public function show() { $id = Session::remove("blinkId"); if ($id != null) { $blink = Blink::find($id); $blink->time_viewed; if ($blink != null && $blink->view_time > $blink->time_viewed) { $path = $blink->file_location; $file = new Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File($path); $response = Response::make(File::get($path), 200); // Modify our output's header. // Set the content type to the mime of the file. // In the case of a .jpeg this would be image/jpeg $response->header('Content-type', $file->getMimeType()); // We return our image here. return $response; } } }
public function view($token) { $blink = Blink::where("url_token", "=", $token)->whereNull("expired_at")->first(); if ($blink && $blink->view_time > $blink->time_viewed) { echo $blink->id; Session::put("blinkId", $blink->id); return View::make("blinks.view"); } else { Session::remove("blinkId"); echo "failed"; } }