  * Renders a form field that allows to create a new blog entry.
  * @return string HTML of form. 
 public function renderShowNewEntryField()
     global $wgScriptPath, $wgUser;
     $sId = 'blog' . self::$iFormElementCount;
     $sParentpage = $this->getOption('parentpage') ? $this->getOption('parentpage') : '';
     $aOut = array();
     $aOut[] = '<script type="text/javascript">';
     $aOut[] = 'hw_' . $sId . '_submit = function() {';
     $aOut[] = '  pagename = "' . $sParentpage . '" + document.getElementById("' . $sId . 'Input").value;';
     //$aOut[] = '  if(!check_pagename(pagename)) return false;';
     $aOut[] = '  pagename = pagename.replace(" ", "_");';
     if ($wgUser->isLoggedIn() || BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ShowTagFormWhenNotLoggedIn') != true) {
         $aOut[] = '  url = unescape("' . $wgScriptPath . '/index.php?title=' . ($this->getOption('namespace') ? $this->getOption('namespace') . ':' : '') . '"+pagename+"%26action"+"=edit"+"%26blogcat=' . $this->getOption('blogcat') . '");';
     } else {
         $aOut[] = '  url = unescape("' . $wgScriptPath . '/index.php%3Ftitle=special:userlogin%26returnto=' . $this->getOption('namespace') . ':"+pagename);';
     $aOut[] = '  window.location.href = url;';
     $aOut[] = '}';
     $aOut[] = '</script>';
     $aOut[] = '<div class="bs-blog-wrapper clearfix">';
     $aOut[] = '  <form action="#" id="' . $sId . 'form" action="get" onsubmit="hw_' . $sId . '_submit();return false;">';
     $aOut[] = '    <div class="bs-blog-form-center">';
     $aOut[] = '      <h2 class="bs-blog-header">' . wfMessage('bs-blog-form-title-text')->plain() . '</h2>';
     $aOut[] = '      <input id="' . $sId . 'Input" class="bs-blog-newentry-input" name="newpage" type="text" value="' . wfMessage('bs-blog-form-inline-text')->plain() . '" onfocus="if (this.value==\'' . wfMessage('bs-blog-form-inline-text')->plain() . '\') this.value=\'\';" />';
     $aOut[] = '      <input type="hidden" name="blogcat" value="' . $this->getOption('blogcat') . '" />';
     $aOut[] = '      <input type="submit" name="go" class="bs-blog-newentry-submit" id="' . $sId . 'Button" value="' . wfMessage('bs-blog-form-button-text')->plain() . '" onclick="hw_' . $sId . '_submit(); return false;"/>&nbsp;';
     $aOut[] = '    </div>';
     $aOut[] = '  </form>';
     $aOut[] = '</div>';
     return implode("", $aOut);
  * Constructor of BsFilterCategory class
  * @param BsDiagram $oDiagram Instance of diagram the filter is used with.
  * @param array $aDefaultValues List of strings
 public function __construct($oDiagram, $aDefaultValues = null)
     parent::__construct($oDiagram, $aDefaultValues);
     $this->sLabel = wfMsg('bs-statistics-filter-user');
     $this->aAvailableValues = $this->loadAvailableValues();
     $this->aDefaultValues = BsConfig::get('MW::Statistics::ExcludeUsers');
  * This method actually generates the output
  * @param array $params List of parameters
  * @return string HTML output
 public function execute($params = false)
     $sTargetId = $this->getTargetId() . '-target';
     $sLink = Html::element('a', array('class' => 'bs-tooltip-link', 'id' => $this->getTargetId(), 'data-bs-tt-title' => wfMessage('bs-whoisonline-widget-title')->plain(), 'data-bs-tt-target' => $sTargetId, 'data-bs-tt-maxheight' => BsConfig::get('MW::WhoIsOnline::LimitCount') * 20), $this->getOption('title'));
     $sTarget = Html::rawElement('div', array('class' => 'bs-tooltip-body bs-whoisonline-portlet', 'id' => $sTargetId), $this->oPortlet ? $this->oPortlet->execute() : '');
     $sOut = $sLink . '<div class="bs-tooltip">' . $sTarget . '</div>';
     return $sOut;
  * The default contructor of the SpecialUniversalExport class
 function __construct()
     parent::__construct('UniversalExport', 'universalexport-export', true);
     $this->oOutputPage = $this->getOutput();
     //Set up default parameters and metadata
     $this->aParams = BsConfig::get('MW::UniversalExport::ParamsDefaults');
     $this->aParams['webroot-filesystempath'] = BsCore::getMediaWikiWebrootPath();
     $this->aMetadata = FormatJson::decode(BsConfig::get('MW::UniversalExport::MetadataDefaults'), true);
     //Set up Black- and Whitelists
     $this->aCategoryWhitelist = BsConfig::get('MW::UniversalExport::CategoryWhitelist');
     $this->aCategoryBlacklist = BsConfig::get('MW::UniversalExport::CategoryBlacklist');
  * Extracts the parameters from the querystring and merges it wir the
  * default and overrige settings of the UniversalExport Extension.
  * @param array $aParams
 public static function getParamsFromQueryString(&$aParams)
     global $wgRequest;
     $aParamsOverrides = BsConfig::get('MW::UniversalExport::ParamsOverrides');
     $aParams = array_merge($aParams, $wgRequest->getArray('ue', array()));
     $aParams = array_merge($aParams, $aParamsOverrides);
     $aParams['oldid'] = $wgRequest->getVal('oldid', 0);
     $sDirection = $wgRequest->getVal('direction', '');
     if (!empty($sDirection)) {
         $aParams['direction'] = $sDirection;
  * Sets parameters for more complex options in preferences
  * @param string $sAdapterName Name of the adapter, e.g. MW
  * @param BsConfig $oVariable Instance of variable
  * @return array Preferences options
 public function runPreferencePlugin($sAdapterName, $oVariable)
     $aPrefs = array();
     switch ($oVariable->getName()) {
         case 'DefaultTemplate':
             $aParams = array('template-path' => BsConfig::get('MW::UEModulePDF::TemplatePath'));
             $aPrefs = array('type' => 'select', 'options' => BsPDFTemplateProvider::getTemplatesForSelectOptions($aParams));
     return $aPrefs;
  * Renders the form that is used to enter new shouts
  * @return string HTML of the form
 protected function renderMessageForm()
     global $wgScriptPath;
     $aOut = array();
     $aOut[] = '<form id="bs-sb-form" class="clearfix">';
     $aOut[] = '<textarea id="bs-sb-message" maxlength="' . BsConfig::get('MW::ShoutBox::MaxMessageLength') . '">' . wfMessage('bs-shoutbox-message')->plain() . '</textarea>';
     $aOut[] = '<br />';
     $aOut[] = '<img id="bs-sb-loading" src="' . $wgScriptPath . '/extensions/BlueSpiceFoundation/resources/bluespice/images/bs-ajax-loader-bar-blue.gif" alt="Loading..."/>';
     $aOut[] = '<input id="bs-sb-send" type="submit" value="' . wfMessage('bs-shoutbox-shout')->plain() . '" />';
     $aOut[] = '<p class="bs-sb-textarea-additionalinfo">';
     $aOut[] = '<span id="bs-sb-charactercounter"></span>';
     $aOut[] = '</p>';
     $aOut[] = '</form>';
     return implode("\n", $aOut);
  * Initiate URLs so they use the correct protocol.
 protected function _initUrls()
     wfProfileIn('BS::' . __METHOD__);
     $this->_morelikethisUrl = $this->_constructUrl(BsConfig::get('MW::ExtendedSearch::SolrCore') . self::MORELIKETHIS_SERVLET);
     $this->_spellcheckUrl = $this->_constructUrl(BsConfig::get('MW::ExtendedSearch::SolrCore') . self::SPELLCHECK_SERVLET);
     if ($this->bUseDifferentProtocolThanHttp) {
         $this->_updateUrl = str_ireplace('http://', $this->sProtocol . '://', $this->_updateUrl);
         $this->_searchUrl = str_ireplace('http://', $this->sProtocol . '://', $this->_searchUrl);
         $this->_threadsUrl = str_ireplace('http://', $this->sProtocol . '://', $this->_threadsUrl);
         $this->_spellcheckUrl = str_ireplace('http://', $this->sProtocol . '://', $this->_spellcheckUrl);
         $this->_morelikethisUrl = str_ireplace('http://', $this->sProtocol . '://', $this->_morelikethisUrl);
     wfProfileOut('BS::' . __METHOD__);
  * Prepares array of files to be indexed
  * @return true.
 public function crawl()
     $sDirectories = BsConfig::get('MW::ExtendedSearch::ExternalRepo');
     if ($sDirectories === '') {
         return $sDirectories;
     $aDirectories = explode(',', $sDirectories);
     foreach ($aDirectories as $sDirectory) {
         $sDir = trim($sDirectory);
         if (!is_dir($sDir)) {
     return $this->aFiles;
  * @param SkinTemplate $sktemplate a collection of views. Add the view that needs to be displayed
  * @param BaseTemplate $tpl currently logged in user. Not used in this context.
