예제 #1
 public function buyerStore()
     //$select = User::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first();
     $select = User::where('fbId', '=', $_SESSION['userFbID'])->get();
     $buyer = new Buyer();
     foreach ($select as $selects) {
         $name = $selects['name'];
         $fbId = $selects['fbId'];
         $email = $selects['email'];
         $image = $selects['image'];
     $buyer->name = $name;
     $buyer->fbId = $fbId;
     $buyer->email = $email;
     $buyer->image = $image;
     $findUsers = Buyer::all();
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($findUsers as $findUser) {
         if ($findUser['fbId'] == $_SESSION['userFbID']) {
             $count = +1;
     if ($count == 0) {
     return Redirect::to('homeBuyer');
예제 #2
 static function getOrCreate($member)
     $email = $member['email'];
     if ($buyer = Buyer::where('email', '=', $email)->first()) {
         return $buyer;
     } else {
         $buyer = new Buyer();
         $buyer->first_name = $member['fname'] ? $member['fname'] : 'First';
         $buyer->last_name = $member['lname'] ? $member['lname'] : 'Last';
         $buyer->email = $member['email'];
         return $buyer;
예제 #3
 public function registerAction()
     $form = new App_Form_Register();
     if (!empty($_POST) && $form->isValid($_POST)) {
         if ($form->getValue('sellerAccount')) {
             $account = new Seller();
         } else {
             $account = new Buyer();
         $account->username = $form->getValue('emailAddress');
         $account->emailAddress = $form->getValue('emailAddress');
         $account->password = $form->getValue('password');
         $account->confirmed = false;
         // send the confirmation, and redirect to the confirm page
         $msg = "A confirmation code has been set to " . "<cite>{$account->emailAddress}</cite>.  Please check " . "your enter the confirmation into the field below.";
         $this->_redirector->gotoSimple('confirm', null, null, array('email' => $account->emailAddress));
     $this->view->form = $form;
예제 #4
  * Register a user
  * Register a new buyer into the system
 public function postRegisterBuyer()
     if ($this->_isValidRequest()) {
         $buyer = new Buyer();
         $buyer->email = Input::get('email');
         $buyer->first_name = Input::get('first_name');
         $buyer->last_name = Input::get('last_name');
         $buyer->affiliate_id = Input::get('affiliate_id');
         die(json_encode(array('data' => array('success' => TRUE, 'id' => $buyer->id))));
  * Process payment using Stripe
  * @return Void
 public function postStripe()
     // Add third party libraries
     require_once app_path() . "/libraries/Curl/Curl.php";
     // Add Curl library
     require_once app_path() . "/libraries/stripe-php-1.9.0/lib/Stripe.php";
     // Add Stripe library
     require_once app_path() . "/libraries/infusionsoft/isdk.php";
     // Add InfusionSoft Library
     // Get Affiliate ID from Cookie
     $affiliate_id = Cookie::get('_dks_isa');
     // Get Product and Plan Data
     $product = Input::get("product");
     $plan = Input::get("plan");
     $email = Input::get("email");
     $first_name = Input::get("first_name");
     $last_name = Input::get("last_name");
     $password = Input::get("password");
     $ccNum = Input::get('ccNum');
     $ccExpire = Input::get('ccExpire');
     $ccCSV = Input::get('ccCSV');
     $is_split_pay = Input::get("pay_option") == "split" ? TRUE : FALSE;
     $existing_customer = Input::get('existing_customer');
     // Put every detail in Flash session to show again,
     // if an error occurs
     Session::flash('email', $email);
     Session::flash('first_name', $first_name);
     Session::flash('last_name', $last_name);
     Session::flash('password', $password);
     Session::flash('ccNum', $ccNum);
     Session::flash('ccExpire', $ccExpire);
     Session::flash('ccCSV', $ccCSV);
     // Get product data
     if (!($product = Product::where('code', '=', $product)->first())) {
         // Invalid product, Redirect to website
         Session::flash('error', "Product was not found");
