예제 #1
  * export pdf avec mpdf et liste  d'index : Technique HTML to PDF
 public function actionExportPdf()
     $criteria = new EMongoCriteria();
     $criteria->sort('name', EMongoCriteria::SORT_ASC);
     $models = Biobank::model()->findAll($criteria);
예제 #2
 public function run()
     $users = User::model()->findAll();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $criteria = new EMongoCriteria();
         $criteria->id = $user->biobank_id;
         $biobank = Biobank::model()->find($criteria);
         if ($user->biobank_id === "") {
             $user->biobank_id = null;
         if (!isset($user->biobank_id)) {
             $user->biobank_id = null;
         } else {
             if (is_a($user->biobank_id, 'MongoId')) {
                 $user->biobank_id = (string) $user->biobank_id;
             } else {
                 $biobank = Biobank::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $user->biobank_id));
                 if ($biobank != null) {
                     $user->biobank_id = (string) $biobank->_id;
 public function run($args)
     include_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'CommonTools.php';
     $biobankList = Biobank::model()->findAll();
     foreach ($biobankList as $biobank) {
         if (isset($biobank->ville)) {
             $biobank->address->city = $biobank->ville;
         if (isset($biobank->adresse)) {
             $biobank->address->street = $biobank->adresse;
             $biobank->address->zip = str_ireplace(' ', '', extract_zipcode($biobank->address->street));
             $biobank->address->street = str_ireplace($biobank->address->zip, '', $biobank->address->street);
             $biobank->address->street = str_ireplace($biobank->address->city, '', $biobank->address->street);
         if (isset($biobank->region)) {
             $biobank->address->region = $biobank->region;
         $biobank->address->country = 'fr';
예제 #4
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded
  * @return Biobank the loaded model
  * @throws CHttpException
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = Biobank::model()->findByPk(new MongoID($id));
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
예제 #5
 public function getBiobankName()
     $biobank = Biobank::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $this->biobank_id));
     if ($biobank != null) {
         return $biobank->identifier;
     } else {
         return null;
예제 #6
 public function run($args)
     include_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'StatTools.php';
     $biobanks = Biobank::model()->findAll(array('select' => array('id')));
     foreach ($biobanks as $biobank) {
         $result = StatTools::saveBiobankStats($biobank->id);
         $message = $result === true ? "Statistiques de la biobanque n°{$biobank->id} bien calculées" : "Une erreur est apparue lors de la sauvegarde des statistiques de la biobanque n°{$biobank->id} : {$result}";
         echo $message . "\n";
     echo "Statistiques globales enregistrées. \n";
예제 #7
  * retourne la reparttion des echantillons par ville
  * Fournit un tableau aossicatif de nom entier
  * @return array[array(string,int)]
 public static function getRepartitionSamplesByTown()
     $result = array();
     $biobanks = Biobank::model()->findAll();
     foreach ($biobanks as $biobank) {
         $criteria = new EMongoCriteria();
         $criteria->biobank_id = (string) $biobank->_id;
         $compte = Sample::model()->count($criteria);
         if ($compte != 0) {
             $result[] = array($biobank->address->city, $compte);
     return $result;
예제 #8
 public function run($args)
     include_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'CommonMailer.php';
     $biobanks = Biobank::model()->findAll();
     foreach ($biobanks as $biobank) {
         $lastImportDate = FileImported::model()->getDateLastImportByBiobank($biobank->id);
         $today = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $diffSec = strtotime($today) - strtotime($lastImportDate);
         $diffJours = round($diffSec / 60 / 60 / 24, 0);
         if ($diffJours >= 30 && ($diffJours - 30) % 5 == 0) {
             CommonMailer::sendMailRelanceExport($biobank->getContact(), $lastImportDate, $diffJours);
     echo "Check des imports effectués et relances envoyées\n";
예제 #9
 public function run()
     echo 'Massive Run for samples';
     $biobanks = Biobank::model()->findAll();
     foreach ($biobanks as $biobank) {
         $modifier = new EMongoModifier();
         $modifier->addModifier('biobank_id', 'set', (string) $biobank->_id);
         $criteria = new EMongoCriteria();
         $criteria->biobank_id = $biobank->id;
         $status = Sample::model()->updateAll($modifier, $criteria);
         $criteriaAfter = new EMongoCriteria();
         $criteriaAfter->biobank_id = (string) $biobank->_id;
         $count = Sample::model()->count($criteriaAfter);
         echo "Done for biobank {$biobank->_id} - {$biobank->name} : {$count}\n";
예제 #10
 public function run($args)
     //uppar case for each last name of contact
     $criteria = new EMongoCriteria();
     $criteria->sort('last_name', EMongoCriteria::SORT_ASC);
     $contacts = Contact::model()->findAll($criteria);
     foreach ($contacts as $model) {
         //last name to upper case automatically /prevent pb to sort and display
         // echo $model->_id."\n";
         $model->last_name = mb_strtoupper($model->last_name, "UTF-8");
         //convertie first name en lower case et mettant les caracteres en utf-8 ( cas possible de bug sur chaines mixtes)
         $model->first_name = mb_strtolower($model->first_name, "UTF-8");
         //phone without withespace, point a 0> +33
         $model->phone = mb_ereg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $model->phone);
         $model->phone = mb_ereg_replace('/\\./', '', $model->phone);
         //replace first zero and add +33
         $model->phone = mb_ereg_replace('/^0/', '+33', $model->phone);
         //pays = FR
         $model->pays = "FR";
         $model->inactive = 0;
         //catch exception on update if problem ( utf8 encoding  for example?)