  * @return bool always true
 public function onSkinTemplateOutputPageBeforeExec(&$sktemplate, &$tpl)
     if (BsConfig::get('MW::BlueSpiceProjectFeedbackHelper::Active') == false) {
         return true;
     if (!in_array('sysop', $sktemplate->getUser()->getGroups())) {
         return true;
     $oView = new ViewBlueSpiceProjectFeedbackHelperPanel();
     if (isset($tpl->data['dataAfterContent'])) {
         $tpl->data['dataAfterContent'] .= $oView->execute();
     } else {
         $tpl->data['dataAfterContent'] = $oView->execute();
     return true;
  * Getter for $aNavigationSites array
  * @param boolean $bForceReload
  * @return array
 public static function getNavigationSites($bForceReload = false)
     if (!$bForceReload && !is_null(self::$aNavigationSites)) {
         return self::$aNavigationSites;
     self::$aNavigationSites = array();
     $oTopBarMenuTitle = Title::makeTitle(NS_MEDIAWIKI, 'TopBarMenu');
     if (is_null($oTopBarMenuTitle) || !$oTopBarMenuTitle->exists()) {
         return self::$aNavigationSites;
     $sContent = BsPageContentProvider::getInstance()->getContentFromTitle($oTopBarMenuTitle);
     $aLines = explode("\n", trim($sContent));
     $iMaxMainEntries = BsConfig::get('MW::TopMenuBarCustomizer::NumberOfMainEntries');
     $iMaxSubEntries = BsConfig::get('MW::TopMenuBarCustomizer::NumberOfSubEntries');
     $iAllowedLevels = BsConfig::get('MW::TopMenuBarCustomizer::NuberOfLevels');
     self::$aNavigationSites = self::parseArticleContentLines($aLines, $iAllowedLevels, $iMaxMainEntries, $iMaxSubEntries);
     return self::$aNavigationSites;
 public function __construct($oMainControl)
     // Set file types to be indexed
     $vTempFileTypes = BsConfig::get('MW::ExtendedSearch::IndexFileTypes');
     $vTempFileTypes = str_replace(array(' ', ';'), array('', ','), $vTempFileTypes);
     $vTempFileTypes = explode(',', $vTempFileTypes);
     foreach ($vTempFileTypes as $value) {
         $this->aFileTypes[$value] = true;
     // Maximum file size in MB
     $iMaxFileSize = (int) ini_get('post_max_size');
     if (empty($iMaxFileSize) || $iMaxFileSize <= 0) {
         $iMaxFileSize = 32;
     $this->iMaxDocSize = $iMaxFileSize * 1024 * 1024;
     // Make bytes out of it
  * Gets a DOMDocument, searches it for files, uploads files and markus to webservice and generated PDF.
  * @param DOMDocument $oHtmlDOM The source markup
  * @return string The resulting PDF as bytes
 public function createPDF(&$oHtmlDOM)
     //HINT: http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.domdocument.php#96055
     //But: Formated Output is evil because is will destroy formatting in <pre> Tags!
     $sHtmlDOM = $oHtmlDOM->saveXML($oHtmlDOM->documentElement);
     //Save temporary
     $sTmpHtmlFile = BSDATADIR . DS . 'UEModulePDF' . DS . $this->aParams['document-token'] . '.html';
     $sTmpPDFFile = BSDATADIR . DS . 'UEModulePDF' . DS . $this->aParams['document-token'] . '.pdf';
     file_put_contents($sTmpHtmlFile, $sHtmlDOM);
     $aOptions = array('timeout' => 120, 'postData' => array('fileType' => '', 'documentToken' => $this->aParams['document-token'], 'sourceHtmlFile_name' => basename($sTmpHtmlFile), 'sourceHtmlFile' => '@' . $sTmpHtmlFile, 'wikiId' => wfWikiID()));
     if (BsConfig::get('MW::TestMode')) {
         $aOptions['postData']['debug'] = "true";
     global $bsgUEModulePDFCURLOptions;
     $aOptions = array_merge_recursive($aOptions, $bsgUEModulePDFCURLOptions);
     wfRunHooks('BSUEModulePDFCreatePDFBeforeSend', array($this, &$aOptions, $oHtmlDOM));
     $vHttpEngine = Http::$httpEngine;
     Http::$httpEngine = 'curl';
     //HINT: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.curl-setopt.php#refsect1-function.curl-setopt-notes
     //Upload HTML source
     //TODO: Handle $sResponse
     $sResponse = Http::post($this->aParams['soap-service-url'] . '/UploadAsset', $aOptions);
     //Now do the rendering
     //We re-send the paramters but this time without the file.
     //We do not want the request to be multipart/formdata because that's more difficult to handle on Servlet-side
     $aOptions['postData'] = wfArrayToCgi($aOptions['postData']);
     $vPdfByteArray = Http::post($this->aParams['soap-service-url'] . '/RenderPDF', $aOptions);
     Http::$httpEngine = $vHttpEngine;
     if ($vPdfByteArray == false) {
         wfDebugLog('BS::UEModulePDF', 'BsPDFServlet::createPDF: Failed creating "' . $this->aParams['document-token'] . '"');
     file_put_contents($sTmpPDFFile, $vPdfByteArray);
     //Remove temporary file
     if (!BsConfig::get('MW::TestMode')) {
     return $vPdfByteArray;
  * Constructor of BsDiagramNumberOfUsers class
 public function __construct()
     $this->sTitle = wfMessage('bs-statistics-diag-number-of-users')->plain();
     $this->sDescription = wfMessage('bs-statistics-diag-number-of-users-desc')->plain();
     $this->sTitlex = wfMessage('bs-statistics-label-time')->plain();
     $this->sTitley = wfMessage('bs-statistics-label-count')->plain();
     $this->sActualGrain = "m";
     $this->sModLabel = "M y";
     $this->iDataSource = BsDiagram::DATASOURCE_DATABASE;
     $this->bListable = true;
     $this->sSqlWhatForDiagram = "count(user_id)";
     $this->sSqlWhatForList = "user_name, user_registration";
     $this->sSqlFromWhere = "FROM #__user\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE user_registration @period\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND user_id NOT IN (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT ug_user\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM #__user_groups\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ug_group = 'bot'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND NOT user_name IN (@BsFilterUsers)";
     $this->sListLabel = array(wfMessage('bs-statistics-label-name')->plain(), wfMessage('bs-statistics-label-registration')->plain());
     $this->sMode = BsDiagram::MODE_AGGREGATED;
     $this->addFilter(new BsFilterUsers($this));
  * This method actually generates the output
  * @return string HTML output
 public function execute($params = false)
     $aSearchBoxKeyValues = array();
     $sInputFields[] = Xml::input('title', false, SpecialPage::getTitleFor('SpecialExtendedSearch')->getFullText(), array('type' => 'hidden'));
     if (BsConfig::get('MW::ExtendedSearch::SearchFiles')) {
         $sInputFields[] = Xml::input('search_files', false, 1, array('type' => 'hidden'));
     $sValue = isset($this->oSearchRequest->sInput) ? $this->oSearchRequest->sInput : wfMessage('searchsuggest-search')->plain();
     $sInputFields[] = Xml::input('q', false, $sValue, array('id' => 'bs-extendedsearch-inputfieldtext-specialpage', 'defaultvalue' => wfMessage('searchsuggest-search')->text()));
     $sScope = BsConfig::get('MW::ExtendedSearch::DefScopeUser');
     $sInputFields[] = Xml::input('search_scope', false, $sScope, array('type' => 'hidden', 'id' => 'bs-search-button-hidden-specialpage'));
     $sImageTitleButton = Xml::element('div', array('id' => 'bs-extendedsearch-titlebuttonimage-specialpage', 'class' => 'bs-extendedsearch-buttonimage-specialpage'), '', false);
     $sInputFields[] = Xml::openElement('button', array('type' => 'button', 'title' => wfMessage('bs-extendedsearch-pref-scope-title')->plain(), 'id' => 'bs-search-button-specialpage', 'class' => 'bs-search-button-specialpage'));
     $sInputFields[] = $sImageTitleButton;
     $sInputFields[] = Xml::closeElement('button');
     $sImageFulltextButton = Xml::element('div', array('id' => 'bs-extendedsearch-fulltextbuttonimage-specialpage', 'class' => 'bs-extendedsearch-buttonimage-specialpage'), '', false);
     $sInputFields[] = Xml::openElement('button', array('type' => 'button', 'title' => wfMessage('bs-extendedsearch-pref-scope-text')->plain(), 'id' => 'bs-search-fulltext-specialpage', 'class' => 'bs-search-button-specialpage'));
     $sInputFields[] = $sImageFulltextButton;
     $sInputFields[] = Xml::closeElement('button');
     $sLinkToExtendedPage = Xml::element('a', array('href' => $this->getOption('linkToExtendedPageUri'), 'id' => 'bs-extendedsearch-linktoextendedpage'), wfMessage($this->getOption('linkToExtendedPageMessageKey'))->plain(), false);
     if ($this->hasItems() === 0) {
         $sDivSearchDomains = '';
     } else {
         $itemsOut = '';
         foreach ($this->_mItems as $item) {
             $itemsOut .= $item->execute();
         $sDivSearchDomains = Xml::openElement('div', array('class' => 'bs-extendedsearch-domaindiv')) . $itemsOut . Xml::closeElement('div');
     global $wgScript;
     $aFormAttributes = array('class' => 'bs-search-form', 'id' => 'bs-extendedsearch-form-specialpage', 'action' => $wgScript, 'method' => 'get');
     $aForm = array();
     $aForm[] = $sLinkToExtendedPage;
     $aForm[] = Html::openElement('form', $aFormAttributes);
     $aForm[] = implode("\n", $sInputFields) . $sDivSearchDomains;
     $aForm[] = Xml::closeElement('form');
     return implode("\n", $aForm);
  * Checks wether to set Context or not.
