extend() 공개 정적인 메소드

Register a custom Blade compiler.
public static extend ( callable $compiler ) : void
$compiler callable
리턴 void
 public function boot()
     $directivesDirectory = base_path() . '/resources/views/directives';
     // Check if directory exists
     if (!File::exists($directivesDirectory)) {
     $directivePaths = File::files($directivesDirectory);
     // Check if we have at least one file
     if (empty($directivePaths)) {
     $regex = $this->buildRegex($directivePaths);
     \Blade::extend(function ($view) use($regex) {
         $offset = 0;
         while (preg_match($regex, $view, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset)) {
             // Store directive name
             $directiveName = $matches[1][0];
             // Store start and length of pattern
             $patternStart = $matches[0][1];
             $patternLength = strlen($matches[0][0]);
             $expressionStart = $matches[2][1];
             // Fetch expression
             $expr = $this->fetchExpression($view, $expressionStart, $patternStart + $patternLength);
             // Store beginning and end
             $beginning = substr($view, 0, $patternStart);
             $end = substr($view, $expressionStart + strlen($expr) + 1);
             // Construct view
             $view = $beginning . "@include('directives.{$directiveName}', array('param' => ({$expr})))" . $end;
             // Compute new offset to search from
             $offset = $patternStart + strlen($expr);
         return $view;
  * Register the view environment.
 public function registerBladeTemplate()
     | @lm-attrs
     | Buffers the output if there's any.
     | The output will be passed to mergeStatic()
     | where it is merged with item's attributes
     \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
         $pattern = '/(\\s*)@lm-attrs\\s*\\((\\$[^)]+)\\)/';
         return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php $lm_attrs = $2->attr(); ob_start(); ?>', $view);
     | @lm-endattrs
     | Reads the buffer data using ob_get_clean()
     | and passes it to MergeStatic().
     | mergeStatic() takes the static string,
     | converts it into a normal array and merges it with others.
     \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
         $pattern = $compiler->CreatePlainMatcher('lm-endattrs');
         return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php echo \\Lavary\\Menu\\Builder::mergeStatic(ob_get_clean(), $lm_attrs); ?>$2', $view);
예제 #3
  * Bootstrap any application services.
  * @return void
 public function boot()
     /* @eval($var++) */
     \Blade::extend(function ($view) {
         return preg_replace('/\\@eval\\((.+)\\)/', '<?php ${1}; ?>', $view);
예제 #4
  * Bootstrap any application services.
  * @return void
 public function boot()
     \Blade::extend(function ($value) {
         $value = preg_replace('/\\@define(.+)/', '<?php ${1}; ?>', $value);
         return $value;
예제 #5
  * Register the service provider.
  * @return void
 public function register()
     $_this =& $this;
     $this->app->bind('theme.assets', function ($app) {
         return new \Onefasteuro\Theme\Assets(new \Assetic\AssetManager(), $app);
     $this->app->bind('theme.page', function ($app) {
         return new Page\StaticPage($app['config'], $app['theme.assets']);
     $this->app->bind('theme.parser', function ($app) use(&$_this) {
         $parser = Helper::parser($app);
         $class = new \ReflectionClass("\\Onefasteuro\\Theme\\{$parser}");
         $class = $class->newInstance($app['config'], $app['theme.page']);
         return $class;
     $this->app->booting(function () {
         $loader = \Illuminate\Foundation\AliasLoader::getInstance();
         $loader->alias('Helper', '\\Onefasteuro\\Theme\\Helper');
     /** blade partials **/
     \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
         $pattern = $compiler->createMatcher('partials');
         return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php echo \\$__env->make("theme.views::".Helper::skin().".partials.".$2, array_except(get_defined_vars(), array("__data", "__path")))->render(); ?>', $view);
예제 #6
 public function boot()
     //@define $i = 'whatever'
     \Blade::extend(function ($value) {
         return preg_replace('/\\@define(.+)/', '<?php ${1}; ?>', $value);
예제 #7
  * register `@php()` directive
 public static function registerPHP($tagName = 'php')
     \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) use($tagName) {
         $pattern = $compiler->createMatcher($tagName);
         $code = "<?php \$2 ?" . ">";
         return preg_replace($pattern, $code, $view);
예제 #8
  * 引导任何应用服务。
  * @return void
 public function boot()
     \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
