public static function getUrl($pluginName, $type = null, $campaing = null) { $pluginInfo = self::getPluginInfo($pluginName, $type); if (empty($pluginInfo)) { return $pluginInfo; } $url = $pluginInfo['url']; if (empty($campaing)) { return $url; } if (false === strpos($url, 'utm_source')) { if (BizPanda::isSinglePlugin()) { $plugin = BizPanda::getPlugin(); $args = array('utm_source' => 'plugin-' . $plugin->options['name'], 'utm_medium' => $plugin->license && isset($plugin->license->data['Category']) ? $plugin->license->data['Category'] . '-version' : 'unknown-version', 'utm_campaign' => $campaing, 'tracker' => isset($plugin->options['tracker']) ? $plugin->options['tracker'] : null); $url = add_query_arg($args, $url); } else { $url = add_query_arg(array('utm_source' => 'plugin-bizpanda', 'utm_medium' => 'mixed-versions', 'utm_campaign' => $campaing, 'utm_term' => implode(',', BizPanda::getPluginNames(true))), $url); } } return $url; }
/** * Shows the screen. * * @sinve 1.0.0 * @return void */ public function indexAction() { $types = OPanda_Items::getAvailable(); // checkes extra items which are not installed yet require_once OPANDA_BIZPANDA_DIR . '/admin/includes/plugins.php'; $suggestions = OPanda_Plugins::getSuggestions(); ?> <div class="wrap factory-fontawesome-320"> <div class="opanda-items "> <h2><?php _e('Creating New Item', 'bizpanda'); ?> </h2> <p style="margin-top: 0px;"><?php _e('Choose which items you would like to create.', 'bizpanda'); ?> </p> <?php foreach ($types as $name => $type) { ?> <div class="postbox opanda-item opanda-item-<?php echo $type['type']; ?> "> <h4 class="opanda-title"> <?php echo $type['title']; ?> </h4> <div class="opanda-description"> <?php echo $type['description']; ?> </div> <div class="opanda-buttons"> <a href="<?php echo admin_url('post-new.php?post_type=opanda-item&opanda_item=' . $name); ?> " class="button button-large opanda-create"> <i class="fa fa-plus"></i><span><?php _e('Create Item', 'bizpanda'); ?> </span> </a> <?php if (isset($type['help'])) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $type['help']; ?> " class="button button-large opanda-help opanda-right" title="<?php _e('Click here to learn more', 'bizpanda'); ?> "> <i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i> </a> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if (!empty($suggestions)) { ?> <div class="opanda-separator"></div> <div class="opanda-extra-items"> <div class="opanda-inner-wrap"> <h2> <?php _e('More Marketing Tools To Grow Your Business', 'bizpanda'); ?> </h2> <p style="margin-top: 0px;"> <?php _e('Check out other plugins which add more features to your lockers.', 'bizpanda'); ?> </p> <?php foreach ($suggestions as $suggestion) { $url = $suggestion['url']; if (false === strpos($url, 'utm_source')) { if (BizPanda::isSinglePlugin()) { $plugin = BizPanda::getPlugin(); $args = array('utm_source' => 'plugin-' . $plugin->options['name'], 'utm_medium' => $plugin->license && isset($plugin->license->data['Category']) ? $plugin->license->data['Category'] . '-version' : 'unknown-version', 'utm_campaign' => 'suggestions', 'tracker' => isset($plugin->options['tracker']) ? $plugin->options['tracker'] : null); $url = add_query_arg($args, $url); } else { $url = add_query_arg(array('utm_source' => 'plugin-bizpanda', 'utm_medium' => 'mixed-versions', 'utm_campaign' => 'suggestions', 'utm_term' => implode(',', BizPanda::getPluginNames(true))), $url); } } ?> <div class="postbox opanda-item opanda-item-<?php echo $suggestion['type']; ?> "> <div class="opanda-item-cover"></div> <i class="fa fa-plus-circle opanda-plus-background"></i> <h4 class="opanda-title"> <?php echo $suggestion['title']; ?> </h4> <div class="opanda-description"> <?php echo $suggestion['description']; ?> </div> <div class="opanda-buttons"> <a href='<?php echo $url; ?> ' class="button button-large" title="<?php _e('Click here to learn more', 'bizpanda'); ?> "> <i class="fa fa-external-link"></i><span>Learn More</span> </a> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <img class="opanda-arrow" src='<?php echo OPANDA_BIZPANDA_URL . '/assets/admin/img/new-item-arrow.png'; ?> ' /> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php }