function getOne() { $query = 'SELECT * FROM `genre` WHERE `name`=' . Database::escape($this->genre_name); $data = Database::sql2row($query); if (!isset($data['name'])) return; $this->data['genres'][$data['id']] = array( 'name' => $data['name'], 'id' => $data['id'], 'id_parent' => $data['id_parent'], 'title' => $data['title'], 'books_count' => $data['books_count'] ); if (!$data['id_parent']) { $this->data['genres'][$data['id']]['subgenres'] = $this->getAll($data['id']); return; } $query = 'SELECT `id_book` FROM `book_genre` BG JOIN `book` B ON = BG.id_book WHERE BG.id_genre = ' . $data['id'] . ' ORDER BY B.mark DESC LIMIT 20'; $bids = Database::sql2array($query, 'id_book'); $books = Books::getByIdsLoaded(array_keys($bids)); Books::LoadBookPersons(array_keys($bids)); foreach ($books as $book) { $book = Books::getById($book->id); list($aid, $aname) = $book->getAuthor(1, 1, 1); // именно наш автор, если их там много $this->data['genres'][$data['id']]['books'][] = array('id' => $book->id, 'cover' => $book->getCover(), 'title' => $book->getTitle(true), 'author' => $aname, 'author_id' => $aid, 'lastSave' => $book->data['modify_time']); } }
function write() { global $current_user; //$this->setWriteParameter('register_module', 'result', false); $id = isset(Request::$post['id']) ? (int) Request::$post['id'] : false; if (!$id) { $this->newBook(); return; } $books = Books::getByIdsLoaded(array($id)); $book = is_array($books) ? $books[$id] : false; if (!$book) return; /* @var $book Book */ $fields = array( 'title' => 'title', 'subtitle' => 'subtitle', 'isbn' => 'ISBN', 'year' => 'year', 'lang_code' => 'id_lang', //lang_code 'annotation' => 'description' ); Request::$post['lang_code'] = Config::$langs[Request::$post['lang_code']]; $to_update = array(); if (isset($_FILES['cover']) && $_FILES['cover']['tmp_name']) { $folder = Config::need('static_path') . '/upload/covers/' . (ceil($book->id / 5000)); @mkdir($folder); chmod($folder, 755); $filename = $folder . '/' . $book->id . '.jpg'; $upload = new UploadAvatar($_FILES['cover']['tmp_name'], 100, 100, "simple", $filename); if ($upload->out) $to_update['is_cover'] = 1; else { throw new Exception('cant copy file to ' . $filename, 100); } } if (isset($_FILES['file']) && isset($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) && $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) { $filetype = explode('.', $_FILES['file']['name']); $filetype = isset($filetype[count($filetype) - 1]) ? $filetype[count($filetype) - 1] : 'fb2'; $filetype = $filetype == 'fb2' ? 1 : 0; if (!$filetype) throw new Exception('only fb2 allowed'); $destinationDir = Config::need('files_path') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . getBookFileDirectory($book->id, $filetype); @mkdir($destinationDir, 755); // добавляем запись в базу $filesize = $_FILES['file']['size']; $query = 'INSERT INTO `book_files` SET `id_book`=' . $book->id . ', `filetype`=' . $filetype . ', `id_file_author`=' . $current_user->id . ', `modify_time`=' . time() . ', `filesize`=' . $filesize; //Database::query($query); if ($id_file = 78037 || $id_file = Database::lastInsertId()) { $destinationFile = getBookFilePath($id_file, $book->id, $filetype, Config::need('files_path')); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $destinationFile); } if ($filetype == 1) { $parser = new FB2Parser($destinationFile); $parser->parseDescription(); $toc = $parser->getTOCHTML(); Request::$post['annotation'] = $parser->getProperty('annotation'); Request::$post['title'] = $parser->getProperty('book-title'); $to_update['table_of_contents'] = $toc; } } foreach ($fields as $field => $bookfield) { if (!isset(Request::$post[$field])) { throw new Exception('field missed #' . $field); } if ($book->data[$bookfield] !== Request::$post[$field]) { $to_update[$bookfield] = Request::$post[$field]; } } $q = array(); foreach ($to_update as $field => &$value) { if (in_array($field, array('ISBN', 'year'))) { $value = is_numeric($value) ? $value : 0; } $q[] = '`' . $field . '`=' . Database::escape($value) . ''; } if (count($q)) { $query = 'UPDATE `book` SET ' . implode(',', $q) . ' WHERE `id`=' . $book->id; Database::query($query); BookLog::addLog($to_update, $book->data); BookLog::saveLog($book->id, BookLog::TargetType_book, $current_user->id, BiberLog::BiberLogType_bookEdit); } ob_end_clean(); header('Location:' . Config::need('www_path') . '/b/' . $book->id); exit(); }
function getEventsBooks($ids, $opts = array(), $limit = false) { $person_id = isset($opts['person_id']) ? $opts['person_id'] : false; $books = Books::getByIdsLoaded($ids); Books::LoadBookPersons($ids); $out = array(); /* @var $book Book */ $i = 0; if (is_array($books)) foreach ($books as $book) { if ($limit && ++$i > $limit) return $out; $out[] = $book->getListData(); } return $out; }
