parent_slug;
                     if (empty($compare) || $compare == 'OR') {
                         $condition = $check_parent == $check_this ? true : $condition;
                     } else {
                         // AND
                         $condition = $check_parent == $check_this ? true : false;
                         if (!$condition) {
                         // Every term must be found
      * Attachments
     if (isset($atts['attached'])) {
         // Does the current post have any attachments?
         $current_id = get_the_ID();
         $posts = get_posts(array('post_parent' => $current_id, 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_status' => 'any', 'posts_per_page' => 1));
         if (!empty($posts)) {
             $condition = true;
         } else {
             $condition = false;
      * If child post exists
     if (isset($atts['children']) && !CCS_ForEach::$state['is_for_loop'] && !CCS_Menu::$state['is_menu_loop']) {
         if (!empty($post)) {
             $children_array = get_children(array('post_parent' => $post->ID, 'posts_per_page' => '1', 'post_status' => 'publish'));
             $condition = count($children_array) > 0;
      * [x] loop index
     if (!empty($x)) {
         $condition = $x == CCS_Format::$state['x_loop'];
      * Sticky post
     if (isset($atts['sticky'])) {
         $sticky = 'true';
     if (!empty($sticky)) {
         $is_sticky = is_sticky();
         $condition = $is_sticky && $sticky == 'true' || !$is_sticky && $sticky == 'false';
      * Post format
     if (!empty($format) && function_exists('has_post_format')) {
         $formats = CCS_Loop::explode_list($format);
         foreach ($formats as $this_format) {
             $this_format = strtolower($this_format);
             if (has_post_format($this_format, $current_post_id)) {
                 $condition = true;
     } elseif (isset($atts['format'])) {
         // Check if it exists
         $this_format = get_post_format($current_post_id);
         if (!empty($this_format)) {
             $condition = true;
      * Has CCS gallery field
     if (isset($atts['gallery']) && class_exists('CCS_Gallery_Field')) {
         $condition = CCS_Gallery_Field::has_gallery();
      * Template: home, archive, single..
      * [if comment] - current post has comment
     $condition = isset($atts['home']) ? is_front_page() : $condition;
     $condition = isset($atts['comment']) ? get_comments_number($current_post_id) > 0 : $condition;
     $condition = isset($atts['image']) ? has_post_thumbnail() : $condition;
     $condition = isset($atts['loop']) ? CCS_Loop::$state['is_loop'] : $condition;
     $condition = isset($atts['archive']) ? is_archive() : $condition;
     $condition = isset($atts['single']) ? is_single() : $condition;
     $condition = isset($atts['search']) ? is_search() : $condition;
     $condition = isset($atts['404']) ? is_404() : $condition;
     $condition = isset($atts['none']) ? !have_posts() : $condition;
     if (isset($atts['tax_archive'])) {
         if ($tax_archive == 'true') {
             $tax_archive = '';
         $condition = is_tax($tax_archive);
     if (isset($atts['avatar'])) {
         $check = do_shortcode('[field avatar]');
         $condition = !empty($check);
      * Inside [loop]
     if (CCS_Loop::$state['is_loop']) {
          * Every X number of posts
         if (!empty($every)) {
             $count = CCS_Loop::$state['loop_count'];
             if (substr($every, 0, 4) == 'not ') {
                 $every = substr($every, 4);
                 // Remove first 4 letters
                 // not Modulo
                 $condition = $every == 0 ? false : $count % $every != 0;
             } else {
                 // Modulo
                 $condition = $every == 0 ? false : $count % $every == 0;
             if ($first == 'true') {
                 $condition = $condition || CCS_Loop::$state['loop_count'] == 1;
             if ($last == 'true') {
                 $condition = $condition || CCS_Loop::$state['loop_count'] == CCS_Loop::$state['post_count'];
         } elseif (!empty($count)) {
             if ($compare == '>=') {
