예제 #1
  * Load postal address object
  * @return CGroups|CFunctions|CBlocOperatoire
 function loadRefAddress()
     $this->_ref_address = $this->loadFwdRef("address_id", true);
     if ($this->address_class == "CFunctions" || $this->address_class == "CBlocOperatoire") {
     return $this->_ref_address;
예제 #2
for ($i = -6; $i <= 12; $i++) {
    $curr_key = CMbDT::transform("{$i} month", $date, "%Y-%m-%d");
    $curr_month = CMbDT::transform("{$i} month", $date, "%B %Y");
    $listMonthes[$i]["date"] = $curr_key;
    $listMonthes[$i]["month"] = $curr_month;
// Chargement du chirurgien
$mediChir = new CMediusers();
$secondary_functions = array();
foreach ($mediChir->_back["secondary_functions"] as $curr_sec_func) {
    $secondary_functions[] = $curr_sec_func->function_id;
// Chargement de la liste des blocs opératoires
$bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
$blocs = $bloc->loadGroupList(null, "nom");
foreach ($blocs as $_bloc) {
    $_bloc->_date_min = CMbDT::date("+ " . $_bloc->days_locked . " DAYS");
// Chargement des plages pour le chir ou sa spécialité par bloc
$where = array();
$selectPlages = "(plagesop.chir_id = %1 OR plagesop.spec_id = %2 OR plagesop.spec_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn($secondary_functions) . ")";
$where[] = $ds->prepare($selectPlages, $mediChir->user_id, $mediChir->function_id);
$month_min = CMbDT::transform("+ 0 month", $date, "%Y-%m-00");
$month_max = CMbDT::transform("+ 1 month", $date, "%Y-%m-00");
$where["date"] = "BETWEEN '{$month_min}' AND '{$month_max}'";
if (!$resp_bloc) {
    $where[] = "date >= '" . CMbDT::date() . "'";
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision$
$date_depart = CValue::get("date_depart");
$bloc_id = CValue::get("bloc_id");
$order_way = CValue::get("order_way");
$order_col = CValue::get("order_col");
$where = array();
$where["date"] = " = '" . CMbDT::date($date_depart) . "'";
$where["annulee"] = " = '0'";
$ljoin = array();
$ljoin["sallesbloc"] = "sallesbloc.salle_id = operations.salle_id";
if ($bloc_id) {
    $where["sallesbloc.bloc_id"] = "= '{$bloc_id}'";
} else {
    $bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
    $where_bloc = array("group_id" => "= '" . CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id . "'");
    $blocs = $bloc->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ, $where_bloc, "nom");
    $where["sallesbloc.bloc_id"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($blocs));
$operation = new COperation();
/** @var COperation[] $operations */
$operations = $operation->loadList($where, "time_operation ASC", null, null, $ljoin);
$sejours = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "sejour_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "patient_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "salle_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "plageop_id");
foreach ($operations as $_operation) {
예제 #4
  * @see parent::getPerm()
 function getPerm($permType)
     return $this->_ref_bloc->getPerm($permType) && parent::getPerm($permType);
예제 #5

 * dPbloc
 * @category Bloc
 * @package  Mediboard
 * @author   SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license  GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version  SVN: $Id:$
 * @link     http://www.mediboard.org
$date = CValue::get("date");
$bloc_id = CValue::get("bloc_id");
$bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
$in_salles = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn($bloc->loadBackIds("salles"));
$ljoin["plagesop"] = "operations.plageop_id = plagesop.plageop_id";
$where[] = "operations.salle_id {$in_salles} OR plagesop.salle_id {$in_salles}";
$where[] = "operations.date = '{$date}'";
$where["labo"] = "= 1";
$order = "entree_salle, time_operation";
$operation = new COperation();
/** @var COperation[] $operations */
$operations = $operation->loadList($where, $order, null, null, $ljoin);
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "plageop_id");
$chirs = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "chir_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($chirs, "function_id");
$sejours = CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($operations, "sejour_id");
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($sejours, "patient_id");
예제 #6
  * Load blocs operatoires with given permission
  * @param int    $permType    Permission level
  * @param bool   $load_salles Load salles
  * @param string $order       Ordre de chargmeent SQL
  * @param array  $where       SQL WHERE parameters
  * @return CBlocOperatoire[]
 function loadBlocs($permType = PERM_READ, $load_salles = true, $order = "nom", $where = array())
     $bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
     $whereGroup = array('group_id' => "= '{$this->_id}'");
     $where = array_merge($where, $whereGroup);
     /** @var CBlocOperatoire[] $blocs */
     $blocs = $bloc->loadListWithPerms($permType, $where, $order);
     if ($load_salles) {
         CStoredObject::massLoadBackRefs($blocs, "salles", "nom");
         foreach ($blocs as $_bloc) {
     return $this->_ref_blocs = $blocs;
예제 #7
 * Récupération du graphique du nombre moyen de patient
 * en SSPI selon le jour de la semaine
 * @param string $debut         Date de début
 * @param string $fin           Date de fin
 * @param int    $prat_id       Identifiant du praticien
 * @param int    $bloc_id       Identifiant du bloc
 * @param null   $discipline_id Identifiant de la discipline
 * @param string $codeCCAM      Code CCAM
 * @return array
function graphPatRepartJour($debut = null, $fin = null, $prat_id = 0, $bloc_id = 0, $func_id = 0, $discipline_id = null, $codeCCAM = '')
    if (!$debut) {
        $debut = CMbDT::date("-1 YEAR");
    if (!$fin) {
        $fin = CMbDT::date();
    $prat = new CMediusers();
    $discipline = new CDiscipline();
    $ticks = array(array("0", "Dimanche"), array("1", "Lundi"), array("2", "Mardi"), array("3", "Mercredi"), array("4", "Jeudi"), array("5", "Vendredi"), array("6", "Samedi"));
    $bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
    if ($bloc_id) {
    $series = array();
    $serie = array("data" => array());
    // Nombre de patients par jour de la semaine
    $query = "SELECT COUNT(operations.operation_id) AS total,\n    COUNT(DISTINCT(operations.date)) AS nb_days,\n    DATE_FORMAT(operations.date, '%W') AS jour,\n\t  DATE_FORMAT(operations.date, '%w') AS orderitem\n    FROM operations\n    INNER JOIN sallesbloc ON operations.salle_id = sallesbloc.salle_id\n    LEFT JOIN users_mediboard ON operations.chir_id = users_mediboard.user_id\n    WHERE sallesbloc.stats = '1'\n    AND operations.date BETWEEN '{$debut}' AND '{$fin}'\n    AND operations.annulee = '0'";
