<?php BigTree::globalizePOSTVars(); $admin->updateModuleEmbedForm(end($bigtree["path"]), $title, $table, $fields, $hooks, $default_position, $default_pending, $css, $redirect_url, $thank_you_message); $admin->growl("Developer", "Updated Embeddable Form"); $form = BigTreeAutoModule::getEmbedForm(end($bigtree["path"])); BigTree::redirect(DEVELOPER_ROOT . "modules/edit/" . $form["module"] . "/");
<?php $bigtree["report"] = BigTreeAutoModule::getReport($bigtree["module_action"]["report"]); $bigtree["form"] = BigTreeAutoModule::getRelatedFormForReport($bigtree["report"]); $bigtree["view"] = $bigtree["report"]["view"] ? BigTreeAutoModule::getView($bigtree["report"]["view"]) : BigTreeAutoModule::getRelatedViewForReport($bigtree["report"]); if ($admin->Level > 1) { $bigtree["subnav_extras"][] = array("link" => ADMIN_ROOT . "developer/modules/reports/edit/" . $bigtree["report"]["id"] . "/?return=front", "icon" => "setup", "title" => "Edit in Developer"); } $action = $bigtree["commands"][0]; if ($action == "csv") { include BigTree::path("admin/auto-modules/reports/csv.php"); } elseif ($action == "view") { include BigTree::path("admin/auto-modules/reports/view.php"); } else { include BigTree::path("admin/auto-modules/reports/filter.php"); }
} } elseif ($r["table"] == "bigtree_users") { if (!isset($user_cache[$r["entry"]])) { $user_cache[$r["entry"]] = $admin->getUser($r["entry"]); } $user = $user_cache[$r["entry"]]; if ($user) { $link = '<a target="_blank" href="' . ADMIN_ROOT . 'users/edit/' . $user["id"] . '/">' . $user["name"] . '</a>'; } else { $link = 'Deleted User: '******'<a target="_blank" href="' . $form_link . $r["entry"] . '/">View Entry (id: ' . $r["entry"] . ')</a>'; } else { $link = $r["entry"] . " (Unknown Form)"; } } ?> <li>
<?php if (is_numeric($id)) { BigTreeAutoModule::recacheItem($id, $table); } else { BigTreeAutoModule::recacheItem(substr($id, 1), $table, true); }
function _local_bigtree_update_22() { global $admin; // Go through all views and figure out what kind of data is in each column. $q = sqlquery("SELECT id FROM bigtree_module_views"); while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) { $admin->updateModuleViewColumnNumericStatus(BigTreeAutoModule::getView($f["id"])); } }
} $base_price = floatval(str_replace(array('$', ',', ' '), '', $_POST["base_price"])); $max_entries = intval($max_entries); // Create the form. $form = BigTreeAutoModule::createItem("btx_form_builder_forms", array("title" => $title, "paid" => $paid, "base_price" => $base_price, "early_bird_base_price" => $early_bird_base_price, "early_bird_date" => $early_bird_date, "limit_entries" => $limit_entries, "max_entries" => $max_entries)); // Setup the default column, sort position, alignment inside columns. $position = count($_POST["type"]); $column = 0; $alignment = ""; foreach ($_POST["type"] as $key => $type) { if ($type == "column_start") { // If we're starting a set of columns and don't have an alignment it's a new set. if (!$alignment) { $column = BigTreeAutoModule::createItem("btx_form_builder_fields", array("form" => $form, "type" => "column", "position" => $position)); $alignment = "left"; // Otherwise we're starting the second column of the set, just change the alignment. } elseif ($alignment == "left") { $alignment = "right"; } } elseif ($type == "column_end") { if ($alignment == "right") { $column = 0; $alignment = ""; } } elseif ($type) { BigTreeAutoModule::createItem("btx_form_builder_fields", array("form" => $form, "column" => $column, "alignment" => $alignment, "type" => $type, "data" => $_POST["data"][$key], "position" => $position)); } $position--; } $admin->growl("Form Builder", "Created Form"); BigTree::redirect(MODULE_ROOT);
