function fixcbdb($dryRun, $dbId = 0)
    global $_CB_database, $ueConfig, $_PLUGINS;
    // Try extending time, as unziping/ftping took already quite some... :
    $dryRun = $dryRun == 1;
    if ($dbId == 0) {
        $dbName = CBTxt::T('Core CB');
        // Fix mandatory basics of core CB:
        $dbChecker = new CBdbChecker($_CB_database);
        $result = $dbChecker->checkCBMandatoryDb(true, $dryRun);
        $dbName = CBTxt::T('Core CB mandatory basics');
        $messagesAfter = array();
        $messagesBefore = array();
        HTML_comprofiler::fixcbdbShowResults($dbChecker, true, $dryRun, $result, $messagesBefore, $messagesAfter, $dbName, $dbId);
        $html = ob_get_contents();
        // Fix core CB:
        $messagesBefore = $_PLUGINS->trigger('onBeforeFixDb', array($dryRun));
        $messagesBefore[] = $html;
        $dbName = CBTxt::T('Core CB');
        $dbChecker = new CBdbChecker($_CB_database);
        $result = $dbChecker->checkDatabase(true, $dryRun);
        $messagesAfter = $_PLUGINS->trigger('onAfterFixDb', array($dryRun));
        // adapt published fields to global CB config (regarding name type)
    } elseif ($dbId == 1) {
        // Fix plugin $dbId:
        $dbName = CBTxt::T('CB plugin');
        $messagesBefore = array();
        $messagesAfter = array();
        $sql = 'SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `#__comprofiler_plugin` ORDER BY `ordering`';
        $plugins = $_CB_database->loadObjectList();
        if (!$_CB_database->getErrorNum()) {
            $cbInstaller = new cbInstallerPlugin();
            foreach ($plugins as $plug) {
                $result = $cbInstaller->checkDatabase($plug->id, true, $dryRun);
                if (is_bool($result)) {
                    HTML_comprofiler::fixcbdbShowResults($cbInstaller, true, $dryRun, $result, $messagesBefore, $messagesAfter, $dbName . ' "' . $plug->name . '"', $dbId, false);
                } elseif (is_string($result)) {
                    echo '<div style="color:orange;">' . $dbName . ' "' . $plug->name . '"' . ': ' . $result . '</div>';
                } else {
                    echo '<div style="color:black;">' . sprintf(CBTxt::T('%s "%s": no database or no database description.'), $dbName, $plug->name) . '</div>';
        $dbName = CBTxt::T('CB plugins');
    } elseif ($dbId == 3) {
        // adapt published fields to global CB config (regarding name type)
        $messagesBefore = $_PLUGINS->trigger('onBeforeFixFieldsDb', array($dryRun));
        // Check fields db:
        $dbChecker = new CBdbChecker($_CB_database);
        $result = $dbChecker->checkAllCBfieldsDb(true, $dryRun);
        $dbName = CBTxt::T('CB fields data storage');
        $messagesAfter = array();
    global $_CB_Backend_Title;
    $_CB_Backend_Title = array(0 => array('cbicon-48-tools', sprintf(CBTxt::T("CB Tools: Fix %s database: "), $dbName) . ($dryRun ? CBTxt::T('Dry-run:') : CBTxt::T('Fixed:')) . " " . CBTXT::T("Results")));
    HTML_comprofiler::fixcbdbShowResults($dbChecker, true, $dryRun, $result, $messagesBefore, $messagesAfter, $dbName, $dbId);
function com_install()
    global $_CB_framework, $_CB_database, $_CB_adminpath, $ueConfig, $mainframe;
    // Ensure PHP version is adaquete for CB:
    if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.0', '<')) {
        echo '<div class="cbError error" style="font-size:120%;color:red;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:20px;">' . htmlspecialchars(sprintf("As stated in README and prerequisites list, PHP Version %s, which is obsolete since 2008-08-08 and insecure, is not compatible with %s: Please upgrade to PHP %s or greater (CB is also compatible with PHP 5.3.x) as soon as possible.", phpversion(), 'Community Builder', sprintf("at least version %s, recommended version %s", '5.0.0', '5.2.6'))) . '</div>';
        echo '<div class="cbError error" style="font-size:140%;color:red;font-weight:bold;">' . htmlspecialchars(sprintf('Installation failed. In all cases, please require your hoster to upgrade your PHP version as soon as possible.')) . '</div>';
    // Determine path to CBs backend file structure:
    if (defined('JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR')) {
        $_CB_adminpath = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_comprofiler/';
    } else {
        $_CB_adminpath = $mainframe->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/';
    // CB Configuration missing; try to copy default:
    if (!file_exists($_CB_adminpath . 'ue_config.php')) {
        include_once $_CB_adminpath . 'library/cb/cb.adminfilesystem.php';
        $adminFS =& cbAdminFileSystem::getInstance();
        if (!$adminFS->copy($_CB_adminpath . 'ue_config_first.php', $_CB_adminpath . 'ue_config.php')) {
            echo sprintf('Error copying initial configuration file in place from %s to %s', $_CB_adminpath . 'ue_config_first.php', $_CB_adminpath . 'ue_config.php') . "<br /><br />\n";
    include_once $_CB_adminpath . '';
    // Set location to backend:
    $_CB_framework->cbset('_ui', 2);
    if ($_CB_framework->getCfg('debug')) {
        ini_set('display_errors', true);
    // Load in CB API:
    // Define CB backend filesystem API:
    $adminFS =& cbAdminFileSystem::getInstance();
    // If J1.6 or greater ensure XML and backend root component file is present:
    if (checkJversion() >= 2) {
        if (!$adminFS->copy($_CB_adminpath . 'comprofileg.xml', $_CB_adminpath . 'comprofiler.xml')) {
            echo sprintf('Error copying initial xml file in place from %s to %s', $_CB_adminpath . 'comprofileg.xml', $_CB_adminpath . 'comprofiler.xml') . "<br /><br />\n";
            return false;
        if (!$adminFS->copy($_CB_adminpath . 'admin.comprofiler.php', $_CB_adminpath . 'comprofiler.php')) {
            echo sprintf('Error copying admin file in place from %s to %s', $_CB_adminpath . 'admin.comprofiler.php', $_CB_adminpath . 'comprofiler.php') . "<br /><br />\n";
            return false;
    $return = '<div style="text-align:left;margin-bottom:10px;">' . '<table width="100%" border="0">' . '<tr>' . '<td>' . '<img alt="CB Logo" src="../components/com_comprofiler/images/smcblogo.gif" />' . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<td>' . '<br />Copyright 2004-2012 MamboJoe/JoomlaJoe, Beat and CB team on . This component is released under the GNU/GPL version 2 License. All copyright statements must be kept. Derivate work must prominently duly acknowledge original work and include visible online links. Official site: <a href=""></a><br />' . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<td style="background-color:#F0F0F0;" colspan="2">' . '<code>' . 'Installation Process:<br />';
    // Fix admin menu links:
    if (checkJversion() >= 2) {
        $query = 'SELECT ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote('extension_id') . "\n FROM " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('#__extensions') . "\n WHERE " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('type') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('component') . "\n AND " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('element') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('com_comprofiler') . "\n ORDER BY " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('extension_id') . " DESC";
        $_CB_database->setQuery($query, 0, 1);
        $componentId = $_CB_database->loadResult();
        if ($componentId) {
            $query = 'UPDATE ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote('#__menu') . "\n SET " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('component_id') . " = " . (int) $componentId . "\n WHERE " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('type') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('component') . "\n AND " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('link') . " LIKE " . $_CB_database->Quote('%option=com_comprofiler%');
    } elseif (checkJversion() <= 1) {
        $iconResults = array();
        // Userlist Management icon:
        if (checkJversion() >= 1) {
            $icon = 'js/ThemeOffice/static.png';
        } else {
            $icon = 'js/ThemeOffice/content.png';
        $query = 'UPDATE ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote('#__components') . "\n SET " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('admin_menu_img') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote($icon) . "\n WHERE " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('admin_menu_link') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('option=com_comprofiler&task=showLists');
        $iconResults[0] = $_CB_database->query();
        // Field Management icon:
        $query = 'UPDATE ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote('#__components') . "\n SET " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('admin_menu_img') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('js/ThemeOffice/content.png') . "\n WHERE " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('admin_menu_link') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('option=com_comprofiler&task=showField');
        $iconResults[1] = $_CB_database->query();
        // Tab Management iocn:
        if (checkJversion() >= 1) {
            $icon = 'js/ThemeOffice/article.png';
        } else {
            $icon = 'js/ThemeOffice/content.png';
        $query = 'UPDATE ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote('#__components') . "\n SET " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('admin_menu_img') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote($icon) . "\n WHERE " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('admin_menu_link') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('option=com_comprofiler&task=showTab');
        $iconResults[2] = $_CB_database->query();
        // Configuration icon:
        $query = 'UPDATE ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote('#__components') . "\n SET " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('admin_menu_img') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('js/ThemeOffice/config.png') . "\n WHERE " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('admin_menu_link') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('option=com_comprofiler&task=showconfig');
        $iconResults[3] = $_CB_database->query();
        // User Management icon:
        if (checkJversion() >= 1) {
            $icon = 'js/ThemeOffice/user.png';
        } else {
            $icon = 'js/ThemeOffice/users.png';
        $query = 'UPDATE ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote('#__components') . "\n SET " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('admin_menu_img') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote($icon) . "\n WHERE " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('admin_menu_link') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('option=com_comprofiler&task=showusers');
        $iconResults[4] = $_CB_database->query();
        // Plugin Management icon:
        if (checkJversion() >= 1) {
            $icon = 'js/ThemeOffice/plugin.png';
        } else {
            $icon = 'js/ThemeOffice/install.png';
        $query = 'UPDATE ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote('#__components') . "\n SET " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('admin_menu_img') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote($icon) . "\n WHERE " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('admin_menu_link') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('option=com_comprofiler&task=showPlugins');
        $iconResults[5] = $_CB_database->query();
        // Community Builder icon:
        $query = 'UPDATE ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote('#__components') . "\n SET " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('admin_menu_img') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('../components/com_comprofiler/plugin/templates/luna/images/header/icon-16-cb.png') . "\n WHERE " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('admin_menu_link') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('option=com_comprofiler');
        $iconResults[6] = $_CB_database->query();
        foreach ($iconResults as $i => $iconResult) {
            if (!$iconResult) {
                $return .= '<span style="color:red;">ERROR:</span> Image of administration menu entry $i could not be corrected.<br />';
        // Delete invalid components:
        $query = 'SELECT COUNT(*)' . "\n FROM " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('#__components') . "\n WHERE " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('link') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('option=com_comprofiler');