                 $condition = CCS_Loop::$state['loop_count'] >= $count;
             } elseif ($compare == '<=') {
                 $condition = CCS_Loop::$state['loop_count'] <= $count;
             } elseif ($compare == '>' || $compare == 'MORE') {
                 $condition = CCS_Loop::$state['loop_count'] > $count;
             } elseif ($compare == '<' || $compare == 'LESS') {
                 $condition = CCS_Loop::$state['loop_count'] < $count;
             } else {
                 $condition = CCS_Loop::$state['loop_count'] == $count;
          * First and last post in loop
         $condition = isset($atts['first']) ? CCS_Loop::$state['loop_count'] == 1 : $condition;
         $condition = isset($atts['last']) ? CCS_Loop::$state['loop_count'] == CCS_Loop::$state['post_count'] : $condition;
     // End: if inside [loop]
      * Menu loop
     if (CCS_Menu::$state['is_menu_loop']) {
         $condition = isset($atts['first']) ? CCS_Menu::$state['menu_index'][CCS_Menu::$state['depth']] == 1 : $condition;
         $condition = isset($atts['last']) ? CCS_Menu::$state['menu_index'][CCS_Menu::$state['depth']] == CCS_Menu::$state['total_menu_count'][CCS_Menu::$state['depth']] : $condition;
         if (isset($atts['children'])) {
             $children = do_shortcode('[loop menu=children].[/loop]');
             if (!empty($children)) {
                 $condition = true;
             } else {
                 $condition = false;
         if (!empty($every)) {
             $count = CCS_Menu::$state['menu_index'][CCS_Menu::$state['depth']];
             // Modulo
             $condition = $every == 0 ? false : $count % $every == 0;
      * ACF repeater/flex/gallery
     if (class_exists('CCS_To_ACF')) {
         if (CCS_To_ACF::$state['is_repeater_or_flex_loop']) {
             if (!empty($every)) {
                 $condition = CCS_To_ACF::$state['repeater_index'] % $every == 0;
             if (isset($atts['first'])) {
                 $condition = CCS_To_ACF::$state['repeater_index'] == 1;
         if (CCS_To_ACF::$state['is_gallery_loop']) {
             if (!empty($every)) {
                 $condition = CCS_To_ACF::$state['gallery_index'] % $every == 0;
             if (isset($atts['first'])) {
                 $condition = CCS_To_ACF::$state['gallery_index'] == 1;
      * Inside array field
     if (CCS_Content::$state['is_array_field']) {
         if (isset($atts['first'])) {
             $condition = CCS_Content::$state['array_field_index'] == 1;
         if (isset($atts['last'])) {
             $condition = CCS_Content::$state['array_field_index'] == CCS_Content::$state['array_field_count'];
      * Inside comments loop
     if (CCS_Comments::$state['is_comments_loop']) {
         if (isset($atts['first'])) {
             $condition = CCS_Comments::$state['comments_loop_index'] == 1;
         if (isset($atts['last'])) {
             $condition = CCS_Comments::$state['comments_loop_index'] == CCS_Comments::$state['comments_loop_count'];
      * Passed value
     if (isset($atts['pass']) && empty($atts['pass']) && $empty != 'true' || $pass_empty != 'true' && empty($pass)) {
         // pass="******" empty="false" -- pass is empty
         $condition = false;
     } elseif (!empty($pass) && empty($value) && $empty != 'true') {
         // pass="******" empty="false" -- no value set
         $condition = true;
     } elseif (!empty($pass) && !empty($value)) {
         // pass="******" value="something"
         $values = CCS_Loop::explode_list($value);
         // Support multiple values
         $condition = in_array($pass, $values);
      * Query
     $queries = CCS_URL::get_queries();
     if (!empty($query)) {
         $query_check = isset($queries[$query]) ? $queries[$query] : '';
         if (!empty($value)) {
             $condition = $query_check == $value;
         } else {
             $condition = !empty($query_check);
      * Route
     $routes = CCS_URL::get_routes();
     // Whole route
     if (!empty($route)) {
         $result = implode('/', $routes);
         $condition = $result == $route;
     // Route parts: route_1, route_2, ...