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo 'Exception reçue pour le model: ' . $model->_id . " " . $model->last_name . " " . $model->first_name, $e->getMessage(), "\n";
             //detection de le ncodage si pb d estring
             echo "first name encoding :" . mb_detect_encoding($model->first_name) . "\n";
     //update relation biobank->contact_id if old id contact, si ancien attribut id utilisé alors on mets le nouvel attribut _id
     $criteriaB = new EMongoCriteria();
     $criteriaB->sort('name', EMongoCriteria::SORT_ASC);
     $biobanks = Biobank::model()->findAll($criteriaB);
     foreach ($biobanks as $biobank) {
         $contact = Contact::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $biobank->contact_id));
         if ($contact != null) {
             // echo "current value from migration:" . $contact->last_name . " " . $contact->first_name."\n";
             $biobank->contact_id = $contact->_id;
예제 #11
파일: _view.php 프로젝트: nmalservet/biocap

/* @var $this SearchBiobankController */
/* @var $data Biobank */
<div class='view'>
foreach (Biobank::Model()->attributeExportedLabels() as $attribute => $value) {
    if (isset($data->{$attribute})) {
        echo CHtml::encode($data->getAttributeLabel($attribute));
        switch ($attribute) {
            case 'contact_id':
                echo $data->contact_id != null && !empty($data->contact_id) ? CHtml::encode($data->getShortContact()) . '<br>' . CHtml::encode($data->getEmailContact()) . '<br>' . CHtml::encode($data->getPhoneContact()) : "";
            case 'address':
                echo nl2br($data->getAddress());
            case 'website':
                echo CHtml::link($data->website, 'http://' . $data->website, array('target' => 'blank'));
                echo CHtml::encode($data->{$attribute});
            <br />
예제 #12
<div class="wide form">

$form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array('action' => Yii::app()->createUrl($this->route), 'method' => 'get'));

echo $form->label($model, 'biobank_id');
$biobank = new Biobank();
echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'biobank_id', $biobank->getArrayBiobank($biobank_id));
echo $form->label($model, 'field_age_min');
echo $form->textField($model, 'field_age_min', array('size' => 10, 'maxlength' => 3));
echo $form->label($model, 'storage_conditions');
echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'storage_conditions', $model->getArrayStorage(), array('prompt' => '----'));
예제 #13
파일: _form.php 프로젝트: nmalservet/biocap
 * Création des listes d'attributs à affciher dans les différentes parties
 * La liste $attributes_oblig représente la liste des attributs obligatoire, et doit être présente.