        $components = $_CB_database->loadResult();
        if ($components >= 1) {
            $query = 'SELECT ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote('id') . "\n FROM " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('#__components') . "\n WHERE " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('link') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('option=com_comprofiler') . "\n ORDER BY " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('id') . " DESC";
            $_CB_database->setQuery($query, 0, 1);
            $componentId = $_CB_database->loadResult();
            if ($componentId) {
                $query = 'DELETE ' . "\n FROM " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('#__components') . "\n WHERE " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('link') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('option=com_comprofiler') . "\n AND " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('id') . " != " . (int) $componentId;
                $query = 'DELETE ' . "\n FROM " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('#__components') . "\n WHERE " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('option') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('com_comprofiler') . "\n AND " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('id') . " != " . (int) $componentId . "\n AND " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('parent') . " != " . (int) $componentId;
                $query = 'UPDATE ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote('#__menu') . "\n SET " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('componentid') . " = " . (int) $componentId . "\n WHERE " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('type') . " = " . $_CB_database->Quote('component') . "\n AND " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('link') . " LIKE " . $_CB_database->Quote('%option=com_comprofiler%');
            $return .= '<span style="color:green;">Administrator and frontend menus corrected.</span><br />';
    $dbUpgrades = array();
    // Beta 3 upgrades:
    $dbUpgrades[0]['test'] = array('default', '#__comprofiler_lists');
    $dbUpgrades[0]['updates'][0] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_lists`" . "\n ADD `default` TINYINT( 1 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL," . "\n ADD `usergroupids` VARCHAR( 255 )," . "\n ADD `sortfields` VARCHAR( 255 )," . "\n ADD `ordering` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `published`";
    $dbUpgrades[0]['updates'][1] = "UPDATE #__comprofiler_lists SET `default`=1 WHERE published =1";
    $dbUpgrades[0]['updates'][2] = "UPDATE #__comprofiler_lists SET usergroupids = '29, 18, 19, 20, 21, 30, 23, 24, 25', sortfields = '`username` ASC'";
    $dbUpgrades[0]['updates'][3] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler` ADD `acceptedterms` TINYINT( 1 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `bannedreason`";
    $dbUpgrades[0]['message'] = "1.0 Beta 2 to 1.0 Beta 3";
    // Beta 4 upgrades:
    $dbUpgrades[1]['test'] = array('firstname', '#__comprofiler');
    $dbUpgrades[1]['updates'][0] = "ALTER TABLE #__comprofiler ADD `firstname` VARCHAR( 100 ) AFTER `user_id` ," . "\n ADD `middlename` VARCHAR( 100 ) AFTER `firstname` ," . "\n ADD `lastname` VARCHAR( 100 ) AFTER `middlename` ";
    $dbUpgrades[1]['updates'][1] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` ADD `readonly` TINYINT( 1 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `profile`";
    $dbUpgrades[1]['updates'][3] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_tabs` ADD `width` VARCHAR( 10 ) DEFAULT '.5' NOT NULL AFTER `ordering` ," . "\n ADD `enabled` TINYINT( 1 ) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL AFTER `width` ," . "\n ADD `plugin` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL AFTER `enabled`";
    $dbUpgrades[1]['message'] = "1.0 Beta 3 to 1.0 Beta 4";
    // RC 1 upgrades:
    $dbUpgrades[2]['test'] = array('fields', '#__comprofiler_tabs');
    $dbUpgrades[2]['updates'][0] = "ALTER TABLE #__comprofiler_tabs ADD `plugin_include` VARCHAR( 255 ) AFTER `plugin` ," . "\n ADD `fields` TINYINT( 1 ) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL AFTER `plugin_include` ";
    $dbUpgrades[2]['updates'][1] = "INSERT INTO `#__comprofiler_tabs` ( `title`, `description`, `ordering`, `width`, `enabled`, `plugin`, `plugin_include`, `fields`, `sys`) VALUES " . "\n ( '_UE_CONTACT_INFO_HEADER', '', -4, '1', 1, 'getContactTab', NULL, 1, 1)," . "\n ( '_UE_AUTHORTAB', '', -3, '1', 0, 'getAuthorTab', NULL, 0, 1)," . "\n ( '_UE_FORUMTAB', '', -2, '1', 0, 'getForumTab', NULL, 0, 1)," . "\n ( '_UE_BLOGTAB', '', -1, '1', 0, 'getBlogTab', NULL, 0, 1);";
    $dbUpgrades[2]['updates'][2] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_lists` ADD `filterfields` VARCHAR( 255 ) AFTER `sortfields`;";
    $dbUpgrades[2]['message'] = "1.0 Beta 4 to 1.0 RC 1";
    // RC 2 Part 1 upgrades:
    $dbUpgrades[3]['test'] = array('description', '#__comprofiler_fields');
    $dbUpgrades[3]['updates'][0] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` ADD `description` MEDIUMTEXT  NOT NULL default '' AFTER `title` ";
    $dbUpgrades[3]['updates'][1] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` CHANGE `title` `title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL";
    $dbUpgrades[3]['updates'][2] = "INSERT INTO `#__comprofiler_tabs` (`title`, `description`, `ordering`, `width`, `enabled`, `plugin`, `plugin_include`, `fields`, `sys`) VALUES " . "\n ( '_UE_CONNECTION', '',99, '1', 0, 'getConnectionTab', NULL, 0, 1);";
    $dbUpgrades[3]['updates'][3] = "INSERT INTO `#__comprofiler_tabs` (`title`, `description`, `ordering`, `width`, `enabled`, `plugin`, `plugin_include`, `fields`, `sys`) VALUES " . "\n ( '_UE_NEWSLETTER_HEADER', '_UE_NEWSLETTER_INTRODCUTION', 99, '1', 0, 'getNewslettersTab', NULL, 0, 1);";
    $dbUpgrades[3]['updates'][4] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET sys=2, enabled=1 WHERE plugin='getContactTab' ";
    $dbUpgrades[3]['updates'][5] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_lists` ADD `useraccessgroupid` INT( 9 ) DEFAULT '18' NOT NULL AFTER `usergroupids` ";
    $dbUpgrades[3]['message'] = "1.0 RC 1 to 1.0 RC 2 part 1";
    // RC 2 Part 2 upgrades:
    $dbUpgrades[4]['test'] = array('params', '#__comprofiler_tabs');
    $dbUpgrades[4]['updates'][0] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_tabs` CHANGE `plugin` `pluginclass` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL , " . "\n CHANGE `plugin_include` `pluginid` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT NULL ";
    $dbUpgrades[4]['updates'][1] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_tabs` ADD `params` MEDIUMTEXT AFTER `fields` ;";
    $dbUpgrades[4]['updates'][2] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` ADD `pluginid` INT( 11 ) , " . "\n ADD `params` MEDIUMTEXT; ";
    $dbUpgrades[4]['updates'][3] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET pluginid=1 WHERE pluginclass='getContactTab' ";
    $dbUpgrades[4]['updates'][4] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET pluginid=1 WHERE pluginclass='getConnectionTab' ";
    $dbUpgrades[4]['updates'][5] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET pluginid=3 WHERE pluginclass='getAuthorTab' ";
    $dbUpgrades[4]['updates'][6] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET pluginid=4 WHERE pluginclass='getForumTab' ";
    $dbUpgrades[4]['updates'][7] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET pluginid=5 WHERE pluginclass='getBlogTab' ";
    $dbUpgrades[4]['updates'][8] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET pluginid=6 WHERE pluginclass='getNewslettersTab' ";
    $dbUpgrades[4]['message'] = "1.0 RC 1 to 1.0 RC 2 part 2";
    // RC 2 Part 3 upgrades:
    $dbUpgrades[5]['test'] = array('position', '#__comprofiler_tabs');
    $dbUpgrades[5]['updates'][1] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_tabs`" . "\n ADD `position` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL," . "\n ADD `displaytype` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL AFTER `sys`";
    $dbUpgrades[5]['updates'][2] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET position='cb_tabmain', displaytype='tab' ";
    $dbUpgrades[5]['updates'][3] = "INSERT INTO `#__comprofiler_tabs` (`title`, `description`, `ordering`, `width`, `enabled`, `pluginclass`, `pluginid`, `fields`, `sys`, `position`, `displaytype`) VALUES " . "\n ( '_UE_MENU', '', -10, '1', 1, 'getMenuTab', 14, 0, 1, 'cb_head', 'html')," . "\n ( '_UE_CONNECTIONPATHS', '', -9, '1', 1, 'getConnectionPathsTab', 2, 0, 1, 'cb_head', 'html')," . "\n ( '_UE_PROFILE_PAGE_TITLE', '', -8, '1', 1, 'getPageTitleTab', 1, 0, 1, 'cb_head', 'html')," . "\n ( '_UE_PORTRAIT', '', -7, '1', 1, 'getPortraitTab', 1, 0, 1, 'cb_middle', 'html')," . "\n ( '_UE_USER_STATUS', '', -6, '.5', 1, 'getStatusTab', 14, 0, 1, 'cb_right', 'html')," . "\n ( '_UE_PMSTAB', '', -5, '.5', 0, 'getmypmsproTab', 15, 0, 1, 'cb_right', 'html');";
    $dbUpgrades[5]['updates'][5] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET pluginid=2 WHERE pluginclass='getConnectionTab' ";
    $dbUpgrades[5]['updates'][6] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_members` ADD `reason` MEDIUMTEXT default NULL AFTER `membersince` ";
    $dbUpgrades[5]['updates'][7] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET `pluginclass`=NULL, `pluginid`=NULL WHERE `pluginclass` != 'getContactTab' AND `fields` = 1";
    $dbUpgrades[5]['message'] = "1.0 RC 1 to 1.0 RC 2 part 3";
    // 1.0.2 upgrades:
    $dbUpgrades[6]['test'] = array('cbactivation', '#__comprofiler');
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` CHANGE `default` `default` MEDIUMTEXT DEFAULT NULL;";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` CHANGE `tabid` `tabid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL;";
    if (checkJversion() < 2) {
        $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "UPDATE `#__users` SET usertype='Registered' WHERE usertype='';";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_fields` SET `table`='#__users' WHERE name='email';";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_fields` SET `table`='#__users' WHERE name='lastvisitDate';";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_fields` SET `table`='#__users' WHERE name='registerDate';";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE #__comprofiler ADD `registeripaddr` VARCHAR( 50 ) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL AFTER `lastupdatedate`;";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE #__comprofiler ADD `cbactivation` VARCHAR( 50 ) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL AFTER `registeripaddr`;";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE #__comprofiler ADD `message_last_sent` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AFTER `hits`;";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE #__comprofiler ADD `message_number_sent` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL AFTER `message_last_sent`;";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_field_values` ADD INDEX fieldid_ordering (`fieldid`, `ordering` );";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` ADD INDEX `tabid_pub_prof_order` ( `tabid` , `published` , `profile` , `ordering` );";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` ADD INDEX `readonly_published_tabid` ( `readonly` , `published` , `tabid` );";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` ADD INDEX `registration_published_order` ( `registration` , `published` , `ordering` );";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_members` ADD INDEX `pamr` ( `pending` , `accepted` , `memberid` , `referenceid` );";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_members` ADD INDEX `aprm` ( `accepted` , `pending` , `referenceid` , `memberid` );";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_members` ADD INDEX `membrefid` ( `memberid` , `referenceid` );";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_plugin` ADD INDEX `type_pub_order` ( `type` , `published` , `ordering` );";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_tabs` ADD INDEX `enabled_position_ordering` ( `enabled` , `position` , `ordering` );";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_lists` ADD INDEX `pub_ordering` ( `published` , `ordering` );";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_lists` ADD INDEX `default_published` ( `default` , `published` );";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_userreports` ADD INDEX `status_user_date` ( `reportedstatus` , `reporteduser` , `reportedondate` );";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_userreports` ADD INDEX `reportedbyuser_ondate` ( `reportedbyuser` , `reportedondate` );";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_views` ADD INDEX `lastview` ( `lastview` );";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_views` ADD INDEX `profile_id_lastview` (`profile_id`,`lastview`);";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler` SET `user_id`=`id` WHERE 1>0;";
