public function index() { ContentNegotiator::disable(); BasicAuth::disable(); $request_count = count($_REQUEST); $get_count = count($_GET); $post_count = count($_POST); $request = ''; foreach ($_REQUEST as $key=>$value) { $request .= "\t\t<request_item name=\"$key\">$value</request_item>\n"; } $get = ''; foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { $get .= "\t\t<get_item name=\"$key\">$value</get_item>\n"; } $post = ''; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $post .= "\t\t<post_item name=\"$key\">$value</post_item>\n"; } $out = <<<XML <?xml version="1.0"?> <test> <request count="$request_count"> $request </request> <get count="$get_count"> $get </get> <post count="$post_count"> $post </post> </test> XML; header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $out; }
/** * Initialisation function that is run before any action on the controller is called. * * @uses BasicAuth::requireLogin() */ public function init() { if ($this->basicAuthEnabled) { BasicAuth::protect_site_if_necessary(); } // This is used to test that subordinate controllers are actually calling parent::init() - a common bug $this->baseInitCalled = true; }
function addInfo($key, $val = null) { if ($key == 'password') { return $this; } // skip password field return parent::addInfo($key, $val); }
public function setUpOnce() { parent::setUpOnce(); Restrictable::set_enabled(false); BasicAuth::protect_entire_site(false); // needs to be done this way to work around SS bug // include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/extensions/Restrictable.php'; // Object::add_extension('PrivateObject', 'Restrictable'); }
public function pageLoad() { $login = BasicAuth::validate(); if (empty($login) || !isset($login)) { $this->redirect('login'); return; } $this->content['custom_html'] = Lang::get('WELCOME', $login); }
public function initLogin() { App::import('vendor', array('db', 'api.basic_auth')); $id = BasicAuth::getCurrentUser(); if (false === $id) { $this->controller->error(ECode::$LOGIN_ERROR); } $this->isLogin = $id !== 'guest'; if ('guest' !== $id) { $ret = Forum::checkBanIP($id, $this->from); switch ($ret) { case 1: $this->controller->error(ECode::$LOGIN_IPBAN); break; case 2: $this->controller->error(ECode::$LOGIN_EPOS); break; case 3: $this->controller->error(ECode::$LOGIN_ERROR); break; } } $db = DB::getInstance(); if ($u = $db->one('select id, utmpnum, utmpkey from pl_api_session where id=?', array($id))) { if (Forum::initUser($u['id'], intval($u['utmpnum']), intval($u['utmpkey']))) { $val = array('expire' => time() + $this->_expire); $db->update('pl_api_session', $val, 'where id=?', array($u['id'])); return; } } $ret = Forum::setUser(true); switch ($ret) { case -1: $this->controller->error(ECode::$LOGIN_MULLOGIN); case 1: $this->controller->error(ECode::$LOGIN_MAX); case 3: $this->controller->error(ECode::$LOGIN_IDBAN); case 4: $this->controller->error(ECode::$LOGIN_IPBAN); case 5: $this->controller->error(ECode::$LOGIN_FREQUENT); case 7: $this->controller->error(ECode::$LOGIN_NOPOS); } User::update(); $user = User::getInstance(); if ($u) { $val = array('utmpnum' => $user->index, 'utmpkey' => $user->utmpkey, 'expire' => time() + $this->_expire); $db->update('pl_api_session', $val, 'where id=?', array($user->userid)); } else { $val = array('k' => array('id', 'utmpnum', 'utmpkey', 'expire'), 'v' => array(array($user->userid, $user->index, $user->utmpkey, time() + $this->_expire))); $db->insert('pl_api_session', $val); } }
/** * @return \Member */ protected static function getBasicAuthMember() { $realm = \Config::inst()->get('HttpAuth', 'Realm'); $permissionCode = \Config::inst()->get('HttpAuth', 'PermissionCode'); $isRunningTests = class_exists('SapphireTest', false) && \SapphireTest::is_running_test(); $tryUsingSessionLogin = $isRunningTests || \Config::inst()->get('HttpAuth', 'TryUsingSessionLogin'); try { $member = \BasicAuth::requireLogin($realm, $permissionCode, $tryUsingSessionLogin); return $member; } catch (\Exception $ex) { return null; } }
