/** * Inicjalizacja formularza */ public function baseInit() { $this->_atModel = $atModel = new AddonType(); $this->_bModel = $bModel = new Branch(); $rows = $atModel->fetchAll('not ghost', 'name asc'); $addons = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $addons[Base_Convert::strToHex($row->id)] = $row->name; } $this->addElement('MultiCheckbox', 'addons', array('label' => 'Uzwględnij następujące dodatki:', 'MultiOptions' => $addons, 'value' => array_keys($addons), 'required' => true)); $this->addons->getDecorator('row')->setOption('class', 'row widerow'); $rows = $bModel->fetchAll('not ghost', 'web_name asc'); $branches = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $branches[Base_Convert::strToHex($row->id)] = $row->branch_name; } $this->addElement('MultiCheckbox', 'branches', array('label' => 'Uwzględnij następujące brandy:', 'MultiOptions' => $branches, 'value' => array_keys($branches), 'required' => true)); $dic = new Logic_Dictionary(); $cTypes = array(); $this->_cDic = $cDic = $dic->getDictionaryEntriesByCode('client_type'); foreach ($cDic as $ct) { $cTypes[Base_Convert::strToHex($ct->id)] = ucfirst($ct->entry); } $rows = $bModel->fetchAll('not ghost', 'web_name asc'); $branches = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $branches[Base_Convert::strToHex($row->id)] = $row->branch_name; } $this->addElement('MultiCheckbox', 'clients', array('label' => 'Uwzględnij nastepujących klientów:', 'MultiOptions' => $cTypes, 'value' => array_keys($cTypes), 'required' => true)); $this->addElement('Select', 'timepoint', array('label' => 'Wyeksportuj wartości:', 'MultiOptions' => array('now' => 'Aktualne', 'archive' => 'Archiwalne'), 'required' => true)); $this->datee(false, 'date', 'Data:', true, array('value' => date('Y-m-d'), 'required' => true)); $this->addElement('text', 'time', array('label' => 'Godzina:', 'class' => 'timeentry', 'required' => true, 'value' => date('H:00:00'), 'validators' => array(array('validator' => 'Date', 'options' => array('format' => 'H:i:s'))))); $this->submit(false, 'submitbtn', 'Eksportuj'); }
protected function getBrands() { $brandModel = new Branch(); $brandsResult = $brandModel->fetchAll(); $brands = array(); foreach ($brandsResult as $brand) { $brands[$brand->id] = $brand->branch_name; } return $brands; }
public function getBranches() { $branchModel = new Branch(); $branches = $branchModel->fetchAll(); $branchOptions = array(); foreach ($branches as $branch) { $branchOptions[$branch->id] = $branch->web_name; } return $branchOptions; }
public function getTable($customerType, $addonType, $version = null) { $tableData = new stdClass(); $tableData->header = array(''); $tableData->data = array(); $addonTypeModel = new AddonType(); $addonTypeRow = $addonTypeModel->findOne($addonType); $addonTypeCode = $addonTypeRow->code; $branchModel = new Branch(); $branches = $branchModel->fetchAll(); foreach ($branches as $branch) { $tableData->header[] = $branch->branch_name; } $addon = new Addon(); $addonResults = $addon->getOrderedAddons($customerType, $addonType, $version); $previousStep = null; $rowArray = array(); foreach ($addonResults as $addonResult) { if ($addonResult->step_description !== $previousStep) { if ($previousStep !== null) { $tableData->data[] = $rowArray; } $previousStep = $addonResult->step_description; switch ($addonTypeCode) { case 'deposit_period': $rowArray = array($previousStep); break; case 'deposit_amount': case 'customer_engagement': $rowArray = array(number_format($previousStep, 0, '.', ' ')); break; case 'new_old_money': if ($previousStep == 0) { $rowArray = array('Stare środki'); } else { $rowArray = array('Nowe środki'); } break; case 'brand': $rowArray = array('Dodatek'); break; } } $rowArray[] = $addonResult->interest_value; } $tableData->data[] = $rowArray; return $tableData; }