  * @return bool
 private function checkContext()
     if (BsConfig::get('MW::Authors::Show') === false) {
         return false;
     $oTitle = $this->getTitle();
     if (!is_object($oTitle)) {
         return false;
     if (!$oTitle->exists()) {
         return false;
     // Do only display when user is allowed to read
     if (!$oTitle->userCan('read')) {
         return false;
     // Do only display in view mode
     if ($this->getRequest()->getVal('action', 'view') != 'view') {
         return false;
     // Do not display on SpecialPages, CategoryPages or ImagePages
     if (in_array($oTitle->getNamespace(), array(NS_SPECIAL, NS_CATEGORY, NS_FILE))) {
         return false;
     // Do not display if __NOAUTHORS__ keyword is found
     $vNoAuthors = BsArticleHelper::getInstance($oTitle)->getPageProp('bs_noauthors');
     if ($vNoAuthors === '') {
         return false;
     return true;
  * Processes incoming search request
 public function readInSearchRequest()
     global $wgCanonicalNamespaceNames, $wgExtraNamespaces, $wgContentNamespaces;
     $this->aOptions['searchStringRaw'] = $this->oSearchRequest->sInput;
     $this->aOptions['searchStringOrig'] = ExtendedSearchBase::preprocessSearchInput($this->oSearchRequest->sInput);
     self::$searchStringRaw = $this->aOptions['searchStringRaw'];
     $sCustomerId = $this->getCustomerId();
     $sLogOp = ' OR ';
     $aFq = array();
     $aBq = array();
     $oRequest = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest();
     $scope = $oRequest->getVal('search_scope', BsConfig::get('MW::ExtendedSearch::DefScopeUser')) == 'title' ? 'title' : 'text';
     $this->aOptions['scope'] = $scope;
     $vNamespace = $this->checkSearchstringForNamespace($this->aOptions['searchStringRaw'], $this->aOptions['searchStringOrig'], $aFq, BsConfig::get('MW::ExtendedSearch::ShowFacets'));
     $this->aOptions['searchStringWildcarded'] = SearchService::wildcardSearchstring($this->aOptions['searchStringOrig']);
     $this->aOptions['searchStringForStatistics'] = $this->aOptions['searchStringWildcarded'];
     $aSearchTitle = array('title:(' . $this->aOptions['searchStringOrig'] . ')^5', 'titleWord:(' . $this->aOptions['searchStringOrig'] . ')^2', 'titleReverse:(' . $this->aOptions['searchStringWildcarded'] . ')', 'redirects:(' . $this->aOptions['searchStringOrig'] . ')');
     $aSearchText = array('textWord:(' . $this->aOptions['searchStringOrig'] . ')^2', 'textReverse:(' . $this->aOptions['searchStringWildcarded'] . ')', 'sections:(' . $this->aOptions['searchStringOrig'] . ')');
     $sSearchStringTitle = implode($sLogOp, $aSearchTitle);
     $sSearchStringText = implode($sLogOp, $aSearchText);
     $this->aOptions['searchStringFinal'] = $this->aOptions['scope'] === 'title' ? $sSearchStringTitle : $sSearchStringTitle . $sLogOp . $sSearchStringText;
     // filter query
     $aFq[] = 'redirect:0';
     $aFq[] = 'special:0';
     $aFq[] = 'wiki:(' . $sCustomerId . ')';
     // $this->aOptions['namespaces'] HAS TO BE an array with numeric indices of type string!
     $this->aOptions['namespaces'] = $this->oSearchRequest->aNamespaces;
     $aNamespaces = array_slice($wgCanonicalNamespaceNames, 2);
     $aNamespaces = $aNamespaces + $wgExtraNamespaces;
     $bTagNamespace = false;
     if ($vNamespace === false) {
         $this->aOptions['files'] = $this->oSearchRequest->bSearchFiles === true ? true : false;
         $oUser = RequestContext::getMain()->getUser();
         if (!$oUser->getOption('searcheverything')) {
             if (empty($this->aOptions['namespaces']) && $this->oSearchRequest->bNoSelect === false) {
                 $this->aOptions['namespaces'] = array();
                 $aOptions = $oUser->getOptions();
                 foreach ($aOptions as $sOpt => $sValue) {
                     if (strpos($sOpt, 'searchNs') !== false && $sValue == true) {
                         $this->aOptions['namespaces'][] = '' . str_replace('searchNs', '', $sOpt);
                 $aAllowedTypes = explode(',', BsConfig::get('MW::ExtendedSearch::IndexFileTypes'));
                 $aAllowedTypes = array_map('trim', $aAllowedTypes);
                 $aSearchFilesFacet = array_intersect($this->oSearchRequest->aType, $aAllowedTypes);
                 if (($this->aOptions['files'] === true || !empty($aSearchFilesFacet)) && $oUser->isAllowed('searchfiles')) {
                     $this->aOptions['namespaces'][] = '999';
                     $this->aOptions['namespaces'][] = '998';
             } else {
                 $bTagNamespace = true;
                 $aTmp = array();
                 foreach ($this->aOptions['namespaces'] as $iNs) {
                     if (BsNamespaceHelper::checkNamespacePermission($iNs, 'read') === true) {
                         $aTmp[] = $iNs;
                 $this->aOptions['namespaces'] = $aTmp;
         } else {
             if (empty($this->aOptions['namespaces'])) {
                 $aTmp = array();
                 foreach ($aNamespaces as $iNs) {
                     if (BsNamespaceHelper::checkNamespacePermission($iNs, 'read') === true) {
                         $this->aOptions['namespaces'][] = $iNs;
             } else {
                 $bTagNamespace = true;
                 $aTmp = array();
                 foreach ($this->aOptions['namespaces'] as $iNs) {
                     if (!BsNamespaceHelper::checkNamespacePermission($iNs, 'read')) {
                         $aTmp[] = $iNs;
                 if (!empty($aTmp)) {
                     $this->aOptions['namespaces'] = array_diff($this->aOptions['namespaces'], $aTmp);
     } else {
         $bTagNamespace = true;
         $this->aOptions['namespaces'][] = '' . $vNamespace;
     $this->aOptions['namespaces'] = array_unique($this->aOptions['namespaces']);
     if (!empty($this->aOptions['namespaces'])) {
         $aFqNamespaces = array();
         foreach ($this->aOptions['namespaces'] as $sNamespace) {
             $aFqNamespaces[] = $sNamespace;
             if ($sNamespace == '999') {
                 $filesAlreadyAddedInLoopBefore = true;
         if (!isset($filesAlreadyAddedInLoopBefore) && $this->aOptions['files'] === true && $oUser->isAllowed('searchfiles')) {
             $aFqNamespaces[] = '999';
         $bTagNamespace = true;
         $aFq[] = BsConfig::get('MW::ExtendedSearch::ShowFacets') ? '{!tag=na}namespace:("' . implode('" "', $aFqNamespaces) . '")' : 'namespace:("' . implode('" "', $aFqNamespaces) . '")';
     // $this->aOptions['cats'] = $this->oSearchRequest->sCat; // string, defaults to '' if 'search_cat' not set in REQUEST
     $this->aOptions['cats'] = $this->oSearchRequest->sCategories;
     // array of strings or empty array
     if (!empty($this->aOptions['cats'])) {
         if (isset($this->oSearchRequest->sOperator)) {
             switch ($this->oSearchRequest->sOperator) {
                 case 'AND':
                     $sLogOp = ' AND ';
         $sFqCategories = BsConfig::get('MW::ExtendedSearch::ShowFacets') ? '{!tag=ca}' : '';
         $sFqCategories .= 'cat:("' . implode('"' . $sLogOp . '"', $this->aOptions['cats']) . '")';
         $aFq[] = $sFqCategories;
     $this->aOptions['type'] = $this->oSearchRequest->aType;
     if (!empty($this->aOptions['type'])) {
         $sFqType = BsConfig::get('MW::ExtendedSearch::ShowFacets') ? '{!tag=ty}' : '';
         $sFqType .= 'type:("' . implode('"' . $sLogOp . '"', $this->aOptions['type']) . '")';
         $aFq[] = $sFqType;
     $this->aOptions['editor'] = $this->oSearchRequest->sEditor;
     if (!empty($this->aOptions['editor'])) {
         // there may be spaces in name of editor. solr analyses those to two
         // terms (editor's names) thus we wrap the name into quotation marks
         // todo: better: in schema.xml define field editor not to be tokenized
         //       at whitespace
         // but: +editor:("Robert V" "Mathias S") is already split correctly!