    if ($prat_id) {
        $query .= "\nAND operations.chir_id = '{$prat_id}'";
    if ($discipline_id) {
        $query .= "\nAND users_mediboard.discipline_id = '{$discipline_id}'";
    if ($codeCCAM) {
        $query .= "\nAND operations.codes_ccam LIKE '%{$codeCCAM}%'";
    if ($bloc_id) {
        $query .= "\nAND sallesbloc.bloc_id = '{$bloc_id}'";
    $query .= "\nGROUP BY jour ORDER BY orderitem";
    $result = $prat->_spec->ds->loadlist($query);
    foreach ($ticks as $i => $tick) {
        $f = true;
        foreach ($result as $r) {
            if ($i == $r["orderitem"]) {
                $serie["data"][] = array($tick[0], $r["total"] / $r["nb_days"]);
                $f = false;
        if ($f) {
            $serie["data"][] = array(count($serie["data"]), 0);
    $serie["label"] = "moyenne";
    $series[] = $serie;
    // Set up the title for the graph
    $title = "Patients moyens / jour de la semaine";
    $subtitle = "Uniquement les jours d'activité";
    if ($prat_id) {
        $subtitle .= " - Dr {$prat->_view}";
    if ($discipline_id) {
        $subtitle .= " - {$discipline->_view}";
    if ($bloc_id) {
        $subtitle .= " - {$bloc->_view}";
    if ($codeCCAM) {
        $subtitle .= " - CCAM : {$codeCCAM}";
    $options = array('title' => utf8_encode($title), 'subtitle' => utf8_encode($subtitle), 'xaxis' => array('labelsAngle' => 45, 'ticks' => $ticks), 'yaxis' => array('autoscaleMargin' => 1, 'min' => 0), 'lines' => array('show' => true, 'filled' => true, 'fillColor' => '#999'), 'markers' => array('show' => true), 'points' => array('show' => true), 'HtmlText' => false, 'legend' => array('show' => true, 'position' => 'nw'), 'mouse' => array('track' => true, 'relative' => true, 'position' => 'ne'), 'spreadsheet' => array('show' => true, 'csvFileSeparator' => ';', 'decimalSeparator' => ',', 'tabGraphLabel' => utf8_encode('Graphique'), 'tabDataLabel' => utf8_encode('Données'), 'toolbarDownload' => utf8_encode('Fichier CSV'), 'toolbarSelectAll' => utf8_encode('Sélectionner tout le tableau')));
    return array('series' => $series, 'options' => $options);
예제 #8
 * Récuparation du graphique de répartition des patients en salle de reveil
 * par tranche horaire
 * @param string $debut         Date de début
 * @param string $fin           Date de fin
 * @param int    $prat_id       Identifiant du praticien
 * @param int    $bloc_id       Identifiant du bloc
 * @param int    $discipline_id Identifiant de la discipline
 * @param string $codeCCAM      Code CCAM
 * @return array
function graphPatParHeureReveil($debut = null, $fin = null, $prat_id = 0, $bloc_id = 0, $func_id = 0, $discipline_id = null, $codeCCAM = '')
    // This stats uses temporary table, impossible on slave
    // @todo Get rid of temporary table
    $ds = CSQLDataSource::get("std");
    if (!$debut) {
        $debut = CMbDT::date("-1 YEAR");
    if (!$fin) {
        $fin = CMbDT::date();
    $totalWorkDays = 0;
    for ($i = $debut; $i <= $fin; $i = CMbDT::date("+1 MONTH", $i)) {
        $totalWorkDays += CMbDT::workDaysInMonth(CMbDT::transform("+0 DAY", $i, "%Y-%m-01"));
    $prat = new CMediusers();
    $discipline = new CDiscipline();
    $ticks = array();
    for ($i = 7; $i <= 21; $i++) {
        $ticks[] = array(count($ticks), CMbDT::transform("+0 DAY", "{$i}:00:00", "%Hh%M"));
    $bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
    if ($bloc_id) {
    $series = array();
    // Nombre de patients par heure
    foreach ($ticks as $i => $tick) {
        $query = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS pat_par_heure";
        $query = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE pat_par_heure\n      SELECT COUNT(operations.operation_id) AS total_by_day,\n             '" . $tick[1] . "' AS heure,\n             operations.date AS date\n      FROM operations\n      INNER JOIN sallesbloc ON operations.salle_id = sallesbloc.salle_id\n      LEFT JOIN users_mediboard ON operations.chir_id = users_mediboard.user_id\n      WHERE sallesbloc.stats = '1'\n      AND operations.date BETWEEN '{$debut}' AND '{$fin}'\n      AND '" . $tick[1] . ":00' BETWEEN operations.entree_reveil AND operations.sortie_reveil_reel\n      AND operations.annulee = '0'";
        if ($prat_id) {
            $query .= "\nAND operations.chir_id = '{$prat_id}'";
        if ($discipline_id) {
            $query .= "\nAND users_mediboard.discipline_id = '{$discipline_id}'";
        if ($codeCCAM) {
            $query .= "\nAND operations.codes_ccam LIKE '%{$codeCCAM}%'";
        if ($bloc_id) {
            $query .= "\nAND sallesbloc.bloc_id = '{$bloc_id}'";
        $query .= "\nGROUP BY operations.date";
        $query = "SELECT SUM(total_by_day) AS total, MAX(total_by_day) AS max,heure\n                FROM pat_par_heure\n                GROUP BY heure";
        $result = $ds->loadlist($query);
        if (count($result)) {
            $serie_moyenne["data"][] = array($i, $result[0]["total"] / $totalWorkDays);
            $serie_max["data"][] = array($i, $result[0]["max"]);
        } else {
            $serie_moyenne["data"][] = array($i, 0);
            $serie_max["data"][] = array($i, 0);
    // Nombre de patients non renseignés
    $query = "SELECT COUNT(operations.operation_id) AS total,\n    'err' AS heure\n    FROM operations\n    INNER JOIN sallesbloc ON operations.salle_id = sallesbloc.salle_id\n    LEFT JOIN users_mediboard ON operations.chir_id = users_mediboard.user_id\n    WHERE sallesbloc.stats = '1'\n    AND operations.date BETWEEN '{$debut}' AND '{$fin}'\n    AND (operations.entree_reveil IS NULL OR operations.sortie_reveil_reel IS NULL)\n    AND operations.annulee = '0'";
    if ($prat_id) {
        $query .= "\nAND operations.chir_id = '{$prat_id}'";
    if ($discipline_id) {
        $query .= "\nAND users_mediboard.discipline_id = '{$discipline_id}'";
    if ($codeCCAM) {
        $query .= "\nAND operations.codes_ccam LIKE '%{$codeCCAM}%'";
    if ($bloc_id) {
        $query .= "\nAND sallesbloc.bloc_id = '{$bloc_id}'";
    $query .= "\nGROUP BY heure";
    $result = $ds->loadlist($query);
    if (count($result)) {
        $serie_moyenne["data"][] = array(count($ticks), $result[0]["total"] / $totalWorkDays);
    } else {
        $serie_moyenne["data"][] = array(count($ticks), 0);
    //$serie_max["data"][] = array(count($ticks), 0);
    $ticks[] = array(count($ticks), "Erreurs");
    $serie_moyenne["label"] = "moyenne";
    $serie_max["label"] = "max";
    $series[] = $serie_moyenne;
    $series[] = $serie_max;
    // Set up the title for the graph
    $title = "Patients moyens et max / heure du jour";
    $subtitle = "Moyenne sur tous les jours ouvrables";
    if ($prat_id) {
