public static function login_check_exit() { $after = Base_AclCommon::is_user(); if ($after !== self::$logged) { if ($after) { Base_HomePageCommon::load(); } else { Base_BoxCommon::location(Base_BoxCommon::get_main_module_name()); } } }
public static function init() { if (Base_AclCommon::is_user() == false || self::$initialized) { return; } DB::Execute('DELETE FROM base_notify WHERE single_cache_uid is null AND last_refresh < %d', array(strtotime('-24 hours'))); load_js('modules/Base/Notify/js/desktop-notify.js'); load_js('modules/Base/Notify/js/main.js'); $disabled_message = __('Notifications disabled or not supported!') . '\\n' . __('Check your browser settings and allow notifications to use this feature...'); $disabled_message = json_encode($disabled_message); eval_js_once("Base_Notify.init (" . self::refresh_rate * 1000 . ", {$disabled_message});"); self::$initialized = true; }
protected function load_epesi() { if (self::$epesi_loaded) { return; } define('CID', false); define('READ_ONLY_SESSION', true); require_once '../../../include.php'; ModuleManager::load_modules(); self::$epesi_loaded = true; if (!Base_AclCommon::is_user()) { throw new ErrorException('Not logged in'); } }
static function form() { try { $anonymous = Variable::get('anonymous_setup'); } catch (NoSuchVariableException $e) { $anonymous = true; } if (!Base_AclCommon::is_user() && Base_User_LoginCommon::is_banned()) { return self::t('You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts.'); } require_once 'modules/Libs/QuickForm/requires.php'; if (!Base_AclCommon::is_user() && !$anonymous) { Base_User_LoginCommon::autologin(); } if (!Base_AclCommon::is_user() && !$anonymous) { $get = count($_GET) ? '?' . http_build_query($_GET) : ''; $form = new HTML_QuickForm('loginform', 'post', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . $get); $form->setRequiredNote('<span style="font-size:80%; color:#ff0000;">*</span><span style="font-size:80%;">' . self::t('denotes required field') . '</span>'); $form->addElement('text', 'username', self::t('Username')); $form->addRule('username', 'Field required', 'required'); $form->addElement('password', 'password', self::t('Password')); $form->addRule('password', 'Field required', 'required'); // register and add a rule to check if user is banned $form->registerRule('check_user_banned', 'callback', 'rule_login_banned', 'Base_User_LoginCommon'); $form->addRule('username', self::t('You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts.'), 'check_user_banned'); // register and add a rule to check if user and password exists $form->registerRule('check_login', 'callback', 'submit_login', 'Base_User_LoginCommon'); $form->addRule(array('username', 'password'), self::t('Login or password incorrect'), 'check_login', $form); $form->addElement('submit', null, self::t('Login')); if ($form->validate()) { $user = $form->exportValue('username'); Base_AclCommon::set_user(Base_UserCommon::get_user_id($user), true); // redirect below is used to better browser refresh behavior. header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } else { return "<center>" . $form->toHtml() . "</center>"; } } }
<?php /** * * @author Georgi Hristov <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright © 2014, Xoff Software GmbH * @license MIT * @version 1.0 * @package epesi-notify * */ ob_start(); define('CID', $_REQUEST['cid']); require_once '../../../include.php'; ModuleManager::load_modules(); if (!Base_AclCommon::is_user()) { exit; } $general_setting = Base_NotifyCommon::get_general_setting(); if ($general_setting == -1) { echo json_encode(array('disable' => 1)); exit; } $ret = null; $notify_count = 0; $group_similar = Base_NotifyCommon::group_similar(); $notifications = Base_NotifyCommon::get_notifications(); foreach ($notifications as $module => $notify) { if (!isset($notify['tray'])) { continue; }
