/** * Creates the table. * * @param Blueprint $table * * @return void */ public function up($table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->string('username')->unique(); $table->string('password'); $table->timestamps(); }
public function checkIn(Blueprint $blueprint) { $tag = "BlueprintLibrary: checkIn()"; Log::debug("{$tag} <" . $blueprint->signature() . ">"); $signature = $blueprint->signature(); $this->library["{$signature}"] = $blueprint; }
public function testCreate() { $name = 'testuser'; //create Phactory\Sql\Blueprint object and a new Phactory_Row object $phactory_blueprint = new Blueprint('user', ['name' => $name], [], $this->phactory); $phactory_row = $phactory_blueprint->create(); //test $phactory_row is of type Phactory\Sql\Row and that object stored name correctly $this->assertInstanceOf('Phactory\\Sql\\Row', $phactory_row); $this->assertEquals($phactory_row->name, $name); }
/** * Runs the migrations. * * @param Blueprint $table * * @return void */ public function up($table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->integer('map_id')->unsigned(); $table->foreign('map_id')->references('id')->on('maps')->onDelete('cascade'); $table->string('type')->default('normal'); $table->integer('team_a_side_1')->default(0); $table->integer('team_a_side_2')->default(0); $table->integer('team_b_side_1')->default(0); $table->integer('team_b_side_2')->default(0); $table->timestamps(); }
/** * Runs the migrations. * * @param Blueprint $table * * @return void */ public function up($table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->string('name'); $table->string('config_file')->default('esl5on5'); $table->integer('max_rounds')->default(15); $table->boolean('knife_round')->default(true); $table->boolean('overtime_enabled')->default(true); $table->bigInteger('overtime_start_money')->default(10000); $table->integer('overtime_max_round')->default(3); $table->timestamps(); }
public function trackStackDependency($type, $stack, $resource, Blueprint $sourceBlueprint = null, $sourceType = null, $sourceKey = null) { if (!isset($this->stacks[$type])) { $this->stacks[$type] = []; } if (!isset($this->stacks[$type][$stack])) { $this->stacks[$type][$stack] = []; } if (!isset($this->stacks[$type][$stack][$resource])) { $this->stacks[$type][$stack][$resource] = []; } $this->stacks[$type][$stack][$resource][] = ['type' => $sourceType ? $sourceType : '', 'blueprint' => $sourceBlueprint ? $sourceBlueprint->getName() : '', 'key' => $sourceKey ? $sourceKey : '']; }
/** * @dataProvider dataProvider */ public function testLoad($test) { $blueprint = new Blueprint($test); $blueprint->setOverrides(['extends' => ['extends', 'basic']]); $blueprint->load(); // Save test results if they do not exist (data needs to be verified by human!) /* $resultFile = YamlFile::instance(__DIR__ . '/data/form/items/' . $test . '.yaml'); if (!$resultFile->exists()) { $resultFile->content($blueprint->toArray()); $resultFile->save(); } */ // Test 1: Loaded form. $this->assertEquals($this->loadYaml($test, 'form/items'), $blueprint->toArray()); }
/** * Constructor. Use \iveeCore\Type::getById() to instantiate InventorBlueprint objects instead. * * @param int $id of the InventorBlueprint object * * @return \iveeCore\InventorBlueprint * @throws \iveeCore\Exceptions\TypeIdNotFoundException if typeID is not found */ protected function __construct($id) { parent::__construct($id); $sdeClass = Config::getIveeClassName('SDE'); $sde = $sdeClass::instance(); //query for inventable blueprints, probability and decryptorGroupID $res = $sde->query("SELECT iap.productTypeID, iap.probability, COALESCE(valueInt, valueFloat) as decryptorGroupID\n FROM dgmTypeAttributes as dta\n JOIN industryActivityMaterials as iam ON iam.materialTypeID = dta.typeID\n JOIN industryActivityProbabilities as iap ON iap.typeID = iam.typeID\n WHERE attributeID = 1115\n AND iam.activityID = 8\n AND iap.activityID = 8\n AND iam.typeID = " . $this->id . ';'); if ($res->num_rows < 1) { self::throwException('TypeIdNotFoundException', "Inventor data for blueprintID=" . $this->id . " not found"); } while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) { $this->inventsBlueprintIDs[(int) $row['productTypeID']] = 1; $this->inventionProbability = (double) $row['probability']; $this->decryptorGroupID = (int) $row['decryptorGroupID']; } //get the mapping for skills to datacore or interface $res = $sde->query("SELECT COALESCE(valueInt, valueFloat) as skillID, it.groupID\n FROM dgmTypeAttributes as dta\n JOIN invTypes as it ON it.typeID = dta.typeID\n WHERE dta.attributeID = 182\n AND groupID IN (333, 716)\n AND COALESCE(valueInt, valueFloat) IN (" . implode(', ', array_keys($this->getSkillMapForActivity(ProcessData::ACTIVITY_INVENTING)->getSkills())) . ");"); $this->datacoreSkillIDs = array(); while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) { if ($row['groupID'] == 333) { $this->datacoreSkillIDs[] = $row['skillID']; } elseif ($row['groupID'] == 716) { $this->encryptionSkillID = $row['skillID']; } } }