        $subtitle .= " - Dr {$prat->_view}";
    if ($discipline_id) {
        $subtitle .= " - {$discipline->_view}";
    if ($bloc_id) {
        $subtitle .= " - {$bloc->_view}";
    if ($codeCCAM) {
        $subtitle .= " - CCAM : {$codeCCAM}";
    $options = array('title' => utf8_encode($title), 'subtitle' => utf8_encode($subtitle), 'xaxis' => array('labelsAngle' => 45, 'ticks' => $ticks), 'yaxis' => array('autoscaleMargin' => 1, 'min' => 0), 'lines' => array('show' => true, 'filled' => true, 'fillColor' => '#999'), 'markers' => array('show' => true), 'points' => array('show' => true), 'HtmlText' => false, 'legend' => array('show' => true, 'position' => 'nw'), 'mouse' => array('track' => true, 'relative' => true, 'position' => 'ne'), 'spreadsheet' => array('show' => true, 'csvFileSeparator' => ';', 'decimalSeparator' => ',', 'tabGraphLabel' => utf8_encode('Graphique'), 'tabDataLabel' => utf8_encode('Données'), 'toolbarDownload' => utf8_encode('Fichier CSV'), 'toolbarSelectAll' => utf8_encode('Sélectionner tout le tableau')));
    return array('series' => $series, 'options' => $options);
예제 #9
$group_id = CValue::getOrSession("group_id");
// Fiche établissement
$etab = new CGroups();
// Services d'hospitalisation
$service = new CService();
$service->group_id = $etab->_id;
$service->cancelled = 0;
$service->externe = 0;
/** @var CService[] $services */
$services = $service->loadMatchingList("nom");
foreach ($services as $_service) {
    foreach ($_service->_ref_chambres as $_chambre) {
// Blocs opératoires
$bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
$bloc->group_id = $etab->_id;
/** @var CBlocOperatoire[] $blocs */
$blocs = $bloc->loadMatchingList("nom");
foreach ($blocs as $_bloc) {
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("etab", $etab);
$smarty->assign("services", $services);
$smarty->assign("blocs", $blocs);
예제 #10
 * @license GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html 
$type = CValue::get("type", "week");
$date = CValue::get("date", CMbDT::date());
$bloc_id = CValue::get("bloc_id");
$edit_mode = CValue::get("edit_mode", false);
if ($type == "week") {
    $date = CMbDT::date("last sunday", $date);
    $fin = CMbDT::date("next sunday", $date);
    $date = CMbDT::date("+1 day", $date);
} else {
    $fin = $date;
$nbAlertes = 0;
$bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
$where = array();
if ($bloc->_id) {
    $where["bloc_operatoire_id"] = "= '{$bloc->_id}'";
/** @var CBlocOperatoire[] $blocs */
$blocs = $bloc->loadGroupList($where);
foreach ($blocs as $_bloc) {
    $alertes = $_bloc->loadRefsAlertesIntervs();
    foreach ($alertes as $_alerte) {
        /** @var COperation $operation */
        $operation = $_alerte->loadTargetObject();
 * @package    Mediboard
 * @subpackage Bloc
 * @author     SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision:$
$purge = CView::get("purge", "bool default|0");
$max = CView::get("max", "num default|100");
$group = CGroups::loadCurrent();
$where = array();
$where["bloc_operatoire.group_id"] = "= '{$group->_id}'";
$where[] = "\r\n  NOT EXISTS (\r\n    SELECT * FROM `sallesbloc`\r\n    WHERE `sallesbloc`.`bloc_id` = `bloc_operatoire`.`bloc_operatoire_id`\r\n  )\r\n";
$order = "bloc_operatoire.nom";
$bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
$success_count = 0;
$failures = array();
$blocs = array();
if ($purge) {
    /** @var CBlocOperatoire[] $blocs */
    $blocs = $bloc->loadList($where, $order, $max);
    foreach ($blocs as $_bloc) {
        $back_props = 0;
        $back_props += $_bloc->countBackRefs('salles');
        $back_props += $_bloc->countBackRefs('check_lists');
        $back_props += $_bloc->countBackRefs('stock_locations');
        $back_props += $_bloc->countBackRefs('postes');
        $back_props += $_bloc->countBackRefs('check_list_categories');
        $back_props += $_bloc->countBackRefs('check_list_type_links');
        $back_props += $_bloc->countBackRefs('product_address_orders');
예제 #12
$date_min = CMbDT::date("-1 DAY", $date);
$group = CGroups::loadCurrent();
$op = new COperation();
$ljoin = array("sejour" => "sejour.sejour_id = operations.sejour_id", "grossesse" => "sejour.grossesse_id = grossesse.grossesse_id");
$where = array();
$where["sejour.grossesse_id"] = " IS NOT NULL";
$where["sejour.group_id"] = " = '{$group->_id}' ";
$where[] = " date BETWEEN '{$date_min}' AND '{$date}' ";
// accouchement non terminé = datetime_accouche IS NULL
// ne pas voir les terminés
if (!$see_finished) {
    //$where["grossesse.datetime_accouchement"] = " IS NULL";
    $where["grossesse.active"] = " = '1'";
$bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
$bloc->type = "obst";
$bloc->group_id = $group->_id;
/** @var CBlocOperatoire[] $blocs */
$blocs = $bloc->loadMatchingList();
$salles = array();
foreach ($blocs as $_bloc) {
    $salles = $_bloc->loadRefsSalles();
    foreach ($salles as $_salle) {
        $salles[$_salle->_id] = $_salle->_id;
// anesth
$anesth = new CMediusers();
$anesths = $anesth->loadListFromType(array("Anesthésiste"), PERM_READ);
/** @var COperation[] $ops */
 * Récupération du graphique de l'occupation de salle de bloc
 * @param string $debut         Date de début
 * @param string $fin           Date de fin
 * @param int    $prat_id       Identifiant du praticien
 * @param int    $salle_id      Identifiant de la salle
 * @param int    $bloc_id       Identifiant du bloc
 * @param int    $discipline_id Identifiant de la discipline
 * @param string $codeCCAM      Code CCAM
 * @param string $type_hospi    Type d'hospitalisation
 * @param bool   $hors_plage    Pris en compte du hors plage
 * @param string $type_duree    Type de durée (jours / mois)
 * @return array
function graphOccupationSalle($debut = null, $fin = null, $prat_id = 0, $salle_id = 0, $bloc_id = 0, $func_id = 0, $discipline_id = null, $codeCCAM = "", $type_hospi = "", $hors_plage = true, $type_duree = "MONTH")
    $ds = CSQLDataSource::get("std");
    if ($type_duree == "MONTH") {
        $type_duree_fr = "mois";
        $date_format = "%m/%Y";
        $order_key = "%Y%m";
    } else {
        $type_duree_fr = "jour";
        $date_format = "%d/%m/%Y";
        $order_key = "%Y%m%d";
    if (!$debut) {
        $debut = CMbDT::date("-1 YEAR");
    if (!$fin) {
        $fin = CMbDT::date();
    $prat = new CMediusers();
    $salle = new CSalle();
    $bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
    $discipline = new CDiscipline();
    $ticks = array();
    for ($i = $debut; $i <= $fin; $i = CMbDT::date("+1 {$type_duree}", $i)) {
        $ticks[] = array(count($ticks), CMbDT::transform("+0 DAY", $i, $date_format));
    $salles = CSalle::getSallesStats($salle_id, $bloc_id);
