function show_user_wap($user) { wap_begin(); if (!$user) { echo "<br/>User not found!<br/>"; wap_end(); return; } // keep a 'running tab' in wapstr in case exceeds 1K WAP limit $wapstr = PROJECT . "<br/>Account Data<br/>for {$user->name}<br/>Time: " . wap_timestamp(); $wapstr .= show_credit_wap($user); if ($user->teamid) { $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($user->teamid); $wapstr .= "<br/>Team: {$team->name}<br/>"; $wapstr .= "Team TotCred: " . format_credit($team->total_credit) . "<br/>"; $wapstr .= "Team AvgCred: " . format_credit($team->expavg_credit) . "<br/>"; } else { $wapstr .= "<br/>Team: None<br/>"; } // don't want to send more than 1KB probably? if (strlen($wapstr) > 1024) { echo substr($wapstr, 0, 1024); } else { echo $wapstr; } wap_end(); }
function export($is_user, $dir) { $n = 0; $filename = $is_user ? "{$dir}/user_work" : "{$dir}/team_work"; $f = fopen($filename, "w"); if (!$f) { die("fopen"); } $is_user ? fprintf($f, "<users>\n") : fprintf($f, "<teams>\n"); $maxid = $is_user ? BoincUser::max("id") : BoincTeam::max("id"); while ($n <= $maxid) { $m = $n + 1000; if ($is_user) { $items = BoincUser::enum_fields("id", "id>={$n} and id<{$m} and total_credit>0"); } else { $items = BoincTeam::enum_fields("id", "id>={$n} and id<{$m} and total_credit>0"); } foreach ($items as $item) { export_item($item, $is_user, $f); } $n = $m; } $is_user ? fprintf($f, "</users>\n") : fprintf($f, "</teams>\n"); fclose($f); system("gzip -f {$filename}"); }
function show_user_wap($userid) { wap_begin(); $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($userid); if (!$user) { echo "<br/>" . tra("User not found!") . "<br/>"; wap_end(); return; } if ($user->teamid) { $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($user->teamid); } $wapstr = PROJECT . "<br/>" . tra("Account Data<br/>for %1<br/>Time:", $user->name) . " " . wap_timestamp(); $wapstr .= show_credit_wap($user); if ($user->teamid && $team) { $wapstr .= "<br/>" . tra("Team:") . " " . $team->name . "<br/>"; $wapstr .= tra("Team TotCred:") . " " . format_credit($team->total_credit) . "<br/>"; $wapstr .= tra("Team AvgCred:") . " " . format_credit($team->expavg_credit) . "<br/>"; } else { $wapstr .= "<br/>" . tra("Team: None") . "<br/>"; } // don't want to send more than 1KB (WAP limit) // if (strlen($wapstr) > 1024) { $wapstr = substr($wapstr, 0, 1024); } echo $wapstr; wap_end(); }
function show_row($x, $y, $mode, $i) { $class = $i % 2 ? "row0" : "row1"; echo "<tr class={$class}><td>"; switch ($mode) { case 'host': echo "<a href=show_host_detail.php?hostid={$x}>{$x}</a>"; break; case 'user': $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($x); echo "<a href=show_user.php?userid={$x}>{$user->name}</a>"; break; case 'team': $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($x); if ($team) { echo "<a href=team_display.php?teamid={$x}>{$team->name}</a>"; } else { echo "(no team)"; } break; case 'model': echo $x; break; case 'day': echo $x; break; } echo "</td><td align=right>" . format_credit_large($y->credit), "</td><td align=right>{$y->nresults}</td></tr>\n"; }
function get_teams($clause, $active) { $c2 = ''; if ($active) { $c2 = "and expavg_credit>0.1"; } return BoincTeam::enum("{$clause} {$c2} order by expavg_credit desc limit 20"); }
function show_user($user) { echo "\n <tr class=row1>\n <td>", user_links($user), " (ID {$user->id})</td>\n "; if ($user->teamid) { $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($user->teamid); echo "\n <td> <a href=team_display.php?teamid={$team->id}>{$team->name}</a> </td>\n "; } else { echo "<td><br></td>"; } echo "\n <td align=right>", format_credit($user->expavg_credit), "</td>\n <td align=right>", format_credit_large($user->total_credit), "</td>\n <td>", $user->country, "</td>\n <td>", time_str($user->create_time), "</td>\n </tr>\n "; }
function main() { $f = fopen("temp.xml", "w"); $teams = BoincTeam::enum(); fwrite($f, "<teams>\n"); foreach ($teams as $team) { handle_team($team, $f); } fwrite($f, "</teams>\n"); fclose($f); rename("temp.xml", "/home/boincadm/boinc/doc/boinc_teams.xml"); }