         return json_encode(array("error" => true, "message" => "Product was not found"));
     // Get plan data
     if (!($plan = Plan::where('code', '=', $plan)->where('product_id', '=', $product->id)->first())) {
         // Invalid plan, Redirect to website
         Session::flash('error', "Plan was not found");
         return json_encode(array("error" => true, "message" => "Plan was not found"));
     // 0. Check if user entered valid email address and password
     $rules = array('first_name' => 'required', 'last_name' => 'required', 'email' => 'required|email', 'password' => 'required|min:6', 'retype_password' => 'required|same:password', 'ccNum' => 'required', 'ccExpire' => 'required', 'ccCSV' => 'required');
     if ($existing_customer) {
     $custom_messages = array('ccNum.required' => 'Credit Card number is required', 'ccExpire.required' => 'Credit Card expiry date is required', 'ccCSV.required' => 'Credit Card CSV number is required');
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules, $custom_messages);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         $messages = $validator->messages();
         $messages_txt = '';
         foreach ($messages->all() as $message) {
             $messages_txt .= "<p>{$message}</p>";
         // Error
         Session::flash('error', $messages_txt);
         return json_encode(array("error" => true, "message" => $messages_txt));
     // 1. Check if email already exists in app (Nm etc) DB
     // Yes, Error - Stop further process
     if (!$existing_customer) {
         $curl = new Curl();
         $api_url = $product->api_url . "?email={$email}";
         $reponse = json_decode($curl->simple_get($api_url));
         if (!empty($reponse->user_exists) and $reponse->user_exists == true) {
             // Error
             Session::flash('error', "User with this email already exists");
             return json_encode(array("error" => true, "message" => "User with this email already exists"));
     // 2. Charge Stripe Card
     // Error - Stop
     $ccExpire = explode("/", $ccExpire);
     $card = array("number" => $ccNum, "exp_month" => !empty($ccExpire[0]) ? trim($ccExpire[0]) : NULL, "exp_year" => !empty($ccExpire[1]) ? trim($ccExpire[1]) : NULL, "cvc" => $ccCSV);
     $affiliate_id = Cookie::get('_dks_isa');
     $data = array("description" => "{$product->name} - {$plan->name}", "card" => $card, "email" => $email, "metadata" => array("email" => $email, "first_name" => $first_name, "last_name" => $last_name, "password" => $password, "affiliate_id" => $affiliate_id, "product_id" => $product->id, "plan_id" => $plan->id));
     // If plan is recurring
     if ($plan->is_recurring) {
         $data['plan'] = $plan->stripe_id;
         $data['account_balance'] = $plan->setup_fee * 100;
     // If plan is split payment
     if ($is_split_pay) {
         $data['plan'] = $plan->stripe_id . "_split";
         $data['account_balance'] = $plan->setup_fee * 100;
     try {
         $customer = Stripe_Customer::create($data);
         // If plan is not recurring
         if (!$plan->is_recurring and !$is_split_pay) {
             Stripe_Charge::create(array("amount" => $plan->price * 100, "currency" => "usd", "customer" => $customer->id, "description" => "Charge for {$plan->name} ({$email})", "metadata" => array("plan_id" => $plan->id)));
     } catch (Stripe_Error $e) {
         // Error
         Session::flash('error', $e->getMessage());
         return json_encode(array("error" => true, "message" => $e->getMessage()));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Something else happened, completely unrelated to Stripe
         Session::flash('error', $e->getMessage());
         return json_encode(array("error" => true, "message" => $e->getMessage()));
     // No error happened, and we charged user card
     // Create Buyer Account
     $buyer = Buyer::where('email', '=', $email)->first();
     // Add new buyer in DK System
     if (!$buyer) {
         $buyer = new Buyer();
         $buyer->email = $email;
         $buyer->first_name = $first_name;
         $buyer->last_name = $last_name;
         $buyer->affiliate_id = $affiliate_id;
         // Add user into Aweber account
