예제 #1
    $MM_fieldsStr = "name|value|description|value|publish|value";
    $MM_columnsStr = "name|',none,''|description|',none,''|publish|',none,''";
    //|$delim,$altVal,$emptyVal|  |',none,''|
    require "../Connections/insetstuff.php";
    require "../Connections/dataactions.php";
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
    $R__MMColParam = $_GET['id'];
} else {
    $R__MMColParam = "8000000";
$R = $dbcon->Execute("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE id = {$R__MMColParam}") or die($dbcon->ErrorMsg());
$rec_id =& new Input('hidden', 'MM_recordId', $_GET['id']);
//build form
$html = $buildform->start_table('name');
$html .= $buildform->add_header('Add/Edit ' . $listtitle, 'banner');
$html .= addfield('name', 'List Name', 'text', $R->Fields("name"));
$html .= addfield('description', 'List Description', 'textarea', $R->Fields("description"));
$html .= addfield('publish', 'Publish', 'checkbox', $R->Fields("publish"), '1');
$html .= $buildform->add_content($buildform->add_btn() . ' ' . $buildform->del_btn() . $rec_id->fetch());
$html .= $buildform->end_table();
$form =& new Form();
include "header.php";
if ($_GET['action'] == "list") {
    listpage($listtitle, $listsql, $fieldsarray, $filename, $orderby, $sort, $extra);
} else {
    echo $form->fetch();
include "footer.php";
예제 #2
include_once "FeedOnFeeds/init.php";
$table = "px_feeds";
$listtitle = "Subscribed Feeds";
$listsql = "select * from {$table} WHERE(isNull(service) OR service='Content') ";
$orderby = " order by id desc ";
$fieldsarray = array('ID' => 'id', 'Title' => 'title', 'URL' => 'url');
$url = $_POST['rss_url'];
if (!$url) {
    $url = $_GET['rss_url'];
$opml = $_POST['opml_url'];
$file = $_POST['opml_file'];
$maxfilesize =& new Input('hidden', 'MAX_FILE_SIZE', '100000');
$html = $buildform->start_table('name');
$html .= $buildform->add_header('Add RSS Feed', 'banner');
$html .= $buildform->add_content($maxfilesize->fetch());
$html .= addfield('rss_url', 'RSS or Weblog URL:', 'text');
$html .= addfield('opml_url', 'OPML URL:', 'text');
$html .= $buildform->add_content($buildform->add_btn());
$html .= $buildform->end_table();
$form =& new Form();
include "header.php";
echo $form->fetch();
if ($url) {
if ($opml) {
    if (!($content_array = file($opml))) {
        echo "Cannot open {$opml}<br>";
        return false;
예제 #3
$html .= addfield('from_email', 'From Email', 'text', $R->Fields("from_email"));
$html .= addfield('from_name', 'From Name', 'text', $R->Fields("from_name"));
$html .= addfield('reply_to_address', 'Reply To Address', 'text', $R->Fields("reply_to_address"));
$WYSIWYG =& AMPFormElement_HTMLEditor::instance();
$html .= addfield('message_email_html', 'HTML Email Message', 'textarea', $R->Fields("message_email_html"));
$html .= addfield('message_email_text', 'Text Email Message', 'textarea', $R->Fields("message_email_text"));
#$html .= addfield('embargo','Embargoed Till','text',$R->Fields("embargo"));
$list_options = makelistarray($List, 'id', 'name', 'Select List');
$lists =& new Select('list_ID', $list_options, $R->Fields("list_ID"));
$html .= $buildform->add_row('Send to List', $lists);
$t_options = makelistarray($T, 'id', 'name', 'Select Template');
$temp =& new Select('message_template_ID', $t_options, $R->Fields("message_template_ID"));
$html .= $buildform->add_row('HTML Email Template', $temp);
$html .= addfield('publish', 'Show Email on Website', 'checkbox', $R->Fields("publish"));
$html .= $buildform->add_content($buildform->add_btn() . '&nbsp;' . $buildform->del_btn() . $rec_id->fetch() . $sendformat->fetch() . $blast_type->fetch());
$html .= $buildform->end_table();
$form =& new Form();
include "header.php";
if ($_GET['action'] == "list") {
    if ($_REQUEST['response']) {
        echo '<p><b>' . $_REQUEST['response'] . '</b></p>';
    listpage($listtitle, $listsql, $fieldsarray, $filename, $orderby, $sort, $extra);
    echo '<p><a href="#" onClick="newwindow=window.open(\'blast_control.php?type=Email&process=1\',\'name\',\'height=20,width=150\'); alert (\'You may close the pop up window and your message will send without interpution\')" >START SENDING NEW EMAIL BLASTS</a></p>';
} else {
    echo $form->fetch();
    echo $WYSIWYG->output();
include "footer.php";
예제 #4
$html .= addfield('emfaq','System Adminsitrators Email Address','text');

$html .= $buildform->add_header('Top Level Sections');
$html .= addfield('section1','Section Name','text');
$html .= addfield('desc_section1','Intro Text','textarea');
$html .= addfield('section2','Section Name','text');
$html .= addfield('desc_section2','Intro Text','textarea');
$html .= addfield('section3','Section Name','text');
$html .= addfield('desc_section3','Intro Text','textarea');
$html .= addfield('section4','Section Name','text');
$html .= addfield('desc_section5','Intro Text','textarea');
$html .= addfield('section6','Section Name','text');
$html .= addfield('desc_section7','Intro Text','textarea');
$html .= addfield('section7','Section Name','text');
$html .= addfield('desc_section7','Intro Text','textarea');
$html .= addfield('section8','Section Name','text');
$html .= addfield('desc_section8','Intro Text','textarea');

//$html .= $buildform->add_colspan('', $object);
$html .= $buildform->add_content($buildform->add_btn());
$html .= $buildform->end_table();
$form = & new Form();

include ("header.php");

echo $form->fetch();

include ("footer.php");