public function CopyPreview($extBruType, $extFilePath)
     $bruType = $extBruType;
     $file = $extFilePath;
     $flightInfo['bruType'] = $bruType;
     $Bru = new Bru();
     $bruInfo = $Bru->GetBruInfo($bruType);
     $frameLength = $bruInfo['frameLength'];
     $stepLength = $bruInfo['stepLength'];
     $wordLength = $bruInfo['wordLength'];
     $headerLength = $bruInfo['headerLength'];
     $headerScr = $bruInfo['headerScr'];
     $frameSyncroCode = $bruInfo['frameSyncroCode'];
     $previewParams = $bruInfo['previewParams'];
     $cycloAp = $Bru->GetBruApCyclo($bruType, -1, -1, -1);
     $previewParams = explode(";", $previewParams);
     $previewParams = array_map('trim', $previewParams);
     $previewCyclo = array();
     $cycloApByPrefixes = array();
     foreach ($cycloAp as $row => $val) {
         if (in_array($val['code'], $previewParams)) {
             $previewCyclo[] = $val;
             if (!in_array($val['prefix'], $cycloApByPrefixes)) {
                 $prefixFreqArr[$val['prefix']] = count(explode(",", $val['channel']));
             $cycloApByPrefixes[$val['prefix']][] = $val;
     $prefixFreqArr = $Bru->GetBruApCycloPrefixFreq($bruType);
     $Fr = new Frame();
     $fileDesc = $Fr->OpenFile($file);
     $fileSize = $Fr->GetFileSize($file);
     if ($headerScr != '' || $headerScr != null) {
     $startCopyTime = 0;
     // to be 0 hours
           $startCopyTime = $flightInfo['startCopyTime'] * 1000;
     $Fr = new Frame();
     $syncroWordOffset = $Fr->SearchSyncroWord($frameSyncroCode, $headerLength, $file);
     $fileDesc = $Fr->OpenFile($file);
     $fileSize = $Fr->GetFileSize($file);
     $frameNum = 0;
     $totalFrameNum = floor(($fileSize - $headerLength - $syncroWordOffset) / $frameLength);
     fseek($fileDesc, $syncroWordOffset, SEEK_SET);
     $curOffset = $syncroWordOffset;
     $algHeap = array();
     $data = array();
     while ($frameNum < $totalFrameNum && $curOffset < $fileSize) {
         $curOffset = ftell($fileDesc);
         $frame = $Fr->ReadFrame($fileDesc, $frameLength);
         $unpackedFrame = unpack("H*", $frame);
         if ($Fr->CheckSyncroWord($frameSyncroCode, $unpackedFrame[1]) === true) {
             $splitedFrame = str_split($unpackedFrame[1], $wordLength * 2);
             // div 2 because each byte 2 hex digits. $unpackedFrame[1] - dont know why [1], but hexdec($b[$i]) what we need
             $apPhisicsByPrefixes = array();
             foreach ($cycloApByPrefixes as $prefix => $cycloAp) {
                 $channelFreq = $prefixFreqArr[$prefix];
                 $phisicsFrame = $Fr->ConvertFrameToPhisics($splitedFrame, $startCopyTime, $stepLength, $channelFreq, $frameNum, $cycloAp, $algHeap);
                 $phisicsFrame = $phisicsFrame[0];
                 // 0 - ap 1 - bp
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($cycloAp); $i++) {
                     $data[$cycloAp[$i]['code']][] = array($phisicsFrame[1], $phisicsFrame[$i + 2]);
                     //+2 because 0 - frameNum, 1 - time
         } else {
             $syncroWordOffset = $Fr->SearchSyncroWord($frameSyncroCode, $curOffset, $file);
             fseek($fileDesc, $syncroWordOffset, SEEK_SET);
             $framesLeft = floor(($fileSize - $syncroWordOffset) / $frameLength);
             $totalFrameNum = $frameNum + $framesLeft;
     echo json_encode($data);