public function load() { $this->date = date(Billrun_Base::base_dateformat, $this->now); $subscriber = Billrun_Factory::subscriber(); $this->account_data = array(); $res = $subscriber->getList(0, 1, $this->date, $this->aid); if (!empty($res)) { $this->account_data = current($res); } $previous_billrun_key = Billrun_Util::getPreviousBillrunKey($this->stamp); if (Billrun_Billrun::exists($this->aid, $previous_billrun_key)) { $start_time = 0; // maybe some lines are late (e.g. tap3) } else { $start_time = Billrun_Util::getStartTime($this->stamp); // to avoid getting lines of previous billruns } $billrun_params = array('aid' => $this->aid, 'billrun_key' => $this->stamp, 'autoload' => false); $billrun = Billrun_Factory::billrun($billrun_params); $flat_lines = array(); foreach ($this->account_data as $subscriber) { if ($billrun->subscriberExists($subscriber->sid)) { Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Billrun " . $this->stamp . " already exists for subscriber " . $subscriber->sid, Zend_Log::ALERT); continue; } $next_plan_name = $subscriber->getNextPlanName(); if (is_null($next_plan_name) || $next_plan_name == "NULL") { $subscriber_status = "closed"; } else { $subscriber_status = "open"; $flat_lines[] = new Mongodloid_Entity($subscriber->getFlatEntry($this->stamp)); } $billrun->addSubscriber($subscriber, $subscriber_status); } $this->lines = $billrun->addLines(false, $start_time, $flat_lines); $this->data = $billrun->getRawData(); }
public function execute() { Billrun_Factory::log()->log("Execute recreate invoices", Zend_Log::INFO); $request = $this->getRequest()->getRequest(); // supports GET / POST requests if (empty($request['account_id'])) { return $this->setError('Please supply at least one account id', $request); } $billrun_key = Billrun_Util::getPreviousBillrunKey(Billrun_Util::getBillrunKey(time())); // Warning: will convert half numeric strings / floats to integers $account_ids = array_unique(array_diff(Billrun_Util::verify_array(explode(',', $request['account_id']), 'int'), array(0))); if ($account_ids) { $options = array('autoload' => 0, 'stamp' => $billrun_key); $customer_aggregator_options = array('override_accounts' => $account_ids, 'bulk_account_preload' => 0); $customerOptions = array('type' => 'customer', 'aggregator' => $customer_aggregator_options); $customerAgg = Billrun_Aggregator::getInstance(array_merge($options, $customerOptions)); $customerAgg->load(); $successfulAccounts = $customerAgg->aggregate(); } else { return $this->setError('Illegal aids', $request); } $this->getController()->setOutput(array(array('status' => 1, 'desc' => 'success', 'input' => $request, 'successfulAccounts' => $successfulAccounts))); return TRUE; }