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($routes); $i++) {
         if (isset($atts['route_' . ($i + 1)])) {
             $condition = $atts['route_' . ($i + 1)] == $routes[$i];
             if (!$condition) {
         } elseif (isset($atts[0]) && $atts[0] == 'route_' . ($i + 1)) {
             // if it exists
             $condition = !empty($routes[$i]);
             if (!$condition) {
      * Not / else
     // Not - also catches compare="not"
     $condition = isset($atts['not']) ? !$condition : $condition;
     self::$state['is_if_block'] = true;
     $out = $condition ? do_ccs_shortcode($content) : do_ccs_shortcode($else);
     // [if]..[else]..[/if]
     self::$state['is_if_block'] = false;
     return $out;
예제 #2
 static function array_field_shortcode($atts, $content, $shortcode_name)
     $out = null;
     $array = null;
     $prev_state = self::$state;
     $prefix = CCS_Format::get_minus_prefix($shortcode_name);
     extract(shortcode_atts(array('field' => '', 'user_field' => '', 'each' => 'false', 'debug' => 'false', 'global' => '', 'json' => '', 'choices' => '', 'type' => '', 'name' => '', 'trim' => ''), $atts));
     if (!empty($global)) {
         $field = 'GLOBAL';
     } elseif (!empty($choices)) {
         $field = $choices;
     } elseif (isset($atts) && !empty($atts[0])) {
         $field = $atts[0];
     // Inside ACF repeater/flex
     if (class_exists('CCS_To_ACF') && CCS_To_ACF::$state['is_repeater_or_flex_loop'] && $field != 'GLOBAL') {
         // Get sub field
         if (function_exists('get_sub_field')) {
             $array = get_sub_field($field);
     } else {
         if ($field == 'GLOBAL') {
             $array = $GLOBALS[$global];
             if (!is_array($array)) {
                 $array = array('value' => $array);
         } elseif (!empty($choices)) {
             // ACF checkbox/select/radio choices
             // Needs field key
             if (substr($choices, 0, 6) == 'field_') {
                 $key = $choices;
             } else {
                 $cmd = '[loop';
                 if (!empty($name)) {
                     $cmd .= ' name="' . $name . '"';
                 } else {
                     if (empty($type)) {
                         $type = get_post_type();
                         if (!$type) {
                             $type = 'post';
                     $cmd .= ' type=' . $type;
                 $key = do_ccs_shortcode($cmd . ' count=1][field _' . $choices . '][/loop]');
             $field = get_field_object($key);
             if ($debug == 'true') {
                 $array = $field;
             } else {
                 $array = array();
                 if ($field) {
                     foreach ($field['choices'] as $key => $value) {
                         $array[] = array('value' => $key, 'label' => $value);
                     $each = 'true';
             // User field
         } elseif (!empty($user_field)) {
             $array = CCS_User::get_user_field($user_field);
             // Normal field
         } else {
             if (self::$state['is_array_field']) {
                 // Nested array
                 $array = self::$state['current_field_value'];
                 $array = isset($array[$field]) ? $array[$field] : '';
             } else {
                 $id = do_shortcode('[field id]');
                 $array = get_post_meta($id, $field, true);
         // Not array
         if (!empty($array) && !is_array($array)) {
             // See if it's an ACF field
             if (function_exists('get_field')) {
                 $array = get_field($field);
     if ($json == 'true') {
         $array = json_decode($array, true);
     if ($debug == 'true') {
         $out = self::print_array($array, false);
     if (!empty($array) && is_array($array)) {
         self::$state['is_array_field'] = true;
         self::$state['array_field_index'] = 0;
         if ($each != 'true') {
             $array = array($array);
             // Create a single array
         self::$state['array_field_count'] = count($array);
         foreach ($array as $each_array) {
             self::$state['current_field_value'] = $each_array;
             // Starts from 1
             $this_content = $content;
             if (!empty($choices)) {
                 $this_content = str_replace('{VALUE}', @$each_array['value'], $content);
                 $this_content = str_replace('{LABEL}', @$each_array['label'], $this_content);
             $this_content = str_replace('{' . $prefix . 'ARRAY_INDEX}', self::$state['array_field_index'], $this_content);
             $out .= do_ccs_shortcode($this_content);
         self::$state['is_array_field'] = false;
     } else {
         $out = $array;
         // Empty or not array
     if (is_array($out)) {
         $out = '[ Array ]';
     } elseif ($trim == 'true') {
         $out = trim($out, " \t\n\r\v,");
     self::$state = $prev_state;
     return $out;
예제 #3
파일: loop.php 프로젝트: surreal8/wptheme
 public static function prepare_query($parameters)
     $query = array();
      * field="gallery"
     if ($parameters['field'] == 'gallery' && class_exists('CCS_Gallery_Field')) {
         // Gallery field
         $parameters['type'] = 'attachment';
         // $query['post_parent'] = get_the_ID();
         self::$state['is_attachment_loop'] = true;
         $parameters['id'] = implode(',', CCS_Gallery_Field::get_image_ids(get_the_ID()));
         $parameters['field'] = '';
      * Post type
     if (!empty($parameters['type'])) {
         $query['post_type'] = self::explode_list($parameters['type']);
     } else {
         $query['post_type'] = 'any';
      * Post ID, exclude ID, name
     if (!empty($parameters['include'])) {
         if (!empty($parameters['id'])) {
             $parameters['id'] .= ',';
         $parameters['id'] .= $parameters['include'];