    // fix in case something corrupt for unique key
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler` ADD UNIQUE KEY user_id (`user_id`);";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler` ADD INDEX `apprconfbanid` ( `approved` , `confirmed` , `banned` , `id` );";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler` ADD INDEX `avatappr_apr_conf_ban_avatar` ( `avatarapproved` , `approved` , `confirmed` , `banned` , `avatar` );";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler` ADD INDEX `lastupdatedate` ( `lastupdatedate` );";
    $dbUpgrades[6]['message'] = "1.0 RC 2, 1.0 and 1.0.1 to 1.0.2";
    // 1.1 upgrades:
    $dbUpgrades[7]['test'] = array('ordering_register', '#__comprofiler_tabs');
    $dbUpgrades[7]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_plugin` ADD `backend_menu` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `folder`;";
    $dbUpgrades[7]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_tabs` ADD `ordering_register` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 10 AFTER `ordering`;";
    $dbUpgrades[7]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_tabs` ADD `useraccessgroupid` int(9) DEFAULT -2 NOT NULL AFTER `position`;";
    $dbUpgrades[7]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_tabs` ADD INDEX `orderreg_enabled_pos_order` ( `enabled` , `ordering_register` , `position` , `ordering` );";
    $dbUpgrades[7]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler` ADD `unbannedby` int(11) default NULL AFTER `bannedby`;";
    $dbUpgrades[7]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler` ADD `unbanneddate` datetime default NULL AFTER `banneddate`;";
    $dbUpgrades[7]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_field_values` CHANGE `fieldtitle` `fieldtitle` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';";
    $dbUpgrades[7]['message'] = "1.0.2 to 1.1";
    // Perform database upgrades:
    foreach ($dbUpgrades as $dbUpgrade) {
        if (!cbInstaller_field_exists($dbUpgrade['test'][1], $dbUpgrade['test'][0])) {
            foreach ($dbUpgrade['updates'] as $query) {
                if (!$_CB_database->query()) {
                    $return .= '<span style="color:red;">' . $dbUpgrade['message'] . ' failed! Error: ' . $_CB_database->stderr(true) . '</span><br />';
            $return .= '<span style="color:green;">' . $dbUpgrade['message'] . ' Upgrade Applied Successfully.</span><br />';
    // Correct userlist orders:
    $query = 'SELECT ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote('listid') . "\n FROM " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_lists') . "\n ORDER BY " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('ordering') . " ASC, " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('published') . " DESC";
    $lists = $_CB_database->loadObjectList();
    $order = 0;
    if ($lists) {
        foreach ($lists as $list) {
            $query = 'UPDATE ' . $_CB_database->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_lists') . "\n SET " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('ordering') . " = " . (int) $order . "\n WHERE " . $_CB_database->NameQuote('listid') . " = " . (int) $list->listid;
    // Core database fixes:
    $dbChecker = new CBdbChecker($_CB_database);
    $result = $dbChecker->checkCBMandatoryDb(false);
    if (!$result) {
        $dbChecker = new CBdbChecker($_CB_database);
        $result = $dbChecker->checkCBMandatoryDb(true, false);
        if ($result == true) {
            $return .= '<p><span style="color:green;">Automatic database fixes of old core tabs and fields applied successfully.</span></p>';
        } elseif (is_string($result)) {
            $return .= '<p><span style="color:red;">' . $result . '</span></p>';
        } else {
            $errors = $dbChecker->getErrors(false);
            if ($errors) {
                $return .= '<div style="color:red;">' . '<h3><span style="color:red;">Database fixing errors:</span></h3>';
                foreach ($errors as $error) {
                    $return .= '<div style="font-size:115%">' . $error[0];
                    if ($error[1]) {
                        $return .= '<div style="font-size:90%">' . $error[1] . '</div>';
                    $return .= '</div>';
                $return .= '</div>';
        if (checkJversion() < 1 || $_CB_framework->getCfg('session_handler') != 'database') {
            $logs = $dbChecker->getLogs(false);
            if (count($logs) > 0) {
                $return .= '<div><a href="#" id="cbdetailsLinkShowOld" onclick="document.getElementById(\'cbdetailsdbcheckOld\').style.display=\'\';return false;">Click to Show details</a></div>' . '<div id="cbdetailsdbcheckOld" style="color:green;display:none;">';
                foreach ($logs as $log) {
                    $return .= '<div>' . $log[0];
                    if ($log[1]) {
                        $return .= '<div style="font-size:90%">' . $log[1] . '</div>';
                    $return .= '</div>';
                $return .= '</div>';
    $dbChecker = new CBdbChecker($_CB_database);
    $result = $dbChecker->checkDatabase(true, false);
    if ($result == true) {
        $return .= '<p><span style="color:green;">Automatic database upgrade to current version applied successfully.</span></p>';
    } elseif (is_string($result)) {
        $return .= '<p><span style="color:red;">' . $result . '</span></p>';
    } else {
        $errors = $dbChecker->getErrors(false);
        if ($errors) {
            $return .= '<div style="color:red;">' . '<h3><span style="color:red;">Database fixing errors:</span></h3>';
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
                $return .= '<div style="font-size:115%">' . $error[0];
                if ($error[1]) {
                    $return .= '<div style="font-size:90%">' . $error[1] . '</div>';
                $return .= '</div>';
            $return .= '</div>';
    if (checkJversion() < 1 || $_CB_framework->getCfg('session_handler') != 'database') {
        $logs = $dbChecker->getLogs(false);
        if (count($logs) > 0) {
            $return .= '<div><a href="#" id="cbdetailsLinkShow" onclick="document.getElementById(\'cbdetailsdbcheck\').style.display=\'\';return false;">Click to Show details</a></div>' . '<div id="cbdetailsdbcheck" style="color:green;display:none;">';
            foreach ($logs as $log) {
                $return .= '<div>' . $log[0];
                if ($log[1]) {
                    $return .= '<div style="font-size:90%">' . $log[1] . '</div>';
                $return .= '</div>';
            $return .= '</div>';
    $return .= '<p>Core CB database upgrades done. If all lines above are in green, database upgrade completed successfully. Otherwise, please report exact errors and queries to forum, and try checking database again in components : community builder : tools : check database.</p>' . '</code>' . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<td>';
    // Fix images:
    $imagesPath = $_CB_framework->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/images';
    $cbImages = $imagesPath . '/comprofiler';
    $cbImagesGallery = $cbImages . '/gallery';
    if ($adminFS->isUsingStandardPHP() && !$adminFS->file_exists($cbImages) && !$adminFS->is_writable($_CB_framework->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/images/')) {
        $return .= '<span style="color:red;">' . $imagesPath . '/ is not writable!</span><br />';
    } else {
        if (!$adminFS->file_exists($cbImages)) {
            if ($adminFS->mkdir($cbImages)) {
                $return .= '<span style="color:green;">' . $cbImages . '/ Successfully added.</span><br />';
            } else {
                $return .= '<span style="color:red;">' . $cbImages . '/ failed to be to be created, please do so manually!</span><br />';
        if (!$adminFS->file_exists($cbImagesGallery)) {
            if ($adminFS->mkdir($cbImagesGallery)) {
                $return .= '<span style="color:green;">' . $cbImagesGallery . '/ Successfully added.</span><br />';
            } else {
                $return .= '<span style="color:red;">' . $cbImagesGallery . '/ failed to be to be created, please do so manually!</span><br />';
        if ($adminFS->file_exists($cbImages)) {
            if (!is_writable($cbImages)) {
                if (!$adminFS->chmod($cbImages, 0775)) {
                    if (!@chmod($cbImages, 0775)) {
                        $return .= '<span style="color:red;">' . $cbImages . '/ failed to chmod to 775 please do so manually!</span><br />';
            if (!is_writable($cbImages)) {
                $return .= '<span style="color:red;">' . $cbImages . '/ is not writable and failed to chmod to 775 please do so manually!</span><br />';
        if ($adminFS->file_exists($cbImagesGallery)) {
            if (!is_writable($cbImagesGallery)) {
                if (!$adminFS->chmod($cbImagesGallery, 0775)) {
                    if (!@chmod($cbImagesGallery, 0775)) {
                        $return .= '<span style="color:red;">' . $cbImagesGallery . '/ failed to chmod to 775 please do so manually!</span><br />';
            if (!is_writable($cbImagesGallery)) {
                $return .= '<span style="color:red;">' . $cbImagesGallery . '/ is not writable and failed to chmod to 775 please do so manually!</span><br />';
            $galleryFiles = array('airplane.gif', 'ball.gif', 'butterfly.gif', 'car.gif', 'dog.gif', 'duck.gif', 'fish.gif', 'frog.gif', 'guitar.gif', 'kick.gif', 'pinkflower.gif', 'redflower.gif', 'skater.gif', 'index.html');
            foreach ($galleryFiles as $galleryFile) {
                if (!(file_exists($cbImagesGallery . '/' . $galleryFile) && is_readable($cbImagesGallery . '/' . $galleryFile))) {
                    $result = @copy($_CB_framework->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/components/com_comprofiler/images/gallery/' . $galleryFile, $cbImagesGallery . '/' . $galleryFile);
                    if (!$result) {
                        $result = $adminFS->copy($_CB_framework->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/components/com_comprofiler/images/gallery/' . $galleryFile, $cbImagesGallery . '/' . $galleryFile);
                    if (!$result) {
                        $return .= '<span style="color:red;">' . $galleryFile . ' failed to be added to the gallery please do so manually!</span><br />';
    if (!($adminFS->file_exists($cbImages) && is_writable($cbImages) && $adminFS->file_exists($cbImagesGallery))) {
        $return .= '<br /><span style="color:red;">Manually do the following:<br /> 1.) create ' . $cbImages . '/ directory <br /> 2.) chmod it to 755 or if needed to 775 <br /> 3.) create ' . $cbImagesGallery . '/ <br /> 4.) chmod it to 755 or if needed to 775 <br />5.) copy ' . $_CB_framework->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/components/com_comprofiler/images/gallery/ and its contents to ' . $cbImagesGallery . '/</span><br />';
    $return .= '</td>' . '</tr>' . '</table>' . '</div>';
    $_CB_framework->setUserState('com_comprofiler_install', $return);
    if (is_callable(array($_CB_framework, 'backendUrl'))) {
        $stepTwoUrl = $_CB_framework->backendUrl('index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=finishinstallation', false);
    } else {
        $stepTwoUrl = (checkJversion() < 1 ? 'index2.php' : 'index.php') . '?option=com_comprofiler&task=finishinstallation';
    $return = '<div id="cbInstallNextStep" style="font-weight:bold;font-size:120%;background:#ffffdd;border:2px orange solid;padding:5px;">WAIT PLEASE: DO NOT INTERRUPT INSTALLATION PROCESS: PERFORMING SECOND INSTALLATION STEP: UNCOMPRESSING CORE PLUGINS: THIS CAN TAKE UP TO 2 MINUTES.</div>' . $return;
    echo $return;
    $jsStepTwo = "\$( '#cbInstallNextStep' ).hide().fadeIn( '1500', function() {" . "\$( this ).fadeOut( '1000', function() {" . "\$( this ).fadeIn( '1500', function() {" . "window.location = '" . addslashes($stepTwoUrl) . "';" . "})" . "})" . "});";
    if (checkJversion() > 1) {
    echo $_CB_framework->document->_outputToHead();
    return true;
예제 #3
function com_install() {
  global $_CB_database, $_CB_framework;

