예제 #1
 public function setUp()
     if (!extension_loaded('pdo') || !extension_loaded('pdo_pgsql')) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('PDO and PostgreSQL extensions are required.');
     $this->db = new CDbConnection('pgsql:host=;dbname=yii', 'test', 'test');
     try {
         $this->db->active = true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $schemaFile = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/postgres.sql');
         $this->markTestSkipped("Please read {$schemaFile} for details on setting up the test environment for PostgreSQL test case.");
     try {
         $this->db->createCommand('DROP SCHEMA test CASCADE')->execute();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     try {
         $this->db->createCommand('DROP TABLE yii_types CASCADE')->execute();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $sqls = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/postgres.sql');
     foreach (explode(';', $sqls) as $sql) {
         if (trim($sql) !== '') {
     $this->db->active = false;
     $config = array('basePath' => dirname(__FILE__), 'components' => array('db' => array('class' => 'system.db.CDbConnection', 'connectionString' => 'pgsql:host=;dbname=yii', 'username' => 'test', 'password' => 'test')));
     $app = new TestApplication($config);
     $app->db->active = true;
     CActiveRecord::$db = $this->db = $app->db;
예제 #2
 public function setUp()
     CActiveRecord::$db = $this->db = Yii::app()->db;
  * set up environment with yii application and migrate up db
 public function setUp()
     $basePath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/tmp';
     if (!file_exists($basePath)) {
         mkdir($basePath, 0777, true);
     if (!file_exists($basePath . '/runtime')) {
         mkdir($basePath . '/runtime', 0777, true);
     // create webapp
     if (\Yii::app() === null) {
         \Yii::createWebApplication(array('basePath' => $basePath));
     \CActiveRecord::$db = null;
     if (!isset($_ENV['DB']) || $_ENV['DB'] == 'sqlite') {
         if (!$this->dbFile) {
             $this->dbFile = $basePath . '/test.' . uniqid(time()) . '.db';
         \Yii::app()->setComponent('db', new \CDbConnection('sqlite:' . $this->dbFile));
     } elseif ($_ENV['DB'] == 'mysql') {
         \Yii::app()->setComponent('db', new \CDbConnection('mysql:dbname=test;host=localhost', 'root'));
     } elseif ($_ENV['DB'] == 'pgsql') {
         \Yii::app()->setComponent('db', new \CDbConnection('pqsql:dbname=test;host=localhost', 'postgres'));
     } else {
         throw new \Exception('Unknown db. Only sqlite, mysql and pgsql are valid.');
     // create db
     $this->migration = new EActiveRecordRelationBehaviorTestMigration();
     $this->migration->dbConnection = \Yii::app()->db;
 protected function setUp()
     if (!extension_loaded('pdo') || !extension_loaded('pdo_sqlite')) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('PDO and SQLite extensions are required.');
     $this->_connection = new CDbConnection('sqlite::memory:');
     $this->_connection->active = true;
     $this->_connection->pdoInstance->exec(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../fixtures/data/sqlite.sql'));
     CActiveRecord::$db = $this->_connection;
예제 #5
 public function setUp()
     if (!extension_loaded('pdo') || !extension_loaded('pdo_sqlite')) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('PDO and SQLite extensions are required.');
     $this->db = new CDbConnection('sqlite::memory:');
     $this->db->active = true;
     $this->db->pdoInstance->exec(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/CSortTest.sql'));
     CActiveRecord::$db = $this->db;
 public function setUp()
     if (!extension_loaded('pdo') || !extension_loaded('pdo_sqlite')) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('PDO and SQLite extensions are required.');
     $config = array('basePath' => dirname(__FILE__), 'components' => array('db' => array('class' => 'system.db.CDbConnection', 'connectionString' => 'sqlite:' . TEST_DB_FILE)));
     $app = new TestApplication($config);
     $app->db->active = true;
     CActiveRecord::$db = $this->db = $app->db;
 protected function setUp()
     if (!extension_loaded('pdo') || !extension_loaded('pdo_sqlite')) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('PDO and SQLite extensions are required.');
     $this->_connection = new CDbConnection('sqlite::memory:');
     $this->_connection->active = true;
     $columns = array('id' => 'pk', 'name' => 'string');
     $this->_connection->createCommand()->createTable($this->_tableName, $columns);
     CActiveRecord::$db = $this->_connection;
예제 #8
 public function setup()
     define('YII_DEBUG', false);
     $basePath = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))));