function get_teams($clause, $active) { $c2 = ''; if ($active) { $c2 = "and expavg_credit>0.1"; } $x = BoincTeam::enum("{$clause} {$c2} order by expavg_credit desc limit 20"); foreach ($x as $t) { $t->refcnt = 0; } return $x; }
function main() { echo "------------ Starting at " . time_str(time()) . "-------\n"; $f = fopen("temp.xml", "w"); $teams = BoincTeam::enum(null); fwrite($f, "<teams>\n"); foreach ($teams as $team) { handle_team($team, $f); } fwrite($f, "</teams>\n"); fclose($f); if (!rename("temp.xml", "/home/boincadm/boinc/doc/boinc_teams.xml")) { echo "Rename failed\n"; } }
function get_top_teams($offset, $sort_by, $type) { global $teams_per_page; $db = BoincDb::get(true); $type_clause = null; if ($type) { $type_clause = "type={$type}"; } if ($sort_by == "total_credit") { $sort_order = "total_credit desc"; } else { $sort_order = "expavg_credit desc"; } return BoincTeam::enum($type_clause, "order by {$sort_order} limit {$offset}, {$teams_per_page}"); }
function assign_badges($is_user, $badge_pctiles, $badge_images) { $kind = $is_user ? "user" : "team"; $badges = get_pct_badges($kind . "_pct", $badge_pctiles, $badge_images); $pctiles = get_percentiles($is_user, $badge_pctiles); //echo "thresholds for $kind badges: $pctiles[0] $pctiles[1] $pctiles[2]\n"; $n = 0; $maxid = $is_user ? BoincUser::max("id") : BoincTeam::max("id"); while ($n <= $maxid) { $m = $n + 1000; if ($is_user) { $items = BoincUser::enum_fields("id, expavg_credit", "id>={$n} and id<{$m} and total_credit>0"); } else { $items = BoincTeam::enum_fields("id, expavg_credit", "id>={$n} and id<{$m} and total_credit>0"); } foreach ($items as $item) { assign_pct_badge($is_user, $item, $pctiles, $badges); // ... assign other types of badges } $n = $m; } }
function show_forum_summary($forum, $i) { switch ($forum->parent_type) { case 0: $t = $forum->title; $d = $forum->description; break; case 1: $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($forum->category); $t = $forum->title; if (!strlen($t)) { $t = $team->name; } $d = $forum->description; if (!strlen($d)) { $d = tra("Discussion among members of %1", $team->name); } break; } $j = $i % 2; echo "\n <tr class=\"row{$j}\">\n <td>\n <a href=\"forum_forum.php?id={$forum->id}\">{$t}</a>\n <br><span class=\"smalltext\">{$d}</span>\n </td>\n <td class=\"numbers\">{$forum->threads}</td>\n <td class=\"numbers\">{$forum->posts}</td>\n <td class=\"lastpost\">" . time_diff_str($forum->timestamp, time()) . "</td>\n </tr>"; }
function show_row($item, $apps, $is_team, $i) { $j = $i % 2; if ($is_team) { $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($item->teamid); if (!$team) { return; } $x = "<td>" . team_links($team) . "</td>\n"; } else { $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($item->userid); if (!$user) { return; } $x = "<td>" . user_links($user, BADGE_HEIGHT_MEDIUM) . "</td>\n"; } echo "<tr class=row{$j}>"; echo "<td>{$i}</td>\n"; echo $x; foreach ($apps as $app) { if ($app->id == $item->appid) { $c = $item; } else { if ($is_team) { $c = BoincCreditTeam::lookup("teamid={$item->teamid} and appid={$app->id}"); } else { $c = BoincCreditUser::lookup("userid={$item->userid} and appid={$app->id}"); } if (!$c) { $c = new StdClass(); $c->expavg = 0; $c->total = 0; } } echo "<td align=right>" . format_credit($c->expavg) . "</td><td align=right>" . format_credit_large($c->total) . "</td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; }
case 0: $category = BoincCategory::lookup_id($forum->category); if ($category->is_helpdesk) { page_head(tra("Questions and Answers") . ' : ' . $forum->title); ?> <link href="forum_help_desk.php" rel="up" title="Forum Index"><?php } else { page_head(tra("Message boards") . ' : ' . $forum->title); ?> <link href="forum_index.php" rel="up" title="Forum Index"><?php } show_forum_header($user); show_forum_title($category, $forum, NULL); break; case 1: $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($forum->category); page_head('Team message board for <a href="team_display.php?teamid=$team->id">$team->name</a>'); show_forum_header($user); show_team_forum_title($forum); break; } ?> <form action="forum_forum.php" method="get"> <?php echo start_table("noborder"); ?> <table width="100%"> <tr valign="top"> <td colspan="2"> <?php show_button("forum_post.php?id={$id}", "New thread", "Add a new thread to this forum");