	if ( version_compare( phpversion(), '5.0.0', '<' ) ) {
		echo '<div class="cbError error" style="font-size:120%;color:red;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:20px;">' . htmlspecialchars( sprintf( "As stated in README and prerequisites list, PHP Version %s, which is obsolete since 2008-08-08 and insecure, is not compatible with %s: Please upgrade to PHP %s or greater (CB is also compatible with PHP 5.3.x) as soon as possible.", phpversion(), 'Community Builder', sprintf( "at least version %s, recommended version %s", '5.0.0', '5.2.6' ) ) ) . '</div>';
		echo '<div class="cbError error" style="font-size:140%;color:red;font-weight:bold;">' . htmlspecialchars( sprintf( 'Installation failed. In all cases, please require your hoster to upgrade your PHP version as soon as possible.' ) ) . '</div>';


  # Show installation result to user
 <div style="text-align:left;">
  <table width="100%" border="0">
	<img src="../components/com_comprofiler/images/smcblogo.gif" />
    	<br />Copyright 2004-2011 MamboJoe/JoomlaJoe, Beat and CB team on . This component is released under the GNU/GPL version 2 License. All copyright statements must be kept. Derivate work must prominently duly acknowledge original work and include visible online links. Official site: <a href=""></a>
    	<br />
      <td background="F0F0F0" colspan="2">
        <code>Installation Process:<br />