function getShelves() { global $current_user; /* @var $current_user CurrentUser */ /* @var $user User */ $user = ($current_user->id === $this->id) ? $current_user : Users::getById($this->id); $bookShelf = $user->getBookShelf(); foreach ($bookShelf as $shelf => &$books) uasort($books, 'sort_by_add_time'); $bookIds = array(); foreach ($bookShelf as $shelf => $ids) { foreach ($ids as $bookId => $data) $bookIds[$bookId] = $bookId; } // все эти книжки нужно подгрузить Books::getByIdsLoaded($bookIds); Books::LoadBookPersons($bookIds); $shelfcounter = array(1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0); foreach ($bookShelf as $shelf => $ids) { foreach ($ids as $bookId => $data) { $book = Books::getById($bookId); if (isset($shelfcounter[$shelf])) $shelfcounter[$shelf]++; else $shelfcounter[$shelf] = 1; if ($shelfcounter[$shelf] > 10) continue; /* @var $book Book */ list($author_id, $author_name) = $book->getAuthor(); $this->data['shelves'][$shelf]['books'][$bookId] = array( 'id' => $book->id, 'title' => $book->getTitle(true), 'cover' => $book->getCover(), 'author' => $author_name, 'author_id' => $author_id, 'add_time' => $data['add_time'] ); } } foreach (Config::$shelves as $id => $title) { $this->data['shelves'][$id]['books']['count'] = (int) $shelfcounter[$id]; $this->data['shelves'][$id]['books']['title'] = $title; $this->data['shelves'][$id]['books']['link_title'] = 'Перейти на полку «' . $title . '»'; $this->data['shelves'][$id]['books']['link_url'] = 'user/' . $this->id . '/books/' . Config::$shelfNameById[$id]; } }
function getReviews() { if ($this->target_user) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM `reviews` WHERE `id_user`=' . $this->target_user . ' ORDER BY `time` DESC'; $res = Database::sql2array($query); $this->data = $this->_list($res); $bids = array(); foreach ($this->data['reviews'] as $row) { $bids[$row['book_id']] = $row['book_id']; } $books = Books::getByIdsLoaded(array_keys($bids)); Books::LoadBookPersons(array_keys($bids)); foreach ($books as $book) { $book = Books::getById($book->id); list($aid, $aname) = $book->getAuthor(1, 1, 1); // именно наш автор, если их там много $this->data['books'][] = array('id' => $book->id, 'cover' => $book->getCover(), 'title' => $book->getTitle(true), 'author' => $aname, 'author_id' => $aid, 'lastSave' => $book->data['modify_time']); } $this->data['reviews']['target_id'] = $this->target_id; $this->data['reviews']['target_type'] = $this->target_type; } else { $query = 'SELECT * FROM `reviews` WHERE `id_target`=' . $this->target_id . ' AND `target_type`=' . $this->target_type; $res = Database::sql2array($query); $this->data = $this->_list($res); $this->data['reviews']['target_id'] = $this->target_id; $this->data['reviews']['target_type'] = $this->target_type; } }
function getOne() { if (!$this->series_id) return; $series = Database::sql2array('SELECT id,title,position,books_count,id_parent,description FROM `series` WHERE `id`=' . $this->series_id . ' OR `id_parent`=' . $this->series_id, 'id'); $parent_id = $series[$this->series_id]['id_parent']; if ($parent_id) { $parentInfo = Database::sql2array('SELECT id,title,position,books_count,id_parent FROM `series` WHERE `id`=' . $parent_id, 'id'); }else $parentInfo = array(); $series_books = Database::sql2array('SELECT * FROM `book_series` WHERE id_series IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($series)) . ')'); $bid = array(); $cnt = array(); $series_books_p = array(); foreach ($series_books as $sb) { $cnt[$sb['id_series']] = isset($cnt[$sb['id_series']]) ? $cnt[$sb['id_series']] + 1 : 1; $series_books_p[$sb['id_series']][] = $sb; $bid[$sb['id_book']] = $sb['id_book']; } if (count($bid)) { Books::getByIdsLoaded($bid); Books::LoadBookPersons($bid); } foreach ($series_books_p as &$sb) { foreach ($sb as &$bookrow) { $book = Books::getById($bookrow['id_book']); list($aid, $aname) = $book->getAuthor(1, 1, 1); // именно наш автор, если их там много $bookrow = array('id' => $book->id, 'cover' => $book->getCover(), 'title' => $book->getTitle(true), 'author' => $aname, 'author_id' => $aid, 'lastSave' => $book->data['modify_time']); } } $this->data['serie']['series'] = array(); $this->data['serie'] = $series[$this->series_id]; $this->data['serie']['books'] = isset($series_books_p[$this->series_id]) ? $series_books_p[$this->series_id] : array(); $this->data['serie']['books']['count'] = isset($cnt[$this->series_id]) ? $cnt[$this->series_id] : 0; foreach ($series as $id => $ser) { if ($ser['id'] == $this->series_id) { unset($this->data['serie']['books_count']); continue; } else { $this->data['serie']['series'][$id] = $ser; $this->data['serie']['series'][$id]['books'] = isset($series_books_p[$id]) ? $series_books_p[$id] : array(); $this->data['serie']['series'][$id]['books']['count'] = $ser['books_count']; unset($this->data['serie']['series'][$id]['books_count']); } } $this->data['serie']['parent'] = $parentInfo; }
function getLogBooks($ids, $opts = array(), $limit = false) { $person_id = isset($opts['person_id']) ? $opts['person_id'] : false; $books = Books::getByIdsLoaded($ids); Books::LoadBookPersons($ids); $out = array(); /* @var $book Book */ $i = 0; if (is_array($books)) foreach ($books as $book) { if ($limit && ++$i > $limit) return $out; list($aid, $aname) = $book->getAuthor(1, 1, 1, $person_id); // именно наш автор, если их там много $out[] = array( 'id' => $book->id, 'cover' => $book->getCover(), 'title' => $book->getTitle(true), 'author' => $aname, 'author_id' => $aid, 'lastSave' => $book->data['modify_time'], ); } return $out; }