     if (!empty($parameters['id'])) {
         $id_array = self::explode_list($parameters['id']);
         foreach ($id_array as $key => $value) {
             // Include current post
             if ($value == 'this') {
                 // ID of post that contains the loop
                 $id_array[$key] = self::$state['original_post_id'];
                 // Include child posts and descendants
             } elseif ($value == 'children') {
                 // Query for top-level posts first
                 if (empty($parameters['parent'])) {
                     $query['post_parent'] = 0;
                 // Then manually get descendants after each post
                 self::$state['include_descendants'] = true;
                 // Include by post slug
             } elseif (!is_numeric($value)) {
                 $get_id = self::get_post_id(array('name' => $value, 'type' => $parameters['type']));
                 if (!empty($get_id)) {
                     $id_array[$key] = $get_id;
                 } else {
                     $id_array[$key] = 99999;
                     // Prevent empty
         if (count($id_array) > 0) {
             $query['post__in'] = $id_array;
             $query['orderby'] = 'post__in';
             // Preserve ID order
     if (!empty($parameters['exclude'])) {
         $id_array = self::explode_list($parameters['exclude']);
         foreach ($id_array as $key => $value) {
             // Exclude current post
             if ($value == 'this') {
                 // ID of post that contains the loop
                 $id_array[$key] = self::$state['original_post_id'];
                 // Top-level posts only
             } elseif ($value == 'children') {
                 $query['post_parent'] = 0;
                 // Exclude by post slug
             } elseif (!is_numeric($value)) {
                 $get_id = self::get_post_id(array('name' => $value, 'type' => $parameters['type']));
                 if (!empty($get_id)) {
                     $id_array[$key] = $get_id;
         if (count($id_array)) {
             $query['post__not_in'] = $id_array;
     } elseif (!empty($parameters['name'])) {
         $query['name'] = $parameters['name'];
      * Parent
     if (!empty($parameters['parent'])) {
         $parent = $parameters['parent'];
               if ( $parent=='this' ) {
                 // Get children of current post
                 $query['post_parent'] = get_the_ID();
                 if (!$query['post_parent'])
                   $query['post_parent'] = '-1'; // If no current post
               } elseif ( $parent=='same' ) {
                 // Get siblings of current post
                 $query['post_parent'] = wp_get_post_parent_id( get_the_ID() );
                 if (!$query['post_parent'])
                   $query['post_parent'] = '-1'; // If current post has no parent
               } elseif ( is_numeric($parent) ) {
                 $query['post_parent'] = intval( $parent ); // Single parent ID
               } else {
         // Multiple IDs
         $parents = self::explode_list($parent);
         // Convert to array
         $parent_IDs = array();
         foreach ($parents as $each_parent) {
             if ($each_parent == 'this') {
                 // Get children of current post
                 $parent_IDs[] = get_the_ID();
             } elseif ($parent == 'same') {
                 // Get siblings of current post, if it has parent
                 $parent_ID = wp_get_post_parent_id(get_the_ID());
                 if ($parent_ID) {
                     $parent_IDs[] = $parent_ID;
             } elseif (is_numeric($each_parent)) {
                 // by ID
                 $parent_IDs[] = intval($each_parent);
             } else {
                 // by slug
                 $posts = get_posts(array('name' => $each_parent, 'post_type' => $query['post_type'], 'posts_per_page' => '1'));
                 if ($posts) {
                     $parent_IDs[] = $posts[0]->ID;
         if (count($parent_IDs) == 0) {
             return null;
         // No parent
         $query['post_parent__in'] = $parent_IDs;
               } // End single/multiple
     // End if parent pameter
      * Sticky posts: ignore by default
     if (empty($parameters['sticky'])) {
         $query['ignore_sticky_posts'] = true;
      * Search keyword
     if (!empty($parameters['search'])) {
         $query['s'] = $parameters['search'];
      * User role
     if (!empty($parameters['role'])) {
         if ($parameters['role'] == 'this') {
             $parameters['role'] = do_shortcode('[user role out="slug"]');
         $roles = self::explode_list($parameters['role']);
         foreach ($roles as $role) {
             // Make a list of authors in this user role
             $authors = do_shortcode('[users role="' . $role . '" trim="true"][user id],[/users]');
             if (!empty($parameters['author'])) {
                 $parameters['author'] .= ',';
             $parameters['author'] .= $authors;
      * Post author
     if (!empty($parameters['author'])) {
         $authors = self::explode_list($parameters['author']);
         foreach ($authors as $author) {
             if (is_numeric($author)) {
                 // Author ID
                 $query['author__in'][] = $author;
             } else {
                 if ($author == 'this') {
                     // Current user ID
                     $query['author__in'][] = CCS_User::get_user_field('id');
                 } elseif ($author == 'same') {
                     // Same author as current post
                     $current_post = get_post(get_the_ID());
                     if ($current_post) {
                         $query['author__in'][] = $current_post->post_author;
                 } else {
                     // Get author ID from login name