     // go 4 up
     require $basePath . '/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/yii.php';
     require_once "{$basePath}/app/classes/model/yii1/Comment.php";
     require_once "{$basePath}/app/classes/model/yii1/Post.php";
     $dbConfig = DbConfig::get_params();
     $db = new CDbConnection("mysql:host={$dbConfig['host']};dbname={$dbConfig['dbname']};charset=utf8", $dbConfig['username'], $dbConfig['password']);
     CActiveRecord::$db = $db;
예제 #9
 protected function setUp()
     // pdo and pdo_sqlite extensions are obligatory
     if (!extension_loaded('pdo') || !extension_loaded('pdo_sqlite')) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('PDO and SQLite extensions are required.');
     // open connection and create testing tables
     $this->_connection = new CDbConnection('sqlite::memory:');
     $this->_connection->active = true;
     $this->_connection->pdoInstance->exec(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/YexIPBehaviorTest.sql'));
     CActiveRecord::$db = $this->_connection;
 public function setUp()
     if (!extension_loaded('pdo') || !extension_loaded('pdo_sqlite')) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('PDO and SQLite extensions are required.');
     $this->_connection = new CDbConnection('sqlite::memory:');
     $this->_connection->active = true;
     $this->_connection->pdoInstance->exec(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/sqlite.sql'));
     CActiveRecord::$db = $this->_connection;
예제 #11
    public function setUp()
        if (self::DB_DSN_PREFIX == 'sqlsrv' && (!extension_loaded('pdo') || !extension_loaded('sqlsrv') || !extension_loaded('pdo_sqlsrv'))) {
            $this->markTestSkipped('PDO and SQLSRV extensions are required.');
        } else {
            if (self::DB_DSN_PREFIX != 'sqlsrv' && (!extension_loaded('pdo') || !extension_loaded('pdo_dblib'))) {
                $this->markTestSkipped('PDO and MSSQL extensions are required.');
        if (self::DB_DSN_PREFIX == 'sqlsrv') {
            $dsn = self::DB_DSN_PREFIX . ':Server=' . self::DB_HOST . ';Database=' . self::DB_NAME;
        } else {
            $dsn = self::DB_DSN_PREFIX . ':host=' . self::DB_HOST . ';dbname=' . self::DB_NAME;
        $this->db = new CDbConnection($dsn, self::DB_USER, self::DB_PASS);
        if (self::DB_DSN_PREFIX == 'sqlsrv') {
            $this->db->setAttribute(PDO::SQLSRV_ATTR_ENCODING, PDO::SQLSRV_ENCODING_SYSTEM);
        try {
            $this->db->active = true;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $schemaFile = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/mssql.sql');
            $this->markTestSkipped("Please read {$schemaFile} for details on setting up the test environment for MSSQL test case.");
        $tables = array('comments', 'post_category', 'posts', 'categories', 'profiles', 'users', 'items', 'orders', 'types');
        foreach ($tables as $table) {
            $sql = <<<EOD
IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[{$table}]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
DROP TABLE [dbo].[{$table}]
        $rawSqls = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/mssql.sql');
        // remove comments from SQL
        $sqls = '';
        foreach (array_filter(explode("\n", $rawSqls)) as $line) {
            if (substr($line, 0, 2) == '--') {
            $sqls .= $line . "\n";
        // run SQL
        foreach (explode('GO', $sqls) as $sql) {
            if (trim($sql) !== '') {
        CActiveRecord::$db = $this->db;
  * set up environment with yii application and migrate up db
 public function setUp()
     $basePath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/tmp';
     if (!file_exists($basePath)) {
         mkdir($basePath, 0777, true);
     if (!file_exists($basePath . '/runtime')) {
         mkdir($basePath . '/runtime', 0777, true);
     if (!$this->db) {
         $this->db = $basePath . '/test.' . uniqid(time()) . '.db';
     // create webapp
     if (\Yii::app() === null) {
         \Yii::createWebApplication(array('basePath' => $basePath));
     \CActiveRecord::$db = null;
     \Yii::app()->setComponent('db', new \CDbConnection('sqlite:' . $this->db));
     // create db
     $this->migration = new EActiveRecordRelationBehaviorTestMigration();
     $this->migration->dbConnection = \Yii::app()->db;
예제 #13
 public function getDbConnection()
     if (self::$db !== null) {
         return self::$db;
     } else {
         self::$db = Yii::app()->getDb();
         if (self::$db instanceof CDbConnection) {
             return self::$db;
         } else {
             throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii', 'Active Record requires a "db" CDbConnection application component.'));