         $sFqEditor = BsConfig::get('MW::ExtendedSearch::ShowFacets') ? '{!tag=ed}' : '';
         $sFqEditor .= 'editor:("' . implode('"' . $sLogOp . '"', $this->aOptions['editor']) . '")';
         $aFq[] = $sFqEditor;
     // Boost query
     foreach ($wgContentNamespaces as $iNs) {
         $aBq[] = "namespace:{$iNs}^2";
     // We want that files are also seen as a content namespace
     $aBq[] = "namespace:999^2";
     $searchLimit = BsConfig::get('MW::ExtendedSearch::LimitResults');
     $this->aOptions['offset'] = $this->oSearchRequest->iOffset;
     $this->aOptions['order'] = $this->oSearchRequest->sOrder;
     $this->aOptions['asc'] = $this->oSearchRequest->sAsc;
     $this->aOptions['searchLimit'] = $searchLimit == 0 ? 15 : $searchLimit;
     $this->aOptions['titleExists'] = ExtendedSearchBase::titleExists($this->oSearchRequest->sInput, $this->aOptions);
     $this->aOptions['bExtendedForm'] = $this->oSearchRequest->bExtendedForm;
     $this->aSearchOptions['defType'] = 'edismax';
     $this->aSearchOptions['fl'] = 'uid,type,title,path,namespace,cat,ts,redirects,overall_type';
     $this->aSearchOptions['fq'] = $aFq;
     $this->aSearchOptions['sort'] = $this->aOptions['order'] . ' ' . $this->aOptions['asc'];
     $this->aSearchOptions['hl'] = 'on';
     $this->aSearchOptions['hl.fl'] = 'titleWord, titleReverse, sections, textWord, textReverse';
     $this->aSearchOptions['hl.snippets'] = BsConfig::get('MW::ExtendedSearch::HighlightSnippets');
     $this->aSearchOptions['bq'] = implode(' ', $aBq);
     if (BsConfig::get('MW::ExtendedSearch::ShowFacets')) {
         $this->aSearchOptions['facet'] = 'on';
         $this->aSearchOptions['facet.sort'] = 'false';
         $this->aSearchOptions['facet.mincount'] = '1';
         $this->aSearchOptions['facet.missing'] = 'true';
         $this->aSearchOptions['facet.field'] = array();
         $this->aSearchOptions['facet.field'][] = $bTagNamespace === true ? '{!ex=na}namespace' : 'namespace';
         $this->aSearchOptions['facet.field'][] = isset($sFqCategories) ? '{!ex=ca}cat' : 'cat';
         $this->aSearchOptions['facet.field'][] = isset($sFqType) ? '{!ex=ty}type' : 'type';
         $this->aSearchOptions['facet.field'][] = isset($sFqEditor) ? '{!ex=ed}editor' : 'editor';
  * This method actually generates the output
  * @param array $aParams not used here
  * @return string HTML output
 public function execute($aParams = false)
     global $wgUser;
     $sUserName = $this->oUser->getName();
     $sUserRealName = $this->oUser->getRealName();
     //Fallback for old entries without user_id
     if ($this->oUser->isAnon()) {
         $sUserName = $this->sUsername;
     $aOut = array();
     $aOut[] = '<li class="bs-sb-listitem clearfix" id="bs-sb-' . $this->iShoutID . '">';
     $aOut[] = '  <div class="bs-user-image">';
     if ($this->oMiniProfile instanceof ViewUserMiniProfile) {
         $aOut[] = $this->oMiniProfile->execute();
     $aOut[] = '  </div>';
     $aOut[] = '  <div class="bs-sb-message">';
     $aOut[] = '    <div class="bs-sb-message-head">';
     $aOut[] = '      <strong>' . $sUserName . '</strong>';
     if (!empty($sUserRealName)) {
         $aOut[] = '      <span class="bs-sb-meassage-head-small">' . $sUserRealName . '</span>';
     $aOut[] = '    </div>';
     if (isset($this->sDate)) {
         $aOut[] = '<div class="bs-sb-message-time">' . $this->sDate;
         $aOut[] = '</div> ';
     $aOut[] = '    <div class="bs-sb-message-text">' . nl2br($this->sMessage);
     $aOut[] = '    </div> ';
     $aOut[] = '  </div>';
     $sArchiveButton = '';
     $sArchiveButtonEnabled = '  <div class="bs-sb-archive"></div>';
     //set button if user has the right to archive
     if (BsCore::checkAccessAdmission('archiveshoutbox')) {
         $sArchiveButton = $sArchiveButtonEnabled;
     //if setting for "allow own entries to be archived" is set + username == shoutbox-entry-username => set button
     if (BsConfig::get('MW::ShoutBox::AllowArchive') && $wgUser->getName() == $sUserName) {
         $sArchiveButton = $sArchiveButtonEnabled;
     $aOut[] = $sArchiveButton;
     $aOut[] = '</li>';
     return implode("\n", $aOut);
  * Hook handler for LinkBegin
  * @param Linker $oLinker
  * @param Title $oTarget
  * @param string $sHtml
  * @param array $aCustomAttribs
  * @param array $aQuery
  * @param array $aOptions
  * @param string $sRet
  * @return boolean Always true to keep hook running
 public function onLinkBegin($oLinker, $oTarget, &$sHtml, &$aCustomAttribs, &$aQuery, &$aOptions, &$sRet)
     if (in_array('known', $aOptions)) {
         return true;
     if (!in_array('broken', $aOptions)) {
         //It's not marked as "known" and not as "broken" so we have to check
         if ($oTarget->isKnown()) {
             return true;
     $aExNs = BsConfig::get('MW::PageTemplates::ExcludeNs');
     if (in_array($oTarget->getNamespace(), $aExNs)) {
         return true;
     if (!isset($aQuery['preload'])) {
         $aQuery['action'] = 'view';
     return true;
  * Collects metadata and additional resources for this page
  * @param Title $oTitle
  * @param DOMDocument $oPageDOM
  * @param array $aParams
  * @return array array( 'meta' => ..., 'resources' => ...);
 private static function collectData($oTitle, $oPageDOM, $aParams)
     $aMeta = array();
     $aResources = array('ATTACHMENT' => array(), 'STYLESHEET' => array(), 'IMAGE' => array());
     // TODO RBV (01.02.12 13:51): Handle oldid
     $aCategories = array();
     if ($oTitle->exists()) {
         // TODO RBV (27.06.12 11:47): Throws an exception. Maybe better use try ... catch instead of $oTitle->exists()
         $aAPIParams = new FauxRequest(array('action' => 'parse', 'page' => $oTitle->getPrefixedText(), 'prop' => 'images|categories|links'));
         $oAPI = new ApiMain($aAPIParams);
         if (defined('ApiResult::META_CONTENT')) {
             $aResult = $oAPI->getResult()->getResultData(null, array('BC' => array(), 'Types' => array(), 'Strip' => 'all'));
         } else {
             $aResult = $oAPI->getResultData();
         foreach ($aResult['parse']['categories'] as $aCat) {
             $aCategories[] = $aCat['*'];
     		//For future use...
     		foreach($aResult['parse']['images'] as $sFileName ) {
     			$oImage = RepoGroup::singleton()->getLocalRepo()->newFile( Title::newFromText( $sFileName, NS_FILE ) );
     			if( $oImage->exists() ) {
     				$sAbsoluteFileSystemPath = $oImage->getFullPath();
     //Dublin Core:
     $aMeta['DC.title'] = $oTitle->getPrefixedText();
     $aMeta['DC.date'] = wfTimestamp(TS_ISO_8601);
     // TODO RBV (14.12.10 14:01): Check for conformity. Maybe there is a better way to acquire than wfTimestamp()?
     global $wgLang;
     $sCurrentTS = $wgLang->userAdjust(wfTimestampNow());
     $aMeta['title'] = $oTitle->getPrefixedText();
     $aMeta['exportdate'] = $wgLang->sprintfDate('d.m.Y', $sCurrentTS);
     $aMeta['exporttime'] = $wgLang->sprintfDate('H:i', $sCurrentTS);
     $aMeta['exporttimeexact'] = $wgLang->sprintfDate('H:i:s', $sCurrentTS);
     //Custom - Categories->Keywords
     $aMeta['keywords'] = implode(', ', $aCategories);
     $oDOMXPath = new DOMXPath($oPageDOM);
     $oMetadataElements = $oDOMXPath->query("//div[@class='bs-universalexport-meta']");
     foreach ($oMetadataElements as $oMetadataElement) {
         if ($oMetadataElement->hasAttributes()) {
             foreach ($oMetadataElement->attributes as $oAttribute) {
                 if ($oAttribute->name !== 'class') {
                     $aMeta[$oAttribute->name] = $oAttribute->value;
     //If it's a normal article
     if (!in_array($oTitle->getNamespace(), array(NS_SPECIAL, NS_IMAGE, NS_CATEGORY))) {
         $oArticle = new Article($oTitle);
         $aMeta['author'] = $oArticle->getUserText();
         // TODO RBV (14.12.10 12:19): Realname/Username -> DisplayName
         $aMeta['date'] = $wgLang->sprintfDate('d.m.Y', $oArticle->getTouched());
     wfRunHooks('BSUEModulePDFcollectMetaData', array($oTitle, $oPageDOM, &$aParams, $oDOMXPath, &$aMeta));
     $aMetaDataOverrides = json_decode(BsConfig::get('MW::UniversalExport::MetadataOverrides'), true);
     $aMeta = array_merge($aMeta, $aMetaDataOverrides);
     return array('meta' => $aMeta, 'resources' => $aResources);
  * @param Title $oTitle
  * @return false|\ViewStateBarTopElement
 private function makeStateBarTopSubPages($oTitle)
     if ($oTitle->hasSubpages() == false) {
         return false;
     wfProfileIn('BS::' . __METHOD__);
     $oSubpageIcons = new ViewStateBarTopElement();
     $oSubpageIcons->setIconSrc($this->getImagePath(true) . BsConfig::get('MW::ArticleInfo::ImageSubpages'));
     wfRunHooks('BSArticleInfoBeforeSubpagesTopView', array($this, &$oSubpageIcons));
     return $oSubpageIcons;
  * Creates the facets
 private function createFacets()
     $sSiteUri = $this->oSearchUriBuilder->buildUri(SearchUriBuilder::ALL, SearchUriBuilder::MLT);
     // possible orders: count, name, checked
     // possible directions: 1 = desc, -1 = asc
     $aOrder = BsConfig::get('MW::SortAlph') ? array('name' => -1) : array('count' => 1);
     $this->setData('sortorder', $aOrder);
     $aBaseFacets = array('namespace' => array('param' => 'na', 'option' => 'namespaces', 'i18n' => 'bs-extendedsearch-facet-namespace', 'url' => $this->oSearchUriBuilder->buildUri(SearchUriBuilder::ALL, SearchUriBuilder::NAMESPACES | SearchUriBuilder::FILES)), 'cat' => array('param' => 'ca', 'option' => 'cats', 'i18n' => 'bs-extendedsearch-facet-category', 'url' => $this->oSearchUriBuilder->buildUri(SearchUriBuilder::ALL, SearchUriBuilder::CATS)), 'editor' => array('param' => 'ed', 'option' => 'editor', 'i18n' => 'bs-extendedsearch-facet-editors', 'url' => $this->oSearchUriBuilder->buildUri(SearchUriBuilder::ALL, SearchUriBuilder::NAMESPACES | SearchUriBuilder::EDITOR)), 'type' => array('param' => 'ty', 'option' => 'type', 'i18n' => 'bs-extendedsearch-facet-type', 'url' => $this->oSearchUriBuilder->buildUri(SearchUriBuilder::ALL, SearchUriBuilder::NAMESPACES | SearchUriBuilder::TYPE)));