                     $author_data = get_user_by('login', $author);
                     if ($author_data) {
                         $query['author__in'][] = $author_data->ID;
                     } else {
                         // No author by that name: use an arbitrary ID
                         $query['author__in'][] = 9999;
     if (!empty($parameters['author_exclude'])) {
         $authors = self::explode_list($parameters['author_exclude']);
         foreach ($authors as $author) {
             if (is_numeric($author)) {
                 // Author ID
                 $query['author__not_in'][] = $author;
             } else {
                 if ($author == 'this') {
                     // Current user ID
                     $query['author__not_in'][] = CCS_User::get_user_field('id');
                 } else {
                     // Get author ID from login name
                     $author_data = get_user_by('login', $author);
                     if ($author_data) {
                         $query['author__not_in'][] = $author_data->ID;
      * Post status
     if (!empty($parameters['status'])) {
         $query['post_status'] = self::explode_list($parameters['status']);
     } else {
         // Default
         if ($parameters['type'] == 'attachment') {
             $query['post_status'] = array('any');
         } else {
             $query['post_status'] = array('publish');
      * Post count, offset, paged
     if (!empty($parameters['offset'])) {
         $query['offset'] = $parameters['offset'];
     if (!empty($parameters['paged'])) {
         if (class_exists('CCS_Paged')) {
             if (!empty($parameters['maxpage'])) {
                 self::$state['maxpage'] = $parameters['maxpage'];
             if (is_numeric($parameters['paged'])) {
                 $parameters['count'] = $parameters['paged'];
             } else {
                 $parameters['count'] = 5;
             $paged = 1;
             if (empty($parameters['query'])) {
                 // Get from query string
                 $query_var = CCS_Paged::$prefix;
                 if (self::$state['paged_index'] == 0) {
                     self::$state['paged_index'] = 1;
                 } else {
                 if (self::$state['paged_index'] > 1) {
                     $query_var .= self::$state['paged_index'];
                 $paged = isset($_GET[$query_var]) ? $_GET[$query_var] : 1;
             } else {
                 // From permalink
                 $paged = max(1, get_query_var(CCS_Paged::$prefix));
             $query['paged'] = $paged;
     if (!empty($parameters['page'])) {
         $query['paged'] = $parameters['page'];
         // Specific page
     // Work around if using both offset and pagination
     // Reference: http://codex.wordpress.org/Making_Custom_Queries_using_Offset_and_Pagination
     if (!empty($parameters['paged']) && $query['paged'] > 1 && !empty($query['offset'])) {
         $query['offset'] = $query['offset'] + ($query['paged'] - 1) * $parameters['count'];
     if (!empty($parameters['count'])) {
         if ($parameters['orderby'] == 'rand') {
             $query['posts_per_page'] = '-1';
             // For random, get all posts and count later
         } else {
             $query['posts_per_page'] = $parameters['count'];
     } else {
         if (!empty($query['offset'])) {
             $query['posts_per_page'] = '99999';
             // Show all posts (to make offset work)
         } else {
             $query['posts_per_page'] = '-1';
             // Show all posts (normal method)
      * Category
     if (!empty($parameters['category'])) {
         // Category can be slug, ID, multiple
         $category = $parameters['category'];
         $categories = self::explode_list($category, ',+');
         $check_category = array_pop($categories);
         // Check one item
         if (!empty($parameters['compare']) && strtoupper($parameters['compare']) == 'AND') {
             $category = str_replace(',', '+', $category);
         if (is_numeric($check_category)) {
             $query['cat'] = $category;
             // ID(s)
         } elseif ($category == 'this') {
             $category = do_shortcode('[taxonomy category field="id"]');
             if (empty($category)) {
             if (!empty($parameters['compare']) && strtoupper($parameters['compare']) == 'AND') {
                 $category = str_replace(',', '+', $category);
             $query['cat'] = $category;
         } else {
             $query['category_name'] = $category;
             // Slug(s)
      * Tag
     if (!empty($parameters['tag'])) {
         // Remove extra space in a list
         $tags = self::clean_list($parameters['tag']);
         if ($tags == 'this') {
             $tags = do_shortcode('[taxonomy tag field="slug"]');
             if (empty($tags)) {
             $tags = str_replace(' ', ',', $tags);
         if (!empty($parameters['compare']) && strtoupper($parameters['compare']) == 'AND') {
             $tags = str_replace(',', '+', $tags);
         $query['tag'] = $tags;
      * Taxonomy
     // In a [for] loop, filter by each taxonomy term unless specified otherwise
     if (CCS_ForEach::$state['is_for_loop']) {
         $parameters['taxonomy'] = empty($parameters['taxonomy']) ? CCS_ForEach::$current_term[CCS_ForEach::$index]['taxonomy'] : $parameters['taxonomy'];
         $parameters['term'] = empty($parameters['term']) ? CCS_ForEach::$current_term[CCS_ForEach::$index]['slug'] : $parameters['term'];
     if (!empty($parameters['taxonomy'])) {
         $query['tax_query'] = array();
         // Support multiple taxonomy queries
         $max = 4;
         for ($index = 0; $index < $max; $index++) {
             if ($index == 0) {
                 $suffix = '';
             } else {
                 $suffix = '_' . ($index + 1);
                 // field_2, field_3, ...