/** * Sets attributes from SQL result row to object * * @param array $row data from DB * * @return void */ protected function setAttributes(array $row) { parent::setAttributes($row); if (isset($row['t1BpID'])) { $this->inventedFromBlueprintID = (int) $row['t1BpID']; } }
/** * Constructor. Use iveeCore\Type::getById() to instantiate InventorBlueprint objects instead. * * @param int $id of the InventorBlueprint object * * @throws \iveeCore\Exceptions\TypeIdNotFoundException if typeId is not found */ protected function __construct($id) { parent::__construct($id); $sdeClass = Config::getIveeClassName('SDE'); $sde = $sdeClass::instance(); $this->loadInventionStats($sde); $this->loadSkillToDatacoreInterface($sde); }
/** * Runs the migrations. * * @param Blueprint $table * * @return void */ public function up($table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->integer('map_id')->unsigned(); $table->foreign('map_id')->references('id')->on('maps')->onDelete('cascade'); $table->integer('current_round'); $table->string('type'); $table->json('data'); $table->timestamps(); }
/** * Runs the migrations. * * @param Blueprint $table * * @return void */ public function up($table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->string('name'); $table->string('ip'); $table->integer('port')->default(27015); $table->string('gotv_ip'); $table->string('rcon'); $table->timestamps(); }
/** * Runs the migrations. * * @param Blueprint $table * * @return void */ public function up($table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->string('name'); $table->string('subtitle')->nullable(); $table->boolean('active')->default(false); $table->string('link')->nullable(); $table->longText('description')->nullable(); $table->timestamps(); }
/** * Runs the migrations. * * @param Blueprint $table * * @return void */ public function up($table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->integer('event_id')->unsigned(); $table->foreign('event_id')->references('id')->on('events')->onDelete('cascade'); $table->string('name'); $table->string('flag'); $table->string('logo')->nullable(); $table->timestamps(); }
/** * @depends testGetOtherModel */ public function testSetOtherModel() { $m1 = Blueprint::make('Model1'); $m2 = Blueprint::make('Model2'); $m1->Model2 = $m2; $this->assertEquals($m2->id, $m1->model2_id); $this->assertEquals($m2, $m1->Model2()); $m1->commit(); }
public function testDefaultOrder() { $key = "ordertest"; $m1 = Blueprint::make('Model1', ['int1' => 1, 'str1' => $key]); $m2 = Blueprint::make('Model1', ['int1' => 2, 'str1' => $key]); Model1Ordered::$order = "int1"; $selection = Model1Ordered::selection(['str1' => $key]); $this->assertEquals($m1->id, $selection[0]->id); $this->assertEquals($m2->id, $selection[1]->id); Model1Ordered::$order = "int1:desc"; $selection = Model1Ordered::selection(['str1' => $key]); $this->assertEquals($m2->id, $selection[0]->id); $this->assertEquals($m1->id, $selection[1]->id); }
public static function write(Blueprint $blueprint) { $tag = "BlueprintWriter: write()"; Log::debug("{$tag}"); $xml = $blueprint->asXml(); $blueprint_file_name = $blueprint->signature(); $blueprint_file_path = BPConfig::$path_blueprints . $blueprint_file_name; if (is_writable(BPConfig::$path_blueprints)) { if ($file = fopen($blueprint_file_path, "w")) { if ($bytes = fwrite($file, $xml)) { Log::debug("{$tag}: {$bytes} bytes written to {$file}"); return $xml; } else { throw new Exception("Unable to write to file"); } fclose($file); } else { throw new Exception("Unable to open file for writing"); } } else { throw new Exception("Target directory is not writable"); } }
/** * Sets all the incremental columns in a table. * * @param $table_columns */ public function SetIncremental($table_columns) { /** * You can set a primary instance by putting a '*' at the end of the column name */ foreach ($table_columns as $key => $value) { /** * Great, we found a primary! */ if (String::GetLast($key) == '~') { /** * Returns the full string minus the last character. */ $value = String::RemoveLast($key); /** * Now lets set this as a primary! */ $this->blueprint->increments($value); } } }