         $this->app->make('phpBlade')->php($view, $compiler);
         $this->app->make('phpBlade')->endphp($view, $compiler);
         $this->app->make('phpBlade')->datetime($view, $compiler);
         return $view;
예제 #9
 public static function register()
     foreach (static::$compiles as $function) {
         if (!method_exists(__CLASS__, $function = 'compile_' . $function)) {
         \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) use($function) {
             return call_user_func([__CLASS__, $function], $view, $compiler);
예제 #10
 public function boot()
     /* @datetime($var) */
     \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
         $pattern = $compiler->createOpenMatcher('datetime');
         return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php echo $2->format(\'m/d/Y H:i\')); ?>', $view);
     /* @eval($var++) */
     \Blade::extend(function ($view) {
         return preg_replace('/\\@eval\\((.+)\\)/', '<?php ${1}; ?>', $view);
 public function boot()
     $this->publishes([__DIR__ . '/../../../database/migrations/' => database_path('/migrations')], 'migrations');
     $this->publishes([__DIR__ . '/../../../config/' => config_path()], 'config');
     SiteConfig::macro('has_bonus', function () {
         return config('bonus') != null;
     \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
         $pattern = "/(?<!\\w)(\\s*)@blink\\(\\s*(.*?)\\)/";
         return preg_replace($pattern, '$1' . '<?php if($auth->admin || $auth->id == $2->user->id || $auth->id == $2->user->referral_id|| $auth->id == $2->user->new_referral_id) {?>' . PHP_EOL . '<a href="/bonus-management/view/<?php echo $2->id ?>">' . PHP_EOL . '#<?php echo (1024 + $2->id) ?>' . PHP_EOL . '</a>' . PHP_EOL . '<?php } else { ?>' . PHP_EOL . '<?php echo (1024 + $2->id) ?>' . PHP_EOL . '<?php }?>', $view);
 public function boot()
     | Extend blade so we can define a variable
     | <code>
     | @define $variable = "whatever"
     | </code>
     \Blade::extend(function ($value) {
         return preg_replace('/\\@define(.+)/', '<?php ${1}; ?>', $value);
예제 #13
 public function boot()
     \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
         $pattern = $compiler->createOpenMatcher('tab');
         return str_replace('-Ab-', '<a href="chords.php" class="Ab">Ab</a>', $view);
     \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
         $pattern = $compiler->createOpenMatcher('datetime');
         return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php echo $2->format(\'m/d/Y H:i\')); ?>', $view);
     /* @eval($var++) */
     \Blade::extend(function ($view) {
         return preg_replace('/\\@eval\\((.+)\\)/', '<?php ${1}; ?>', $view);
예제 #14
  * Bootstrap any application services.
  * @return void
 public function boot()
     \HTML::macro('activeClass', function ($path, $active = 'active') {
         if (Request::is($path . "*")) {
             return $active;
         return '';
     \Validator::resolver(function ($translator, $data, $rules, $messages) {
         return new CustomValidator($translator, $data, $rules, $messages);
     \Blade::extend(function ($value) {
         return preg_replace('/\\@define(.+)/', '<?php ${1}; ?>', $value);
예제 #15
 public function registerBladeExtensions()
     \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
         $pattern = '/@content\\(\'(.*?)\'\\)(.*?)@endcontent/is';
         preg_match_all($pattern, $view, $result);
         if (is_array($result)) {
             for ($i = 0; count($result[1]) > $i; $i++) {
                 $replace = $result[0][$i];
                 $key = $result[1][$i];
                 $value = $result[2][$i];
                 if ($key && $value) {
                     $o = \KSPM\LCMS\Model\Content::where('key', '=', $key)->first();
                     if (!$o) {
                         $o = \KSPM\LCMS\Model\Content::create(array('key' => $key, 'value' => $value));
                     $o = "<?php echo \\KSPM\\LCMS\\Model\\Content::where('key', '=', '{$key}')->first()->value; ?>";
                     $view = str_replace($replace, $o, $view);
         $pattern = '/@editable_content\\(\'(.*?)\'\\)(.*?)@endeditable_content/is';
         preg_match_all($pattern, $view, $result);
         $cmswrapper = '<div class="laikacms-editable" data-id="%%%oid%%%">%%%php%%%</div>';
         if (is_array($result)) {
             for ($i = 0; count($result[1]) > $i; $i++) {
                 $replace = $result[0][$i];
                 $key = $result[1][$i];
                 $value = $result[2][$i];
                 if ($key && $value) {
                     $o = \KSPM\LCMS\Model\Content::where('key', '=', $key)->first();
                     if (!$o) {
                         $o = \KSPM\LCMS\Model\Content::create(array('key' => $key, 'value' => $value));