      # Set up new icons for admin menu
      if ( checkJversion() <= 1 ) {
          // echo "Start correcting icons in administration backend.<br />";
          if ( checkJversion() >= 1 ) {
	          $_CB_database->setQuery("UPDATE #__components SET admin_menu_img='js/ThemeOffice/static.png' WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_comprofiler&task=showLists'");
          } else {
	          $_CB_database->setQuery("UPDATE #__components SET admin_menu_img='js/ThemeOffice/content.png' WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_comprofiler&task=showLists'");
          $iconresult[0] = $_CB_database->query();
          $_CB_database->setQuery("UPDATE #__components SET admin_menu_img='js/ThemeOffice/content.png' WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_comprofiler&task=showField'");
          $iconresult[1] = $_CB_database->query();
          if ( checkJversion() >= 1 ) {
	          $_CB_database->setQuery("UPDATE #__components SET admin_menu_img='js/ThemeOffice/article.png' WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_comprofiler&task=showTab'");
          } else {
	          $_CB_database->setQuery("UPDATE #__components SET admin_menu_img='js/ThemeOffice/content.png' WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_comprofiler&task=showTab'");
          $iconresult[2] = $_CB_database->query();
          $_CB_database->setQuery("UPDATE #__components SET admin_menu_img='js/ThemeOffice/config.png' WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_comprofiler&task=showconfig'");
          $iconresult[3] = $_CB_database->query();
          if ( checkJversion() >= 1 ) {
	          $_CB_database->setQuery("UPDATE #__components SET admin_menu_img='js/ThemeOffice/user.png' WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_comprofiler&task=showusers'");
          } else {
	          $_CB_database->setQuery("UPDATE #__components SET admin_menu_img='js/ThemeOffice/users.png' WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_comprofiler&task=showusers'");
          $iconresult[4] = $_CB_database->query();
          if ( checkJversion() >= 1 ) {
			  $_CB_database->setQuery("UPDATE #__components SET admin_menu_img='js/ThemeOffice/plugin.png' WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_comprofiler&task=showPlugins'");
          } else {
			  $_CB_database->setQuery("UPDATE #__components SET admin_menu_img='js/ThemeOffice/install.png' WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_comprofiler&task=showPlugins'");
          $iconresult[5] = $_CB_database->query();
/* Despite numerous abstractions-level, the name of the component isn't taken from SQL but from xml <name> , same field as used to find comprofiler, so we can't display nicely:
          if ( checkJversion() >= 1 ) {
	          $_CB_database->setQuery("UPDATE #__components SET name='Community Builder' WHERE admin_menu_link='option=com_comprofiler'");
              $iconresult[6] = $_CB_database->query();
         foreach ($iconresult as $i=>$icresult) {
            if ($icresult) {
              // echo "<font color='green'>FINISHED:</font> Image of menu entry $i has been corrected.<br />";
            } else {
              echo "<font color='red'>ERROR:</font> Image of administration menu entry $i could not be corrected.<br />";
		 $_CB_database->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__components WHERE link = 'option=com_comprofiler'");
	         $components = $_CB_database->loadresult();
		 IF($components >= 1) {
			$_CB_database->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__components WHERE link = 'option=com_comprofiler' ORDER BY id DESC", 0, 1);
	         	$comid = (int) $_CB_database->loadresult();
			$_CB_database->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__components WHERE link  = 'option=com_comprofiler' AND id != $comid  ");
			$_CB_database->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__components WHERE #__components.option = 'com_comprofiler' AND parent != $comid AND id != $comid ");
	        // update front-end menus component id:
	    		$_CB_database->setQuery("UPDATE #__menu SET componentid=" . $comid . " WHERE type = 'component' AND link LIKE '%option=com_comprofiler%'");
	              	echo "<font color='green'>Administrator and frontend menus corrected.</font><br />";