 * Elle ne doit pas être ajoutée à la liste d'onglets
 * La liste $attributes_other regroupe tous les attributs non présents dans les autres listes. Elle doit être ajoutée en dernière à la liste d'onglets
$attributes_oblig = array('identifier', 'name', 'collection_name', 'collection_id', 'biobank_class', 'diagnosis_available', array('attributeName' => 'contact_id', 'value' => Contact::model()->getArrayContacts()), 'address');
$attributes_facult = array('website', 'folder_reception', 'folder_done', 'date_entry', 'passphrase', 'longitude', 'latitude');
$listOnglets['facultatif'] = $attributes_facult;
$attributes_qualite = array('cert_ISO9001', 'cert_NFS96900', 'cert_autres', 'observations');
$listOnglets['qualite'] = $attributes_qualite;
$attributes_info = array(array('attributeName' => 'gest_software', 'value' => CommonTools::getSoftwareList()), 'other_software', array('attributeName' => 'connector_installed', 'value' => array('Oui' => 'Oui', 'Non' => 'Non')), 'connector_version');
$listOnglets['info'] = $attributes_info;
$attributes_sampling = array(array('attributeName' => 'sampling_practice', 'value' => Biobank::model()->getArraySamplingPractice()), 'sampling_disease_group', 'sampling_disease_group_code', 'nbs_dna_samples_affected', 'nbs_dna_samples_relatives', 'nbs_cdna_samples_affected', 'nbs_cdna_samples_relatives', 'nbs_wholeblood_samples_affected', 'nbs_wholeblood_samples_relatives', 'nbs_bloodcellisolates_samples_affected', 'nbs_bloodcellisolates_samples_relatives', 'nbs_serum_samples_affected', 'nbs_serum_samples_relatives', 'nbs_plasma_samples_affected', 'nbs_plasma_samples_relatives', 'nbs_fluids_samples_affected', 'nbs_fluids_samples_relatives', 'nbs_tissuescryopreserved_samples_affected', 'nbs_tissuescryopreserved_samples_relatives', 'nbs_tissuesparaffinembedded_samples_affected', 'nbs_tissuesparaffinembedded_samples_relatives', 'nbs_celllines_samples_affected', 'nbs_celllines_samples_relatives', 'nbs_other_samples_affected', 'nbs_other_samples_relatives', 'nbs_other_specification');
$listOnglets['sampling'] = $attributes_sampling;
//make array of attributes stored but not defined in the common model
$attributes_other = array();
$definedAttributes = array_merge($attributes_oblig, $attributes_facult, $attributes_qualite, $attributes_info, $attributes_sampling, array('_id', 'contact_id', 'gest_software', 'connector_installed', 'vitrine', 'sampling_practice'));
$att = $model->getAttributes();
foreach ($att as $attributeName => $attributeValue) {
    if (!in_array($attributeName, $definedAttributes)) {
        $attributes_other[] = $attributeName;
$listOnglets['other'] = $attributes_other;

<div class="form">
예제 #14
$form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array('action' => Yii::app()->createUrl($this->route)));

echo $form->label($model, 'biobank_id');
if ($this->layout == '//layouts/vitrine_layout') {
    $biobank = $_SESSION['vitrine']['biobank'];
    echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'biobank_id', array($biobank->id => $biobank->identifier));
} else {
    $biobank = new Biobank();
    echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'biobank_id', $biobank->getArrayBiobanks(), array('prompt' => '----', 'style' => 'width:145px'));
echo $form->label($model, 'field_age_min');
echo $form->textField($model, 'field_age_min', array('size' => 10, 'maxlength' => 3));
echo $form->label($model, 'storage_conditions');
예제 #15
  * get biobank name of this contact
  * usefull in view contacts for site
  * @return type
 public function getBiobankName()
     $result = 'Not defined';
     if ($this->biobank_id != null && isset($this->biobank_id)) {
         $biobank = Biobank::model()->findByPK(new MongoID($this->biobank_id));
         if (isset($biobank)) {
             $result = $biobank->name;
     return $result;
예제 #16
  * display catalog of biobanks with contacts and agregated infos
 public function actionCatalog()
     $model = new Biobank('search');
     // clear any default values
     if (isset($_GET['Biobank'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_GET['Biobank'];
     //make the search
     //render the biobanks
     $this->render('catalog', array('model' => $model));
예제 #17
파일: _form.php 프로젝트: nmalservet/biocap
<div class="form">
$form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array('id' => 'biobank_manUploaded-form', 'enableAjaxValidation' => false, 'htmlOptions' => array('enctype' => 'text/html', 'accept-charset' => "UTF-8")));

echo $form->errorSummary($biobankIdentifier);
    <div class="row" >

$criteria = new EMongoCriteria();
$criteria->sort('identifier', EMongoCriteria::SORT_ASC);