static function updateModuleViewColumnNumericStatus($view) { if (is_array($view["fields"])) { $form = BigTreeAutoModule::getRelatedFormForView($view); $table = BigTree::describeTable($view["table"]); foreach ($view["fields"] as $key => $field) { $numeric = false; $t = $table["columns"][$key]["type"]; if ($t == "int" || $t == "float" || $t == "double" || $t == "double precision" || $t == "tinyint" || $t == "smallint" || $t == "mediumint" || $t == "bigint" || $t == "real" || $t == "decimal" || $t == "dec" || $t == "fixed" || $t == "numeric") { $numeric = true; } if ($field["parser"] || $form["fields"][$key]["type"] == "list" && $form["fields"][$key]["list_type"] == "db") { $numeric = false; } $view["fields"][$key]["numeric"] = $numeric; } $fields = BigTree::json($view["fields"], true); sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_module_views SET fields = '{$fields}' WHERE id = '" . $view["id"] . "'"); } }
<section class="changes_action"><a href="#<?php echo $change["id"]; ?> " data-module="Pages" class="icon_deny"></a></section> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <?php } foreach ($modules as $mod) { $view = BigTreeAutoModule::getViewForTable($mod["table"]); if ($view) { $view_data = BigTreeAutoModule::getViewData($view); } else { $view_data = false; } ?> <a name="<?php echo $mod["id"]; ?> "></a> <div class="table"> <summary> <h2 class="full"> <span class="modules"></span> <?php echo $mod["name"]; ?>
} } foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { if (!$old_view["fields"][$key]) { $keys_match = false; } } // Check actions if (count($old_view["actions"]) != count($actions)) { $keys_match = false; } // Check preview field if (!$old_view["preview_url"] && $preview_url || $old_view["preview_url"] && !$preview_url) { $keys_match = false; } if (!$keys_match || $old_view["type"] == "searchable" && $type != "searchable" || $type == "searchable" && $old_view["type"] != "searchable") { foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { unset($fields[$key]["width"]); } } // Let's update the view and clear its cache $admin->updateModuleView(end($bigtree["path"]), $title, $description, $table, $type, $options, $fields, $actions, $related_form, $preview_url); BigTreeAutoModule::clearCache(end($bigtree["path"])); $action = $admin->getModuleActionForView(end($bigtree["path"])); $admin->growl("Developer", "Updated View"); if ($_POST["return_page"]) { BigTree::redirect($_POST["return_page"]); } else { BigTree::redirect(DEVELOPER_ROOT . "modules/edit/" . $action["module"] . "/"); } }
$bigtree["module"] = $admin->getModule(BigTreeAutoModule::getModuleForView($bigtree["view"])); } $permission = $admin->getAccessLevel($bigtree["module"]["id"]); // Setup the preview action if we have a preview URL and field. if ($bigtree["view"]["preview_url"]) { $bigtree["view"]["actions"]["preview"] = "on"; } $module_page = ADMIN_ROOT . $bigtree["module"]["route"] . "/"; // Retrieve our results. if (isset($_POST["search"]) && $_POST["search"] || isset($_GET["search"]) && $_GET["search"]) { $search = isset($_GET["search"]) ? $_GET["search"] : $_POST["search"]; $bigtree["view"]["options"]["per_page"] = 10000000; $r = BigTreeAutoModule::getSearchResults($bigtree["view"], 1, $search, "column1 ASC", false); $items = $r["results"]; } else { $items = BigTreeAutoModule::getViewData($bigtree["view"], "position DESC, CAST(id AS UNSIGNED) ASC", "both"); $search = ""; } // We're going to append information to the end of an edit string so that we can return to the same page / set of search results after submitting a form. $edit_append = "?view_data=" . base64_encode(serialize(array("view" => $bigtree["view"]["id"], "search" => $search))); foreach ($items as $item) { // Stop the item status notice if (!isset($item["status"])) { $item["status"] = false; } if ($item["status"] == "p") { $status = "Pending"; $status_class = "pending"; } elseif ($item["status"] == "c") { $status = "Changed"; $status_class = "pending";