     wfRunHooks('BSExtendedSearchBeforeCreateFacets', array(&$aBaseFacets));
     foreach ($aBaseFacets as $sFacet => $aConfig) {
         $oFacet = new ViewSearchFacet();
         if (!is_null($this->oResponse->facet_counts->facet_fields->{$sFacet})) {
             $oFacet->setOption('title', $aConfig['i18n']);
             /* alters to:
              * array(
              *     0 => array( 'checked' => true ),
              *     1 => array( 'count' => 15 ),
              *     999 => array( 'checked' => true, 'count' => 2 )
              * )*/
             $aFacets = array();
             $aData = $this->oSearchOptions->getOption($aConfig['option']);
             if (!empty($aData)) {
                 foreach ($aData as $key => $value) {
                     $aFacets[$value]['checked'] = true;
             // Get all available facets
             $aFacetsInRespsonse = $this->oResponse->facet_counts->facet_fields->{$sFacet};
             foreach ($aFacetsInRespsonse as $key => $count) {
                 if ($key == '_empty_') {
                 if ($sFacet === 'namespace') {
                     if (BsNamespaceHelper::checkNamespacePermission($key, 'read') === false || $count == '0') {
                 } elseif ($sFacet === 'type') {
                     if ($key != 'wiki' && !$this->oContext->getUser()->isAllowed('searchfiles')) {
                 $aFacets[$key]['count'] = $count;
             // Prepare available facets. Add some information for each facet
             foreach ($aFacets as $key => $attributes) {
                 if (!isset($aFacets[$key]['count'])) {
                 if ($sFacet === 'namespace') {
                     if ($key == '999') {
                         $sTitle = wfMessage('bs-extendedsearch-facet-namespace-files')->plain();
                     } elseif ($key == '998') {
                         $sTitle = wfMessage('bs-extendedsearch-facet-namespace-extfiles')->plain();
                     } elseif ($key == '0') {
                         $sTitle = wfMessage('bs-ns_main')->plain();
                     } else {
                         $sTitle = BsNamespaceHelper::getNamespaceName($key, false);
                         if (empty($sTitle)) {
                 } elseif ($sFacet === 'cat') {
                     $sTitle = $key == 'notcategorized' ? wfMessage('bs-extendedsearch-facet-uncategorized')->plain() : $key;
                 } elseif ($sFacet === 'editor') {
                     $sTitle = $key === 'unknown' ? wfMessage('bs-extendedsearch-unknown')->plain() : $key;
                 } elseif ($sFacet === 'type') {
                     $sTitle = $key;
                 $aFacets[$key]['title'] = $this->getFacetTitle($sTitle);
                 $aFacets[$key]['name'] = $this->reduceMaxFacetLength($sTitle);
             uasort($aFacets, array($this, 'compareEntries'));
             $aFacetAll = array();
             foreach ($aFacets as $key => $attributes) {
                 $aDataSet = array();
                 if (isset($attributes['checked'])) {
                     $aDataSet['checked'] = true;
                 if ($sFacet === 'namespace') {
                     if ($key == '999') {
                         $uri = $this->oSearchUriBuilder->buildUri(SearchUriBuilder::ALL, SearchUriBuilder::NAMESPACES | SearchUriBuilder::FILES);
                         $uri .= '&search_files=' . isset($attributes['checked']) ? '0' : '1';
                     } else {
                         $uri = $this->oSearchUriBuilder->buildUri(SearchUriBuilder::ALL, SearchUriBuilder::NAMESPACES);
                 } elseif ($sFacet === 'cat') {
                     $uri = $this->oSearchUriBuilder->buildUri(SearchUriBuilder::ALL, SearchUriBuilder::CATS);
                 } elseif ($sFacet === 'editor') {
                     $uri = $this->oSearchUriBuilder->buildUri(SearchUriBuilder::ALL, SearchUriBuilder::EDITOR);
                 } elseif ($sFacet === 'type') {
                     $uri = $this->oSearchUriBuilder->buildUri(SearchUriBuilder::ALL, SearchUriBuilder::TYPE);
                 foreach ($aFacets as $namespaceUrl => $attributesUrl) {
                     $bOwnUrlAndNotAlreadyChecked = $key == $namespaceUrl && !isset($attributesUrl['checked']);
                     $bOtherUrlAndAlreadyChecked = $key != $namespaceUrl && isset($attributesUrl['checked']);
                     if ($bOwnUrlAndNotAlreadyChecked || $bOtherUrlAndAlreadyChecked) {
                         $uri .= "&{$aConfig['param']}[]=" . $namespaceUrl;
                 $aDataSet['uri'] = $uri;
                 $aDataSet['diff'] = "{$aConfig['param']}[]=" . $key;
                 $aDataSet['name'] = $attributes['name'];
                 $aDataSet['title'] = $attributes['title'];
                 $aDataSet['count'] = (int) $attributes['count'];
                 $aFacetAll[] = "{$aConfig['param']}[]=" . $key;
             if ($sFacet === 'namespace') {
                 $aReqNs = $this->oSearchOptions->getOption('namespaces');
                 foreach ($aReqNs as $ikey => $value) {
                     if (!array_key_exists($value, $aFacets)) {
                         $aFacetAll[] = "{$aConfig['param']}[]=" . $value;
                         $sSiteUri = str_replace("&{$aConfig['param']}[]={$value}", '', $sSiteUri);
             $sFacetAll = implode('&', $aFacetAll);
             $oFacet->setOption('uri-facet-all-diff', $sFacetAll);
     $this->vSearchResult->setOption('siteUri', $sSiteUri);
  * Call the /admin/ping servlet, can be used to quickly tell if a connection to the
  * server is able to be made.
  * @param float $timeout maximum time to wait for ping in seconds, -1 for unlimited (default is 2)
  * @return float Actual time taken to ping the server, FALSE if timeout occurs
 public function ping($timeout = 2)
     $timeout = (double) $timeout;
     if ($timeout <= 0) {
         $timeout = -1;
     $start = microtime(true);
     //to prevent strict errors
     $errno = 0;
     $errstr = '';
     //try to connect to the host with timeout
     $fp = fsockopen($this->_host, $this->_port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
     if ($fp) {
         //If we have a timeout set, then determine the amount of time we have left
         //in the request and set the stream timeout for the write operation
         if ($timeout > 0) {
             //do the calculation
             $writeTimeout = $timeout - (microtime(true) - $start);
             //check if we're out of time
             if ($writeTimeout <= 0) {
                 return false;
             //convert to microseconds and set the stream timeout
             $writeTimeoutInMicroseconds = (int) $writeTimeout * 1000000;
             stream_set_timeout($fp, 0, $writeTimeoutInMicroseconds);
         $request = 'HEAD ' . $this->_path . BsConfig::get('MW::ExtendedSearch::SolrCore') . self::PING_SERVLET . ' HTTP/1.1' . "\r\n" . 'host: ' . $this->_host . "\r\n" . 'Connection: close' . "\r\n" . "\r\n";
         fwrite($fp, $request);
         //check the stream meta data to see if we timed out during the operation
         $metaData = stream_get_meta_data($fp);
         if (isset($metaData['timeout']) && $metaData['timeout']) {
             return false;
         //if we have a timeout set and have made it this far, determine the amount of time
         //still remaining and set the timeout appropriately before the read operation
         if ($timeout > 0) {
             //do the calculation
             $readTimeout = $timeout - (microtime(true) - $start);
             //check if we've run out of time
             if ($readTimeout <= 0) {
                 return false;
             //convert to microseconds and set the stream timeout
             $readTimeoutInMicroseconds = $readTimeout * 1000000;
             stream_set_timeout($fp, 0, $readTimeoutInMicroseconds);
         //at the very least we should get a response header line of
         //HTTP/1.1 200 OK
         $response = fread($fp, 15);
         //check the stream meta data to see if we timed out during the operation
         $metaData = stream_get_meta_data($fp);
         //we're done with the connection - ignore the rest
         if (isset($metaData['timeout']) && $metaData['timeout']) {
             return false;
         //finally, check the response header line
         if ($response != 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK') {
             return false;
         //we made it, return the approximate ping time
         return microtime(true) - $start;
     //we weren't able to make a connection
     return false;
  * Sets values for search form.
  * @param SkinTemplate $sktemplate
  * @param BaseTemplate $tpl
  * @return boolean Always true to keep hook running
 public function onSkinTemplateOutputPageBeforeExec(&$sktemplate, &$tpl)
     $tpl->set('searchtitle', SpecialPage::getTitleFor('SpecialExtendedSearch')->getFullText());
     if (!empty(SearchOptions::$searchStringRaw)) {
         $tpl->set('q', SearchOptions::$searchStringRaw);
     $tpl->set('bs_search_input', array('id' => 'bs-extendedsearch-input', 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'q'));
     $aHiddenFields = array();
     $aHiddenFields['sft'] = '1';
     if (BsConfig::get('MW::ExtendedSearch::SearchFiles')) {
         $aHiddenFields['search_files'] = '1';
     $tpl->set('bs_search_hidden_fields', $aHiddenFields);
     return true;
  * @param OutputPage $out
  * @param Skin $skin
  * @return boolean
 public static function onBeforePageDisplay(&$out, &$skin)
     $out->addJsConfigVars('BSInsertCategoryWithParents', BsConfig::get('MW::InsertCategory::WithParents'));
     return true;
  * Creates or changes a review for a page. Called by remote handler.