echo $form->DropDownList($biobankIdentifier, 'identifier', CHtml::listData(Biobank::model()->findAll($criteria), 'identifier', 'identifierAndName'), array('empty' => 'select brif code'));
echo $form->error($biobankIdentifier, 'identifier');


<!-- form -->
예제 #18
  * retourne le modele de la biobanque fournit par l id mongo
  * null sinon
 public function getBiobank($mongoId)
     if ($mongoId != null) {
         return Biobank::model()->findByPk(new MongoId($mongoId));
     } else {
         return null;
예제 #19
파일: view.php 프로젝트: nmalservet/biocap

echo Yii::t('common', 'sample') . ' #' . $model->biobank_id . '_' . $model->id_sample;
<div style="float:left;">
    <h3 >Caracteristics</h3>
$this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array('data' => $model, 'attributes' => array('id_depositor', 'id_sample', 'consent_ethical', 'gender', 'age', 'collect_date', array('name' => 'storage_conditions', 'value' => $model->getLiteralStorageCondition()), 'consent', 'supply', 'max_delay_delivery', 'detail_treatment', 'disease_outcome', 'authentication_method', 'patient_birth_date', 'tumor_diagnosis')));
<div style="float:left;padding-left:10px;">
        <h3 style="margin-bottom:-5px;" >Notes</h3>
$notesDataProvider = new CArrayDataProvider($model->notes, array('keyField' => 'key'));
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array('dataProvider' => $notesDataProvider, 'template' => '{items}{pager}', 'columns' => array(array('header' => 'Key', 'value' => '$data->key'), array('header' => 'Value', 'value' => '$data->value'))));
        <h3 >Biobank informations</h3>
$data = Biobank::model()->findByPk(new MongoId($model->biobank_id));
$this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array('data' => $data, 'attributes' => array(array('name' => 'biobank', 'value' => $data->identifier), array('name' => 'contact', 'value' => $data->getShortContact()), array('name' => 'email', 'value' => $data->getEmailContact()), array('name' => 'phone', 'value' => $data->getPhoneContact()))));
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
예제 #20
  * export xls des biobanques
 public function actionExportXls()
     $model = new Biobank('search');
     if (isset($_GET['Biobank'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_GET['Biobank'];
     if (isset($_SESSION['criteria']) && $_SESSION['criteria'] != null && $_SESSION['criteria'] instanceof EMongoCriteria) {
         $criteria = $_SESSION['criteria'];
     } else {
         $criteria = new EMongoCriteria();
     $biobanks = Biobank::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $data = array(1 => array_keys(Biobank::model()->attributeExportedLabels()));
     setlocale(LC_ALL, 'fr_FR.UTF-8');
     foreach ($biobanks as $biobank) {
         $line = array();
         foreach (array_keys($biobank->attributeExportedLabels()) as $attribute) {
             if (isset($biobank->{$attribute}) && $biobank->{$attribute} != null && !empty($biobank->{$attribute})) {
                 $line[] = iconv("UTF-8", "ASCII//TRANSLIT", $biobank->{$attribute});
                 //solution la moins pire qui ne fait pas bugge les accents mais les convertit en caractere generique
             } else {
                 $line[] = "-";
         $line[] = iconv("UTF-8", "ASCII//TRANSLIT", $biobank->getShortContact());
         $line[] = iconv("UTF-8", "ASCII//TRANSLIT", $biobank->getEmailContact());
         $contact = $biobank->getContact();
         if ($contact != null) {
             $line[] = iconv("UTF-8", "ASCII//TRANSLIT", $contact->getFullAddress());
         } else {
             $line[] = "No address";
         $data[] = $line;
     $xls = new JPhpExcel('UTF-8', true, 'Biobank list');
     $xls->generateXML('Biobank list');
예제 #21
  * get biobank infos and convert into an LDIF format
  * @return string
 private function getBiobanksLDIF()
     $result = "\ndn: c=fr,ou=biobanks,dc=directory,dc=bbmri-eric,dc=eu\nobjectClass: country\nobjectClass: top\nc: fr\n\n";
     //FIXME Mandatory empty line here ( TODO use ldif exporter to check syntax)
     $biobanks = Biobank::model()->findAll();
     foreach ($biobanks as $biobank) {
         $attributes = array();
         $attributes['biobankCountry'] = "FR";
         $attributes['biobankID'] = "bbmri-eric:ID:FR_" . $biobank->identifier;
         $attributes['biobankName'] = $biobank->name;
         $attributes['biobankJuridicalPerson'] = $biobank->name;
         //TODO flase in cappital
         $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredDNA'] = "FALSE";
         $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredRNA'] = "FALSE";