<?php include "_setup.php"; if ($item["featured"]) { if ($access_level != "p") { echo 'BigTree.growl("' . $module["name"] . '","You don\'t have permission to perform this action.");'; } else { echo 'BigTree.growl("' . $module["name"] . '","Item is now unfeatured.");'; if (is_numeric($id)) { sqlquery("UPDATE `{$table}` SET featured = '' WHERE id = '{$id}'"); } else { BigTreeAutoModule::updatePendingItemField(substr($id, 1), "featured", ""); } } } else { if ($access_level != "p") { echo 'BigTree.growl("' . $module["name"] . '","You don\'t have permission to perform this action.");'; } else { echo 'BigTree.growl("' . $module["name"] . '","Item is now featured.");'; if (is_numeric($id)) { sqlquery("UPDATE `{$table}` SET featured = 'on' WHERE id = '{$id}'"); } else { BigTreeAutoModule::updatePendingItemField(substr($id, 1), "featured", "on"); } } } include "_recache.php";
} elseif (isset($options["sort"])) { $sort = $options["sort"]; } else { $sort = "id DESC"; } // Same thing we were going to do above but omit the sort stuff. $edit_append = "?view_data=" . base64_encode(serialize(array("view" => $bigtree["view"]["id"], "search" => $search, "page" => $page))); } $module_page = ADMIN_ROOT . $bigtree["module"]["route"] . "/"; // Setup the preview action if we have a preview URL and field. if ($bigtree["view"]["preview_url"]) { $actions["preview"] = "on"; } $perm = $admin->getAccessLevel($bigtree["module"]); // Handle how many pages we have and get our results. $data = BigTreeAutoModule::getSearchResults($bigtree["view"], $page, $search, $sort, false); $pages = $data["pages"]; $items = $data["results"]; foreach ($items as $item) { // If it's straight from the db, it's published. if (!isset($item["status"])) { $item["status"] = ""; } if ($item["status"] == "p") { $status = "Pending"; $status_class = "pending"; } elseif ($item["status"] == "c") { $status = "Changed"; $status_class = "pending"; } else { $status = "Published";
<span class="view_action" style="width: <?php echo count($bigtree["view"]["actions"]) * 40; ?> px;"><?php if (count($bigtree["view"]["actions"]) > 1) { ?> Actions<?php } ?> </span> </header> <ul id="sort_table"> <?php foreach ($items as $item) { // Get the status if (BigTreeAutoModule::changeExists($bigtree["view"]["table"], $item["id"])) { $status_class = "pending"; $status = "Changed"; } else { $status_class = "published"; $status = "Published"; } $item_permission = $admin->getAccessLevel($bigtree["module"], $item, $bigtree["form"]["table"]); if ($item_permission && $item_permission != "n") { ?> <li id="row_<?php echo $item["id"]; ?> " class="<?php echo $status_class; ?>
<?php // If the last command is numeric then we're editing something. if (is_numeric(end($bigtree["commands"])) || is_numeric(substr(end($bigtree["commands"]), 1))) { $bigtree["edit_id"] = $edit_id = end($bigtree["commands"]); // Otherwise we're adding something or we're processing something we were editing. } else { $bigtree["edit_id"] = $edit_id = $_POST["id"] ? $_POST["id"] : false; } $bigtree["form"] = $form = BigTreeAutoModule::getForm($bigtree["module_action"]["form"]); $bigtree["form_root"] = ADMIN_ROOT . $bigtree["module"]["route"] . "/" . $bigtree["module_action"]["route"] . "/"; // Provide developers a nice