             if (!empty($parameters['taxonomy' . $suffix])) {
                 if ($index == 1) {
                     $relation = !empty($parameters['relation']) ? strtoupper($parameters['relation']) : 'AND';
                     $query['tax_query']['relation'] = $relation;
                 $taxonomy = $parameters['taxonomy' . $suffix];
                 $term = '';
                 if (!empty($parameters['term' . $suffix])) {
                     $term = $parameters['term' . $suffix];
                 } elseif (!empty($parameters['value' . $suffix])) {
                     $term = $parameters['value' . $suffix];
                 // Alias, if field value is not used
                 // Post Format
                 if ($taxonomy == 'format') {
                     $taxonomy = 'post_format';
                     $term = 'post-format-' . $term;
                 $args = array('taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'field' => !empty($parameters['taxonomy_field']) ? $parameters['taxonomy_field'] : 'term_id', 'term' => $term, 'compare' => !empty($parameters['compare' . $suffix]) ? strtoupper($parameters['compare' . $suffix]) : 'IN');
                 $query['tax_query'][] = self::prepare_tax_query($args);
         // End each taxonomy query
     // End taxonomy query
      * Order and orderby
     if (!empty($parameters['comment_author']) && empty($parameters['orderby'])) {
         $parameters['orderby'] = 'comment-date';
     // Order by comment date
     if ($parameters['orderby'] == 'comment-date') {
         // WP_Query doesn't support it, so sort after getting all posts
         self::$state['parameters']['orderby_comment_date'] = 'true';
         self::$state['parameters']['order_comment_date'] = !empty($parameters['order']) ? strtoupper($parameters['order']) : 'DESC';
         $parameters['orderby'] = '';
     } elseif (!empty($parameters['order'])) {
         $query['order'] = $parameters['order'];
     if (!empty($parameters['orderby'])) {
         $orderby = $parameters['orderby'];
         $default_orderby = array('none', 'id', 'author', 'title', 'name', 'type', 'date', 'modified', 'parent', 'rand', 'comment_count', 'menu_order', 'meta_value', 'meta_value_num');
         // Alias
         if ($orderby == 'id') {
             $orderby = 'ID';
         } elseif ($orderby == 'field_num') {
             $orderby = 'meta_value_num';
         } elseif ($orderby == 'field') {
             $orderby = 'meta_value';
         } elseif ($orderby == 'menu') {
             $orderby = 'menu_order';
         } elseif (!in_array(strtolower($orderby), $default_orderby)) {
             // If not recognized, assume it's a field name
             if (empty($parameters['field'])) {
                 $parameters['key'] = $orderby;
             $orderby = 'meta_value';
             // or meta_value_num?