         // $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredcDNAmRNA'] = "FALSE";
         // $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredmicroRNA'] = "FALSE";
         //   $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredWholeBlood'] = "FALSE";
         //  $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredPBC'] = "FALSE";
         $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredBlood'] = "FALSE";
         $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredPlasma'] = "FALSE";
         $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredSerum'] = "FALSE";
         //            $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredTissueCryo'] = "FALSE";
         $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredTissueFrozen'] = "FALSE";
         //            $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredTissueParaffin'] = "FALSE";
         $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredTissueFFPE'] = "FALSE";
         //            $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredCellLines'] = "FALSE";
         $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredImmortalizedCellLines'] = "FALSE";
         $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredUrine'] = "FALSE";
         $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredSaliva'] = "FALSE";
         $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredFaeces'] = "FALSE";
         //            $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredPathogen'] = "FALSE";
         $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredIsolatedPathogen'] = "FALSE";
         $attributes['biobankMaterialStoredOther'] = "FALSE";
         //TODO each biobank need to sign a chart between bbmri and the biobank (TODO to discuss)
         $attributes['biobankPartnerCharterSigned'] = "FALSE";
         //nmber of samples 10^n n=number
         $attributes['biobankSize'] = "1";
         $attributes['objectClass'] = "biobankClinical";
         //TODO implementer la valeur de ce champ Si biobankClinical Diagnosis obligatoire
         $attributes['diagnosisAvailable'] = "urn:miriam:icd:D*";
         $contact = $biobank->getContact();
         $attributes['biobankContactCountry'] = "FR";
         //TODO get pays avec FR pas integer $contact->pays;
         //TODO info de contact obligatoire lever un warning si pas affectée pour l export
         if ($contact != null) {
             $attributes['biobankContactFirstName'] = $contact->first_name;
             $attributes['biobankContactLastName'] = $contact->last_name;
             $attributes['biobankContactPhone'] = CommonTools::getIntPhone($contact->phone);
             $attributes['biobankContactAddress'] = $contact->adresse;
             $attributes['biobankContactZIP'] = $contact->code_postal;
             $attributes['biobankContactCity'] = $contact->ville;
             //TODO contact email need to be filled
             if (isset($contact->email)) {
                 $attributes['biobankContactEmail'] = $contact->email;
             } else {
                 $attributes['biobankContactEmail'] = $contact->email;
         } else {
             $attributes['biobankContactEmail'] = "N/A";
             Yii::log("contact must be filled for export LDIF. Biobank without contact:" . $biobank->name, CLogger::LEVEL_WARNING, "application");
         $result .= "dn: biobankID=" . trim($attributes['biobankID']) . ",c=fr,ou=biobanks,dc=directory,dc=bbmri-eric,dc=eu\n";
         //TODO recuperer le diagnistique agréger
         foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) {
             if (isset($value)) {
                 //$result.=$key . ":: " . base64_encode(trim($value)) . "\n";
                 $result .= $key . ":: " . trim($value) . "\n";
         //FIXME mandatory empty line
         $result .= "objectClass: biobank\n\n";
     return $result;
예제 #22
파일: _form.php 프로젝트: nmalservet/biocap

    <div class="row">
echo $form->labelEx($model, 'inactif');
echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'inactif', User::model()->getArrayInactif(), array('prompt' => '----'));
echo $form->error($model, 'inactif');
    <div class="row">
echo $form->labelEx($model, 'biobank_id');
echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'biobank_id', Biobank::model()->getArrayBiobanks(), array('prompt' => '----'));
echo $form->error($model, 'biobank_id');

    <div class="row buttons">
echo CHtml::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? 'Create' : 'Save');


</div><!-- form -->
예제 #23
$countDisplayedColumns = 0;