handy link for edit/return of this form if ($admin->Level > 1) { $bigtree["subnav_extras"][] = array("link" => ADMIN_ROOT . "developer/modules/forms/edit/" . $bigtree["form"]["id"] . "/?return=front", "icon" => "setup", "title" => "Edit in Developer"); } // Audit Trail link if ($bigtree["edit_id"]) { $bigtree["subnav_extras"][] = array("link" => ADMIN_ROOT . "developer/audit/search/?table=" . $bigtree["form"]["table"] . "&entry=" . $bigtree["edit_id"], "icon" => "trail", "title" => "View Audit Trail"); } $action = $bigtree["commands"][0]; if (!$action || is_numeric($action) || is_numeric(substr($action, 1))) { if ($bigtree["edit_id"]) { if (isset($_GET["force"])) { $admin->unlock($bigtree["form"]["table"], $bigtree["edit_id"]); } include BigTree::path("admin/auto-modules/forms/edit.php"); } else { include BigTree::path("admin/auto-modules/forms/add.php"); } } else { include BigTree::path("admin/auto-modules/forms/{$action}.php");
} else { $redirect_url = ADMIN_ROOT . $bigtree["module"]["route"] . "/" . $redirect_append; } // If we specify a specific return URL... } elseif ($bigtree["form"]["return_url"]) { $redirect_url = $bigtree["form"]["return_url"] . $redirect_append; // Otherwise just go back to the main module landing. } else { $redirect_url = ADMIN_ROOT . $bigtree["module"]["route"] . "/" . $redirect_append; } // If we've specified a preview URL in our module and the user clicked Save & Preview, return to preview page. if ($_POST["_bigtree_preview"]) { $admin->ungrowl(); $redirect_url = $view["preview_url"] . $edit_id . "/?bigtree_preview_return=" . urlencode($bigtree["form_root"] . $edit_id . "/"); } // If there's a callback function for this module, let's get'r'done. if ($bigtree["form"]["callback"]) { call_user_func($bigtree["form"]["callback"], $edit_id, $item, $did_publish); } // Track resource allocation $admin->allocateResources($bigtree["module"]["id"], $edit_id); // Put together saved form information for the error or crop page in case we need it. $edit_action = BigTreeAutoModule::getEditAction($bigtree["module"]["id"], $bigtree["form"]["id"]); $_SESSION["bigtree_admin"]["form_data"] = array("view" => $view, "id" => $edit_id, "return_link" => $redirect_url, "edit_link" => ADMIN_ROOT . $bigtree["module"]["route"] . "/" . $edit_action["route"] . "/{$edit_id}/", "errors" => $bigtree["errors"], "crops" => $bigtree["crops"]); if (count($bigtree["crops"])) { BigTree::redirect($bigtree["form_root"] . "crop/"); } elseif (count($bigtree["errors"])) { BigTree::redirect($bigtree["form_root"] . "error/"); } else { BigTree::redirect($redirect_url); }
$email .= $address["city"] . ", " . $address["state"] . " " . $address["zip"] . "\n"; $email .= $address["country"]; $email .= "\n\n"; $email .= "Credit Card Info:\n"; $email .= $card["type"] . "\n"; $email .= "**** **** **** " . $pg->Last4CC . "\n"; $email .= "Expires " . $card["month"] . "/" . $card["year"]; $email .= "\n\n"; $email .= "Total Charged: \$" . number_format($total, 2); } // Get rid of saved data or errors. unset($_SESSION["form_builder"]); // Add the entry to the entries table. BigTreeAutoModule::createItem("btx_form_builder_entries", array("form" => $form["id"], "data" => $entry, "created_at" => "NOW()")); // Update the totals for the form and recache it. sqlquery("UPDATE btx_form_builder_forms SET entries = (entries + 1), last_entry = NOW(), total_collected = (total_collected + " . round($total, 2) . ") WHERE id = '" . $form["id"] . "'"); BigTreeAutoModule::recacheItem($form["id"], "btx_form_builder_forms"); // Get the no-reply domain $no_reply_domain = str_replace(array("http://www.", "https://www.", "http://", "https://"), "", DOMAIN); $email_title = $page_header ? $page_header : $bigtree["page"]["nav_title"]; $email = $email_title . ' - Form Submission ' . str_repeat("=", strlen($email_title)) . '================== ' . $email; // Send out email alerts $emails = explode(",", $emails); foreach ($emails as $e) { $e = trim($e); mail($e, $email_title . " - Form Submission", $email, "From: no-reply@{$no_reply_domain}"); } BigTree::redirect($page_link . "thanks/");