         $query['orderby'] = $orderby;
         if (in_array($orderby, array('meta_value', 'meta_value_num'))) {
             if (!empty($parameters['key'])) {
                 $key = $parameters['key'];
             } elseif (!empty($parameters['field'])) {
                 // If no key is specified, order by field
                 $key = $parameters['field'];
             } else {
                 $key = '';
             // No orderby key
             $query['meta_key'] = $key;
             if (!empty($parameters['meta_type'])) {
                 $query['meta_type'] = $parameters['meta_type'];
         if (empty($parameters['order'])) {
             // Default order
             if (in_array($orderby, array('meta_value', 'meta_value_num', 'menu_order', 'title', 'name', 'id'))) {
                 $query['order'] = 'ASC';
             } else {
                 $query['order'] = 'DESC';
      * Multiple orderby
      * Sort by multiple fields: orderby_2, orderby_3
     if (!empty($parameters['orderby_2'])) {
         $first_orderby = $query['orderby'];
         $to_num = $first_orderby == 'meta_value_num' ? '+0' : '';
         // Start building orderby query for filter
         self::$state['multiple_orderby'] = 'mt1.meta_value' . $to_num . ' ' . $query['order'];
         // Include orderby fields in query
         $query['meta_query'] = array('relation' => 'AND', array('key' => $query['meta_key'], 'compare' => 'EXISTS'));
         // Up to five orderby fields
         for ($i = 2; $i <= 5; $i++) {
             if (empty($parameters['orderby_' . $i])) {
             // Alias
             if ($parameters['orderby_' . $i] == 'field_num') {
                 $parameters['orderby_' . $i] = 'meta_value_num';
             if ($parameters['orderby_' . $i] == 'meta_value_num') {
                 $next_orderby = $parameters['orderby_' . $i];
                 $next_orderby_field = @$parameters['key_' . $i];
             } else {
                 $next_orderby = 'meta_value';
                 $next_orderby_field = $parameters['orderby_' . $i];
             // Include additional orderby field in query
             $query['meta_query'][] = array('key' => $next_orderby_field, 'compare' => 'EXISTS');
             $next_order = !empty($parameters['order_' . $i]) ? strtoupper($parameters['order_' . $i]) : 'ASC';
             $to_num = $next_orderby == 'meta_value_num' ? '+0' : '';
             // Add orderby field to database query filter
             self::$state['multiple_orderby'] .= ', mt' . $i . '.meta_value' . $to_num . ' ' . $next_order;
         if (!empty($next_orderby_field)) {
             add_filter('posts_orderby', array(__CLASS__, 'multiple_orderby_filter'));
      * Sort by series
     if (!empty($parameters['series'])) {
         // TODO: Just use range()
         // Remove white space
         $series = str_replace(' ', '', $parameters['series']);
         // Expand range: 1-3 -> 1,2,3
         /* PHP 5.3+
              $series = preg_replace_callback('/(\d+)-(\d+)/', function($m) {
                  return implode(',', range($m[1], $m[2]));
              }, $series);
         /* Compatible with PHP 5.2 and below */
         $callback = create_function('$m', 'return implode(\',\', range($m[1], $m[2]));');
         $series = preg_replace_callback('/(\\d+)-(\\d+)/', $callback, $series);
         // Store posts IDs and key
         self::$state['sort_posts'] = self::explode_list($series);
         self::$state['sort_key'] = $parameters['key'];
         // Get the posts to be sorted later
         $query['meta_query'] = array(array('key' => self::$state['sort_key'], 'value' => self::$state['sort_posts'], 'compare' => 'IN'));
      * Published date
     if (!empty($parameters['year']) || !empty($parameters['month']) || !empty($parameters['day'])) {
         $q = array();
         $today = getdate();
         if (!empty($parameters['year'])) {
             $year = $parameters['year'];
             if ($year == 'today' || $year == 'this') {
                 $year = $today['year'];
             $q['year'] = $year;
         if (!empty($parameters['month'])) {
             $month = $parameters['month'];
             if (empty($parameters['year'])) {
                 $q['year'] = $today['year'];
             if ($month == 'today' || $month == 'this') {
                 $month = $today['mon'];
             $q['month'] = $month;
         if (!empty($parameters['day'])) {
             $day = $parameters['day'];
             if (empty($parameters['year'])) {
                 $q['year'] = $today['year'];
             if (empty($parameters['month'])) {
                 $q['month'] = $today['mon'];
             if ($day == 'today' || $day == 'this') {
                 $day = $today['mday'];
             $q['day'] = $day;
         $query['date_query'] = array($q);
      * Date query: before and after
     // Support multiple date field queries
     $max = 4;
     $now = current_time('timestamp');
     for ($index = 0; $index < $max; $index++) {
         if ($index == 0) {
             $suffix = '';
         } else {
             $suffix = '_' . ($index + 1);
             // field_2, field_3, ...