} else { echo "\n\nParametr app_env jest wymagany!"; echo "\n\n" . $opts->getUsageMessage() . "\n\n"; exit; } /** Zend_Application */ require_once 'Zend/Application.php'; // Create application, bootstrap, and run $application = new Zend_Application(APPLICATION_ENV, APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini'); Base_Controller_Action_Helper_Currentip::$_unitTestEnabled = true; $application->bootstrap(); $application->getBootstrap()->runForCmd(); Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->setParam('bootstrap', $application->getBootstrap()); Zend_registry::set('config', $application->getOptions()); $user = $application->getOption('bin'); $u = new User(); $u_data = $u->fetchAll("login = '******'user'] . "'", "id DESC", 1); if (null == $u_data) { throw new Exception('Brak użytkownika o podanym ID'); } $u_data = $u_data->toArray(); $storageRow = new stdClass(); foreach ($u_data[0] as $key => $value) { $storageRow->{$key} = $value; } $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); $storage = $auth->getStorage(); $o = new Branch(); $data = $o->fetchAll("branch_name = '" . $user['branch'] . "'", "id DESC", 1)->toArray(); $storageRow->jednostka = $data[0]; $storage->write($storageRow);
public function __construct($options = null) { $model = new Branch(); $this->braches = $model->fetchAll(); parent::__construct($options); }
public function updateBranch($form, $id) { $values = $form->getValues(); $branch = new Branch(); $row = $branch->findOne($id); if ($values['desk'] == 0) { $values['desk'] = new Zend_Db_Expr("0"); } $row->setFromArray($values); $form_groups = $values['groups']; $form_groups = $form_groups ? $form_groups : array(); $branch_groups = $this->getGroupsForBranch($id); foreach ($branch->fetchAll($branch_groups) as $group) { if (false === ($key = array_search($group->id, $form_groups))) { $this->removeBranchFromGroup($id, $group->id); } unset($form_groups[$key]); } foreach ($form_groups as $group) { $this->addBranchToGroup($id, $group); } $row->save(); }
public function __construct($options = null) { $o = new Branch(); $this->oddzialy = $o->fetchAll(array('ghost = false and id != ' . $options['id_branch']))->toArray(); parent::__construct($options); }
public function getDataToUserReport() { $profileModel = new Profile(); $select = $profileModel->select()->order('id_user'); $profileDataArray = $profileModel->fetchAll($select)->toArray(); $groupModel = new Group(); $select = $groupModel->select(); $groupDataArray = $groupModel->fetchAll($select)->toArray(); foreach ($groupDataArray as $key => $value) { $tmp[$value['id']] = $value; } $groupDataArray = $tmp; unset($tmp); $branchModel = new Branch(); $select = $branchModel->select(); $branchDataArray = $branchModel->fetchAll($select)->toArray(); foreach ($branchDataArray as $key => $value) { $tmp[$value['id']] = $value; } $branchDataArray = $tmp; unset($tmp); $userModel = new User(); $select = $userModel->select(); $userDataArray = $userModel->fetchAll($select)->toArray(); foreach ($userDataArray as $key => $value) { $tmp[$value['id']] = $value; } $userDataArray = $tmp; unset($tmp); $roleModel = new Role(); $select = $roleModel->select(); $roleDataArray = $roleModel->fetchAll($select)->toArray(); foreach ($roleDataArray as $key => $value) { $tmp[$value['id']] = $value; } $roleDataArray = $tmp; unset($tmp); $groupArray = array(); foreach ($profileDataArray as $key => $value) { $data = $this->getAuthorizationsForProfile($value['id']); foreach ($data as $key2 => $values) { foreach ($values as $key3 => $privs) { /* if ($privs['ghost'] === true) { unset($data[$key2][$key3]); continue; } */ $tmp = array('login' => '', 'surname' => '', 'first_name' => '', 'group' => '', 'role' => '', 'branch' => '', 'ghost' => ''); if ($key2 === 'group') { $tmp['group'] = $groupDataArray[$privs['id_group']]['group_name']; } if ($key2 === 'role') { $tmp['role'] = $roleDataArray[$privs['id_role']]['description']; } $tmp['login'] = $userDataArray[$value['id_user']]['login']; $tmp['surname'] = $userDataArray[$value['id_user']]['surname']; $tmp['first_name'] = $userDataArray[$value['id_user']]['first_name']; $tmp['branch'] = $branchDataArray[$value['id_branch']]['branch_name']; $tmp['ghost'] = $userDataArray['ghost'] ? 'NIEAKTYWNY' : 'AKTYWNY'; $groupArray[] = $tmp; } } } return $groupArray; }
public function __construct($options = null) { $oddzialModel = new Branch(); $this->branches = $oddzialModel->fetchAll(array('ghost = false'))->toArray(); parent::__construct($options); }