function _localDrawLevel($items, $depth) { global $bigtree, $module_page, $permission, $admin; foreach ($items as $item) { $expanded = !empty($_COOKIE["bigtree_admin"]["nested_views"][$bigtree["view"]["id"]][$item["id"]]) ? true : false; $children = BigTreeAutoModule::getViewDataForGroup($bigtree["view"], $item["id"], "position DESC, id ASC", "both"); // Stop the item status notice if (!isset($item["status"])) { $item["status"] = false; } if ($item["status"] == "p") { $status = "Pending"; $status_class = "pending"; } elseif ($item["status"] == "c") { $status = "Changed"; $status_class = "pending"; } else { $status = "Published"; $status_class = "published"; } if ($expanded) { $status_class .= " expanded"; } ?> <li id="row_<?php echo $item["id"]; ?> " class="<?php echo $status_class; ?> "> <span class="depth" style="width: <?php echo $depth * 24; ?> px;"> <?php if ($permission == "p") { ?> <span class="icon_sort"></span> <?php } ?> </span> <?php $x = 0; $depth_minus = ceil((24 * $depth + 1) / count($bigtree["view"]["fields"])); foreach ($bigtree["view"]["fields"] as $key => $field) { $x++; $value = $item["column{$x}"]; if ($x == 1) { $field["width"] -= 20; } ?> <section class="view_column<?php if ($x == 1 && !count($children)) { ?> disabled<?php } ?> " style="width: <?php echo $field["width"] - $depth_minus; ?> px;"><?php echo $value; ?> </section> <?php } ?> <section class="view_status status_<?php echo $status_class; ?> "><?php echo $status; ?> </section> <?php $iperm = $permission == "p" ? "p" : $admin->getCachedAccessLevel($bigtree["module"], $item, $bigtree["view"]["table"]); foreach ($bigtree["view"]["actions"] as $action => $data) { if ($data == "on") { if (($action == "delete" || $action == "approve" || $action == "feature" || $action == "archive") && $iperm != "p") { if ($action == "delete" && $item["pending_owner"] == $admin->ID) { $class = "icon_delete"; } else { $class = "icon_disabled"; } } else { $class = $admin->getActionClass($action, $item); } if ($action == "preview") { $link = rtrim($bigtree["view"]["preview_url"], "/") . "/" . $item["id"] . '/" target="_preview'; } elseif ($action == "edit") { $link = $bigtree["view"]["edit_url"] . $item["id"] . "/" . $edit_append; } else { $link = "#" . $item["id"]; } ?> <section class="view_action action_<?php echo $action; ?> "><a href="<?php echo $link; ?> " class="<?php echo $class; ?> "></a></section> <?php } else { $data = json_decode($data, true); $link = $module_page . $data["route"] . "/" . $item["id"] . "/"; if ($data["function"]) { $link = call_user_func($data["function"], $item); } ?> <section class="view_action"><a href="<?php echo $link; ?> " class="<?php echo $data["class"]; ?> "></a></section> <?php } } if (count($children)) { if ($expanded) { echo "<ul>"; } else { echo '<ul style="display: none;">'; } _localDrawLevel($children, $depth + 1); echo "</ul>"; } ?> </li> <?php } }
<?php // Update the count sqlquery("UPDATE btx_form_builder_forms SET entries = (entries - 1) WHERE id = '" . sqlescape($_POST["form"]) . "'"); BigTreeAutoModule::recacheItem($_POST["form"], "btx_form_builder_forms"); // Delete the entry BigTreeAutoModule::deleteItem("btx_form_builder_entries", $_POST["id"]); // Show the growl and update the table header("Content-type: text/javascript"); ?> BigTree.growl("Form Builder","Deleted Entry"); $("#row_<?php echo $_POST["id"]; ?> ").remove();
