예제 #1
파일: users.php 프로젝트: swk/bluebox
  * This function will determine there is a valid user on a page the requires
  * a user.  If the user does not exist then it will redirect to the login
  * page.
  * @return bool
 public static function redirectInvalidUser()
     // If the system is installing then there is no login required
     if (Bluebox_Installer::is_installing()) {
         Kohana::config_set('core.require_login', FALSE);
         return TRUE;
     $session = Session::instance();
     // If there is no current user
     if (!self::isUserAuthentic()) {
         $controller = strtolower(Router::$controller);
         $method = strtolower(Router::$method);
         $noAuth = FALSE;
         $controllerBypass = Event::$data->getAuthBypass();
         if (!empty($controllerBypass) and is_array($controllerBypass)) {
             self::$authBypass = arr::merge(self::$authBypass, array($controller => $controllerBypass));
         if (!empty(self::$authBypass[$controller])) {
             if (in_array($method, self::$authBypass[$controller])) {
                 kohana::log('debug', 'The url `' . url::current() . '` is configured for auth bypass, allowing');
                 $noAuth = TRUE;
         if (!$noAuth) {
             // this will redirect from the login page back to this page
             kohana::log('debug', 'This user is not authorized for `' . url::current() . '`, presenting login form');
             $session->set("requested_url", "/" . url::current());
             if (request::is_ajax()) {
                 header('HTTP/1.0 401 Forbidden');
             } else {
             return FALSE;
     $user_debug = self::getAttr('debug_level');
     if ($user_debug > Kohana::config('core.log_threshold')) {
     $log = sprintf('Effective user_id %s - account_id %s', self::getAttr('user_id'), self::getAttr('account_id'));
     kohana::log('debug', $log);
     $log = sprintf('Authentic user_id %s - account_id %s', self::getAuthenticAttr('user_id'), self::getAuthenticAttr('account_id'));
     kohana::log('debug', $log);
     return TRUE;
예제 #2
 public function checkDBConnectivity()
     // Are heading somewhere other then the installer? If so, check that we're OK to proceed.
     if (!Bluebox_Installer::is_installing()) {
         // Check DB connectivity
         $manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance();
         try {
         } catch (Doctrine_Connection_Exception $e) {
             // We can't connect to the database - run the installer!
             // Get the guess the URL to work on
             Kohana::config_set('core.site_domain', Bluebox_Installer::guess_site_domain());
예제 #3
 public static function bootstrapPackages($ignoreInstaller = FALSE)
     if (Bluebox_Installer::is_installing() and $ignoreInstaller !== TRUE) {
         return TRUE;
     $installedPackages = Doctrine::getTable('Package')->findByStatus(Package_Manager::STATUS_INSTALLED);
     if (empty($installedPackages)) {
         return FALSE;
     $loadList = $navigation = array();
     foreach ($installedPackages as $package) {
         $packageDir = DOCROOT . $package['basedir'];
         $loadList[$package['name']] = $packageDir;
         if (is_dir($packageDir . '/models')) {
             // Note that with MODEL_LOADING_CONSERVATIVE set, the model isn't really loaded until first requested
             Doctrine::loadModels($packageDir . '/models', Doctrine::MODEL_LOADING_CONSERVATIVE);
         if (empty($package['navigation'])) {
         $navigation[$package['name']] = $package['navigation'];
     $loadedModules = Kohana::config('core.modules');
     $systemModules = array_unique(array_merge($loadedModules, $loadList));
     Kohana::config_set('core.modules', $systemModules);
     foreach ($loadList as $packageDir) {
         // Load hooks only for modules in the DB, if hooks are enabled
         if (Kohana::config('core.enable_hooks') === TRUE) {
             if (is_dir($packageDir . '/hooks')) {
                 // Since we're running late, we need to go grab
                 // the hook files again (sad but true)
                 $hooks = Kohana::list_files('hooks', TRUE, $packageDir . '/hooks');
                 foreach ($hooks as $file) {
                     // Load the hook
                     include_once $file;
예제 #4
  * This function is responsible for ensuring the requirements in the configure require array
  * can be met
  * @param array a complete listing of avaliable packages that can be used to met the requirements
  * @param string the name of the package whoes requirements we need to check
  * @return array if a package can be installed but needs to do so disabled, the packages array is updated
 private static function _fulfillRequired($packages, $name)
     $runForActions = array('downgrade', 'install', 'upgrade', 'enable', 'repair', 'verify');
     $package = $packages[$name];
     $requirements = $package['required'];
     // If this action does not rely on requirements return
     if (!in_array($package['action'], $runForActions)) {
         return $packages;
     // If there are no requirements return
     if (empty($requirements) || !is_array($requirements)) {
         return $packages;
     $relationTree = self::relationTree($packages);
     foreach ($requirements as $required => $requiredVersion) {
         $requirement = strtolower($required);
         // check if the core mets requirements
         if ($requirement == 'core') {
             $coreVersion = Bluebox_Controller::$version;
             if (!self::_compareVersions($requiredVersion, $coreVersion)) {
                 self::_setError('This module is incompatable with Bluebox version ' . $coreVersion, $name);
         if (!empty($packages[$name]['incompatible'])) {
         // If this is a logic operation then handle it
         //$logicOperator = array('or', 'not', 'xor');
         $logicOperator = array('not');
         if (in_array($requirement, $logicOperator)) {
             if (!is_array($requiredVersion)) {
             // Push the array to the stack so we can hijack the errors array
             $errors = self::$errors;
             self::$errors = array();
             $tmpPackages = $packages;
             // First make our package look like it only requires this sub-array
             $tmpPackages[$name]['required'] = $requiredVersion;
             self::_fulfillRequired($tmpPackages, $name);
             // Save the new errors and return pop the error stack
             $subErrors = self::$errors;
             self::$errors = $errors;
             // This is counter-intuative but if the package is avaliable there are no errors....