foreach ($prefs as $property => $propertyValue) {
    if ($property != 'id_user' && $property != '_id') {
        if ($propertyValue) {
            $visibility = "table_cell";
        } else {
            $visibility = 'display:none';
        if ($property == 'notes') {
            $columns[] = addColumn($property, $model->getAttributeLabel($property), '$data->getShortNotes()', $visibility);
        } elseif ($property == 'biobank_id') {
            $columns[] = addColumn('biobank_id', $model->getAttributeLabel('biobank_id'), '$data->getBiobankName()', $visibility);
        } elseif ($property == 'collection_name') {
            $columns[] = addColumn('collection_name', Biobank::model()->getAttributeLabel('collection_name'), '$data->biobank->collection_name', $visibility);
        } elseif ($property == 'collection_id') {
            $columns[] = addColumn('collection_id', Biobank::model()->getAttributeLabel('collection_id'), '$data->biobank->collection_id', $visibility);
        } elseif ($property == 'collect_date') {
            $columns[] = addColumn('collect_date', $model->getAttributeLabel('collect_date'), '$data->collect_date', $visibility);
            //TODO normaliser les dates de collecte avant d activer cette feature
            // $columns [] = getArrayColumn('collect_date', $model->getAttributeLabel('collect_date'), 'CommonTools::toShortDateFR($data->collect_date)', $visibility);
        } elseif ($property == 'storage_conditions') {
            $columns[] = addColumn('storage_conditions', $model->getAttributeLabel('storage_conditions'), '$data->getLiteralStorageCondition()', $visibility);
        } else {
            $columns[] = addColumn($property, $model->getAttributeLabel($property), '$data->' . $property, $visibility);
//popup de choix des colonnes à afficher
$columns[] = array('class' => 'CButtonColumn', 'header' => CHtml::link($imageSelect, '#', array('onclick' => '$("#selectPopup").dialog("open");return false;')), 'template' => '{view}', 'buttons' => array('view' => array('url' => 'Yii::app()->createUrl("site/view",array("id"=>"$data->_id", "asDialog"=>1))', 'click' => 'function(){window.open(this.href,"_blank","left=100,top=100,width=760,height=650,toolbar=0,resizable=1, location=no");return false;}')));
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array('id' => 'sample-grid', 'dataProvider' => $model->searchWithNotes(), 'columns' => $columns));
예제 #24
  * Envoie une demande aux contacts des biobanques concernées par une demande
 public function actionEnvoyer()
     if (isset($_GET['demande_id'])) {
         $demande = $this->loadModel($_GET['demande_id']);
         if (!empty($demande->titre) && !empty($demande->detail) && !empty($demande->sampleList)) {
             $samples = $demande->getArraySamples();
             $biobankIdList = $demande->getBiobanksFromSamples($samples);
             $demandeSent = false;
             foreach ($biobankIdList as $biobankId) {
                 $biobank = Biobank::model()->findByPk(new MongoId($biobankId));
                 if ($biobank->contact_id != null) {
                     $contact = Contact::model()->findByPk(new MongoId($biobank->contact_id));
                     if ($contact != null) {
                         $concernSamplesList = array();
                         foreach ($samples as $sample) {
                             if ($sample->biobank_id == $biobankId) {
                                 $concernSamplesList[] = $sample;
                         // PB si pas envoyer a une biuobank alors pas sauvegarder
                         if (CommonMailer::sendDemande($contact, $demande->titre . ' : ' . $biobank->identifier, $demande->detail, $concernSamplesList) == 1) {
                             $demandeSent = true;
                     } else {
             if ($demandeSent) {
                 $demande->envoi = 1;
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', 'Votre demande a bien été envoyée aux différents sites');
                 $this->render('view', array_merge(array('model' => $this->loadModel($demande->_id), isset($_GET['layout']) || isset($layout) && $layout != null ? array('layout' => $_GET['layout']) : array())));
             } else {
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', 'Un problème est apparu, les demandes n\'ont pas été transmises');
                 $this->redirect(array_merge(array('updateAndSend', 'id' => Yii::app()->session['activeDemand'][0]->_id), isset($_GET['layout']) ? array('layout' => $_GET['layout']) : array()));
         } else {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('notice', 'Merci de completer votre demande avant de l\'envoyer');