/** * Constructor. Use \iveeCore\Type::getById() to instantiate REBlueprint objects instead. * * @param int $id of the REBlueprint object * * @return \iveeCore\REBlueprint * @throws \iveeCore\Exceptions\TypeIdNotFoundException if the typeID is not found */ protected function __construct($id) { //call parent constructor parent::__construct($id); $sdeClass = Config::getIveeClassName('SDE'); $sde = $sdeClass::instance(); //get Relics this REBlueprint can be reverse-engineered from $res = $sde->query("SELECT typeID\n FROM industryActivityProducts\n WHERE activityID = 7\n AND productTypeID = " . $this->id . ';'); if ($res->num_rows < 1) { self::throwException('TypeIdNotFoundException', "Reverse Engineering data for REBlueprint ID=" . $this->id . " not found"); } while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) { $this->reverseEngineeredFromRelicIDs[] = (int) $row['typeID']; } //get the raceID of the product $res = $sde->query("SELECT raceID\n FROM invTypes\n WHERE typeID = " . $this->productId . ';'); if ($res->num_rows < 1) { self::throwException('TypeIdNotFoundException', "Reverse Engineering data for REBlueprint ID=" . $this->id . " not found"); } //lookup decryptor based on race while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) { $this->reverseEngineeringDecryptorID = static::$raceDecryptor[(int) $row['raceID']]; } }
/** * create sql string * * @return string */ public function fetch() { $content = isset($this->table) ? sprintf($this->patterns['create'], $this->table) : ''; foreach (Blueprint::getCommand() as $command) { $content .= $command->rende(); } $content = rtrim($content, ','); $content .= sprintf($this->patterns['end'], $this->charset); return $content; }
Blueprint::make('Marketplace', function ($blueprint) { $blueprint->setController(MarketplaceController::class); $blueprint->disablePluralForm(); $blueprint->setIcon('cloud'); $blueprint->setToolbarOrders(['section' => ['getHome.search', 'postInstall', 'getInstallProgress', 'getInstalled'], 'item' => ['getDetails', 'postRequire'], 'provider' => ['postToggleProvider']]); $blueprint->makeAction(['name' => 'getHome', 'pattern' => '/']); $blueprint->makeToolbarItem(['action' => 'getHome', 'label' => 'Marketplace', 'icon' => 'shopping-cart']); $blueprint->makeToolbarItem(['action' => 'getHome', 'identifier' => 'getHome.search', 'fields' => function () { $query = new FieldMetadata('q', 'search', true); $query->label = 'Query'; $query->placeholder = 'Search for Packages'; $query->attributes['results'] = 5; return [$query]; }], new FormToolbarItemFactory()); $blueprint->makeAction(['name' => 'postInstall', 'pattern' => 'install', 'method' => 'POST']); $blueprint->makeToolbarItem(['action' => 'postInstall', 'label' => 'Run Installer', 'icon' => 'download', 'color' => 'green', 'dialog' => new Dialog(Lang::get('oxygen/mod-marketplace::dialogs.runInstaller')), 'shouldRenderCallback' => function (ActionToolbarItem $item, array $arguments) { return $item->shouldRenderBasic($arguments) && !Marketplace::getInstaller()->isInstalling(); }]); $blueprint->makeAction(['name' => 'getInstallProgress', 'pattern' => 'install/progress']); $blueprint->makeToolbarItem(['action' => 'getInstallProgress', 'label' => 'Install Progress', 'icon' => 'info-circle', 'color' => 'white', 'shouldRenderCallback' => function (ActionToolbarItem $item, array $arguments) { return $item->shouldRenderBasic($arguments) && Marketplace::getInstaller()->isInstalling(); }]); $blueprint->makeAction(['name' => 'deleteInstallProgress', 'pattern' => 'install/progress', 'method' => 'DELETE']); $blueprint->makeToolbarItem(['action' => 'deleteInstallProgress', 'label' => 'Clear Install Log', 'icon' => 'trash-o', 'color' => 'red', 'shouldRenderCallback' => function ($item, $arguments) { return $item->shouldRenderBasic($arguments) && Marketplace::getInstaller()->hasInstallProgress(); }]); $blueprint->makeAction(['name' => 'postInstallProgress', 'pattern' => 'install/progress', 'method' => 'POST']); $blueprint->makeAction(['name' => 'getDetails', 'pattern' => '{vendor}/{package}', 'routeParametersCallback' => function ($action, array $options) { return [$options['vendor'], $options['package']]; }]); $blueprint->makeToolbarItem(['action' => 'getDetails', 'label' => 'Show Details', 'icon' => 'info-circle']); $blueprint->makeAction(['name' => 'postRequire', 'pattern' => '{vendor}/{package}/require/{version?