                     $o = "<?php \$c = \\KSPM\\LCMS\\Model\\Content::where('key', '=', '{$key}')->first()->value; echo str_replace('%%%oid%%%','{$o->id}', str_replace('%%%php%%%', \$c, '{$cmswrapper}')); ?>";
                     $view = str_replace($replace, $o, $view);
         return $view;
 public function boot()
     $this->publishes([__DIR__ . '/../../../database/migrations/' => database_path('/migrations')], 'migrations');
     $this->publishes([__DIR__ . '/../../../config/' => config_path()], 'config');
     \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
         $pattern = "/(?<!\\w)(\\s*)@olink\\(\\s*(.*?)\\)/";
         return preg_replace($pattern, '$1' . '<?php if($auth->admin || $auth->staff || $auth->id == $2->user_id || ($2->user && $auth->id == $2->user->referral_id)  || ($2->user && $auth->id == $2->user->new_referral_id) || $auth->premium) {?>' . PHP_EOL . '<a href="/order-management/view/<?php echo $2->id ?>">' . PHP_EOL . '#<?php echo (1024 + $2->id) ?>' . PHP_EOL . '</a>' . PHP_EOL . '<?php } else { ?>' . PHP_EOL . '<?php echo (1024 + $2->id) ?>' . PHP_EOL . '<?php }?>', $view);
     SiteConfig::macro('show_products', function () {
         return config('order.show_products');
     SiteConfig::macro('allow_multiple_products', function () {
         return config('order.allow_multiple_products');
     SiteConfig::macro('allow_quantity', function () {
         return config('order.allow_quantity');
     SiteConfig::macro('allow_other_product', function () {
         return config('order.allow_other_product');
예제 #17
  * Boot the package.
 public function boot()
     // Load package routes
     include __DIR__ . '/../../routes.php';
     // Extend Blade (sic!)
     \Blade::extend(function ($view) {
         $pattern = '/@plupload\\((?:\\s?[\'\\"](.*)[\'\\"]\\s?(?:,\\s?[\'\\"](.*)[\'\\"]\\s?(?:,\\s?[\'\\"](.*)[\'\\"])?)?)?\\s?\\)/U';
         $replacement = '<?php
     $view_var = (string) \'$1\';
     $prefix_var = (string) \'$2\';
     $browse_button_var = (string) \'$3\';
     $view = (true === empty($view_var)) ? \\Config::get(\'plupload::plupload.view\') : $view_var;
     $prefix = (true === empty($prefix_var)) ? \'plupload_\'.uniqid() : $prefix_var;
     $browse_button = (true === empty($browse_button_var)) ? $prefix.\'_browse\' : $browse_button_var;
   @include($view, array(\'upload_handler\' => \\Config::get(\'plupload::plupload.upload_handler\'),\'browse_button_id\' => $browse_button,\'prefix\' => $prefix,\'handler_gate\' => \\Config::get(\'plupload::plupload.upload_handler_gate\'),\'max_file_size\' => \\Config::get(\'plupload::plupload.max_file_size\')))';
         return preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $view);
예제 #18
| Register The Laravel Class Loader
| In addition to using Composer, you may use the Laravel class loader to
| load your controllers and models. This is useful for keeping all of
| your classes in the "global" namespace without Composer updating.
ClassLoader::addDirectories(array(app_path() . '/commands', app_path() . '/controllers', app_path() . '/models', app_path() . '/libraries', app_path() . '/database/seeds'));
 * <code>
 * {? $old_section = "whatever" ?}
 * </code>
Blade::extend(function ($value) {
    return preg_replace('/\\{\\?(.+)\\?\\}/', '<?php ${1} ?>', $value);
| Application Error Logger
| Here we will configure the error logger setup for the application which
| is built on top of the wonderful Monolog library. By default we will
| build a basic log file setup which creates a single file for logs.
Log::useFiles(storage_path() . '/logs/laravel.log');
| Application Error Handler
예제 #19
Validator::register('valid_datetime', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters) {
    //match the format of the date
    if (!empty($value)) {
        $d = DateTime::createFromFormat(GET_DATETIME(), $value);
        return !$d ? false : true;
    return false;
Validator::register('valid_date', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters) {
    //match the format of the date
    if (!empty($value)) {
        $d = DateTime::createFromFormat(GET_DATETIME(false), $value);
        return !$d ? false : true;
    return false;
Blade::extend(function ($value) {
    return preg_replace('/\\{\\{([^\\-].+?)\\}\\}/s', '<?php echo $1; ?>', $value);
define('USERNAME', Session::get('USERNAME'));
define('AUTHORID', Session::get('AUTHORID'));
define('ROLE', Session::get('ROLE', 0));
define('LANG', Session::get('LANG', Config::get('cms::settings.language')));
define('CMSLANG', Session::get('CMSLANG', Config::get('cms::settings.language')));
define('CACHE', Config::get('cms::settings.cache_engine'));
define('BASE', Config::get('application.url'));
require path('bundle') . 'cms/libraries/helpers' . EXT;
  * Bootstrap the application services.