             $this->redirect(array_merge(array('updateAndSend', 'id' => $demande->_id), isset($_GET['layout']) ? array('layout' => $_GET['layout']) : array()));
예제 #25
$this->widget('application.widgets.charting.CBarsChartWidget', array('id' => 'columnchart-count-files-month', 'theme' => 'Distinctive', 'title' => '', 'data' => StatTools::getCountFilesReceptionByMonth(), 'width' => 380, 'heigth' => 250, 'xAxisRotation' => 0));
    <div style="float:left;width:430px;padding-left:10px;">
$this->beginWidget('zii.widgets.CPortlet', array('title' => "<i class='icon-adjust'></i>" . Yii::t('common', 'LoSaCh')));
//affichage du graphe de repartition par ville des echantillons
$this->widget('application.widgets.charting.CPieChartWidget', array('id' => 'piechart-collab', 'theme' => 'WatersEdge', 'width' => 380, 'height' => 250, 'data' => StatTools::getRepartitionSamplesByTown(), 'title' => 'Location by biobank'));
<div style="clear:both;">
    <div style="float:left;width:430px;">
$this->beginWidget('zii.widgets.CPortlet', array('title' => "<i class='icon-adjust'></i>" . Yii::t('common', 'BioBkReg')));
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array('id' => 'echantillon-grid', 'dataProvider' => Biobank::model()->search(), 'columns' => array('identifier', 'name', array('header' => 'collection name', 'value' => 'CommonTools::getShortValue($data->collection_name)'), array('header' => 'Main contact', 'value' => '$data->getShortContact()'))));
    <div style="float:left;width:430px;padding-left:10px;">
$this->beginWidget('zii.widgets.CPortlet', array('title' => "<i class='icon-share'></i>" . Yii::t('common', 'SaReAct')));
$this->widget('application.widgets.charting.CBarsChartWidget', array('id' => 'columnchart-count-month', 'theme' => 'Distinctive', 'title' => '', 'data' => StatTools::getCountReceptionByMonth(), 'width' => 380, 'heigth' => 250, 'xAxisRotation' => 0));
<div style="clear:both;"/>
예제 #26
파일: User.php 프로젝트: nmalservet/biocap
 public function getBiobankName()
     $result = null;
     if (isset($this->biobank_id) && $this->biobank_id != null && $this->biobank_id != '') {
         $biobank = Biobank::model()->findByPk(new MongoId($this->biobank_id));
         if ($biobank != null) {
             $result = $biobank->name;
     return $result;
예제 #27
  * @return array customized attribute labels (name=>label)
 public function attributeLabels()
     return array('id_user' => Yii::t('common', 'idUser'), 'id' => Yii::t('sample', 'id'), 'biobank_id' => Yii::t('sample', 'biobank_id'), 'consent_ethical' => Yii::t('sample', 'consent_ethical'), 'id_depositor' => Yii::t('sample', 'id_depositor'), 'id_sample' => Yii::t('sample', 'id_sample'), 'gender' => Yii::t('sample', 'gender'), 'age' => Yii::t('sample', 'age'), 'collect_date' => Yii::t('sample', 'collect_date'), 'storage_conditions' => Yii::t('sample', 'storage_conditions'), 'consent' => Yii::t('sample', 'consent'), 'supply' => Yii::t('sample', 'supply'), 'max_delay_delivery' => Yii::t('sample', 'max_delay_delivery'), 'detail_treatment' => Yii::t('sample', 'detail_treatment'), 'disease_outcome' => Yii::t('sample', 'disease_outcome'), 'authentication_method' => Yii::t('sample', 'authentication_method'), 'patient_birth_date' => Yii::t('sample', 'patient_birth_date'), 'tumor_diagnosis' => Yii::t('sample', 'tumor_diagnosis'), 'file_imported_id' => Yii::t('sample', 'file_imported_id'), 'notes' => Yii::t('sample', 'notes'), 'collection_name' => Biobank::model()->getAttributeLabel('collection_name'), 'collection_id' => Biobank::model()->getAttributeLabel('collection_id'));
예제 #28
 public function actionUploadAll()
     $model = new Biobank();
     $listFile = array();
     //      $fichier = null;
     $biobankIdentifier = new BiobankIdentifierForm();
     if (!isset($model->presentation)) {
     if (!isset($model->thematiques)) {
     if (!isset($model->publications)) {
     if (!isset($model->reseaux)) {
     if (!isset($model->qualite)) {
     if (!isset($model->projetRecherche)) {
     if (!isset($model->activeLogo)) {
     if (is_dir(Yii::app()->basePath . '/../images/extractedLogos/')) {
         $listFile = scandir(Yii::app()->basePath . '/../images/extractedLogos/');
     //        if (isset($listFile[2]) && !is_dir($listFile[2]))
     //            $fichier = $listFile[2];
     //        if (isset($_POST['Biobank'])) {
     //               $model->attributes = $_POST['Biobank'];
     //                if (isset($_POST['importLogo']) && $_POST['importLogo'] == 1) {
     //                    $file = $folder . $fichier;
     //                    $model->initSoftAttribute('activeLogo');
