$practiceDB = new Database('algorithm_practice');
$query = $practiceDB->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM sorting WHERE id < {$limit}");
try {
    $unsortedArray = $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 1);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    echo 'Query error: ' . $query->errorCode();
$searchTree = new BinarySearchTree($unsortedArray);
echo "Checking for values that should be present<br>";
$present = selectPresentValues($unsortedArray, $limit / 2);
$present[] = 3685;
// the first number in the DB, make sure the root is OK;
foreach ($present as $valueToFind) {
    $foundPresent = $searchTree->search($valueToFind);
    if (!$foundPresent) {
        echo "Problem: couldn't find {$valueToFind}<br/>";
echo "Checking for values that should not be present<br>";
$notPresent = selectNotPresentValues($unsortedArray, $limit / 2);
foreach ($notPresent as $shouldNotFind) {
    $foundNotPresent = $searchTree->search($shouldNotFind);
    if ($foundNotPresent) {
        echo "Problem: found {$shouldNotFind}<br/>";
echo "Removing elements and checking that they and only they have been removed<br>";
$toRemove = array_slice($present, 0, $limit / 4);
//$toRemove = [6331, 6298];