  * @return void
 public function boot()
     \Blade::extend(function ($value, $compiler) {
         return preg_replace("/@set\\('(.*?)'\\,(.*)\\)/", '<?php $$1 = $2; ?>', $value);
예제 #21
    $pattern = $compiler->createMatcher('css');
    return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php echo HTML::style$2; ?>', $view);
 * SCRIPT extension
Blade::extend(function ($view, BladeCompiler $compiler) {
    $pattern = $compiler->createMatcher('script');
    return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php echo HTML::script$2; ?>', $view);
 * RESOURCE extension
Blade::extend(function ($view, BladeCompiler $compiler) {
    $pattern = $compiler->createMatcher('resource');
    return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php Resource::add$2; ?>', $view);
Blade::extend(function ($view, BladeCompiler $compiler) {
    $pattern = $compiler->createPlainMatcher('injectScripts');
    return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php echo Resource::scripts(); ?>', $view);
 * ENVIRONMENT extension
Blade::extend(function ($view, BladeCompiler $compiler) {
    $pattern = $compiler->createPlainMatcher('env');
    return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php echo App::environment(); ?>', $view);
예제 #22

Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
    $pattern = '/(?<!\\w)(\\s*)@ko:text\\s*\\((.*?)\\)/';
    return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<!--ko text: $2--><!--/ko-->', $view);
Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
    $pattern = '/(?<!\\w)(\\s*)@ko:html\\s*\\((.*?)\\)/';
    return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<!--ko html: $2--><!--/ko-->', $view);
Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
    $pattern = '/(?<!\\w)(\\s*)@ko:each\\s*\\((.*?)\\)/';
    return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<!--ko foreach: $2-->', $view);
Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
    $pattern = '/(?<!\\w)(\\s*)@ko:if\\s*\\((.*?)\\)/';
    return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<!--ko if: $2-->', $view);
Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
    $pattern = '/(?<!\\w)(\\s*)@ko:unless\\s*\\((.*?)\\)/';
    return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<!--ko ifnot: $2-->', $view);
Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
    $pattern = '/(?<!\\w)(\\s*)@ko:with\\s*\\((.*?)\\)/';
    return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<!--ko with: $2-->', $view);
Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
    $pattern = '/(?<!\\w)(\\s*)@ko:end\\s*(\\((.*?)\\))?/';
    return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<!--/ko-->', $view);
예제 #23

| @lm-attrs
| Buffers the output if there's any.
| The output will be passed to mergeStatic()
| where it is merged with item's attributes
Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
    $pattern = '/(\\s*)@lm-attrs\\s*\\((\\$[^)]+)\\)/';
    return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php $lm_attrs = $2->attr(); ob_start(); ?>', $view);
| @lm-endattrs
| Reads the buffer data using ob_get_clean()
| and passes it to MergeStatic().
| mergeStatic() takes the static string,
| converts it into a normal array and merges it with others.
Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
    $pattern = $compiler->CreatePlainMatcher('lm-endattrs');
    return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php echo \\Kiwina\\Menu\\Builder::mergeStatic(ob_get_clean(), $lm_attrs); ?>$2', $view);
예제 #24
  * Registers @php and @endphp recognition to blade
  * @return void
 private function registerPhpBladeExtensions()
     \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
         $pattern = $this->createPlainMatcher('php');
         return preg_replace($pattern, "<?php\n", $view);
     \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
         $pattern = $this->createPlainMatcher('endphp');
         return preg_replace($pattern, "\n?>", $view);
예제 #25
  * Register the view environment.
 public function registerBladeTemplate()
     \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
         return preg_replace('/\\{\\?(.+)\\?\\}/', '<?php ${1} ?>', $view);
예제 #26
| to the user if maintenance mode is in effect for the application.
