  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = BuyProduct::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
예제 #2
    <td valign="top">
     <div class="cont_right">  
echo Yii::t('store', 'View Student Details');
     <div class="formCon">
    <div class="formConInner">
echo Yii::t('store', '<strong>Select Student ID</strong>') . '&nbsp;';
echo CHtml::dropDownList('Book ID', isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? $_REQUEST['id'] : '', CHtml::listData(BuyProduct::model()->findAll(array('group' => 'student_id')), 'student_id', 'student_id'), array('prompt' => 'select', 'onchange' => "javascript:productlist();", 'id' => 'student_id'));
if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
    $product = BuyProduct::model()->findAll('student_id=:t2', array(':t2' => $_REQUEST['id']));
    $student = Students::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $_REQUEST['id']));
    if ($product != NULL) {
                        <div class="pdtab_Con" style="padding:0px;">
                        <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" >
<tr class="pdtab-h">
<td align="center"><?php 
        echo Yii::t('store', 'Student Name');
<td align="center"><?php 
        echo Yii::t('store', 'Product Name');