}', 'method' => 'POST', 'routeParametersCallback' => function ($action, array $options) { return [$options['vendor'], $options['package']]; }]); $blueprint->makeToolbarItem(['action' => 'postRequire', 'label' => 'Require', 'icon' => 'plus', 'color' => 'green'])->addDynamicCallback(function ($item, $arguments) { $installer = Marketplace::getInstaller(); $package = $arguments['vendor'] . '/' . $arguments['package']; if ($installer->isRequired($package)) { $item->color = 'red'; $item->icon = 'trash-o'; $item->label = 'Remove'; } }); $blueprint->makeAction(['name' => 'getInstalled', 'pattern' => 'installed']); $blueprint->makeToolbarItem(['action' => 'getInstalled', 'label' => 'Installed Packages', 'icon' => 'list', 'color' => 'white']); $blueprint->makeAction(['name' => 'postToggleProvider', 'pattern' => 'provider/toggle/{class}', 'method' => 'POST', 'routeParametersCallback' => function ($action, array $options) { return [$options['provider']]; }]); $blueprint->makeToolbarItem(['action' => 'postToggleProvider', 'label' => 'Enable', 'icon' => 'check', 'color' => 'white', 'shouldRenderCallback' => function (ActionToolbarItem $item, array $arguments) { return $item->shouldRenderBasic($arguments) && !Marketplace::getProviderRepository()->isCore($arguments['provider']); }])->addDynamicCallback(function ($item, $arguments) { $repository = Marketplace::getProviderRepository(); if ($repository->isEnabled($arguments['provider'])) { $item->icon = 'power-off'; $item->label = 'Disable'; } }); });
private function create($set, $name, $commit) { if (!isset($this->data[$name])) { throw new BlueprintException("Unknow blueprint '{$name}' for {$this->class_name}"); } $data = array_merge($this->data[$name], $set); $attr = array('sn' => Blueprint::$sn++); $class_name = $this->class_name; $obj = new $class_name(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (is_string($value)) { $obj->{$key} = preg_replace_callback("/#\\{(.+?)\\}/", function ($matches) use($attr, $data) { $k = $matches[1]; $replace = false; if (isset($attr[$k])) { $replace = $attr[$k]; } else { $replace = $obj->{$k}; } return $replace; }, $value); } else { if (is_array($value)) { $blueprint = "default"; $class = $key; $values = array(); if (isset($value['blueprint'])) { $blueprint = $value['blueprint']; unset($value['blueprint']); } if (isset($value['class'])) { $class = $value['class']; unset($value['class']); } if (isset($value['values'])) { $values = $value['values']; unset($value['values']); } $values = array_merge($values, $value); $obj->{$key} = Blueprint::make($class, $blueprint, $values, true); } else { $obj->{$key} = $value; } } } if ($commit) { $obj->commit(); } return $obj; }
/** * Runs the migrations. * * @param Blueprint $table * * @return void */ public function up($table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->integer('map_id')->unsigned(); $table->foreign('map_id')->references('id')->on('maps')->onDelete('cascade'); $table->integer('round'); $table->string('win_type')->nullable(); $table->integer('winner_id')->unsigned(); $table->foreign('winner_id')->references('id')->on('teams')->onDelete('cascade'); $table->string('winner_team')->default('t'); $table->integer('mvp_id')->unsigned(); $table->foreign('mvp_id')->references('id')->on('players')->onDelete('cascade'); $table->string('mvp_text')->nullable(); $table->string('backup_file')->nullable(); $table->timestamps(); }
/** * Runs the migrations. * * @param Blueprint $table * * @return void */ public function up($table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->integer('map_id')->unsigned(); $table->foreign('map_id')->references('id')->on('maps')->onDelete('cascade'); $table->string('steam_id'); $table->string('username')->nullable(); $table->bigInteger('kills')->default(0); $table->bigInteger('assists')->default(0); $table->bigInteger('deaths')->default(0); $table->bigInteger('points')->default(0); $table->bigInteger('headshots')->default(0); $table->bigInteger('plants')->default(0); $table->bigInteger('defuses')->default(0); $table->bigInteger('teamkills')->default(0); $table->bigInteger('1k')->default(0); $table->bigInteger('2k')->default(0); $table->bigInteger('3k')->default(0); $table->bigInteger('4k')->default(0); $table->bigInteger('5k')->default(0); $table->bigInteger('1v1')->default(0); $table->bigInteger('1v2')->default(0); $table->bigInteger('1v3')->default(0); $table->bigInteger('1v4')->default(0); $table->bigInteger('1v5')->default(0); $table->bigInteger('entries')->default(0); $table->timestamps(); }