$permission = $admin->getAccessLevel($bigtree["module"]["id"]); // Setup defaults $draggable = isset($bigtree["view"]["options"]["draggable"]) && $bigtree["view"]["options"]["draggable"] ? true : false; $prefix = isset($bigtree["view"]["options"]["prefix"]) && $bigtree["view"]["options"]["prefix"] ? $bigtree["view"]["options"]["prefix"] : ""; $items = array(); if ($draggable) { $order = "position DESC, CAST(id AS UNSIGNED) ASC"; } else { if ($bigtree["view"]["options"]["sort"] && ($bigtree["view"]["options"]["sort"] == "ASC" || $bigtree["view"]["options"]["sort"] == "DESC")) { $order = "CAST(id AS UNSIGNED) " . $bigtree["view"]["options"]["sort"]; } else { $order = "CAST(id AS UNSIGNED) DESC"; } } $items = BigTreeAutoModule::getViewData($bigtree["view"], $order, "active"); $pending_items = BigTreeAutoModule::getViewData($bigtree["view"], $order, "pending"); ?> <div class="table auto_modules image_list"> <summary> <p><?php if ($permission == "p" && $draggable) { ?> Click and drag the light gray area of an item to sort the images. <?php } ?> Click an image to edit it.</p> </summary> <?php if (count($pending_items)) { ?> <header><span>Active</span></header>
<?php $bigtree["form"] = $form = BigTreeAutoModule::getEmbedFormByHash($_GET["hash"]); $bigtree["form_root"] = ADMIN_ROOT . "ajax/auto-modules/embeddable-form/"; ?> <!doctype html> <!--[if lt IE 7 ]> <html lang="en" class="ie ie6"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 7 ]> <html lang="en" class="ie ie7"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 8 ]> <html lang="en" class="ie ie8"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 9 ]> <html lang="en" class="ie9"> <![endif]--> <!--[if (gt IE 9)|!(IE)]><!--> <html lang="en"> <!--<![endif]--> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo ADMIN_ROOT; ?> css/main.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <?php if (isset($bigtree["css"]) && is_array($bigtree["css"])) { foreach ($bigtree["css"] as $style) { ?> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo ADMIN_ROOT; ?> css/<?php echo $style; ?> " type="text/css" media="screen" /> <?php } }
<?php include "_setup.php"; // If you made this pending item, you should be allowed to delete it, or if you're a publisher of the module. if ($access_level != "p" && $current_item["owner"] != $admin->ID) { echo 'BigTree.growl("' . $module["name"] . '","You don\'t have permission to delete this item.");'; } else { echo 'BigTree.growl("' . $module["name"] . '","Deleted Item");'; if (substr($id, 0, 1) == "p") { BigTreeAutoModule::deletePendingItem($table, substr($id, 1)); } else { BigTreeAutoModule::deleteItem($table, $id); } }
<?php // Get the form so we can walk through its fields $form = BigTreeAutoModule::getForm($_GET["form"]); // Create a generic module class to get the decoded item data $m = new BigTreeModule(); $m->Table = $form["table"]; $item = $m->get($_GET["id"]); // Loop through form resources and see if we have related page data, only check html and text fields if (is_array($form["fields"])) { $check_data("", $external, $form["fields"], $item); } // Only retrieve these if we have errors as we only need them for URL generation if (array_filter($integrity_errors)) { $action = $admin->getModuleActionForForm($form); $module = $admin->getModule($action["module"]); } foreach ($integrity_errors as $field => $error_types) { foreach ($error_types as $type => $errors) { foreach ($errors as $error) { ?> <li> <section class="integrity_errors"> <a href="<?php echo ADMIN_ROOT . $module["route"] . "/" . $action["route"] . "/" . htmlspecialchars($_GET["id"]); ?> /" target="_blank">Edit</a> <span class="icon_small icon_small_warning"></span> <p>Broken <?php echo $type == "img" ? "Image" : "Link"; ?>