    $user = new CMediusers();
    // Chargement des praticiens
    $where = array();
    $where["users_mediboard.actif"] = "= '1'";
    if ($discipline->_id) {
        $where["users_mediboard.discipline_id"] = "= '{$discipline->_id}'";
    // Filter on user type
    $utypes_flip = array_flip(CUser::$types);
    $user_types = array("Chirurgien", "Anesthésiste", "Médecin", "Dentiste");
    foreach ($user_types as &$_type) {
        $_type = $utypes_flip[$_type];
    $where["users.user_type"] = CSQLDataSource::prepareIn($user_types);
    $ljoin = array("users" => "users.user_id = users_mediboard.user_id");
    $order = "users_mediboard.function_id, users_mediboard.discipline_id, users.user_last_name, users.user_first_name";
    $listPrats = $user->loadList($where, $order, null, null, $ljoin);
    $seriesMoy = array();
    $seriesTot = array();
    $totalMoy = 0;
    $totalTot = 0;
    // Gestion du hors plage
    $where_hors_plage = !$hors_plage ? "AND operations.plageop_id IS NOT NULL" : "";
    // First serie : Interv
    $serieMoy = $serieTot = array('data' => array(), 'label' => utf8_encode("Intervention"));
    $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS nbInterv,\r\n    SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(operations.fin_op)-TIME_TO_SEC(operations.debut_op)) AS duree_total,\r\n    DATE_FORMAT(operations.date, '{$date_format}') AS {$type_duree_fr},\r\n    DATE_FORMAT(operations.date, '{$order_key}') AS orderitem\r\n    FROM operations\r\n    LEFT JOIN sejour ON operations.sejour_id = sejour.sejour_id\r\n    LEFT JOIN plagesop ON operations.plageop_id = plagesop.plageop_id\r\n    LEFT JOIN users_mediboard ON operations.chir_id = users_mediboard.user_id\r\n    LEFT JOIN users ON operations.chir_id = users.user_id\r\n    WHERE operations.annulee = '0'\r\n    AND operations.date BETWEEN '{$debut}' AND '{$fin}'\r\n    {$where_hors_plage}\r\n    AND operations.debut_op IS NOT NULL\r\n    AND operations.fin_op IS NOT NULL\r\n    AND operations.debut_op < operations.fin_op\r\n    AND sejour.group_id = '" . CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id . "'\r\n    AND operations.salle_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($salles)) . "\r\n    AND users.user_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listPrats), $prat_id);
    if ($type_hospi) {
        $query .= "\nAND sejour.type = '{$type_hospi}'";
    if ($discipline_id) {
        $query .= "\nAND users_mediboard.discipline_id = '{$discipline_id}'";
    if ($codeCCAM) {
        $query .= "\nAND operations.codes_ccam LIKE '%{$codeCCAM}%'";
    $query .= "\nGROUP BY {$type_duree_fr} ORDER BY orderitem";
    $result = $ds->loadList($query);
    foreach ($ticks as $i => $tick) {
        $f = true;
        foreach ($result as $j => $r) {
            if ($tick[1] == $r["{$type_duree_fr}"]) {
                $nb_interv = $r["nbInterv"];
                $serieMoy['data'][] = array($i, $r["duree_total"] / (60 * $nb_interv));
                $totalMoy += $r["duree_total"] / (60 * $nb_interv);
                $serieTot['data'][] = array($i, $r["duree_total"] / (60 * 60));
                $totalTot += $r["duree_total"] / (60 * 60);
                $f = false;
        if ($f) {
            $serieMoy["data"][] = array(count($serieMoy["data"]), 0);
            $serieTot["data"][] = array(count($serieTot["data"]), 0);
    $seriesMoy[] = $serieMoy;
    $seriesTot[] = $serieTot;
    // Second serie : Occupation
    $serieMoy = $serieTot = array('data' => array(), 'label' => utf8_encode("Occupation de salle"));
    $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS nbInterv,\r\n    SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(operations.sortie_salle)-TIME_TO_SEC(operations.entree_salle)) AS duree_total,\r\n    DATE_FORMAT(operations.date, '{$date_format}') AS {$type_duree_fr},\r\n    DATE_FORMAT(operations.date, '{$order_key}') AS orderitem\r\n    FROM operations\r\n    LEFT JOIN sejour ON operations.sejour_id = sejour.sejour_id\r\n    LEFT JOIN plagesop ON operations.plageop_id = plagesop.plageop_id\r\n    LEFT JOIN users_mediboard ON operations.chir_id = users_mediboard.user_id\r\n    LEFT JOIN users ON operations.chir_id = users.user_id\r\n    WHERE operations.annulee = '0'\r\n    AND operations.date BETWEEN '{$debut}' AND '{$fin}'\r\n    {$where_hors_plage}\r\n    AND operations.entree_salle IS NOT NULL\r\n    AND operations.sortie_salle IS NOT NULL\r\n    AND operations.entree_salle < operations.sortie_salle\r\n    AND sejour.group_id = '" . CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id . "'\r\n    AND operations.salle_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($salles)) . "\r\n    AND users.user_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listPrats), $prat_id);
    if ($type_hospi) {
        $query .= "\nAND sejour.type = '{$type_hospi}'";
    if ($discipline_id) {
        $query .= "\nAND users_mediboard.discipline_id = '{$discipline_id}'";
    if ($codeCCAM) {
        $query .= "\nAND operations.codes_ccam LIKE '%{$codeCCAM}%'";
    $query .= "\nGROUP BY {$type_duree_fr} ORDER BY orderitem";
    $result = $ds->loadList($query);
    foreach ($ticks as $i => $tick) {
        $f = true;
        foreach ($result as $j => $r) {
            if ($tick[1] == $r["{$type_duree_fr}"]) {
                $nb_interv = $r["nbInterv"];
                $serieMoy['data'][] = array($i, $r["duree_total"] / (60 * $nb_interv));
                $totalMoy += $r["duree_total"] / (60 * $nb_interv);
                $serieTot['data'][] = array($i, $r["duree_total"] / (60 * 60));
                $totalTot += $r["duree_total"] / (60 * 60);
                $f = false;
        if ($f) {
            $serieMoy["data"][] = array(count($serieMoy["data"]), 0);
            $serieTot["data"][] = array(count($serieTot["data"]), 0);
    $seriesMoy[] = $serieMoy;
    $seriesTot[] = $serieTot;
    // Third serie : SSPI
    $serieMoy = $serieTot = array('data' => array(), 'label' => utf8_encode("Salle de reveil"));
    $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS nbInterv,\r\n    SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(operations.sortie_reveil_possible)-TIME_TO_SEC(operations.entree_reveil)) AS duree_total,\r\n    DATE_FORMAT(operations.date, '{$date_format}') AS {$type_duree_fr},\r\n    DATE_FORMAT(operations.date, '{$order_key}') AS orderitem\r\n    FROM operations\r\n    LEFT JOIN sejour ON operations.sejour_id = sejour.sejour_id\r\n    LEFT JOIN plagesop ON operations.plageop_id = plagesop.plageop_id\r\n    LEFT JOIN users_mediboard ON operations.chir_id = users_mediboard.user_id\r\n    LEFT JOIN users ON operations.chir_id = users.user_id\r\n    WHERE operations.annulee = '0'\r\n    AND operations.date BETWEEN '{$debut}' AND '{$fin}'\r\n    {$where_hors_plage}\r\n    AND operations.entree_reveil IS NOT NULL\r\n    AND operations.sortie_reveil_possible IS NOT NULL\r\n    AND operations.entree_reveil < operations.sortie_reveil_possible\r\n    AND sejour.group_id = '" . CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id . "'\r\n    AND operations.salle_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($salles)) . "\r\n    AND users.user_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($listPrats), $prat_id);
