$dep_text .= sprintf("%s: %s %s", $dep_type_desc[$row['type']], $dep_name_html, $rel); } else { $dep_text .= sprintf("%s: %s", $dep_type_desc[$row['type']], $dep_name_html); } $dep_text .= "<br />"; } $bb->horizHeadRow($title, $dep_text); } else { $bb->horizHeadRow($title, "No dependencies registered."); } } if ($too_much && empty($version)) { $bb->fullRow("Dependencies for older releases can be found on the release overview page."); } } $bb->end(); // }}} // {{{ Dependants $dependants = package::getDependants($name); if (count($dependants) > 0) { echo "<br /><br />"; $bb = new BorderBox("Packages that depend on " . $name); foreach ($dependants as $dep) { $bb->plainRow(make_link("/package/" . $dep['p_name'], $dep['p_name'])); } $bb->end(); } // }}} // {{{ page footer response_footer(); // }}}
function manualHeader($title, $id = "") { global $HTDIG, $LANGUAGES, $LANG, $SIDEBAR_DATA, $dbh; makeBorderTOC($title); /** * Show link to the package info file? */ if (strstr(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), "packages.") && substr_count($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ".") > 2) { $package = substr(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 0, strlen(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) - 4); $package = preg_replace("/(.*)\\./", "", $package); $query = "SELECT id FROM packages WHERE LCASE(name) = LCASE('" . $package . "')"; $sth = $dbh->query($query); $row = $sth->fetchRow(); if (is_array($row)) { ob_start(); echo "<div align=\"center\"><br /><br />\n"; $bb = new Borderbox("Download"); echo "<div align=\"left\">\n"; print_link("/package-info.php?pacid=" . $row[0], make_image("box-0.gif") . " Package info"); echo "</div>\n"; $bb->end(); echo "</div>\n"; $SIDEBAR_DATA .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } } response_header('Manual: ' . $title); # create links to plain html and other languages if (!$HTDIG) { navigationBar($title, $id, "top"); } }