             if ($requirement == 'not' && empty($subErrors)) {
                 foreach (array_keys($requiredVersion) as $subName) {
                     $incompatible = FALSE;
                     if (self::packageAvailable($packages, $subName) == 2) {
                         self::_setError('This module is incompatible with ' . $packages[$subName]['displayName'], $name);
                         self::_setError('This module is incompatible with ' . $packages[$name]['displayName'], $subName);
                         $packages[$subName]['incompatible'] = TRUE;
                         $incompatible = TRUE;
                     if (!empty($incompatible)) {
             } else {
                 if ($requirement == 'or') {
                     /** TODO: Do we even need this?  It will have to be addressed in everything that uses requirements **/
                 } else {
                     if ($requirement == 'xor') {
                         /** TODO: Do we even need this?  It will have to be addressed in everything that uses requirements **/
         // Required module can not be found
         if (empty($packages[$required])) {
             self::_setError('The required module ' . $required . ' could not be found', $name);
         $requirement = $packages[$required];
         // Should the version be retrieved from configure.php depending on its action, errors, and current status
         $requirementVersion = 0;
         $useConfigVersion = array('downgrade', 'install', 'upgrade', 'uninstall');
         $configVersionValid = in_array($requirement['action'], $useConfigVersion) && empty(self::$errors[$required]);
         // If the version should come from configure or isnt avaliable in the db get it!
         if ($configVersionValid || empty($requirement['installedAs']['module_version'])) {
             $requirementVersion = $requirement['version'];
         } else {
             $requirementVersion = $requirement['installedAs']['module_version'];
         // Determine if the version is/could be satisfied
         $versionSatisfied = self::_compareVersions($requiredVersion, $requirementVersion);
         // The requirements status determines the behavoir
         switch (self::packageAvailable($packages, $required)) {
             // Case where a required module can not be found
             case -1:
                 // This should have been caught above, but just incase....
                 self::_setError('The required module ' . $required . ' could not be found', $name);
                 // Case where a module can be found but is, and wont be, installed
             // Case where a module can be found but is, and wont be, installed
             case 0:
                 // If a required module is not installed but avaliable for installation then produce an error
                 if ($versionSatisfied) {
                     // The required module is not installed but if it where things would be fine
                     if (empty(self::$errors[$packages[$required]['packageName']])) {
                         self::_setError('The required module ' . $packages[$required]['displayName'] . ' exists but is not available', $name);
                     } else {
                         kohana::log('error', 'SUPPRESSING RELIANCE ON ' . $packages[$required]['displayName'] . ' but it has an error');
                         //self::_setError('This package relies on ' .$packages[$required]['displayName'] . ' but it has an error', $name);
                 } else {
                     // There is an uninstalled module by that name but it is the wrong version
                     self::_setError('The required version of ' . $required . ' could not be found', $name);
                 // Case where a module is, or will be, installed but disabled
             // Case where a module is, or will be, installed but disabled
             case 1:
                 if (!$versionSatisfied) {
                     // The installed version does not met the requirement version
                     self::_setError('This module is incompatable with ' . $requirement['displayName'] . ' version ' . $requirementVersion, $name);
                 } else {
                     if ($package['action'] == 'enable') {
                         // The requirement is disabled while this module tries to enable itself
                         self::_setError('This module requires ' . $requirement['displayName'] . ' to also be enabled', $name);
                     } else {
                         if ($package['default']) {
                             // We cant enable this package because one if its dependencies is disabled so we will continue disabled as well
                             $packages[$name]['default'] = false;
                             self::_setWarning('The required module ' . $requirement['displayName'] . ' is disabled so this will default to disabled as well', $name);