public function body() { if (isset(Base_BoxCommon::$override_box_main)) { $this->pack_module(Base_BoxCommon::$override_box_main); return; } $theme = $this->pack_module(Base_Theme::module_name()); $ini = Base_BoxCommon::get_ini_file(); if (!$ini) { print __('Unable to read Base/Box/default.ini file! Please create one, or change theme.'); $this->pack_module(Base_Theme_Administrator::module_name(), null, 'admin'); return; } $ini_file = parse_ini_file($ini, true); $logged = Base_AclCommon::is_user(); $theme->assign('logged', $logged); $containers = array(); $containers['main'] = array('module' => null, 'name' => ''); //so 'main' is first in array $name = 0; foreach ($ini_file as $tag => $opts) { $name++; if ($logged && $opts['display'] == 'anonymous' || !$logged && $opts['display'] == 'logged') { continue; } if (isset($opts['function'])) { $containers[$tag]['function'] = $opts['function']; $containers[$tag]['arguments'] = null; } if (isset($opts['arguments'])) { $containers[$tag]['arguments'] = $opts['arguments']; } if (isset($opts['module'])) { $containers[$tag]['module'] = $opts['module']; } else { trigger_error('No module specified.', E_USER_ERROR); } $containers[$tag]['name'] = $tag; } if (isset($containers['main'])) { $containers['main']['name'] = 'main_0'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['base_box_pop_main'])) { $pop_main = $_REQUEST['base_box_pop_main']; unset($_REQUEST['base_box_pop_main']); } else { $pop_main = false; } if ($this->isset_module_variable('main')) { $mains = $this->get_module_variable('main'); if ($pop_main) { while ($pop_main--) { array_pop($mains); } $pop_main = true; } $main = array_pop($mains); if (isset($main['module']) && $main['module'] != null) { $containers['main'] =& $main; } foreach ($mains as $k => $m) { if (ModuleManager::is_installed($m['module']) >= 0) { $this->freeze_module($m['module'], isset($m['name']) ? $m['name'] : null); } } } else { $mains = array(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['box_main_href'])) { if (!isset($_SESSION['client']['base_box_hrefs'])) { $_SESSION['client']['base_box_hrefs'] = array(); } $hs =& $_SESSION['client']['base_box_hrefs']; if (isset($hs[$_REQUEST['box_main_href']])) { $rh = $hs[$_REQUEST['box_main_href']]; $href = $rh['m']; $containers['main']['module'] = $href; if (isset($rh['f'])) { $containers['main']['function'] = $rh['f']; } else { unset($containers['main']['function']); } if (isset($rh['a'])) { $containers['main']['arguments'] = $rh['a']; } else { unset($containers['main']['arguments']); } if (isset($rh['c'])) { $containers['main']['constructor_arguments'] = $rh['c']; } else { unset($containers['main']['constructor_arguments']); } $mains = array(); $pop_main = true; } unset($_REQUEST['box_main_href']); $hs = array(); } array_push($mains, $containers['main']); $main_length = count($mains); $this->set_module_variable('main', $mains); // Epesi::alert(print_r($mains,true)); // $containers['main']['name'] .= '_'.$main_length; //print_r($containers); $this->modules = array(); foreach ($containers as $k => $v) { ob_start(); if (ModuleManager::is_installed($v['module']) != -1) { $module_type = str_replace('/', '_', $v['module']); if (!isset($v['name'])) { $v['name'] = null; } if (isset($href) && $k == 'main') { $this->modules[$k] = $this->init_module($module_type, isset($v['constructor_arguments']) ? $v['constructor_arguments'] : null, $v['name'], true); } else { $this->modules[$k] = $this->init_module($module_type, isset($v['constructor_arguments']) ? $v['constructor_arguments'] : null, $v['name']); } if ($k == 'main' && $pop_main) { $this->modules[$k]->set_reload(true); } if (isset($v['function'])) { $this->display_module($this->modules[$k], isset($v['arguments']) ? $v['arguments'] : null, $v['function']); } elseif (isset($v['arguments'])) { $this->display_module($this->modules[$k], $v['arguments']); } else { $this->display_module($this->modules[$k]); } } $theme->assign($k, ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); } //main output $version_no = Base_BoxCommon::update_version_check_indicator(); if (SUGGEST_DONATION) { $theme->assign('donate', Utils_TooltipCommon::create('<a target="_blank" href="">' . __('Support EPESI!') . '</a>', '<center>' . __('If you find our software useful, please support us by making a %s.', array(__('donation'))) . '<br/>' . __('Your funding will help to ensure continued development of this project.') . '<br/>' . __('Click for details.') . '</center>', false, 500)); } // Consider moving this code properly as initated module by *.ini file $theme->assign('home', array('href' => Base_HomePageCommon::get_href(), 'label' => __('Home'))); $theme->assign('version_no', $version_no); $theme->display(); }
public static function get_lang_code() { if (defined('FORCE_LANG_CODE')) { return FORCE_LANG_CODE; } if (!isset(self::$lang_code)) { if (!Base_AclCommon::is_user() || Base_User_SettingsInstall::is_installed() == false || !Variable::get('allow_lang_change', false)) { return Variable::get('default_lang'); } if (class_exists('Base_User_SettingsCommon')) { self::$lang_code = Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('Base_Lang_Administrator', 'language'); } } return self::$lang_code; }
public static function body_access() { return Base_AclCommon::is_user(); }
/** * Displays action bar. */ public function body() { $this->help('ActionBar basics', 'main'); $icons = Base_ActionBarCommon::get(); //sort usort($icons, array($this, 'compare')); //translate foreach ($icons as &$i) { $description = $i['description']; if ($i['description']) { $t = Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs($description); } else { $t = ''; } $i['open'] = '<a ' . $i['action'] . ' ' . $t . '>'; $i['close'] = '</a>'; $i['helpID'] = 'ActionBar_' . $i['icon']; if (strpos($i['icon'], '/') !== false && file_exists($i['icon'])) { $i['icon_url'] = $i['icon']; unset($i['icon']); } //if (isset(Base_ActionBarCommon::$available_icons[$i['icon']])) // $i['icon'] = Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file('Base_ActionBar','icons/'.$i['icon'].'.png'); } $launcher = array(); if (Base_AclCommon::is_user()) { $opts = Base_Menu_QuickAccessCommon::get_options(); if (!empty($opts)) { self::$launchpad = array(); foreach ($opts as $k => $v) { if (Base_ActionBarCommon::$quick_access_shortcuts && Base_User_SettingsCommon::get(Base_Menu_QuickAccessCommon::module_name(), $v['name'] . '_d')) { $ii = array(); $trimmed_label = trim(substr(strrchr($v['label'], ':'), 1)); $ii['label'] = $trimmed_label ? $trimmed_label : $v['label']; $ii['description'] = $v['label']; $arr = $v['link']; if (isset($arr['__url__'])) { $ii['open'] = '<a href="' . $arr['__url__'] . '" target="_blank">'; } else { $ii['open'] = '<a ' . Base_MenuCommon::create_href($this, $arr) . '>'; } $ii['close'] = '</a>'; if (isset($v['link']['__icon__'])) { $icon = Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file($v['module'], $v['link']['__icon__']); } else { $icon = Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file($v['module'], 'icon.png'); } if (!$icon) { $icon = Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file($this->get_type(), 'default_icon.png'); } $ii['icon'] = $icon; $launcher[] = $ii; } if (Base_User_SettingsCommon::get(Base_Menu_QuickAccessCommon::module_name(), $v['name'] . '_l')) { $ii = array(); $trimmed_label = trim(substr(strrchr($v['label'], ':'), 1)); $ii['label'] = $trimmed_label ? $trimmed_label : $v['label']; $ii['description'] = $v['label']; $arr = $v['link']; if (isset($arr['__url__'])) { $ii['open'] = '<a href="' . $arr['__url__'] . '" target="_blank" onClick="actionbar_launchpad_deactivate()">'; } else { $ii['open'] = '<a onClick="actionbar_launchpad_deactivate();' . Base_MenuCommon::create_href_js($this, $arr) . '" href="javascript:void(0)">'; } $ii['close'] = '</a>'; if (isset($v['link']['__icon__'])) { $icon = Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file($v['module'], $v['link']['__icon__']); } else { $icon = Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file($v['module'], 'icon.png'); } if (!$icon) { $icon = Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file($this->get_type(), 'default_icon.png'); } $ii['icon'] = $icon; self::$launchpad[] = $ii; } } } } //display $th = $this->pack_module(Base_Theme::module_name()); $th->assign('icons', $icons); $th->assign('launcher', array_reverse($launcher)); $th->display(); }