	//Manage Database Upgrades
	$MCBUpgrades = array();

	//Beta 3 Upgrade
	$MCBUpgrades[0]['test']		=	array( 'default', '#__comprofiler_lists' );
	$MCBUpgrades[0]['updates'][0] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_lists`"
					."\n ADD `default` TINYINT( 1 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,"
					."\n ADD `usergroupids` VARCHAR( 255 ),"
					."\n ADD `sortfields` VARCHAR( 255 ),"
					."\n ADD `ordering` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `published`";
	$MCBUpgrades[0]['updates'][1] = "UPDATE #__comprofiler_lists SET `default`=1 WHERE published =1";
	$MCBUpgrades[0]['updates'][2] = "UPDATE #__comprofiler_lists SET usergroupids = '29, 18, 19, 20, 21, 30, 23, 24, 25', sortfields = '`username` ASC'";
	$MCBUpgrades[0]['updates'][3] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler` ADD `acceptedterms` TINYINT( 1 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `bannedreason`";
	$MCBUpgrades[0]['message'] = "1.0 Beta 2 to 1.0 Beta 3";

	//Beta 4 Upgrade
	$MCBUpgrades[1]['test']		=	array( 'firstname', '#__comprofiler' );
	$MCBUpgrades[1]['updates'][0] = "ALTER TABLE #__comprofiler ADD `firstname` VARCHAR( 100 ) AFTER `user_id` ,"
					."\n ADD `middlename` VARCHAR( 100 ) AFTER `firstname` ,"
					."\n ADD `lastname` VARCHAR( 100 ) AFTER `middlename` ";
	$MCBUpgrades[1]['updates'][1] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` ADD `readonly` TINYINT( 1 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `profile`";
	$MCBUpgrades[1]['updates'][3] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_tabs` ADD `width` VARCHAR( 10 ) DEFAULT '.5' NOT NULL AFTER `ordering` ,"
					."\n ADD `enabled` TINYINT( 1 ) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL AFTER `width` ,"
					."\n ADD `plugin` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL AFTER `enabled`" ;

	$MCBUpgrades[1]['message'] = "1.0 Beta 3 to 1.0 Beta 4";

	//RC 1 Upgrade
	$MCBUpgrades[2]['test']		=	array( 'fields', '#__comprofiler_tabs' );
	$MCBUpgrades[2]['updates'][0] = "ALTER TABLE #__comprofiler_tabs ADD `plugin_include` VARCHAR( 255 ) AFTER `plugin` ,"
					."\n ADD `fields` TINYINT( 1 ) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL AFTER `plugin_include` ";
	$MCBUpgrades[2]['updates'][1] = "INSERT INTO `#__comprofiler_tabs` ( `title`, `description`, `ordering`, `width`, `enabled`, `plugin`, `plugin_include`, `fields`, `sys`) VALUES "
					."\n ( '_UE_CONTACT_INFO_HEADER', '', -4, '1', 1, 'getContactTab', NULL, 1, 1),"
					."\n ( '_UE_AUTHORTAB', '', -3, '1', 0, 'getAuthorTab', NULL, 0, 1),"
					."\n ( '_UE_FORUMTAB', '', -2, '1', 0, 'getForumTab', NULL, 0, 1),"
					."\n ( '_UE_BLOGTAB', '', -1, '1', 0, 'getBlogTab', NULL, 0, 1);";
	$MCBUpgrades[2]['updates'][2] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_lists` ADD `filterfields` VARCHAR( 255 ) AFTER `sortfields`;";
	$MCBUpgrades[2]['message'] = "1.0 Beta 4 to 1.0 RC 1";

	//RC 2 Upgrade
	$MCBUpgrades[3]['test']		=	array( 'description', '#__comprofiler_fields' );
	$MCBUpgrades[3]['updates'][0] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` ADD `description` MEDIUMTEXT  NOT NULL default '' AFTER `title` ";
	$MCBUpgrades[3]['updates'][1] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` CHANGE `title` `title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL";
	$MCBUpgrades[3]['updates'][2] = "INSERT INTO `#__comprofiler_tabs` (`title`, `description`, `ordering`, `width`, `enabled`, `plugin`, `plugin_include`, `fields`, `sys`) VALUES "
					."\n ( '_UE_CONNECTION', '',99, '1', 0, 'getConnectionTab', NULL, 0, 1);";
	$MCBUpgrades[3]['updates'][3] = "INSERT INTO `#__comprofiler_tabs` (`title`, `description`, `ordering`, `width`, `enabled`, `plugin`, `plugin_include`, `fields`, `sys`) VALUES "
					."\n ( '_UE_NEWSLETTER_HEADER', '_UE_NEWSLETTER_INTRODCUTION', 99, '1', 0, 'getNewslettersTab', NULL, 0, 1);";
	$MCBUpgrades[3]['updates'][4] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET sys=2, enabled=1 WHERE plugin='getContactTab' ";
	$MCBUpgrades[3]['updates'][5] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_lists` ADD `useraccessgroupid` INT( 9 ) DEFAULT '18' NOT NULL AFTER `usergroupids` ";
	$MCBUpgrades[3]['message'] = "1.0 RC 1 to 1.0 RC 2 part 1";

	$MCBUpgrades[4]['test']		=	array( 'params', '#__comprofiler_tabs' );
	$MCBUpgrades[4]['updates'][0] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_tabs` CHANGE `plugin` `pluginclass` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL , "
					."\n CHANGE `plugin_include` `pluginid` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT NULL ";
	$MCBUpgrades[4]['updates'][1] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_tabs` ADD `params` MEDIUMTEXT AFTER `fields` ;";
	$MCBUpgrades[4]['updates'][2] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` ADD `pluginid` INT( 11 ) , "
					."\n ADD `params` MEDIUMTEXT; ";
	$MCBUpgrades[4]['updates'][3] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET pluginid=1 WHERE pluginclass='getContactTab' ";
	$MCBUpgrades[4]['updates'][4] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET pluginid=1 WHERE pluginclass='getConnectionTab' ";
	$MCBUpgrades[4]['updates'][5] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET pluginid=3 WHERE pluginclass='getAuthorTab' ";
	$MCBUpgrades[4]['updates'][6] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET pluginid=4 WHERE pluginclass='getForumTab' ";
	$MCBUpgrades[4]['updates'][7] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET pluginid=5 WHERE pluginclass='getBlogTab' ";
	$MCBUpgrades[4]['updates'][8] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET pluginid=6 WHERE pluginclass='getNewslettersTab' ";
	$MCBUpgrades[4]['message'] = "1.0 RC 1 to 1.0 RC 2 part 2";

	$MCBUpgrades[5]['test']		=	array( 'position', '#__comprofiler_tabs' );
	$MCBUpgrades[5]['updates'][1] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_tabs`"
					."\n ADD `position` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
					."\n ADD `displaytype` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL AFTER `sys`";
	$MCBUpgrades[5]['updates'][2] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET position='cb_tabmain', displaytype='tab' ";
	$MCBUpgrades[5]['updates'][3] = "INSERT INTO `#__comprofiler_tabs` (`title`, `description`, `ordering`, `width`, `enabled`, `pluginclass`, `pluginid`, `fields`, `sys`, `position`, `displaytype`) VALUES "
					."\n ( '_UE_MENU', '', -10, '1', 1, 'getMenuTab', 14, 0, 1, 'cb_head', 'html'),"
					."\n ( '_UE_CONNECTIONPATHS', '', -9, '1', 1, 'getConnectionPathsTab', 2, 0, 1, 'cb_head', 'html'),"
					."\n ( '_UE_PROFILE_PAGE_TITLE', '', -8, '1', 1, 'getPageTitleTab', 1, 0, 1, 'cb_head', 'html'),"
					."\n ( '_UE_PORTRAIT', '', -7, '1', 1, 'getPortraitTab', 1, 0, 1, 'cb_middle', 'html'),"
					."\n ( '_UE_USER_STATUS', '', -6, '.5', 1, 'getStatusTab', 14, 0, 1, 'cb_right', 'html'),"
					."\n ( '_UE_PMSTAB', '', -5, '.5', 0, 'getmypmsproTab', 15, 0, 1, 'cb_right', 'html');";
	$MCBUpgrades[5]['updates'][5] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET pluginid=2 WHERE pluginclass='getConnectionTab' ";
	$MCBUpgrades[5]['updates'][6] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_members` ADD `reason` MEDIUMTEXT default NULL AFTER `membersince` ";
	$MCBUpgrades[5]['updates'][7] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_tabs` SET `pluginclass`=NULL, `pluginid`=NULL WHERE `pluginclass` != 'getContactTab' AND `fields` = 1";
	// this is from build 10 to 11:
	// changed back sys=3 -> 1 for _UE_MENU and _UE_USER_STATUS
	// $MCBUpgrades[5]['updates'][8] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` CHANGE `default` `default` MEDIUMTEXT DEFAULT NULL";
	// this last one is only for upgrades from build 8 to 9.
	$MCBUpgrades[5]['message'] = "1.0 RC 1 to 1.0 RC 2 part 3";