if (_mysql_num_rows($result) < 1) { echo "There are no new users."; admin_page_tail(); } start_table(); table_header("ID", "Name", "Email", "Team", "Country", "Joined"); while ($row = _mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $id = $row->id; $name = $row->name; $email = $row->email_addr; $country = $row->country; $joined = time_str($row->create_time); $email_validated = $row->email_validated; $team_name = ""; if ($row->teamid > 0) { $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($row->teamid); $team_name = $team->name; } // Special Users: $roles = ""; $user = $row; BoincForumPrefs::lookup($user); $special_bits = $user->prefs->special_user; if ($special_bits != "0") { for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $bit = substr($special_bits, $i, 1); if ($bit == '1') { if (!empty($roles)) { $roles .= ", "; } $roles .= $special_user_bitfield[$i];
function assign_all_badges($is_user, $badge_levels, $badge_level_names, $badge_images, $subprojects_list) { $kind = $is_user ? "user" : "team"; // get badges for all subprojects including total // foreach ($subprojects_list as $sp) { $badges[$sp["short_name"]] = get_badges($kind, $badge_level_names, $badge_images, $sp); } $n = 0; $maxid = $is_user ? BoincUser::max("id") : BoincTeam::max("id"); while ($n <= $maxid) { $m = $n + 1000; if ($is_user) { $items = BoincUser::enum_fields("id, total_credit", "id>={$n} and id<{$m} and total_credit>0"); } else { $items = BoincTeam::enum_fields("id, total_credit", "id>={$n} and id<{$m} and total_credit>0"); } // for every user/team // foreach ($items as $item) { // for every subproject (incl. total) // foreach ($subprojects_list as $sp) { if ($sp["short_name"] == "total") { assign_tot_badge($is_user, $item, $badge_levels, $badges["total"]); } else { // appids come from project/ $where_clause = "appid in (" . implode(',', $sp["appids"]) . ")"; assign_sub_badge($is_user, $item, $badge_levels, $badges[$sp["short_name"]], $where_clause); } } } $n = $m; } }
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; xml_header(); $retval = db_init_xml(); if ($retval) { xml_error($retval); } check_get_args(array("account_key")); $auth = get_str("account_key"); $user = BoincUser::lookup_auth($auth); if (!$user) { xml_error(ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND); } $name = urlencode($user->name); $country = urlencode($user->country); $postal_code = urlencode($user->postal_code); $url = urlencode($user->url); $weak_auth = weak_auth($user); $cpid = md5($user->cross_project_id . $user->email_addr); $ret = "<id>{$user->id}</id>\n<name>{$name}</name>\n<country>{$country}</country>\n<weak_auth>{$weak_auth}</weak_auth>\n<postal_code>{$postal_code}</postal_code>\n<cpid>{$cpid}</cpid>\n<has_profile>{$user->has_profile}</has_profile>\n<create_time>{$user->create_time}</create_time>\n<global_prefs>\n{$user->global_prefs}\n</global_prefs>\n<project_prefs>\n{$user->project_prefs}\n</project_prefs>\n<url>{$url}</url>\n<send_email>{$user->send_email}</send_email>\n<show_hosts>{$user->show_hosts}</show_hosts>\n<teamid>{$user->teamid}</teamid>\n<venue>{$user->venue}</venue>"; if ($user->teamid) { $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id_nocache($user->teamid); if ($team->userid == $user->id) { $ret = $ret . "<teamfounder/>\n"; } } echo "<am_get_info_reply>\n <success/>\n {$ret}\n</am_get_info_reply>\n";