  * @return bool Allow other hooked methods to be executed. Always true.
 public static function doEditReview()
     if (BsCore::checkAccessAdmission('workflowedit') === false) {
         return true;
     $aAnswer = array('success' => true, 'errors' => array(), 'messages' => array());
     $oUser = BsCore::loadCurrentUser();
     $oReview = BsExtensionManager::getExtension('Review');
     $userIsSysop = in_array('sysop', $oUser->getGroups());
     //TODO: getEffectiveGroups()?
     if (!$userIsSysop && !$oUser->isAllowed('workflowedit')) {
         $aAnswer['success'] = false;
         $aAnswer['messages'][] = wfMessage('bs-review-save-norights')->plain();
         return json_encode($aAnswer);
     global $wgRequest;
     $paramRvPid = $wgRequest->getInt('pid', -1);
     // Check for id 0 prevents special pages to be put on a review
     if (empty($paramRvPid)) {
         $aAnswer['success'] = false;
         $aAnswer['messages'][] = wfMessage('bs-review-save-noid')->plain();
         return json_encode($aAnswer);
     $oReviewProcess = BsReviewProcess::newFromPid($paramRvPid);
     $bIsEdit = false;
     if (is_object($oReviewProcess) && $oReviewProcess->hasSteps()) {
         $bIsEdit = true;
     if (!$userIsSysop && $oReviewProcess && BsConfig::get('MW::Review::CheckOwner') && $oReviewProcess->owner != $oUser->getID()) {
         $aAnswer['success'] = false;
         $aAnswer['messages'][] = wfMessage('bs-review-save-norights')->plain();
         return json_encode($aAnswer);
     $paramCmd = $wgRequest->getVal('cmd', '');
     $paramSaveTmpl = $wgRequest->getInt('save_tmpl', 0);
     if (!($paramCmd === false)) {
         switch ($paramCmd) {
             case 'insert':
                 $aErrors = array();
                 $review = BsReviewProcess::newFromJSON($wgRequest->getVal('review', ''), $aErrors);
                 if (is_array($aErrors) && count($aErrors) > 0) {
                     $aAnswer['success'] = false;
                     foreach ($aErrors as $sError) {
                         $aAnswer['messages'][] = wfMessage('bs-review-' . $sError)->plain();
                     return json_encode($aAnswer);
                 $oOldReview = BsReviewProcess::newFromPid($paramRvPid);
                 $update = is_object($oOldReview) ? $oOldReview->getPid() : false;
                 if ($paramSaveTmpl == 1) {
                     $paramTmplChoice = $wgRequest->getInt('tmpl_choice', -1);
                     $paramTmplName = $wgRequest->getVal('tmpl_name', '');
                     $review->asTemplate($paramTmplChoice, $paramTmplName);
                 if (!is_array($review->steps)) {
                     $aAnswer['success'] = false;
                     $aAnswer['messages'][] = wfMessage('bs-review-save-nosteps')->plain();
                     return json_encode($aAnswer);
                 if ($review->store($update)) {
                     $oTitle = Title::newFromID($paramRvPid);
                     $oWatchlist = WatchedItem::fromUserTitle($oUser, $oTitle);
                     if (!$oWatchlist->isWatched()) {
                     $aParams = array('action' => $bIsEdit ? 'modify' : 'create', 'target' => $oTitle, 'comment' => '', 'params' => null, 'doer' => $oUser);
                     $oReview->oLogger->addEntry($aParams['action'], $aParams['target'], $aParams['comment'], $aParams['params'], $aParams['doer']);
                     $aAnswer['messages'][] = wfMessage('bs-review-save-success')->plain();
                     // Identify owner
                     $oReviewProcess = BsReviewProcess::newFromPid($paramRvPid);
                     return json_encode($aAnswer);
                 } else {
                     $aAnswer['success'] = false;
                     $aAnswer['messages'][] = wfMessage('bs-review-save-error')->plain();
                     return json_encode($aAnswer);
                 // 22.08.13 STM: WTF?
             // 22.08.13 STM: WTF?
             case 'delete':
                 $oTitle = Title::newFromID($paramRvPid);
                 $oWatchlist = WatchedItem::fromUserTitle($oUser, $oTitle);
                 if ($oWatchlist->isWatched()) {
                 $aParams = array('action' => 'delete', 'target' => $oTitle, 'comment' => '', 'params' => null, 'doer' => $oUser);
                 $oReview->oLogger->addEntry($aParams['action'], $aParams['target'], $aParams['comment'], $aParams['params'], $aParams['doer']);
                 $aAnswer['messages'][] = wfMessage('bs-review-save-removed')->plain();
                 return json_encode($aAnswer);
     return true;
  * @global User $wgUser
  * @global WebRequest $wgRequest
  * @return type
 public static function ajaxSave()
     $aResult = array("success" => false, "errors" => array(), "message" => '', "data" => array());
     global $wgUser, $wgRequest;
     if (!$wgUser->isAllowed('read')) {
         $aResult["message"] = wfMessage('bs-statistics-not-allowed')->plain();
         return json_encode($aResult);
     $sDiagram = $wgRequest->getVal('inputDiagrams', '');
     $sGrain = $wgRequest->getVal('InputDepictionGrain', 'Y');
     $sFrom = $wgRequest->getVal('inputFrom', '');
     $sMode = $wgRequest->getVal('rgInputDepictionMode', '');
     $sTo = $wgRequest->getVal('inputTo', '');
     $aAvailableDiagrams = Statistics::getAvailableDiagrams();
     $aAllowedDiaKeys = array_keys($aAvailableDiagrams);
     if (empty($sDiagram)) {
         $aResult["errors"]['inputDiagrams'] = wfMessage('bs-statistics-err-emptyinput')->plain();
     } elseif (!in_array($sDiagram, $aAllowedDiaKeys)) {
         $aResult["errors"]['inputDiagrams'] = wfMessage('bs-statistics-err-unknowndia')->plain();
     if (!array_key_exists($sGrain, BsConfig::get('MW::Statistics::AvailableGrains'))) {
         $aResult["errors"]['InputDepictionGrain'] = wfMessage('bs-statistics-err-unknowngrain')->plain();
     if (empty($sFrom)) {
         $aResult["errors"]['inputFrom'] = wfMessage('bs-statistics-err-emptyinput')->plain();
     } elseif (!($oFrom = DateTime::createFromFormat('d.m.Y', $sFrom))) {
         $aResult["errors"]['inputFrom'] = wfMessage('bs-statistics-err-invaliddate')->plain();
     if (empty($sTo)) {
         $aResult["errors"]['inputTo'] = wfMessage('bs-statistics-err-emptyinput')->plain();
     } elseif (!($oTo = DateTime::createFromFormat('d.m.Y', $sFrom))) {
         $aResult["errors"]['inputTo'] = wfMessage('bs-statistics-err-invaliddate')->plain();
     } elseif ($oTo > new DateTime()) {
         $aResult["errors"]['inputTo'] = wfMessage('bs-statistics-err-invaliddate')->plain();
     if (isset($oFrom) && isset($oTo) && $oFrom > $oTo) {
         $aResult["errors"]['inputTo'] = wfMessage('bs-statistics-err-invalidtofromrelation')->plain();
     if (empty($sMode)) {
         $aResult["errors"]['rgInputDepictionMode'] = wfMessage('bs-statistics-err-emptyinput')->plain();
     } elseif (!in_array($sMode, array('absolute', 'aggregated', 'list'))) {
         $aResult["errors"]['rgInputDepictionMode'] = wfMessage('bs-statistics-err-unknownmode')->plain();
     } elseif (!isset($aResult["errors"]['inputDiagrams']) && $sMode == 'list' && !$aAvailableDiagrams[$sDiagram]->isListable()) {
         $aResult["errors"]['rgInputDepictionMode'] = wfMessage('bs-statistics-err-modeunsupported')->plain();
     if (!empty($aResult['errors'])) {
         return json_encode($aResult);
     $oDiagram = Statistics::getDiagram($sDiagram);
     //$oDiagram->setMessage( $sMessage );
     //$oDiagram->setFilters( $aDiagFilter );
     switch ($oDiagram->getActualGrain()) {
         // Here, only those grains are listed where label code differs from grain code.