                 // Case where a module is, or will be, installed
             // Case where a module is, or will be, installed
             case 2:
                 if (!$versionSatisfied) {
                     // The installed version does not met the requirement version
                     self::_setError('This module is incompatable with ' . $requirement['displayName'] . ' version ' . $requirementVersion, $name);
     return $packages;
예제 #5
파일: FreeSwitch.php 프로젝트: swk/bluebox
 public function commit()
     // Activate any changed settings on the switch, live
     if (!Bluebox_Installer::is_installing()) {
         if (self::$dirty) {
         if (self::$aclDirty) {
         if (self::$xmlcdrDirty) {
         if (self::$sofiaDirty) {
     self::$dirty = FALSE;
     self::$aclDirty = FALSE;
     self::$sofiaDirty = FALSE;
     self::$xmlcdrDirty = FALSE;
     self::$trunksDirty = FALSE;
예제 #6

defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');
if (!Bluebox_Installer::is_installing()) {
    Event::add('bluebox.message_html', array('ErrorReporter', 'provideHelpLink'));
예제 #7
파일: installer.php 프로젝트: swk/bluebox
  * This attempts to uncomment the index_page in config.php if mod_rewrite is not
  * on or not allowed.
  * @return void
 public function fixModRewrite()
     Kohana::config_set('core.site_domain', Bluebox_Installer::guess_site_domain());
     $indexPage = Kohana::config('core.index_page');
     if (!empty($indexPage)) {
     Kohana::config_set('core.index_page', 'index.php');
     // Get the current config.php file
     if ($files = Kohana::find_file('config', 'config')) {
         $file = @file(end($files));
     // Make sure we were sucessfull
     if (empty($file)) {
         // Use the preLog because we dont know if we have write permissions on logs/ yet!
         $preLog = $this->session->get('installer.pre_log');
         $preLog['error'][] = 'Could not locate or read config.php during mod_rewrite fix!';
         $this->session->set('installer.pre_log', $preLog);
     foreach ($file as $num => $line) {
         preg_match('/.*[\'"`]([a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]*)[\'"`].*$/imx', $line, $result);
         if (!empty($result[1]) && strstr($result[1], 'index_page')) {
             $file[$num] = ltrim($line, '/#;');
     $file = implode('', $file);
     // If we got the file then we must have made changes, attempt to save it back
     // but if there is an error doing so have the user do it
     if (@file_put_contents(end($files), $file) === FALSE) {
         // Use the preLog because we dont know if we have write permissions on logs/ yet!
         $_GET['config_file'] = 'config';
         $this->template->allowNext = TRUE;
         return FALSE;
예제 #8
  * Tests the Bluebox_Installer::dependencySort() function
  * @group core.libraries.installer.dependencySort
  * @test
 public function testDependencySort()
     // Get fresh data to work with
     $package1 = $this->numberedPackage(1);
     $package2 = $this->numberedPackage(2);
     $package3 = $this->numberedPackage(3);
     // If they have no action then they are avaliable at any time (or checkDependencies would have failed)
     // and the sorter will ignore them...
     $package1['sample1']['action'] = 'install';
     $package2['sample2']['action'] = 'install';
     $package3['sample3']['action'] = 'install';
     // Set up known relationships
     $package1['sample1']['required'] = array('core' => Bluebox_Controller::$version, 'sample2' => 0.1);
     $package2['sample2']['required'] = array('core' => Bluebox_Controller::$version);
     $package3['sample3']['required'] = array('core' => Bluebox_Controller::$version, 'sample1' => 0.1, 'sample2' => 0.1);
     // The expected order
     $expected = array('sample2', 'sample1', 'sample3');
     $packages = array_merge($package1, $package2, $package3);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, array_keys($packages));
     $packages = array_merge($package3, $package2, $package1);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, array_keys($packages));
     $packages = array_merge($package3, $package1, $package2);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, array_keys($packages));
     $packages = array_merge($package2, $package1, $package3);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, array_keys($packages));
예제 #9
파일: permission.php 프로젝트: swk/bluebox
 public function customize()
     // get the module that these customize options apply to
     $module = $this->input->post('module', '');
     $module = str_replace('_module_permissions_custom', '', $module);
     // get the package definition for this module
     $packages = Bluebox_Installer::listPackages();
     $package = $packages[$module];
     // no package, no love
     if (empty($package)) {
     $this->view->module = $module;
     $this->view->customizable = self::getCustomizable($package);