// This file is part of BOINC. // // Copyright (C) 2014 University of California // // BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; if (DISABLE_TEAMS) { error_page("Teams are disabled"); } check_get_args(array()); $user = get_logged_in_user(); page_head(tra("Create a team")); if ($user->teamid && ($team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($user->teamid))) { echo tra("You belong to %1. You must %2quit this team%3 before creating a new one.", "<a href=\"team_display.php?teamid=" . $team->id . "\">" . $team->name . "</a>", "<a href=\"team_quit_form.php\">", "</a>"); } else { team_edit_form(null, tra("Create a team"), "team_create_action.php"); } page_tail();
function do_send_team($logged_in_user) { check_tokens($logged_in_user->authenticator); $subject = post_str("subject", true); $content = post_str("content", true); $teamid = post_int("teamid"); if (post_str("preview", true) == tra("Preview")) { pm_team_form($logged_in_user, $teamid); return; } // make sure user is authorized, i.e. is a team admin // $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($teamid); if (!$team) { error_page("no such team"); } if (!is_team_admin($logged_in_user, $team)) { error_page("no team admin"); } if ($subject == null || $content == null) { pm_team_form($logged_in_user, $teamid, tra("You need to fill all fields to send a private message")); return; } $subject = "Message from team " . $team->name . ": " . $subject; // don't use tra() here because we don't know language of recipient // Also, we use it in pm_count() to exclude team messages from limit check $users = BoincUser::enum("teamid={$teamid}"); foreach ($users as $user) { pm_send_msg($logged_in_user, $user, $subject, $content, true); } page_head(tra("Message sent")); echo tra("Your message was sent to %1 team members.", count($users)); page_tail(); }
function handle_team($f) { $t = parse_team($f); if (!$t) { echo "Failed to parse team\n"; return; } //print_r($t); //return; if (!valid_team($t)) { echo "Invalid team\n"; return; } echo "Processing {$t->name} {$t->user_email}\n"; $user = BoincUser::lookup_email_addr($t->user_email); $team = BoincTeam::lookup_name($t->name); if ($team) { if (!$user) { echo " team exists but user {$t->user_email} doesn't\n"; return; } if ($user->id != $team->userid) { echo " team exists but is owned by a different user\n"; return; } if ($team->seti_id) { if ($team->seti_id == $t->id) { echo " case 1\n"; update_team($t, $team, $user); // update1 case } else { echo " team exists but has wrong seti_id\n"; } } else { $team2 = lookup_team_seti_id($t->id); if ($team2) { // update1 case echo " case 2\n"; update_team($t, $team2, $user); } else { // update2 case echo " case 3\n"; update_team($t, $team, $user); } } } else { $team = lookup_team_seti_id($t->id); if ($team) { echo " A team with same ID but different name exists;\n"; echo " Please report this to {$t->user_email};\n"; } else { echo " Adding team\n"; insert_case($t, $user); } } }
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; check_get_args(array("border")); $user = get_logged_in_user(); $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($user->teamid); if (!$team) { error_page("no team"); } $join = gmdate('j F Y', $team->create_time); $today = gmdate('j F Y', time(0)); credit_to_ops($team->total_credit, $ops, $unit); $border = get_str("border", true); if ($border == "no") { $border = 0; } else { $border = 8; } $credit = credit_string($team->total_credit, false); $title_font = "\"Optima,ZapfChancery\""; $font = "\"Optima,Lucida Bright,Times New Roman\"";
$total++; if ($total == 100) { break; } } //do not error out } } echo "</teams>\n"; exit; } $team_name = get_str("team_name"); $name_lc = strtolower($team_name); $name_lc = escape_pattern($name_lc); $clause = "name like '%" . BoincDb::escape_string($name_lc) . "%' order by expavg_credit desc limit 100"; $teams = BoincTeam::enum($clause); if ($format == 'xml') { echo "<teams>\n"; $total = 0; foreach ($teams as $team) { show_team_xml($team); $total++; if ($total == 100) { break; } } echo "</teams>\n"; exit; } page_head(tra("Search Results")); if (count($teams)) {