public function chat($big = false, $uid = null) { $to =& $this->get_module_variable('to', "all"); eval_js('shoutbox_uid="' . $to . '"'); if (Base_AclCommon::is_user()) { //initialize HTML_QuickForm $qf = $this->init_module(Libs_QuickForm::module_name()); /* $myid = Base_AclCommon::get_user(); if(Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('Apps_Shoutbox','enable_im')) { $adm = Base_User_SettingsCommon::get_admin('Apps_Shoutbox','enable_im'); if(ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM_Contacts')>=0) { $emps = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT,IF(cd.f_last_name!=\'\',CONCAT(cd.f_last_name,\' \',cd.f_first_name,\' (\',l.login,\')\'),l.login) as name FROM user_login l LEFT JOIN contact_data_1 cd ON ( AND LEFT JOIN base_user_settings us ON ( AND module=\'Apps_Shoutbox\' AND variable=\'enable_im\') WHERE AND!=%d AND (us.value=%s OR us.value is '.($adm?'':'not ').'null) ORDER BY name',array($myid,serialize(1))); } else $emps = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT,l.login FROM user_login l LEFT JOIN base_user_settings us ON ( AND module=\'Apps_Shoutbox\' AND variable=\'enable_im\') WHERE AND!=%d AND (us.value=%s OR us.value is '.($adm?'':'not ').'null) ORDER BY l.login',array($myid,serialize(1))); } else $emps = array(); if(ModuleManager::is_installed('Tools_WhoIsOnline')>=0) { $online = Tools_WhoIsOnlineCommon::get_ids(); foreach($online as $id) { if(isset($emps[$id])) $emps[$id] = '* '.$emps[$id] ; } } $qf->addElement('select','to',__('To'),array('all'=>'['.__('All').']')+$emps,array('id'=>'shoutbox_to'.($big?'_big':''),'onChange'=>'shoutbox_uid=this.value;shoutbox_refresh'.($big?'_big':'').'()'));*/ $myid = Base_AclCommon::get_user(); if (Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('Apps_Shoutbox', 'enable_im') && ModuleManager::is_installed('Tools_WhoIsOnline') >= 0) { $adm = Base_User_SettingsCommon::get_admin('Apps_Shoutbox', 'enable_im'); $online = Tools_WhoIsOnlineCommon::get_ids(); if ($online) { if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM_Contacts') >= 0) { $emps = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT,' . DB::Concat(DB::qstr("* "), DB::ifelse('cd.f_last_name!=\'\'', DB::concat('cd.f_last_name', DB::qstr(' '), 'cd.f_first_name', DB::qstr(' ('), 'l.login', DB::qstr(')')), 'l.login')) . ' as name FROM user_login l LEFT JOIN contact_data_1 cd ON ( AND LEFT JOIN base_user_settings us ON ( AND module=\'Apps_Shoutbox\' AND variable=\'enable_im\') WHERE AND!=%d AND (us.value=%s OR us.value is ' . ($adm ? '' : 'not ') . 'null) AND IN (' . implode(',', $online) . ') ORDER BY name', array($myid, serialize(1))); } else { $emps = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT,' . DB::Concat(DB::qstr("* "), 'l.login') . ' FROM user_login l LEFT JOIN base_user_settings us ON ( AND module=\'Apps_Shoutbox\' AND variable=\'enable_im\') WHERE AND!=%d AND (us.value=%s OR us.value is ' . ($adm ? '' : 'not ') . 'null) AND IN (' . implode(',', $online) . ') ORDER BY l.login', array($myid, serialize(1))); } } else { $emps = array(); } } else { $emps = array(); } $e = $qf->addElement('autoselect', 'shoutbox_to', __('To'), array('all' => '[' . __('All') . ']') + $emps, array(array($this->get_type() . 'Common', 'user_search'), array()), array($this->get_type() . 'Common', 'user_format')); $e->setAttribute('id', 'shoutbox_to' . ($big ? '_big' : '')); $e->setAttribute('onChange', 'shoutbox_uid=this.value;shoutbox_refresh' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '()'); if (!Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('Apps_Shoutbox', 'enable_im')) { $qf->freeze(array('shoutbox_to')); } //create text box $qf->addElement($big ? 'textarea' : 'textarea', 'post', __('Message'), 'class="border_radius_6px" id="shoutbox_text' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '"'); $qf->addRule('post', __('Field required'), 'required'); //create submit button $qf->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', __('Send'), 'id="shoutbox_button' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '"'); //add it $qf->setRequiredNote(null); $qf->setDefaults(array('shoutbox_to' => $to)); $theme = $this->init_module(Base_Theme::module_name()); $qf->assign_theme('form', $theme); //confirm when sending messages to all eval_js("jq('#shoutbox_button, #shoutbox_button_big').click(function() {\n \t\t\t\t\tvar submit = true;\n\t\t \t\t\tif (jq('#shoutbox_to').val() == 'all' && !confirm('" . __('Send message to all?') . "')) {\n \t\t\t\t\tsubmit = false;\n \t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t \n\t\t \t\t\treturn submit;\t\t \t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t});"); //if submited if ($qf->validate()) { //get post group $msg = $qf->exportValue('post'); $to = $qf->exportValue('shoutbox_to'); //get msg from post group $msg = Utils_BBCodeCommon::optimize($msg); //get logged user id $user_id = Base_AclCommon::get_user(); //clear text box and focus it eval_js('$(\'shoutbox_text' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '\').value=\'\';focus_by_id(\'shoutbox_text' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '\');shoutbox_uid="' . $to . '"'); //insert to db DB::Execute('INSERT INTO apps_shoutbox_messages(message,base_user_login_id,to_user_login_id) VALUES(%s,%d,%d)', array(htmlspecialchars($msg, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $user_id, is_numeric($to) ? $to : null)); } } else { print __('Please log in to post message') . '<br>'; return; } $theme->assign('board', '<div id=\'shoutbox_board' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '\'></div>'); $theme->assign('header', __('Shoutbox')); $theme->display('chat_form' . ($big ? '_big' : '')); //if shoutbox is diplayed, call myFunctions->refresh from refresh.php file every 5s eval_js_once('shoutbox_refresh' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . ' = function(){if(!$(\'shoutbox_board' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '\')) return;' . 'new Ajax.Updater(\'shoutbox_board' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '\',\'modules/Apps/Shoutbox/refresh.php\',{method:\'get\', parameters: { uid: shoutbox_uid }});' . '};setInterval(\'shoutbox_refresh' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '()\',' . ($big ? '10000' : '30000') . ')'); eval_js('shoutbox_refresh' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '()'); }
private function get_values($id, $mod) { if (!isset(self::$settings_cache)) { self::$settings_cache = array('default' => array(), 'user' => array()); $ret = DB::Execute('SELECT applet_id,name,value FROM base_dashboard_default_settings'); while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) { self::$settings_cache['default'][$row['applet_id']][] = $row; } self::$settings_cache['user'] = array(); if (Base_AclCommon::is_user()) { $ret = DB::Execute('SELECT s.applet_id,,s.value FROM base_dashboard_settings s INNER JOIN base_dashboard_applets a ON WHERE a.user_login_id=%d', array(Base_AclCommon::get_user())); while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) { self::$settings_cache['user'][$row['applet_id']][] = $row; } } } if ($this->get_module_variable('default')) { $c = self::$settings_cache['default']; } else { $c = self::$settings_cache['user']; } if (!isset($c[$id])) { $c = array(); } else { $c = $c[$id]; } $variables = $this->get_default_values($mod); foreach ($c as $v) { $variables[$v['name']] = $v['value']; } return $variables; }