         if (empty($parameters['field' . $suffix])) {
             if (!empty($parameters['before' . $suffix])) {
                 if (!isset($query['date_query'])) {
                     $query['date_query'] = array();
                 $query['date_query'][] = array('before' => $parameters['before' . $suffix]);
             if (!empty($parameters['after' . $suffix])) {
                 if (!isset($query['date_query'])) {
                     $query['date_query'] = array();
                 $query['date_query'][] = array('after' => $parameters['after' . $suffix]);
         } elseif ($parameters['field' . $suffix] == 'date' && !empty($parameters['value' . $suffix])) {
             $today = gmdate('Y-n-j', $now);
             if (!isset($query['date_query'])) {
                 $query['date_query'] = array();
             if ($parameters['value' . $suffix] == 'today') {
                 $query['date_query'][] = array('after' => $today . ' 00:00:00', 'before' => $today . ' 23:59:59');
             } elseif ($parameters['value' . $suffix] == 'past') {
                 $query['date_query'][] = array('before' => $today . ' 00:00:00');
             } elseif ($parameters['value' . $suffix] == 'future') {
                 $query['date_query'][] = array('after' => $today . ' 00:00:00');
             //debug_array($query['date_query']); echo '<hr>';
             unset($parameters['field' . $suffix]);
             // Don't do field/value compare
         } else {
             // Other field
             if (!empty($parameters['value' . $suffix]) && $parameters['value' . $suffix] == 'today-between') {
                 $today = gmdate('Y-n-j', $now);
                 $parameters['after' . $suffix] = $today . ' 00:00:00';
                 $parameters['before' . $suffix] = $today . ' 23:59:59';
             if (!empty($parameters['before' . $suffix]) && !empty($parameters['after' . $suffix])) {
                 // Between before and after
                 $parameters['value' . $suffix] = strtotime($parameters['after' . $suffix] . ' +0000', $now);
                 $parameters['value' . $suffix] .= ',' . strtotime($parameters['before' . $suffix] . ' +0000', $now);
                 $parameters['compare' . $suffix] = 'BETWEEN';
             } elseif (!empty($parameters['before' . $suffix])) {
                 $parameters['value' . $suffix] = strtotime($parameters['before' . $suffix] . ' +0000', $now);
                 $parameters['compare' . $suffix] = !empty($parameters['compare' . $suffix]) ? $parameters['compare' . $suffix] : 'OLD';
             } elseif (!empty($parameters['after' . $suffix])) {
                 $parameters['value' . $suffix] = strtotime($parameters['after' . $suffix] . ' +0000', $now);
                 $parameters['compare' . $suffix] = !empty($parameters['compare' . $suffix]) ? $parameters['compare' . $suffix] : 'NEW';
                 //echo 'AFTER: '.date('r',$parameters['value'.$suffix]).' '.$parameters['value'.$suffix].'<br>';
     // End each date field query
      * Field value
     if (!empty($parameters['field']) && !empty($parameters['value'])) {
         if (!isset($query['meta_query'])) {
             $query['meta_query'] = array();
         // Support multiple field value queries
         $max = 4;
         $suffix = '';
         for ($index = 0; $index < $max; $index++) {
             if ($index > 0) {
                 $suffix = '_' . ($index + 1);
                 // field_2, field_3, ...
                 if ($index == 1) {
                     // Only one relation possible..?
                     $relation = $parameters['relation'];
                     $relation = !empty($relation) ? strtoupper($relation) : 'AND';
                     $query['meta_query']['relation'] = $relation;
             if (!empty($parameters['field' . $suffix]) && !empty($parameters['value' . $suffix])) {
                 $args = array('field' => $parameters['field' . $suffix], 'compare' => strtoupper($parameters['compare' . $suffix]));
                 if (!empty($parameters['in' . $suffix])) {
                     $args['in'] = $parameters['in' . $suffix];
                 if (!empty($parameters['date_format' . $suffix])) {
                     $args['date_format'] = $parameters['date_format' . $suffix];
                 } else {
                     // If any date format set, apply it by default
                     if (!empty($parameters['date_format'])) {
                         $args['date_format'] = $parameters['date_format'];
                     } elseif (!empty($parameters['field']) && $parameters['field'] == 'last_viewed') {
                         $args['date_format'] = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
                 // Support value="1,2,3"
                 if ($args['compare'] == 'BETWEEN') {
                     $values = array($parameters['value' . $suffix]);
                 } else {
                     $values = CCS_Loop::explode_list($parameters['value' . $suffix]);
                 $j = 0;
                 $_args = array();
                 if (count($values) > 1) {
                     $_args['relation'] = 'OR';
                 foreach ($values as $value) {
                     $args['value'] = $value;
                     $_args[] = self::prepare_meta_query($args);
                 if (count($values) > 1) {
                     $query['meta_query'][] = $_args;
                 } else {
                     $query['meta_query'][] = $_args[0];
             // if field and value exist
         // For each field
         //debug_array($query['meta_query']); echo '<hr>';
     // End field value query
      * Sort by multiple custom fields
     if (!empty($parameters['sort_field'])) {
         if (!isset($query['meta_query'])) {
             $query['meta_query'] = array();
         $query['meta_query'][] = self::prepare_meta_query($args);
     return apply_filters('ccs_loop_query_filter', $query);