    if ($type_hospi) {
        $query .= "\nAND sejour.type = '{$type_hospi}'";
    if ($discipline_id) {
        $query .= "\nAND users_mediboard.discipline_id = '{$discipline_id}'";
    if ($codeCCAM) {
        $query .= "\nAND operations.codes_ccam LIKE '%{$codeCCAM}%'";
    $query .= "\nGROUP BY {$type_duree_fr} ORDER BY orderitem";
    $result = $ds->loadList($query);
    foreach ($ticks as $i => $tick) {
        $f = true;
        foreach ($result as $j => $r) {
            if ($tick[1] == $r[$type_duree_fr]) {
                $nb_interv = $r["nbInterv"];
                $serieMoy['data'][] = array($i, $r["duree_total"] / (60 * $nb_interv));
                $totalMoy += $r["duree_total"] / (60 * $nb_interv);
                $serieTot['data'][] = array($i, $r["duree_total"] / (60 * 60));
                $totalTot += $r["duree_total"] / (60 * 60);
                $f = false;
        if ($f) {
            $serieMoy["data"][] = array(count($serieMoy["data"]), 0);
            $serieTot["data"][] = array(count($serieTot["data"]), 0);
    $seriesMoy[] = $serieMoy;
    $seriesTot[] = $serieTot;
    // Set up the title for the graph
    $subtitle = "";
    if ($prat_id) {
        $subtitle .= " - Dr {$prat->_view}";
    if ($discipline_id) {
        $subtitle .= " - {$discipline->_view}";
    if ($salle_id) {
        $subtitle .= " - {$salle->nom}";
    if ($bloc_id) {
        $subtitle .= " - {$bloc->nom}";
    if ($codeCCAM) {
        $subtitle .= " - CCAM : {$codeCCAM}";
    if ($type_hospi) {
        $subtitle .= " - " . CAppUI::tr("CSejour.type.{$type_hospi}");
    $optionsMoy = CFlotrGraph::merge("lines", array('title' => utf8_encode("Durées moyennes d'occupation du bloc (en minutes)"), 'subtitle' => utf8_encode("par intervention {$subtitle}"), 'xaxis' => array('ticks' => $ticks), 'grid' => array('verticalLines' => true)));
    if ($totalMoy == 0) {
        $optionsMoy['yaxis']['max'] = 1;
    $optionsTot = CFlotrGraph::merge("lines", array('title' => utf8_encode("Durées totales d'occupation du bloc (en heures)"), 'subtitle' => utf8_encode("total estimé {$subtitle}"), 'xaxis' => array('ticks' => $ticks), 'grid' => array('verticalLines' => true)));
    if ($totalTot == 0) {
        $optionsTot['yaxis']['max'] = 1;
    if ($type_duree == "MONTH") {
        return array("moyenne" => array('series' => $seriesMoy, 'options' => $optionsMoy), "total" => array('series' => $seriesTot, 'options' => $optionsTot));
    } else {
        return array('series' => $seriesTot, 'options' => $optionsTot);
예제 #14
 * Récupération du graphique d'occupation des ressources au bloc opératoire
 * (personnel, vacations attribuées, ouverture de salle)
 * @param string $debut         Date de début
 * @param string $fin           Date de fin
 * @param int    $prat_id       Identifiant du praticien
 * @param int    $salle_id      Identifiant de la salle
 * @param int    $bloc_id       Identifiant du bloc
 * @param null   $discipline_id Identifiant de la discipline
 * @param string $codeCCAM      Code CCAM
 * @param string $type_hospi    Type d'hospitalisation
 * @param bool   $hors_plage    Pris en compte des hors plage
 * @param string $type_duree    Type de durée analysée (jours / mois)
 * @return array
function graphTempsSalle($debut = null, $fin = null, $prat_id = 0, $salle_id = 0, $bloc_id = 0, $func_id = 0, $discipline_id = null, $codeCCAM = "", $type_hospi = "", $hors_plage = true, $type_duree = "MONTH")
    $ds = CSQLDataSource::get("std");
    if ($type_duree == "MONTH") {
        $type_duree_fr = "mois";
        $date_format = "%m/%Y";
        $order_key = "%Y%m";
    } else {
        $type_duree_fr = "jour";
        $date_format = "%d/%m/%Y";
        $order_key = "%Y%m%d";
    if (!$debut) {
        $debut = CMbDT::date("-1 YEAR");
    if (!$fin) {
        $fin = CMbDT::date();
    $prat = new CMediusers();
    $salle = new CSalle();
    $bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
    $discipline = new CDiscipline();
    $ticks = array();
    for ($i = $debut; $i <= $fin; $i = CMbDT::date("+1 {$type_duree}", $i)) {
        $ticks[] = array(count($ticks), CMbDT::transform("+0 DAY", $i, $date_format));
    $salles = CSalle::getSallesStats($salle_id, $bloc_id);
    $seriesTot = array();
    $totalTot = 0;
    // First serie : occupation du personnel
    $serieTot = array('data' => array(), 'label' => utf8_encode("Occupation du personnel"));
    $query = "SELECT SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(affectation_personnel.fin) - TIME_TO_SEC(affectation_personnel.debut)) as total,\n    DATE_FORMAT(plagesop.date, '{$date_format}') AS {$type_duree_fr},\n    DATE_FORMAT(plagesop.date, '{$order_key}') AS orderitem\n    FROM plagesop\n    LEFT JOIN operations ON plagesop.plageop_id = operations.plageop_id\n    LEFT JOIN users_mediboard ON plagesop.chir_id = users_mediboard.user_id\n    LEFT JOIN affectation_personnel ON operations.operation_id = affectation_personnel.object_id ";
    if ($type_hospi) {
        $query .= "LEFT JOIN sejour ON sejour.sejour_id = operations.sejour_id ";
    $query .= "WHERE affectation_personnel.debut < affectation_personnel.fin\n    AND affectation_personnel.debut IS NOT NULL\n    AND affectation_personnel.fin IS NOT NULL\n    AND affectation_personnel.object_class = 'COperation'\n    AND plagesop.salle_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($salles));
    if ($codeCCAM) {
        $query .= "\nAND operations.codes_ccam LIKE '%{$codeCCAM}%'";
    if ($type_hospi) {
        $query .= "\nAND sejour.type = '{$type_hospi}'";
    if ($prat_id) {
        $query .= "\nAND plagesop.chir_id = '{$prat_id}'";
    if ($discipline_id) {
        $query .= "\nAND users_mediboard.discipline_id = '{$discipline_id}'";
    $query .= "\nAND plagesop.date BETWEEN '{$debut}' AND '{$fin}'\n    GROUP BY operations.plageop_id HAVING total > 0 ORDER BY orderitem";
    $result = $ds->loadlist($query);
    $result_hors_plage = array();
    if ($hors_plage) {