         $this->_add_to_aweber($buyer, $product->aweber_list_id);
     } else {
         if ($affiliate_id and $affiliate_id != $buyer->affiliate_id) {
             // Update new Affiliate ID
             $buyer->affiliate_id = $affiliate_id;
         } elseif (!$affiliate_id) {
             $affiliate_id = $buyer->affiliate_id;
     // Update Buyer IP
     // Create Purchase in DB
     $purchase = new Purchase();
     $purchase->buyer_id = $buyer->id;
     $purchase->product_id = $product->id;
     $purchase->plan_id = $plan->id;
     $purchase->stripe_token = $customer->id;
     $purchase->pay_method = 1;
     $purchase->affiliate_id = $affiliate_id;
     // If plan is recurring
     // if($plan->is_recurring)
     // {
     // 	$purchase->stripe_sub_token = $customer->id;
     // }
     // Everything is ok, now remove session data
     // for security purpose
     Session::flash('ccNum', NULL);
     Session::flash('ccExpire', NULL);
     Session::flash('ccCSV', NULL);
     // Create a cookie with email
     // Cookie Name should have product code
     $cookieName = "_" . $product->code . "_email";
     $cookie = Cookie::forever($cookieName, $email);
     // ->withCookie($cookie)
     return Response::make(json_encode(array("success" => true)))->withCookie($cookie);
     //return json_encode(array("success"=>true));
     // 3. Check if email exists in InfusionSoft
     // Yes - Get contactId
     // No - Create new contact and get contactId
     // 4. Create Blank Invoice in InfusionSoft
     // 5. Add selected productId (InfusionSoft), order item
     // 6. Get affiliate ID from cookies
     // If Cookie not exists - Get old affiliate ID from DB
     // 7. Add manual amount with affiliate id (if exists)
     // 8. Check if buyer email exists in DK DB
     // Yes - update affiliate ID
     // No - Add user in DB with Affiliate ID
     // 9. Record purchase and transaction with Stripe token ($customer->id)
     //    and Infusion Invoice ID ($newOrder)
     // 10. Ping product IPN URL with this new purchase
예제 #6
파일: Prefs.php 프로젝트: awidarto/jexadmin
 public static function save_buyer($ds)
     $bd = array();
     if (isset($ds['buyer_id']) && $ds['buyer_id'] != '' && $ds['buyer_id'] > 1) {
         if ($pid = self::get_parent_buyer($ds['buyer_id'])) {
             $bd['is_child_of'] = $pid;
     $bd['buyer_name'] = $ds['buyer_name'];
     $bd['buyerdeliveryzone'] = $ds['buyerdeliveryzone'];
     $bd['buyerdeliverycity'] = $ds['buyerdeliverycity'];
     $bd['shipping_address'] = $ds['shipping_address'];
     $bd['phone'] = $ds['phone'];
     $bd['mobile1'] = $ds['mobile1'];
     $bd['mobile2'] = $ds['mobile2'];
     $bd['recipient_name'] = $ds['recipient_name'];
     $bd['shipping_zip'] = $ds['shipping_zip'];
     $bd['email'] = $ds['email'];
     $bd['delivery_id'] = $ds['delivery_id'];
     $bd['delivery_cost'] = $ds['delivery_cost'];
     $bd['cod_cost'] = $ds['cod_cost'];
     $bd['delivery_type'] = $ds['delivery_type'];
     $bd['currency'] = $ds['currency'];
     $bd['total_price'] = $ds['total_price'];
     $bd['chargeable_amount'] = $ds['chargeable_amount'];
     $bd['delivery_bearer'] = $ds['delivery_bearer'];
     $bd['cod_bearer'] = $ds['cod_bearer'];
     $bd['cod_method'] = $ds['cod_method'];
     $bd['ccod_method'] = $ds['ccod_method'];
     $bd['application_id'] = $ds['application_id'];
     //$bd['buyer_id']  =  $ds['buyer_id'];
     $bd['merchant_id'] = $ds['merchant_id'];
     $bd['merchant_trans_id'] = $ds['merchant_trans_id'];
     //$bd['courier_id']  =  $ds['courier_id'];
     //$bd['device_id']  =  $ds['device_id'];
     $bd['directions'] = $ds['directions'];
     //$bd['dir_lat']  =  $ds['dir_lat'];
     //$bd['dir_lon']  =  $ds['dir_lon'];
     //$bd['delivery_note']  =  $ds['delivery_note'];
     //$bd['latitude']  =  $ds['latitude'];
     //$bd['longitude']  =  $ds['longitude'];
     $bd['created'] = $ds['created'];
     $bd['cluster_id'] = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 0, 20);
     $buyer = new Buyer();
     foreach ($bd as $b => $v) {
         $buyer->{$b} = $v;
     if ($buyer) {
         return $buyer->id;
     } else {
         return 0;