/** * Initialisation function that is run before any action on the controller is called. * * @uses BasicAuth::requireLogin() */ function init() { if($this->basicAuthEnabled) BasicAuth::protect_site_if_necessary(); // Directly access the session variable just in case the Group or Member tables don't yet exist if(Session::get('loggedInAs') && Security::database_is_ready()) { $member = Member::currentUser(); if($member) { if(!headers_sent()) Cookie::set("PastMember", true, 90, null, null, false, true); DB::query("UPDATE \"Member\" SET \"LastVisited\" = " . DB::getConn()->now() . " WHERE \"ID\" = $member->ID", null); } } // This is used to test that subordinate controllers are actually calling parent::init() - a common bug $this->baseInitCalled = true; }
/** * Initialisation function that is run before any action on the controller is called. * * @uses BasicAuth::requireLogin() */ public function init() { if ($this->basicAuthEnabled) { BasicAuth::protect_site_if_necessary(); } // Directly access the session variable just in case the Group or Member tables don't yet exist if (Member::config()->log_last_visited) { Deprecation::notice('4.0', 'Member::$LastVisited is deprecated. From 4.0 onwards you should implement this as a custom extension'); if (Session::get('loggedInAs') && Security::database_is_ready() && ($member = Member::currentUser())) { DB::prepared_query(sprintf('UPDATE "Member" SET "LastVisited" = %s WHERE "ID" = ?', DB::get_conn()->now()), array($member->ID)); } } // This is used to test that subordinate controllers are actually calling parent::init() - a common bug $this->baseInitCalled = true; }
function __construct($pasword) { self::$password = $pasword; if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="This is a password protected area, please submit your password to enter."'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); echo 'Not authorised.'; exit; } else { if ($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] != self::$password) { echo 'Not authorised.'; exit; } } }
function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->mainSession = new TestSession(); // Disable theme, if necessary if ($this->stat('disable_themes')) { SSViewer::set_theme(null); } // Switch to draft site, if necessary if ($this->stat('use_draft_site')) { $this->useDraftSite(); } // Unprotect the site, tests are running with the assumption it's off. They will enable it on a case-by-case basis. BasicAuth::protect_entire_site(false); SecurityToken::disable(); }
/** * If not logged in attempt HTTP auth and check permission, otherwise check logged in members permission * @throws PermissionFailureException * @return ReplicantAction this */ public function checkPerm() { if (!($member = Member::currentUserID())) { if ($member = BasicAuth::requireLogin("Replicant", static::$required_permission, true)) { $member->logIn(); $res = true; } } else { $res = Permission::check(static::$required_permission); } if (!$res) { $this->failed("Permission Failure: " . static::$required_permission)->output(); throw new PermissionFailureException("Not allowed to " . static::$required_permission); } return $this; }
/** * Initialisation function that is run before any action on the controller is called. * * @uses BasicAuth::requireLogin() */ function init() { // Test and development sites should be secured, via basic-auth if(Director::isTest() && $this->basicAuthEnabled && Security::database_is_ready()) { BasicAuth::requireLogin("SilverStripe test website. Use your CMS login", "ADMIN"); } // Directly access the session variable just in case the Group or Member tables don't yet exist if(Session::get('loggedInAs') && Security::database_is_ready()) { if($member = Member::currentUser()) { Cookie::set("PastMember", true); DB::query("UPDATE Member SET LastVisited = NOW() WHERE ID = $member->ID", null); } } // This is used to test that subordinate controllers are actually calling parent::init() - a common bug $this->baseInitCalled = true; }