         case 'm':
             $oDiagram->setModLabel('M y');
         case 'd':
             //default  : $oDiagram->modLabel = false;
     switch ($oDiagram->getDataSource()) {
         case BsDiagram::DATASOURCE_DATABASE:
             global $wgDBtype, $wgDBserver, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBname;
             switch ($wgDBtype) {
                 case "postgres":
                     $oReader = new PostGreSQLDbReader();
                 case "oracle":
                     $oReader = new OracleDbReader();
                     $oReader = new MySQLDbReader();
             //$oReader = $sDbType == 'mysql' ? new MySQLDbReader() : new PostGreSQLDbReader();
             $oReader->host = $wgDBserver;
             $oReader->user = $wgDBuser;
             $oReader->pass = $wgDBpassword;
             $oReader->db = $wgDBname;
     $intervals = Interval::getIntervalsFromDiagram($oDiagram);
     if (count($intervals) > BsConfig::get('MW::Statistics::MaxNumberOfIntervals')) {
         $aResult['message'] = wfMessage('bs-statistics-interval-too-big')->plain();
         return json_encode($aResult);
     //set_time_limit( 60 );
     // TODO MRG (20.12.10 00:01): already called before
     //$intervals = Interval::getIntervalsFromDiagram( $oDiagram );
     //$oDiagram->addFilterText( wfMessage( 'bs-statistics-from-to', $oDiagram->getStartTime(), $oDiagram->getEndTime() )->plain() );
     // TODO MRG (20.12.10 00:19): This should be getModeText
     //$oDiagram->addFilterText( "\n".wfMessage( 'bs-statistics-mode' )->plain().": ".wfMessage( $oDiagram->getMessage() )->plain() );
     // PostgreSQL-Check (uses mwuser instead of user)
     global $wgDBtype;
     // Pls. keep the space after user, otherwise, user_groups is also replaced
     $sql = $oDiagram->getSQL();
     if ($wgDBtype == 'postgres') {
         $sql = str_replace('#__user', '#__mwuser', $sql);
     if ($wgDBtype == 'postgres') {
         $sql = str_replace('#__mwuser_', '#__user_', $sql);
     global $wgDBprefix;
     $sql = str_replace("#__", $wgDBprefix, $sql);
     foreach ($oDiagram->getFilters() as $oFilter) {
         $sFilterSql = $oFilter->getSql();
         $sql = str_replace($oFilter->getSqlKey(), $sFilterSql, $sql);
     $oReader->match = $sql;
     $oDiagram->setData(BsCharting::getDataPerDateInterval($oReader, $oDiagram->getMode(), $intervals, $oDiagram->isListable()));
     if ($oDiagram->isList()) {
         //$aResult['data']['list'] = BsCharting::drawTable($oDiagram);
         $aResult['data']['list'] = BsCharting::prepareList($oDiagram, $oReader);
         $aResult['label'] = $oDiagram->getTitle();
         $aResult['success'] = true;
         return json_encode($aResult);
     $aData = $oDiagram->getData();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($intervals as $interval) {
         $aResult['data'][] = array('name' => $interval->getLabel(), 'hits' => (int) $aData[$i]);
     $aAvalableGrains = BsConfig::get('MW::Statistics::AvailableGrains');
     $sLabelMsgKey = 'bs-statistics-label-time';
     if (isset($aAvalableGrains[$oDiagram->getActualGrain()])) {
         $sLabelMsgKey = $aAvalableGrains[$oDiagram->getActualGrain()];
     $aResult['label'] = wfMessage($sLabelMsgKey)->plain();
     $aResult['success'] = true;
     return json_encode($aResult);
  * Deletes a flexiskin defined by id via request parameter
  * @return String encoded result JSON string
 public function deleteFlexiskin()
     $sId = $this->getMain()->getVal('id', '');
     if ($sId == "") {
         return FormatJson::encode(array('success' => false, 'msg' => wfMessage('bs-flexiskin-api-error-missing-param', 'id')->plain()));
     $oStatus = BsFileSystemHelper::deleteFolder("flexiskin" . DS . $iId);
     if (BsConfig::get("MW::Flexiskin::Active") == $iId) {
         BsConfig::set("MW::Flexiskin::Active", "");
     if (!$oStatus->isGood()) {
         return FormatJson::encode(array('success' => false, 'msg' => wfMessage('bs-flexiskin-error-delete-skin', $this->getErrorMessage($oStatus))->plain()));
     } else {
         return FormatJson::encode(array('success' => true));
 public static function ajaxGetArticlesByNamespaceId()
     if (BsCore::checkAccessAdmission('edit') === false) {
         return true;
     global $wgOut, $wgRequest;
     $oParams = BsExtJSStoreParams::newFromRequest();
     $iStart = $wgRequest->getInt('start', 0);
     $sSort = $oParams->getSort('page_title');
     $sDirection = $oParams->getDirection();
     $iLimit = $wgRequest->getInt('limit', 25);
     $sDisplayMode = $wgRequest->getVal('displayMode', 'only-assigned');
     $iNamespaceId = $wgRequest->getInt('namespaceId', -99);
     $aActivatedNamespaces = BsConfig::get('MW::ResponsibleEditors::ActivatedNamespaces');
     $oResult = new stdClass();
     $aTables = array('bs_responsible_editors', 'user', 'page');
     $aVariables = array('page_id', 'page_title', 'page_namespace');
     $aConditions = array('page_namespace' => $aActivatedNamespaces);
     if ($sDisplayMode == 'only-assigned') {
         $aConditions[] = 're_user_id IS NOT NULL ';
     } else {
         if ($sDisplayMode == 'only-not-assigned') {
             $aConditions[] = 're_user_id IS NULL ';
     if ($iNamespaceId != -99) {
         $aConditions['page_namespace'] = $iNamespaceId;
     $aOptions = array('ORDER BY' => $sSort . ' ' . $sDirection, 'LIMIT' => $iLimit, 'OFFSET' => $iStart, 'GROUP BY' => 'page_id');
     if ($sSort == 'user_displayname') {
         $aOptions['ORDER BY'] = 'user_real_name, user_name ' . $sDirection;
     $aJoinOptions = array('user' => array('JOIN', 'user_id = re_user_id'), 'page' => array('RIGHT JOIN', 'page_id = re_page_id'));
     $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
     //TODO: Rework "total" calculation. This seems very complicated but it
     //should be as easy as excuting the main query without LIMIT/OFFSET.
     if ($sDisplayMode == 'only-assigned' || $sDisplayMode == 'only-not-assigned') {
         $row = $dbr->select(array('page', 'bs_responsible_editors'), 'page_id AS cnt', $aConditions, __METHOD__, array('GROUP BY' => 'page_id'), array('page' => array('RIGHT JOIN', 'page_id = re_page_id')));
         $oResult->total = $row->numRows();
     if ($sDisplayMode == 'all') {
         $aConditionsWithoutRePageID = $aConditions;
         $row = $dbr->selectRow('page', 'COUNT( page_id ) AS cnt', $aConditionsWithoutRePageID);
         $oResult->total = $row->cnt;
     $res = $dbr->select($aTables, $aVariables, $aConditions, __METHOD__, $aOptions, $aJoinOptions);
     $oResult->pages = array();
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         $oTitle = Title::newFromId($row->page_id);
         $iPageId = $row->page_id;
         $sPageNsId = !empty($row->page_namespace) ? $row->page_namespace : 0;
         $sPageTitle = $row->page_title;
         $oPage = new stdClass();
         $oPage->page_id = $iPageId;
         $oPage->page_namespace = $sPageNsId;
         $oPage->page_title = $sPageTitle;
         $oPage->page_prefixedtext = $oTitle->getPrefixedText();
         $oPage->users = array();
         $aEditorIDs = BsExtensionManager::getExtension('ResponsibleEditors')->getResponsibleEditorIdsByArticleId($row->page_id);
         $aEditorIDs = array_unique($aEditorIDs);
         foreach ($aEditorIDs as $iEditorID) {
             $oUser = User::newFromId($iEditorID);
             if ($oUser == null) {
             $oPage->users[] = array('user_id' => $iEditorID, 'user_page_link_url' => $oUser->getUserPage()->getFullUrl(), 'user_displayname' => BsCore::getUserDisplayName($oUser));
         $oResult->pages[] = $oPage;
     return FormatJson::encode($oResult);
  * Renders the blog. Called by parser function for bs:blog tag and also from Blog::onUnknownAction.
  * @param string $input Inner HTML of bs:blog tag. Not used.
  * @param array $args List of tag attributes.
  * @param Parser $parser MediaWiki parser object
  * @return string HTML output that is to be displayed.
 public function onBlog($input, $args, $parser)
     $oTitle = null;
     if ($parser instanceof Parser) {
         $oTitle = $parser->getTitle();
     } else {
         $oTitle = $this->getTitle();
     $sKey = BsCacheHelper::getCacheKey('BlueSpice', 'Blog', $oTitle->getArticleID());
     $aData = BsCacheHelper::get($sKey);
     if ($aData !== false) {
         return $aData;
     // initialize local variables
     $oErrorListView = new ViewTagErrorList($this);
     // get all config options
     $iShowLimit = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ShowLimit');
     //$blogShowTrackback    = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ShowTrackback');  // see comment below
     $bShowPermalink = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ShowPermalink');
     $bShowInfo = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ShowInfo');
     $sSortBy = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::SortBy');
     $bMoreInNewWindow = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::MoreInNewWindow');
     $bShowAll = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ShowAll');
     $bMoreAtEndOfEntry = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::MoreAtEndOfEntry');
     $bShowNewEntryField = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ShowNewEntryField');
     $bNewEntryFieldPosition = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::NewEntryFieldPosition');
     $sImageRenderMode = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ImageRenderMode');
     $sImageFloatDirection = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ThumbFloatDirection');
     $iMaxEntryCharacters = BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::MaxEntryCharacters');
     // Trackbacks are not supported the way we intend it to be. From http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgUseTrackbacks
     // When MediaWiki receives a trackback ping, a box will show up at the bottom of the article containing a link to the originating page
     //if (!$wgUseTrackbacks)
     $bShowTrackback = false;
     // get tag attributes
     $argsIShowLimit = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'count', $iShowLimit, BsPARAMTYPE::NUMERIC | BsPARAMOPTION::DEFAULT_ON_ERROR);
     $argsSCategory = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'cat', false, BsPARAMTYPE::STRING);
     $argsINamespace = BsNamespaceHelper::getNamespaceIndex(BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'ns', NS_BLOG, BsPARAMTYPE::STRING));
     $argsBNewEntryField = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'newentryfield', $bShowNewEntryField, BsPARAMTYPE::BOOL);
     $argsSNewEntryFieldPosition = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'newentryfieldposition', $bNewEntryFieldPosition, BsPARAMTYPE::STRING);
     $argsSImageRenderMode = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'imagerendermode', $sImageRenderMode, BsPARAMTYPE::STRING);