        $query_hors_plage = "SELECT SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(affectation_personnel.fin) - TIME_TO_SEC(affectation_personnel.debut)) as total,\n      DATE_FORMAT(operations.date, '{$date_format}') AS {$type_duree_fr},\n      DATE_FORMAT(operations.date, '{$order_key}') AS orderitem\n      FROM operations\n      LEFT JOIN users_mediboard ON operations.chir_id = users_mediboard.user_id\n      LEFT JOIN affectation_personnel ON operations.operation_id = affectation_personnel.object_id ";
        if ($type_hospi) {
            $query_hors_plage .= "LEFT JOIN sejour ON sejour.sejour_id = operations.sejour_id ";
        $query_hors_plage .= "WHERE affectation_personnel.debut < affectation_personnel.fin\n      AND operations.date IS NOT NULL\n      AND operations.plageop_id IS NULL\n      AND affectation_personnel.debut IS NOT NULL\n      AND affectation_personnel.fin IS NOT NULL\n      AND affectation_personnel.object_class = 'COperation'\n      AND operations.salle_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($salles));
        if ($type_hospi) {
            $query_hors_plage .= "\nAND sejour.type = '{$type_hospi}'";
        if ($prat_id) {
            $query_hors_plage .= "\nAND operations.chir_id = '{$prat_id}'";
        if ($discipline_id) {
            $query_hors_plage .= "\nAND users_mediboard.discipline_id = '{$discipline_id}'";
        if ($codeCCAM) {
            $query_hors_plage .= "\nAND operations.codes_ccam LIKE '%{$codeCCAM}%'";
        $query_hors_plage .= "\nAND operations.date BETWEEN '{$debut}' AND '{$fin}'\n      GROUP BY {$type_duree_fr} HAVING total > 0 ORDER BY orderitem";
        $result_hors_plage = $ds->loadlist($query_hors_plage);
    $calcul_temp = array();
    foreach ($result as $r) {
        if (!isset($calcul_temp[$r[$type_duree_fr]])) {
            $calcul_temp[$r[$type_duree_fr]] = 0;
        $calcul_temp[$r[$type_duree_fr]] += $r['total'];
    foreach ($ticks as $i => $tick) {
        $f = true;
        foreach ($calcul_temp as $key => $r) {
            if ($tick[1] == $key) {
                if ($hors_plage) {
                    foreach ($result_hors_plage as &$_r_h) {
                        if ($tick[1] == $_r_h[$type_duree_fr]) {
                            $r += $_r_h["total"];
                $serieTot['data'][] = array($i, $r / (60 * 60));
                $totalTot += $r / (60 * 60);
                $f = false;
        if ($f) {
            $serieTot["data"][] = array(count($serieTot["data"]), 0);
    $seriesTot[] = $serieTot;
    // Second serie : Ouverture de salle
    $serieTot = array('data' => array(), 'label' => utf8_encode("Ouverture de salle"));
    $query = "SELECT MAX(TIME_TO_SEC(operations.sortie_salle)) - MIN(TIME_TO_SEC(operations.entree_salle)) as total,\n    DATE_FORMAT(plagesop.date, '{$date_format}') AS {$type_duree_fr},\n    DATE_FORMAT(plagesop.date, '{$order_key}') AS orderitem\n    FROM plagesop\n    LEFT JOIN operations ON plagesop.plageop_id = operations.plageop_id\n    LEFT JOIN users_mediboard ON plagesop.chir_id = users_mediboard.user_id ";
    if ($type_hospi) {
        $query .= "LEFT JOIN sejour ON sejour.sejour_id = operations.sejour_id ";
    $query .= "WHERE operations.entree_salle < operations.sortie_salle\n  AND plagesop.salle_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($salles));
    if ($codeCCAM) {
        $query .= "\nAND operations.codes_ccam LIKE '%{$codeCCAM}%'";
    if ($type_hospi) {
        $query .= "\nAND sejour.type = '{$type_hospi}'";
    if ($prat_id) {
        $query .= "\nAND plagesop.chir_id = '{$prat_id}'";
    if ($discipline_id) {
        $query .= "\nAND users_mediboard.discipline_id = '{$discipline_id}'";
    $query .= "\nAND plagesop.date BETWEEN '{$debut}' AND '{$fin}'\n    GROUP BY operations.plageop_id ORDER BY orderitem";
    $result = $ds->loadlist($query);
    $calcul_temp = array();
    foreach ($result as $r) {
        if (!isset($calcul_temp[$r[$type_duree_fr]])) {
            $calcul_temp[$r[$type_duree_fr]] = 0;
        $calcul_temp[$r[$type_duree_fr]] += $r['total'];
    foreach ($ticks as $i => $tick) {
        $f = true;
        foreach ($calcul_temp as $key => $r) {
            if ($tick[1] == $key) {
                $serieTot['data'][] = array($i, $r / (60 * 60));
                $totalTot += $r / (60 * 60);
                $f = false;
        if ($f) {
            $serieTot["data"][] = array(count($serieTot["data"]), 0);
    $seriesTot[] = $serieTot;
    // Third serie : reservé
    $serieTot = array('data' => array(), 'label' => utf8_encode("Vacations attribuées"));
    $query = "SELECT SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(plagesop.fin) - TIME_TO_SEC(plagesop.debut)) AS total,\n    DATE_FORMAT(plagesop.date, '{$date_format}') AS {$type_duree_fr},\n    DATE_FORMAT(plagesop.date, '{$order_key}') AS orderitem\n    FROM plagesop\n    LEFT JOIN users_mediboard ON plagesop.chir_id = users_mediboard.user_id ";
    if ($type_hospi || $codeCCAM) {
        $query .= "LEFT JOIN operations ON operations.plageop_id = plagesop.plageop_id\n      LEFT JOIN sejour ON sejour.sejour_id = operations.sejour_id ";
    $query .= "WHERE plagesop.salle_id " . CSQLDataSource::prepareIn(array_keys($salles));
    if ($codeCCAM) {
        $query .= "\nAND operations.codes_ccam LIKE '%{$codeCCAM}%'";
    if ($type_hospi) {
        $query .= "\nAND sejour.type = '{$type_hospi}'";
    if ($prat_id) {
        $query .= "\nAND plagesop.chir_id = '{$prat_id}'";
    if ($discipline_id) {
        $query .= "\nAND users_mediboard.discipline_id = '{$discipline_id}'";
    $query .= "\nAND plagesop.date BETWEEN '{$debut}' AND '{$fin}'\n    GROUP BY {$type_duree_fr} ORDER BY orderitem";
    $result = $ds->loadList($query);
    foreach ($ticks as $i => $tick) {
        $f = true;
        foreach ($result as $r) {
            if ($tick[1] == $r[$type_duree_fr]) {
                $serieTot['data'][] = array($i, $r["total"] / (60 * 60));
                $totalTot += $r["total"] / (60 * 60);
                $f = false;
        if ($f) {
            $serieTot["data"][] = array(count($serieTot["data"]), 0);
    $seriesTot[] = $serieTot;
    // Set up the title for the graph
    $subtitle = "";
    if ($prat_id) {
        $subtitle .= " - Dr {$prat->_view}";
    if ($discipline_id) {
        $subtitle .= " - {$discipline->_view}";
    if ($salle_id) {
        $subtitle .= " - {$salle->nom}";
    if ($bloc_id) {
        $subtitle .= " - {$bloc->nom}";
    if ($codeCCAM) {
        $subtitle .= " - CCAM : {$codeCCAM}";
    if ($type_hospi) {
        $subtitle .= " - " . CAppUI::tr("CSejour.type.{$type_hospi}");
    $optionsTot = CFlotrGraph::merge("lines", array('title' => utf8_encode("Utilisation des ressources"), 'subtitle' => utf8_encode("total estimé {$subtitle}"), 'xaxis' => array('ticks' => $ticks), 'grid' => array('verticalLines' => true)));