	// from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2: (includes RC2 to 1.0):
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['test']		=	array( 'cbactivation', '#__comprofiler' );
	// from RC2 to 1.0 stable:	in fact did it always up to now, since we can alter tables indefinitely.
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` CHANGE `default` `default` MEDIUMTEXT DEFAULT NULL;";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` CHANGE `tabid` `tabid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL;";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "UPDATE `#__users` SET usertype='Registered' WHERE usertype='';";	// fix effect of previous bug in CB registration
	// $MCBUpgrades[6]['message'] = "1.0 RC 2 to 1.0 stable";
	// from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2: (includes RC2 to 1.0):
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_fields` SET `table`='#__users' WHERE name='email';";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_fields` SET `table`='#__users' WHERE name='lastvisitDate';";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler_fields` SET `table`='#__users' WHERE name='registerDate';";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE #__comprofiler ADD `registeripaddr` VARCHAR( 50 ) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL AFTER `lastupdatedate`;";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE #__comprofiler ADD `cbactivation` VARCHAR( 50 ) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL AFTER `registeripaddr`;";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE #__comprofiler ADD `message_last_sent` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AFTER `hits`;";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE #__comprofiler ADD `message_number_sent` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL AFTER `message_last_sent`;";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_field_values` ADD INDEX fieldid_ordering (`fieldid`, `ordering` );";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` ADD INDEX `tabid_pub_prof_order` ( `tabid` , `published` , `profile` , `ordering` );";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` ADD INDEX `readonly_published_tabid` ( `readonly` , `published` , `tabid` );";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_fields` ADD INDEX `registration_published_order` ( `registration` , `published` , `ordering` );";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_members` ADD INDEX `pamr` ( `pending` , `accepted` , `memberid` , `referenceid` );";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_members` ADD INDEX `aprm` ( `accepted` , `pending` , `referenceid` , `memberid` );";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_members` ADD INDEX `membrefid` ( `memberid` , `referenceid` );";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_plugin` ADD INDEX `type_pub_order` ( `type` , `published` , `ordering` );";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_tabs` ADD INDEX `enabled_position_ordering` ( `enabled` , `position` , `ordering` );";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_lists` ADD INDEX `pub_ordering` ( `published` , `ordering` );";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_lists` ADD INDEX `default_published` ( `default` , `published` );";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_userreports` ADD INDEX `status_user_date` ( `reportedstatus` , `reporteduser` , `reportedondate` );";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_userreports` ADD INDEX `reportedbyuser_ondate` ( `reportedbyuser` , `reportedondate` );";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_views` ADD INDEX `lastview` ( `lastview` );";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_views` ADD INDEX `profile_id_lastview` (`profile_id`,`lastview`);";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "UPDATE `#__comprofiler` SET `user_id`=`id` WHERE 1>0;";	// fix in case something corrupt for unique key
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler` ADD UNIQUE KEY user_id (`user_id`);";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler` ADD INDEX `apprconfbanid` ( `approved` , `confirmed` , `banned` , `id` );";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler` ADD INDEX `avatappr_apr_conf_ban_avatar` ( `avatarapproved` , `approved` , `confirmed` , `banned` , `avatar` );";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler` ADD INDEX `lastupdatedate` ( `lastupdatedate` );";
	$MCBUpgrades[6]['message'] = "1.0 RC 2, 1.0 and 1.0.1 to 1.0.2";

	// from 1.0.2 to 1.1:
	$MCBUpgrades[7]['test']		=	array( 'ordering_register', '#__comprofiler_tabs' );
	$MCBUpgrades[7]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_plugin` ADD `backend_menu` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `folder`;";
	$MCBUpgrades[7]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_tabs` ADD `ordering_register` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 10 AFTER `ordering`;";
	$MCBUpgrades[7]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_tabs` ADD `useraccessgroupid` int(9) DEFAULT -2 NOT NULL AFTER `position`;";
	$MCBUpgrades[7]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_tabs` ADD INDEX `orderreg_enabled_pos_order` ( `enabled` , `ordering_register` , `position` , `ordering` );";
	$MCBUpgrades[7]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler` ADD `unbannedby` int(11) default NULL AFTER `bannedby`;";
	$MCBUpgrades[7]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler` ADD `unbanneddate` datetime default NULL AFTER `banneddate`;";
	$MCBUpgrades[7]['updates'][] = "ALTER TABLE `#__comprofiler_field_values` CHANGE `fieldtitle` `fieldtitle` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';";
	$MCBUpgrades[7]['message'] = "1.0.2 to 1.1";

	// from 1.1 to 1.2: uses new method...

	//Apply Upgrades
	foreach ($MCBUpgrades AS $MCBUpgrade) {
		//if it fails test then apply upgrade
		if ( ! cbInstaller_field_exists( $MCBUpgrade['test'][1], $MCBUpgrade['test'][0] ) ) {
			foreach( $MCBUpgrade['updates'] as $MCBScript ) {
				$_CB_database->setQuery( $MCBScript );
				if( ! $_CB_database->query() ) {
					//Upgrade failed
					print("<font color=red>".$MCBUpgrade['message']." failed! SQL error:" . $_CB_database->stderr(true)."</font><br />");
					// return;
			//Upgrade was successful
			print "<font color=green>".$MCBUpgrade['message']." Upgrade Applied Successfully.</font><br />";

	$sql="SELECT listid FROM #__comprofiler_lists ORDER BY ordering asc, published desc";
	$lists = $_CB_database->loadObjectList();
	if ( ! $_CB_database->getErrorNum() ) {
		foreach($lists AS $list) {
			$_CB_database->setQuery("UPDATE #__comprofiler_lists SET ordering = $order WHERE listid='".$list->listid."'");

	// fixing the tabid of installs before CB 1.0 RC 2:

	$dbChecker		=	new CBdbChecker( $_CB_database );
	$result			=	$dbChecker->checkCBMandatoryDb( false );
	if ( ! $result ) {
		$dbChecker		=	new CBdbChecker( $_CB_database );
		$result			=	$dbChecker->checkCBMandatoryDb( true, false );

		if ( $result == true ) {
			echo "<p><font color=green>Automatic database fixes of old core tabs and fields applied successfully.</font></p>";
		} elseif ( is_string( $result ) ) {
			echo "<p><font color=red>" . $result . "</font></p>";
		} else {
			echo "<div style='color:red;'>";
			echo "<h3><font color=red>Database fixing errors:</font></h3>";
			$errors		=	$dbChecker->getErrors( false );
			foreach ( $errors as $err ) {
				echo '<div style="font-size:115%">' . $err[0];
				if ( $err[1] ) {
					echo '<div style="font-size:90%">' . $err[1] . '</div>';
				echo '</div>';
			echo "</div>";
		if ( ( checkJversion() < 1 ) || ( $_CB_framework->getCfg( 'session_handler' ) != 'database' ) ) {
			// joomla 1.5 and 1.6 database session storage limited to 20kb, so do not display details in that case:
			$logs			=	$dbChecker->getLogs( false );
			if ( count( $logs ) > 0 ) {
				echo "<div><a href='#' id='cbdetailsLinkShowOld' onclick=\"document.getElementById('cbdetailsdbcheckOld').style.display='';return false;\">Click to Show details</a></div>";
				echo "<div id='cbdetailsdbcheckOld' style='color:green;display:none;'>";
				foreach ( $logs as $err ) {
					echo '<div>' . $err[0];
					if ( $err[1] ) {
						echo '<div style="font-size:90%">' . $err[1] . '</div>';
					echo '</div>';
				echo '</div>';
	// now missing core tabs will be inserted in the new 1.2 upgrader in next step:
	// from CB 1.2 upwards:

	$dbChecker		=	new CBdbChecker( $_CB_database );
	$result			=	$dbChecker->checkDatabase( true, false );
	if ( $result == true ) {
		echo "<p><font color=green>Automatic database upgrade to current version applied successfully.</font></p>";
	} elseif ( is_string( $result ) ) {
		echo "<p><font color=red>" . $result . "</font></p>";
	} else {
		echo "<div style='color:red;'>";
		echo "<h3><font color=red>Database fixing errors:</font></h3>";
		$errors		=	$dbChecker->getErrors( false );
		foreach ( $errors as $err ) {
			echo '<div style="font-size:115%">' . $err[0];
			if ( $err[1] ) {
				echo '<div style="font-size:90%">' . $err[1] . '</div>';
			echo '</div>';
		echo "</div>";
	if ( ( checkJversion() < 1 ) || ( $_CB_framework->getCfg( 'session_handler' ) != 'database' ) ) {
		// joomla 1.5 and 1.6 database session storage limited to 20kb, so do not display details in that case:
		$logs			=	$dbChecker->getLogs( false );
		if ( count( $logs ) > 0 ) {
			echo "<div><a href='#' id='cbdetailsLinkShow' onclick=\"document.getElementById('cbdetailsdbcheck').style.display='';return false;\">Click to Show details</a></div>";
			echo "<div id='cbdetailsdbcheck' style='color:green;display:none;'>";
			foreach ( $logs as $err ) {
				if ( $err[1] ) {
					// display only queries having effect (joomla database session storage limited to 20kb!):
					echo '<div>' . $err[0];
					echo '<div style="font-size:90%">' . $err[1] . '</div>';
					echo '</div>';
			echo '</div>';
	echo "<p>Core CB database upgrades done. If all lines above are in green, database upgrade completed successfully. Otherwise, please report exact errors and queries to forum, and try checking database again in components : community builder : tools : check database.</p>";


$adminFS			=&	cbAdminFileSystem::getInstance();
$imagesPath			=	$_CB_framework->getCfg( 'absolute_path' ) . "/images";
$cbImages			=	$imagesPath . '/comprofiler';
$cbImagesGallery	=	$cbImages . '/gallery';

if ( $adminFS->isUsingStandardPHP() && ( ! $adminFS->file_exists( $cbImages ) ) && ! $adminFS->is_writable( $_CB_framework->getCfg( 'absolute_path' ) . "/images/" ) ) {
	print "<font color=red>". $imagesPath . "/ is not writable !</font><br />";
} else {
	if ( ! $adminFS->file_exists( $cbImages ) ) {
		if ( $adminFS->mkdir( $cbImages ) ) {
			print "<font color=green>" . $cbImages . "/ Successfully added.</font><br />";
		} else {
			print "<font color=red>" . $cbImages . "/ Failed to be to be created, please do so manually !</font><br />";
	}  else {
		// print "<font color=green>" . $cbImages . "/ already exists.</font><br />";
	if ( ! $adminFS->file_exists( $cbImagesGallery ) ) {
		if ( $adminFS->mkdir( $cbImagesGallery ) ) {
			print "<font color=green>" . $cbImagesGallery ."/ Successfully added.</font><br />";
		} else {
			print "<font color=red>" . $cbImagesGallery . "/ Failed to be to be created, please do so manually !</font><br />";
	}  else {
		// print "<font color=green>" . $cbImagesGallery . "/ already exists.</font><br />";
	if( $adminFS->file_exists( $cbImages ) ) {
		if ( ! is_writable( $cbImages ) ) {
			if( ! $adminFS->chmod( $cbImages, 0775 ) ) {
				if ( ! @chmod( $cbImages, 0775 ) ) {
					print "<font color=red>" . $cbImages . "/ Failed to be chmod'd to 775 please do so manually !</font><br />";
		if( ! is_writable( $cbImages ) ) {
			print "<font color=red>" . $cbImages . "/ is not writable and failed to be chmod'd to 775 please do so manually !</font><br />";
	if ( $adminFS->file_exists( $cbImagesGallery ) ) {
		if( ! is_writable( $cbImagesGallery ) ) {
			if( ! $adminFS->chmod( $cbImagesGallery, 0775 ) ) {
				if ( ! @chmod( $cbImagesGallery, 0775 ) ) {
					print "<font color=red>" . $cbImagesGallery . "/ Failed to be chmod'd to 775 please do so manually !</font><br />";
		if( ! is_writable( $cbImagesGallery ) ) {
			print "<font color=red>" . $cbImagesGallery . "/ is not writable and failed to be chmod'd to 755 please do so manually !</font><br />";
		$galleryFiles = array("airplane.gif"
		foreach( $galleryFiles AS $galleryFile ) {
			if ( ! ( file_exists( $cbImagesGallery . '/' . $galleryFile ) && is_readable( $cbImagesGallery . '/' . $galleryFile ) ) ) {
				// try by www: we try it this way, as we can silence errors in php, but not in FTP:
				$result	=	@copy( $_CB_framework->getCfg( 'absolute_path' ) . "/components/com_comprofiler/images/gallery/".$galleryFile, $cbImagesGallery . '/' . $galleryFile );
				if ( ! $result ) {
					// otherwise try by FTP:
					$result		=	$adminFS->copy( $_CB_framework->getCfg( 'absolute_path' ) . "/components/com_comprofiler/images/gallery/".$galleryFile, $cbImagesGallery . '/' . $galleryFile );
				if ( $result ) {
					// print "<font color=green>" . $galleryFile . " Successfully added to the gallery.</font><br />";
				} else {
					print "<font color=red>" . $galleryFile . " Failed to be added to the gallery please do so manually !</font><br />";
if ( ! ( $adminFS->file_exists( $cbImages ) && is_writable( $cbImages ) && $adminFS->file_exists( $cbImagesGallery ) ) ) {
		print "<br /><font color=red>Manually do the following:<br /> 1.) create ".$cbImages . "/ directory <br /> 2.) chmod it to 755 or if needed to 775 <br /> 3.) create ". $cbImagesGallery . "/ <br /> 4.) chmod it to 755 or if needed to 775 <br />5.) copy " . $_CB_framework->getCfg( 'absolute_path' ) . "/components/com_comprofiler/images/gallery/ and its contents to ". $cbImagesGallery . "/  </font><br />";
 		$ret					=	ob_get_contents();
		$_CB_framework->setUserState( "com_comprofiler_install", $ret );
		// now treat special case of CB 1.2.2- installed and a plugin/mambot/module already loaded and the new function doesn't exist:
		if ( is_callable( array( $_CB_framework, 'backendUrl' ) ) ) {
			$stepTwoUrl			=	$_CB_framework->backendUrl( 'index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=finishinstallation', false );
		} else {
			$stepTwoUrl			=	( checkJversion() < 1 ? 'index2.php' : 'index.php' ) . '?option=com_comprofiler&task=finishinstallation';
<div id="cbInstallNextStep" style="font-weight:bold;font-size:120%;background:#ffffdd;border:2px orange solid;padding:5px;">WAIT PLEASE: DO NOT INTERRUPT INSTALLATION PROCESS: PERFORMING SECOND INSTALLATION STEP: UNCOMPRESSING CORE PLUGINS: THIS CAN TAKE UP TO 2 MINUTES. <span id="cbstep2manual">If this screen stays for over 2 minutes, <a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars( $stepTwoUrl ); ?>">please click here to continue next and last installation step</a>.</span></div>
		echo $ret;
								//	Add Javascript to go to step 2:
		$jsStepTwo				=	"	$('form table.adminform').hide();"		// hides other uploads in j 1.5.
								.	"	$('#cbstep2manual').hide();"		// hides Continue in j 1.0 + Mambo
								.	"	$('#cbInstallNextStep').hide().fadeIn('1500', function() { $(this).fadeOut('1000', function() { $(this).fadeIn('1500', function() {"
								//	Get the href of the user profile link:
								.	"\n			window.location = '" . addslashes( $stepTwoUrl ) . "';"
								.	"\n		} ) } ) } );"

		if ( checkJversion() > 1 ) {
			// there is a redirect in j1.6 not buffering headers, so we have to output scripts in body:
			$_CB_framework->document->setCmsDoc( null );
		$_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery( $jsStepTwo );
		echo $_CB_framework->document->_outputToHead();