/** */ public function testSum() { Blueprint::make('Model1', ['int1' => 100, 'str1' => 'testSum']); Blueprint::make('Model1', ['int1' => 10, 'str1' => 'testSum']); $this->assertEquals(220, Model1::sum(['int1', '+', 'int1'], ['str1' => 'testSum'])); }
public function __destruct() { parent::__destruct(); }
/** * Runs the migrations. * * @param Blueprint $table * * @return void */ public function up($table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->integer('match_id')->unsigned(); $table->foreign('match_id')->references('id')->on('matches')->onDelete('cascade'); $table->string('map')->default('de_dust2'); $table->integer('score_a')->default(0); $table->integer('score_b')->default(0); $table->integer('current_round')->default(0); /* * Statuses: * * 0. Not Started * 1. Starting * 2. Pre-Game Warmup * 3. Knife Round * 4. Knife Winners Deciding * 5. First Half Warmup * 6. First Half * 7. Second Half Warmup * 8. Second Half * 9. Overtime Warmup * 10. Overtime * 11. Finished */ $table->integer('status')->default(0); $table->boolean('is_paused')->default(false); $table->string('team_paused')->nullable(); $table->boolean('team_a_unpause')->default(false); $table->boolean('team_b_unpause')->default(false); $table->string('current_side')->default('ct'); $table->boolean('t_ready')->default(false); $table->boolean('ct_ready')->default(false); $table->timestamps(); }
/** * @depends testSelection */ public function testMultipleOr() { $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $models = [Blueprint::make('Model1', ['str1' => "or_test_multiple", 'timestamp1' => $date]), Blueprint::make('Model1', ['int1' => 5715, 'timestamp1' => $date])]; $res = Model1::selection(["@or" => ['str1' => "or_test_multiple", 'int1' => 5715], "@or:banana" => ["timestamp1" => $date]]); $this->assertCount(2, $res); }
private static function prepareData(Blueprint $blueprint, $where = NULL, array $filters = NULL) { $tag = "EntityExporter::prepareData()"; Log::notice("{$tag}"); /* // BUILD QUERY */ $query = new EntityQuery($blueprint); // WHERE if ($where != NULL) { $query->where($where); } // FILTERS if ($filters != NULL) { foreach ($filters as $key => $value) { if (ereg("^filter_(.+)_(.+)", $key, $regs)) { $filter_field = $regs[1]; $filter_type = $regs[2]; $field = $blueprint->get($filter_field); switch ($field->getDataType()) { case "string": switch ($filter_type) { case "like": $query->where("{$filter_field} LIKE '%{$value}%'"); break; case "equals": $query->where("{$filter_field}='{$value}'"); break; } break; case "int": switch ($filter_type) { case "equals": $query->where("{$filter_field}={$value}"); break; case "min": $query->where("{$filter_field}>={$value}"); break; case "max": $query->where("{$filter_field}<={$value}"); } break; case "decimal": switch ($filter_type) { case "equals": $query->where("{$filter_field}='{$value}'"); break; case "min": $query->where("{$filter_field}>='{$value}'"); break; case "max": $query->where("{$filter_field}<='{$value}'"); } break; case "date": case "datetime": switch ($filter_type) { case "equals": $query->where("{$filter_field}='{$value}'"); break; case "min": $query->where("{$filter_field}>='{$value}'"); break; case "max": $query->where("{$filter_field}<='{$value}'"); } break; case "enum": switch ($filter_type) { case "like": $query->where("{$filter_field} LIKE '%{$value}%'"); break; case "equals": $query->where("{$filter_field}='{$value}'"); break; } break; } // END: switch($field->getDataType()) } // END: if(ereg("^filter_(.+)_(.+)", $key, $regs)) } // END: foreach($filters as $key=>$value) } // END: if($filters != NULL) // Execute Query $sql = new DatabaseQuery($query->toString()); try { $sql->doQuery(); $num_rows = $sql->get_num_rows(); Log::debug("{$tag}: Exporting {$num_rows} rows"); return $sql; } catch (Exception $e) { Log::error("{$tag}: [" . $sql->err_code . "] " . $sql->err_message); throw $e; } }
/** * Get all of the commands with a given name. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint $blueprint * @param string $name * @return array */ protected function getCommandsByName(Blueprint $blueprint, $name) { return array_filter($blueprint->getCommands(), function ($value) use($name) { return $value->name == $name; }); }