$result3 = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `feed` \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `user_name` LIKE '%" . $name . "%'"); if ($row3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result3)) { $profile_name = $row3['id']; $profile_twitter = $row3['twitter']; $profile_twitter = '@' . $profile_twitter; $profile_twitter = str_replace('@@', '@', $profile_twitter); $profile_twitter = str_replace('@@@', '@', $profile_twitter); $profile_twitter_noat = str_replace('@', '', $profile_twitter); $profile_phone = $row3['phone']; $profile_trackname = $row3['trackname']; $playerpath = $row3['playerpath']; //$profile_phone = "(".substr($profile_phone, 0, 3).") ".substr($profile_phone, 3, 3)."-".substr($profile_phone,6); // display tracks status $submitted_tracks_status = '<a href="http://freelabel.net/' . strtolower($profile_twitter) . '" class="text-success" target="_blank">UPLOADED!!!</a>'; // get usr stats $s = $config->getStatsByUser($name); $follow_up_promote[] = urlencode('[NEW MUSIC] ' . $profile_twitter . ' - "' . $profile_trackname . '" | ' . $playerpath); $follow_up_promote[] = urlencode($profile_trackname . '" | ' . $playerpath); $follow_up_promote[] = urlencode(' we need new exclusives for this weeks radio showcases. Login to your FL profile & upload new music ASAP.'); $follow_up_promote[] = urlencode('TUNE IN LIVE TONIGHT @ 11PM for NEW EXCLUSIVES from ' . $profile_twitter . ' ft. "' . $profile_trackname); $follow_up_promote[] = urlencode('NEW MUSIC FROM "' . $profile_trackname . '" coming ' . $showcase_date . '! EXCLUSIVELY on RADIO.FREELABEL.net'); $follow_up_promote[] = urlencode('call us 347-994-0267'); $follow_up_promote[] = urlencode('Login to your FREELABEL.NET account and upload new music for todays radio showcases!'); $follow_up_promote[] = urlencode('Login to your FREELABEL.NET account and schedule any interviews or single/project releases to showcase this month on FREELABEL.NET!'); // // FOLLOW UP BUTTON GENERATOR // FOLLOW UP BUTTON GENERATOR // FOLLOW UP BUTTON GENERATOR $i = 1; $tweet_to_client = ''; // $tweet_to_client .= '<div class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" onclick="showOptions('.$user_id.')" >Follow Up</div>';
<style> video { border:none; border-radius: 2px; cursor: pointer; box-shadow: 5px 5px 20px #101010; } </style><?php include_once '/kunden/homepages/0/d643120834/htdocs/config/index.php'; $config = new Blog($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); // add these stats in here somehwere in the layout $stats = $config->getStatsByUser($site['user']['name']); $current_page = '0'; $user = $config->getUserData($site['user']['name']); $files = $config->getVideosByUser('admin', 1); echo $config->display_feed($files, true, 0); $files = $config->getVideosByUser('admin', 6); echo $config->display_feed($files, false, 0); // echo $files['posts']; // var_dump($files); ?> <script> function playVideo(elem) { elem.get(0).play(); elem.get(0).volume = 0.5; } $('video').bind('click',function(){ // alert('now playing video'); playVideo($(this)); $('video').unbind('hover');
<?php include_once '/kunden/homepages/0/d643120834/htdocs/config/index.php'; $user_name = Session::get('user_name'); $config = new Blog(); $s = $config->getStatsByUser($user_name); $stats = $s['count']; $tracks = $config->getPostsByUser(0, 300, $user_name); $events = $config->getEventsByUser($user_name, 500); $promos = $config->getPromosByUser(Session::get('user_name'), 300); $num_tracks = count($tracks); $num_events = count($events); $num_promos = count($promos); if ($num_tracks == '300') { $num_tracks = $num_tracks . "+"; } // earnings calculator $score = 0.001 * $stats * 0.001 * $num_tracks; $photo = $config->getProfilePhoto($user_name); $user = $config->getUserData($user_name); if (isset($tracks)) { foreach ($tracks as $key => $value) { $post_date = date('m-d', strtotime($value['submission_date'])); $todays_date = date('m-d'); $yesterdays_date = date('m-d', '-1 day'); $two_days_ago = date('m-d', strtotime('-2 days', time())); $three_days_ago = date('m-d', strtotime('-3 days', time())); if ($post_date == $todays_date) { $today[] = $value['blogtitle']; } elseif ($post_date == $yesterdays_date) { $yesterday[] = $value['blogtitle'];