/** * Initialisation function that is run before any action on the controller is called. * * @uses BasicAuth::requireLogin() */ function init() { if ($this->basicAuthEnabled) { BasicAuth::protect_site_if_necessary(); } // Directly access the session variable just in case the Group or Member tables don't yet exist if (Session::get('loggedInAs') && Security::database_is_ready()) { if ($member = Member::currentUser()) { if (!headers_sent()) { Cookie::set("PastMember", true); } DB::query("UPDATE Member SET LastVisited = NOW() WHERE ID = {$member->ID}", null); } } // This is used to test that subordinate controllers are actually calling parent::init() - a common bug $this->baseInitCalled = true; }
public function setUp() { // Skip calling FunctionalTest directly. if (get_class($this) == "FunctionalTest") { $this->skipTest = true; } parent::setUp(); $this->mainSession = new TestSession(); // Disable theme, if necessary if (static::get_disable_themes()) { Config::inst()->update('SSViewer', 'theme', null); } // Switch to draft site, if necessary if (static::get_use_draft_site()) { $this->useDraftSite(); } // Unprotect the site, tests are running with the assumption it's off. They will enable it on a case-by-case // basis. BasicAuth::protect_entire_site(false); SecurityToken::disable(); }
function index($request) { // For 2.3 and 2.4 compatibility $bt = defined('DB::USE_ANSI_SQL') ? "\"" : "`"; BasicAuth::enable(); BasicAuth::requireLogin("CMS RSS feed access. Use your CMS login", "CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain"); $member = $this->getBasicAuthMember(); // Due to a bug in 2.3.0 we can't get the information that we need from $request $params = Director::urlParams(); // Default value if (!isset($params['Data']) || !$params['Data']) { $params['Data'] = 'all'; } switch ($params['Data']) { case 'all': $changes = $this->changes(); break; case 'page': if ((int) $params['PageID']) { $changes = $this->changes("{$bt}SiteTree{$bt}.{$bt}ID{$bt} = " . (int) $params['PageID']); } else { return new HTTPResponse("<h1>Bad Page ID</h1><p>Bad page ID when getting RSS feed of changes to a page.</p>", 400); } break; default: user_error("CMSChangeTracker Data param value '{$params['Data']}' not implemented; this is probably due to a bad URL rule.", E_USER_ERROR); } $processedChanges = new DataObjectSet(); foreach ($changes as $change) { if ($change->canEdit($member)) { $author = DataObject::get_by_id("Member", $change->AuthorID); $verbed = $change->Version == 1 ? "created" : "edited"; if ($author) { $changeTitle = "'{$change->Title}' {$verbed} by {$author->FirstName} {$author->Surname}"; $changeAuthor = "{$author->FirstName} {$author->Surname}"; $firstParagraph = "{$author->FirstName} {$author->Surname} (<a href=\"mailto:{$author->Email}\">{$author->Email}</a>) has {$verbed} the '{$change->Title}' page."; } else { $changeTitle = "'{$change->Title}' {$verbed}"; $changeAuthor = ""; $firstParagraph = "The '{$change->Title}' page has been {$verbed}."; } $actionLinks = ""; $cmsLink = Director::absoluteURL("admin/show/{$change->ID}"); $actionLinks .= "<li><a href=\"{$cmsLink}\">Edit in CMS</a></li>\n"; $page = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', $change->ID); if ($page) { $link = $page->AbsoluteLink(); $actionLinks .= "<li><a href=\"{$link}\">See the page on site</a></li>\n"; } if ($change->Version > 1) { $prevVersion = $change->Version - 1; $diffLink = Director::absoluteURL("admin/compareversions/{$change->ID}/?From={$prevVersion}&To={$change->Version}"); $actionLinks .= "<li><a href=\"{$diffLink}\">See the changes in CMS</a></li>\n"; } $changeDescription = <<<HTML <p>{$firstParagraph}</p> <h3>Actions and links</h3> <ul> \t{$actionLinks} </ul> HTML; $processedChange = new CMSChangeTracker_Change(array("ChangeTitle" => $changeTitle, "Author" => $changeAuthor, "Content" => $changeDescription, "Link" => $change->Link() . "version/{$change->Version}")); $processedChanges->push($processedChange); } } $feed = new RSSFeed($processedChanges, Director::absoluteURL("admin/"), "SilverStripe Content Changes", "", "ChangeTitle"); return $feed->outputToBrowser(); }
protected function logout($args) { BasicAuth::logout(); }