     $argsSImageFloatDirection = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'imagefloatdirection', $sImageFloatDirection, BsPARAMTYPE::STRING);
     $argsIMaxEntryCharacters = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'maxchars', $iMaxEntryCharacters, BsPARAMTYPE::INT);
     $argsSSortBy = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'sort', $sSortBy, BsPARAMTYPE::STRING);
     $argsBShowInfo = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'showinfo', $bShowInfo, BsPARAMTYPE::BOOL);
     $argsBMoreInNewWindow = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'moreinnewwindow', $bMoreInNewWindow, BsPARAMTYPE::BOOL);
     $argsBShowPermalink = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'showpermalink', $bShowPermalink, BsPARAMTYPE::BOOL);
     $argsModeNamespace = BsCore::sanitizeArrayEntry($args, 'mode', null, BsPARAMTYPE::STRING);
     if ($argsModeNamespace === 'ns' && is_object($oTitle)) {
         $argsINamespace = $oTitle->getNamespace();
     // validate tag attributes
     $validateIShowLimit = BsValidator::isValid('ArgCount', $argsIShowLimit, array('fullResponse' => true));
     if ($validateIShowLimit->getErrorCode()) {
         $oErrorListView->addItem(new ViewTagError($validateIShowLimit->getI18N()));
     if ($argsSCategory) {
         $validateSCategory = BsValidator::isValid('Category', $argsSCategory, array('fullResponse' => true));
         if ($validateSCategory->getErrorCode()) {
             $oErrorListView->addItem(new ViewTagError($validateSCategory->getI18N()));
     $oValidationResult = BsValidator::isValid('SetItem', $argsSImageRenderMode, array('fullResponse' => true, 'setname' => 'imagerendermode', 'set' => array('full', 'thumb', 'none')));
     if ($oValidationResult->getErrorCode()) {
         $oErrorListView->addItem(new ViewTagError($oValidationResult->getI18N()));
     $oValidationResult = BsValidator::isValid('SetItem', $argsSImageFloatDirection, array('fullResponse' => true, 'setname' => 'imagefloatdirection', 'set' => array('left', 'right', 'none')));
     if ($oValidationResult->getErrorCode()) {
         $oErrorListView->addItem(new ViewTagError($oValidationResult->getI18N()));
     $oValidationResult = BsValidator::isValid('SetItem', $argsSSortBy, array('fullResponse' => true, 'setname' => 'sort', 'set' => array('title', 'creation')));
     if ($oValidationResult->getErrorCode()) {
         $oErrorListView->addItem(new ViewTagError($oValidationResult->getI18N()));
     // if there are errors, abort with a message
     if ($oErrorListView->hasEntries()) {
         return $oErrorListView->execute();
     if (BsConfig::get('MW::Blog::ShowTagFormWhenNotLoggedIn') != true) {
         $oPermissionTest = Title::newFromText('PermissionTest', $argsINamespace);
         if (!$oPermissionTest->userCan('edit')) {
             $argsBNewEntryField = false;
     // get array of article ids from Blog/subpages
     $oBlogTitle = Title::makeTitleSafe($oTitle->getNamespace(), 'Blog');
     $aSubpages = $oBlogTitle->getSubpages();
     $iLimit = 0;
     // for later use
     $aArticleIds = array();
     foreach ($aSubpages as $oSubpage) {
         $aArticleIds[] = $oSubpage->getArticleID();
         // for later use
     if (count($aArticleIds) < 1) {
         $aArticleIds = 0;
     $aTables = array('page');
     $aFields = array('entry_page_id' => 'page_id');
     $aConditions = array();
     $aOptions = array();
     $aJoins = array();
     $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
     // get blog entries
     if ($argsSSortBy == 'title') {
         $aOptions['ORDER BY'] = 'page_title ASC';
     } else {
         //Creation: Also fetch possible custom timestamps from page_props table
         $aOptions['ORDER BY'] = 'entry_timestamp DESC';
         $aOptions['GROUP BY'] = 'page_id';
         global $wgDBtype;
         switch ($wgDBtype) {
             case 'oracle':
                 $aFields['entry_timestamp'] = "NVL( pp_value, rev_timestamp )";
                 $aConditions[] = "NVL( pp_value, rev_timestamp ) < " . wfTimestampNow();
             case 'mssql':
                 $aFields['entry_timestamp'] = "ISNULL( pp_value, rev_timestamp )";
                 $aConditions[] = "ISNULL( pp_value, rev_timestamp ) < " . wfTimestampNow();
             case 'postgres':
                 $aFields['entry_timestamp'] = "NULLIF( pp_value, rev_timestamp )";
                 $aConditions[] = "NULLIF( pp_value, rev_timestamp ) < " . wfTimestampNow();
                 //MySQL, SQLite
                 //use pp_value if exists
                 $aFields['entry_timestamp'] = "IFNULL( pp_value, rev_timestamp )";
                 //also do not list future entries
                 $aConditions[] = "IFNULL( pp_value, rev_timestamp ) < " . wfTimestampNow();
         $aTables[] = 'revision';
         $aTables[] = 'page_props';
         $aConditions[] = 'rev_page = page_id';
         $aJoins['page_props'] = array('LEFT JOIN', "pp_page = rev_page AND pp_propname = 'blogtime'");
     if ($argsSCategory) {
         $aTables[] = 'categorylinks';
         $aConditions['cl_to'] = $argsSCategory;
         $aConditions[] = 'cl_from = page_id';
     } else {
         if ($argsModeNamespace === 'ns') {
             $aConditions['page_id'] = $aArticleIds;
         $aConditions['page_namespace'] = $argsINamespace;
     $res = $dbr->select($aTables, $aFields, $aConditions, __METHOD__, $aOptions, $aJoins);
     $iNumberOfEntries = $dbr->numRows($res);
     $iLimit = $iNumberOfEntries;
     // Sole importance is the existence of param 'showall'
     $paramBShowAll = $this->getRequest()->getFuzzyBool('showall', false);
     if ($paramBShowAll == false) {
         $iLimit = $argsIShowLimit;
     // abort if there are no entries
     if ($iNumberOfEntries < 1) {
         $oBlogView = new ViewBlog();
         $oBlogView->setOption('shownewentryfield', $argsBNewEntryField);
         $oBlogView->setOption('newentryfieldposition', $argsSNewEntryFieldPosition);
         $oBlogView->setOption('namespace', BsNamespaceHelper::getNamespaceName($argsINamespace));
         if ($argsSCategory) {
             $oBlogView->setOption('blogcat', $argsSCategory);
         // actually create blog output
         $sOut = $oBlogView->execute();
         $sOut .= wfMessage('bs-blog-no-entries')->plain();
         return $sOut;
     $oBlogView = new ViewBlog();
     // prepare views per blog item
     $iLoop = 0;
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         // prepare data for view class
         $oEntryTitle = Title::newFromID($row->entry_page_id);
         if (!$oEntryTitle->userCan('read')) {
         $bMore = false;
         $aContent = preg_split('#<(bs:blog:)?more */>#', BsPageContentProvider::getInstance()->getContentFromTitle($oEntryTitle));
         if (sizeof($aContent) > 1) {
             $bMore = true;
         $aContent = trim($aContent[0]);
         // Prevent recursive rendering of blog tag
         $aContent = preg_replace('/<(bs:)blog[^>]*?>/', '', $aContent);
         // Thumbnail images
         $sNamespaceRegEx = implode('|', BsNamespaceHelper::getNamespaceNamesAndAliases(NS_IMAGE));
         switch ($argsSImageRenderMode) {
             case 'none':
                 $aContent = preg_replace('/(\\[\\[(' . $sNamespaceRegEx . '):[^\\|\\]]*)(\\|)?(.*?)(\\]\\])/', '', $aContent);
             case 'full':
                 // do nothing
             case 'thumb':
                 $aContent = preg_replace('/(\\[\\[(' . $sNamespaceRegEx . '):[^\\|\\]]*)(\\|)?(.*?)(\\]\\])/', "\$1|thumb|{$argsSImageFloatDirection}\$3\$4|150px\$5", $aContent);
         if (strlen($aContent) > $argsIMaxEntryCharacters) {
             $bMore = true;
         $aContent = BsStringHelper::shorten($aContent, array('max-length' => $argsIMaxEntryCharacters, 'ignore-word-borders' => false, 'position' => 'end'));
         $resComment = $dbr->selectRow('revision', 'COUNT( rev_id ) AS cnt', array('rev_page' => $oEntryTitle->getTalkPage()->getArticleID()));
         $iCount = $resComment->cnt;
         // set data for view class
         $oBlogItemView = new ViewBlogItem();
         // use magic set
         $oBlogItemView->setOption('showInfo', $argsBShowInfo);
         $oBlogItemView->setOption('showLimit', $argsIShowLimit);
         $oBlogItemView->setOption('showTrackback', $bShowTrackback);
         $oBlogItemView->setOption('showPermalink', $argsBShowPermalink);
         $oBlogItemView->setOption('moreInNewWindow', $argsBMoreInNewWindow);
         $oBlogItemView->setOption('showAll', $bShowAll);
         $oBlogItemView->setOption('moreAtEndOfEntry', $bMoreAtEndOfEntry);
         $oBlogItemView->setOption('more', $bMore);
         //TODO: magic_call?
         if ($argsModeNamespace === 'ns') {
             $sTitle = substr($oEntryTitle->getText(), 5);
         } else {
             $sTitle = $oEntryTitle->getText();
         $aTalkParams = array();
         if (!$oEntryTitle->getTalkPage()->exists()) {
             $aTalkParams = array('action' => 'edit');
         $oRevision = Revision::newFromTitle($oEntryTitle);
         if ($bShowInfo) {
             $oFirstRevision = $oEntryTitle->getFirstRevision();
             $sTimestamp = $oFirstRevision->getTimestamp();
             $sLocalDateTimeString = BsFormatConverter::timestampToAgeString(wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $sTimestamp));
             $iUserId = $oFirstRevision->getUser();
             if ($iUserId != 0) {
                 $oAuthorUser = User::newFromId($iUserId);
             } else {
         if ($iLoop >= $iLimit) {
     // prepare complete blog output
     if ($bShowAll && !$paramBShowAll && $iNumberOfEntries > $argsIShowLimit) {
         $oBlogView->setOption('showall', true);
     $oBlogView->setOption('shownewentryfield', $argsBNewEntryField);
     $oBlogView->setOption('newentryfieldposition', $argsSNewEntryFieldPosition);
     $oBlogView->setOption('namespace', BsNamespaceHelper::getNamespaceName($argsINamespace, false));
     $oBlogView->setOption('blogcat', $argsSCategory);
     if ($argsModeNamespace === 'ns') {
         $oBlogView->setOption('parentpage', 'Blog/');
     // actually create blog output
     $sOut = $oBlogView->execute();
     //Use cache only in NS_BLOG - there is curently no functionality to
     //figure out in what type of blog tag a entry is showen and why
     //(coditions). Possible blog by categories or subpages...
     //Needs rework.
     if (in_array($oTitle->getNamespace(), array(NS_BLOG, NS_BLOG_TALK))) {
         $aKey = array($sKey);
         $sTagsKey = BsCacheHelper::getCacheKey('BlueSpice', 'Blog', 'Tags');
         $aTagsData = BsCacheHelper::get($sTagsKey);
         if ($aTagsData !== false) {
             if (!in_array($sKey, $aTagsData)) {
                 $aTagsData = array_merge($aTagsData, $aKey);
         } else {
             $aTagsData = $aKey;
         BsCacheHelper::set($sTagsKey, $aTagsData, 60 * 1440);
         // one day
         BsCacheHelper::set($sKey, $sOut, 60 * 1440);
         // one day
     return $sOut;