/** * Standard constructor * @param boolean $onlySave Display only the save button */ function FormButtons($onlySave = false, $resetButton=false, $formname="form1") { global $lang; $container = new HTMLContainer("con1", "", 2); $container->add('<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td align="right">'); if ($resetButton) { $lb4 = new ButtonInline("rst", $lang->get("reset"), "navelement", "reset"); $container->add($lb4->draw(). ' '); } if (!$onlySave) { $lb3 = new ButtonInline("action", $lang->get("back"), "navelement", "submit", getWaitupScreen($formname)); $container->add($lb3->draw(). drawSpacer(50,1)); $lb2 = new ButtonInline("action", $lang->get("save_back", "Save and Back"), "navelement", "submit", getWaitupScreen($formname)); $container->add($lb2->draw(). ' '); } $lb1 = new ButtonInline("action", $lang->get("save", "Save"), "navelement", "submit", getWaitupScreen($formname)); $container->add($lb1->draw()); $actionField = new ActionField(); $container->add($actionField->get()); $container->add(' </td></tr></table>'); $this->add($container); }
/** * internal. Draws the buttons of your form. */ function draw_buttons() { global $lang; echo "<tr><td align=\"right\" colspan=\"2\">"; $resetbutton = new ButtonInline("decision", $lang->get("no"), "navelement", "submit", $this->getWaitupScreen()); echo $resetbutton->draw(); echo " "; $submitbutton = new ButtonInline("decision", $lang->get("yes"), "navelement", "submit", $this->getWaitupScreen()); echo $submitbutton->draw(); echo '<input type="hidden" name="decision" value=""><br/>'; echo "</td></tr>"; }
/** * writes HTML for the Selector */ function draw_selector() { global $lang, $statsinfo; $values = createNameValueArray($this->table, $this->namecol, $this->valuecol, $this->cond); echo "<tr><td>"; echo "<table width=\"185\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"3\" class=\"sidebar_menubox\"><tr><td>"; echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' border='0'>"; echo "<tr>"; $dropdown = new Dropdown($this->identifier, $values, 'standardwhite', $this->selected, 100, 1); $dropdown->draw(); echo "</td><td>"; $lbi = new ButtonInline("changetop", $lang->get('change', 'Change'), 'navelement', 'submit', '', 'f'.$this->identifier); echo $lbi->draw(); echo '<input type="hidden" name="changetop" value="">'; echo "</td></tr>"; echo "</tr></table>"; echo "</td></tr></table>"; echo "</td></tr>"; }
require_once "menu_selector.php"; $auth = new auth("ROLLOUT"); $dest = value("destination_"); $source = value("source_"); $page->tipp = $lang->get("help_rollout", "Rollout is a feature of N/X that enables you to make copies of a section on your web page and re-use it with or without the old content."); if ($source != "0") { $db->close; header ("Location: " . $c["docroot"] . "modules/rollout/rollout2.php?sid=$sid&go=insert&d=$dest&s=$source"); exit; } $page = new page("Rollout"); $go = "INSERT"; $form = new Form($lang->get("m_rollout"), ""); $form->add(new MenuSelector("Source Node", "source", "", "", "width:600px")); $form->add(new MenuSelector("Destination Node", "destination", "", "", "width:600px")); $container = new HTMLContainer("cnt", '', 2); $but = new ButtonInline("action", "Next", "navelement", "submit", "", "form1",2); $container->add('<br><div align="right">'.$but->draw().'</div>'); $form->add($container); $form->add(new ActionField()); $page->add($form); $page->draw(); $db->close(); ?>