    if ($totalTot == 0) {
        $optionsTot['yaxis']['max'] = 1;
    return array('series' => $seriesTot, 'options' => $optionsTot);
예제 #15
 * @package  Mediboard
 * @author   SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license  GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version  SVN: $Id: vw_idx_blocs.php 19148 2013-05-15 12:41:42Z rhum1 $
 * @link     http://www.mediboard.org
$bloc_id = CValue::getOrSession("bloc_id");
$salle_id = CValue::getOrSession("salle_id");
$poste_sspi_id = CValue::getOrSession("poste_sspi_id");
// Récupération des blocs de l'etablissement
$blocs_list = CGroups::loadCurrent()->loadBlocs(PERM_EDIT);
// Récupération des postes de l'établissement
$postes_list = CGroups::loadCurrent()->loadPostes(PERM_EDIT);
// Récupération du bloc à à ajouter / modifier
$bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
// Récupération de la salle à ajouter / modifier
$salle = new CSalle();
// Récupération du poste à ajouter / modifier
$poste = new CPosteSSPI();
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("blocs_list", $blocs_list);
$smarty->assign("postes_list", $postes_list);
$smarty->assign("bloc", $bloc);
$smarty->assign("salle", $salle);
$smarty->assign("poste", $poste);
예제 #16

 * $Id: vw_reveil.php 25667 2014-11-03 11:07:55Z aurelie17 $
 * @package    Mediboard
 * @subpackage SalleOp
 * @author     SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision: 25667 $
$date = CValue::getOrSession("date", CMbDT::date());
$bloc_id = CValue::getOrSession("bloc_id");
$modif_operation = CCanDo::edit() || $date >= CMbDT::date();
$blocs_list = CGroups::loadCurrent()->loadBlocs();
$bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
if (!$bloc->load($bloc_id) && count($blocs_list)) {
    $bloc = reset($blocs_list);
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("date", $date);
$smarty->assign("hour", CMbDT::time());
$smarty->assign("modif_operation", $modif_operation);
$smarty->assign("blocs_list", $blocs_list);
$smarty->assign("bloc", $bloc);
$smarty->assign("isImedsInstalled", CModule::getActive("dPImeds") && CImeds::getTagCIDC(CGroups::loadCurrent()));
 * @version    $Revision$
// Récupération des paramètres
$date = CValue::getOrSession("date", CMbDT::date());
$salle_id = CValue::getOrSession("salle_id");
$bloc_id = CValue::getOrSession("bloc_id");
$type = CValue::getOrSession("type", "ouverture_salle");
// Récupération de l'utilisateur courant
$user = CUser::get();
$currUser = new CMediusers();
$salle = new CSalle();
$bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
// Vérification de la check list journalière
$daily_check_lists = array();
$daily_check_list_types = array();
$require_check_list = CAppUI::conf("dPsalleOp CDailyCheckList active", CGroups::loadCurrent()) && $date >= CMbDT::date() && !$currUser->_is_praticien;
if ($require_check_list) {
    if ($bloc->_id) {
        list($check_list_not_validated, $daily_check_list_types, $daily_check_lists) = CDailyCheckList::getCheckLists($bloc, $date, $type);
    } else {
        list($check_list_not_validated, $daily_check_list_types, $daily_check_lists) = CDailyCheckList::getCheckLists($salle, $date, $type);
    if ($check_list_not_validated == 0) {
        $require_check_list = false;
예제 #18
$listBlocs = CGroups::loadCurrent()->loadBlocs();
$bloc_id = null;
if (count($listBlocs)) {
    $bloc_id = CValue::getOrSession("bloc_id", reset($listBlocs)->_id);
    if (!array_key_exists($bloc_id, $listBlocs)) {
        $bloc_id = reset($listBlocs)->_id;
$listSalles = array();
 * @var $curr_bloc CBlocOperatoire
foreach ($listBlocs as &$curr_bloc) {
$bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
$nbAlertesInterv = count($bloc->loadRefsAlertesIntervs());
if (!($listSalles = $bloc->_ref_salles)) {
    $listSalles = array();
// Création du tableau de visualisation
$affichages = array();
foreach ($listDays as $keyDate => $valDate) {
    foreach ($listSalles as $keySalle => $valSalle) {
        $valSalle->_blocage[$valDate] = $valSalle->loadRefsBlocages($valDate);
        foreach (CPlageOp::$hours as $keyHours => $valHours) {
            foreach (CPlageOp::$minutes as $keyMins => $valMins) {
                // Initialisation du tableau
예제 #19
$group = CGroups::loadCurrent();
$ds = CSQLDataSource::get("std");
$service_id = CValue::getOrSession("service_id", 0);
$bloc_id = CValue::getOrSession("bloc_id", 0);
$date_suivi = CValue::getOrSession("date_suivi", CMbDT::date());
$listOps = array();
// Liste des services
$service = new CService();
$where = array();
$where["group_id"] = "= '{$group->_id}'";
$where["cancelled"] = "= '0'";
$order = "nom";
$services = $service->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ, $where, $order);
// Liste des blocs
$bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
$where = array();
$where["group_id"] = "= '{$group->_id}'";
$order = "nom";
$blocs = $bloc->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ, $where, $order);
// Listes des interventions
$operation = new COperation();
$ljoin = array("plagesop" => "`operations`.`plageop_id` = `plagesop`.`plageop_id`", "sallesbloc" => "`operations`.`salle_id` = `sallesbloc`.`salle_id`", "sejour" => "`operations`.`sejour_id` = `sejour`.`sejour_id`");
$where = array();
$where[] = "`plagesop`.`date` = '{$date_suivi}' OR `operations`.`date` = '{$date_suivi}'";
if ($bloc_id) {
    $where["sallesbloc.bloc_id"] = "= '{$bloc_id}'";
$where["operations.annulee"] = "= '0'";
$where["sejour.group_id"] = "= '{$group->_id}'";
$order = "operations.time_operation";
예제 #20
 * @author     SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision: 28904 $
$purge = CView::get("purge", "bool default|0");
$max = CView::get("max", "num default|100");
$group = CGroups::loadCurrent();
$ljoin = array();
$ljoin["sallesbloc"] = "`sallesbloc`.`bloc_id` = `bloc_operatoire`.`bloc_operatoire_id`";
$where = array();
$where["bloc_operatoire.group_id"] = "= '{$group->_id}'";
$where["sallesbloc.salle_id"] = "IS NULL";
$order = "bloc_operatoire.nom";
$bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
$success_count = 0;
$failures = array();
$blocs = array();
if ($purge) {
    /** @var CBlocOperatoire[] $blocs */
    $blocs = $bloc->loadList($where, $order, $max, null, $ljoin);
    foreach ($blocs as $_bloc) {
        if ($msg = $_bloc->delete()) {
            $failures[$_bloc->_id] = $msg;
$count = $bloc->countList($where, null, $ljoin);
예제 #21
$week_fin = CMbDT::date("next sunday", $week_deb);
$week_deb = CMbDT::date("+1 day", $week_deb);
$next_week_deb = CMbDT::date("+1 day", $week_fin);
$next_week_fin = CMbDT::date("next sunday", $next_week_deb);
$rectif = CMbDT::transform("+0 DAY", $now, "%d") - 1;
$month_deb = CMbDT::date("-{$rectif} DAYS", $now);