<?php session_start(); /* Aquire neccessary libs */ require_once "external/class.auth.module.core.php"; require_once "external/class.database.mysql.external.php"; /* Declare classes */ $Auth = new BasicAuth(); $DB = new Database($config['db_host'], $config['db_user'], $config['db_pass'], $config['db_name']); $sessionCurrentStatus = false; /* Handle login request */ if (isset($_POST['login']) and isset($_POST['password'])) { $providedName = $_POST['login']; $providedPassword = $_POST['password']; /* Find if users exists */ $userName = $DB->escapeData($providedName); $userParameters = $DB->getData("users", "WHERE login='******'"); if (count($userParameters) == 0) { /* DO SOMETHING IN THAT CASE */ } else { $Authenticated = $Auth->AuthOnSSHA($providedPassword, $userParameters[0]['password']); if ($Authenticated) { $Auth->sessionEstablish($userParameters[0]); unset($_POST); header("Location: " . $config['system_root']); die; } else { /* DO SOMETHING IN THAT CASE */ } } }
/** * This function will return true if the site is in a test environment. * For information about environment types, see {@link Director::set_environment_type()}. */ static function isTest() { // Use ?isTest=1 to get test access on the live server, or explicitly set your environment if (isset($_GET['isTest'])) { if (Security::database_is_ready()) { BasicAuth::requireLogin("SilverStripe developer access. Use your CMS login", "ADMIN"); $_SESSION['isTest'] = $_GET['isTest']; } else { return true; } } if (self::isDev()) { return false; } if (self::$environment_type) { return self::$environment_type == 'test'; } // Check if we are running on one of the test servers if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && in_array($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], Director::$test_servers)) { return true; } return false; }
public function invalid() { BasicAuth::protect_entire_site(false); $out = <<<XML <?xml version="1.0"?> <test> \t<fail><invalid> </test> XML; header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $out; }
<?php global $project; $project = 'mysite'; global $database; $database = 'SS_ssnewdocstest'; require_once 'conf/ConfigureFromEnv.php'; MySQLDatabase::set_connection_charset('utf8'); // This line set's the current theme. More themes can be // downloaded from SSViewer::set_theme('docs'); // enable nested URLs for this site (e.g. page/sub-page/) SiteTree::enable_nested_urls(); // render the user documentation first Director::addRules(20, array('Security//$Action/$ID/$OtherID' => 'Security')); DocumentationViewer::set_link_base(''); DocumentationViewer::$check_permission = false; Director::addRules(10, array('$Action' => 'DocumentationViewer', '' => '->current/en/cms')); DocumentationService::set_automatic_registration(false); DocumentationService::register("cms", realpath("../../master/cms/docs/"), '2.4'); // We want this to be reviewed by the whole community BasicAuth::protect_entire_site(false);
if (!isset($database) || !$database) { // if SS_DATABASE_CHOOSE_NAME if (defined('SS_DATABASE_CHOOSE_NAME') && SS_DATABASE_CHOOSE_NAME) { $loopCount = (int) SS_DATABASE_CHOOSE_NAME; $databaseDir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); for ($i = 0; $i < $loopCount; $i++) { $databaseDir = dirname($databaseDir); } $database = "SS_" . basename($databaseDir); $database = str_replace('.', '', $database); } } if (defined('SS_DATABASE_USERNAME') && defined('SS_DATABASE_PASSWORD')) { global $databaseConfig; $databaseConfig = array("type" => "MySQLDatabase", "server" => defined('SS_DATABASE_SERVER') ? SS_DATABASE_SERVER : 'localhost', "username" => SS_DATABASE_USERNAME, "password" => SS_DATABASE_PASSWORD, "database" => (defined('SS_DATABASE_PREFIX') ? SS_DATABASE_PREFIX : '') . $database . (defined('SS_DATABASE_SUFFIX') ? SS_DATABASE_SUFFIX : '')); } if (defined('SS_SEND_ALL_EMAILS_TO')) { Email::send_all_emails_to(SS_SEND_ALL_EMAILS_TO); } if (defined('SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME')) { if (!defined('SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD')) { user_error("SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD must be defined in your _ss_environment.php, if SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME is defined. See for more infomration", E_USER_ERROR); } Security::setDefaultAdmin(SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME, SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD); } if (defined('SS_USE_BASIC_AUTH') && SS_USE_BASIC_AUTH) { BasicAuth::protect_entire_site(); } if (defined('SS_ERROR_LOG')) { Debug::log_errors_to(SS_ERROR_LOG); }
