/* The current url, oauth_token, orgId and Terminal Id provided in this example, are only for testing purposes
*  For development purposes you need to contact the Payhub Integration Support team. They will provide you with  *   all you need.
*  Thanks.
$path_to_IncludeClases = "../com/payhub/ws/extra/includeClasses.php";
include_once $path_to_IncludeClases;
//Defining the Web Service URL
$WsURL = "https://sandbox-api.payhub.com/api/v2/";
$oauth_token = "2a5d6a73-d294-4fba-bfba-957a4948d4a3";
//Defining data for the SALE transaction
// Merchant data (obtained from the payHub Virtual Terminal (3rd party integration)
$merchant = new Merchant();
$bill = new Bill();
//Credit card data
$card_data = new CardData();
// Customer data
$customer = new Customer();
$montly_s = new MontlySchedule();
$montly_s->monthly_type = "E";
$montly_s->monthly_each_days = array(15);
$start = new DateTime("2016-1-29");
// Customer data
$customer = new Customer();
$customer->setCompanyName("Payhub Inc");
$customer->setJobTitle("Software Engineer");
$customer->setPhoneNumber("(415) 479 1349");
$object = new Sale($merchant, $customer, $bill, $card_data);
$transaction = new TransactionManager($merchant, $WsURL, $oauth_token);
$result = $transaction->doSale($object);
if ($result->getErrors() == null) {
    $transactionId = $result->getSaleResponse()->getSaleId();
    $billForRefund = new Bill();
    $billForRefund->setNote("this a sample note");
    $billForRefund->setInvoiceNumber("this is an invoice");
    $billForRefund->setPoNumber("a test po number");
    $refund = new Refund($transactionId, $merchant, "CREDIT_CARD", $data);
    $transaction = new TransactionManager($merchant, $WsURL, $oauth_token);
    $result = $transaction->doRefund($refund);