function delete_team_id_range($id1, $id2) { for ($i = $id1; $i <= $id2; $i++) { echo "deleting team {$i}\n"; $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($i); if ($team) { $team->delete(); $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($team->userid); if ($user) { $user->delete(); } } } }
// // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; if (DISABLE_TEAMS) { error_page("Teams are disabled"); } check_get_args(array()); $user = get_logged_in_user(); $name = post_str("name", true); if (strlen($name) == 0) { error_page(tra("You must choose a non-blank team name")); } $new_team = BoincTeam::lookup_name($name); if ($new_team) { error_page(tra("A team named %1 already exists - try another name", htmlentities($name))); } $url = post_str("url", true); $type = post_str("type", true); $name_html = post_str("name_html", true); $description = post_str("description", true); $country = post_str("country", true); if ($country == "") { $country = "International"; } $new_team = make_team($user->id, $name, $url, $type, $name_html, $description, $country); if ($new_team) { user_join_team($new_team, $user); Header("Location: team_display.php?teamid={$new_team->id}");
$team_name = BoincDb::escape_string(strip_tags(post_str("name"))); $team_name_lc = strtolower($team_name); $tnh = post_str("name_html", true); $team_name_html = sanitize_html($tnh); $team_name_html = BoincDb::escape_string($team_name_html); $team_description = BoincDb::escape_string(post_str("description", true)); $type = BoincDb::escape_string(post_str("type", true)); $country = BoincDb::escape_string(post_str("country", true)); if ($country == "") { $country = "International"; } if (!is_valid_country($country)) { error_page("bad country"); } $joinable = post_str('joinable', true) ? 1 : 0; $t = BoincTeam::lookup("name='{$team_name}'"); if ($t && $t->id != $teamid) { error_page("The name '{$team_name}' is being used by another team."); } if (strlen($team_name) == 0) { error_page("Must specify team name"); } // Should be caught up with the post_str("name"), // but you can never be too safe. $clause = sprintf("name = '%s',\r\n\tname_lc = '%s',\r\n\tname_html = '%s',\r\n\turl = '%s',\r\n\tdescription = '%s',\r\n\ttype = %d,\r\n\tcountry='%s',\r\n\tjoinable=%d", $team_name, $team_name_lc, $team_name_html, $team_url, $team_description, $type, $country, $joinable); $ret = $team->update($clause); if ($ret) { Header("Location: team_display.php?teamid={$team->id}"); } else { error_page("Could not update team - please try later."); }
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; check_get_args(array("teamid")); $teamid = get_int("teamid"); $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($teamid); $get_from_db = false; $user = get_logged_in_user(false); // always show fresh copy to admins; they might be editing info // if (is_team_admin($user, $team)) { $get_from_db = true; } if ($user->id == $team->ping_user) { $get_from_db = true; } // Cache the team record, its forum record, its new members, // its admins, and its member counts $cache_args = "teamid={$teamid}"; if (!$get_from_db) { $cached_data = get_cached_data(TEAM_PAGE_TTL, $cache_args);
function delete_teams() { global $days, $test; $query = "nusers < 2 and seti_id=0 and total_credit=0"; if ($days) { $x = time() - $days * 86400; $query .= " and create_time > {$x}"; } $teams = BoincTeam::enum($query); foreach ($teams as $team) { $n = team_count_members($team->id); if ($n > 1) { continue; } if (!has_link($team->description)) { continue; } $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($team->userid); if ($user) { $n = BoincPost::count("user={$user->id}"); if ($n) { continue; } $n = BoincHost::count("userid={$user->id}"); if ($n) { continue; } } if ($test) { echo "would delete team:\n"; echo " ID: {$team->id}\n"; echo " name: {$team->name}\n"; echo " description: {$team->description}\n"; } else { $team->delete(); echo "deleted team ID {$team->id} name {$team->name}\n"; if ($user) { do_delete_user($user); } } } }