     //                    $model->activeLogo = (string) $this->logoUpload($file, $model);
     //                    if (rename($file, $folder . 'done/' . $fichier)) {
     //                        $listFile = scandir(Yii::app()->basePath . '/../images/extractedLogos/');
     //                        $fichier = $listFile[2];
     //                        Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', 'renamed');
     //                    } else {
     //                        Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', 'error on rename');
     //                    }
     //                    Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', 'imported');
     //                } else {
     //                    Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', 'logo not imported');
     //                }
     //                if (isset($_FILES['Logo'])) {
     //                    $model->activeLogo = (string) $this->storeLogo($_FILES['Logo'], $model);
     //                }
     //              if ($model->save()) {
     //                    Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', Yii::app()->user->getFlash('success') . 'Biobank infos saved');
     //               }
     //                    if (isset($_FILES['Logo'])) {
     //                        $model->initSoftAttribute('activeLogo');
     //                        $model->activeLogo = (string) $this->storeLogo($_FILES['Logo'], $model);
     //                    }
     /* if ($model->update()) {
               Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', Yii::app()->user->getFlash('success') . 'Biobank infos saved');
               } else {
               //                        $list = '';
               //                        foreach ($model->errors as $errorName => $errorName)
               //                            $list .= "<li>$errorName</li>";
               //                        Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', 'error on save : <ul>' . $list . '</ul>');
               } */
     //                }*/
     //          } else {
     //                Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', 'biobank not found');
     //            }
     if (isset($_POST['BiobankIdentifierForm']) && isset($_POST['BiobankIdentifierForm']['identifier']) && $_POST['BiobankIdentifierForm']['identifier'] != "") {
         $model = Biobank::model()->findByAttributes(array('identifier' => $_POST['BiobankIdentifierForm']['identifier']));
     if (isset($_POST['Biobank'])) {
         $model = Biobank::model()->findByAttributes(array('identifier' => $_POST['Biobank']['identifier']));
         if (!isset($model->presentation)) {
         $model->presentation = $_POST['Biobank']['presentation'];
         // print_r($model->getErrors());
         if (!isset($model->thematiques)) {
         $model->thematiques = $_POST['Biobank']['thematiques'];
         if (!isset($model->publications)) {
         $model->publications = $_POST['Biobank']['publications'];
         if (!isset($model->reseaux)) {
         $model->reseaux = $_POST['Biobank']['reseaux'];
         if (!isset($model->qualite)) {
         $model->qualite = $_POST['Biobank']['qualite'];
         if (!isset($model->projetRecherche)) {
         $model->projetRecherche = $_POST['Biobank']['projetRecherche'];
         if ($model->save(false)) {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', 'La biobanque a bien été mise à jour.');
         } else {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', 'La biobanque n\'a pas pu être mise à jour');
     //        if ($fichier != '.' && $fichier != '..') {
     $this->render('upload', array('model' => $model, 'listLogos' => $listFile, 'biobankIdentifier' => $biobankIdentifier));
     //        }
예제 #29
  * FIXME fonction etrange retour bizarre, action de controller melangée
  * @return type
 public static function getBiobankInfo()
     $id = $_SESSION['biobank_id'];
     $biobank = Biobank::getBiobank($id);
     if ($biobank != null) {
         if (isset($biobank->logo) && $biobank->logo != null) {
             $logo = $biobank->logo;
             $_SESSION['vitrine'] = array('biobank' => $biobank, 'biobankLogo' => $logo);
         return $id;
     } else {
         Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', yii::t('common', 'noBiobankFound'));
예제 #30
 public function getBiobank()
     $biobank = Biobank::model()->findByPk(new MongoId($this->biobank_id));
     if ($biobank != null) {
         return $biobank;
     } else {
         return null;