public function init() { BasicAuth::protect_entire_site(true, null); parent::init(); }
function basicauthlogin() { $member = BasicAuth::requireLogin("SilverStripe login", 'ADMIN'); $member->LogIn(); }
/** * Enable protection of the entire site with basic authentication. * * This log-in uses the Member database for authentication, but doesn't interfere with the * regular log-in form. This can be useful for test sites, where you want to hide the site * away from prying eyes, but still be able to test the regular log-in features of the site. * * If you are including conf/ConfigureFromEnv.php in your _config.php file, you can also enable * this feature by adding this line to your _ss_environment.php: * * define('SS_USE_BASIC_AUTH', true); * * @param boolean $protect Set this to false to disable protection. * @param String $code {@link Permission} code that is required from the user. * Defaults to "ADMIN". Set to NULL to just require a valid login, regardless * of the permission codes a user has. */ static function protect_entire_site($protect = true, $code = 'ADMIN', $message = null) { self::$entire_site_protected = $protect; self::$entire_site_protected_code = $code; if ($message) { self::$entire_site_protected_message = $message; } }
/** * Standard method, not in use. */ function index() { BasicAuth::disable(); return "failed"; }
/** * Initialisation function that is run before any action on the controller is called. */ function init() { // Test and development sites should be secured, via basic-auth if (ClassInfo::hasTable("Group") && ClassInfo::hasTable("Member") && Director::isTest() && $this->basicAuthEnabled) { BasicAuth::requireLogin("SilverStripe test website. Use your CMS login", "ADMIN"); } // Cookie::set("PastVisitor", true); // ClassInfo::hasTable() called to ensure that we're not in a very-first-setup stage if (ClassInfo::hasTable("Group") && ClassInfo::hasTable("Member") && ($member = Member::currentUser())) { Cookie::set("PastMember", true); DB::query("UPDATE Member SET LastVisited = NOW() WHERE ID = {$member->ID}", null); } // This is used to test that subordinate controllers are actually calling parent::init() - a common bug $this->baseInitCalled = true; }
/** * @static * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml * @return Auth */ public static function fromXML(SimpleXMLElement $xml) { $auth = new Auth(); $auth->id = (string) $xml->id; $auth->apiContext = (string) $xml->apiContext['id']; $auth->authKeyAuth = AuthKeyAuth::fromXML($xml->authKeyAuth); $auth->basicAuth = BasicAuth::fromXML($xml->basicAuth); $auth->ipWhiteListAuth = IpWhiteListAuth::fromXML($xml->ipWhiteListAuth); $auth->wsseAuth = WSSEAuth::fromXML($xml->wsseAuth); $auth->policyContext = (string) $xml->policyContext['id']; $auth->status = current($xml->status); $auth->type = AuthType::fromXML($xml->type); $auth->tdrData = TdrData::fromXML($xml->tdr); if ($xml->properties && $xml->properties->property) { foreach ($xml->properties->property as $prop) { $auth->properties[(string) $prop['name']] = (string) $prop; } } if (!empty($auth->properties)) { ksort($auth->properties); } if ($xml->headerTransformations && $xml->headerTransformations->headerTransformation) { foreach ($xml->headerTransformations->headerTransformation as $transform) { $auth->headerTransformations[] = HeaderTransformation::fromXML($transform); } } return $auth; }
public function init() { BasicAuth::protect_entire_site(false); parent::init(); }
/** * Set the message for basic auth challenges * * @param String $message the message to display (optional) * @return String the currently defined message */ public static function message($message = NULL) { if (!is_null($message)) { self::$message = $message; } return self::$message; }