$month_fin = CMbDT::date("+1 month", $month_deb);
$month_fin = CMbDT::date("-1 day", $month_fin);
$next_month_deb = CMbDT::date("+1 day", $month_fin);
$next_month_fin = CMbDT::date("+1 month", $month_fin);
$next_month_fin = CMbDT::date("-1 day", $next_month_fin);
$listPrat = new CMediusers();
$listPrat = $listPrat->loadPraticiens(PERM_READ);
$listSpec = new CFunctions();
$listSpec = $listSpec->loadSpecialites(PERM_READ, 1);
$bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
$group = CGroups::loadCurrent();
$where = array();
$where["group_id"] = "= '{$group->_id}'";
/** @var CBlocOperatoire[] $listBlocs */
$listBlocs = $bloc->loadListWithPerms(PERM_READ, $where, "nom");
foreach ($listBlocs as &$bloc) {
$praticien = CMediusers::get();
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP("modules/dPbloc");
$smarty->assign("praticien", $praticien);
$smarty->assign("chir", $praticien->user_id);
$smarty->assign("filter", $filter);
$smarty->assign("filterSejour", $filterSejour);
예제 #22
$max_date_planning = CMbDT::date("+ {$days_limit_future} DAYS", $today);
if ($date_planning > $today && $days_limit_future != 0 && $date_planning > $max_date_planning) {
    $date_planning = $max_date_planning;
$days_limit_past = abs(CAppUI::pref("planning_resa_past_days_limit"));
$min_date_planning = CMbDT::date("- {$days_limit_past} DAYS", $today);
if ($date_planning < $today && $days_limit_past != 0 && $date_planning < $min_date_planning) {
    $date_planning = $min_date_planning;
CValue::setSession("date_planning", $date_planning);
$nbIntervHorsPlage = 0;
$nbIntervNonPlacees = 0;
$nbAlertesInterv = 0;
$debut = $fin = $date_planning;
$bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
$where = array();
if ($bloc_id) {
    $where["bloc_operatoire_id"] = " = '{$bloc_id}'";
$where["group_id"] = " = '{$group->_id}' ";
/** @var CBlocOperatoire[] $blocs */
$blocs = $bloc->loadList($where);
CStoredObject::filterByPerm($blocs, PERM_READ);
if (count($blocs) == 1) {
    $current_bloc = reset($blocs);
// optimisation du chargement des salles (one shot) + alertes
$salle = new CSalle();
$ds = $salle->getDS();
$where = array();
예제 #23
$month_fin = CMbDT::date("-1 day", $month_fin);
$filter = new CConsultation();
$filter->_date_min = CMbDT::date();
$filter->_date_max = CMbDT::date("+ 0 day");
$filter->_etat_paiement = CValue::getOrSession("_etat_paiement", 0);
$filter->_type_affichage = CValue::getOrSession("_type_affichage", 0);
$filter_reglement = new CReglement();
$filter_reglement->mode = CValue::getOrSession("mode", 0);
// L'utilisateur est-il praticien ?
$mediuser = CMediusers::get();
$is_praticien = $mediuser->isPraticien();
$is_admin = in_array(CUser::$types[$mediuser->_user_type], array("Administrator"));
$is_admin_or_secretaire = in_array(CUser::$types[$mediuser->_user_type], array("Administrator", "Secrétaire"));
$listPrat = CConsultation::loadPraticiensCompta();
$bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
$blocs = $bloc->loadGroupList();
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("filter", $filter);
$smarty->assign("filter_reglement", $filter_reglement);
$smarty->assign("mediuser", $mediuser);
$smarty->assign("is_praticien", $is_praticien);
$smarty->assign("is_admin_or_secretaire", $is_admin_or_secretaire);
$smarty->assign("listPrat", $listPrat);
$smarty->assign("now", $now);
$smarty->assign("yesterday", $yesterday);
$smarty->assign("week_deb", $week_deb);
$smarty->assign("week_fin", $week_fin);
$smarty->assign("month_deb", $month_deb);
$smarty->assign("three_month_deb", $three_month_deb);
예제 #24
$personnels = array();
if (in_array($type, array("ops", "reveil")) && Cmodule::getActive("dPpersonnel")) {
    $personnel = new CPersonnel();
    $personnels = $personnel->loadListPers("reveil");
// Vérification de la check list journalière
$daily_check_lists = array();
$daily_check_list_types = array();
$require_check_list = 0;
$require_check_list_close = 0;
$listChirs = array();
$listAnesths = array();
$date_close_checklist = null;
$date_open_checklist = null;
if ($type == "reveil" || $type == "preop") {
    $bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
    if (!$bloc->load($bloc_id) && count($listSalles)) {
        $salle = reset($listSalles);
        $bloc = $salle->loadRefBloc();
    $require_check_list = CAppUI::conf("dPsalleOp CDailyCheckList active_salle_reveil", $group) && $date >= CMbDT::date();
    $require_check_list_close = $require_check_list;
    $type_checklist = $type == "reveil" ? "ouverture_sspi" : "ouverture_preop";
    $type_close = $type == "reveil" ? "fermeture_sspi" : "fermeture_preop";
    if ($require_check_list) {
        list($check_list_not_validated, $daily_check_list_types, $daily_check_lists) = CDailyCheckList::getCheckLists($bloc, $date, $type_checklist);
        if ($check_list_not_validated == 0) {
            $require_check_list = false;
    if ($require_check_list_close) {
예제 #25
 * @package    Mediboard
 * @subpackage dPbloc
 * @author     SARL OpenXtrem <*****@*****.**>
 * @license    GNU General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 * @version    $Revision: 22873 $
$plageop_id = CValue::getOrSession("plageop_id");
$date = CValue::getOrSession("date", CMbDT::date());
$bloc_id = CValue::get("bloc_id");
// Informations sur la plage demandée
$plagesel = new CPlageOp();
$listBlocs = CGroups::loadCurrent()->loadBlocs(PERM_READ, null, "nom");
//curent bloc if $bloc_id
$bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
$listSalles = $bloc->loadRefsSalles();
$arrKeySalle = array_keys($listSalles);
// cleanup listBlocs
foreach ($listBlocs as $key => $curr_bloc) {
    $salles = $curr_bloc->loadRefsSalles();
    foreach ($salles as $id => $_salle) {
        if (count($arrKeySalle) && !in_array($id, $arrKeySalle)) {
    if (!count($salles)) {
예제 #26
$results = array();
$i = 0;
if ($file && ($fp = fopen($file['tmp_name'], 'r'))) {
    // Object columns on the first line
    $cols = fgetcsv($fp, null, ";");
    // Each line
    while ($line = fgetcsv($fp, null, ";")) {
        if (!isset($line[0]) || $line[0] == "") {
        // Parsing
        $results[$i]["bloc"] = addslashes(trim($line[0]));
        $results[$i]["nom"] = addslashes(trim($line[1]));
        $results[$i]["error"] = 0;
        // Bloc
        $bloc = new CBlocOperatoire();
        $bloc->nom = $results[$i]["bloc"];
        $bloc->group_id = CGroups::loadCurrent()->_id;
        if (!$bloc->_id) {
            $msg = $bloc->store();
            if ($msg) {
                CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR);
                $results[$i]["error"] = $msg;
            CAppUI::setMsg("Bloc créé", UI_MSG_OK);
        // Salle
        $salle = new CSalle();