App::down(function () {
    return Response::make("Be right back!", 503);
| Require The Filters File
| Next we will load the filters file for the application. This gives us
| a nice separate location to store our route and application filter
| definitions instead of putting them all in the main routes file.
require app_path() . '/filters.php';
// common variables
require app_path() . '/constants.php';
// common functions
require app_path() . '/helpers.php';
// custom validation
require app_path() . '/validators.php';
// for variable assignment
Blade::extend(function ($value) {
    return preg_replace('/\\{\\?(.+)\\?\\}/', '<?php ${1} ?>', $value);
// for break and continue usage
Blade::extend(function ($value) {
    return preg_replace('/(\\s*)@(break|continue)(\\s*)/', '$1<?php $2; ?>$3', $value);
예제 #27

Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
    $pattern = $compiler->createPlainMatcher('meta');
    return preg_replace($pattern, '<?php echo Meta::render();?>', $view);
예제 #28
파일: Blade.php 프로젝트: walisph/skeleton
 * Create a folder named 'widgets' into your views directory
 * Use this extension by
 * @widget('NameOfYourWidget')
Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
    $pattern = '/(?<!\\w)(\\s*)@widget\\(\'(.*)\\)/';
    $replace = '$1<?php echo $__env->make(\'widgets.$2, array_except(get_defined_vars(), array(\'__data\', \'__path\')))->render(); ?>';
    return preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $view);
 * Blade extension for Templates
 * Create a folder named 'templates' into your views directory
 * Use this extension by
 * @template('NameOfTheTemplate')
Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
    $pattern = '/(?<!\\w)(\\s*)@template\\(\'(.*)\\)/';
    $replace = '$1<?php echo $__env->make(\'templates.$2, array_except(get_defined_vars(), array(\'__data\', \'__path\')))->render(); ?>';
    return preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $view);
 * Blade extension for Partials
 * Create a folder named 'partials' into your views directory
 * Use this extension by
 * @partial('NameOfTheTemplate')
Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
    $pattern = '/(?<!\\w)(\\s*)@partial\\(\'(.*)\\)/';
    $replace = '$1<?php echo $__env->make(\'partials.$2, array_except(get_defined_vars(), array(\'__data\', \'__path\')))->render(); ?>';
    return preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $view);
예제 #29
파일: blade.php 프로젝트: Metrakit/dynamix
Blade::extend(function ($value) {
    return preg_replace("/<info>/", "<?php echo '<div class=\"alert alert-info\">' ?>", $value);
Blade::extend(function ($value) {
    return preg_replace("/<info closable>/", "<?php echo '<div class=\"alert alert-info alert-dismissible\" role=\"alert\"> <button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\">&times;</button>' ?>", $value);
Blade::extend(function ($value) {
    return preg_replace("/<\\/info>/", "<?php echo '</div>' ?>", $value);
Blade::extend(function ($value) {
    return preg_replace("/<warning>/", "<?php echo '<div class=\"alert alert-warning\">' ?>", $value);
Blade::extend(function ($value) {
    return preg_replace("/<warning closable>/", "<?php echo '<div class=\"alert alert-warning alert-dismissible\"  role=\"alert\"> <button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\">&times;</button>' ?>", $value);
Blade::extend(function ($value) {
    return preg_replace("/<\\/warning>/", "<?php echo '</div>' ?>", $value);
Blade::extend(function ($value) {
    return preg_replace("/<danger>/", "<?php echo '<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">' ?>", $value);
Blade::extend(function ($value) {
    return preg_replace("/<danger closable>/", "<?php echo '<div class=\"alert alert-danger alert-dismissible\"  role=\"alert\"> <button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\">&times;</button>' ?>", $value);
Blade::extend(function ($value) {
    return preg_replace("/<\\/danger>/", "<?php echo '</div>' ?>", $value);
  * Register blade extensions
 protected function registerBladeExtensions()
     // Potion asset url
     \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
         $pattern = $this->createBladeMatcher('potion_asset_url');
         return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php echo(\\ClassyGeeks\\Potion\\BladeHelpers::assetUrl$2); ?>', $view);
     // Potion Css
     \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
         $pattern = $this->createBladeMatcher('potion_asset_css');
         return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php echo(\\ClassyGeeks\\Potion\\BladeHelpers::assetCss$2); ?>', $view);
     // Potion Js
     \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
         $pattern = $this->createBladeMatcher('potion_asset_js');
         return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php echo(\\ClassyGeeks\\Potion\\BladeHelpers::assetJs$2); ?>', $view);
     // Potion Img
     \Blade::extend(function ($view, $compiler) {
         $pattern = $this->createBladeMatcher('potion_asset_img');
         return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php echo(\\ClassyGeeks\\Potion\\BladeHelpers::assetImg$2); ?>', $view);