<?php if (!count($_POST)) { BigTree::redirect(MODULE_ROOT); } $items = BigTreeAutoModule::getReportResults($bigtree["report"], $bigtree["view"], $bigtree["form"], $_POST, $_POST["*sort"]["field"], $_POST["*sort"]["order"]); if ($bigtree["view"]["type"] == "searchable" || $bigtree["view"]["type"] == "grouped" || $bigtree["view"]["type"] == "draggable" || $bigtree["view"]["type"] == "nested") { include BigTree::path("admin/auto-modules/reports/views/text.php"); } else { include BigTree::path("admin/auto-modules/reports/views/images.php"); }
<?php header("Content-type: text/javascript"); $id = sqlescape($_GET["id"]); // Grab View Data $view = BigTreeAutoModule::getView(sqlescape($_GET["view"])); $table = $view["table"]; // Get module $module = $admin->getModule(BigTreeAutoModule::getModuleForView($view["id"])); // Get the item $current_item = BigTreeAutoModule::getPendingItem($table, $id); $item = $current_item["item"]; // Check permission $access_level = $admin->getAccessLevel($module, $item, $table); if ($access_level != "n") { $original_item = BigTreeAutoModule::getItem($table, $id); $original_access_level = $admin->getAccessLevel($module, $original_item["item"], $table); if ($original_access_level != "p") { $access_level = $original_access_level; } }
<?php $mpage = ADMIN_ROOT . $module["route"] . "/"; BigTree::globalizeArray($view); // Figure out the column width $awidth = count($actions) * 40; $available = 896 - $awidth; $percol = floor($available / count($fields)); foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { $fields[$key]["width"] = $percol - 20; } $items = BigTreeAutoModule::parseViewData($view, $items); ?> <div class="table" style="margin: 0;"> <summary><h2>Search Results</h2></summary> <header> <?php $x = 0; foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { $x++; ?> <span class="view_column" style="width: <?php echo $field["width"]; ?> px;"><?php echo $field["title"]; ?> </span> <?php } ?>
<?php $view = BigTreeAutoModule::getView(end($bigtree["path"])); $fields = $view["fields"]; $x = 0; foreach ($fields as $key => $field) { $fields[$key]["width"] = $_POST[$key]; } // Update the view $admin->updateModuleViewFields(end($bigtree["path"]), $fields); $action = $admin->getModuleActionForView(end($bigtree["path"])); $admin->growl("Developer", "Updated View Styles"); BigTree::redirect(DEVELOPER_ROOT . "modules/edit/" . $action["module"] . "/");
function update($id, $fields, $values = false, $ignore_cache = false) { $id = sqlescape($id); // Turn a key => value array into pairs if ($values === false && is_array($fields)) { $values = $fields; $fields = array_keys($fields); } // Multiple columns to update if (is_array($fields)) { $query_parts = array(); foreach ($fields as $key) { $val = current($values); if (is_array($val)) { $val = BigTree::json(BigTree::translateArray($val)); } else { $val = BigTreeAdmin::autoIPL($val); } $query_parts[] = "`{$key}` = '" . sqlescape($val) . "'"; next($values); } sqlquery("UPDATE `" . $this->Table . "` SET " . implode(", ", $query_parts) . " WHERE id = '{$id}'"); // Single column to update } else { if (is_array($values)) { $val = json_encode(BigTree::translateArray($values)); } else { $val = BigTreeAdmin::autoIPL($values); } sqlquery("UPDATE `" . $this->Table . "` SET `{$fields}` = '" . sqlescape($val) . "' WHERE id = '{$id}'"); } if (!$ignore_cache) { BigTreeAutoModule::recacheItem($id, $this->Table); } }