/** * writes HTML for the Top-Selector */ function draw_topselector() { if ($this->topSelector) { global $lang, $statsinfo; echo getFormHeadline($lang->get('top','Limit data')); tableStart(); echo "<tr><td>"; $values = array ( array ( 'Show Top 10', 10 ), array ( 'Show Top 20', 20 ), array ( 'Show Top 50', 50 ), array ( 'Show Top 100', 100 ), array ( 'Show All', 2000 ) ); echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"3\"><tr><td>"; echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' border='0'>"; echo "<tr>"; $dropdown = new Dropdown('limit', $values, 'standardwhite', $statsinfo->limit, 110, 1); $dropdown->draw(); echo "</td><td>"; $lbi = new ButtonInline("changetop", $lang->get('change', 'Change'), 'navelement', 'submit', '', 'filter'); echo $lbi->draw(); echo '<input type="hidden" name="changetop" value="">'; echo "</td></tr>"; echo "</tr></table>"; echo "</td></tr></table>"; echo "</td></tr>"; } }
/** * Draws the next and previous buttons. */ function draw_buttons() { global $lang; if (!$this->finished) { echo "<tr><td align=\"right\" colspan=\"2\">"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="step" value="' . $this->activeStep . '">'; retain("pdo"); echo drawSpacer(5, 5) . "<br>"; if ($this->displayStep > 1 && !$this->container[$this->activeStep]->forbidBack) { $prevbutton = new ButtonInline("pdo", $lang->get("back", "Back"), "navelement", "submit", "", $this->name); echo $prevbutton->draw(); echo " "; } if ($this->displayStep < count($this->container)) { $nextbutton = new ButtonInline("pdo", $lang->get("next", "Next"), "navelement", "submit", "", $this->name); echo $nextbutton->draw(); } echo "<br>" . drawSpacer(5, 5); echo "</td></tr>"; } }
for ($i=0; $i<count($sitepages); $i++) { $spid = $sitepages[$i][1]; $spm = getDBCell("sitepage", "SPM_ID", "SPID = ".$spid); if ($spm != "") { $template = getDBCell("sitepage_master", "TEMPLATE_PATH", "SPM_ID = ".$spm); $sitepages[$i][1] = $c["devdocroot"].$template."?page=".$spid; } } $go = 1; $page_action = "UPDATE"; $page = new page("Internal Link Selector"); $page->setJS("FCKLIB"); $form = new Form("Select Sitepage", ""); $form->add(new Label("lbl", "Link destination:", "standardlight", 1)); $form->add(new Dropdown("link", $sitepages, "standardlight", $sitepages[0][1], 450, 1)); $container = new HTMLContainer("container", "", "2"); // ("buttons", "standardlight"); $button = new ButtonInline("Submit", $lang->get('select', 'Select'), "navelement", "button", "javascript:getDoc(form1.link.value); ok();", "form1", 2); $out = $button->draw(); $container->add("<div align=\"right\"><br>".$out."</div>"); $form->add($container); $page->add($form); $page->draw(); ?>
/** * internal. Draws the buttons of your form. */ function draw_mybuttons() { global $lang; if ($this->drawPage == "editing") { echo "<tr><td class=\"informationheader\" colspan=\"2\">"; tableStart("100%", "informationheader"); echo "<tr>"; echo '<td align="right">'; br(); retain ("goon"); $resetbutton = new ButtonInline("reset", $lang->get("reset_form", "Reset Form"), "navelement", "reset", "", $this->name); echo $resetbutton->draw(); echo drawSpacer(50,1); $value = "Update"; $backbutton = new ButtonInline("back", $lang->get("back"), "navelement", "submit", "",$this->name ); echo $backbutton->draw(); retain("back", ""); echo ' '; $submitbutton = new ButtonInline("goon", $value, "navelement", "submit", $this->submitButtonAction, $this->name); echo $submitbutton->draw(); br(); br(); tde(); echo ('</tr>'); tableEnd(); echo "</td></tr>"; } }
/** * internal. Draws the buttons of your form. */ function draw_buttons() { global $lang; echo "<tr><td align=\"right\" colspan=\"2\"><br>"; $resetbutton = new ButtonInline("goon", $lang->get("cancel"), "navelement", "submit"); echo $resetbutton->draw(); echo " "; $submitbutton = new ButtonInline("goon", $lang->get("commit"), "navelement", "submit", $this->getWaitupScreen()); echo $submitbutton->draw(); retain("goon", ""); echo "</td></tr>"; }