$package["components"]["module_groups"][] = $admin->getModuleGroup($group); } foreach ((array) $modules as $module) { $module = $admin->getModule($module); if ($module) { $module["actions"] = $admin->getModuleActions($module["id"]); foreach ($module["actions"] as $a) { // If there's an auto module, include it as well. if ($a["form"] && !in_array($a["form"], $used_forms)) { $module["forms"][] = BigTreeAutoModule::getForm($a["form"], false); $used_forms[] = $a["form"]; } elseif ($a["view"] && !in_array($a["view"], $used_views)) { $module["views"][] = BigTreeAutoModule::getView($a["view"], false); $used_views[] = $a["view"]; } elseif ($a["report"] && !in_array($a["report"], $used_reports)) { $module["reports"][] = BigTreeAutoModule::getReport($a["report"]); $used_reports[] = $a["report"]; } } $module["embed_forms"] = $admin->getModuleEmbedForms("title", $module["id"]); $package["components"]["modules"][] = $module; } } foreach ((array) $templates as $template) { $package["components"]["templates"][] = $cms->getTemplate($template); } foreach ((array) $callouts as $callout) { $package["components"]["callouts"][] = $admin->getCallout($callout); } foreach ((array) $feeds as $feed) { $package["components"]["feeds"][] = $cms->getFeed($feed);
if (!in_array($field["options"]["mtm-other-table"] . "#structure", $p["tables"]) && substr($field["options"]["mtm-other-table"], 0, 8) != "bigtree_") { $p["tables"][] = $field["options"]["mtm-other-table"] . "#structure"; } } // Include the custom field type if it was forgotten. if (isset($custom_field_types[$field["type"]])) { if (!in_array($field["type"], $p["field_types"])) { $p["field_types"][] = $field["type"]; } } } // For views/reports we just care about what table it's from } elseif ($action["view"]) { $auto = BigTreeAutoModule::getView($action["view"]); } elseif ($action["report"]) { $auto = BigTreeAutoModule::getReport($action["report"]); } if (!in_array($auto["table"] . "#structure", $p["tables"])) { $p["tables"][] = $auto["table"] . "#structure"; } } if ($module["group"]) { $p["module_groups"][] = $module["group"]; } } // Search the class files directory to see if one exists in there with our route. if (file_exists(SERVER_ROOT . "custom/inc/modules/" . $module["route"] . ".php")) { $p["files"][] = SERVER_ROOT . "custom/inc/modules/" . $module["route"] . ".php"; } // Search the class files directory to see if one exists in there with our route. if (file_exists(SERVER_ROOT . "custom/inc/required/" . $module["route"] . ".php")) {
<?php BigTree::globalizeArray($bigtree["view"]); $m = BigTreeAutoModule::getModuleForView($bigtree["view"]); $perm = $admin->checkAccess($m); if (isset($_GET["sort"])) { $sort = $_GET["sort"] . " " . $_GET["sort_direction"]; } elseif (isset($options["sort_column"])) { $sort = $options["sort_column"] . " " . $options["sort_direction"]; } elseif (isset($options["sort"])) { $sort = $options["sort"]; } else { $sort = "id DESC"; } // Retrieve the column and the sort direction from the consolidated ORDER BY statement. $sort = ltrim($sort, "`"); $sort_column = BigTree::nextSQLColumnDefinition($sort); $sort_pieces = explode(" ", $sort); $sort_direction = end($sort_pieces); // See if we're searching for anything. $search = isset($_GET["search"]) ? $_GET["search"] : ""; ?> <div class="table auto_modules"> <summary> <input type="search" class="form_search" id="search" placeholder="Search" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($search); ?> " /> <span class="form_search_icon"></span> <nav id="view_paging" class="view_paging"></nav> </summary>